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In perioada 2001-2004, in cadrul Programului SEI ("Sistem Educational

Informatizat") de informatizare a sistemului de invatamant preuniversitar romanesc,
au fost realizate si distribuite in unitatile de invatamant din Romania un numar de
530 de lectii electronice multimedia AeL ("Lectiile"), grupate in Pachete de

Toate temele abordate in cadrul acestor Pachete de Lectii, ca si toate Lectiile

realizate, au fost avizate de catre comisii de specialitate constituite la nivelul
Ministerului Educatiei si Cercetarii. In cadrul programului SEI, aceste Lectii au
fost totodata instalate in toate unitatile de invatamant pe platforma software de
instruire asistata de calculator AeL, cea mai mare parte a acestora fiind
disponibile pentru descarcare de catre elevi si profesori de pe Portalul
Educational SEI ("Site-ul").

Utilizatorii care au dreptul sa descarce si sa foloseasca Pachetele de Lectii

disponibile pe Site, in conditiile prezente, sunt elevii inscrisi in sistemul de
invatamant public preuniversitar romanesc si profesorii angajati in sistemul de
invatamant public preuniversitar romanesc care au nevoie de folosirea Pachetelor de
Lectii in vederea realizarii atributiunilor lor de serviciu in cadrul unitatilor de
invatamant ("Utilizatorii").

Folosirea Lectiilor de catre Utilizatori se va face in deplina conformitate cu

prevederile Legii nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe,
Utilizatorii neavand dreptul sa comercializeze Lectiile pe piata interna sau
internationala, sa le inchirieze sau sa obtina vreun beneficiu, de orice natura,
prin distribuirea si utilizarea continutului acestora.

Utilizatorii nu au dreptul sa realizeze produse software derivate ori asemanatoare,

exceptand cazul cand asemenea produse software ar fi realizate printr-o contributie
tehnica proprie a Utilizatorului suficient de insemnata pentru a putea cataloga
produsul software astfel obtinut ca fiind un nou produs.

Utilizatorii au dreptul de realizare de lectii noi, obtinute prin reorganizarea

momentelor de lectie existente, cu conditia de a pastra nealterate Lectiile si
momentele de lectie existente.

Copierea si distribuirea unor asemenea lectii noi, obtinute prin reorganizarea

momentelor de lectie existente, se pot face, in conformitate cu cele de mai sus,
doar cu indeplinirea corespunzatoare a urmatoarelor conditii:

a. Toate fisierele modificate trebuie sa contina referiri foarte clare si

vizibile din care sa rezulte faptul ca numele celui ce le-a modificat, precum si
data efectuarii fiecarei modificari.

b. Utilizatorul care distribuie sau publica orice astfel de Lectie sau Pachet
de Lectii, care in intregime sau in parte contine sau este derivat din aceste
Pachete de Lectii (sau orice parte a acestora), trebuie sa asigure folosirea
acestora de orice alt Utilizator, in mod gratuit si in intregime, in termenii si
conditiile prevazute in prezentul document.

Utilizatorii pot copia si distribui copii nemodificate ale Pachetelor de Lectii

si/sau ale Lectiilor, in forma in care le primesc, cu conditia de a specifica
vizibil pe fiecare copie, autorul si sursa acestora, de a pastra intacte toate
notele referitoare la termenii si conditiile de utilizare prevazute in prezentul si
la absenta oricarei garantii si cu obligatia de a distribui o copie a termenilor si
conditiilor prezente impreuna cu fiecare copie a Pachetelor de Lectii/Lectiilor.
Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii si SIVECO Romania SA nu vor fi raspunzatoare
pentru nici o dauna indirecta, incidentala, speciala sau pentru pagube de pierdere
sau nerealizare a profiturilor, incasarilor, datelor sau utilizarii datelor,
rezultand din sau in legatura cu utilizarea Pachetelor de Lectii si a tuturor

Utilizatorii confirma ca au citit si au acceptat acesti termeni si conditii.

Utilizarea Lectiilor si a Pachetelor de Lectii de catre cei interesati implica
acceptarea neconditionata a acestor termeni si conditii si respectarea prevederilor
legislatiei dreptului de autor cu privire la acestea.


During the 2001-2004 period, within the SEI Program (IT Based Educational System),
which aimed the introduction of IT in Romanian high schools, 530 multimedia
electronic lessons ("Lessons"), grouped in Lesson Packages ("Packages") have been
produced and distributed in the Romanian educational system.

All the themes included in these Packages, as well as the content, were approved by
curriculum commissions specially appointed by the Ministry of Education and
Research. Within the SEI framework, the "Lessons" were installed in all the high
schools on the software computer assisted platform AeL, most of them being
available for download by the pupils and teachers on the SEI Educational Portal (the "Site").

The people granted the right to download and use the Packages available on the Site
under the above mentioned conditions are the pupils enrolled in the Romanian public
undergraduate educational system and the teachers employed with the Romanian public
pre-university educational system, who need the Packages in their work within the
schools. ("Users")

The Users' usage of the Lessons is done respecting the Author Rights Law no.
8/1996, the Users are not being granted any right to sell the Lessons on the local
or international market, to rent them or to obtain any benefit of any nature by
distributing or usage.

The Users don't have the right to create any kind of software products derived from
or similar to the Packages, excepting the Packages resulted by a personal tehnical
contribution of the User, important enough to define the resulted package as a new

The Users have the right to create new lessons by reorganizing the existing Lesson
moments, provided that they keep unaltered the Lessons and the existing moments of

The copying and distribution of such new lessons, obtained by reorganizing the
existing Lesson moments, can be done only under the following terms:

a. All the modified files must contain clear and visible reference to the
name of the author of the modifications, as well as the modification date.
b. The User that distributes or publishes such Lessons or Packages, which are
derived integrally or partially from these Packages (or any part of them) must
grant their free use at least by the Users as defined herein, under the terms and
conditions presented in this document.

The Users may copy and distribute unmodified copies of the Packages and/or Lessons,
in the form they receive them, under the condition to specify clearly on each copy
the author and the source, to keep intact all the notes regarding the terms and
conditions of use provided and the limitation of that there are no warranties and
to distribute these terms and conditions with every copy of Lesson Packages and/or

The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research as well as SIVECO Romania cannot be
held responsible for any indirect, incidental or special damages or for the loss of
the profits, receipts, data or data utilization resulting from or in tight
connection with the use of software products, documents and services available on
this web site.

The users must confirm that they have read and accepted the present terms and
conditions. The use of the Lessons and/or the Packages by those who are interested
implies the unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions and the laws
regarding the royalties.

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