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Instructions: Tick the correct sentences and correct the incorrect ones.

1. Do you sing pop? __________________________________________

2. Do journalists investigates their notes? __________________________________________
3. Do Miss Johnson eat fast food? __________________________________________
4. Those pilots laugh a lot. __________________________________________
5. Chris doesn't always work. __________________________________________
6. The dentists works slowly. __________________________________________
7. Frank reads the newspaper once a week. __________________________________________
8. Chris studies every day. __________________________________________
9. Does Rick dances on the table? __________________________________________
10. My girlfriend swims __________________________________________
11. I don't write in German __________________________________________
12. I frequently walk to school __________________________________________
13. Richard don’t drive big trucks __________________________________________
14. Does Rick walk between the two buildings? __________________________________________
15. I often reads horror novels __________________________________________
16. I don't often do exercise __________________________________________
17. Her daughter don't play football __________________________________________
18. Does you play chess? __________________________________________
19. The janitor jogs all day long __________________________________________
20. Do Mr Hanson speak French? __________________________________________
21. Do plumbers fix cars? __________________________________________

I you we they He she it Verbs in 3rd Person

Affirmative  verb   verb [s, ies, es]  s ies es
consonant + y
-x mixes
Negative  don’t verb   doesn’t verb  -o goes
cry - cries
-sh washes
Question Do  verb ? Does  verb ? -ch watches
-s closes

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