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At the end of the lesson, pupils would be able to:
1. Identify the basic electric tools used in servicing electrical devices
2. Describe the characteristics and function of each tool.
3. Value the importance of the different tools.
A. Topic: basic Electrical Tools
B. References: HELE @ Work, K to 12 Electrical Module
C. Materials: Pictures different tools, Cartolina, marker.
D. Values Integration: teamwork, cooperation, importance of different tools.
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
 The teacher will show the pictures of different tools
C. Activity
Pupils will be grouped into 3:
1. Group Activity
 Group 1
Choose a tool and describe its characteristics and function.
 Group 2
Encircle the picture/s which you think belongs to electric tools.
 Group 3
Try to name the tools.

(The teacher will provide activity sheets for the pupils)

2. Setting of standards
 Let the pupils recite the different standards to follow in doing group
3. Activity proper
 The teacher supervised the work of each group.
D. Analysis
1. Discussion
These are the basic electric tools:
 Pliers
 Screw driver
 Wire stripper
 Continuity tester
 Volt-Ohm-meter/ multi tester
 Electric drill
 Micrometer caliper
 Electrician knife
2. Generalization
(Teacher will ask questions about the said lesson)
E. Application
Group Activity
 Pupils will group again into 3.
 Each group will have different task to do provided with activity sheets.
F. Evaluation
DIRECTION: Fill in the blanks.
1. Is used in connecting and cutting wires.
2. Used for boring holes on wood and metal
3. Wire stripper is used in the insulation of wire.
4. The tool used in measuring resistance, voltage and current is called
5. Is also used in removing insulator of wires.
1. Read the guidelines about the proper used of electric tools.
2. Bring any kind of tool that you have at home.

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