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The 21 Day Promise

Faith + Prayer + Action = Miracles

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles issued a
special plan to increase member-missionary support throughout the
church. By following this plan, we will be able to see miracles happen in
our lives and in the lives of our friends and family. His instructions were
to create a list for your nonmember and less-active friends, and include
the list in your morning and evening prayers. As you do this for 21
consecutive days, without missing a single prayer, the Lord promises
that at least one of the names on your list, or perhaps someone else,
will accept an invitation to hear the missionary lessons by the end of the
21-day period. We challenge you to give Heavenly Father's Promise a
try, for He has declared, "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say;
but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise" (D&C 82Q10).

1. Prayerfully select a few friends or family members that you know

would benefit from having the gospel in their lives. Write their names
down and keep them in your prayers specifically by name throughout
the 21-day period. Names:

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

2. Everyday (morning, noon, or night) read the scripture that

corresponds to the day number of your 21-day period: 1st day read the
1st scripture (Alma 6Q6), and 2nd day read the 2nd scripture (D&C
112Q10), etc. As you read each scripture, pray for missionary
experiences. The 21 Day Promise requires consistency! The specific
scriptures must be read for 21 days straight. If you miss a day, you
must restart. Please return to Alma 6Q6 and begin the process again.

⃞ 1. Alma 6Q6 ⃞ 8. 3 Nephi 27Q1-2 ⃞ 15. 1 Thess. 5Q17

⃞ 2. D&C 112Q10 ⃞ 9. D&C 18Q16-18 ⃞ 16. D&C 18Q10
⃞ 3. D&C 29Q6 ⃞ 10. Mormon 9Q36 ⃞ 17. Alma 26Q12
⃞ 4. Matthew 7Q7-8 ⃞ 11. John 15Q7-8 ⃞ 18. John 14Q14
⃞ 5. D&C 29Q2 ⃞ 12. Matthew 4Q19 ⃞ 19. James 5Q16
⃞ 6. Matthew 21Q22 ⃞ 13. Proverbs 15Q29 ⃞ 20. James 1Q1-6
⃞ 7. Mark 11Q24 ⃞ 14. D&C 88Q81 ⃞ 21. D&C 4 (All)

3. After you read each scripture and pray daily, list actions you feel
prompted to take with individuals: invite them to a church activity or to
a Sunday Meeting/Fireside; invite them to Seminary; invite them to join
Family Home Evening with your family plus the missionaries; do an act
of kindness or service for them; have the courage to talk freely about
the gospel when prompted; give them a pass along card; invite them to
watch general conference; etc. (For more ideas ask the missionaries!)







Call the miracle line for help... THE MISSIONARIES_______________________

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