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8 Keys of Excellence

 Intro / build interest
 Discuss definition of excellence and core
 Discuss principles
 The origin of the 8 Keys of Excellence
 Teach the Keys and body motions
 Partner practice
 Ask for volunteer
 8 Keys Growth Gauge
 Emphasize Balance Key connection to Passions
 Character: The degree to which we live by principles
 Celebrate!


HMOY (How many of you) have heard of Nike, Google, iPod, Apple computers, Vans? What do
you think of when you hear these company names?

Elicit responses.

There is something all of these companies have in common: excellence. And they, as well as
other successful organizations, have a set of principles that guide their thoughts, words and
actions all leading to excellence.

HMOY are ready to learn a set of principles that could have a big impact on your life for the

The principles are called the 8 Keys of Excellence. They’re called what? (The 8 Keys of


When you think of excellence, what comes to mind?

Elicit responses

These are all great responses.

Michael J Fox said, “I’m careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can do
something about. Perfection is God’s business.”
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8 Keys of Excellence Introductory Lesson
8 Keys of Excellence

According to the dictionary, excellence means value, goodness, worth, greatness, having good
qualities in high degree. Think about it – having good qualities in high degree.

Imagine a cylinder or core inside you that you fill with good qualities. Scientists take core
samples of rock and other elements. If someone took a sample of your core, what qualities
would they find?

Elicit responses


The 8 Keys are eight extraordinary principles that help us develop good qualities and grow in
excellence. What comes to mind when you think of principles?

Elicit responses

(Refer back and/or build on answers and incorporate – rules or concepts for guiding right
conduct or behavior that are generally accepted and shared by all people.)

The 8 Keys are eight principles that form a guidance system to take us from where we are
(stand on left side of stage—your left looking out) to where we want to be (point to other side
of stage) – being our most excellent self, living our best life.


The 8 Keys of Excellence were established 30 years ago for a youth program called SuperCamp.
The Keys were defined by looking at successful people who showed excellence in their lives.
The analysis revealed a set of common traits that stood out and made all the difference. These
became the 8 Keys of Excellence—principles to live by. Now there are millions of students
worldwide living the 8 Keys.

Let's explore each of these Keys.


First we’ll learn the definition of the each Key accompanied by a motion to help us remember
them better. To accomplish this we need to move our bodies. Turn to the person next to you
and say “Let's learn the 8 Keys!”

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8 Keys of Excellence Introductory Lesson
8 Keys of Excellence

Start with Integrity and present the Keys in the order of the motions (from head to feet),
stating the name, the short definition and teaching the body motion. Here's the order:
Integrity, Failure Leads to Success, Speak with Good Purpose, This Is It! Commitment,
Ownership, Flexibility, and Balance.

 Have students do the body motions with you. Remember to repeat and review often.
For example: Do the first four Keys, then repeat them. Add two more Keys and repeat
all six. Teach the last two Keys and repeat all 8 Keys.


Have students practice all 8 Keys by saying the name of Key while doing its body motion top
to bottom with a partner.

HMOY had a partner who did pretty well? (Hands)

Great! Now let's check how we're all doing.

1. Do random body motions and ask students to identify the Key.

2. Then mention a Key and ask students to demonstrate the body motion.


Ask for a volunteer to go through all 8 Keys with the body motions. Give acknowledgment.


Each of us displays these Keys in our lives to different degrees. One Key might be stronger than
the others. There may be another Key we haven't thought about very much.

Let's find out how each of the Keys shows up in our lives right now by completing a personal 8
Keys review. As you receive your 8 Keys Growth Gauge, please write your name on it right
away. Then we'll go through it together one Key at a time – I'll read the Key and the statements
and you'll color in the Key according to where you believe you are now.

1. Pass out the 8 Keys Growth Gauge.

2. Read the statements for each Key.
o Allow time for students to color in the Keys to where they believe they are now.

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8 Keys of Excellence Introductory Lesson
8 Keys of Excellence

3. When you get to Balance, say the definition and repeat “nurtured by the choices we


“Whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, choose in favor of your
passions.” Balance –be mindful of yourself and others while focusing on what’s meaningful and
important in your life. Think of your top passions and scores. Are you living the Balance Key?

When I say “8 Keys of Excellence”, please turn to someone next to you and
1. share what Key you live the most and why; then
2. share one Key you want to focus on first

Take large group shares, and thank them for their participation.

Keep this growth gauge in a place you see often – posted in your bedroom, in your school
notebook or other place that works for you as a consistent reminder. Every week or month,
review the gauge and color in your growth.


Character is the degree to which we live by our principles. I am a person of good character with
a solid core. Say it with me, “I am a person of good character with a solid core.”


Turn to the person next to you and say, "And I’m ready to live the 8 Keys of Excellence!"

Now turn to another person near you and give them a high “8” to celebrate!

Thank you for your participation.

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8 Keys of Excellence Introductory Lesson

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