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Operations – the “doing” or “getting done” evaluation, planning, execution, close.

Biz Strategy – the “how” and “who” we sell products to WorkBreakDownStructure(WBS):statement of all work to
Biz Strategy: Differentiation(better product) and cost be completed.Gantt: shows precedence and inter-
leadership (lowest cost)Performance Dimensions: cost, relationships of tasks and subprojects,If to complex, gantt
quality, time, flexibility becomes difficult to manage.Network Diagram: planning
Operation Strategy: Equip./Labor (General/specialized), method designed to depict the relationships between
Production/Inventory strat. (MTS-make to stock, MTO- activies, that cosit of nodes(circles) and arrows. Activity
made to order, ATO-assemble to order) on Node(AON) uses critical path method where nominal
Layout:Product:Machines organize as per sequence (expected) durations of tasks used to estimate a nominal
needed to manufacturer a specific product. project duration value. Critical Path(CP): sequence of
Process:(ordered by process) machines with similar activities between a projects start and finish that takes
functions are grouped together. Cellular:most the longest time to complete. Objective: is to finish a
flexible:combines machines into product groupings(cells). project as EARLY as possible but are limited by the C.P.
Based on "families" of products. Similar to the way a Precedence relationships: a relationship that determines
Toyota plant layout.Patterns of a sequence for undertaking activities; it specifies that one
demand:Horizontal:Average of the activity cannot start until a preceding activity has been.
numbers(SMA,WMA,EXP.S)Trend:upwards and Earliest Start(ES):earliest finish time of the immediately
downwardsSeasonal:Umbrella sales (lots in April, and preceding activity.Earliest Finish(EF):Earliest start time
little to none in November)Cyclical:Several plus its estimated duration.LatestFinish(LF):latest start
yearsRandom:Noise - does not follow the previous times of the activity that immediately
four.Forecast:prediction of future events used for follows.LatestStart(LS):latest finish time minus its
planning purposes.CorrelationCoeffocoent(r)describes estimated duration.ActivitySlack(S):maximum length of
the slope relationship. time that an activity can be delayed without delaying the
CoeffecientofDetermination(r2)goodness of fit, between entire project. FreeSlack:the amount that the start of an
0 and 1).Naive f.cast-next period equals demand for the activity can be delayed.An activity will have slack time
current period.SMA,WMA:sum of weight x as long as its not on critical path. CostofProject: Direct,
demand,EXP.S:emphasis given to the most recent Indirect Penalty. MinimumCostSchedule:determined by
demand, larger alpha results in more responsive to starting with the normal time schedule and “crashing”
changes, smaller alpha treat past demand more uniformly activies along the critical path.Crashing:on CP reduces
and result in more stable forecast. project duration but also minimize project
MultiplicativeSeasonalMethod(MSM):est. of avg. cost.NormalTime(NT) the time necessary to complete an
demand to arrive at a seasonal f.cast. MSM(STEPS):1.For activity under normal conditions.NormalCost(NC):activity
each year, calculate the average demand for each season cost associated with the normal
by dividing annual time.CrashTime(CT):shortest possible time to complete
demand by the number of seasons per year.2.For each an activity.CrashCost(CC):activity cost associated with the
year, divide the actual demand for each season by the crash time. Determine the Minimum Cost Schedule:1.
average demand per season, resulting in a seasonal factor Determine the project’s critical path(s).2. Find the activity
for each season.3.Calculate the average seasonal factor or activities on the critical path(s) with the lowest cost of
for each season using the results from Step 2. 4. Calculate crashing per week.3. Reduce the time for this activity
each season’s forecast for next year. until…a. It cannot be further reduced or b. Another path
AddititiveSeasonalMethod:f.cast generated by adding a becomes critical, or c. The increase in direct costs exceeds
constant estimate to avg. Demand per season. Tracking the indirect and penalty cost savings that result from
Signals:indicate whether a method of forecasting is shortening the project.4. Repeat this procedure until the
accurate and predictive changes in demand.Time- increase in direct costs is larger than the savings
SeriesCriteria: minimize CFE, MAPE,MAD,MSE,Maximize generated by shortening the project.
R2,use trackingsignal, etc. for stable demand use lower Ex: What if takes X more time than original time? 1)
alpha values or larger oberservations, for dynamic Calculate time = EF – ES. Then subtract from X to
demand, use higher alpha or smaller observations.
find time increased. 2) Calculate Slack = LS – ES. 3)
Judmentalmethod:contextual knowledge gained through
Subtract time increased from slack to find project-
experience.Project:managing shortages to meet an
objective, Types of Projects :pure-little to no outside delayed time.If alpha=0 f.cast never change. If alpha =1 f.cast =
naiveIf values are increasing each period WMA forecast will be higher
communication, Functional-housed in a specific than the SMA f.cast. It is possible to have very large forecast errors,
dept,Matrix-several bosses.Project Phases:conception, yet a CFE equal to zero.
Dt:actual demand in period t
Ft:forecast for period t
Ft+1:f.cast for period t +1
Tt:last trend estimate
SF: Seasonal Factor
Naïve Ft=Dt-1
F.Cast Error: Et=Dt -Ft
Time:Weeks, Quarters
SMA:Ft+1=sum of last n demands/n
EXP.S:Ft+1=alpha(Demand this period)+(1-alpha)(f.cast calculated last period)
Trend Patterns: using regression  Ft+1=At + Tt, Last Average (At)+ Last Trend Estimate(Tt), Avg this period, is your calc.
At=alpha(demand this period)+(1-alpha)(last avg. +LastTrendEstimate)
Tt=Beta(Avg.this period – avg. last)+(1-beta)(LastTrendEstimate)
TrendAnalysisTabel: Time|Dt|At|Tt|Ft|Et
MultipleSeasonalMethod Tables: Step1: Q|Y1|Y2|Y3|Y4|(Y5empty)|(sum all years/ n of years= avg. of all
years)Step2: Time(Q)|Demand|(SF): Demand/Y1Avg.|Step3:Time(Q)|Avg. SF| F.cast Y5 = Avg.SF x avg. of
all years). Note: Do step 2 for all years to get avg. SF
Cumulatetive F.Cast Error(CFE)=
Avg.Fcast Error(E-Bar)=CFE/n
MeanSquareError(MSE)=Sum of Et2/n … variance
StandardDev. MeanAbsoluteDev. MeanAbsolute%Error

Error Table: Time|Demand|F.Cast|Error|Error2|AbsoluteError|MeanAbsolute%Error|

Tracking Signals: CFE/MAD
Earliest finish: EF=ES + t| Latest Finish: LF=LF-t| Slack: S=LS-ES or LF-EF|Table: Activity|LF|EF|Slack
FreeSlackTable:Activity|Slack|FreeSlack FreeSlack= ES-EF. Total Cost=direct+indirect+pentaly
Direct Cost:Sum of normal cost
Crash to Cost = CC – NC / NT -CT |Cost to Crash per period = slope of direct cost vs time plate
Direct Cost and Time DateTable: Activity|NT|NC|CT|CC|MaxTimeReduction (NT-CT)|Cost of crashing|
Table: Paths|Durations Activity|Slack
Saving = (wk reduct)(penalty) + (wk reduct)(Indirect Cost) – (wk reduct)(crash cost)
New cost = orginal (or new cost from prev) – savings


Quatr Year A Year A AVG SF Year C
(Q’s) Dmnd Seas Quart.
Ft+1 Dt Ft
Fctr Forecast
X B B/avg Sum (Total given
Y C C/avg each yr divided by #of
SF per Q to find Avg)x O S S
Total Sum
quarter, (avg sf), do for N O O
AVG Sum/# quarter
divide by all Q’s
# of SF

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