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SUPERHOST - Use Cases – 5-16-2019

- Superhost
- User
- System admin
- Event Sponsor

--- VER 1 --

100- Login/Setups ( Superhost, User )

100.1- Use can log in with gmail, facebook, Instagram, linked in

105- Create an Event ( Superhost )

105.1- Event is set as public or private
105.2- Multiple images or videos can be uploaded against the event
105.3- Event location, date, time ranges setup
105.4- Event is either “Everyone invited” or “Please reserve”
105.5- Superuser is sent email of “Event pending approval”
105.6- Only a Superhost can create events
105.6- Superhost must be approved before they can create an event
105.7- Multiple Superhosts can be added to an event

110- Reserve for an event ( User )

110.1- User clicks on an event to reserve
110.2- If the event is open to the public, reservation is immediate and user receives email
110.3- If the event requires reservation, user receives a reservation email, event appears
on a list for the system admin to approve/deny
110.4- If event is public and filled, no more bookings available
115- View an Event Profile and who is attending ( User )
115.1- Ability to see all of the information about an event
115.2- Ability to view information of who is attending
115.3- Ability to see Superhost past reviews, etc

120- Pay for an event ( User )

120.1- User enters Paypal information to pay for the event
120.2- User is sent a payment confirmation email
120.3- User is paid as marked for event. Event total paid balance is updated.

125- Enter a review ( User )

125.1- When a user is seeing my events and they click on an event to view they
can enter a review on the event
125.2- Superhost(s) receive email of every review entered

130- View events in the HOME page ( User )

130.1- User views all available events
130.2- User sees only events which are public or he is part of a private event
130.3- User can see All Events, Dining, Outdoor, Fun, Travel, Other

135- View Superhost profile ( User )

135.1- View the profile for the Superhost and the events they have done in the past and
with which other superhosts
135.2- See the reviews received by the Superhost
140- View User’s Profile ( User )
140.1- View user’s profile along with their Bio
140.2- View user’s past events which they participated on
140.3- View user’s past reviews

145- Receive an Email when Superhost creates new event ( User )

145.1- Users which participated in previous events for that superhost and gave them
a positive review receive an email about this new event

150- Approve/Deny a Superhost ( System Admin )

150.1 – System admin receives email Superhost wants to be approved
150.2- System Admin Approves/Denies or sends question to Superhost
150.3- If a Superhost is approved, he is available to create events

155- Approve / Deny an Event ( System Admin )

155.1- System admin receives email an Event wants to be approved
155.2- System Admin approves or denies an event, Superhost receives email
155.3- If the event is approved, it will not show in the available events area

160- Add Comments, Videos and Pics to an Event ( Superhost )

160.1- Users which were part of the event can add comments
160.2- Users which were part of the event can upload pictures or videos

165- View my message log ( User , Superhost )

165.1- View message log for all events I have reserved (User)
165.2- View message log for all events I have created (Superhost)

170- View all events on a map ( User )

170.1- Alternate view of event list which shows all events on a map
175- Cancel an event (Superhost)
175.1- Superhost cancels an event, all users are notified and refund amount shown on email
175.2- All users which have paid are refunded as well

180- Approve/deny a reservation (Superhost)

180.1- Superhost denies a reservation, email is sent to user
180.2- Superhost approves a reservation, available slots are reduced, email sent to user

185- Cancel a reservation (User)

185.1- A reservation for an event is cancelled by user
185.2- If user had paid and within the event cancellation period, a refund is issued
185.3- Remove a user’s registration for an event

190- Apply for Superhost (Superhost)

190.1- System Admin received email superhost wishes to be approved
190.1- Superhost fills out profile, and he receives email that application is pending
190.2- System admin sees new Superhost applicant as one to Approve/Deny

195- View my events (User)

190.1- User is able to see all events they are registered for

-- VER 2 --

200- Private Invites ( Superhost )

200.1- Superhost is able to invite a certain group of users from the past
205- Post in Facebook
205.1- When I am reserved for an event, it is posted in Facebook
205.2- When I enter review for an event, my pics are posted in Facebook

210- Post on Instagram

210.1- When I am reserved for an event, it is posted in Facebook
210.2- When I enter review for an event, my pics are posted in Facebook

215- Allow for a waiting list

215.1- Allow for reservations past the max number allowed

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