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cost about $84,000 each, for a grand to- bought 10 new school buses. MIKE TRIPP/THE NEWS LEADER

Staunton News Leader - 06/11/2019 Copy Reduced to 79% from original to fit letter page Page : A01

Harris sa
her prose
past will
defeat Tr
Meg Kinnard

cratic presidential can
Harris says her experi
cutor has given her in
to improve the crimina
and distinguishes h
crowded field taking
Donald Trump.
“We’ve got to hold th
able by prosecuting th
the American people a
years of this adminis
told a gathering of the s
of the NAACP on Satu
I’ve prosecuted a lot of
ly one with this much
In addition to portr
to take on Trump
aimed to use the spee
voting state, where
primary electorate is p
American, as a way
prosecutorial experie
potentially skeptical
ground as a district att
attorney general who
In her campaign ro
year, Harris said she w
Melanie Rhodes, owner of Hygge Craft in Staunton's Wharf. SUBMITTED fend vulnerabilities rel
career. Criticized by so

New craft studio

tice advocates as bein
the accused during he
San Francisco distric
California attorney gen
swered those criticism

comes to Staunton
many black and brown
locked up” and sugge
ports major changes.
Echoing that senti
Harris said her motiva
questioned in the elec
“But my mother us
Pho restaurant ment or well-being, the release said.
Hygge Craft aims to create a cooper-
let people tell you wh
said. “ ‘You tell them w
updates name, look ative craft environment where friends
can combine the cozy comforts of home See HARRIS, Page 2A
Laura Peters with the joy of sharing creativity with
Staunton News Leader friends and family, the release said.
The new storefront will also offer a
monthly membership, supplies and
STAUNTON - A new crafting studio workspace for self-guided crafters, the
is open in Staunton and Staunton’s pho release said.
restaurant has a new name — here’s the Owner Melanie Rhodes wanted to
buzz. create a cooperative crafting space for
people who don’t have a space at home.
Craft store “Hygge is all about being in the mo-
ment, feeling completely relaxed and
A new store and studio has opened centered, letting go of the hectic world
at 14 Byers Street in Staunton’s Wharf around you, either alone or with loved
called Hygge Craft. Pho from the previously ones,” Rhodes said in a release. “Hygge
Hygee Craft will have hands-on, named-Snapdragon Pho in Staunton. crafts will offer classes, where you’ll
craft project instruction or self-guided The restaurant got a new name as of leave with a finished project or host
crafting options, according to a release late-May — Laughing Bird Pho. craft gatherings for groups.” Democratic presidenti
from the Staunton Downtown Develop- LAURA PETERS/THE NEWS LEADER Hygge Craft officially opens June 10. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-
ment Association. The new craft spot For more information visit Hygge Craft mother used to say, “D
will also feature special events. on Facebook. tell you who you are. Y
Hygge is a Danish word, pronounced of coziness and comfortable friendli- who you are.” JAKE CRAN
hew-guh and translates to the “quality ness” that gives a feeling of content- See BUZZ, Page 2A MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER
Copyright © 2019 Staunton News Leader 06/11/2019
June 11, 2019 9:45 am (GMT +4:00) Powered by TECNAVIA
her decision to become a prosecutor, there.”
Staunton News Leader -saying she “had to defend that decision
06/11/2019 Harris also addressed black voters Page : A02

Buzz decision to change the

name came when they
Beverley St. in Staunton.
Have a news tip?
were contacted by a com- You can reach reporter
Continued from Page 1A pany called Snapdragon
Pan Asian Cuisine, a
Laura Peters
at 2nd floor
Pho name packaged-foods manu-
facturer in California, felt
Follow her @peterslaura. space in th
Staunton’s pho restau- the two names were too B
rant has a new name and similar.
a new logo. Some of the new
“Notice any changes names they considered
around here?” a post on were: Laughing Bird Pho,
the business’ Facebook Basil Street Pho, Skyline
page said. “We officially Pho or Dragon Baby Pho.
Getting it right
have our new name — The restaurant opened The News Leader
Laughing Bird Pho. in 2016 and serves pho, a strives to be accurate in
Thank you to Joy Krusz Vietnamese noodle dish its reporting. If you
for the wonderful sugges- in broth that comes with think we’ve made a
tion.” vegetables, seasoning factual error, please call
Back in March the and meat. Executive Editor David
Vietnamese noodle spot It’s pronounced duh, Fritz at 213-9116. Cor-
started asking the public with an “F” instead of a rections will appear on
for new name ideas. The “D.” It is located at 12 E. this page.

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Copyright © 2019 Staunton News Leader 06/11/2019

June 11, 2019 9:45 am (GMT +4:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

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