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Name______________________ Grade & Section: _______________________ Date:_______________

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer of your choice. Write the letters only.
1. What law states that “An object will stay at rest or move at constant velocity unless unbalanced external foce acts on it.”
a. Law of Accelaration b. Law of Gravitation c. Law of Inertia d. Law of Interaction
2. Law of Acceleration states that _______________________.
a. Acceleration on object is directly proportional to its mass but inversely proportional to its net force.
b. Acceleration on object is directly proportional to its net force but inversely proportional to its mass.
c. Acceleration on object is inversely proportional to its mass and net force.
d. Acceleration on object is directly proportional to its mass and net force.
3. Which of the following describes the Law of Interaction?
a. Action-Reaction Force are not equal in magnitude c. Action-Reaction Force are opposite in terms of direction
b. Action-Reaction Force are equal in magnitude d. both B & C
4. According to Newton’s third law of motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts force on a nail, the nail
a. creates a friction with the hammer. c. exerts an equal force back on the hammer.
b. disappears into the wood. d. exerts greater friction than the hammer
5. Under what conditions is work said to be done?
a. when the force applied is zero.
b. when displacement is zero.
c. if cos is 90°
d. when a force acts on an object and object moves through a distance or there is displacement in the direction of the force.
6. Forces are said to balance when _________.
a. the forces acting on them are equal in magnitude and in opposite directions and they lie on the same line of action
b. the forces acting on them are equal in magnitude and in the same directions and they lie on the same line of action.
c. the forces acting on them are equal in magnitude only.
d. Both a and b
7. This type of energy requires that the object is in motion...
a. Elastic Potential Energy b. Chemical Energy c. Gravitational Potential d. EnergyKinetic Energy
8. An example of kinetic energy would be:
a) a moving car c) a charge particle in an electric field
b) a stretched rubber band that was just released d) all of the above
9. Molecules of solids are closest to one another thus sound can travel ________compared to solid and liquids.
a. Fastest b. slowest c. with undetermined speed d. with varying speed
10. Molecules of gases are far apart, thus sound travels in gases _________.
The slowest b. the fastest c. with undetermined speed d. with varying speed
11. ROYGBIV is the basic component of white light. Which color of light carries the highest energy?
a. Blue b. green c. orange d. red
12. What happens to the temperature of an object as it absorbs heat? It moves from___________.
a. inside to outside c. higher to lower temperature
b. outside to inside d. lower to higher temperature
13. How does heat differ from temperature? Heat is ___________ while temperature is _______________.
a. contained in an object; energy in transit
b. transfer of thermal energy; a measure of degree of hotness or coldness of a body
c. measure of degree of hotness/coldness of a body; a transfer of thermal energy
d. average kinetic energy of molecules; a total kinetic energy of all molecules
14. Which of the following is TRUE about lightning rods?
A. A lighting rod diverts the lightning to the ground through a conductive pathway.
B. saves the human life from the danger of electric shock which can cause death
C. saves the building from structural damage.
D. all of the above
15. Which of the following describes an electrical circuit? It is a/an________________.
A. open , continuous path through which electrons flow
B. broken loop of electrical components and conductors
C. closed, continuous path through which electrons can flow
D. complete loop of electrical components through which protons flow

For questions 16-17, refer to the diagram below:

16. Which of the circuit diagram shown above is a parallel circuit?

A. I B. II C. I & II D. II & III
17. Which of the circuit diagram shown above is a series circuit?
A. I B. II C. I & II D. II & III
18. Which phrase below would best describe the plate movements that cause an earthquake?
A. Friction being released as two plates move apart
B. Friction between two sliding plates, releasing energy
C. Smooth pulling apart of two plates, a gradual movement
D. Smooth sliding between two plates, a gradual movement

For number 19-20, refer to the diagram below:

19. Focus is the origin of the earthquake. Which of the following phrases below describes the location of the focus?

A. Directly below the epicenter C. in the P wave shadow zone

B. Directly above the epicenter D. in the S wave shadow zone
20. Point B is the point directly above the focus, called the earthquake’s________.
A. Dip B. epicenter C. focus D. scarp
21. The intensity of the earthquake is determined by observing the ________________of the earthquake in different places, while
magnitude is the released of _______________during an earthquake.
A. cause; effect B. effect; energy C. effect; cause D. energy; effect

22. What is the destructive seismic sea wave produced by an earthquake?

A. Aftershock B. thunderstorm C. tornado D. Tsunami
23. How is tsunami generated? When Earthquake occurs____________.
A. Near the ocean B. located midland C. Along coastal areas D. under the sea
24. What are two components needed for a typhoon to form?
A. Warm air & cold water C. heated & cool air
B. ocean and the heat of warm air D. landmass and cold water
25. How does a typhoon develop? It develops from a _______________.
A. Low pressure are over an ocean near a pole
B. High pressure area over an ocean near a pole
C. Low pressure area over an ocean near the equator
D. High pressure are over an ocean near the equator
26. Which of the following activities will help reduce the global warming?
A. Deforestation B. Reforestation C. burning of fossil fuels D. Mining
27. The strength of the typhoon depends on certain factors. Which of the following can weaken the typhoon?
A. High humid Area C. landmass and cold water
B. Low vertical wind shear D. presence of intertropical convergence zone
28. What are the chunks of rocks that revolve around the sun, mostly found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter?
A. Asteroids B. Comets C. Meteors D. Meteroids
29. A meteoroid that enters the earth’s atmosphere and hits the earth’s crust is called_________________.
A. Asteroid B. meteor C. meteorite D. planetoid
30. Which of the following space rocks usually have a frequent visit to our planet Earth?
A. Asteroids B. Comets C. Meteors D. Meteoroids
31. Which space object is composed of ice and space dust?
A. Asteroids B. Comets C. Meteors D. Meteroids

32. Which of the following figures shows the molecular arrangement of a gaseous matter?
A. B. C.

33. Liquids have the ability to flow. It is because their particles________________________.

A. are very far B. can slide past one another C. has regular pattern D. have strong force of attraction
34. What happens to particles of matter when the temperature of a substance DECREASES? Its particles_____?
A. Stop moving B. move slowly C. move quickly D. escape the attractive forces of other particles
35. What happens to the intermolecular attraction of particles when GAS changes to LIQUID? As gas changes to liquid, it
A. Weaker B. weakest C. stronger D. strongest
36. The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of ______________in an atom.
A. Protons B. neutrons C. electrons D. protons and neutrons
37. . How are you going to determine the number of neutrons in the nucleus of a neutral atom?
You subtract its_____________________________________________.
A. Mass number from its atomic number C. mass number from its electron number
B. Atomic number from its mass number D. atomic number by its electron number
38. How are the elements in the MODERN PERIODIC TABLE arranged? It is arranged according to_______.
A. Decreasing density C. increasing density
B. Decreasing atomic number D. increasing atomic number
39. The diagram below shows the periodic trend of which of the following properties:

I. Electronegativity Value
II. Ionization Energy
III. Electron Affinity
IV. Metallic Property
V. Atomic Radius
VI. Melting Point

A. I, V, VI C. I, II, III
B. IV, V, VI D. III, IV, V

40. It is the process in which complex food is broken into simpler substances.
A. Digestion B. Egestion C. Absorption D. Defecation
41. The best way to prevent hepatitis B is through___________.
A. Eating your favorite food B. Regular Exercise C. Vaccination D. All of the above
42. Preventive measure/s of diarrhea include/s____________.
A. Eating properly prepared & cooked food C. Drinking contaminated food
B. Frequent hand washing D. Both A & B
43. What type of cell is created with Mitosis?
A. A haploid cell B. A sex cell C. 2 new identical body cells D. All of the above
44. What type of cell is created with Meiosis?
A. A body cell B. 4 new haploid cells C. Muscle cells D. None of the above
45. Which of the following is the advantage of meiosis?
A. It results in a great variety of offspring. C. takes more time and energy
B. An organism cannot reproduce all by itself D. None of the above statement is correct
46. Curly hair is dominant over straight hair. What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring in a cross between heterozygous curly hair
(Cc) and straight hair (cc)? Perform the Punnett square.
A. All alike B. 2:2 C. 3:1 D. 4:0
47. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a species?
A. A species is an individual that resembles each other
B. A species is an organism that can interbreed and reproduce viable, fertile offspring
C. Members of the same species DO NOT occupy the same habitat
D. A species is any population whose members occupy the same ecological niche48.
48.The order of Taxonomy is:
A. Phylum, Class, Order, Kingdom, Family, Genus, Species
B.Species, Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus
C. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Genus, Order, Species
D. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Familiy, Genus, Species
49. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about energy pyramids?
A. It shows the distribution of energy among trophic levels
B. It compares energy used by producers and other organisms on trophic levels
C. Only 10 percent of the energy at each tier is transferred from one trophic level to the next
D. All are correct
50. What is the correct sequence of water cycle around the environment?
A. evaporation, precipitation, condensation, transpiration, collection
B. evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, collection
C. evaporation, condensation, transpiration, precipitation, collection
D. precipitation, evaporation, condensation, transpiration, collection

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