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Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 4, No.

1, 1995

Using Technology in Assessing Integrated Science

and Mathematics Learning 1

D o n n a F. Berlin 2,3 and Arthur L. White 2

Drawing from current models, research, and science and mathematics education reform
documents, this article first defines and/or delimits three broad domains of education:
integrated school science and mathematics, assessment, and technology. Based upon this
three-tiered discussion, a list of characteristics is then distilled to guide in the development
of assessment for integrated school science and mathematics using technology. Two
integrated school science and mathematics activities are provided to illustrate the alignment
of instruction and assessment and the systematic integration of technology into both.
KEY WORDS: Integration; science; mathematics; assessment; technology.

INTRODUCTION role of technology. Thus, our order of presentation

of the domains is: integration, assessment, and tech-
The title of this article, "Using Technology in nology. Each section begins with an assumption re-
Assessing Integrated Science and Mathematics lated to that domain. The fourth and final section
Learning," suggests three very broad domains of examines the interrelationship of these domains and
educational enterprise: technology, assessment, and provides prototypic integrated science and mathe-
integration. In order to discuss and connect these matics activities for instruction and assessment that
domains in a manageable and lucid way, we will be- utilize technology.
gin by defining and/or delimiting each of these do-
mains and then focus upon those aspects that
interrelate these domains. Our goal is to connect sci- INTEGRATED SCHOOL SCIENCE AND
ence, mathematics, instruction, assessment, and MATHEMATICS
technology so as to enrich the teaching-learning
Assumption: The appropriate integration of
process and reasonably and accurately determine
school science and mathematics has the potential to
the outcomes of this process. In order to accomplish
improve student understanding and performance and
this goal, one must first identify the curriculum and
develop realistic and positive attitudes related to
its relationship to assessment before exploring the
both disciplines.
In this era of educational reform, there has
1The writing of this paper was supported by The National Center for been considerable attention given to the integration
Science q/inchingand Learning under grant Rl17Q00062 from the Office of science and mathematics education. For some,
of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Deparlment of Edu- science and mathematics are naturally and logically
cation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations ex-
pressed/n this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the sponsoring agency. The alliance between science and mathematics has
2The National Center for Science Teaching and Learning, The a long history, dating back centuries. Science pro-
Ohio State University, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210. rides mathematics with interesting problems to in-
3Correspondence should be directed to Donna E Berlin, The Na- vestigate, and mathematics provides science with
tional Center for Science Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State powerful tools to use in analyzing data [Rutherford
University, 1929 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210. and Ahlgren, 1990, pp. 16--17].

1059-0145/95/0300-0047507.50/0O 1995PlenumPublishingCorporation
48 Berlin and White

Since mathematics is both the language of science tualization and Writers Conference, sponsored in
and a science of patterns, the special links between 1993 by The National Center for Science Teaching
mathematics and science are far more than just
those between theory and applications. The meth-
and Learning through the Office of Educational Re-
odology of mathematical inquiry shares with the sci- search and Improvement, U.S. Department of Edu-
entific method a focus on exploration, investigation, cation. Of major concern was the development of a
conjecture, evidence, and reasoning. Firmer school definition of integrated science and mathematics
ties between science and mathematics should espe- education that would enable discussion and the ex-
cially help student's grasp of both fields [Mathemati-
cal Sciences Education Board, 1990, pp. 4A. A.5].
change of ideas based upon a shared understanding.
The definitions of integration suggested by the par-
One would have little difficulty finding propo- ticipants in each conference varied. It became clear
nents of the integration of science and mathematics; that the integration of science and math can not be
current reform documents recommend this integra- simply defined; a broad range of aspects is necessary.
tion related to both curriculum (what we teach) and In an effort to provide the common language to
instruction (how we teach). The National Committee advance the research base related to integrated sci-
on Science Education Standards and Assessment ence and mathematics teaching and learning, the
(1993) outlines four categories of science content Berlin-White Integrated Science and Mathematics
standards: science as inquiry, science subject matter, Model (BWISM) was developed. BWlSM identifies
scientific connections, and science and human affairs. sex aspects: ways of learning, ways of knowing, proc-
The "connection of science with mathematics" is ex- ess and thinking skills, content knowledge, attitudes
plicitly mentioned in the scientific connections cate- and perceptions, and teaching strategies. [See Berlin
gory. A similar position is suggested by the National and White (1994) for g r e a t e r e l a b o r a t i o n of
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989) in their BWISM.]
document, Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for Ways of Learning--How Students Experience, Or-
School Mathematics. For grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12 ganize, and Think about Science and Mathematics
respectively, "instructional practices characterized by (Constructivist/Neuropsychological Perspective or Ra-
content integration" (p. 20), "connecting mathemat- tionale). Integration can be based on how students
ics to other subjects and to the world outside the experience, organize, and think about science and
classroom" (p. 70), and "the use of real-world prob- math. To learn science and math effectively, students
lems to motivate and apply theory" (p. 126) are rec- must do science and math. They need to be actively
ommended. involved in a learning environment that encourages
Our position on integrated school science and pattern-seeking, the exploration of big ideas, and the
mathematics is somewhat tentative and still in the interrelationships between concepts and processes;
conceptualization stage, based mainly upon theory promotes social discourse; and is personally and so-
and intuition. Support for integration is often cially relevant.
couched in the context of constructivist (Anderson, Ways of Knowing--The Cyclical Relationship be-
1992; McBride and Silverman, 1991) and neuropsy- tween Inductive-Deductive, Qualitative-Quantitative
chological (Caine and Caine, 1991a,b; Krupnik-Got- Views of the World. In science and mathematics, new
tlieb and Berlin, 1994) learning theory. While these knowledge is generally produced through a combina-
theories are often put forth as a rationale for inte- tion of induction and deduction. For this discussion,
grated school science and mathematics, there is little induction is described as the process of looking at
research to document the benefits of this integration numerous examples to find a pattern (qualitative),
(see Berlin, 1991). Part of the problem has been the which can then be translated into a rule (quantita-
lack of a comprehensive definition of integrated tive). The application of this rule in a new context
school science and mathematics. is the process of deduction. The process of induction
TwO recent conferences have been held related can then provide the empirical verification of the
to integration: (1) A Network for Integrated Science rule. If the rule is not verified, new patterns are
and Mathematics Teaching and Learning, jointly sought and a modified/new rule is generated (induc-
sponsored in 1991 by the National Science Founda- tion). Integrated science and math activities can pro-
tion, School Science and Mathematics Association, vide opportunities to move back and forth between
and The Johnson Foundation (see Berlin and White, the inductive and deductive ways of knowing.
1992 for a report on this conference); and (2) Inte- Process and Thinking Skills--Related to Inquiry,
grated Science & Mathematics Education: Concep- Problem Solving, Higher-Order Thinking Skills. Inte-
Assessing Integrated Science and Mathematics Learning 49

gration of science and math may focus on ways of ASSESSMENT

collecting and using information gathered by investi-
gation, exploration, experimentation, and problem Assumption: Assessment should be multifaceted
solving. Skills such as classifying, collecting, and or- and aligned with the goals and objectives of curricu-
ganizing data; communicating; controlling variables; lum and instruction.
developing models; estimating; experimenting; Rather than review the copious assessment lit-
graphing; inferring; interpreting data; making hy- erature, we will focus our discussion upon those as-
potheses; measuring; observing; recognizing patterns, sessment characteristics r e c o m m e n d e d in both
and predicting are representative of this aspect. mathematics education and science education docu-
Content Knowledge--The Overlap of Science and ments. Primarily, we will draw from documents pub-
Mathematics Content. Science and math can be inte- lished by the National Council of Teachers of
grated in terms of the overlap of the content. The Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Committee
examination of the concepts, principles, laws, and on Science Education Standards and Assessment
theories of science and math may reveal those areas (NCSESA). We will also report the results of a recent
of science and math where ideas are unique to each research study designed to identify student outcomes
discipline and other areas where ideas overlap or are associated with an integrated science and mathemat-
analogous (e.g., the fulcrum of a balance and the ics environment and its implications for assessment.
mean of a distribution). Varied purposes for assessment have been iden-
Attitudes and Perceptions--The Values, Attitudes, tified in the literature. The National Council of
and Ways of Thinking about Science and Mathematics. Teachers of Mathematics (1993) describes seven cate-
Integration may also be viewed from what children gories of assessment purposes: making instructional
believe about science and math, their involvement, decisions; monitoring student progress in the class-
room; creating, communicating, and using summative
and the confidence in their ability to do science and
math. The values, attitudes, and ways of thinking evaluations; monitoring student progress externally;
validating student achievement; evaluating programs;
shared between science and mathematics education
and addressing accountability issues. Similarly, the
include: accepting the changing nature of science and
National Committee on Science Education Standards
mathematics; basing decisions and actions on data;
and Assessment (1993) suggests the following func-
a desire for knowledge; a healthy degree of skepti-
tions of assessment: serves learning, serves teaching,
cism, honesty, and objectivity; relying on logical rea-
informs decisions about individuals, informs policy
soning; willingness to consider other explanations;
formulation and evaluation, and monitors the system.
and working together to achieve better under- Our discussion of assessment will focus upon the use
standing. of assessment to guide planning and make instruc-
Teaching Strategies--The Methods and Materials tional decisions, monitor student understanding and
that Provide Opportunities for Students to Encounter progress (what they know and can do), and challenge
Science and Mathematics and Construct Meaning. In- and enhance student learning by providing self-regu-
tegrated science and mathematics teaching should in- latory and self-monitoring opportunities.
clude a broad range of content, provide time for Both the science and mathematics education
inquiry-based learning, provide opportunities to use communities have disseminated documents related
laboratory instruments and other tools, provide ap- to curriculum/content, instruction/teaching, and
propriate and ongoing use of technology such as cal- evaluation/assessment standards. For mathematics
culators and computers, and maximize opportunities educators, problem solving is clearly the focus of the
for successful connections between science and mathematics curriculum (National Council of Teach-
mathematics. ers of Mathematics, 1980, 1989) and equally domi-
These aspects can be used to characterize cur- nant in their evaluation standards. For example,
rent resources, guide in the development of new ma- Standard 4: Mathematical Power includes " . . . the
terials, and provide a common language to advance ability to apply their knowledge to solve problems
the research base related to integrated school science within mathematics and in other disciplines . . ."
and mathematics. These six aspects will provide the (p. 205) Standard 5: Problem Solving explicitly deals
framework for our discussion of the role of technol- with "the assessment of students' ability to use
ogy in the assessment of integrated school science mathematics in solving problems . . ." Students
and mathematics. "should provide evidence that they can formulate
50 Berlin and White

problems, apply a variety of strategies to solve prob- means to enhance mathematics learning. Put another
lems, solve problems, verify and interpret results, and way, "Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are
generalize solutions." (p. 209) three interrelated parts of a single process aimed at
The important role of problem solving is also developing students' mathematical power" (National
recognized in the science education reform docu- Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1993, p. 35).
ments. "Students should be given problems--at levels Although the development of the science standards
appropriate to their maturity--that require them to is still in progress, the interdependence of curricu-
decide what evidence is relevant and to offer their lum, instruction, and assessment is clearly recog-
i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s of what the evidence means." nized. " . . . Content, Teaching, and Assessment
(Rutherford and Ahlgren, 1990, p. 188.) The emerg- Standards are being developed concurrently, so
ing science standards (National Committee on Sci- teaching and assessment practices will be consistent
ence Education Standards and Assessment, 1993) with the content" (National Committee on Science
focus upon inquiry. Science as Inquiry is identified Education Standards and Assessment, 1993, p. 4).
as one of four general categories of school science This alignment can be achieved through the use
content. of performance-based and/or embedded assessments.
When students engage in inquiry, they use a wide Performance tasks or situational investigations have
range of tools and skills, make choices among alter- been put forward as a means to "blur the edges
natives and determine what factors are important. among curriculum, instruction, and assessment"
They use both hands-on skills and thinking skills. In-
quiry in the classroom can and should engage stu- (Baron, 1990, p. 247). They can serve as a means to
dents in inquiry as it is actually practiced--a series assess conceptual and procedural knowledge, deter-
of creative, iterative, and systematic procedures that mine the structure and level of knowledge, integrate
lead to facts, concepts, principles, theories, and knowledge within and across disciplines, assess
deeper understanding of natural phenomena [Na-
tional Committee on Science Education Standards
higher level thinking skills, monitor thinking proc-
and Assessment, p. 4]. esses, monitor both the process and the product, and
enhance motivation though a contextualized, relevant
Consequently, inquiry plays a central role in the situation (Baker, 1990; Kulm and Stuessy, 1991; Na-
assessing of student learning. Students should be able tional Council of Teachers and Mathematics, 1993).
to " . . . explain science concepts and apply them in Although embedded assessments often involve per-
new contexts; formulate questions and develop hy- formance tasks, they are unique in that their use
potheses; plan and carry out observations, explora- makes instruction and assessment indistinguishable.
tions and investigations; and identify patterns, Both performance-based and embedded assessment
synthesize data, and formulate generalizations from
can be interdisciplinary and contextual.
experience" (p. 10). For both problem solving and
inquiry, the ability to work with others is an impor- Current mathematics education reform literature
tant component. emphasizes the importance of the interconnections
among mathematical topics and the connections of
The science and mathematics educators are also mathematics to other domains and disciplines . . . .
in accord as to the need to align curriculum, instruc- Assessment developers will need to find new ways
tion, and assessment. For example, to reflect these connections in the assessment tasks
posed for students [Mathematical Sciences Educa-
Standard 1: Alignment
tion Board, 1993, p. 47].
Methods and tasks for assessing students' learning
should be aligned with the curriculum's-- One suggestion is to
9 goals, objectives, and mathematical content;
9 relative emphases given to various topics and 9 set tasks in a real-world context. Such tasks will
processes and their relationships; more likely capture student's interest and enthusi-
9 instrUctional approaches and activities, including asm and may also suggest new ways to under-
the use of calculators, computers, and manipulat- standing the world through mathematical models so
ive materials [National Council of Teachers of that the assessment becomes part of the learning
Mathematics, 1989, p. 193]. process [National Research Council, 1993, p. 47].

More recently, the National Council of Teachers Real-world contexts often involve cross-content
of Mathematics (1993) has suggested that assessment assessment. For example, students could participate
should be an integral, routine part of the teaching in a science investigation that could provide evidence
and learning that takes place in classrooms as a related to student's data collection, analysis, and
Assessing Integrated Science and Mathematics Learning 51

communication ability (mathematics concepts and 9 development of life skills such as communi-
skills); science processes; and science concepts. cation, understanding of graphs, measure-
Other recommendations found in the science ment, visual/spatial relationships
and mathematics education literature relate to the use Affective
of multimodal representations. Collis and Romberg 9 interest in math, science, and learning in gen-
(1991) discuss two modes of thinking: ikonic, the basis eral
for intuitive thinking, and concrete-symbolic, the ba- 9 valued dispositions such as curiosity, persist-
sis for thinking in elementary mathematical systems. ence, risk-taking
Based upon a Piagetian perspective, Berlin and White 9 confidence in ability to do science and mathe-
(1987) identify nine movement-representational matics
modes: manipulated-concrete, animated-concrete; enhanced self-esteem
static-concrete; manipulated-semiconcrete; animated- heightened self-efficacy
semiconcrete; static-semiconcrete, manipulated-ab- Social
stract; a n i m a t e d - a b s t r a c t ; and static-abstract. respecting and valuing one another
Standard 4: Mathematical Connections suggests that increased student interaction
students can " . . . explore problems and describe re- development of ability to work cooperatively
sults using graphical, numerical, physical, algebraic, as well as independently
and verbal mathematical models or representations" 9 increased home involvement
(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1989,
The design of assessments related to integrated
p. 94). The design of instruction and assessment
school science and mathematics should reflect and
should consider these varied modes of thinking or
specifically tap into these outcomes.
representation as well as opportunities to translate
between and connect these modes.
We now turn our attention to the results of a
collaborative research project between The National
Center for Science Teaching and Learning, Colum-
bus, Ohio, and the AIMS Education Foundation,
Assumption: Technology should be integrated
into curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Fresno, California (Berlin and Hillen, 1994). The
The advancement of technology into both cur-
goal of this project was to identify student outcomes
riculum and instruction is quite apparent in current
as perceived by classroom teachers to be related to
mathematics and science education reform docu-
participation in a hands-on, integrated mathemat-
ics/science program called AIMS. Relying upon the
professional judgment of teachers, the purpose was Because technology is changing mathematics and its
to identify indicators of thinking, feeling, and under- uses, we believe t h a t - - a p p r o p r i a t e calculators
should be available to all students at all times; a
standing that may assist in the development of an computer should be available in every classroom for
assessment package. The participants included seven demonstration purposes; every student should have
research team leaders, 45 teacher-researchers, and access to a computer for individual and group work;
2025 students in grades four, five, and six in six students should learn to use the computer as a tool
states. A total of 423 cognitive, 234 affective, and 188 for processing information and performing calcula-
tions to investigate and solve problems [National
social outcomes were identified across all sites. The
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1989, p. 8].
following cognitive, affective, and social outcomes
can be used to guide in the development of assess- Technology can be useful for identifying connec-
ment items appropriate to an integrated school sci- tions among various mathematical topics. "Because
ence and mathematics experience. the computer allows students to enter countless val-
ues and immediately see the resulting geometric
Cognitive shape, they might find it both interesting and reward-
9 development of process skills ing to investigate interrelationships between number
9 using appropriate terminology and geometry" (National Council of Teachers of
9 selecting and using scientific equipment Mathematics, 1989, p. 85).
9 making interdisciplinary connections Technology is also recognized as an important
9 application of concepts to the real world connection in the school science content (National
9 use of the scientific method Committee on Science Education Standards and As-
52 Berlin and White

sessment, I993; Rutherford and Ahlgren, 1990) as likely involve technology. So it would follow that
well as a tool for scientific inquiry. Calculators and technology could play a major role in alternative as-
computers should be used by all students (Ruther- sessments in schools" (Bruder, 1993, p. 23). Technol-
ford and Ahlgren, 1990). ogy is proposed as a way to "make alternative
Specific to the use of computers, Lesh (1990) assessment less labor intensive" (Worthen, 1993). For
suggests four types of assessment problems aimed at example, simulations could not only yield a final
higher-order thinking in mathematics: interactive product, but also provide a detailed record of the stu-
word problems, short stories, graph-based or table- dent's decision-making process. Videotaping inter-
based problems, and simulations. Some of the bene- views during the planning and creating of a product
fits associated with the use of these computer-based could provide insight into how students are thinking,
assessment problems include the opportunity for reasoning, and communicating as well as serve as a
multiple questions and multiple solutions, extra in- record of performance to be used by the teacher for
formation (relevant and irrelevant), the use of num- evaluation and/or the student for self-assessment.
ber crunching or graphics tools, real-life contexts Student products and presentations using pen-based
(multiple concept and multiple step), revisiting inter- drawings and diagrams, videotapes, audiotapes, mul-
active video, making predictions and then comparing timedia, or hypercard stacks illustrate the varied uses
hypothetical and actual results, follow-up questions of technology in assessment (Bruder, 1993). Kumar
based upon student responses, and facilitating the (1994) provides a description, rationale, and selected
development of problem solving strategies. prototypes of the use of hypermedia in performance
The use of calculators in assessment has also assessment along with research results suggesting
been proposed. Harvey (1989) suggests that calcula- that hypermedia can be used to "facilitate process-
tor-active test items be designed to contain "data that oriented performance assessment in science educa-
can be usefully explored and manipulated using a cal- tion" (p. 64).
culator and . . . has been designed to require active Commenting upon the relationship between the
calculator use" (p. 78). Four-function, scientific, and "testing context" and the "learning context," Lipson
graphics calculators can play a significant role in per- et al. (1990) argue that " . . . tests of material that
formance-based and/or embedded assessment. benefit from the use of such tools [e.g., calculators,
The role of technology has been specifically ad- computers] must be administered on the same com-
dressed in the '~ssessment Standards for School puters and intimately integrated with those tools"
Mathematics. Working Draft" (National Council of (p. 123). This type of assessment could present many
Teachers of Mathematics, 1993). Technology can be different kinds of problems (real-world, multistep,
used as a delivery system, context (i.e., real world, different contexts, as well as context-free); present
problem solving/inquiry), monitor, or manager for as- graphics, video, realistic images, and photos; track
sessment. Some of the exciting technology-based as- and interpret both the solution as well as the inter-
sessments include the recording of observation and mediate steps; ask questions that probe the reasoning
interview notes on electronic pads; scanning of stu- process; ask follow-up questions; and permit students
dent work for portfolios; software programs that to respond in a variety of formats including words,
monitor and record work; tests and quizzes that are symbols, and drawings. Lipson et al. (1990) also pro-
electronically administered, scored, modified, and re- pose that a technology-based assessment system that
corded; and the generation of multidimensional, presents real-world problems "provides a context in
graphics-based student profiles. [See Helgeson and which science and mathematics can be fruitfully in-
Kumar (1993) for a review of various applications of tegrated" (p. 129). '~,n assessment system that gen-
microcomputers and hypermedia to assessment in erates a broad array of interdisciplinary problems
science education.] "The potential impact of the va- may serve as a tool that will finally lead to the de-
riety of new electronic tools for the development of velopment of successful interdisciplinary instruction"
new assessment systems has yet to be tapped" (Na- (p. 132).
tional Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1993,
p. 229).
Others have suggested that technology can be PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER
used to address some of the challenges associated
with alternative assessments. "The problems the Based upon the discussions in the three previous
world will serve up to our students will also most sections (integrated school science and mathematics,
Assessing Integrated Science and Mathematics Learning 53

Concrete -- Semiconcrete-- w A b s ~ c t m

I Dispb~
Charts Textual materials
Exhibits Diagrams. .
tJq Slides

Television Calculator
~ Teacher F'dms
Demonstration Computer graphics Overhead
Ill ._ with concrete Videompcs projection
~ objects Transparent

0 materials

] Learner rise5
concrete ohject~
].,earner uses
C graphics
I C o n c m t e ~ - Semiconcrete ~ ~ Abstract - -

Fig. 1. Berlin-White Integration of Technology (BWIT) model (Berlin and White, 1987).

assessment, and technology), the following charac- as a link between the learning context and the as-
teristics should guide in the development of assess- sessment context. The BWIT model identifies two di-
ment for integrated school science and mathematics mensions: movement (manipulated-animated-static)
that can capture the potential of technology: and representational level (concrete-semiconcrete-
abstract). Dimension 1, movement, is a continuum
9 Engage students in problem solving
from manipulation of objects and materials to things
9 Engage students in inquiry
in static form. Manipulation is the condition in which
9 Invoke real world applications; contextualized
students are responsible for observable changes by
active interaction and control of their surroundings.
* Use performance-based tasks
The students handle and move science equipment,
9 Use tasks embedded within instruction
arrange and modify images, or interact with com-
9 Use appropriate technology
puter simulations or calculator keys and experience
9 Provide for multimodal experiences and op-
the direct consequences of such activity. Animation
portunities for modal translations
involves observable change under the control of
9 Provide opportunities for communication,
someone or thing other than the learner. In the static
collaboration, socialization
condition, there is no direct observation of a change.
9 Encourage multiple modes of expression
Evidence of change can only be inferred. The learner
9 Encourage higher order thinking skills
may observe stationary objects, illustrations, or
, Reveal conceptual knowledge
printed words and symbols. The representational
9 Reveal procedural knowledge
level dimension can be traced back to both Piaget
9 Reveal student processing, reasoning
and Bruner. Dimension 2, representational level, is
9 Recognize student attitudes and perceptions
a continuum from concrete to abstract. At the con-
In order to systematically tap into the potential crete level, tasks involve physical objects. The semi-
of technology in assessment, it must be used in a de- concrete level includes pictures, drawings, and
liberate and rational way, integrated with other re- images of concrete objects and materials. Symbols,
sources. The Berlin-White Integration of Technology formulas, and written or verbal descriptions of ideas
(BWlT) model can serve as a template to charac- are used at the abstract level of representation.
terize and link various assessment tasks (Berlin and If these dimensions (movement and repre-
White, 1987). sentational level) are to be considered in the instruc-
Figure 1, originally conceived as a model for the tional design, then it is necessary to consider these
integration of technology into instruction, now serves same dimensions in the assessment of that instruc-
54 Berlin and White

tion. Most of the assessment that has been used in cent red, percent blue . . .) for the first, second,
the past has not been representative of the different third, seventh, and eighth generations.
cells in this model. However, attending to these cells The assessment might focus on the student's
and providing connections between them; in instruc- ability to recognize a pattern, define a rule, test the
tion and through embedded assessment may effec- prediction by gathering more data, refine the rule
tively align instruction and assessment and effectively based upon the new data, and retest the application
integrate technology into both. Based on the BWIT of the rule.
model, the following integrated school science and Assessment Activities.
mathematics activities are provided to illustrate the 1. Prepare a written description as to how and
alignment of instruction and assessment and the sys- why the percentage of red and nonred dots
tematic integration of technology into both. changes from generation to generation [pa-
per-and-pencil/computer: static-abstract].
2. Predict the number of red dots in the fifth
generation (within the data range) and the
Prototypes tenth generation (outside the data range).
Express the prediction rule in textual,
Natural Selection (Modified from Douglass and graphical, and/or symbolic (e.g., mathemati-
Kurtz, 1987) cal equation) form [static-abstract].
3. Use a graphics calculator or computer soft-
In this activity, children explore how camouflage ware program to produce a best-fit graph of
influences natural selection. The children sprinkle the data collected from the first, second,
colored dots on a table cloth that has a polka-dot third, seventh, and eighth generations. Inter-
pattern. After sprinkling the paper dots, they then pret the graph in terms of a prediction rule
proceed to pick them up from the table cloth. A red [calculator/computer: animated-abstract].
and white polka-dotted table cloth would be suitable. 4. Compare the predicted and experimental re-
The dots (e.g., the circles resulting from punching sults. Discuss the results.
holes in colored paper) can be of a variety of colors, 5. Collect data from additional generations.
but must include red. The red paper circles will be Determine if additional data changes the
concealed by the red polka-dots of the table cloth. prediction rule [manipulated-semiconcrete].
Procedure. Each team (5 students per team) 6. Design an environment (hand draw and
takes 20 dots of each of five different colors (100 color or use a computer software program)
total dots). One of the colors should be an exact such that the percentage of red dots after
match to the red of the polka-dots of the table cloth. four generations would be predicted to be
These 100 dots represent the first generation and are 60% [paper-and-crayon/computer: manipu-
spread randomly over the table cloth. Students lated-semiconcrete].
should be careful not to lose any of the paper dots; 7. Determine (estimate) the limit of the per-
accuracy is important. Each student in turn looks centage of red dots using a hand-made
away from the table cloth and then looks back pick- graph (placing the dots on the grid to make
ing the first dot he or she sees. This is similar to a bar graph) [paper-and-pencil: static-semi-
what would happen in nature when a predator hunts concrete].
and seizes a victim. This is repeated by each team 8. Determine (estimate) the limit of the per-
member, removing one dot at a time, until 75 of the centage of red dots using a graphics calcu-
100 dots have been removed. The team then sorts lator. [calculator: static-abstract].
the dots remaining on the table cloth by color and 9. A computer program could be used for
counts them. After collecting the data, record the simulating the natural selection activity and
number of the generation and the percentage of col- provide the students with the capability of
ored dots (i.e., percent red, percent blue . . . . ). For varying the number and size of the red
each of the 25 remaining dots, add three of that same polka-dots on the table cloth. The computer
color to represent the next generation. Mix the dots program should be designed to allow for a
and repeat the process seven more times for a total random distribution of the colored dots over
of eight generations. Record the number of the gen- the surface of the image of the table cloth.
eration and the percentage of colored dots (i.e., per- Students could make predictions and then
Assessing Integrated Science and Mathematics Learning 55

compare them with the actual simulation re- sent the relationship between the tempera-
sults [computer: animated-semiconcrete]. ture and the distance from the candle [ma-
10. Match pictures of organisms with pictures of nipulated-abstract].
ecological environments where the prob- 3 . Express the prediction rule in textual,
ability of survival is maximized [manipu- graphical, and symbolic (e.g., mathematical
lated-semiconcrete]. equation) form [static-abstract].
11. Set up an Easter egg hunt. Determine how 4. Use a graphics calculator to produce a bar
many eggs can be detected and why. [ma- graph of the temperature by the distance
nipulated-concrete]. from the candle [calculator: animated-ab-
12. Photograph an environment with "hidden" stract].
items9 Determine how many items can be 5. Use a graphics calculator to produce a best-
detected and why [static-semiconcrete]. fit graph of the temperature related to the
13. List other characteristics besides color that distance from the candle. Interpret the
could influence natural selection (e.g., smell, graph in terms of a prediction rule [calcula-
sound, shape, size, texture, pattern, taste, tor: animated-abstract].
movement) [static-abstract]. 6. Make a prediction based upon the best-fit
graph of the graphics calculator and test
your prediction by collecting additional data.
Characteristics of Light Make a prediction for a distance which is
outside of the experimental data range (e.g.,
In this activity, students will explore the relation- 100 cm) [static-abstract].
ship between the temperature due to the heat ema- 7. Compare the predicted and experimental re-
nating from a candle and the distance from the heat suits. Discuss the results.
source. The three objectives of this activity are: (1) 8. Collect additional data at other distances
to determine the nature of the propagation of heat, within and beyond the range of the original
(2) to engage in inductive and deductive ways of data range. Determine if the additional data
knowing, and (3) to design an experiment to explore changes the prediction rule. Provide an ex-
the relationship between the propagation of heat and planation for the results [computer: manipu-
the propagation of light intensity. lated-concrete].
Procedure. Place a candle on a table in a dark 9. Analog extension: Using a candle, explore
room. Use a temperature sensor probe (e.g., micro- the relationship between light intensity (us-
computer-based laboratory equipment) to measure ing a light sensor probe) and the distance
the temperature due to the heat emanating from the from the light source [computer: manipu-
candle at 5, 10, 15, and 20 cm. Record the data col- lated--concrete].
lected: temperatures and distances. Make a predic- 10. Does the prediction rule for the temperature
tion rule. Use this rule to predict the temperature at related to the distance from the candle cor-
25 and 50 cm. Check your prediction for 25 cm by respond to the prediction rule for the inten-
measuring with the temperature probe. How does sity of the light related to the distance?
this datum modify the prediction rule you would use Design and conduct an experiment to deter-
for 50 cm? What is your prediction for 50 cm using mine whether the rule for the propagation
the modified rule? Is it the same? Different? Why? of heat from the candle will be a good pre-
Assessment Activities. dictor for the propagation of light intensity
1. Using cutouts of thermometers to represent of the candle [computer: manipulated-con-
the temperature, make a bar graph along the crete].
distance axis to represent the relationship
between the temperature measured with the
temperature probe and the distance from POSTSCRIPT
the candle measured with a meter stick [ma-
nipulated-semiconcrete]. It must be made clear that we do not suggest,
2. Using degrees Centigrade (20~ 30~ 40~ or even believe, that all science and mathematics
9 . .) to represent the temperature, make a should be "integrated." We also do not believe that
bar graph along the distance axis to repre- all assessment should be embedded or performance-
56 Berlin and White

based. Furthermore, we do not believe that technol- Douglass, C., and Kurtz, R. (1987). SSMILES. How well hidden.
Modeling natural selection. School Science and Mathematics
ogy is the solution to the problems in science and 87(50): journal insert.
mathematics education or an instructional panacea. Harvey, J. G. (1989). What about calculator-based placement
What we do believe is that the connecting of science, tests? The AMATYC Review 11(1, Part 2): 77-81.
Helgeson, S. L., and Kumar, D. D. (1993). A review of educational
mathematics, instruction, assessment, and technology technology in assessment. Journal of Computers in Mathemat-
in a carefully conceived, logical fashion can enrich ics and Science Teaching 12(3/4): 227-243.
the learning environment and facilitate the develop- Krupnik-Gottlieb, M., and Berlin, D. E (1994). Integration with the
Brain in Mind, unpublished manuscript, The Ohio State Uni-
ment of student cognitive, affective, and social out- versity, The National Center for Science Teaching and Learn-
comes. ing, Columbus, Ohio.
Kulm, G., and Stuessy, C. (1991). Assessment in science and
mathematics education reform. In Kulm, G. and Malcom, S.
M. (Eds.), Science Assessment in the Service of Reform, Ameri-
REFERENCES can Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington,
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