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Dalila Chacon

Ms. O’Keefe

American Literature

April 5, 2019

My Life Rules you should follow too!

Ethics is the moral principles that govern a person's behavior, like doing what you know is right

based on who we are as people. My definition of justice is the right thing being done fairly and

truthfully. Ethics and justice can be related because they both come back to the idea of being

right and doing the right thing. The ethical framework that guides my rules is the duty

framework because it follows giving everyone dignity and respect. Following one's own moral

rules and apply to anyone in any situation.

My 10 rules to live by, on how to be a good person for me are for everyone and some involve

myself. The rules are Do no harm, Be honest to everyone, Show everyone love, Help anyone you

can, Don’t judge anyone, Push yourself to be outgoing and talk to people, Always speak your

mind, Stand up for what’s right and yourself, Don’t give into what others say of you, Always

think 3 times before making a decision. Do no harm means to not kill or hurt anyone because it’s

the right thing to do. Being honest to everyone goes along with being fair/equal to everyone and

treating people the same. Showing everyone love also has a similar meaning to treating every

individual the same which is the right good thing to do. Not judging people and helping anyone

you can are acts of kindness but like in a way something us as people should do because it’s the

right thing to do. Theses rules use the duty framework and are natural duties people should

follow. For the other rules involving yourself reading this or me following these rules to Push
yourself to be outgoing and talk to people, Always speak your mind, Stand up for yourself, Don’t

give into what others say of you, Always think 3 times are rules to follow for yourself as a

person in order to make good decisions and make you live more of a honest life being a good

person. These use duty, consequentialist framework and the virtue framework with following

what you think is right and by following these rules my life would change and change in the way

I act in my life with situations or on the daily. My rules each guide with the Duty framework

because they apply to all and are doing the right thing in any given situation looking out for the

best outcome or right thing to do. Treating everyone equal.

I developed my list based on my frameworks and justice papers. I also used my own knowledge

and how I would want to be treated as well. I made rules based on what is the right way to act as

people with everyone not just one subjected person. Some revisions I had to make were to make

my rules follow the same idea but not all be the same have each something different to do in a

way for people or themselves. I made these changes so that my rules were open enough to be

used in everyday life situation and be for everyone to be treated properly.

I think my life would maybe be a little harder but just because some people aren’t used to this

type of full open honesty and kindness giving them a hard time to accept it. Maybe as a person

you will feel better and more free to the fact you're playing by your rules and treating everyone

the same with respect and giving yourself rules to be a good person. I think the world would be a

better place because if everyone is honest, treating people equally and showing each other

respect then there would be more kindness, honesty bring people more together and not keeping

things from each other causing betrayal and other feelings which cause people to turn against

each other.

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