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Saini Colony Extension, Kartarpura, Jaipur.

Physics Investegatory Project Report


Refractive index of various

through hollow Prism
Submitted by:

CLASS=12th -A
Under the Guidance of:

The successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without mentioning the names of those
persons who helped to make it possible. I take this
opportunity to express my gratitude in few words and
respect to all those who helped me in the completion of
this project.
It is my humble pleasure to acknowledge my deep
senses of gratitude to my Physics teacher, Manish Sir
for her valuable support, constant help and guidance at
each and every stage, without which this project would
not have come forth.
I also register my sense of gratitude to our principal,
Mrs.Kalpana Kaul, for his immense encouragement
that has made this project successful.
I would also like to thank my friends and family for
encouraging me during the course of this project.
Last, but not the least, I would like to thank CBSE for
giving us the opportunity to undertake this project.
I. Introduction
II. Aim
III. Apparatus Required
IV. Theory
V. Diagram
VI. Procedure
VII. Observations
VIII. Conclusions
IX. Precautions
X. Bibliography
The refractive index determines how
much the path of light is bent,
or refracted, when entering a material.
This is described by Snell's law of
refraction, n1 sinθ1 = n2 sinθ2,
where θ1 and θ2 are the angles of
incidence and refraction, respectively,
of a ray crossing the interface between
two media with refractive
indices n1 and n2. The refractive
indices also determine the amount of
light that is reflected when reaching the
interface, as well as the critical angle
for total internal
reflection and Brewster's angle.[1]

To find out the

refractive indices of
different liquids
using a hollow
Apparatus Required

1. Hollow glass prism

2. Various liquids like
water, carbon
disulphide, benzaldehyde
3. Bell pins
4. Drawing board
A prism is a transparent optical element with flat,
polished surfaces that refract light. Prisms can be made
from any material that is transparent including glass,
plastic and fluorite. A prism can be used to break light
up into its constituent spectral colors. Prisms can also
be used to reflect light, or to split light into components
with different polarizations.

The refractive index of the liquid

Is given by the formula:
U=refractive index of the liquid.
a= the angle of minimum deviation
d=angle of prism
i=angle of incidence
r=angle of refraction
• Fix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board with help of
drawing pins.

• Keep the prism and mark the outline of it as ABC.

• Drop a normal PQ on the side AB.

• Draw the angle of incidence in accordance with the normal PQ

and place 2 pins so that they appear to be in the straight line.

• Place the prism filled with given sample of liquid ,on the
marked outline ABC.

• Now take the pins and place them on the side AC so that all
the 4 pins appear to be in same line.

• Remove the prism and draw the line joining the points so

• Mark the diagram as shown in the figure.

• Repeat this with different liquids and different angle of

• Benzaldehyde a º(angle of prism) i º (angle of incidence) d º (angle of deviation)

1 60 30 45
2 60 35 42
3 60 37.5 40
4 60 39 42
5 60 40 45

= 1.504

• Water a º(angle of prism) i º (angle of incidence) d º (angle of deviation)

1 60 30 25
2 60 35 22
3 60 40 20
4 60 45 22
5 60 50 25
6 60 55 28

= 1.306
• Dil. Sulphuric Acid a º(angle of prism) i º (angle of incidence) d º (angle of deviation)

1 60 20 33
2 60 30 30
3 60 35 25
4 60 40 29
5 60 45 30

= 1.351
Refractive indices at room temperature:

• Benzaldehyde
o Actual: 1.546
o Experimental: 1.504
• Water
o Actual: 1.33
o Experimental: 1.306
• Dil . Sulphuric acid
o Actual: 1.355
o Experimental: 1.351
➢ Wikipedia-the free
➢ Comprehensive Practical
Manual in Physics for class XII
➢ Pradeep’s New Course Physics
➢ Physics NCERT class XII
Part II

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