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Fenol merupakan produk bahan alam yang mengandung
struktur benzena dan satu gugus hidroksi. Senyawa fenolik
di alam mengandung minimal dua gugus hidroksi yang
terikat pada cincin benzena.
Aktivitas biologis yang sangat menarik dari senyawa fenolik
dan polifenolik adalah potensi antioksidan nya.
Tannin atau zat samak berasal dari kata dari bahasa
Perancis “tanin” yaitu zat yang digunakan untuk
menyamak kulit hewan “animal’s skin” menjadi “leather”
Tannin merupakan metabolit sekunder golongan
polifenolik yang memiliki berat molekul besar (lebih dari
1000 D)
Tannin secara umum, berdasarkan strukturnya
dikelompokkan menjadi dua :
Tannin-terhidrolisiskan (hydrosable tannins)
Tannin terkondensasi (condensed tannins)
Diperkirakan, tannin memiliki peran biologis bagi
tumbuhan memberikan perlindungan terhadap infeksi,
serangga dan hewan herbivora lainnya
Organoleptik dari tannin berupa
light yellow or white amorphous powders or shiny,
nearly colourless,
loose masses,
with a characteristic strange smell and
astringent taste
In medicine, especially in Asian (Japanese and Chinese)
natural healing, the tannin-containing plant extracts are
used as
astringents, against diarrhoea,
as diuretics,
against stomach and duodenal tumours,
and as antiinflammatory,
and haemostatic pharmaceuticals.
As tannins can precipitate heavy metals and alkaloids
(except morphine), they can be used in poisonings with
these substances
Tannins are used in the dyestuff industry as caustics for
cationic dyes (tannin dyes), and also in the production of
inks (iron gallate ink).
In the food industry tannins are used toclarify wine, beer,
and fruit juices.
Other industrial uses of tannins include textile dyes, as
antioxidants in the fruit juice, beer, and wine industries, and
as coagulants in rubber production
Recently the tannins have attracted scientific interest,
especially due to the increased incidence of deadly illnesses
such as AIDS and various cancers
Klasifikasi dari Tannin
Biosintesa Condensed
1. Gallotannin
Gallotannins are all those tannins in which
galloyl units or their meta-depsidic derivatives
are bound to diverse polyol-, catechin-, or
triterpenoid units
Gallic acid is the base unit of Gallotanines
Gallic acid residues linked to Glucose (often)
via glycosidic bond (galloyl moiety)
Gallotanines are hydrolysable tannins,
treatment with dilute acids release gallic acid
2. Ellagitannin
Ellagitannins are formed from the gallotannins by the
oxidative coupling of at least two galloyl units yielding an
axially chiral HHDP (hexahydroxydiphenoyl)unit
(70) Vescalagin (72) Castanopsiniin
(71) Lagerstannin (73) Heterophyliin
3. Complex Tannin
The structures of the complex tannins are built up from a
gallotannin unit or an ellagitannin unit, and a catechin
4. Condensed Tannins
Condensed tannins are
oligomeric and polymeric
consisting of coupled flavan-
3-ol (catechin) units
(oligomeric or polymeric
proanthocyanidins =
proanthocyanidins =
condensed tannins)
Sorghum sp
Uncaria gambir
Camelia sinensis
Psidium guajava

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