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Pseudomonas aeruginosa: all roads

lead to resistance
Elena B.M. Breidenstein, César de la Fuente-Núñez and Robert E.W. Hancock
Centre for Microbial Diseases and Immunity Research, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is often resistant to multiple susceptibility of P. aeruginosa that has been observed for
antibiotics and consequently has joined the ranks of most antibiotics [5–9]. These mutations do not lead to
‘superbugs’ due to its enormous capacity to engender clinically meaningful resistance although this can occur
resistance. It demonstrates decreased susceptibility to through the accumulation of several mutations. In addition,
most antibiotics due to low outer membrane permeabil- some strains acquire increased resistance via the horizontal
ity coupled to adaptive mechanisms and can readily transfer of resistance determinants.
achieve clinical resistance. Newer research, using mu- In addition to these more traditional mechanisms, the
tant library screens, microarray technologies and muta- extraordinary adaptability of P. aeruginosa to changing
tion frequency analysis, has identified very large environmental conditions and stresses, including exposure
collections of genes (the resistome) that when mutated to antibiotics, altered media conditions or altered growth
lead to resistance as well as new forms of adaptive states, can lead to the development of adaptive resistance
resistance that can be triggered by antibiotics them- to antimicrobials [10]. This phenomenon, termed adaptive
selves, in in vivo growth conditions or complex adapta- resistance, has been known for a long time; however, its
tions such as biofilm growth or swarming motility. broad applicability to clinical issues has only recently been
Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a superbug Considering the multiple ways in which P. aeruginosa
Since the introduction of antibiotics in clinical therapy, can become resistant, it is not surprising that resistance
bacteria have developed increasingly more sophisticated can be observed for all currently available anti-pseudomo-
resistance strategies. This has led to the appearance and nal antibiotics. Although antibiotics are available and
spread of the so-called ‘superbugs’, resistant to practically usable for most P. aeruginosa infections, resistance rates
all antimicrobial drugs available on the market. The Gram- are on the rise and the high intrinsic resistance of P.
negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can aeruginosa makes it very challenging to find new drugs.
infect a wide range of animal and plant hosts [1], has For this reason, it is important to understand the mecha-
become a superbug. This opportunistic pathogen is a lead- nisms that participate in P. aeruginosa antibiotic resis-
ing cause of nosocomial infections, as well as chronic lung tance. The objectives of this review are thus to describe the
infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients [2,3] (Box 1). most recent findings with regard to the mechanisms of
Compared with other pathogens, P. aeruginosa is very resistance observed in P. aeruginosa and to discuss how
difficult to eradicate as it displays high intrinsic resistance they can impact antibiotic therapy failure.
to a wide variety of antibiotics, including aminoglycosides,
fluoroquinolones and b-lactams. This is largely because of Mechanisms of intrinsic resistance of P. aeruginosa
the low permeability of its outer membrane [4], which P. aeruginosa is intrinsically resistant to most antibiotics,
limits the rate of penetration of antibiotic molecules into and wild type strains exhibit an inherently reduced sus-
the cells due to the inefficient porins in this bacterium. This ceptibility to most antibiotics compared with most other
then enables secondary adaptive resistance mechanisms to Gram-negative bacterial species. The main mechanism
work more efficiently, including increased efflux and enzy- underlying this characteristic feature is its low outer
matic antibiotic modifications (e.g. b-lactamase). membrane permeability, which is 12–100 times less than
These intrinsic mechanisms are part of the genetic make- that of E. coli [11]. The outer membrane of Gram-negative
up of P. aeruginosa, leading to very high baseline minimal bacteria acts as a selective barrier to uptake of antibiotics
inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and rendering many com- [4]. It has been compared to a molecular sieve in which the
mon antibiotics ineffective against P. aeruginosa. These uptake of most hydrophilic molecules is size dependent due
intrinsic mechanisms can be stabilized or enhanced by to diffusion through the channels of water filled porin
mutation. The occurrence of mutational events affecting molecules. P. aeruginosa has a large exclusion limit owing
the expression of these resistance genes or the activity of to the limited number of large channels of its major porin
their respective products can make most other drugs clinical OprF (most OprF channels being very small), and the small
unusable. Other mutations can slightly increase resistance size of the channels of other porins that mediate the
and probably contribute to the gradual decrease in baseline passage of other molecules the size of antibiotics, including
OprD and OprB. Other antibiotic uptake pathways include
Corresponding author: Hancock, R.E.W. ( uptake through specific porins (e.g. carbapenems through
0966-842X/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2011.04.005 Trends in Microbiology, August 2011, Vol. 19, No. 8 419
Review Trends in Microbiology August 2011, Vol. 19, No. 8

Box 1. Resistance in CF patients ampG (PA4393) is required for the induction of AmpC b-
lactamase and mutation of this gene reduced susceptibility
P. aeruginosa lung infections of CF patients constitute an excellent
environment for the development and acquisition of antibiotic to b-lactams eightfold [16].
resistance. The DF508 mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane An overlap between genes dysregulated in microarray
conductance regulator (CFTR) is the most common mutation experiments upon treatment with subinhibitory or
leading to CF [74]. This ultimately has an impact on chloride lethal exposure to antibiotics and genes involved in anti-
transport and sodium absorption, which leads to a dehydrated and
thickened mucus. Therefore, upon colonization with a non-mucoid
biotic resistance has been observed. This indicates that
and susceptible strain, the conditions of the CF lung together with P. aeruginosa adaptively activates defence (resistance)
long-term antibiotic therapy can lead to important phenotypic mechanisms to combat the inhibitory effects of antibiotics
changes as well as selecting for cells with a higher degree of [7,9,17,18].
resistance. P. aeruginosa undergoes certain morphological changes These studies collectively demonstrate that the high
while invading the lung: loss of LPS O-antigen, production of
exoproducts, formation of small-colony variants, transitions to
intrinsic resistance of P. aeruginosa is ultimately a result
mucoidy due to alginate overproduction, formation of biofilms of the combination of several mechanisms acting simulta-
and evolution of mutator strains (reviewed in [75]). These adapta- neously. The underlying mechanisms probably play a sig-
tions and genetic switches are associated with increased resistant nificant role in clinical outcome.
strains and maintenance of a chronic infection state.

Acquired resistance: horizontal transfer and mutational

OprD channels), self-promoted uptake of polycationic anti- resistance
biotics (described below) and uptake of hydrophobic mole- In addition to its high intrinsic resistance, P. aeruginosa
cules through the outer membrane bilayer. Although low can become even less susceptible owing to the acquisition of
outer membrane permeability plays a decisive role in inheritable traits. The two types of acquired resistance
drastically reduced drug uptake, equilibration of hydro- involve horizontal transfer of genetic elements and muta-
philic molecules across the outer membrane is still man- tional resistance (Table 1).
aged in a matter of seconds. Therefore, the high intrinsic DNA elements, including plasmids, transposons, inte-
resistance of this pathogen is absolutely dependent on grons, prophages and resistance islands, can harbour an-
other intrinsic and adaptive secondary mechanisms such tibiotic resistance genes and can be acquired by
as rapid efflux [12,13] due to the intrinsic or induced conjugation, transformation or transduction. This can in-
expression of efflux pumps, particularly the resistance- crease antibiotic resistance and even multidrug resistance
nodulation-cell division (RND) systems MexAB–OprM due to plasmids that can contain multiple resistance cas-
and MexXY–OprM, and AmpC b-lactamase production settes. Such horizontal transfer mainly affects aminoglyco-
[14], which take advantage of the reduced flow of antibiotic side and b-lactam resistance in P. aeruginosa, but has been
across the outer membrane (Table 1). observed for several other classes of antibiotics. For exam-
Recent studies screening comprehensive mutant librar- ple, aminoglycoside modifying enzymes located on mobile
ies for mutants that lead to increased antibiotic susceptibil- genetic elements can inactivate aminoglycosides leading to
ity have identified new candidate mechanisms as being various chemical modifications of the aminoglycoside,
involved in the intrinsic resistome of P. aeruginosa to sev- which in turn leads to reduced affinity for the 30S ribo-
eral antibiotics [5–9,15]. Results support the participation of somal subunit, the main target of aminoglycosides [19]. In
dozens of genes from different functional classes, and the addition to the inducible chromosomal AmpC b-lactamase,
wide range of newly identified mutations form part of a very some P. aeruginosa strains acquire plasmids encoding new
complex resistome. For example, strains with mutations in b-lactamases that confer resistance to penicillins and
many genes affecting DNA replication, recombination and cephalosporins [20]. Of great concern is the proliferation
repair showed an increase in ciprofloxacin susceptibility of plasmid mediated extended-spectrum b-lactamases
[7,8]. Interestingly, mutations in the cell division gene ftsK (ESBLs), which were originally described in the Entero-
indicated a role for this in intrinsic resistance to ciprofloxa- bacteriaceae, and metallo-b-lactamases (MBLs) that inac-
cin and b-lactams [6–8]. Likewise, mutations in genes in- tivate carbapenems [21].
volved in alginate production led to increased susceptibility A second form of acquired resistance is mutational
to the b-lactam imipenem. Another study revealed that resistance. The spontaneous mutation frequency varies

Table 1. Overview of the different types of resistance exhibited by P. aeruginosa

Class of resistance Stable a Inheritable Dependency Mechanisms Examples of genes
on environment involved
Intrinsic + + Low outer membrane permeability, crc, lon, psrA
b-lactamase production and efflux
pump overexpression
Acquired + + Horizontal transfer, mutations leading ampD, gyrA, nalA,
to reduced uptake and efflux pump overexpression nfxB, cbrA, MBLs
Adaptive + Gene expression changes including ampC, mexZ, phoQ
b-lactam and efflux pump overexpression
owing to factors triggering expression
of regulatory genes
+, property applies; –, not a property of this form of resistance.

Review Trends in Microbiology August 2011, Vol. 19, No. 8

between antibiotics with resistance frequencies ranging tobramycin, but a quadruple mutant had a major 16-fold
from 10–6 to 10–9 for individual antibiotics. The mutation increase in resistance [34].
rate can further increase under certain conditions such as These screening studies define the resistome, which
in the presence of DNA-damaging agents or during growth collectively represents all mutations that can lead to resis-
in a biofilm. For example, the mutation frequency for tance. A wide variety of such mutations make up the
meropenem increased tenfold when the culture was pre- resistomes for aminoglycosides, b-lactams, fluoroquino-
incubated with subinhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxa- lones, tetracycline and sulfonamide. For example, the P.
cin [22]. Similarly, a >100-fold increase in mutation fre- aeruginosa aminoglycoside resistome [8,9] involves 150
quency to ciprofloxacin resistance was observed in biofilms different genes from many functional categories including
compared to free-living cells [23], possibly owing to the those related to energy metabolism, DNA replication and
downregulation of antioxidant enzymes during growth in a repair and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis. Resis-
biofilm leading to increased DNA damage. Mutation fre- tance to fluoroquinolones [7,8] can be mediated by muta-
quencies are increased by as much as 70-fold in hypermu- tions in NADH dehydrogenase genes, phage-related genes,
tator strains [24] that contain mutations in genes involved iron transport genes and efflux regulators. b-lactam resis-
in the efficient repair of DNA replication errors. These tance genes can affect efflux, overproduction of b-lacta-
strains can acquire resistance to several different antibio- mase and cell wall and LPS biosynthesis [6,8]. In
tics. Examples of strong hypermutators are mutL and summary, mutations in a large number of unrelated genes
mutS, which are commonly found in patients with CF can give rise to acquired resistance to different antibiotics.
[25], although a variety of weaker mutators have been
found in mutant library screens [24], and could play a role Adaptive resistance
during the early stages of CF lung infections [26]. Adaptive resistance is inducible and dependent on the
‘Breakthrough’ mutations that make P. aeruginosa continuing presence of either an antibiotic or another
untreatable by given antibiotics include those leading to environmental stimulus. Although first observed in 1966
overexpression of efflux pumps, reduced uptake of anti- [35], no important connection to a clinical outcome was
biotics, hyperproduction of b-lactamases and altered anti- established for adaptive resistance in contrast to intrinsic
biotic targets. For example, an important mutational and acquired resistance and therefore this phenomenon
mechanism is the derepression of the efflux pumps did not receive much attention. Subsequently, it was dis-
MexAB–OprM and MexCD–OprJ owing to mutations in covered that plasmid-mediated tetracycline resistance was
genes encoding mexR and nfxB, respectively [27]. Further- often induced by tetracycline, that biofilms demonstrated
more, overexpression of MexXY–OprM owing to a mutation broad spectrum non-mutational resistance, and that in P.
in mexZ leads to aminoglycoside, fluoroquinolone and cefe- aeruginosa, inducible chromosomal b-lactamase limits the
pime resistance in clinical strains of P. aeruginosa [28]. efficacy of several b-lactams that are effective in other
Mutations in the specific porin OprD reduce the uptake of bacterial species.
the antibiotic imipenem and therefore lead to clinical The advent of the genomic era has enabled a broader
resistance [29], whereas mutations in either mexT or mexS understanding of the complex phenomenon of adaptive
(nfxC) are known to reduce the expression of OprD as well resistance. A number of triggering factors are now recog-
as increasing expression of the efflux pump MexEF–OprN nized to induce this type of resistance including antibiotics,
leading to imipenem and multiple antibiotic resistance biocides, polyamines, pH, anaerobiosis, cations and carbon
[30]. Hyperproduction of b-lactamases occurs upon muta- sources, as well as social activities such as biofilm forma-
tion of an effector of the ampC b-lactamase, AmpD, which tion and swarming (reviewed in [10]). These triggering
controls activity of the AmpR regulator. Mutations in factors modulate the expression of many genes leading
target enzymes can also lead to clinically meaningful to effects on efflux pumps, the cell envelope and enzymes.
resistance [31], e.g. mutations in gyrA and gyrB (gyrase) The importance of adaptive resistance in P. aeruginosa is
as well as parC and parE (topoisomerase IV) reduce fluo- consistent with the large repertoire of regulatory genes
roquinolone binding affinity, which leads to clinical resis- (9.4% of all genes) in its genome [36].
tance [32]. Environmental cues and subinhibitory concentrations
Recent screening studies employing the P. aeruginosa of antibiotics lead to defined changes in the gene expres-
PA14 comprehensive Harvard library [33] have shown sion pattern of P. aeruginosa and allow the bacterium to
that many additional mutations can also lead to increased withstand subsequent exposures to lethal concentrations
resistance, although in most cases, the observed increases of the inducing and related antibiotics. An important
are modest (twofold) and might easily be missed in the feature of adaptive resistance is that once the inducing
clinic [5–9]. It has been proposed that low-level resistance factor or condition is removed, the organism reverts to wild
might evolve to high-level resistance in a stepwise man- type susceptibility. This might explain the observation
ner, a phenomenon termed creeping baselines in the lit- that in vitro efficacy does not predict in vivo success in
erature [10]. The accumulation of several mutations with P. aeruginosa therapy [37], which probably reflects adap-
modest changes in MIC can, over time, result in a stepwise tive resistance. This is of particular concern in clinical
increase in resistance, which ultimately leads to high- settings where P. aeruginosa grows as a biofilm, for exam-
level resistance. Indeed, single mutations in either galU ple in CF, catheter-associated infections or ventilator-as-
(central intermediary metabolism), nuoG (energy metab- sociated pneumonia.
olism), mexZ (transcriptional regulator) or rplY (adapta- Polycationic antimicrobials such as aminoglycosides,
tion) exhibited only a twofold increase in resistance to polymyxins and cationic antimicrobial peptides pass across

Review Trends in Microbiology August 2011, Vol. 19, No. 8

Low Mg2+ Cationic peptides Aminoglycosides Nitrogen source

Polyamines, DNA Fatty acids Swarming Carbon source
acidic conditions

CbrA Inner

PsrA Lon

CbrB Cytoplasm



Biofilm Swarming

Virulence Antibiotic resistance

TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure 1. Antibiotic resistance and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Overview of the complexity underlying the regulation of antibiotic resistance and virulence-
related processes. The interaction among regulatory networks dictates the contribution of each gene to both antibiotic resistance and virulence. The figure represents
different stimuli that induce inner membrane and cytoplasmic proteins, which then positively (thin arrow) or negatively (dotted line) regulate other proteins. All of them are
involved in antibiotic resistance and virulence (thick arrow). A possible crosstalk between CbrA and PhoPQ has been recently suggested [53]. The P. aeruginosa biofilm
picture is reproduced, with permission, from [73].

the outer membrane by self-promoted uptake, which Conversely, some b-lactams, including the most recent
involves the interaction of the polycations with divalent fourth generation of cephalosporins, cefepime and cefpir-
cation binding sites on LPS to competitively displace these ome, show weaker or no upregulation of ampC [41].
cations, causing localized disruption that enables the pas- Recently, Lee et al. [42] demonstrated that the two-
sage of the polycation across the membrane [11]. The component regulator AmgRS, which is involved in the
arnBCADTEF operon mediates the addition of 4-aminoar- adaptive membrane stress response, is activated after
abinose to Lipid A of LPS, which blocks self-promoted tobramycin exposure. Similarly, Kindrachuk et al. [18]
uptake leading to resistance. Adaptive resistance to poly- demonstrated that the heat shock stress response, which
myxins and host cationic antimicrobial peptides can be leads to low-level resistance to aminoglycosides, is con-
mediated by low concentrations of divalent cations (Mg2+ trolled through the heat shock sigma factor RpoH and the
and Ca2+), leading to the activation of two two-component ATP-dependent protease AsrA. The heat shock response
regulatory systems, PhoPQ and PmrAB, and consequent allows the cell to repair protein damage that is caused by
induction of the arn operon (Figure 1); however, antimi- aminoglycosides. Although the Lon protease, which con-
crobial peptides or polymyxins are more likely to be the trols the DNA stress response and fluoroquinolone suscep-
physiological triggers [38]. The arn operon can also be tibility, is upregulated by aminoglycosides [43], no
induced in biofilms by extracellular DNA, which creates connection to adaptive aminoglycoside resistance was ob-
a cation-limited environment [39]. Recently, a new two- served.
component regulatory system, ParRS, was identified and Another mechanism resulting from the exposure to
demonstrated to mediate the upregulation of the arn op- subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics is an overex-
eron and adaptive resistance in the presence of the anti- pression of genes encoding efflux pumps. For example,
pseudomonal drug colistin and certain antimicrobial aminoglycosides induce the MexXY efflux pump [44].
peptides [40]. Through these regulatory changes in pump expression,
A major adaptive mechanism in P. aeruginosa is the the antibiotic is more rapidly effluxed and the bacterium
induction, by pre-exposure to b-lactam antibiotics, of a becomes adaptively more resistant. Moreover, efflux
chromosomally-encoded b-lactamase (encoded by the pumps often mediate multidrug resistance.
ampC gene) that can cause enzymatic inactivation of The upregulation of efflux pumps and other resistance
many b-lactams. Clinical failure of ceftazidime, anti-pseu- mechanisms has also been observed in cells growing in
domonal penicillin or cefotaxime treatment is strongly biofilms. Biofilms represent a form of social behaviour
associated with dysregulation of AmpC because these involving the formation of microbial aggregates on surfaces
drugs all lead to a strong upregulation of the ampC gene. including the epithelia and medical devices. Cells growing

Review Trends in Microbiology August 2011, Vol. 19, No. 8

in such communities show a distinct transcriptome com- Box 2. Important regulators in P. aeruginosa
pared to planktonic cells and are much more resistant to
Crc: is a global regulator that controls the metabolism of carbon
many different antimicrobials [45–47]. Resistance proba- sources and catabolite repression in P. aeruginosa [53,76]. Crc is
bly occurs in several ways. The broad dysregulation of necessary for biofilm formation and swarming and plays a role in
many genes (by several mechanisms including quorum intrinsic antibiotic resistance.
sensing) leads to the upregulation of efflux pumps, PsrA: is a type III transcriptional regulator and positively regulates
the transcription of the alternative sigma factor RpoS [63,65]. PsrA is
enzymes, various regulators and products identified involved in biofilm formation and swarming and takes part in
through genomic resistome studies. Also, differential ac- adaptive and intrinsic antibiotic resistance.
cess to nutrients within the biofilm leads to differential Lon: the ATP-dependent protease Lon is involved in the degrada-
metabolic activity, whereby cells in the outer layer are tion and refolding of abnormal proteins and in protein quality
metabolically active and cells in the inner part of the control [77]. Lon is necessary for biofilm formation and swarming
motility and plays a role in both intrinsic and adaptive resistance.
biofilm grow more slowly. Some antibiotics only work on CbrA: the sensor kinase CbrA is part of a two-component system
growing cells (e.g. most b-lactams and aminoglycosides), along with its cognate response regulator CbrB. The two proteins
whereas a few (e.g. polymyxins) preferably kill more poorly have been previously identified to be involved in the metabolic
growing bacteria and these would affect different regions of regulation of carbon and nitrogen utilization in P. aeruginosa. CbrA
has been proposed to repress Crc through a regulatory cascade that
the biofilm. Although the extracellular matrix has been
involves CbrB and a small RNA (CrcZ) [53]. CbrA regulates
suggested to act as a barrier to antibiotic penetration, it swarming and biofilm development and plays a role in acquired
might also act to concentrate extracellular enzymes, such resistance.
as secreted b-lactamases, near the bacterial surface. Bio- PhoQ: PhoQ is a sensor kinase that phosphorylates and activates
films are also known to have a greater fraction of so-called the transcription factor PhoP, comprising a two-component regula-
tory system. It participates in resistance to antimicrobial peptides
persisters than planktonic cells. Persisters represent slow-
under low Mg2+ concentrations and swarming and biofilm forma-
ly growing or non-dividing cells that can easily withstand tion [60].
stress conditions, such as antibiotic pressure. Little is
known about the mechanisms underlying the development
of persister cells in P. aeruginosa; however, it is known that genes influence the virulence of P. aeruginosa and these
spoT, relA, dksA, rpoS, dinG, spuC, algR and pilH muta- genes are often controlled by conditions found in the host
tions can affect persistence [48]. These genes might be good environment (e.g. low iron, anaerobicity, specific nutrients
targets for drugs to overcome the issue of P. aeruginosa and stresses) [53,58–60]. Virulence genes can influence the
persistence and reduce resistance development. production of virulence factors (toxins, proteases and
Swarming is a special form of motility, unlike flagella- lipases), cytotoxicity and swarming motility. Furthermore,
mediated swimming on liquid and semi-solid media or biofilms have been shown to compromise infections in vivo
pilus-mediated twitching on solid surfaces. It is a social [55]. For example, biofilm formation and swarming are
behaviour involving dysregulation of many genes [49] and relevant to in vivo growth and lead to a broad increase in
is thought to be relevant to the movement of P. aeruginosa antibiotic resistance [49,61]. Indeed, antibiotic resistance
through mucosal layers because the conditions that trigger and virulence properties are often coregulated [49,58,60,62],
swarming (intermediate viscosity and amino acids as a and specific examples are described here.
poor nitrogen source) exist in the lung [50]. Swarming The regulators Crc, PsrA and Lon (Box 2) all play a role
colonies exhibit a greater resistance to multiple antibiotics in both intrinsic antibiotic resistance and virulence. A crc
[49,51] and have a higher expression level of virulence- mutant strain was more susceptible to b-lactams, amino-
related factors compared to planktonic cultures. The mech- glycosides, fosfomycin and rifampin [58]. Mutants in Lon,
anisms leading to adaptive resistance in swarming cells, a an ATP-dependent protease that controls DNA damage
type of social behaviour distinct from biofilm formation, are stress, were supersusceptible to fluoroquinolones [7,15],
only beginning to be understood [52] and appear to involve indicating that they play a fundamental role in intrinsic
at least Lon and CbrA mediated dysregulation of PhoPQ resistance. Similarly, a psrA mutant exhibited supersus-
[53]. ceptibility to polymyxin B and the cationic antimicrobial
Adaptive resistance can also have long term conse- peptide indolicidin owing to altered outer membrane per-
quences. If cells are not completely eradicated, regrowth meability [63]. Remarkably, although these regulatory
can be observed once the treatment is stopped [54]. This is mutants display different supersusceptibilities, they have
particularly relevant in the clinic where biofilm formation certain common virulence defects, exhibiting swarming
has been observed, e.g. in the lungs of CF patients [55]. A and biofilm deficiencies.
related problem is the high rate of persister cells in CF and Lon also regulates the RhlR–RhlI and LasR–LasI quo-
biofilms [56,57]. rum sensing (QS) systems [64] that control virulence.
Interestingly, Lon expression is induced during swarming
Relationship between antibiotic resistance and and by subinhibitory concentrations of aminoglycosides
virulence [43] that also induce biofilm formation [59], which indi-
Bacterial virulence is an important contributor to infectious cates that Lon is also involved in adaptive resistance.
diseases and complicates treatments with the currently The swarming and biofilm deficient phenotype of a psrA
available antibiotics. Interestingly, a number of bacterial mutant can be partly explained by the downregulation of
regulatory genes that participate in complex intricate reg- genes involved in adhesion and motility [63,65,66], al-
ulatory networks have been identified to influence both though the involvement of PsrA in type III secretion
virulence and antibiotic resistance. The products of many systems (TTSS) is controversial [63,67,68]. PsrA is also

Review Trends in Microbiology August 2011, Vol. 19, No. 8

Box 3. Biofilm formation and swarming motility

Biofilm and swarming are complex adaptations (i.e. social beha- (viscous) surfaces creating dendritic or solar-flare type colonial
viours) that occur due to multi-factorial regulation (Figure I). Biofilm appearances. This process depends on the expression of more than
formation is initiated by flagella-mediated motility that permits 200 genes including transcriptional regulators, virulence genes and
planktonic cells to approach a surface where it can attach using metabolism-related genes. The establishment of biofilms has been
flagella and type IV pili as adhesins. Subsequently, the bacteria attach correlated with chronic infections on epithelial or medical device
more strongly and grow in an ordered (mushroom-shaped) structure surfaces [78], whereas swarming has been proposed to occur in a
held together by structural polysaccharides (Pel and Psl). Similar to virulent lifestyle where the bacterium moves through the mucous
biofilms, swarming motility depends on flagella and type IV pili but layer of the epithelium [49]. Genes involved in the genetic switch
involves the ordered movement of bacteria across semi-solid between biofilm and swarming lifestyles have been identified [72,79].

Environmental cues
(temperature, nutrients, viscosity, cell density, oxygen availability, stress factors, etc.)

Swarming Biofilm formation

Flagella, type IV pilus Type IV pilus


(sadB, bifA, etc.)

Antibiotic resistance

Swimming motility Twitching motility

Flagella Type IV pilus
TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure I. A variety of environmental signals contribute to the occurrence of either biofilms or swarming by influencing the expression of different genetic switches (such
as the ones represented by the genes sadB and bifA). sadB is required for an early step in the development of biofilms, and it also regulates swarming motility. bifA
plays a role in biofilm formation and is essential for swarming. At the same time, biofilms and swarming are distinctly influenced by the expression of both swimming
motility-dependent flagella and twitching motility-dependent type IV pili. The combination of these and other factors regulate biofilm formation and swarming, complex
adaptations that have an influential effect on the pathogenesis-related events of resistance to antibiotics and virulence. The arrows indicate the correlation between the
different virulence determinants. The P. aeruginosa biofilm picture is reproduced, with permission, from [73].

involved in adaptive resistance because it is induced by production of pyocyanin and pyoverdine as well as cytotox-
antimicrobial peptides [63] and fatty acids [68]. icity, compared to the wild type. Furthermore, the deletion
The sensor kinase CbrA, similar to Crc (mentioned of phoQ drastically reduced virulence in lettuce leaves and
above), controls central carbon and nitrogen metabolism competitiveness in a rat model of chronic lung infection
(Figure 1) and is involved in acquired resistance. Increased [60].
resistance towards polymyxin B, ciprofloxacin, tobramycin In addition to the above mentioned genes, many others
and colistin as well as a deficiency in swarming and can also affect both antibiotic resistance and virulence.
increased biofilm formation were observed in a cbrA mu- These include mexS (nfxC), mexGHI–ompD, gacAS, retS,
tant [53]. Furthermore, a cbrA mutant displayed increased ladS, algR and rsmA and have been extensively reviewed
cytotoxicity towards human bronchial epithelial cells [69]. Importantly, MDR efflux pumps are relevant for
(HBEs) when compared to wild type. Therefore, in CbrA virulence and resistance and it was shown that mutations
an increase in antibiotic resistance is associated with a in mexI and ompG reduce the production of quorum-sens-
modulation of virulence, and these phenotypes can be ing signals, therefore being essential for cell-to-cell com-
explained by the dysregulation of discrete subsets of genes munication. Furthermore, the loss of the pump leads to the
[53]. accumulation of the toxic PQS precursor (2-heptyl-3-hy-
A number of other genes play a role in antibiotic resis- droxy-4(1H)-quinolone), which has been shown to be im-
tance in response to triggering factors. Mutation of phoQ portant for an attenuated virulence phenotype [70].
leads to a constitutive expression of the arn operon and In summary, many regulators affect both antibiotic
thus constitutive resistance to aminoglycosides, polymyxin resistance and virulence. Biofilm formation and swarming
B and antimicrobial peptides [60,62] (Figure 1 and Box 2). are conspicuous among the virulence-related processes and
PhoQ is also important in virulence and a phoQ mutant appear to have a role in P. aeruginosa pathogenesis.
was deficient in swarming, twitching, biofilm formation, Converging evidence suggests that these two complex

Review Trends in Microbiology August 2011, Vol. 19, No. 8

adaptations are interrelated and the existence of genetic 10 Fernandez, L. et al. (2011) Creeping baselines and adaptive resistance
to antibiotics. Drug Resist. Updat. 14, 1–21
switches between them have been proposed [71,72] (Box 3).
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aeruginosa and other nonfermentative Gram-negative bacteria. Clin.
Concluding remarks Infect. Dis. 27 (Suppl. 1), S93–S99
In certain types of uncomplicated infections, P. aeruginosa 12 Li, X.Z. et al. (1995) Role of MexA–MexB–OprM in antibiotic efflux
can be eradicated in a quite efficient way. However, in in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 39,
chronic CF infections for example, Pseudomonas under- 1948–1953
13 Li, X.Z. et al. (2000) Interplay between the MexA–MexB–OprM
goes a switch to a biofilm and swarming lifestyle and multidrug efflux system and the outer membrane barrier in the
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