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*Preparation for the Posts of SST General, CT, PET, DM, PST*

General Science MCQS Class 3rd

1. Bones help to protect our vital organs?
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. All of these

2. The food we chew passes down into a sac like structure called?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Brain
D. Stomach

3. Brain control function?

A. Movement
B. Sleep & Hanger
C. Thirst & Emotion
D. All of these

4. Which body part pumps blood to all parts of the body?

A. Stomach
B. Brain
C. Heart
D. Lungs

5. Lungs are important because they ____?

A. Contract & Expand
B. Absorb oxygen
C. Release carbon dioxide
D. Both A & B

6. Which organ is control centre of the body?

A. Stomach
B. Heart
C. Skin
D. Brain

7. Plants absorb?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Both B & C

8. Plants prepare their food in the presence ____?

A. Water
B. Sunlight
C. Earth
D. Both A & B

9. Human being & animals move from one place to another, this is called?
A. Movement
B. Reproduction
C. Locomotion
D. Variation

10. Larva is transferred into?

A. Egg
B. Body
C. Pupa
D. Adult

11. Pupa is transformed into?

A. Larva
B. Adult
C. Egg
D. Body

12. Which one provides instant energy to our body to perform work?
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Fats
D. Vitamins

13. Which one of the following helps in growth and healing of wounds?
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Fats
D. Vitamins

14. Flash, Nails, Hairs are made up?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Vitamins
D. Proteins

15. Which type of vitamins founds in milk?

A. Vitamins A
B. Vitamins B
C. Vitamins C
D. Vitamins D

16. Which type of vitamins founds in carrots?

A. Vitamins A
B. Vitamins B
C. Vitamins C
D. Vitamins D

17. Which type of the followings is like building strong bones & teeth?
A. Minerals
B. Carbohydrates
C. Fats
D. Vitamins

18. Which one is found mostly in fruits & vegetables?

A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Fats
D. Vitamins

19. A diet which contains all the foods groups in proper amount is called?
A. Unbalanced diet
B. Balanced diet
C. Food Pyramid
D. Hygiene

20. A diet with missing any of food group is called?

A. Unbalanced diet
B. Balanced diet
C. Food Pyramid
D. Hygiene

21. Basic rules of Hygiene are?

A. Teeth brush
B. Hand wash
C. Cleanness
D. All of these

22. Animal which feeds on plants are called?

A. Herbivores
B. Carnivores
C. Omnivores
D. None of these

23. Dessert is an example of environment?

A. Land
B. Environment
C. Herbivores
D. Carnivores

24. Animals which eat both plants & flesh of other animal’s are called?
A. Herbivores
B. Carnivores
C. Omnivores
D. None of these

25. Cow is a ____?

A. Herbivores
B. Carnivores
C. Omnivores
D. None of these

26. In which environment, animals have thick skin?

A. Water environment
B. Land environment
C. Air environment
D. All of these

27. Anything which occupies space and has mass is called?

A. Energy
B. Matter
C. Solid
D. Liquid

28. Matter is found in ____?

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gas
D. All of these

29. Which of the following is fixed shape?

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gas
D. All of these
30. Our surrounding is called our ____?
A. Land
B. Environment
C. Herbivores
D. Carnivores

31. Which of the following don’t have any fixed shape?

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gases
D. Matter

32. Which of the following have no fixed shape as well as volume?

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gases
D. Matter

33. When solids are added to water & dissolved in water is called?
A. Soluble solids
B. Insoluble Solids
C. Mixture
D. None of these

34. Which type of method is used for separation of insoluble solids from the
A. Filtration
B. Decantation
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

35. The process of separating an insoluble solid from a liquid by passing it through
a filter paper is known as?
A. Filtration
B. Decantation
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

36. Filtration is used to separate insoluble solid from?

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gases
D. All of these

37. Heat is a form of ____?

A. Energy
B. Measurement
C. Liquid
D. Gases

38. The degree of hotness and coldness is known as?

A. Energy
B. Measurement
C. Temperature
D. Liquid

39. Thermometer is filled with ____?

A. Water
B. Gases
C. Mercury
D. None of these

40. The average temperature of a healthy person is?

A. 98.6°F or 37°C
B. 98°F or 37°C
C. 98.5°F or 37°C
D. 98.7°F or 37°C

41. In laboratories which thermometer is used?

A. Clinical thermometer
B. Centigrade thermometer
C. Safety thermometer
D. Thermometer

42. Thermometer is an instrument which is used for measuring ____?

A. Temperature
B. Heat
C. Speed
D. Sound
General Science 4th Class MCQs

43. The range of a clinical thermometer is from ____?

A. 35°C to 42°C
B. 30°C to 40°C
C. 125°C to 45°C
D. 35°C to 50°C

44. The laboratory thermometer has a range between?

A. 50°C to 150°C
B. -10°C to 110°C
C. -5°C to 110°C
D. 0°C to 100°C
45. Boiling point of water is ____?
A. 10°C
B. 100°C
C. 1000°C
D. 50°C

46. A ____ is a push or pull exerted by one object to another.

A. Force
B. Machine
C. Change
D. Distance

47. Anything that helps to make work easier is called ____?

A. Force
B. Distance
C. Machine
D. None of these

48. Screw driver and scissor are called?

A. Simple Machine
B. Cutters
C. Levers
D. Complex Machine

49. The sound that has a pleasant effect on our ears is called?
A. Pleasant Sound
B. Musical Sound
C. Both A & B
D. Noise

50. The sound that has unpleasant effect on our ears is called?
A. Pleasant Sound
B. Musical Sound
C. Both A & B
D. Noise

51. Sound cannot travel in?

A. Vacuum
B. Water
C. Air
D. Gases & Solid

52. Sound is always produced by?

A. Solids
B. Gases
C. Vibrating Body
D. Liquid

53. Sound can travel through?

A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gases
D. All of These

54. Noise pollution causes damage?

A. Ears
B. Brain
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

55. Noisy environment is due to?

A. Slow Wind
B. Unpleasant sound
C. Music
D. Pleasant Sound

56. The flow of electricity through metal wires is called?

A. Current
B. Conductor
C. Insulator
D. None of these

57. The materials through which electricity can pass are called?
A. Current
B. Conductors
C. Insulator
D. None of these

58. The material which electricity cannot pass is called?

A. Current
B. Conductors
C. Insulators
D. None of these

59. The path in which the current flows is called?

A. Current
B. Circuit
C. Insulator
D. Conductor

60. When the wire is connected and the bulb is lit, this is called?
A. Circuit
B. Closed Circuit
C. Open Circuit
D. Conductors

61. When wire is disconnected and the bulb is off, this is called?
A. Closed Circuit
B. Open Circuit
C. Circuit
D. Conductors

62. How many types of magnets?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

63. Natural magnets are also called?

A. Permanent Magnet
B. Artificial
C. Magnets
D. Temporary Magnet

64. The property of magnet to attract things is called?

A. Magnetism
B. Natural
C. Artificial
D. Magnets

65. The upper part of the earth above the equator is called?
A. Northern Hemisphere
B. Southern Hemisphere
C. Western Hemisphere
D. Eastern Hemisphere

66. The lower part of the earth under the equator is called?
A. Northern Hemisphere
B. Southern Hemisphere
C. Western Hemisphere
D. Eastern Hemisphere

67. The earth takes for one complete rotation?

A. 23H, 56M, 4S
B. 24H
C. 23H, 60M, 4S
D. 23H, 50M, 6S
68. The earth revolves around the sun, it takes?
A. 366 days, 6 hours
B. 365 days, 7 hours
C. 365 days, 6 hours
D. 365 days, 10 hours
69. The earth revolves around?
A. Moon
B. Sun
C. Stars
D. None of these

70. The pathway of current is called?

A. Circuit
B. Insulator
C. Conductors
D. None of these

71. Anything that occupies space and has mass is called?

A. Mass
B. Matter
C. Magnet
D. Mercury

72. Quantity of matter present in a body is called?

A. Matter
B. Mercury
C. Mass
D. Heat

73. Force per unit area is called?

A. Pressure
B. Matter
C. Mass
D. Heat

74. The distance covered by the body in unit time is called?

A. Sound
B. Speed
C. Matter
D. Mass
75. Space occupied by a substance is called?
A. Volume
B. Mass
C. Matter
D. Speed
76. A change in place or position is?
A. Matter
B. Mass
C. Volume
D. Movement

General Science Class 5th MCQS

77. Classification of animals & plants is called?

A. Classification
B. Taxonomy
C. Microorganism
D. None of these

78. Small organisms, which we can’t see without our naked eyes?
A. Bacteria
B. Algae
C. Fungi
D. Plants

79. Algae are in _____ color?

A. White
B. Black
C. Yellow
D. Green

80. There are no roots, stem, leaves flowers and fruits?

A. Algae
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Plants

81. Algae according to modern classification are kept in a separate kingdom

A. Taxonomy
B. Microorganism
C. Protista
D. None of these

82. Mushroom is a type?

A. Algae
B. Fungi
C. Protista
D. Bacteria
83. Which of the following is used for food?
A. Bacteria
B. Algae
C. Protista
D. Fungi

84. Those entire organisms which can’t prepare their own food and can move from
place to place are known as?
A. Animals
B. Human
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

85. Animal are divided into subgroup?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 2

86. The organisms which have backbone in their body?

A. Invertebrates
B. Vertebrates
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

87. Those organisms, which can live both in water and on land?
A. Reptiles
B. Birds
C. Amphibians
D. None of these

88. Reptiles are completely _____vertebrates?

A. Land
B. Air
C. Sea
D. None of these

89. Those vertebrates which give birth to young ones and the mother also feed the
babies with milk are called?
A. Animals
B. Mammals
C. Amphibians
D. Invertebrates

90. Those organisms which don’t have backbone in their bodies are called?
A. Vertebrates
B. Invertebrates
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

91. The largest subgroup of invertebrates is?

A. Insets
B. Worms
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

92. Plants which don’t bear flowers?

A. Flowering Plants
B. Non Flowering plants
C. Plants
D. None of these

93. Plants which produce flowers for their reproduction?

A. Flowering plants
B. Non flowering plants
C. Plants
D. None of these

94. The plants having one cotyledon in their seeds are called?
A. Cotyledons
B. Monocot
C. Both A & B
D. Dicots

95. Milk contains water?

A. 70%
B. 80%
C. 90%
D. None of these

96. Which is the outermost planet in the solar system?

A. Mercury
B. Pluto
C. Neptune
D. Uranus

97. Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in __________.

A. Scurvy
B. Rickets
C. Night blindness
D. Osteomalacia

98. The SI unit of charge is __________?

A. Ampere
B. Coulomb
C. Ohm
D. Volt

99. Very High Frequency (VHF) has __________ wavelengths?

A. Shorter
B. Shortest
C. Longer
D. Longest

100. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens?

A. Concave
B. Convex
C. Diverging
D. None of these

101. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________?

A. Night blindness
B. Rickets
C. Scurvy
D. Hair fall

102. For a fixed mass of gases at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the
pressures will _________?
A. Also decrease
B. Increase
C. Remains constant
D. None of these

103. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days?

A. 60
B. 120
C. 180
D. 240

104. The density of water is __________?

A. 1 g/cm3
B. 1.5 g/cm3
C. 2 g/cm3
D. none of these

105. Which of the following is non flowering plant?

A. Sunflowers
B. Moss
C. Jasmine
D. Rose

106. Identify reptile among the following?

A. Has hair the body
B. Feeds body on its milk
C. Gives birth to babies
D. Had hard rough Skin

107. Those organisms which cannot see with naked eyes are called?
A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Microorganism
D. Fungi

108. There are ____type of microorganisms?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

109. The smallest & the simplest of all living organisms are called?
A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Microorganisms

110. Virus may be?

A. Spherical
B. Shaped or Tadpole
C. Shaped
D. All of these

111. The most abundant living organism in the world is?

A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. None of these

112. The shape of bacteria is?

A. Round
B. Rod
C. Spiral
D. All of these

113. ____ convert milk into yogurt?

A. Bacteria
B. Fungi
C. Virus
D. All of these

114. Tuberculosis (TB) cause from?

A. Fungi
B. Bacteria
C. Virus
D. None of these

115. There are ____ types of seeds?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

116. Microorganisms can only be seen with in equipment called?

A. Microscope
B. Spectroscope
C. Telescope
D. Stethoscope

117. TB & typhoid is caused by?

A. Fungus
B. Bacteria
C. Virus
D. Moss

118. The pieces of seeds are called?

A. Cotyledons
B. Seed
C. Dicotyledonous
D. Monocotyledonous

119. The seeds which have only one Cotyledon are called?
A. Dicotyledonous
B. Monocotyledonous
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

120. The grain of maize is surrounded by their cover called?

A. Seed
B. Embryo
C. Testa
D. None of these
121. The seeds which are composed of two cotyledons are called?
A. Dicotyledonous
B. Monocotyledonous
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

122. Growth of plants from a seed is called?

A. Germination
B. Embryo
C. Cotyledon
D. Monocot

123. There are ____ main kinds of pollution?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

124. ____ Materials are those, which are degraded by nature?

A. Biodegradable
B. Non – Biodegradable
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

125. Those materials which cannot be degraded by nature are called _____?
A. Biodegradable
B. Non – Biodegradable
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

126. Matter exit in?

A. Matter
B. Solid
C. Gas
D. All of these

127. Which one has fixed shape and volume?

A. Liquid
B. Solid
C. Gas
D. Matter

128. Which one has definite volume, but it does not have fixed?
A. Liquid
B. Solid
C. Gas
D. Matter

129. Which one of the following has neither definite shape nor volume?
A. Liquid
B. Solid
C. Gas
D. Matter

130. The process of converting liquid into gaseous state without boiling is called?
A. Freezing
B. Boiling
C. Evaporation process
D. Melting process

131. The process of converting gas into liquid state is called?

A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Melting
D. Freezing

132. Change of state from liquid to solid is?

A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Melting
D. Freezing

133. The amount of gravitational force acting on an object?

A. Weight
B. Mass
C. Friction
D. Gravitation

134. The quantity of matter in an object?

A. Weight
B. Mass
C. Friction
D. Gravitation

135. When the moon comes in between the sun and earth is called?
A. Lunar eclipse
B. Solar Eclipse
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

136. When the earth comes in between the sun and moon is called?
A. Lunar eclipse
B. Solar eclipse
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

137. The moon is ______ object?

A. Luminous
B. Non – Luminous
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

138. The sun is________ object?

A. Luminous
B. Non – Luminous
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

139. When the moon seems to be growing it is called:

A. Crescent
B. Quarter
C. Waning
D. Waxing

140. When the moon seems getting smaller it is called?

A. Crescent
B. Quarter
C. Waning
D. Waxing
141. The unit of current is ____?
A. Ampere
B. Electric Current
C. Electrostatics
D. None of these

142. The path through which electric current passes is called ____?
A. Ampere
B. Electric Circuit
C. Electrostatics
D. Electric Current

143. The branch of science, that deals with the charges at rest?
A. Electrostatics
B. Ampere
C. Electric Circuit
D. None of these

144. The magnetism produced by electric current is called?

A. Electrostatics
B. Electro Magnetism
C. Electric Circuit
D. None of these

145. Magnetic field is stronger at?

A. Current of magnet
B. Only North Pole
C. Only South Pole
D. Poles of Magnet

146. The largest particles of the soil are ___________?

A. Sand
B. Clay
C. Silt
D. None of these
147. The smallest particles of the soil are______?
A. Sand
B. Clay
C. Silt
D. None of these

148. The biggest object of solar system?

A. Star
B. Moon
C. Sun
D. Jupiter

149. There are ______ planets of the solar system.

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

150. The sun is a _______ in our solar system?

A. Planet
B. Star
C. Satellite
D. None of these

151. The distance between earth and sun is?

A. 149MK
B. 150 MK
C. 151MK
D. 155 MK
152. The path on which the planets move is called?
A. Path
B. Orbit
C. Bit
D. None of these
153. The moon takes to complete on revolution around the earth?
A. 28 days
B. 29 days
C. 30 days
D. 31 days

154. All planets move around the _______?

A. Moon
B. Sun
C. Satellite
D. Earth

155. The light from the sun reaches the earth in______?
A. 6 minutes
B. 7 minutes
C. 8 minutes
D. 9 minutes

156. The group of star is called?

A. Planets
B. Constellation
C. Object
D. Satellite

157. The natural satellite of the earth is?

A. Jupiter
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Moon

158. The largest planet in the solar system is?

A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Venus
D. Neptune
159. Radio activity was discovered by_____?
A. Kelvin
B. Thomson
C. Rutherford
D. Becquerel
160. Moons of different planets are the following:

S. NO Planet Name Number of Moon

1 Mercury Zero
2 Venus Zero
3 Earth 1
4 Mars 2
5 Neptune 13
6 Uranus 27
7 Saturn 62
8 Jupiter 64

161. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called
A. Motor
B. Generator
C. Moving-coil meter
D. Battery

162. The Sun is a __________?

A. Star
B. Planet
C. Asteroid
D. Meteor

163. The gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is___________?

A. Nitrogen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
D. Ammonia

164. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

165. The most abundant element in the universe is __________.

A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Silicon

166. The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is __________?

A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Silicon

167. Each day human body breathes in __________ liters of air.

A. 5,000 to 10,000
B. 10,000 to 15,000
C. 15,000 to 20,000
D. 20,000 to 25,000

168. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________?

A. Night blindness
B. Rickets
C. Scurvy
D. Hair fall

169. The SI unit of “pressure” is _________.

A. Pascal
B. Joule
C. Tesla
D. Henry

170. Microscope may be?

A. Simple
B. Compound
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

171. A Cell is the unit organisms?

A. Structural
B. Functional
C. Unstructured
D. Both A & B

172. Centriole is present in?

A. Human cell
B. Animal cell
C. Bird cell
D. None of these

173. Cell membrane is the covering?

A. Inner
B. Outer
C. Inner & Outer
D. None of these

174. Euglena is an organism?

A. Unicellular
B. Bi cellular
C. Tri cellular
D. None of these

175. Plants prepare food in?

A. Roots
B. Stem
C. Leaves
D. None of these

176. Animal cell don’t have?

A. Cell wall
B. Nucleus
C. Cytoplasm
D. None of these

177. Cytoplasm is a?
A. Thick
B. Viscous
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

178. Nucleus controls?

A. Cell Activities
B. Production of energy
C. Movement
D. None of these

179. Mitochondria are involved?

A. Cell activities
B. Energy production
C. Movement
D. None of these

180. Chloroplast is present?

A. Plant cell
B. Animal cell
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

181. Muscles are a type of ____?

A. Cell
B. Tissue
C. Organ
D. System

182. Which system of your body is responsible for the transport of digested food?
A. Digestive System
B. Circulatory System
C. Respiratory System
D. Skeletal System

183. A Branch of stem is a part of ______ system?

A. Root
B. Branch
C. Shoot
D. Conduction
The plant body consists of two basic parts: the shoot system and the root system.
The shoot system includes organs such as leaves, buds, stems, flowers, and fruits and usually it develops
above ground.
The root system includes roots as well as modified stem structures such as tubers and rhizomes and
usually it develops underground.

184. Brain controls the body just like ____ controls activities of a cell?
A. Mitochondria
B. Cytoplasm
C. Nucleus
D. Ribosome

185. Which instruments can help to see amoeba clearly?

A. Hand Lens
B. Microscope
C. Macro scope
D. Ribosome

186. Euglena is a?
A. Small organism
B. Large organism
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

187. Chlamydomonas is?

A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Green
D. White

188. Retina is the ____ most layer of the eye ball.

A. Outer
B. Inner
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

189. Receptor cell are present in____?

A. Sense Organ
B. Inner Organ
C. Outer Organ
D. Both A & B

190. Vibration of the drum is due to?

A. Sense Waves
B. Sound Waves
C. Inner Waves
D. Outer Waves

191. In eye, sensory cell are located?

A. Choroid
B. Sclera
C. Iris
D. Retina

192. The optic nerves behind the retina take signals to the____?
A. Arm
B. Brain
C. Ear
D. Nose

193. Hearing is helped by?

A. Auditory nerves
B. Optic nerves
C. Sensory nerves
D. Motor nerves
194. Which organ is used for tasting?
A. Nose
B. Ear
C. Tongue
D. Eye

195. The Outer ear consists of?

A. Pinna
B. Ear Canal
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

196. The main source of energy is?

A. Sunlight
B. Respiration
C. Pollination
D. Photosynthesis

197. Plants make their own food through a process called____?

A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Fertilization
D. Pollinate

198. The small pore or openings in leaves that take in the carbon dioxide is called?
A. Stomata
B. Lamina
C. Phloem
D. Petiole

199. The suitable range of temperature for photosynthesis that animal need?
A. 5c – 15c
B. 15c – 45c
C. 25c – 35c
D. 10c – 25c

200. Identify the biotic component in the following.

A. Lion
B. Apple
C. Water Vapors
D. Beetle

201. The relationship between two organisms where both are benefited & neither is
harmed is called?
A. Predation
B. Parasitism
C. Mutualism
D. None of these

202. Mosquito feeding on human blood is an example of?

A. Predation
B. Parasitism
C. Mutualism
D. None of these

203. There are ____ types of natural environment.

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

204. The symbol used for sodium is?

A. S
B. Sd
C. Na
D. N
205. The constituent elements washing soda are?
A. Carbon & Oxygen
B. Sodium & Oxygen
C. Sodium & Oxygen
D. Sodium, Carbon & Oxygen

206. Which of these is not mixture?

A. Water
B. Air
C. Tea
D. Alloy

207. Which method is usually used to separate colored substance from each other?
A. Simple distillation
B. Evaporation
C. Chromatography
D. Crystallization

208. The particles left behind on the filter paper in the filtration process are called?
A. Filtrate
B. Residue
C. Distillate
D. None of these

209. What atoms are found in methane (CH4)?

A. Carbon & 4 Hydrogen
B. 1 Carbon & 1 Hydrogen
C. 1 Carbon & 4 Hydrogen
D. 4 Carbon & 1 Hydrogen

210. The correct order is?

A. Dissolving – Filtration – Evaporation
B. Evaporation – Filtration – Evaporation
C. Dissolve – Evaporation – Filtration
D. None of these

211. Which of these gases are present in maximum amount of air?

A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Chlorine
D. Hydrogen

212. Oxygen is not necessary for?

A. Combustion
B. Rutting
C. Photosynthesis
D. Respiration

213. Carbon dioxide is used for?

A. Soft drink
B. Fire extinguish
C. Photosynthesis
D. None of these

214. What is the volume of oxygen & carbon dioxide?

A. 21% carbon dioxide & 0.03% coolant
B. 0.03% carbon dioxide 78% oxygen
C. 0.03% oxygen & 78% carbon dioxide
D. None of these

215. Which is true for nitrogen?

A. Used & Dry Ice
B. Used as Coolant
C. Used in Respiration
D. Used in Combustion

216. Inert gases are not used in?

A. Electric bulbs
B. Sign Boards
C. Photosynthesis
D. Weather Balloons
217. Which gas in air is necessary for burning process?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Argon

218. Which of these are completely soluble in water?

A. Sand
B. Cooking Oil
C. Wax
D. Table Salt

219. The main source of energy is?

A. Water
B. Wind
C. Sun
D. Magnet

220. A moving car has ____ energy.

A. Kinetic
B. Potential
C. Tidal
D. Solar

221. Which one is not a form of energy?

A. Heat
B. Light
C. Sound
D. Lamp
222. In a battery, chemical energy changed into?
A. Heat
B. Sound
C. Light
D. Electrical

223. There are ____ types of sample machines?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8

224. Image formed by convex mirror is always?

A. Virtual
B. Erect and large
C. Real
D. Inverted
225. Concave mirror has the capability to ____ a parallel beam of light?
A. Converge
B. Diverge
C. Dispense
D. None of these

226. A microscope is an instrument used to produce a ____ image?

A. Large
B. Small
C. Shark
D. Far

227. Which one is not a rough surface?

A. Paper
B. Wall
C. Cloth
D. Mirror
228. Mirrors used in car head lights & search light are?
A. Convex
B. Plane
C. Concave
D. All of these

229. Sound waves cannot pass?

A. Air
B. Water
C. Vacuum
D. None of these

230. Human ears have ____ distinct parts?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 1
D. 5

231. Speed of sound ____ in air increase in temperature.

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain same
D. None of these

232. Speed of sound in Iron is?

A. 1530 m/s
B. 3150 m/s
C. 1503 m/s
D. 5130 m/s

233. The sound is a form of energy which travels through any medium as?
A. Longitudinal
B. Turnover
C. Refraction
D. Compression

234. Over ____ communication satellites have been launched since 1957?
A. 100
B. 200
C. 300
D. 600

235. ____ Satellite is uses for mapping land?

A. Sputnik
B. Explorer
C. Land sat
D. Polar

236. Halley, comet appears approximately every ____ years?

A. 76
B. 600
C. 700
D. 67
General Science Class 7th MCQS

237. The digested food is absorbed into blood in the ____?

A. Mouth
B. Stomach
C. Large intestine
D. Small Intestine

238. The secretion of liver is called?

A. Bile
B. Saliva
C. Gastric Juice
D. Pancreatic Juice

239. The mechanical breakdown of food occurs in the ___?

A. Mouth
B. Stomach
C. Large intestine
D. Small intestine

240. The structure which separate chest cavity form the abdominal cavity is called?
A. Cartilage
B. Ribs
C. Diaphragms
d. All of these

241. Diarrhea is caused by?

A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Parasite
D. All of these

242. The larynx is located?

A. Throat
B. Nick
C. Wind pipe
D. Chest Cavity

243. T.B effects directly?

A. Chest cavity
B. Lungs
C. Heart
D. Brain

244. The blood from the heart is transported to all parts of the body by the?
A. Arteries
B. Veins
C. Ville
D. Capillaries

245. Transport of water from roots in plants takes place through?

A. Phloem
B. Xylem
C. Epidermis
D. Stomata

246. The large artery is called?

A. Aorta
B. Vertical
C. Tritium
D. Pulmonary article

247. Synthesis of carbohydrates takes place in?

A. Roots
B. Stem
C. Fruit
D. Leaves
248. Which of the following is the female sex organ?
A. Stamen
B. Carpel
C. Petal
D. Sepal

249. Potato is asexually produced through?

A. Layering
B. Tubers
C. Cutting
D. Pollen tube

250. Self – pollination occurs between?

A. Same flowers
B. Different flowers
C. Flowers of different plants
D. Same or different flowers of the same plant

251. Seed develops from?

A. Ovule
B. Ovary
C. Another
D. None of these

252. Which of the following is not a reproductive structure?

A. Sepal
B. Carpel
C. Ovule
D. Pollen Grain

253. Pollen grain reaches?

A. Stigma
B. Leaves
C. Stems
D. Both A & C

254. The transfer of pollen grains from another to the stigma of flower on another
plant of the same species?
A. Self – Pollination
B. Cross – Pollination
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

255. The transfer of pollen grains from the stamen to the stamen of the stigma of
the same flower or to the different flower of the same plant is called?
A. Self – Pollination
B. Cross – Pollination
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

256. Formation of new individuals by the living organisms is called?

A. A sexual reproduction
B. Reproduction
C. Sexual Reproduction
D. None of these

257. A method in which male & female gametes fuse together or form zygote &
develop new organism is called?
A. Reproduction
B. A sexual reproduction
C. Sexual reproduction
D. None of these

258. A small outgrowth from the body of a plant is called?

A. Budding
B. Cutting
C. Layering
D. None of these

259. In which method the branches of a plant buried in soil to develop root and
makes new plant?
A. Budding
B. Cutting
C. Layering
D. None of these

260. Living place of an organism is called?

A. Habitat
B. Environment
C. Species
D. Ecosystem

261. Many food chains unite to make a?

A. Food cycle
B. Food web
C. Food pyramid
D. Mega food web

262. An animal that feed on plants?

A. Producer
B. Primary consumer
C. Secondary consumer
D. Decomposer

263. In winter most cold blooded animals disappear because they?

A. Die
B. Hibernate
C. Migrate
D. Eaten away

264. The meat eaters are also known as?

A. Herbivores
B. Carnivores
C. Omnivores
D. Producers

265. The component of ecosystem?

A. Biotic component
B. A biotic
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

266. The study of relationship of living organisms with their system is called?
A. Environment
B. Ecosystem
C. Ecology
D. All of these

267. The component which includes all living organism?

A. Biotic
B. A biotic
C. None of these
D. Both A & B

268. The component which includes all non – living organism?

A. Biotic
B. A biotic
C. None of these
D. Both A & B

269. Percentage of water on earth surface is about?

A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 80%

270. Pesticide & fertilizers are the source of?

A. Domestic waste
B. Agriculture waste
C. Industrial waste
D. Acid rain

271. Harmful bacteria are removed from water by passing?

A. Oxygen gas
B. Nitrogen gas
C. Chlorine gas
D. Carbon dioxide gas

272. Distillation is a technique of?

A. Separation
B. Preparation
C. Filtration
D. Disinfection

273. These have the same number of protons in each atom but the neutron numbers
can vary?
A. Isotopes
B. Molecules
C. Isobars
D. None of these

274. The particle that carries is negative electrical charge?

A. Proton
B. Neutron
C. Nucleus
D. Electron

275. An atom of carbon contains 6 proton & 6 neutrons, its mass number will be?
A. 12
B. 6
C. 18
D. 24

276. The centre or core of an atom is called?

A. Orbital
B. Nucleus
C. Proton
D. Neutron

277. An element has seven electrons in its valance shell. Its valence is
A. 7
B. 0
C. 1
D. 8
278. Atom is electrically?
A. Neutron
B. Negative
C. Positive
D. All of these

279. Atomic number is denoted by?

A. N
B. Z
C. A
D. C

280. Atom is composed of_______ particles?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

281. During a physical change, the chemical composition of the substance?

A. Change
B. Does not change
C. Permanently change
D. Temporarily change

282. Hydrocarbon are the compound of carbon and?

A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Chlorine

283. Polythene is a?
A. Monomer
B. Polymer
C. Element
D. Fertilizer

284. The products of burning hydrocarbon are?

A. Carbon dioxide & water
B. Carbon dioxide & oxygen
C. Oxygen & Water
D. Oxygen & Nitrogen

285. Vegetable oil is converted into solid fat by process called?

A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Polymerization
D. Hydrogenation

286. The heat in metal rod flows by the process called?

A. Radiation
B. Conduction
C. Convection
D. Magnetization

287. Coastal breeze is produced by?

A. Convection
B. Radiation
C. Conduction
D. Rain

288. The process of heat transfer from a hotter place to a colder place by actual
movement of the particles of the medium is known as?
A. Convection
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. Evaporation

289. Convection occurs only in?

A. Solids & Gases
B. Liquids & Solids
C. Liquids & Metals
D. Liquids & Gases

290. The primary colors of light?

A. Red, Green, Yellow
B. Red, Green, Blue
C. Red, Yellow, Blue
D. Green, Yellow, Blue

291. When light enters from air into gases it bends?

A. Towards normal
B. Away from normal
C. But does not change the path
D. None of these

292. Sound waves are?

A. Longitudinal
B. Transverse
C. Electromagnetic
D. X – Rays

293. A human ear hear sound only if its frequency lies between?
A. 20 – 200 HZ
B. 20 – 20,000 HZ
C. 2 – 20 HZ
D. 20 – 2000 HZ

294. Charges in motion produce?

A. Current
B. Voltage
C. Circuit
D. Energy

295. The basic unit of electricity is?

A. Joule
B. Watt
C. Kilowatt hour
D. Ampere

296. Two kilowatt hours are the energy?

A. 3600000
B. 720000
C. 800000
D. 1080000

297. The building block of the universe is?

A. Earth
B. Sun
C. Galaxy
D. None of these

298. Light rays travel at a speed of?

A. 332M/5
B. 3000000000 m/s
C. 3000000 m/s
D. 30000000 m/s

299. The light from sun reaches to the earth is about?

A. 4 Minute
B. 6 Minute
C. 8 Minute
D. 10 Minute

300. Which of the following is natural satellite?

A. Moon
B. Sun
C. Earth
D. Planet
301. A human brain is divided into parts?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
302. Filtering of blood takes place?
A. Kidney
B. Heart
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

303. Sensory neurons carry messages towards?

A. Muscles
B. Muscles & Glands
C. Sense Organ
D. Brain & Spinal Card

304. The parts of neuron which receive messages are?

A. Cell bodies
B. Dendrites
C. Axons
D. Nuclei

305. Accumulation of salts in kidney results in?

A. Diabetes
B. Hypertension
C. Kidney Stone
D. Cancer

306. Medium sized stones are removed by?

A. Dialysis
B. Lithotripsy
C. Excretion
D. Laser

307. Renal failure can be caused by?

A. Infections
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes
D. All of these

308. An immediate & involuntary response to stimulus is called?

A. Reflex action
B. Neuron
C. Excretion
D. None of these
309. Elimination of waste materials from body is called?
A. Reflex action
B. Neuron
C. Excretion
D. None of these

310. Living organisms have a set of characteristics that are transformed from?
A. Environment
B. School
C. Parents
D. All of these

311. Conversion of a cell into two daughter cells is called?

A. Growth
B. Cell division
C. Cell death
D. None of these

312. Chromosomes are made of?

B. Proteins
C. DNA & Proteins
D. Fats

313. Transfer of traits from parents to offspring is called?

A. Heredity
B. Reproduction
C. Division
D. Transformation

314. The additional circular pieces of DNA present in bacterial cell are called?
B. Chromatic
C. Plasmid
D. Nucleotides

315. The branch of science in which living organism are used for the welfare of
human is called?
A. Bio chemistry
B. Bio technology
C. Microbiology
D. Genetics

316. The organisms whose genes are modified are called?

A. GM organism
B. Transgenic
C. Fermentation
D. Bio gradation

317. A gene is inserted into bacteria by?

A. Digestion
B. Genetic engineering
C. Fermentation
D. Bio gradation

318. Dry air contain almost of Nitrogen?

A. 70.09%
B. 75.09%
C. 78.09%
D. 80.09%

319. Which of the following is not a green house gas?

A. Methane
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Sulphur dioxide
D. Nitrogen

320. The main reason for increase in the amount of Carbon Dioxide in air is?
A. Plantation
B. Deforestation
C. Recycling
D. Using CFCs

321. The phenomenon which doesn’t lead to global warming?

A. Green house effect
B. Ozone depletion
D. Photosynthesis

322. Ultraviolet radiations from sun that reach to earth are caused?
A. Skin cancer
B. Typhoid fever
C. Respiratory disorder
D. Bronchitis

323. The source of all the following pollutants in vehicle exhaust except?
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrogen Oxides
D. None of these

324. The reaction in which there is only one reactant, which must be compound?
A. Decomposition
B. Displacement
C. Synthesis
D. Double Displacement

325. Substance from the left hand side of a chemical equation is called?
A. Electron
B. Group
C. Product
D. Reactants

326. Number of atoms of reactants is equal to number of products in a balanced

chemical equation?
A. Sometime
B. Often
C. Always
D. Never

327. The reaction between sodium & chlorine to form sodium chloride is?
A. Displacement
B. Decomposition
C. Addition reaction
D. Double decomposition

328. The heat involved absorbed during a chemical reaction is called?

A. Heat of reaction
B. Exothermic
C. Heat energy
D. Endothermic

329. Which one of the following acids is used in car batteries?

C. H2SO4
D. None of these

330. The alkali used as an antacid is?

A. Kott
C. H2SO4

331. Rose petals turn blue in?

A. Acidic Solution
B. Salty Solution
C. Neutral Solution
D. Alkaline Solution

332. Boat shaped body of fish helps them in:

A. Movement
B. Respiration
C. Nutrition
D. Reproduction

333. Milligram is equal to?

A. 0.25g
B. 0.025g
C. 0.0025g
D. 0.00025g

334. Which of the following is a derived quantity?

A. m2
B. m
C. S
D. Kg

335. 1 kg of water occupies volume of?

A. 10dm3
B. 1m3
C. 1dm3
D. 100cm3

336. 1 kg is equal to?

A. 100g
B. 1000g
C. 1/100g
D. None of these

337. Which material will expand on heating?

A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gases
D. All of these

338. At which temperature, volume of water is maximum?

A. 0oC
B. 4oC
C. 110oC
D. -100oC

339. Heat is transformed through?

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. All of these

340. The image formed by a concave lens is always?

A. Virtual
B. Real
C. Inverted
D. Larger

341. Telescope was first time invented?

A. England
B. America
C. Russia
D. Netherland

342. A human baby is similar to a human, this property is called?

A. Locomotion
B. Growth
C. Reproduction
D. Heredity

343. The first space shuttle was launched by NASA in?

A. 1981
B. 1982
C. 1983
D. 1984

344. The telescope is used to see?

A. Small objects
B. Large objects
C. Near objects
D. Distance objects

345. A seed is transformed into a plant by the process of?

A. Reproduction
B. Growth
C. Movement
D. Nutrition

346. Which food group provides instant energy to the body?

A. Fats
B. Proteins
C. Carbohydrates
D. Vitamins
347. A space station is distinguished from other spacecraft by?
A. color
B. Fuel
C. Lake of major landing system
D. Size

Objective type Question

348. Placing things into groups & subgroups on the basis of similarities are called

349. Bacteria are placed in Monera kingdom.

350. Algae are placed in kingdom Protista.

351. Plants can prepare their own food.

352. Aquatic plants are water dwelling.

353. Animal can’t prepare their own food.

354. Animals are divided into two groups which are vertebrates & invertebrates.

355. Vertebrates are further divided into five classes.

356. Fishes respires through Gills.

357. Vertebrates that live in both water & land are called Amphibians.

358. Some birds cannot fly but can run they are called running birds like ostrich.

359. The largest bird in the world is Ostrich.

360. Earth warm are called twin fertilizer, organic fertilizer & bio fertilizer.

361. Microscope was discovered by a Dutch scientist name Lewn Hook in 1607.

362. Virus is Latin word derived from Venoms which means Poisons.

363. Virus was discovered by W – Stanly in 1935.

364. Disease causes by virus are Aids, Polio, Influenza, Chicken Fox etc.

365. The most decomposes micro organism is Bacteria.

366. Bacteria not posses Nucleus.

367. To control bacterial diseases special medicines are used called Antibiotics.

368. Rust & Smut are diseases of maize & wheat cause Fungus.

369. Yeast is a microscope Decomposer.

370. Due to yeast the flour Decompose.

371. Penicillin was the first antibiotic extracted from fungus called Penicillun.

372. Cotyledons are very important because they store food.

373. Dead plants & dead animals are Bio – degradable.

374. Electricity, wire, batteries, cane, plastic are Non – Biodegradable.

375. Any harmful change in environment is called Pollution.

376. The things which cause pollution are called Pollutant.

377. Friction depends upon roughness.

378. Roughness causes Fraction.

379. Forces that change state of rest of motion are Unbalance force.

380. Force that does not change state of rest or motion is Balance.

381. Inertia of body is directly proportional to Mass.

382. Lever wedge & inclined plane is Simple Machine.

383. There are six types of simple machine.

384. Pulley is of two types movable & fixed Pulley.

385. A flag pole is an example of Movable Pulley.

386. The law of reflection ware first described by Ibn – Ul – Haitham.

387. When the object is at “C” than image of same size will form.

388. When object is at “F” then image will be at infinity.

389. The surface which gives regular reflection is called Smooth Surface.

390. The surface which gives irregular reflection is called Rough surface.

391. Periscope contains two plan mirror placed at 45o angle.

392. The mirror used in telescope is Concave mirror.

393. Image formed by a convex mirror is called virtual.

394. The speed of sound in air is 330m/s.

395. The speed of sound in liquid is 125m/s.

396. The speed of sound in solid is 5130m/s.

397. Asteroid, meteors & commends are natural satellite.

398. The first artificial satellite was launched by USSR in 4th October 1957 whose
name Sputnik – 1.

399. Asteroid move in Elliptical orbits.

400. The first animal was DOG which launch in Sputnik – 2.

401. GPS contain 24 satellites.

402. GEO stationery orbit is exactly above the equator.

403. USA launched his first artificial Satellite Explore – 1 in 1958.

404. Animal & Plant body consists of 70% of water.

405. The most important requirement of life is water.

406. Plants absorb carbon dioxide during day time prepare their food.

407. Young plants are called Seedlings.

408. A Kitten looks like cat & a puppy looks like a dog.

409. Frog eggs develop into Tadpoles.

410. Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Proteins, Minerals & Fats are major groups of

411. Fats are present in Yolk of egg.

412. Flesh of our body is made up of Proteins.

413. Potato is a rich source of Carbohydrates.

414. Thar is an example of Desert environment.

415. Birds have hollow bones which are helpful in flying.

416. Below is the LIFE CYCLE OF FROG.

417. Electric bulb, Candle, Torch, Neon bulb are example of Luminous.

418. Those objects which do not emit their own light are called Non – Luminous.
419. Moon is the example of Non – Luminous.

420. The objects which do not pass light are called Opaque.

421. Object those passes light partially are called Translucent.

422. Light travel in straight path.

423. Pinhole camera work on the principle that light can travel in straight path.

424. Full moon is observed on the 14th of that month.

425. Phases of moon are of two types.

426. Light of sun is reflected by the moon.

427. A device which stops the flow of current when it is exceeded from softy level
is Fuse.

428. Material uses for fuse has low Melting Point.

429. Static electricity refers to store of change surface.

430. Light is a natural example of Static Electricity.

431. Magnetic effect is strong at poles and week at center.

432. To find nature of charge electroscope is used.

433. The magnetic produce by electric current is Magnetism.

434. Compass is also used to find the direction of Qibla.

435. The particle between sand & clay are called Silt.

436. Soil has five main components.

437. The planet Pluto is called Dwarf Planet remove in 2006.

438. Temperature on the surface of sun is 6000oC.

439. Telescope is used to see planets.

440. Earth & other planets are natural satellites of Sun.

441. We can see different stimuli due to Sense organ.

442. In eye sensory cells are located in Retina.

443. Image on the retina is upside down.

444. A process in which glucose is broken down to produce CO 2 & energy are
called Respiration.

445. A small pore which is uses for exchanges of gases is called Stomata.

446. Xylem & phloem are called conduction cell.

447. The temperature required for photosynthesis process is 50 & 68 degree

Fahrenheit or 10 & 20 degree Celaius.

448. Without chlorophyll photosynthesis cannot take place.

449. World environment day is celebrated on 5th June.

450. The relationship between parasite and host is called parasitism.

451. Primary producer herbivores, carnivores & decomposer are called Biotic.


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