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Materials Science and Engineering A191 (1995) l-16

Theory, simulation, and modeling of interfaces in materials-

bridging the length-scale gap: a workshop report

Wayne E. King”, Geoffrey Campbell”, Tony Gonis”, Greg Henshall”, Don Lesuera, Ed Zywicz”,
Stephen Foilesb
aLawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA, USA
bSandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA

Received 19 June 1994


The workshop on interfaces in materials-bridging the length-scale gap was held on September 12-15, 1993, at the University of
California at San Diego Institute for Mechanics and Materials, La Jolla, CA. This workshop addressed length-scale issues associated
with developing a predictive capability for materials whose properties are interface controlled. The goal of this workshop was to
identify touch points bridging the various length scales important in materials modeling of systems whose properties are controlled by
interfaces. The format of this workshop broke with convention by initiating discussion at the macro scale. Each speaker identified key
physical parameters central to their model. Subsequent speakers, in order of decreasing length scale, identified where their model fitted
within the context of the larger length scales and which parameters required at the larger length scales can be predicted. The topics that
were covered include (1) modeling at the macro scale-phenomenological and finite element, (2) modeling at the micro scale-
crystalline effects, (3) modeling and simulation at the atomic scale-interatomic potentials for complex systems, (4) electronic structure
calculations-application to interfaces, and (5) critical experiments which serve to validate theoretical models.

Keywords: Interfaces; Modeling

1. Introduction required (1) to optimize performance for the desired

application and (2) to provide a more efficient method
Improvements in material properties necessary to to select and commercialize new materials. This pre-
meet future energy, environmental, and competitive dictive capability is to be differentiated from descrip-
demands will require significant scientific and techno- tive capabilities that might evolve using methods such
logical advancement. These “next-generation” as artificial intelligence. However, the importance of
materials will often derive their enhanced properties descriptive models must not be diminished.
and performance characteristics by combining conven- Unfortunately in this new class of materials, rela-
tional materials in a hybrid structure. In such struc- tively large, usually unacceptable, variability of macro-
tures, the derived property of interest, e.g. fracture scale properties compared with conventional materials
toughness or fatigue resistance, can deviate greatly from occurs either intrinsically or can be introduced during
that predicted by a simple rule of mixtures as a con- synthesis or processing. Such variability gives rise to
sequence of interfaces engineered into the structure. inconsistent and inconclusive performance tests that
It will be necessary both to predict and to control the often limit applicability. This occurs because the
properties, whether beneficial or detrimental, of next- macroscopic performance is derived from phenomena
generation materials. Currently, these new materials that are operative at a different, smaller length scale that
can require years of experimental validation before is often beyond the resolution of the macro-scale
insertion into critical applications. In addition, reliabil- property that is measured to probe the relevant per-
ity issues can effectively block commercialization of formance. Macro properties are a homogenization of
advanced materials. A predictive capability is therefore phenomena occurring at smaller length scales. It

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2 W.E. Kinget al. / Materials Science and Engineering A191 (1995) l-16

follows that, since macro-scale performance can only space and 15 or more in time. In the following discus-
resolve the collective performance of the constituents, sion, the status of tools at each scale is evaluated and it
it is necessary to examine the operative length scale for is concluded that sufficient tools are in place with
insight for development of a knowledge-based method which to build the first bridges.
to reduce variability or to alter properties. Currently, The outstanding issues are to identify the “material”
however, there exists no effective formalism to “bridge” upon which to base the bridges and the touch points (or
the gaps that separate the macro performance of near-touch points) which are most likely to give rise to
materials from the controlling phenomena. In an effort successful bridges. Analysis of the presentations of the
to identify the key issues, a workshop entitled “Theory, invited speakers has led to the proposal that the
Simulation, and Modeling of Interfaces in Materials- “materials” upon which to base the bridges are energy,
Bridging the Length-Scale Gap” was conducted during space, and time. This deduction, while at first appear-
September 12-l $1993. The workshop was organized ing trivial, will likely require major reformulation or
by the Institute for Mechanics and Materials at the recasting of the modeled or simulated quantities at
University of California at San Diego and the some length scales to facilitate bridging of the gaps. For
Chemistry and Materials Science Department of example, it may be necessary to express dislocation
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. arrays in units of energy and space when passing the
It is appropriate at this point to define the range of output of the micro scale to the meso or continuum. It
length scales thought to be important in controlling the will also be necessary to define carefully fundamental
properties of materials with interfaces engineered into quantities such as interface strength, adhesion, and
their structure. These include the macro, continuum, toughness to fit the new paradigm.
meso, micro, atomic, and electronic length scales. The An ongoing challenge will be to develop model
concept of length scales exists because of the classes of systems and model experiments that will allow valida-
physical theories and models that have been developed tion of the bridging theories and models. These experi-
to describe material behavior. Boundaries (either ments will probably lie on the extremes of the space
spatial or temporal) between the length scales are and time domains, e.g. use single, semi-infinite inter-
delineated by the breakdown in the assumptions impli- faces or an infinite number of very short interfaces, or
cit to a particular scale. Thus we can define each scale employ quasi-static experiments together with short
by the phenomena that are treated discretely and the time scale dynamic experiments [2].
phenomena that are treated collectively. The two In the following discussion, we summarize what was
exceptions are the end points of the length scales. reported as the state of the art. We then provide an
Everything at the electronic scale is treated discretely analysis of the critical issues and close with some
whereas everything at the macro scale is treated observations for future work. No attempt is made to be
collectively. The atoms are treated discretely at the exhaustive in this report. The depth of the coverage of
atomic scale and the electrons are treated collectively. any particular area reflects the depth of coverage at the
At the micro scale, defects are treated discretely and workshop.
atoms are treated collectively. At the meso scale,
microstructure (such as grains) is treated discretely and
defects are treated collectively. At the continuum level, 2. State of the field: report from presentations
components (here referring to parts of an assembly) are
treated discretely, and microstructures are treated 2.1. Macro scale: industrialapplication
collectively. Finally, the macro scale represents a
collection of continuum treatments, i.e. the application. Macro-scale modeling and simulations attempt to
Before bridges can be effectively built between or describe the macroscopically observable behavior of
among these length scales it is essential to answer four materials. These methods provide details about the
questions [l]: (1) is it possible to build the bridges, (2) properties of material not accessible from smaller
do the tools exist to build the bridges, (3) on what length-scale descriptions. For example, dynamic codes
common “material” (measurable and calculable have been used to predict metal forming as well as the
quantity) will the bridges be based, and (4) where will crash behavior of automobiles. The goals of the models
the bridges be built? The remarkable progress that has are to provide an efficient method to simulate proces-
been made in related fields, such as calculation of alloy sing, resulting properties or in-service performance.
phase diagrams and simulation of microstructural and The need for models that bridge length-scale gaps
microchemical evolution, suggests that length-scale was illustrated on two different classes of structural
bridges can be constructed. In this case, the complica- materials in which interfaces play a critical role: metal
tion is the broad range of length scales that must be matrix composites (MMCs) and cast or welded
spanned, i.e. in excess of 10 orders of magnitude in materials. In both of these commercially important
W. E. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering Al 91 (1995) l-l 6 3

systems, modeling is the key to (a) minimizing the time properties. Methods are also needed to measure inter-
required to develop a new process, (b) assisting in the facial strength and the strength of small fibers. Specifi-
scaling-up of commercial manufacturing processes for cally, studies should be carried out to assess
high volume production and (c) processing for con- reinforcement strength as a function of local composi-
sistent quality and reliability. The important issues tion, processing, and service history.
facing the automobile industry and desired end points For cast or welded materials, the challenge to
(input and output) for modeling work were well illus- industry is to predict defects and the resulting micro-
trated for particulate and whisker reinforced MMCs structures. Current capabilities in this area were
[3]. Here the need for modeling capability that spans addressed for modeling of both casting and welding [4].
several length scales was evident. In the MMCs dis- The typical structural materials that are modeled
cussed, the materials development and manufacturing include alloys that have complex composition (such as
challenges are considerable. Interfaces play a critical superalloys). In addition, the resulting microstructures
role: a weak interface guarantees a weak component. that are produced during casting are quite complex. In
Thin or non-existent interphases are desired (less than addition, the resulting microstructures that are pro-
2 run thick) and must be produced over relatively short duced during casting are quite complex. Typically,
time scales (approximately 15 s). Thick interphases are multiphase microstructures, including dendritic and
guaranteed failure sites. In addition, interface reaction eutectic structures, are observed. Welding is a
zones must be small and remain small throughout the thermal-mechanical process with complex boundary
life of the component. The ability to predict the conditions and material response. Current simulations
influence of different impurity elements, flaws, and typically span several length scales in that they use heat
processing histories on the characteristic of the inter- and fluid flow and mechanical behavior at the con-
face is critical to obtaining the full potential of these tinuum level to predict the resulting influence on
materials and controlling costs, e.g. specifically what microstructure. Defects such as cracking, distortion
impurities must be controlled and which flaws are criti- and poor weld penetration are also predicted. The
cal? complexities that are routinely observed and incorpor-
One of the goals of future work should be to pro- ated in models in these processes include an intense
duce tailored interfaces. For this capability multiple local heat source, heat losses, phase changes, distor-
length-scale modeling will be needed to predict the tion, microstructural evolution, and residual stresses.
influence of different alloying elements on inter-facial For super-alloys, the melting range can be quite large,
chemical reactions and bond strength. There are a spanning several hundred degrees Celsius. Currently
number of fundamental issues associated with inter- microstructure, as characterized by grain size and grain
faces in these materials. These issues, which exist at dif- growth rates, can be predicted on the basis of quanti-
ferent length scales, influence a macro-level ties that are derived from the simulations (thermal
characteristic, namely strength. These issues are as gradients and cooling rates). This prediction requires
follows. experimental data and an empirically derived under-
(a) The influence of different alloying elements on standing of the correlation between the thermal
inter-facial reactions needs to be predicted. For gradients and cooling rates, and the resulting grain size.
this problem equilibrium thermodynamics is not As such, current models tend to be more descriptive
applicable; non-equilibrium reaction products than predictive.
can be produced and reaction times can be very
short owing to high surface activity. Simulations 2.2. Continuum scale
of interface reactions must include both thermo-
dynamics and kinetics. Continuum-scale modeling and simulations describe
(b) Reinforcement surfaces are not well charac- the behavior of materials by viewing components as
terized. These surfaces do not possess the bulk “continuous” or “homogenous” entities. The com-
chemistry or structure in most cases. ponents can be structural members (e.g. beams, sand-
(c) The influence of local structure at the interface wich panels, or plates), elements of a structural
(including lattice registry, dislocation type, and member (e.g. the individual lamina used to make a
defects) on interface strength needs to be pre- laminated plate), or even the constituents of a hetero-
dicted. geneous materials (e.g. reinforcement particles in an
(d) The influence of impurity and alloying atoms on MMC or the subregions of a complex heterogenous
interface strength should be predicted. silicon carbide ceramic fiber). These models attempt to
Supporting experimental capabilities are also resolve the aggregate response by integrating the
needed. Reliable techniques are needed to simulate the geometrical configuration with the detailed continuum-
effects of local composition and processing history on level constitutive behavior of each component. They
4 W.E. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering Al 91 (1995) l-l 6

can predict the effective response to imposed loads and spacing between fibers) provided that energetics of the
even the energy release rate of (inter-facial) cracks. fiber-matrix interface preclude debonding during
Continuum level treatment of interfaces is greatly trapping. (The quantity toughness can be related to the
simplified when the detailed mechanisms of interface energy dissipated per unit area of crack advancement).
failure (controlling phenomena) are unimportant in Well-controlled experiments by Argon [8] show good
describing the overall material response. For example, agreement with the toughness enhancement model
in fracture of certain Sic fiber reinforced (brittle) developed by Bower and Ortiz [9].
ceramic matrix systems, load is transferred between the In a related situation, strong interfaces perpendicu-
fiber and the matrix during fiber pullout predominantly lar to a crack have been found to influence the fatigue
by frictional means [5]. Naturally occurring curvature crack growth behavior in bimaterial metal systems [ 101.
of the fibers enhances the frictional work, i.e. dissipated Fatigue crack growth experiments in which a crack is
energy during matrix failure, since additional stresses driven through a lower yield strength material (ferrite)
must be generated to slide the fiber through the matrix. towards a higher yield strength material (austenite)
Quantitative models that treat the frictional effects by show that, independent of the load amplitude, the
“shear-lag” type mechanisms predict measured con- crack advancement is arrested as the crack approaches
tinuum stress-strain responses reasonably well. the interface. When the configuration is reversed such
Probabilistic theories of fiber failure can be combined that the crack originates in the austenite, the crack
with the shear-lag assumptions by way of a Cur-tin growth per cycle remains constant as the crack
model [6]. This model accounts for the load carried by approaches the interface, increases slightly as it goes
the broken fiber pieces and requires that the nominal through the interface, and returns to its previous level
shear stress associated with the shear-lag behavior (i.e. as the crack extends beyond the interface. Companion
that generated from frictional effects) and certain finite element (FE) calculations of a statically loaded
Weibull distribution parameters [7] be specified. Limit- crack at a fixed location near the interface show that
ing the number of fractures along the fiber length to a peak opening stresses directly ahead of the crack are
maximum of two yields reasonable strength values. smaller when the crack is located in the ferrite than
Inclusion of additional terms helps to replicate the when it is in the austenite. The smaller stress is accom-
observed stress-strain response. The model also works panied by a correspondingly smaller crack opening dis-
well in predicting fatigue life as a function of imposed placement. These observations may help to provide
macro stress for imposed stress amplitudes greater insight into the experimentally observed behavior of
than the ultimate strength of the matrix. Similar fatigue cracks near interfaces.
approaches can be applied to fatigue crack growth in For two other bimetallic systems studied, the inter-
MMCs where the interfaces are weak and fiber face and the neighboring region represent paths for easy
slippage must occur for a crack to grow [5]. These fracture [ 111. For example, in both the Cu-Fe and the
models use shear-lag and crack-bridging principles austenite-ferrite bimaterial systems with cracks
together with Paris law data to describe the matrix and running parallel to the interface, the measured fracture
fiber failure. As before, only the shear stress generated toughness decreases as the distance between the crack
by friction is needed to characterize the effects of inter- and the bimaterial interface decreased with a threshold
faces. Creep models represent a generalization in that distance at which the crack jumps to the interface. The
both temporal variations in mechanical and thermal minimum observed fracture toughness occurred when
loads can be addressed. the crack propagated at the interface.
While weak interfaces may render certain material Continuum modeling and understanding of inter-
systems independent of inter-facial behavior (other than facial phenomena have also advanced in systems where
friction), exceedingly strong interfaces can have the the detailed mechanisms of inter-facial failure play a
same consequence. Consider the toughening of fiber significant role in influencing the overall material
reinforced epoxies [S]. Here cracks advance through response. Examination of the fracture behavior of
the bulk material in the usual manner until the crack “ideal” glass-epoxy composites has led to many inter-
front impinges against two adjacent reinforcement esting observations [ 121. The critical energy release
fibers. Elevated loads force the crack front to bow out rate for this system varies significantly with “mode
around the ends pinned by the fibers. When the bowed mixity”, i.e. essentially the ratio of tension and shear
sections finally encompass the fiber, the crack fronts tractions imposed on the crack. In general, pre-
join and advance past the fibers. This process is analo- dominantly shear loaded cracks are many times
gous to the way dislocations advance around impene- tougher than those loaded only in tension. Experiments
trable particles. Models that predict the enhancement using specimens with various widths yield similarly
in toughness gained by way of crack trapping depend shaped critical energy release rate vs. mode mixity
solely on geometric quantities (fiber diameter and curves, but with appreciably different magnitudes.
W.E. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 191 (19%) I-I h 5

Comparisons with FE simulations show that the ties [8,13]. Both local variability and size dependent
measured crack face opening displacement is smaller properties introduce an inherent length scale that is
than what is calculated. One hypothesis that has been significant and must be accounted for properly.
investigated is that attractive electrostatic forces may The key question involved with bridging the gap
be present near the crack tip, effectively holding the between the mesoscopic and the continuum is how to
crack closed [ 121. average multiple elements, each containing interfaces,
to predict continuum properties together with their
variance or “reliability”. The goal of mesoscopic
2.3. Mesoscopic scale modeling is to take information regarding micro-
structural variability, which may be gained from experi-
Meso-scale modeling and simulations describe the mental observations or potentially from modeling at a
aggregate behavior of materials while treating aspects length scale smaller than the mesoscopic, and to pro-
of the mircrostructure discretely. They are extremely vide predictions of (1) continuum properties such as
effective tools at addressing the variability and size elastic modulus, fracture strength, and fracture tough-
dependence of materials systems. Generally, simplify- ness, (2) material reliability, i.e. the variance in these
ing assumptions regarding the microstructural continuum properties, and (3) geometrical information
responses are made. For example, the interfaces of at the mesoscopic level, such as fracture path or the
individual ceramic grains can be idealized as discrete amount of damage away from the “critical” flaw that
springs, with finite strengths, connecting adjacent resulted in failure [8,13]. This technique allows for a
particles. By performing a series of simulations in bridge from the length scales below the mesoscopic, in
which loads are imposed on the exterior of a represen- addition to a bridge up to the higher continuum length
tative volume, these models can predict the variability scale. For example, output from atomistic simulations,
of specific quantities, such as fracture toughness, e.g. the stiffness and strength of a grain boundary as a
ultimate strength, and modulus, as a function of function of local boundary chemistry and structure,
geometry and microstructural variations such as grain could potentially be used to provide a physically based
size, aggregate orientation and shape, porosity, second prediction of the variability in the interface behavior at
phase inclusions, and interfacial strength and stiffness. the mesoscopic level [ 131. The mesoscopic “homogeni-
In addition to yielding these discrete material quanti- zation” is then used to produce continuum results. Pro-
ties, these simulations provide additional insight into vided that a load sharing or interaction relationship is
the material response by showing phenomena such as definable, then ‘reliability laws” can be calculated [ 131.
redundant fracture paths and local instabilities. The first step in modeling at this scale is to provide a
Interfacial behavior at the mesoscopic level can con- description of the spatial arrangement of the particles
trol the continuum behavior of many materials, includ- and their interfaces within a computational unit cell,
ing those with weak grain boundaries [13], reaction When modeling stochastic processes, it is important
bonded and other porous ceramics [8], and fiber rein- that many particles and interfaces are included in the
forced MMCs with a graded interphase between the unit cell analysis since the number of these interfaces
matrix and the reinforcements [ 141. This is the largest will affect the results, just as experimental results
length scale where property variability is observed in depend on sample size [8,13]. The spatial arrangement
models. When examining the continuum-level proper- of particles and interfaces can be obtained directly by
ties of these interfacially controlled materials, two “digitizing” experimentally observed structures [ 131,
cases are observed [ 131. As the length scale used to using output from a model that predicts the arrange-
evaluate or determine the properties increases, i.e. the ment of interfaces [8], or simply using some idealiza-
size of the sampling element or specimen size tion of the arrangement, e.g. by specifying a unit cell
increases, (1) the property saturates toward a single that contains a single representative reinforcement and
value, or (2) the property continues to change. The its surrounding matrix [14]. The next step is to repre-
continuum elastic modulus is an example of the former, sent the behavior of the interfacial region. In some
while the macroscopic fracture stress in brittle solids, cases this can be accomplished with simple spring
which has been observed to vary with the logarithm of models to represent the force-displacement rela-
the volume of material tested, is an example of the later. tionship of the interface [8,13]. More complex statisti-
The problem is further complicated when variabilities cal sampling techniques, which find particular use
exist in the mesoscopic description. For example, in a when the interface region has a spatially varying chemi-
reaction bonded porous ceramic, the bond strength cal composition normal to the interface, can be used to
between any adjacent grains varies depending on which estimate and effectively homogenize the elastic stiff-
grains are sampled [S]. This variation is manifested by ness tensor as a function of position from the interface
variance in the continuum-level response and proper- [14]. Next, boundary conditions are imposed on the
6 W.E. Kinget al. / Materials Science and EngineeringAl (1995) I-16

exterior of the unit cell and equilibrium is sought, scale models have been developed to describe the way
usually by minimizing the energy of the system. in which an individual dislocation interacts with a parti-
When the contents of the unit cell can be completely cular grain boundary (or bimaterial interface). This
described with continuum relationships, classical knowledge, together with models describing disloca-
methods can be used to solve the problem directly. In tion-dislocation interactions, then can be used to
the specific case of an elastic unidirectional fiber com- develop models describing the increased dislocation
posite whose interphase composition is a random func- density near grain boundaries and how the resultant
tion of position, the results are bounds of the effective internal stresses can cause dislocation activity in an
continuum (tensorial) moduli of the composite as a adjacent grain. Finally, these models can provide
function of the length scale used to sample the inter- theoretical support for, or lead directly to, models of
phase [14]. grain boundary strengthening that can be used at a con-
Models of stochastic processes can produce con- tinuum level.
tinuum-like stress-strain curves [8,131. Such models Materials with grain sizes in the nanometer range
also provide the means for predicting the variance in a provide a striking example of the importance and diffi-
particular continuum property by varying the spatial culty in understanding the behavior of materials whose
arrangement of interfaces within the unit cell or by properties are controlled by interfaces. Potentially,
varying the inter-facial properties [8]. These results pro- these material can possess very high strenghts (as
vide a means to explore material reliability based on a would be predicted by the Hall-Petch relationship
physically based mesoscopic description of material [15]), making them attractive to study technologically.
structure. Finally, mesoscopic models that specifically The fact that their macroscopic behavior is dominated
described multiple interfaces provide a spatial distribu- by interfaces is easily seen by computing the percent-
tion of critical and non-critical (redundant) fracture age of atoms, residing within the boundaries relative to
events. This is microstructural information that could those in the bulk. For example, in a material with a 5
not be gained from a purely continuum model. run grain size, 40% of the atoms reside at the grain
With proper accounting for the size of the computa- boundaries [ 161. Adding to the challenge of under-
tional cell and its representation of variability in the standing such materials is the extremely short distances
microstructure, “unit cell” models can suggest scaling over which dislocations could move before encounter-
relationships for continuum quantities that depend on ing a boundary. Again, for a 5 run grain, a dislocation at
the mesoscopic length scale. The size of the unit cell is the center of the grain would be on the order of only 10
determined by the variability of the components being atom spacings from any boundary. Understanding the
homogenized and whether the quantity being com- deformation mechanism in such a material may require
puted is dependent on microstructural variability. the development of new mechanisms to properly
describe the macroscopic mechanical response.
2.4. Microscopic scale Another challenge is to understand why the Hall-Petch
relation appears to be valid for nanocrystalline
Micro-scale modeling and simulations describe the materials, as some have observed [ 161, if the deforma-
behavior of materials including the effects of crystallo- tion mechanisms differ from conventional polycrystal-
graphic defects, e.g. dislocations and grain boundaries, line materials.
and their interactions with other defects, including Examination of the interaction between dislocations
second phases. Some models explicitly include the and grain boundaries or bimaterial interfaces can pro-
properties and behavior of individual defects, so that vide insight into phenomena at the higher length scales
the model inputs include quantities such as the disloca- [ 111. In deformation studies of Si, examination of a so-
tion Burgers’ vector and the grain boundary crystallo- called “2 = 9” grain boundary at the microscopic level
graphy. To date, such models have been used mostly as showed that the dislocation density near the boundary
qualitative guides to provide physical understanding. is much larger than that far from the boundary, In other
Other models focus on the effects of large numbers of words, near the interface the material is at a more
defects in an aggregate way, so that inputs include advanced stage of deformation than within the grain.
quantities such as forest dislocation density, grain size, Potentially, this has implications for the ease of propa-
or precipitate morphology. These models often pro- gation of cracks near the boundary compared with
vide a quantitative description of material behavior propagation within the bulk. Unpredicted, but not
that can be used in continuum calculations. Thus, unpredictable, dislocation behavior was observed in
unlike models at the other length scales, there is a wide the Pd-MgO, Nb-Al,O,, and Ge-GaAs systems
range of structural detail over which micro-scale where, because of image forces, misfit dislocations at
models have been developed. For example, consider some bimaterial interfaces were found to reside at a
the simulation of grain boundary strengthening. Micro- “stand-off” distance away from the interface within the
W. E. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 191 (1995) 1 - 16 7

softer material rather than within the interface itself pairs, but too small to study the collective behavior of
[Ill. the defects. Further, the time scale of molecular
dynamics simulations is typically limited to no more
2.5. Atomic scale than about a nanosecond. This is long enough to study
some dynamic processes of defects, such as the
Atomic-scale computer simulations attempt to emission of a single dislocation from a crack tip, but
describe the atomic-level structure, energetics and excludes the direct consideration of many important
dynamics of materials. These methods provide details processes such as diffusion.
about the properties of individual defects not acces- The most direct application of these methods to
sible from longer length-scale descriptions. For interfaces is the computation of the atomic structure of
example, while continuum elasticity can determine the specific interfaces, generally grain boundaries, in con-
long-range strain field from a dislocation and the junction with comparison with experimental probes,
energy associated with that strain field, atomic-scale typically high resolution electron microscopy [ 171.
simulations can determine the atomic structure of the There have been various calculations that have
dislocation core and the core energy. There are two successfully computed the structure of grain bound-
different goals for these calculations. In some cases, the aries in certain metals, in particular the Cu and Ni
atomistic simulations are used as a testing ground for columns of the periodic table as well as Al. The con-
ideas about the behavior or energetics of defects. An sensus is that the ability to determine the structure of
alternative goal is to be able to make quantitative or grain boundaries in these pure metals is fairly well in
semiquantitative predictions about the properties of hand.
specific systems to understand specific measurements The situation for other parts of the periodic table as
or as a screening tool in choosing materials. well as for the crucial area of alloys, impurities, and
All of these methods are based on having a “black bimaterial interfaces is not as good. For an example,
box”, such as interatomic interactions, which attempts calculations and experimental structure determinations
to mimic the total energy of the system in terms of of the 2 = 5 (3 lO)/[OOl] symmetric tilt boundary in Nb
forces between individual nuclei. There are two were presented [ 171. These showed that current
philosophies behind constructing these interactions methods, such as the embedded atom method or
that reflect the two different goals. In the case of model Finnis-Sinclair potentials, fail to predict a structure in
studies, model interactions, such as Lemrard-Jones even qualitative agreement with experiment. This
pair potentials, are used. The other approach is to demonstrates that these methods, which ignore the
develop interactions that attempt to mimic real angular dependence of the interactions, are not
materials. In the latter case, the interactions ideally adequate even though they are typical of the inter-
represent the Born-Oppenheimer potential surface, i.e. atomic interactions used to describe metallic systems.
the energy of both the electrons and the nuclei for a This study also showed that the angular dependent
fixed set of nuclear coordinates. It is the creation of this interactions that are currently being developed, in this
potential that allows the electrons to be removed from case the model generalized pseudopotential theory of
the problem. The development of techniques to repre- Moriarty, do correctly describe the structure. This
sent this potential that are both computationally shows that some progress is being made in developing
efficient and reasonably accurate is a subject of active interatomic interactions that can describe a wider
research that is discussed in the next section. range of materials. However, it is still true that for most
There are three broad classes of calculations that industrially interesting systems, especially bimaterial
can be performed at the atomic scale. The first involves systems, there do not exist computationally efficient
energy minimization that determines the lowest energy interatomic interactions that can be relied on to give
configuration of the atoms corresponding to the zero- quantitative predictions. The only tool available in that
temperature structure. Next, molecular dynamics case is the electronic structure methods discussed
simulations follow the individual motion of the atoms below. The drawback to that approach is that computa-
as computed from Newton’s equation of motion. tional considerations limit the calculations to highly
Finally, Monte Carlo simulations provide a mechanism idealized boundaries. For example, it may be necessary
for computing thermodynamic equilibrium properties. to force the atomic arrangement to be coherent across
All of these approaches are limited to about the same the interface and so to disregard misfit dislocations.
length scale. If simple potentials are used, the number The determination of thermal equilibrium proper-
of individual atoms that can be treated is typically tens ties of interfaces was also discussed. In particular, the
of thousands up to millions. This still gives length computed equilibrium segregation of Ni to a grain
scales of up to a few hundredths of a micron, i.e. large boundary in a Pt-3%Ni alloy compared well with
enough to study individual defects and possibly defect experimental measurements from atom probe field ion
8 WE. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A191 (1995) l-16

microscopy [ 181. The inclusion of local atomic relaxa- dynamics. For example, dislocation motion proceeds
tion and atomic-level thermal vibration in such calcula- by the formation of kinks that then propagate along the
tions was shown to be essential to the quantitative dislocation line. If the periodic length along the disloca-
determination of these sorts of thermal equilibrium tion line is short, as is frequently the case, these kinks
properties. This situation mandates the use of com- have an artificial interaction with their periodic images
putationally efficient interactions and so limits the that can influence their behavior. The consequence of
current application of these methods to the narrow these various boundary condition problems is that,
range of materials mentioned above. even with accurate interactions, it is difficult to make
In the above calculations, the goal was to make quantitative predictions of the dynamic response.
quantitative predictions for a specific material. It is also An important use of atomistic simulations is for the
possible to make qualitative predictions about specific development and validation of descriptive models of
materials or classes of materials. The motion of a the energetics and properties of interfaces based on
[ 1 lO]/( i 10) edge dislocation in NiAl was investigated larger length-scale models such as dislocation theory or
using molecular dynamics [ 171. The calculations crystallography. An important property of an interface
showed that, at low stresses, the dislocation core disso- is its energy or work of adhesion. The knowledge of
ciates into two partial dislocations that separate normal how these values vary with the five geometric degrees
to the slip plane and so lock the dislocation. At higher of freedom associated with a description of a grain
stresses, the dislocation core was seen to convert to a boundary is of great importance but is beyond the
mobile configuration and the dislocation could move. practical limit of experimental determination. The
This work provides some hints to the mechanisms Read-Shockley model [21] provides a description of
involved in the brittle to ductile transition that is the energetics of low angle grain boundaries as a func-
observed in the so-called “hard” orientations of that tion of boundary orientation. The Read-Shockley
alloy. In a similar study, the atomic-scale behavior in model treats the boundary as a collection of disloca-
the vicinity of a crack tip was studied by molecular tions and represents the energy as the sum of the dis-
dynamics. In part, this work showed how the effect of location core energies and the strain energies
hydrogen on dislocation emission from the crack tip associated with the boundary. These models have
depended on the specific location of the hydrogen near traditionally been viewed as meaningful only in the low
the tip. angle limit where the dislocations are well separated.
In a more global context, these studies illustrated the The applicability of this model to all grain bound-
practical difficulties associated with studying dynamic aries has been tested by studying the systematics of
behavior of defects with atomic-scale simulation, i.e. grain boundary energetics for a broad range of grain
the boundary conditions impose artificial conditions on boundary orientations as computed from atomistic
the dynamics. The current state of the art [2,17,19] is simulations [22]. This examination yielded the
to include a shell of atoms in the simulations whose unexpected result that the form of the energy-
positions are determined by the solution of the appro- misorientation curves from the Read-Shockley model
priate continuum problem. The atoms in the interior describes the variation in the energy over the whole
are then allowed to move according to the atomic range of boundary misorientations, not just low angle
forces. This approach has been carried through for boundaries as previously assumed. This Read-
static energy minimization calculations [ 191. In particu- Shockley model does not predict the existence of
lar, a static calculational procedure has been developed cusps, local minima in the energy vs. misorientation
that places an atomistic region in the middle of con- relation. However, a similar analysis of the energy of
tinuum region whose mechanical response to external boundaries with orientations near an energy cusp in
boundary conditions is computed using FE methods terms of the densities of steps at the boundary yields a
[20]. For styding dynamic simulations, the methods are description of the energy variation in that region.
less well developed. Either the calculations are per- Further examination of the energetics, combined
formed in a quasi-static manner or the outer boundary with consideration of the pair correlation functions at
conditions are held fixed during the course of the the interface, has led to another observation concern-
simulations. In the latter case, if the dislocation moves, ing boundary energies. Low energy grain boundary
the boundary conditions are then no longer appro- orientations occur when the boundary planes in the
priate. two crystals are dense-packed planes [22]. This gives a
Another problem arises in the case of defects with simple geometric criterion for the prediction of low
an infinite linear dimension such as dislocations. In that energy boundaries.
case, the system is repeated periodically along this Another problem where atomistic simulations are
linear dimension to mimic roughly the infinite case. used as a testing ground is the understanding of the
This approach can have strong influences on the cross-over between ductile and brittle behavior at a
W.E. King et al. / Materials Science and EngineeringAl (1995) l-16 9

crack tip. At the tip, there are two competing pro- tensor in the near interface atomic planes based on an
cesses. The first is extension of the crack by way of interatomic potential model combined with local
further crack plane cleavage. The second process is the atomic arrangements and bulk elastic constants. The
emission of a dislocation from the crack tip leading to calculations predict that the local variation in elastic
local stress reduction and blunting of the crack tip. properties near the interface is anisotropic and varies
Recently, Beltz and Rice [23] have proposed an in a complex manner as a function of distance normal
atomic-scale criterion for the dislocation emission to the interface. These calculated interfacial elastic
process in terms of what they refer to as the “unstable constants, as opposed to bulk values, have been used to
stacking fault energy”. This is defined as the energy predict the “correct” behavior of Rayleigh and Stoney
associated with displacing the two planes by half of the waves local to the interface. Comparison between
Burgers vector and is a function of interplanar spacing. atomistic simulations of these near-interface lattice
The range of validity of this model has been phonons with continuum calculations using the “inter-
examined by Thomson [24] using atomistic simula- facial” elasticity tensor described previously indicate
tions. These simulations treated a two-dimensional that this “bridge” between atomic-level phenomena to
hexagonal lattice where the atoms interact through the higher length scales has met with some success.
model interatomic potentials and the motion of the
atoms away from the crack is computed using lattice 2.6. Electronic scale
Green’s functions. When the crack is subjected to
mode II loading (shear in the plane of the crack), the Electronic-scale modeling and simulations attempt
atomistic simulations are in accord with the Beltz-Rice to describe the behavior of the electrons in a material.
model. However, the results of the simulation in mode I These methods provide details about total energy of
loading (tension normal to the crack plane) do not the nuclear-electron system. Electronic scale calcula-
correspond to the model. Analysis suggests that this tions can currently provide information such as binding
disagreement is due to the breaking of bonds that energy across an interface [27], to elastic constants
occurs during dislocation emission in mode I that are [28], and to interatomic and multisite potentials [1,29].
not observed in mode II. On the basis of this observa- The goal of this theory is to provide information of
tion, Thomson has suggested a modified criterion that energetics of systems and local charge densities only
appears to account for the results. This example shows using atomic numbers and the lattice structure of the
the value of atomistic simulations in developing models system under study.
of behavior in terms of longer length scales. The electronic length scale constitutes the lowest
The energetic quantities that enter these models are end of the length-scale spectrum that we wish to bridge.
being probed in experiments by Kim [25]. The strain There are smaller length scales, of course, such as
field in the vicinity of a dislocation on an interface is those associated with quarks and the formation of sub-
observed by high resolution electron microscopy com- nuclear particles. However, it is unlikely that these
bined with some novel data smoothing techniques. The scales are relevant to the study of phenomena such as
displacement fields, together with the elastic proper- the formation of dislocations, crack propagation, and
ties, are used to evaluate the J integral on a path around material toughness and strength. If we were to assign a
the defect. This analysis yields the energy associated number to characterize the lengths that are relevant at
with the relative displacements of the atomic planes at this end of the spectrum, we might settle on the radius
the slip plane. This quantity can be expressed as a sum of the electron sphere, associated with the volume
over the interatomic potentials. Thus these results can occupied by each electron, or the electron density. This
be used as a test of a given interatomic interaction. In number, which clearly varies with the system, is of the
addition, the unstable stacking fault energy discussed order of several tenths of nanometers.
above can be obtained from these results. These It may also be useful to characterize the length scale
experiments thus provide the means of evaluating the by the kinds of operations that one can perform in
atomistic concepts as well as “local” continuum order to analyze the energetics of the various processes
properties of interfaces. that can take place. At the electronic end of the spec-
An example of where atomistic calculations were trum, such analysis is based on the Schrodinger
used to provide detailed information useful at the equation. Assuming a certain arrangement of sta-
larger length scales involves the calculation of the tionary atoms (nuclei) in space, the single-particle
elastic constants near an interface [26]. The idea is that Schrodinger equation allows the evaluation of the total
there is a structure, chemical composition and internal energy of the ground state of the associated electron
stress state locally near an interface that is distinct from gas system, which includes the kinetic energy of the
the region away from the interface. A methodology was electrons, the interaction of the electrons with the
developed to predict the components of the elasticity nuclei, the mutual repulsion of the nuclei, and the
10 W.E. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering Al 91 (I 995) l-16

mutual repulsion of the electrons. Also, since electrons energy follows a universal law that is consistent with a
are fermions that interact by way of Coulomb forces, metallic-covalent bonding mechanism. One is also able
and cannot be distinguished one from another, the to deduce surface energies and ideal adhesive energies,
effects of correlation and exchange are taken into obtaining the results that the surface energy of Al is
account in evaluating the total energy of the system. smaller than that of Ag, and that the adhesive energy of
The total energy of the nuclear-electron system [30] is MgO/Al is smaller than that of MgO/Ag. Further
the basic material that one has at one’s disposal in analysis allows one to correlate the work of adhesion
attempting to build a bridge toward the banks with contact angle, where very good agreement
associated with larger length scales. These types of cal- between theory and experiment is obtained for both
culations can be carried out for translationally invar- quantities. Both the work of adhesion and the contact
iant materials, bulk alloys, surfaces, and interfaces in angle are found to be affected by the presence of misfit
single-element solids, compounds, and alloys [ 1,301. dislocations, as one might have expected.
Having chosen the material to be used to build the Questions of bonding strength can also be addressed
bridge, namely the energy of the electron system, we by studying the magnitude of the pair contribution to
may now proceed to cast this energy into a form that the energy associated with atoms across an interface.
projects the features controlling the atomistic scale. This type of contribution follows from general total
Almost invariably, the energetics is associated with energy expansions of a system in terms of many-body
effective interactions between or among atoms in the interactions, and can be evaluated in a fairly straight-
system. This is not surprising in view of the fact that the forward manner through the use of multiple-scattering
relevant phenomena under study are associated with theory [ 11. In this approach, one associates a small pair
the distribution and motion of atoms whose study, in contribution with a weak bond, and a large pair con-
turn, requires the knowledge of the forces acting on the tribution with a strong bond. The effects of many-body
atoms themselves. The language used to describe these interactions and of angular forces can also be assessed.
interactions may vary from the binding energy across In principle, the effects of a grain boundary on elastic
an interface [27], to elastic constants [28], to inter- properties can also be obtained, as well as shear and
atomic and multisite potentials [1,29]. The methods tensile stresses.
that can be used in evaluating these various manifesta- In Eberhart’s approach [28], one concentrates on
tions of the energy at the atomistic scale depend often the evaluation of elastic constants which one expresses
on the particular aspect of the problem that one wishes in terms of correlated charge rearrangements. Once
to study. again, the approach consists of evaluating appropriate
In attempting an atomistic view of adhesion, Smith et derivatives of the total energy with respect to strain.
al. [27] are able to reduce the calculation of tensile Presumably, small (elastic) displacements of atoms in
strengths and forces to the determination of a pair of an interface region can be studied from the knowledge
parameters entering a universal expression for the of the elastic stress tensor.
binding energy across an interface. Coupled with the In order to study atomic motion, one needs to know
values of the ground state energy of the system, this the forces acting on the atoms as they move through
approach allows one to predict whether a given the space available to them. Such forces can be derived
impurity would tend to occupy an interstitial or a sub- from potentials and methods for evaluating such poten-
stitutional site at a grain boundary, and the effect of the tials efficiently are currently being pursued. A particu-
impurity on the strength of the boundary. For example, larly promising method is based on the calculation of
one finds that, on an Mo-MoSi, boundary, 0, C, and B bond orbitals and the associated rapidly convergent
impurities would tend to occupy interstitial sites, in expressions for the site diagonal and site off-diagonal
contrast to the substitutional impurities of S and Nb. Green functions [29]. This approach makes use of
All impurities investigated [27] would tend to reduce moment expansions of the local density of states and
adhesive energy. At the same time, interstitial impuri- leads to potentials that can be used in a straightforward
ties (0, C, B) increase peak interfacial strength, while way in connection with numerical simulation tech-
substitutional impurities (S, Nb) decrease it. niques to study the motions of large numbers of atoms.
This approach was further applied to the study of This approach has been used to study surface recon-
metal-ceramic interfaces [27]. In these studies, Al and struction such as that of the Si( 100) surface [29].
Ag atoms were found to be preferentially situated on
top of the 0 atoms in an MgO-metal interface. The 2.7. Critical experiments
results of electronic structure calculations imply the
presence of a substantial ionic component, consistent Certin experiments can be identified which provide
with the hybridization of metal and MgO states, includ- data directly comparable with model predictions in
ing the filled d band in Ag. Once again the adhesive order to validate a model. Other experiments provide a
W.E. Kinget al. / Materials Science and EngineeringAl (1995) I-16 11

starting point for model calculations. Electronic struc- ary or surface structures through high resolution
ture calculations need the positions and types of atoms microscopy, TEM or atomic force microscopy (AFM),
at an interface. Transmission electron microscopy and comparison with calculated structures. Materials
(TEM) plays a key role in determining the geometry of must be chosen which test those aspects of the model
an interface by determining the positions of atomic interactions that are developmental. For example, a
columns in the high resolution mode [31] while identi- model accounting for angular dependent interactions
fying and quantifying the atomic species present in the needs to be tested using a material with covalent
analytic mode [32]. While quantification of energy- character [40]. Again, quantitative methods of match-
dispersive X-ray and electron energy loss spectra is a ing experimental images with simulated images based
well-established technique [33] in the analytic mode, on a model structure are required [41]. Once con-
quantification of high resolution micrographs to pro- fidence is gained in a particular model it can be applied
vide the positions, with error bars, of atomic columns is to circumstances that are not necessarily accessible
still in its infancy [34]. The development of this tech- through experiment.
nique together with more accurate image simulation Atomistic simulations can also model impurity
techniques is a critical component in the application of segregation to interfaces. Highly accurate measures of
electronic structure calculations to real interfaces and impurity segregation can be obtained with mass spec-
to the arbitration of differences in atomic-scale models. troscopic techniques, where ions are emitted or ejected
There exist a host of spectroscopic methods to from the intersection of an interface with a surface. The
investigate the electron energy states of surfaces and techniques include field ion microscopy (FIM) [ 181 and
near surface material [35]. Probing the bonding states focused ion beam mass spectroscopies [42]. The
of a buried interface, however, requires a probe and accuracy of the predicted segregation isotherms can
signal that can penetrate through a significant distance then be evaluated.
of material. Perhaps the most useful method because of Atomistic simulations can also calculate surface
its high spatial resolution is energy loss spectroscopy of excess elastic constants. These elastic constants will
transmitted high energy electrons in the transmission determine, for example, the energy and dispersion of
electron microscope [36], which reveals the density of interface phonons [26]. Access to the energies of sur-
unoccupied states through its near-edge fine structure face and interface phonons is available through EELS
as modified by the presence of a core hole [37]. In a [361.
field emission transmission electron microscope, an Monte Carlo techniques applied to atomistic simula-
electron probe which is small enough to be mostly con- tions yield thermodynamic quantities at quasi-
fined to the interface can probe the bonding states of equilibrium. Excess thermodynamic quantities of
the atoms at the interface and compare them with the interfaces, such as the free energy, are a key connection
bulk. Density of states calculations would reveal to larger-scale phenomena. Data on these quantities
whether the bonding at the interface is being properly would provide validation of the simulations when
modeled. Quantification of segregating impurities at applied to new systems. There are very few techniques
the interface and their effect on the interfacial bonding [43] which measure the energies of interfaces directly.
can also be determined and compared directly with the Two well-established methods are sessile drop and
calculated effects of impurities. zero creep experiments. Relative energies can be deter-
Another quantity directly calculated by electronic mined through wetting experiments or the careful
structure methods is the work of adhesion. Accessible observation of microstructural development during
through experiment is the force needed to separate the heat treatments of polyphase materials.
interface, yielding the maximum slope in the energy vs. Atomistic simulations are often applied to investi-
separation curve. Experiments that cause the rapid gate the competition between crack extension and
separation of an interface, such as spallation due to the dislocation emission at the tip of a crack in order to
passage of a shock wave, measure this quantity without understand the ductile to brittle transitions observed in
the complications of crack propagation and associated many materials. The observation of dislocation
plasticity [38,39]. The combination of electron energy emission from a crack tip subjected to a well-defined
loss spectroscopy (EELS) to confirm the expected stress state is a potential link to real material behavior.
bonding and a measure of the work of adhesion would Single dislocations have been observed being emitted
provide valuable parameters for larger-scale models. from a sharp crack in Si (at temperatures above its
Atomistic simulations require a model of inter- transition temperature) in the transmission electron
atomic interactions that is computationally rapid, microscope [44]. This experiment done with a known
hence must be approximate. Developmental models of stress intensity at the crack tip would be a strong link
the interaction require experimental validation. A good between atomistics and crystal plasticity. A related
test of the model is the determination of grain bound- issue is plasticity at a heterophase interface as a
12 W.E. Kinget al. / MateriaIsScience and Engineering A191 (1995) l-16

function of the orientation of the plastically deforming techniques need to be sensitive to small changes in
crystal with respect to the boundary [45]. A series of composition, segregants and impurities. Experiments
mechanical tests on bicrystals of differing orientation are also needed that will realistically simulate these
explores this dependence. A systematic exploration of interfaces in a manufacturing environment.
the effect of the work of adhesion and interfacial For the resulting interface properties a critical issue
strength on the extent of crystal plasticity could lead to is the ability to predict interface strength. Experimental
constitutive relations suitable for use at the continuum techniques are needed that will characterize the local
level. The effect of interface adhesion could be strength of an interface. The mechanisms of critical
explored through controlled interface doping. engineering properties such as fracture, fatigue and
Another class of interfaces is those which are purely wear need to be understood. Specifically the initiation
constrained by friction. Frictional sliding and lubri- and growth of cracks at interfaces should be predict-
cated sliding are important parameters in the mechani- able from the results of calculations done at lower
cal strength and fatigue life of a class of brittle matrix, length scales. The influence of these cracks or damage
fiber reinforced composites [46]. Tribological studies on the desired property (e.g. fatigue life or fracture
to determine the most important parameters influenc- toughness) needs to be adequately predictable.
ing the sliding resistance of the interface can help the
model to predict the best microstructure to achieve a 3.3. Continuum issues
desired matrix cracking strength, ultimate tensile
strength, or fatigue resistance. In describing interfacial phenomena at a continuum
At the meso to macro scale, experiments are level, many critical issues remain. One of the major
designed to explore properties explicitly desirable for issues is to determine how discrete cracks interact with
the particular application. The models created are interfaces. This includes the response of cracks that
microstructural and geometry specific to the point that approach interfaces as well as interfacial cracks them-
a particular experiment or class of experiments would selves. Although smaller length-scale phenomena
shed little light beyond the immediate application. clearly govern the continuum behavior, the conglomer-
ate response must be resolved. Some of the important
aspects that need to be clarified are what types of
3. Analysis of critical issues “deformation” processes are involved and what
material properties are needed to describe these
3.1. Introduction events, e.g. interface-interphase stiffness, strength, and
toughness. Damage modeling, Lg. isolated and distri-
In this section, we evaluate the outstanding issues at buted crack propagation, represents another formid-
each length scale. We cite limitations in current models able task to continuum modeling owing to its inherent
and simulations and identify areas that need more complexity. Damage models are necessary if the
work. distributed conglomerate response is to be represented
in a useful manner. While continuum techniques can
3.2. Macro issues effectively explore parameter spaces, they are less
effective at simulating the effects of spatial variations in
Numerous issues exist at the macroscopic level that geometry and material behavior variability. However,
influence interfaces and thus the commercial utilization one of the attractions to continuum models is that
of advanced materials. Many of these issues associated many schemes exist to solve them including classical
with interfaces are fundamental and involve predic- mathematical and numerical methods, e.g. FE and
tions of local structure as well as resulting properties. finite differences methods.
For local structure, the influence of different matrices In continuum approaches, like mesoscopic and
and local alloying elements on the interfacial reaction microscopic formulations, extensive progress has
needs to be predicted. This is a very complex problem already been made in modeling interfacially controlled
in which non-equilibrium reaction products are pro- behavior. Unfortunately, the problems are less well
duced and equilibrium thermodynamics is not applic- defined than at the lower length scales owing to the
able. The kinetics of interface reaction is also large numbers of variables involved and inherent statis-
important including an understanding of how inter- tical variability of material properties and geometries.
faces degrade with time. In MMCs the surfaces of rein-
forcement are not well characterized. In most cases 3.4. Meso issues
these surfaces do not possess the bulk chemistry of the
structure. Techniques need to be developed that will Mesoscopic modeling hinges on the ability to distill
characterize these interfaces. The techniques should a simple and tractable model from the complex govern-
provide both local composition and structure. These ing physics. Hence, developing useful models poses a
W.E. King et ul. / Materiuls Science and Engineering A I91 (I 995) I-I h 13

formidable task. Several reasons for this are that the widely used source of input to the larger length scales.
precise forms of the governing relationships and the The first is that interatomic interactions need to be
material properties of the interfacial responses are developed that can be used reliably for a wide range of
lacking, there is a distribution of both geometries and materials. Currently, there exist approaches that work
local properties, and scaling relationships are not fully only within limited parts of the periodic table. The
understood. For example, some existing models have need exists to be able to treat more elements and
approximated the interfacial force-displacement arbitrary combinations of elements. While progress is
response as that of a linear spring with a finite fracture being made in this direction, we are far from these
strength (force). While this has provided new insights, goals. The other area is understanding the systematics
more detailed and physically motivated interfacial of the properties of defects. Some work in this direc-
models would clearly capture additional physics, tion is in progress, as evidenced by the work presented
reduce the number of ad hoc assumptions, and, it is at this workshop. More effort in this direction is
hoped, improve the macroscopic predictions. To date, needed because it will never be the case that the
successful models rely on numerical methods to properties of every specific defect can be calculated (or
predict distributions of macro stress-strain responses measured for that matter). Thus the trends with respect
and discrete quantities (e.g. fracture strength) as a to all the relevant parameters, including orientation
function of input variabilities. While providing insight and composition to name a couple, need to be under-
into the problem, the output of these models is stood to go from the calculation of the properties of a
inherently statistical in nature and has not yet yielded few interfaces to a prediction of typical properties and
“closed-form” solutions. As the complexity in models to a prediction of the variability in properties.
increases the mathematics used to solve these prob-
lems may become an additional barrier. 3.7. Electronic issues

3.5. Micro issues In order to provide a reliable determination of

parameters, such as interatomic potentials to be used in
For many decades the focus of traditional mechani- atomistic calculations, electronic structure calculations
cal metallurgy has been to develop deformation and must be carried out in a way that takes into account
fracture mechanisms based on micro-scale phenomena accurately the specific spatial constraints of the system
and then to derive constitutive relationships useful at a under study. For example, they must be able to treat
continuum level. Thus, the crystallography and con- properly the charge distribution and the potential
tinuum field quantities associated with micro-scale inside a unit cell in a material, either ordered or dis-
defects, e.g. dislocations and grain boundaries, are ordered. They must also be able to satisfy the correct
understood to a large degree. Despite this understand- boundary conditions associated with a defect such as a
ing and the many successes to which it has led, surface or an interface.
challenges remain in many areas, particularly where
interfaces play a key role in determining bulk material 3.8. Experimental issues
behavior. Many of these challenges center on the con-
tinuing need to quantify the geometrical distributions Experiment relates synergistically to theory. Results
and collective behavior of the micro-scale defects and from experiments act to validate and determine the
their interactions with interfaces, including subgrain limits of extant theories. Simultaneously they spur the
and grain boundaries. Once gained, this knowledge development of new theories. Experimental efforts can
then must be used judiciously to derive constitutive be divided into two broad categories: the structure and
laws useful at the higher length scales. For inter-facially chemistry of interfaces and the behavior of interfaces.
controlled materials, significant progress has been Since the behavior of interfaces depends on the struc-
made in some areas, for example understanding the ture and chemistry, the two areas are usually combined
nature and effects of interactions between dislocations in an experimental investigation. The role of theory is
and high angle grain boundaries. In other cases, for to explain this relationship.
example nanocrystalline metallic materials, the The structure and chemistry of interfaces is nearly
mechanisms of grain boundary strengthening are still confined to two dimensions. To characterize an inter-
under investigation, and the critical defect(s) control- face normal to its plane, techniques with high spatial
ling deformation are not yet identified with certainty. resolution are required, and hence the emphasis on
TEM, FIM, and AFM. Continuing improvement in
3.6. Atomistic issues resolution of structure and sensitivity to chemistry
increasingly broadens the capability and applicability
There are two broad areas of work that need to be of these techniques. Truly atomic-scale information is
pursued before atomistic simulations can become a becoming available.
14 W.E. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering Al 91 (I 995) I-16

The use of this detailed information to interpret the 4. Summary

behavior of interfaces is usually possible only in highly
controlled circumstances. Model experiments are How then does one go about building a bridge
necessary to control the overwhelming complexity across a gap in the length scale? It seems that one may
often associated with systems of practical interest. not want to attempt a direct jump from the electronic
Hence it is increasingly important to design properly scale to the observable world in an attempt to under-
the experiment in order to link the structure and stand the phenomena under consideration here
chemistry of interfaces to their behavior through (although such direct bridges are in existence in many
theory. other cases, of a different nature, such as spectro-
Two fundamental materials properties are the work scopy). Perhaps a systematic correlation of data span-
of adhesion and strength at an internal interface. The ning a given gap in the spectrum of length scales may
work of adhesion corresponds to the spatial integral of provide motivation for thought and analysis that could
the energy-separation relationship for an interface in lead to understanding. This sort of systematic correla-
absence of other energy dissipative mechanisms. The tion certainly exists in many isolated cases, and it may
strength is the point of maximum slope. In simple need only compilation and presentation in a form that
terms, the work of adhesion corresponds to the amount would be meaningful to those who walk the banks
of energy required to sever the electronic bonds at an across scale gaps. Where it does not exist, an effort
interface and to rearrange the new surfaces to form a should be made to produce such systematic compila-
stable configuration. Adhesion and interface strength tions and meaningful presentations.
are important quantities for length scale bridging
because they influence and perhaps control the activa-
tion of other dissipative mechanisms at higher length Acknowledgments
scales, such as plastic deformation, which determines
the interfacial toughness. The authors would like to express their appreciation
It should be pointed out that the definitions of to the Institute for Mechanics and Materials at the
adhesion and strength given above refer to funda- University of California at San Diego for providing
mental quantities. Often in practical application, the funding and organizational support for this workshop.
terms adhesion and strength take on different mean- The authors further extend their thanks to the invited
ings. Practical adhesion and practical interface strength speakers for their participation. This work performed
refer to the same quantity, the critical far field stress under the auspices of the Division of Materials Science
required to drive a crack. of the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, US Department
It is already possible to apply existing models to of Energy, and the Lawrence Livermore National
predict or describe interfacial adhesion. Take for Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.
example the work of Smith et al. [27] who have
employed ab initio electronic structure calculations to
obtain so-called univeral bonding relationships. It Appendix A: Invited speakers
should also be possible to probe this relationship using
current generation atomistic simulations. Probing this A. Sachdev General Motors Research and
relationship experimentally will require very short time Development
scales to avoid other energy dissipative processes. A. Gaimei United Technologies Research
Interfacial toughness is the energy required to pro- Center
pagate a crack stably along the interface for a unit A. Argon Massachusetts Institute of
increase in crack area. This energy is dissipated Technology
through a number of mechanisms, e.g. creation of new R. McMeeking University of California-Santa
surface area (either to advance the crack or incidental Barbara
crack branching or microcracking), plastic deforma- K. S. Kim Brown University
tion, and phonon emission. The magnitude of the dissi- T. Lowe Los Alamos National Labora-
pated energy will depend on a complex interplay of the tory
operative mechanisms. Relating this interplay to the H. Kirchner University of Paris
atomic, micro-, and macrostructure of the interface, K. Liechti University of Texas
which in turn determines the adhesion and strength of J. Bassani University of Pennsylvania
the interface, is the key to understanding and P. Duxbury Michigan State University
controlling interfacial toughness. M. Ostoja-Starzewski Michigan State University
J. Weertman Northwestern Univesity
W.E. King et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A191 (1995) l-16 15

R. Thompson National Institute of Standards 1131 P.M. Duxbury, Variability in interface properties: a key
and Technology factor in bridging the length-scale gap, Theory, Simulation,
and Modeling of Interfaces in Materials-Bridging the
R. Hoaglund Washington State University Length-Scale Gap, La Jolla, CA, September 12-15,1993.
S. Suresh Brown University [I41 M. Ostoja-Starzewski and I. Jasiuk, Meso-scale continuum
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