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Society of Economic Geologists

SpecialPublication 10, 2003, p. 1-18

Reprinted from Economic Geology,

Society of Economic Geologists Bulletin
1992,v 97, p. 1927-1944

Chapter 1

SEG Distinguished Lecture

Magma Degassing and Mineral Deposition in Hydrothermal Systems
along Convergent Plate Boundaries"
lnstitute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

lntroduction On the basis of isotopic measurements, Craig (1963)

To be honest, 1 am surprised to find myself address- had suggested that by far the major proportions of
ing a meeting of the Society of Economic Geologists water in hydrothermal discharges are of local me-
-being neither a geologist nor economic. And look- teoric origin, Jim Ellis and Tony Mahon (1964) had
ing at the title of my paper, 1 wouldn't be offended if found that most of the chemical constituents of geo-
people told me that I may be going to talk about some- thermal waters could readilv be leached from
thing 1 know nothing about. After listening to sorne of igneous and sedimentary rocks: In other words, peo-
this afternoon's talks, however, it is clear to me that 1 ple put on a somewhat bemused look should one in-
wouldn't be the only one. With this 1 don't mean that voke a "magmatic" origin of sorne of the things one
the previous speakers were inept but that there are found in one's samples.
still quite a few basic problems which have to be Within a few years of arriving in New Zealand I
~olved ?efore we may safely say, we know what's go- became involved with the chemical surveillance of
mg .ºn m hydrothermal systems. And by basic, 1 mean two of the most active volcanoes there: White Island
bas1c. and Mount Ruapehu. N ow these were beyond doubt
The title of my talk links two processes: magma de- systems closely associated with magmatic activity,
gassing, something 1 have been studying now, from people had "seen and felt" it. The waters produced
the gases' point of view, for more than 20 years, and there were, of course, quite different from those en-
mineral deposition, something 1 had my nose rubbed countered at the geothermal systems and one was al-
in to by living in close vicinity to sorne of the biggest lowed, at least tentatively, to consider a magmatic
gold freaks like Kevin Brown, Jeff Hedenquist, Dick origin of sorne of the constituents. After several years
Henley, and Terry Seward. 1 myself had, quite early of observation, it became apparent that White Island
on, declared gold a four letter word and had vowed went through cycles. Following a high-temperature
never to use it in any of my papers, together with period in the early seventies, most of the fumaroles
other uncouthities, such as zinc or lead. Now that the cooled down and the earlier, typically volcanic dis-
above have dispersed, each into his corner of the charges, characterized by gases with S0 2 as the ma-
globe, 1 think myself free to reconsider my earlier j?r S-containing species, with lots of HCl, and very
pledge. httle CH 4 , slowly reverted to "geothermal" dis-
When 1 joined the now defunct DSIR in 1968 I charges with H 2 S as the major S species, very low
think it was in the middle of the "neptunistic" peri~d HCl, and much more CH 4 (Giggenbach, 1987). If
of interpreting processes in hydrothermal systems. such a transition could take place in a bona fide mag-
matic system, why shouldn't it also happen at other,
º Delivered befare the Society of Economic Geologists at their
less obviously "magmatic" systems? Anyway, White
meeting with the Geological Society of America, October 23, Island started to convince me that magmatic contri-
1991, at San Diego. butions to "geothermal" discharges may be much


tion. Most of the bits and pieces I am presenting here

o have been taken from a vast inventory of earlier stud-
(km) ies and models of these systems, su ch as those of Bun-
sen (1847), Krauskopf (1957), White (1957), Lowell
and Guilbert (1970), Holland (1972), Sillitoe (1973),
Whitney (1975), Cathles (1977), Henley and
2 McNabb (1978), Bethke and Rye (1979), Burnham
(1979), Skinner (1979), Henley and Ellis (1983), Sil-
litoe and Bonham (1984), Eugster (1985), McKibben
and Elders (1985), Hayba et al. (1986), Stoffregen
(1987), Hedenquist (1987), White and Hedenquist
(1990), Candela (1991), and Hemley and Hunt
(1992), to name sorne. All I am trying to do is stick
Frc. 1. Schematic arrangement of alteration zones in a typical
"low sulfidation" porphyry-typc, hydrothermal mineral deposit.
them together with sorne glue extracted from chemi-
cal and isotopic analyses of quite a pile of geothermal
and volcanic water and gas samples. Having worked
more important than generally assumed. By compar- now in New Zealand for more than 20 years, right
ing the chemical and isotopic compositions of vol- astride a convergent plate boundary and at the south-
canic with geothermal discharges, soon "indicators" western end of the horseshoe of fire around the Pa-
emerged showing that even geothermal systems not cific, my experience is somewhat tainted by this close
obviously associated with active volcanism might association with hydrothermal systems typical of this
contain a considerable proportion of magmatic con- kind of tectonic environment.
In the meantime another bunch of people, called Nature and Origin of Magmatic Constituents
geologists, approaching hydrothermal systems from By far the most convincing evidence of a largely
the opposite side, that of mineral or even ore deposi- nonmagmatic origin of geothermal waters was pro-
tion, found increasingly convincing evidence of a vided by the finding of Craig (1963) that all the
magmatic connection. By the way, according to Noel waters available to him then had the same deuterium
White (pers. commun.), a mineral deposit becomes (D) contentas local ground water. If one or even sev-
an ore deposit only if people are prepared to huy era! "magmatic" waters existed, it would be too
shares in it. In order not to compromise themselves much of a coincidence if all their D contents were to
too much, the commitment of the geological frater- agree with those of local ground waters. During an
nity to the magmatic cause usually consisted of more earlier investigation into the isotopic composition of
or less artistically executed magic arrows marked steam discharged from high-temperature fumaroles
"magmatic fluid" or even less specific "magmatic in- on White Island (Stewart and Hulston, 1975), D and
put," pointing up from sorne nether regions where 0 contents defined a trend suggesting formation
anything could happen. Figures 1 and 2 represent through equilibrium evaporation of a seawater de-
composite pictures of the two major types of these rived brine. 1 kept on collecting fumarolic conden-
allegedly magmatic hydrothermal systems, termed sates and found a similar trend, but one which
for the time being, by geologists: "low sulfidation" pointed to the existence of a highly 18 0-enriched
and "high sulfidation" (Bonham, 1986; Hedenquist, end-member component with a D content in the vi-
1987; White and Hedenquist, 1990). Chemists may
have come up with a classification of these systems
into "near-neutral, reduced" and "highly acid, oxi-
dized" systems and associated fluids possibly into
mature and immature, or "benign" and "virulent"
(Reyes, 1990, 1991). I want to leave it to future gen-
erations to find the most suitable terms. Actually, I
am not sure what the term "low sulfidation" refers ALTERATION
to. Here I apply it to both epi- and mesothermal sys- o
tems, including porphyry metal deposits.
Anyway, both Figures 1 and 2 have their
"mag(mat)ic" arrows in place. In this talk I will try to
put sorne meat onto them, by delineating the possible
origin of the "fluids" involved, their chemical evolu- Frc. 2. Schematic arrangement of alteration zones in typical
tion in hydrothermal systems, and the effects of "high" and "low sulfidation" hydrothermal mineral deposits. Ka-
various modes of magma degassing on mineral deposi- olinite is taken to represent highly cation-depleted Al silicates.

cinity of -20 per mil. This D content was quite differ- carne apparent that they all followed similar trends
ent from that of the local meteoric waters. I didn't corresponding to mixing of local ground waters with
take much notice and just thought, it' s one of those a surprisingly uniform end-member water with an
things. But when in 1976, on the occasion of the re- 18
0 content corresponding to about + 1 O per mil, and
tirement of Athol Rafter, Hitoshi Sakai visited New a D content of -20 per mil.
Zealand, he brought with him sorne preliminary data Now, if we accept that such a common end-
on the isotopic composition of fumarolic vapor con- member water exists, its globally uniform composi-
densates from Japanese volcanoes (Sakai and Matsu- tion can only be explained in terms of source waters
baya, 1977), and there again was this end-member also with globally uniform isotopic compositions.
water with óD = -20 per mil and ó18 0 > +5 per mil. This excludes straightaway any meteoric waters or
W e both agreed that there must be something to this waters derived from them. The most obvious source
coincidence and that it possibly pointed to the exis- of globally uniform water is, of course, seawater. Its
tence of a common end-member component, sorne óD value is by definition Oper mil. In order to reduce
kind of "andesitic water." it to -20 per mil, it would have to be mixed with
I only believed it half myself and kept on interpret- another water with a globally uniform, but lower, D
ing so-called oxygen shifts purel y in terms of isotopic content. A possible candidate is "primary magmatic
exchange between local ground water and rock, even water," or better, water dissolved in the mantle. Its
if it didn't quite fit, as at Broadlands, now Ohaaki isotopic composition has been suggested to be in the
(Giggenbach, 1971). As I got more and more in- vicinity of -65 ± 15 per mil (Sheppard et al., 1969;
volved in geothermal exploration projects in Latín Taylor, 1986). Mixing it with a "shifted" seawater, as
America and other countries around the Pacific, it shown in Figure 3, in the proportion 1 to 2 could
became clear that "horizontal" 18 0 shifts were actu- conceivably lead to the formation of a water with óD
ally the exception rather than the rule. Except for El = -20 per mil. Maintenance of such a precise mixing
Tatio (Giggenbach, 1978), oxygen shifts were usually ratio for waters from widely varying geologic and tec-
also accompanied by a positive deuterium shift. The tonic environments, however, appears highly un-
magnitude of the D shifts for these systems at low to likely. In a paper submitted more than a year ago
intermediate latitudes, however, were too small to (Giggenbach, in press), and by now scrutinized by
allow an unambiguous assignment to a common cause more than a dozen reviewers, I propose these andes-
or process. itic waters to represent essentially recycled seawater,
More recently data became available for fumarole carried to the zones of are magma generation by the
condensates from volcanoes at very high latitudes, ' subducted slab. The entire process is illustrated in
such as those from Saint Augustine volcano in Alaska Figure 4.
(Viglino et al., 1985) and volcanoes on the Kam- Seawater may enter the subduction zones in essen-
chatka Península (Taran et al., 1989). By plotting tially three isotopically distinct forms: incorporated
these data, together with those of discharges from into hydrous minerals forming within seawater-
other geothermal and volcanic systems along conver- driven hydrothermal systems along midocean ridges,
gent plate boundaries, as shown in Figure 3, it be- bound in pelagic clays, and as pore water (Peacock,



-100 O local groundwaters

e geothermal discharges
• volcanic condensates

-15 -10 -5 o +5 o18Ó(%o)

Frc. 3. Deuterium versus 18 0 contents for geothermal waters and volcanic condensates, together with
associated local ground waters. Data from Giggenbach (in press).

mid-oceon ridge
hydrothermol system

Frc. 4. Derivation of "andesitic water." Isotopic compositions are those of hydrogen in respective

1990). The first process involves quite high tempera- 1984), while pore water may be expected to retain its
tures and leads to the formation of amphiboles, zeo- isotopic composition. An "andesitic water" with a oD
lites, chlorite, and serpentinite with typical D frac- value of around -20 per mil could simply represent
tionations in the vicinity of 60 per mil, that is, the mixtures of these waters in albeit quite narrowly de-
minerals are isotopically depleted by this value with fined proportions. A more likely possibility is forma-
respect to seawater (Cole et al., 198 7). Incorporation tion of the andesitic water preferentially from the sed-
into sedimentary clays is accompanied by a smaller D imentary clay fraction (Giggenbach, in press). The
fractionation of about 30 per mil (Liu and Epstein, marine clays are carried on top of the subducting slab
and, depending on the angle of subduction, varying
proportions may be scraped off to form the accretion-
vesiculority Vv (%} 1D 10 50 90 ary wedges. A considerable fraction of subducted sed-
_10 earl vapor iments, however, may reach the mantle environ-
ment. There, they are early on exposed to conductive
heating from the mantle wedge leading to preferen-
-20 tial mobilization of sedimentary volatiles and their in-
corporation into rising andesitic magmas. The more
~ _
i)'j parent melt late vapor deeply buried water associated with the hydrated ba-
salt may reach deeper levels to replenish the reser-
system voir of mantle water with its lower D content.
-40 '\ degossing Exsolution of water from a magma is accompanied
\ (underground)
by minor but significant isotopic fractionation (Tay-
\ \ residual melt lor, 1986). Assuming a reasonable value of about 20
\ \ per mil, the evolution of D contents during exsolu-
open- system \ ,.,,.,~
\ 1 tion corresponds to the trends depicted in Figure 5.
-60 degoss1ng __,,¿'.\\ \ Two degassing processes are distinguished: closed-
(surface 1 \ \
system degassing generally governing underground
\ \ vapor-liquid fractionation processes (Taylor, 1986),
and open-system degassing typical of surface degas-
.0001 .001 01 0.1 10 10
sing during eruptions. In both cases, the "early" va-
Frc. 5. Variations in oD values of water in coexisting melts and
por-that produced at small vapor/melt volume ra-
vapor as a function of vapor/melt ratios, Rv, for closed- and open- tios (RJ-is enriched in D by the value of the frac-
system degassing. tionation factor. From Rv values of 0.01 onward,

pandayan (PP), Indonesia; and Vulcano Island (VU),

Italy (Giggenbach et al., 1990).
All the samples shown have 3 He/4He ratíos more
than five times those in air, indicating that the He is
essentially of mantle orígin. Helium may therefore be
used as a reference to measure other than mantle
contributíons to a magmatic gas. In spíte of their deri-
vation from two quite different tectonic envíron-
ments, a mídocean rídge and a hot spot, the composi-
tions of the two "basaltic" gases are quite similar,
with an average H 20/He ratio of 26,000 and a C0 2/
He ratio of 30,000. The averages for the six "andes-
itic" gases are about a hundred times higher for H 20/
He, at 2,720,000, and sorne five times higher for
C0 2/He, at 150,000. All these samples are from
high-temperature (>400ºC) fumaroles; dilution by
2ílillJ roe 100 000 He cooler crustal or ground waters, therefore, can only
FIG. 6. Relative H 2 0, C0 2 , and He contents for vapors asso-
be minor. The interna! consistency of the patterns
ciated with andesític and basaltic magmatism. Data for andesític suggests that "andesitic vapors" have intrinsically
volcanoes from Giggenbach et al. (1990). higher H 2 0 and C0 2 contents. The most likely
sources of this excess H 2 0 and C0 2 are again suh-
ducted marine sediments (Giggenbach, 1992).
significant amounts of water are transferred to the Another ubiquitous constituent of volcanic and geo-
vapor phase and hoth the D content of the vapor and therrnal vapor discharges is N2 • Already in 1978,
of the residual melt decrease. These decreases are Matsuo et al. ascribed highly increased N 2/Ar ratios
much more rapid in the case of open-system degas- (>500) with respect to air (83) to the addition of N 2
sing, and D contents for both vapor and residual melt from subducted sediments. By plotting relative N 2 ,
can reach very low values. The D contents of waters He, and Ar contents for hoth andesitic and basaltic
in usually subaerially erupted andesitic lavas, there- vapors (Fig. 7), the two groups can be shown to oc-
fore, are unlikely to be representative of those of the cupy distinct positions (Giggenbach, 1992). Again
original parent magmas. In the case of closed-system N2 /He ratios for the andesitic vapors are consider-
degassing underground, the D content of the vapor ably higher (> 1,500) than those of the basaltic vapors
approaches that of the dissolved water at R values > (<2.50). Accepting that all the excess amounts of
1.0, that is, when the volumes of coexisting vapor and H,p, C0 2 , and N 2 are derived frorn subducted sedi-
melt become about equal. The range of bD values rnents, only about 1 percent of the water and <20
generated by this process agrees with that delineated percent of the C0 2 and N 2 in vapors associated with
by the isotopic compositions of volcanic and geother- andesitíc magmatism are of mantle origin. Because of
mal waters as shown in Figure 3.
Water is not the only volatíle present in subducted
sediments. Another major source of volatiles is sedi-
mentary earbon (Peacock, 1990). Its remobilization
can be expected to give rise to increased C0 2 con-
tents of andesitic vapors. A comparison of relative
H 2 0 and C0 2 contents of volatiles uncontaminated gases assoc1uted w1t h
• cm:Jesit1c
and contaminated by subducted sediments is carried • tx::.salt1<.: rmgnahsm
out by use of Figure 6. Uncontaminated vapors are
assumed to be represented by volatíles associated
with basaltic magmatism, as extracted from Mid-At-
lantic Ridge "popping rocks" (PR; Javoy and Pineau,
1991) and discharged from high-temperature fuma-
roles within the Sierra Negra caldera (SN) on the Ga-
lapagos hot spot (W. F. Giggenbach and R. J. Poreda, 50

in prep.). "Contaminated" vapors are represented by 20

gases collected from high-temperature fumaroles
(>300ºC) on the andesitic volcanoes Satsuma Iwo-
jima (SI) and Mount Usu (MU), Japan; White Island Frc. 7. Relatíve N2 , He, and Ar contents of "andesitic" and
(WI) and Ngauruhoe (NG), New Zealand; Pa- "basaltic" vapors. Data from Giggenbach (1992).

the involvement of large proportions of subducted trodes which respond to it. Whom are they trying to
marine constituents, a considerable part of the S and kid? These electrodes measure anything but f 02 . I
Cl in vapor discharges from andesitic volcanoes is want to see the electrode capable of sensing one-
likely to be of a similar origin. tenth of an 0 2 molecule in 1 km 3 of solution. What it
Once entrained into the rising andesitic magma, sees is perhaps f 82 , the Fe(II)/Fe(III) or Mn(II)/
the volatiles will react with one another and the rock Mn(III) activity ratio, but not f 02 . So why use some-
in response to decreasing temperatures and pres- thing of no relevance? Are our brains so corroded by
sures to produce the variety of gases encountered at thermodynamics or are we so blinded by the appar-
the surface in volcanic and geothermal areas. ent elegance, or rather arrogance of these concepts?
As with any other set of principies, belief systems, or
Chemical Evolution of Volatiles
religions, thermodynamics, if pushed too far, can lose
The close association of geothermal systems with its contact with reality and become meaningless.
volcanic systems has long been recognized (Bunsen, Thermodynamics simply doesn't worry about atoms
184 7). In 19.57, White provided a classification of the and kinetics, real life is all atoms and kinetics.
majar types of volcanogenic waters and suggested And it does matter. Only yesterday, I went to a talk
processes that may account for their compositional where it was argued that the main advantage of using
differences. The two majar chemical variables con- f 02 , even in low-temperature diagenetic systems, is
trolling the composition of aqueous fluids and their its strong temperature dependence. I fully agree, f 02
interaction with rock are redox potential and acidity. would make a perfect geothermometer, if it could be
I use the term "fluid" only reluctantly, as its indis- measured. Any lower temperature (<SOOºC) f 02 ,
criminate use is one of the indicators that someone however, is always obtained only indirectly, by use of
doesn't know what he/she is talking about, or can't a conversion reaction such as
make up his/her mind whether it's a vapor or liquid.
If at all possible one should use the more specific (1)
terms "liquid" or "vapor"; after all, they have quite
By expressing redox potentials in terms off 00 , we sim-
different properties and behave quite differently.
ply multiply in the steep temperature dependence of
You may also notice that I use the somewhat vague
a conversion reaction and nothing is gained. It is the
expressions "redox potential" and "acidity" when I
same as looking into your wallet with a magnifying
could have used, e.g., f 02 and pH, terms having a
glass and thinking you have more money.
much more distinct, if not distinguished ring about
them. . Use of these master variables is often only a cop-
out and another good indicator that people don't
When I accepted the invitation to give this lecture,
know what is really going on, in this case which vari-
I asked SEG what they wanted me to talk about, and
ables actually control redox potential or acidity. It is
they replied: anything you like, it is your chance to
so easy to say: when the f 02 or pH goes up or clown,
get things off your chest, things you would never say
such or such happens, but it doesn't tell one how, and
in a formal paper (also, of course, providing an excel-
what, and when. To get these answers we have to
lent chance to make a fool of myself). If they only had
write our reactions in terms of actual reaction partici-
known. I am conducting a number of minor pet cru-
pants, which sometimes may not be easy. But by for-
sades. One of them is "fighting" the use of f 02 and
getting about these cop-out variables, f 02 , Ís 2 , Eh,
variables of a similar ilk, su ch as f 52 , Eh, in connection
and even pH, we are forced to look for the real reac-
with hydrothermal systems. You may ask, why
tion participants. The use of nonexistent, practically
bother, after ali they are only convenient ordering
irrelevant reaction participants is probably justified
parameters, "master variables," very useful in the
if we see chemical equations only as energy balances
depiction of the relative stability of mineral and other
and neglect the dualistic character of the law of mass
action, according to which a chemical equation is al-
What does it matter that there is only about one-
ways also a mass balance. The reaction
tenth of an 0 2 molecule in a km 3 of water in equilib-
rium with crustal rocks at 2.50ºC? What does it mat- (2)
ter, we might as well use praseodymium (II/III) ra-
tios, thermodynamically they are all equivalent. The may proceed on contact with air, but not deep within
thing is, of course, that we are doing geochemistry a hydrothermal system;
and not thermodynamics and thermodynamics is only 2Fe 3 0 4 + H 20 = 3Fe 2 0 + H2 (3)
a tool to be adapted to our needs and not the other
way round. We want to find out who does what to does.
whom and when, and 0 2 does nothing, to nobody, After all this noise, it is probably up to me now to
never, in your average hydrothermal system. But peo- show which variables to use and how to find them.
ple argue we can measure it, we have, e.g., elec- Nature only reveals her secrets if we ask the right

questions and listen, and listening in geochemistry

means sampling, analyzing, plotting. Before going
any further, I may be allowed to offer sorne more

recipes for successful listening. "Plotting" should be
based on data as measured, corrected for obvious
errors, but otherwise unencumbered by frequently
unjustified assumptions. Use of conversion reactions
to convert a measured variable to intellectually ever


so appealing "master variables" is always based on

the implied assumption that all reaction participants 502 8
were in equilibrium at sorne stage and that they are 0.L
still present in proportions representative of this hy-
pothetical equilibrium, which is not at all guaran-
teed. Measured variables and theory should be kept 0.2
• •


• <300'C
strictly separate. This is most readily done by choos- • • >300ºC
ing graphs with coordinates representing only mea-
sured, or at least measurable, values, such as concen-
0.L 0.8
trations and temperatures, and packing all theory 0.2 0.6

into the space outlined by the coordinates. Also, one 100HCl

should try to preserve the identity of each measured FIG. 8. Plot of xc 02 /(xco 2 + lOOxttci) vs. Xtt 2 s/(xtt 2 s + x802 ) for
variable as much as possible by choosing combina- vapors from andesitic volcanoes. Data from Giggenbach (1987)
and Giggenbach et al. (1990).
tions involving at most two variables, such as a ratio.
Ratios also have the major advantage of being dimen-
sionless and therefore being independent of absolute
concentrations. In the case of geologic, frequently terms of relative H 2 0-HC1 versus relative S0 2 -H 2 S
quite dynamic, systems, combination of more than values for volcanic vapor discharges from White Is-
two variables into complex concentration or activity land, N ew Zealand (Giggenbach, 198 7) and other vol-
quotients greatly increases the uncertainty in the rele- canoes mentioned earlier (Giggenbach et al., 1990).
van ce of the values obtained. A typical example is the There are of course dozens of other ways to plot
Fischer-Tropsch reaction according to: these chemical compositions. The major advantage of
plots involving concentration or mole fractions, such
as Figure 8, over ratio plots is the possibility of plot-
ting pure components, as they treat all four variables
C0 2 may be controlled by formation of calcite at equally and none has to play denominator. Also, two-
deeper levels, H 2 by interaction with Fe(II)/Fe(III) of component mixing is always represented by straight
the rock up to quite shallow levels, whereas CH 4 may lines.
result from the decomposition of sediments in an en- Geothermal vapors are represented by only one
tirely different environment. Forming the complex point in the upper right corner of the diagram, as
concentration quotient XcH 4 x~ 20/xc 02 x~ 2 presupposes they usually don't contain S0 2 and HCI. High-temper-
that all four components are present in our sample in ature (>300ºC) volcanic vapors occupy positions in
amounts representative of attainment of equilibrium the lower left sector reflecting their highly oxidized
at sorne stage. As measured, they probably never are nature and high HCl contents. Lower temperature
and never were in equilibrium. There I have to con- discharges appear to fall into two groups: one reflect-
fess to sins of my younger, less enlightened years ing removal of HCl but remaining oxidized, the other
(Giggenbach, 1980). So, what then is the use of a with most of the S reduced to H 2 S, at a minor loss of
"master variable"? With these minor details settled, HCI. It is obvious that the two major processes re-
we can try to find out what's "really" going on. sponsible for the conversion of volcanic-magmatic to
T.ih~ thosP, TV cooks, I have all the ingredients al- geothermal "fluids," removal of HCl by conversion
ready in little bowls, in this case diagrams, and we can to a metal chloride, and reduction of S0 2 to H 2 S, may
dispense with the preliminaries, such as sampling, an- operate quite independently, but in the end give the
alyzing, and interpreting. To do the latter, it is same results: the formation of near-neutral, reduced
usually a good policy to look at the behavior of the "geothermal" fluids.
major species first. After all, they are most likely to HCl is a strong acid and the most likely process
be part of major buffer systems or to dominate the leading to its removal is neutralization through inter-
chemical environment. In the case of volcanic gases, action with oxidic components of the rock phase. As
they are, after water, C0 2 , sulfur in its various oxida- pointed out above, geochemical processes are best
tion states, and HCI. In Figure 8, I plotted them in evaluated in terms of reactions involving actual reac-

tion participants and on the basis of dimensionless 1..5 feldspar + HCl <=± 0.5 mica+ 3 silica + KCl (5)
variables, such as concentration ratios. The variable
to be combined with mHcl to form a ratio should also and the system may follow another path such as (b).
be a major component of the entire system. In the For solutions remaining in full equilibrium with the
present case, the most suitable is mKcl. A graphic rep- rock, the ratio HCl/KCl drops from a value of about
resentation of possible reactions of HCl with minerals 0.1 at 600ºC, to 0.01 at .500°, and to 0.001at400º.
of the rock phase to form KCl, as a function of temper- At lOOºC, >99.9 percent of the initial HCl is con-
ature, is given by Figure 9. It is based on data re- verted to a metal chloride. The resulting waters are
ported by Sverjensky et al. (1991). neutral Cl waters typical of "mature" geothermal
In an earlier investigation (Giggenbach, 1984), the systems, path (d).
two limiting processes governing the interaction of In the case of the rapidly cooled waters, high initial
magmatic volatiles with crustal rock were suggested HCl/KCl ratios are preserved and the waters hecome
to correspond to initial isochemical dissolutio~~of the highly reactive with regard to alteration of primary
rock by the highly aggressive waters formed through rock. Corresponding alteration products are highly
absorption of the volatiles into deeply circulating cation-depleted minerals such as pyrophyllite and
ground water and to eventual equilibration of these kaolinite. For acidities high enough, the process may
waters with a mineral assemblage resulting from iso- lead to complete cation leaching with only silica re-
chemical recrystallization of the original rock. In hy- maining. At sufficiently high sulfate concentrations,
drothermal systems, the overall process consists es- alunite will form from even highly acid solutions. In
sentially of the conversion of framework silicates, nature, actual interaction with rock may follow an in-
such as feldspars, to layer silicates, such as micas and termediate path, such as (b) crossing the stability
clays. fields of micas, as shown.
In Figure 9, trajectories are shown representing Figure 9 also provides a good illustration for the
these two end-member processes. Assuming the need to select the most relevant variables. Using HCl
gases, released at magmatic temperatures, to be ab- and KCl, species actually consumed and produced,
sorbed directly into cooler ground water, without an immediate quantitative assessment of the process
any further interaction with rock, magmatic HCl/KCl can be made. Another popular variable in the con-
ratios are maintained and the cooling trajectory struction of thermodynamic stability diagrams is the
corresponds to the horizontal path (a). On the other activity ratio aw/aK+. Corresponding stability bound-
hand, if the exsolved vapors rise more slowly in suffi- aries, according to Sverjenski et al. (1991) are also
cient contact and equilibrium with the rock, increas- shown in Figure 9 by dashed lines. The change in
ing amounts of HCl are converted to alkali chlorides aw/aK+ is much smaller for full equilibrium interac-
through interaction with feldspars to form !ayer sili- tion along the feldspar-mica boundary than that in
cates according to: mHc1/mKcl. It could wrongly be interpreted to mean



-2 -·-·-·-·-·-·-· .01

-3 ..._. .001

-4 .0001

100° 300° 400° 500' ('C) 600°

F1c. 9. Stability of aluminum silicates as a function oftemperature and LHK = log (mHci/mKcJ) according
to Sverjensky et al. (1991). Dash-dotted lines represent solution paths as discussed in text.

that interaction of acid volcanic waters with rock is

accompanied by only small amounts of alteration be-
cause the activitv ratio of the "reactants" remains al- (FeO) rock buffer
most constant. Át temperatures > 300ºC, acids are
increasingly associated and H+ becomes a very "un-
important" species, unsuitable to be used as a quanti-
tatively relevant, "actual" reaction participant.
Purely on the basis of Figure 9, interaetion of origí-
nally magmatic volatiles wíth rock at lower tempera- -4
tures is able to generate a wide range of geochemical
environments depending on temperature and dura-
tion of interaction wíth rock contacted.
According to Figure 8, the other major process ac-
companying conversion of magmatic volatiles to geo-
thermal fluids, is reduction of S0 2 , and other oxi-
dized S species, to H 2S. Again, by definíng a variable,
involving actual and measurable reaction partici-
pants, H 2 and H 20, the limiting processes governing
redox reactions in volcanic systems were found to be
equilibration with the major redox pair of the vapor -6

phase H 2 S-S0 2 , and with Fe(II)-Fe(III), the rnajor re-

dox system of the rock phase (Giggenbach, 1987). In
lower temperature hydrothermal systems, S0 2 can
be expected to disproportionate into H 2S and a sul-
fate speeies and redox buffering is likely to be dueto -7

these species, as shown in Figure 1O. It was drawn by

use of thermodynamic data for minerals provided by Hsoz
Bowers et al. (1984) and for solute speeies by Murray
and Cubicciottí (1983).
Depending on the degree of neutralization of the FIG. 1 O. Potential buffer systerns controlling redox potentíal,
solutions, the H 2S-sulfate buffer lines move with de- RH = log (fi1,/fH 20), as a function ofternperature. Dash~dotted lines
represent solution paths as discussed in text.
creasing acidity to higher val u es of Rn = log Un 2/fn 20)
~ log (xn 2 /xn 20), where Í¡ and X¡ are the fugacities or
vapor phase concentrations of the species i. Opti-
mum efficiencv of a buffer is achieved when both very low values of RH and therefore only from solu-
components ar'e present in comparable amounts, not tíons cooled rapidly, such as those generated by ab-
activities. Nevertheless, the lines shown in Figure 1O sorption of volcanic vapors into shallow ground
are based on more "easilv" estirnated activitv ratios. waters or crater lakes, path (a). The coexistence of
Accepting these lines to ~eflect buffer trends: a num- pyrite and alunite ín the Summitville "high sulfida-
ber of likely paths, taken by fluid mixtures during tion" ore deposit at temperatures of 250ºC (Stoffre-
their rise from a magmatic environment to the sur- gen, 198 7) fixes its position in Figure 1 O. In the case
face, can be drawn (Giggenbach, 1991). of more slowly rising waters, acidities may be re-
Again, assuming the vapor released from the duced sufficiently to allow anhydrite to form (path
magma to be cooled rapidly, without signifícant in- b). Even more slowly rising waters soon leave an
teractíon with the rock, the redox potential is deter- early zone of formation of a sulfate mineral and most
mined by interna! equilibration among the fluid of the Sis deposited as pyrite (path c). At RH values >
phase components and the systern moves clown the -4, the buffer capacity of the H 2 S-S04 system is
"gas buffer" line. At lower temperatures, H 2S03 will heavily impaired as by far most of the S0 4 is con-
disproportionate into H 2 S and a sulfate species. The verted to H 2S, and solutions should have no problems
positions of the H 2 S-sulfate isoactívity lines depend to attain full equilibrium with the Fe(II)-Fe(III)
on the degree of neutralization of the solutions. Their "rock buffer." The presence of both pyrite and pyr-
general directions, however, remain similar and the rhotite at 300ºC places the point for the Ohaaki geo-
path of a rising fluid will change from the trend thermal system right on the rock buffer line. It may
marked by the gas buffer to one parallel to an H 2 S- have reached this position by following path (d).
sulfate isoactivity con tour, paths (b) or (c). Assigning comparatively well-defined positions to
Figure 1 O also contains stability boundaries for a these systems, however, is highly misleading. Within
number of minerals. Alunite is likely to form only at each of these systems, microenvironments are likely

to exist spanning the entire range of R8 values, from 1991), it was the general Iack of such intermediate
highly oxidizing to full equilibrium with the rock and transitional systems which alerted us to the possi-
buffer. The entire set of processes occurring may be bility that the formation of these two types of epither-
compared to a tennis game with the two players rep- mal mineral deposits must be controlled by addi-
resented by the two major buffers. A given subsys- tional factors, not just the temperature and degree of
tem may represent the hall moving between the two, magma degassing but possibly also the mode of
with thermodynamics providing the rules and mass magma degassing itself.
balances the lines on the ground. Any thin section of The most obvious and rapid mode of degassing of
a rock sample taken from anywhere within the sys- andesitic magmas is that accompanying volcanic erup-
tem then may contain a series of "snapshots" of the tions such as those recently from Mount Saint Helens,
position of the hall in either court. A veinlet may at Nevado del Ruiz, and Mount Pinatubo. In these
sorne stage be exposed to a good flow of fluid, thus cases, the volatiles are released directly into the atmo-
recording "fluid-dominated" alteration processes. sphere and any interaction with cooler rock and
Once it becomes blocked, the trapped solutions may ground water is very limited. During periods of less
have time to react and the same subsystem converts violent, fumarolic activity, high-temperature vola-
to a "rock-dominated" alteration system. The rapid tiles may still be released from deeper lying, but
changes in equilibration conditions among minerals freely degassing, "boiling" magma bodies. Depend-
and solutions are well documented by drastic zoning, ing on the depth to the degassing magma body, the
for instance, in the isotopic composition of sulfide configuration and permeability of the gas conduits,
minerals as detected by SHRIMP (McKibben and El- and hydrological conditions, sorne of the gases may
dridge, 1990). Rather than being due to global be prevented from escaping directly and may start to
changes affecting the entire system, they may simply interact with local ground water to form a crater Iake
be due to local changes in fluid flow. In the case of such as at Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand (Giggen-
the S isotopes, the drastic changes may reflect vary- bach, 197 5), El Chichón, Mexico (Casadeval et al.,
ing degrees of reduction of the initially oxidized mag- 1984), Sirung, Indonesia (Poorter et al., 1989), and
matic sulfur. At low degrees of reduction, close to Poás, Costa Rica (Oppenheimer, 1992), or secondary
path (a), the small amounts of sulfide formed are very volcanic waters as discharged from highly acid and
depleted in 34 S, with increasing reduction, the com- mineralized Cl-S0 4 springs within the crater (Gig-
position of any sulfides formed approaches that of the genbach, 1987; Poorter et al., 1989) or the outer
original magmatic sulfur. The isotopic compositions slopes of a volcanic structure (Giggenbach et al.,
of the sulfides then may simply record oscillations 1990). The minerals forming from these waters in-
between these two end-member situations. No exter- clude gypsum or anhydrite, alunite, pyrite, and a sil-
na! input, such as inflow of oxygenated ground water, ica polymorph. At El Ruiz, a thick deposit of an amor-
or major changes in steady-state physical and chemi- phous As-Sb sulfide was observed along a spring
cal conditions, such as boiling, as frequently invoked, channel (Giggenbach et al., 1990).
would be required. In these volcanic systems, formation of mineralized
The above discussion covers the possible origin of waters may consist of direct absorption of magmatic
fluid phase constituents associated with andesitic volatiles, possibly released from such subterranean
magmatism and chemical pathways traveled by the "lava lakes" (Giggenbach, 198 7; LeCloarec et al.,
fluid mixtures from a degassing magma body through 1992) into local ground water at comparatively shal-
the crust. Not much has actually been said yet about low levels. Their acidity and redox potential corre-
the actual mode or modes of magma degassing, the spond to those indicated by paths (a) in Figures 9 and
true nature of the "mag(mat)ic arrows" of Figures 1 1 O. With increasing depth to the degassing magma
and 2. body, maintenance of a freely degassing lava surface
and associated open conduits becomes increasingly
Modes of Magma Degassing difficult and at sorne stage the degassing magma body
According to Figures 9 and 1 O one might conclude will become sealed by the formation of a shell of solid-
that the evolution of magmatic to hydrothermal, or ifying rock. Over its inner parts, this shell remains
geothermal, fluids is a continuous process. In this plastic and therefore impermeable to volatíles (Carri=
case we should observe an entire spectrum of epither- gan, 1986; Goldfarb and Delaney, 1988). Under
mal mineral deposits, from highest to lowest sulfida- these circumstances, direct transfer of magmatic vola-
tion, so to speak, and also transitional systems where, tiles to circulating ground water is impeded and a
e.g., a high sulfidation deposit evolves into something different degassing mechanism is required.
resembling a porphyry copper deposit or vice versa. As the encased magma body cools, volatiles are
At a meeting organized by the Geological Survey of likely to accumulate on top of the still liquid interior
Japan on "High Temperature Fluids and Associated (Candela, 1991) to be incorporated into a volatile-sat-
Alteration and Mineralisation" (Matsuhisa et al., urated carapace as discussed in detail by Burnham

(1979). On further cooling the boundary of solidify- the time the magmas are erupted at the surface, by
ing magma retreats to lower levels and the trapped far the largest proportions of the original volatiles
volatiles become incorporated into increasingly have left the melt phase; any volatiles subsequently
cooler and rigid layers of volcanic rock. If the volatile extracted from accessible samples of solid material,
contents of the cooling magma were high enough, such as volcanic glass, melt inclusions, or crystals,
part of the volatiles may exsolve to accumulate in vesi- therefore, are likely to represent only a very minor
cles. residual fraction of the original "andesitic volatiles."
From a given temperature downward, the mechan- Both isotopic and chemical compositions will be
ical strength of the still hot rock increases sufficiently heavily modified by fractionation processes accom-
to give rise to brittle fracturing allowing sorne of the panying such extensive vapor exsolution. Even vol-
stored fluids to escape or external fluids, ground canic gases collected from high-temperature fuma-
water, to penetrate as evaluated in detail by Lister roles are unlikely to be fully representative of the
(197 4). Other models of the processes governing the volatile contents of the original andesitic magmas but
distribution of temperatures and fluids around cool- may give an indication of the composition of vapors in
ing magma bodies have been presented by Whitney equilibrium with andesitic magmas at comparatively
(1975), Cathles (1977), Burnham (1979), Hardee shallow levels, levels similar to those of emplacement
(1982), and Carrigan (1986). Fournier (1992) puts of the magma bodies driving hydrothermal systems.
the temperature of transition from plastic to brittle By "calculating back," the compositions of potential
behavior in silicic rocks as low as 400º to 375ºC. melts coexisting with fumarolic gases may be evalu-
According to the above evaluation, there exist two ated as shown in Figure 11.
distinct thermal regimes governing the release of The composition of vapors released from andesitic
magmatic volatiles: that associated with freely degas- volcanoes is represented by six data points taken
sing surfaces of liquid magma at temperatures > from the same compilation as those shown in Figure
l,OOOºC, the other with brittle fracturing in solidify- 8. Their average composition corresponds to mole ra-
ing rock at temperatures < 400ºC. In the latter case, tios of C0 2 /St/HC1 = 10:3:1. They are all produced
volatiles stored in vesicles or along grain boundaries from probably very shallow bodies of magma, at low
may be released in two ways: at shallow levels where pressures, and the vapor/melt volume ratios accom-
hydrostatic pressures are low, they may escape partly panying vapor exsolution can be assumed to be very
in vapor form, to be absorbed later into shallow high, > 1O. In this case most of the e ven more soluble
ground water; at greater depths, "degassing" resem- components, S and HCl, should have partitioned into
bles more a leaching process of originally magmatic the vapor phase and the composition of fumarolic
volatiles, or their reaction products with the rock, by gases becomes very similar to that of the volatiles
more highly pressured, deeply circulating ground originally dissolved in the deep magma. Accepting
water. The assumption of release of originally mag- that the composition of volcanic gases, as sampled,
matic volatiles by the latter process also bridges the
gap between two major theories advanced to explain
the origin of hydrothermal sol u te species: rock leach-
ing as proposed by Ellis and Mahon (1964) and
magma degassing by Krauskopf (1957), Holland
(1972), Burnham (1979), and Eugster (1985). Re-
lease of the originally magmatic volatiles, partly
stored in vesicles, into minor amounts of invading
ground water may lead to the formation of highly sa-
line solutions and gassy vapors and corresponding
fluid inclusions, as frequently observed over the cen-
tral parts of hydrothermal systems or ore deposits
(Roedder, 1971; Reynolds and Beane, 1985; Reyes,
1990; Bodnar, 1992).
In addition to the marked differences in the temper-
ature of volatile "exsolution," the composition of the
volatiles associated with the two major types of
magma degassing may also be quite different. Basal-
tic magmas were shown to become saturated with re-
spect to dissolved gases at a depth of around 50 km
FIG. 11. Relative C0 2 , total S, and HCI contents of vapors from
(Bottinga and Javoy, 1990). Andesitic magmas, with andesitic volcanoes. Lines are given representing the composition
their probably much higher volatile contents, can be of vapor and residual melt forming from an average andesitic vapor
expected to start to "boíl" at even greater depth. By as a function of the vapor/melt ratio, Rv.

may resemble closely that of the volatiles originally inclusion evidence, however, the temperatures of
dissolved, the compositions of volatiles in the resid- mineral deposition are with 250º to 350ºC, very simi-
ual magma, coexisting with these vapors, were calcu- lar far both high and low sulfidation, epithermal ore
lated, as a function of Rv, the vapor/melt volume ra- systems (Stoffregen, 198 7; White and Hedenquist,
tio, by techniques described in detail by W. F. Gig- 1990). The marked differences in the mineralogies of
genbach and R. J. Poreda (in prep.). Even far low high and low sulfidation ore deposits therefare are
values of Rv of <0.1 (vesicularity < 11 %), relative likely to be due to differences in the modes rather
C0 2 contents of the residual magma drop rapidly at than the temperatures of mineral deposition. Again,
constant S/Cl ratios. When values of Rv exceed 1 (ve- the chemical processes are probably best discussed
sicularity > 50% ), increasing proportions of S parti- separately in terms of those controlling acidity and
tion into the vapor phase and the residual magma be- redox potential.
comes very C0 2 and S poor, and relatively Cl rich. The likely path of solutions resulting from direct
The compositions of vapors released from an andesi- degassing of a magma at high temperatures and ab-
tic magma are given by the curve marked "vapor." sorption into cooler ground water is marked (a) in
Recently a number of investigations involving H 2 0 Figure 9. At magmatic temperatures, the fluid is in
and Cl have been carried out; they allow a much equilibrium with its mineralogical environment and
more comprehensive and detailed evaluation of va- any alteration of primary rock by circulating fluids is
por-melt distribution processes accompanying magma likely to be restricted to isochemical recrystallization
degassing (Shinohara et al., 1989; Metrich and Ruth- or to minor K metasomatism of the rocks contacted
erfard, 1992; Webster, 1992). (Giggenbach, 1984). Depending on the extent of
The point marked "degassed melt" represents the these early reaction zones, the system may fallow an-
volatile mixture remaining dissolved in the residual other path (b) with initially high magmatic mttc1/mKCI
rock after extensive closed-system degassing. The ratios lowered to varying degrees. Generally, the ris-
major parts of the volatiles released from a magma at ing solutions become, with decreasing temperature,
depth reside in the vesicles; their composition is increasingly reactive with respect to rock alteration
likely to resemble closely that released from fuma- or more specifically H metasomatism. lnitially the al-
roles. This distinction is important when it comes to teration products will be those typical of phyllic alter-
comparing the isotopic and chemical composition of ation, such as micas. At lower temperatures, the min-
"free volatiles" and those extracted from andesitic erals farming in the now highly acid systems are
solids, such as glasses or melt inclusions. They can in highly cation-depleted phases such as pyrophyllite,
no way be compared directly. Following incursion of kaolinite, or at the usually very high S0 4 contents,
deeply circulating ground waters, the volatiles dis- alunite. At sufficiently low temperatures, the solu-
solved in the rock matrix and stored in vesicles are tions may become aggressive enough to give rise to
released to farm highly saline solutions and gas-rich complete rock destruction and removal of ali cationic
vapors to be trapped in "hypersaline" and COrrich components including Al and Fe, leaving only a resi-
fluid inclusions (Bodnar, 1992), partly reflecting the due of "vuggy" silica typical of high sulfidation ore
composition of the originally magmatic vapors. deposits (Stoffregen, 1987; Izawa, 1991). The para-
Summing up, farmation of an impermeable shell genetic relationships implied by paths (a) and (b) in
around cooling magma bodies leaves only two "win- Figure 9, correspond exactly to those observed at
dows" far the exsolution of magmatic volatiles. The most of these systems with decreasing depth (White
high-temperature window is only able to remain and Hedenquist, 1990; lzawa, 1991). Examples of
open far magma bodies emplaced at shallow levels the aggressive solutions farmed in these volcanic sys-
and gases are released directly to the atmosphere or tems are the highly acid and mineralized waters dis-
into shallow ground water. The other window opens charged from springs on White Island (Giggenbach
once the temperature has become low enough far and Glasby, 1977) and Nevado del Ruiz (Giggenbach
brittle fractures to farm, allowing sorne of the et al., 1990) or present in volcanic crater lakes (Gig-
trapped volatiles to escape or to be "leached" by in- genbach, 1975; Oppenheimer, 1992; Casadeval et
vading ground water. The existence of these two dis- al., 1984).
tinct modes of degassing may give rise to two distinct For the volatiles trnpped in the solidifying shell
modes of mineral deposition. surrounding a cooling magma body, prolonged and
persistent contact with rock at decreasing tempera-
Modes of Mineral Deposition
ture should favor maintenance of, or at least clase
One of the most obvious differences in the two ma- approach to, fluid-rock equilibrium and the system
jar modes of magma degassing is the temperature of may fallow path (d), including the stretch marked
volatile release: > l,OOOºC in the case of free release "fluids trapped in solidifying magma.'' They are only
from a "boiling" magma surface, <400ºC in the case released once the system reaches the point marked
of subsolidus degassing. Based on isotopic and fluid "brittle fracturing." By this time >95 percent of any

magmatic HCl may have been converted to an alkali rock matrix to end upas neutral chloride waters typi-
chloride. Any free vapor released, therefore, will be cal of "mature" geothermal systems.
much less aggressive with respect to rock dissolution The above evaluation is based on the behavior of
than those released under magmatic conditions. Any only one of the acid constituents of an originally mag-
liquid phase remaining in the rock will be highly sa- matic vapor phase, HCl. Another important compo-
line and very similar to the hypersaline fluid inclu- nent is C0 2 . The relative efficiency of these two,
sions as frequently observed in drill cores from wells with respect to rock alteration, may be evaluated as a
into volcanic hydrothermal systems (Reyes, 1990; function of temperature and in terms of the amounts
Reyes and Giggenbach, 1992) or in samples from hy- of feldspar converted to layer silicates. The interac-
drothermal ore deposits (Roedder, 1971; Reynolds tion of HCI with feldspar may be represented by the
and Beane, 1985). reaction:
As stated above, the relative proportions of the
fluids released in the form of vapor or leached by feldspar + 2HC1 = mica+ 2KC1 (6)
circulating ground water will depend on the depth to and that of C0 2 by
the degassing magma body. At shallow levels, or high
within a volcanic structure, hydrostatic pressures are alkali feldspar + Ca feldspar + C0 2
comparatively low and volatiles are likely to be re- = mica + calcite. (7)
leased as vapors followed by absorption into cool
ground water. This process was assumed to lead to The amounts, in g, of mica formed, for a drop in
the formation of the comparatively acid, high sulfate temperature of 1 OºC, as a function of initial contents
waters discharged over the outer slopes of the El of HCl and C0 2 , in g/kg of solution, and according to
Ruiz (W. F. Giggenbach and R. J. Corrales, in prep.) the above two reactions, are shown in Figure 12. At
and Miravalles volcanic structures (Giggenbach, temperatures above 600ºC, the solutions are inert
1992). The path taken by these fluids, in Figure 9, is with respect to rock alteration by either HCI or C0 2
likely to approach that of a horizontal line extending and no mica is formed. The onset of attack by HCI is
away from the point marked "brittle fracturing" to quite sudden and by far most of the HCl reacts ac-
lower temperatures, path (c). cording to reaction (6) at temperatures above 400ºC.
At greater depths, increasing hydrostatic pressures The temperature range of 400º to 600ºC, of course,
will aid penetration of ground water, facilitating hy- is within that where volatiles remain trapped within
drothermal alteration and "leaching" of the trapped, the cooling magma, facilitating neutralization of most
originally magmatic volatiles. The resulting solutions of the acidity due to HCl before the trapped fluids
have a good chance to remain in equilibrium with the are able to escape. C0 2 becomes reactive with re-


~ C0 2 = CALCITE +MICA ~

§ 10
~ 1.0
10g 100g co,1kg solulion 100gCI 10gCl 1gCl/kg

little alterotion

200º 400° (ºCJ 600°

FIG. 12. Equilibrium amounts of K mica formed (in g) through alteration of feldspars, as a function of
initial HCI and C0 2 contents of hydrothermal solutions for a drop in temperature by 1OºC.

ficient to generate sizable ore deposits (Giggenbach

and Glasby, 1977; Hedenquist et al., 1992).
rock buffer
The actual modes of mineral deposition are illus-
(Feü1_5l /'
trated in Figure 13 for gold in terms of the other ma-

ft o
§ o
jor variable controlling fluid-rock interaction, the re-
dox potential. Again, the dashed lines represent
/ likely paths of solutions rising from degassing magma
bodies. In neutral to alkaline waters, Au is likely to be
transported as the Au(SH)2 species (Seward, 1973);

-- -
in the generally more acid solutions discussed here,
/' the most likely species is HAu(SH) 2 (Hayashi and Oh-
/ moto, 1991). Instead of H 2 S-S0 4 contours, Figure 13
shows contours representing dissolved Au in the
-5 pyrite form of HAu(SH) 2 , the thio-gold complex predomi-
nating at pH values of <5. The Au solubility contours
were calculated by use of the reactions:
0.01 2Au + 2 pyrite + 3 water
-6 O.OOll = 2HAu(SH) 2 + hematite, (8)
Au (~g/kg)
2Au + 2 alunite + l.5H 2
= 2HAu(SH) 2 + 2 mica+ 19 water, (9)
alunite and
2Au + 4 anhydrite + 4 kaolinite + l.5H 2
= 2HAu(SH)z + 4CaAl 2 silicate + 7 water, (10)
(ºC) 400°
where hematite represents the thermodynamic
FrG. 13. The solubility of gold, in µg/kg, as HAu(SH) 2 as a func- proxy of Fe(III) of the rock phase. Calcium in an Al
tion of temperature and RH. Dash-dotted lines represent solution
paths as defined in Figure 10. Sulfate minerals are represented by silicate is represented by CaA1 2 silicate, laumontite at
either anhydrite or alunite. low, wairakite at intermediate, and anorthite at high
Reaction (8) is independent of the redox potential,
spect to rock alteration only at temperatures < therefore contours in Figure 13, over the pyrite
330ºC. Again the onset of feldspar alteration is quite stability field, are vertical and only a function of tem-
sharp and peters out at temperatures below 150ºC. perature. In contrast, contours based on the two reac-
In addition to the two alteration regimes imposed tions involving sulfate minerals, are highly depen-
by the mechanical strength of a cooling magma, we dent on RH and virtually independent of tempera-
have two distinct regimes defined by the nature of ture. The behavior of Au with respect to
the major acidity-controlling species: HCl at high transportation and deposition can therefore be ex-
temperatures 400° to 600ºC or in solutions affected pected to be quite different in these two environ-
by direct absorption of magmatic vapors; C0 2 in ments. In an environment dominated by the forma-
lower temperature (<350ºC) hydrothermal systems. tion or presence of sulfate minerals, simple cooling
The acidity caused by C0 2 is insufficient to give rise would actually increase the solubility of Au and any
to the intense alteration observed in high sulfidation Au acquired at deeper levels would remain in solu-
ore deposits. These high acidities can only be gener- tion. On the other hand, in a more reduced environ-
ated from magmatic fluids released at high tempera- ment, dominated by the formation of pyrite, a drop in
tures in a way preventing strong acids from becoming temperature by 30ºC would be accompanied by the
neutralized at intermediate levels and temperatures. deposition of 90 percent of the Au from any saturated
Conditions allowing strong acids to survive neutral- solution. In nature, mineral-depositing processes
ization by interaction with rock are restricted to sys- rarely involve only one variable and the overall pro-
tems with very steep temperature gradients and cess is probably more realistically modeled in terms
therefore to comparatively shallow levels within or of the various fluid paths as derived in Figure 10.
beneath a volcanic structure. Preliminary assess- Following path (a), the one most closely reflecting
ments for White Island show that the amounts of min- redox control by the "fluid buffer," concordant
eral components involved in these processes are suf- changes in both temperature and RH would lead to

rapid deposition of dissolved Au. For solutions follow-

ing more reduced paths, such as (b) and (c), the rate
of deposition of Au depends on the nature of the pre-
dominant S mineral, pyrite or anhydrite. If the latter
predominates and if solution mineral equilibrium is
maintained, initially saturated solutions can be ex-
pected to traverse considerable ranges of tempera-
ture where they become undersaturated again. On
crossing into the pyrite stability field, however, all
these solutions will lose most of their Au on further
cooling, conductively or by dilution with cooler
ground water. Diagrams such as Figure 13 can be con-
structed for any other mineral-depositing system. As
1 have already overdrawn my allocated time consider-
ably, 1 better start summing up.
Summary and Conclusions
One of the major purposes of my talk was to throw
sorne light, or to put sorne meat, onto the possible
nature of the "magic arrows" generally employed to
signify injection of magmatic fluids into hydrother-
mal systems. In the case of such systems associated
with volcanic activity along convergent plate bound- Frc. 1.5. Schematic model ofhydrothermal systems responsible
for the formation of a "low sulfidation," porphyry-type mineral
aries, isotopic and chemical evidence suggest that the

major fluid components H 2 0, C0 2 , and probably Cl,

may largely be derived from subducted marine sedi-
ments and seawater. Depending on the leve! reached
by the rising, generally andesitic magmas, volatiles
are degassed in two distinct modes: at magmatic tem-
peratures from an effectively freely boiling magma
either at the surface, during eruptions, or from sub-
terranean "lava lakes"; and from the solidified shell
surrounding a more deeply buried magma body in
response to thermal fracturing.
The active systems likely to give rise to the forma-
tion of the mineral deposits represented by Figures 1
and 2 are shown again schematically in Figures 14
and 15. In the case of "high sulfidation" systems, part
or ali of the vapors degassing from a subterranean
lava surface may be absorbed at shallow levels into
cool ground waters leading to the formation of ini-
tially only little reactive solutions capable of phyllic
to argillic alteration of primary, usually igneous rock.
With decreasing temperature, the solutions become
increasingly acid and oxidizing, thus promoting
wholesale rock destruction and the deposition of sec-
ondary minerals such as alunite, anhydrite, pyrite,
and silica. At sufficiently low temperatures, <250ºC,
FIG. 14. Schematic models of hydrothermal systcms responsi- acidities may become high enough to cause complete
ble for the formation of "high sulfidation" (paths a and b) and "low rock destruction with only "vuggy" silica remaining.
su!fidation" (path e) epithermal mineral deposits. The low sulfida- Part of the ore-forming constituents are likely to be
tion system, on the right, is assumed to be situated on the flanks of
a volcanic structure. The dotted line represents the path of gas-
derived from the dissolved rock; a considerable pro-
charged vapors, the dashed lines that of downward-percolating air- portion may be introduced directly with the mag-
oxidized, acid sulfate waters. matic vapor. Gold is deposited from the resulting so-

lutions, once saturated, largely in response to de- posits of the porphyry type, as shown in Figure 15.
creasing temperature ata rate of about 90 percent for There the penetration of ground water into the cool-
everv 30°C. ing rock, a process favored by high hydrostatic pres-
"Dry" degassing of a solidifying magma at shallow sures and therefore, greater depth, may go on for
levels leads to the release of less aggressive but still very long periods, and integrated rock volurnes possi-
acid and oxidizing vapors which, on contact with bly involved in this process may be very large, thus
ground water, may give rise to the fonnation of acid providing a large source of ore-forming components.
Cl-S0 4 waters, typical of active volcanic systems, in- The cylindrical shape and position of the ore shell at
tensive rock alteration, and the deposition of elemen- the boundary of potassic to phyllic alteration sug-
tal sulfur. Part of the "dryly" degassed vapors may gests that the major process giving rise to ore deposi-
accumulate within the volcanic structure (Gíggen- tion in porphyry metal deposits is coolíng and possi-
bach et al., 1990), to be released duríng eruptions, bly dilution by the incursion of cooler ground water
thus contributing to the large excess of volatiles fre- at intermediate depths. Boiling may be more impor-
quently observed (Williams et al., 1990). Because of tant in low sulfidation, epithermal deposits.
the limited spatial extent of these systems and the Anyway, if nothing else, my lecture may have pro-
absence of metal-rich, high-temperature magmatic vided you with two important criteria to evaluate the
vapors, their potential for forming mineral deposits, geochemical literature on hydrothermal systems: if a
except of elemental S, is probably only minor. The paper indiscriminately uses lots of "fluids" beware, if
comparative rarity of typical volcanic hydrothermal also «f02 ' s" and "fs 2 ' s," re ad the newspaper instead.
discharges (Reyes and Giggenbach, 1992) also sug-
gests that both their spatial and temporal extents are Acknowledgments
verv limited. Nevertheless, the incursion of even I want to thank A. J. Ellis for introducing me to the
mi~or amounts of these acid Cl-S0 4 waters into geo- intricacies of hydrothermal fluid-rock interaction,
thermal wells drilled too close to volcanic systems the former DSIR to allow me to follow the twists and
may generate majar problems. turns of the evolutíon of fluids in these svsterns, and
Both the time and amount of source material avail- my former colleagues, especially J. W. Íledenquist,
able for the fonnatíon of significant mineral deposíts R. W. Henley, and T. M. Seward, for rescuing me
can be expected to increase as zones of water-rock from a number of geological dead alleys.
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