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1. Consider the following two balanced chemical equations.

SO2 (g) + 2H2S (g) ® 3S (s) + 2H2O (l)

SO2 (g) + Mg (s) ® S (s) + 2MgO (s)

The reducing agent(s) in these two reactions is (are) …

A only SO2

B SO2 and Mg

C H2S and Mg
D SO2 and H2S

2. Different structural forms of the same compound are …

A isotopes
B isobars
C allotropes
D isomers

3. Choose the molecule that is incorrectly matched with the electronic geometry about the
central atom.
A CF4 - tetrahedral
B BeBr2 - linear
C H2O - tetrahedral
D NH3 - tetrahedral
E PF3 – pyramidal
4. A triple bond contains ___ sigma bond(s) and ___ pi bond(s).
A 0, 3
B 3, 0
C 2, 1
D 1, 2
E 3, 2
5. A 0.6745 gram sample of KHP reacts with 41.75 mL of KOH solution for complete
neutralization. What is the molarity of the KOH solution? (Molecular weight of KHP = 204
g/mol. KHP has one acidic hydrogen.)
A 0.158 M
B 0.099 M
C 0.139 M
D 0.079 M
E 0.061 M


1. Astronomers analyse the spectrum of light from a star. They have found that the light from
other galaxies moving away from us has a red shift. Which of the following statements are

A Light shifts to red since red has the lowest frequency of visible light.
B Light shifts to red since red has the longest wavelength of visible light.
C Red shift is due to the Doppler Effect of electromagnetic waves.
D The red shift implies that galaxies are receding slowly and that the universe is getting

2. Which of the following statements is true for a parallel plate capacitor?

A The unit of capacitance is always given as nanoFarad (nF).

B A 50 nF parallel plate capacitor can only store 50 C of charge.
C The capacitance is dependent on the area of the plates.
D The potential difference applied to the capacitor is inversely proportional to the amount
of charge stored.

3. According to Kepler, planets move in

a) circular orbits with the Sun at the centre
b) elliptical orbits with the Sun at the centre
c) elliptical orbits with the Sun at one of the foci
d) elliptical orbits with the Sun at both foci

4. If a current of 0.150 mA flows through a pocket calculator for 5.00 minutes, then the
amount of charge delivered to the calculator is
a) 0.0450 C
b) 0.000 750 C
c) 45.0 C
d) 0.750 C
5. What is the formulaic relationship between Q, C, m and ΔT, where
Q is the amount of heat transferred to an object
C is the specific heat of that object
m is the mass of the object and
ΔT is the change in temperature?
A Q = CmΔT
B Q = Cm/ΔT
C C = ΔT/mQ
D C = QmΔT
6. Multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in
A Vectors if multiplied or scalars if divided
B Scalars if multiplied by scalars
C Scalars
D Vectors

7. . Alin ang naiba. Which of the following DOES NOT describe a particle moving with constant non-zero
acceleration vector?

A. a = v2 /r

B. v = v0 + at

C. v 2 = v 2 0 + 2a∆x

D.( v + v0 )/2 = ∆x/ t

8. Insta-GG. A particle moving in one dimension has net displacement ∆x, instantaneous velocity vinst,
and average velocity vave. Which of the following is/are ALWAYS FALSE about a particle?

I. It can have zero vinst and nonzero vave.

II. It can have negative ∆x and positive vinst.

III. It can have negative ∆x and zero vave.

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III

9. Truelalu. Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE about an object undergoing a
projectile motion?
I. The x and y-components of its motion do not affect each other.
II. The y-component of it’s motion behaves like a free-fall.
III. The x-component of its speed is constant.
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II, and III
10. When 2 become 1. Which of the following is/are TRUE about a system that undergoes
completely inelastic collision?
I. The final velocities of the colliding bodies are the same.
II. The initial kinetic energy of the system is less than its final kinetic energy.
III. The total linear momentum is conserved.
A. I only B. I and II only C. I and III only D. II and III only

11. Byebye na forever. After UPCAT, you build a rocket ship to send all your
dreams, hopes, and bad memories into outer space. What should be the speed
of the rocket ship so that it will escape the orbit of the earth?
G = 6.67 × 10−11 [N · m2/kg2], RE = 6.38 × 106[m], ME = 5.97 × 1024 [kg]
A. 7.92 × 103 [m/s]
B. 8.46 × 103 [m/s]
C. 1.12 × 104 [m/s]
D. 1.58 × 104 [m/s]

12. Loneliness is underrated. A pendulum, soaked in water, is released at a small angle from
the vertical. It swings back and forth several times until it comes to rest along the vertical.
What is the type of the said oscillation?
A. undamped
B. underdamped
C. critically damped
D. overdamped

13. Is tat ic? Which of the following statements are ALWAYS TRUE about an object in static
I. It experiences a zero net torque
II. It is at rest
III. There are no forces acting on it

A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. all of the above

14. Feel the motion. The hand of the dancer as it moves around is governed by the equation
x(t) = 1.0 m cos (2π(2.0 Hz)t + 3.0 rad)
What is the speed of the hand at t = 5.0 s?
A. 1.8 m/s B. 13. m/s C. zero D. 0.80 m/s

15. simple lang. Which of the following best describes simple harmonic motion?
A. The force and acceleration are constant.
B. The force is proportional to speed.
C. The acceleration is proportional to the displacement.
D. The speed is proportional to the displacement

16. A 30 kg iron sphere and a 10 kg aluminum sphere with the same diameter fall freely from
the roof of a tall building. Ignore the effects of friction. When the spheres are 5 m above the
ground, they have the same . . .
A momentum B acceleration C kinetic energy D potential energy

17. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same . . .

A energy B speed C frequency D wavelength
18. The hooter of a vehicle travelling at constant speed towards a stationary observer, produces
sound waves of frequency 400 Hz. Ignore the effects of wind. Which ONE of the following
frequencies, in hertz, is most likely to be heard by the observer?
A 400 B 350 C 380 D 480

19. A student holds a book at rest in an outstretched hand. The force exerted on the book
by the student is equal to the book’s
A mass.
B weight.
C volume.
D density.
20. A ball is dropped from rest from a height 6.0 meters above the ground. The ball falls freely and
reaches the ground 1.1 seconds later. What is the average speed of the ball?

A 5.5 m/ s B 6.1 m/ s C 6.6 m/ s D 11 m/ s

1. A base sequence is shown below.
How would the base sequence be coded on mRNA?

2. The fight-or-flight response includes greater heart output and a rise in blood pressure.
This response is due to
A insulin secreted by the pancreas.
B thyroxine secreted by the thyroid gland.
C oxytocin secreted by the pituitary gland.
D adrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands.

3, What is the greatest danger to a patient who has had damage to the skin?
A loss of oils produced by the skin
B excessive muscle contractions in the damaged area
C infections in uncovered tissues
D damaged tissue entering the blood stream

4. Individuals with HIV sometimes contract a pneumonia infection that is rare in the rest of the
population because people with HIV

A are unable to fight off these pneumonia-causing organisms.

B are more often exposed to these pneumonia-causing organisms.

C release pheromones that attract the pneumonia-causing organisms.

D release substances that increase the strength of the pneumonia-causing organisms.

5. Striking the tendon just below the kneecap causes the lower leg to jerk. Moving an object quickly
toward the face can cause the eyes to blink shut. These are examples of

A learned responses.

B short-term memory.
C reflex reactions.

D sensory overload.

1. Although many ancient civilizations designated certain patterns of stars as constellations, they
never included planets in their constellations. What feature of planets, as opposed to stars,
explains this?
A They look bigger than stars.
B They are more difficult to see than stars.
C There are not enough of them to form a constellation.
D They do not maintain fixed positions relative to other planets or stars.

2. Which planet was formed from the light gases of the outer solar nebula?
A Mars B Mercury C Venus D Uranus

3. Fusion is a form of nuclear reaction resulting in an enormous release of heat energy. The fusion
of hydrogen to helium is a reaction that commonly occurs in
A the Sun and other typical stars.
B the ionosphere and thermosphere.
C Earth’s outer core of molten iron.
D a comet’s tail of ionized gases.

4. The surfaces of planet Mercury and our moon contain some very large craters that are most
likely the result of
A giant lava flows.
B asteroid impacts.
C nuclear explosions.
D large collapsed caves.
5. In geological studies, a dome shaped intrusion is called a:
a) volcanic neck b) laccolith c) nuee ardente d) caldera

6. Of the following, the rock that is most resistant to both chemical and mechanical weathering is:
a) shale b) limestone c) marble d) quartzite
7. In geological studies, arkose contains which of the following minerals which gives it a reddish
a) orthoclase b) calcite c) aragonite (pron: a-rag-o-nite) d. quartz
8. Multiple Choice: Which of the following minerals is noted for its one perfect cleavage?
a) calcite b) muscovite c) quartz d) pyrite

9. The mineral halite is:

a) potassium chloride b) sodium chloride c) calcium chloride d) calcium bromide

10. Multiple Choice: On the Phanerozoic (pron: fan-eh-row-zo-ick) Time Scale, which of the
following geologic periods occurred approximately 395 to 430 million years ago? Is it:
a) Jurassic (pron: ju-ras-ick)
b) Permian
c) Carboniferous
d) Silurian

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