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Directional Core Drilling & Borehole Services

User Manual

Doc no: 140200.1001 Revision:1 Checked by: RL

Author: GV Date: 19.10.2007
I. About DeviSoft.Mobile
The software is under continuing development. Comments, wishes for improvements etc.
are welcome.
The software is protected by copyright. Illegal use will be prosecuted.

II. Warranty
This software and accompanying written materials (including instructions for use) are
provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Further, Devico AS does not warrant,
guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of use of the
software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness or
otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is to be
assumed by the user.
If the software or written materials are defective, Devico AS will replace the material or
refund the purchase costs of the software.
The above is the only warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited
to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose that is
made by Devico a/s, on this Devico a/s product. No oral or written information or advice
given by Devico a/s, agents or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase
the scope of this warranty and the user may not rely on any such information or advice.
The user may have other rights which vary from state to state.
Neither Devico a/s nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or
delivery of this product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental
damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of
business information, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the product
even if Devico a/s has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

III. How to install

From CD
Insert CD in CD-rom and connect the PDA to the PC with an appropriate cable. Open
Windows Explore and go to your CD folder. Run the setup.exe file.

From Internet
Go to “”. Register a username. Go to Downloads/Software/DeviSoft.Mobile.
Download the zip file to your computer and unzip it. Connect the PDA to the PC with an
appropriate cable. Open Windows Explore and go to your unzip-folder. Run the setup.exe

IV. Table of contents

DEVISOFT.MOBILE ............................................................................................................1
USER MANUAL ..................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................4
2 DEVISOFT.MOBILE.....................................................................................................4
2.1 OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................4
2.2 MAIN MENU .............................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Project................................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Hole ...................................................................................................................6
2.2.3 Survey................................................................................................................6
2.2.4 Result...............................................................................................................10
2.2.5 Online ..............................................................................................................12
3 TROUBLESHOOTING ...............................................................................................12
3.1 PROGRAM NOT STARTING .......................................................................................12
3.2 NOT CONNECTING ..................................................................................................12

1 Introduction
DeviSoft.Mobile is a PDA software made exclusively for communication with survey
instrument from the DeviTool family in field. The DeviTool Standard, DeviDip, PeeWee,
DeviFlex and DeviCore are all compatible with the DeviSoft.Mobile. The communication
between the instrument and a PDA is handled through a Bluetooth modem.

The DeviSoft.Mobile software offers intuitive organization of projects and boreholes, easy
to understand survey procedures and an immediate overview of measured data after

For further analyzes, the data from DeviSoft.Mobile are quickly transferred to DeviSoft via
USB cable and the survey results are soon ready to be presented.

2 DeviSoft.Mobile
2.1 Overview
Provided that DeviSoft.Mobile is correctly installed on your PDA, you will find a
DeviSoft.Mobile start-up icon in the Windows Start menu or under the Programs folder. A
click on the icon starts the program and the Startup Window (figure 1) appears.

Figure 1. Startup Window.

The startup window is organized for easy maneuvering through a survey run; register a
project and a borehole, insert the survey parameters and do the survey. Quality check the
survey results when the tool is back on the surface again.

1) Headline: Pressing the OK button on the right side of the headline exits the
program. The headline also gives information about which type of DeviTool that is in
Table 1 Instrument connection
DeviSoft No tool connected
DeviSoft Standard DeviTool Standard or PeeWee
DeviSoft Flex DeviFlex connected
DeviSoft Dip DeviDip connected

2) Logo: Pressing the DeviSofts logo gives version number of the installed software
and contact information to Devico AS
3) Main Menu: The Main Menu functions are described in details in chapter, 2.2.
4) Communication icon: The icon in the lower left corner indicates the communication
status between PDA and DeviTool:

Figure 2. Communication icon A) Disconnected B) Connected

2.2 Main Menu

The main menu consists of 5 buttons; Project, Hole, Survey, Result and Online. A single
click on one of them may open it, depending on the foregoing actions.
A survey is always linked to a project and a hole, and this information has to be provided
before a survey can be started. The result function can not be displayed before a survey
has been performed. To complete a survey, start at the top of the main menu and go
through it sequentially.

2.2.1 Project
This window (see figure 3A) handles project settings. Projects may be created, changed or
deleted. A project must be defined to proceed to the Hole input window.

Figure 3. A) Project menu B) Open project window.

Text boxes
Id and Name are alphanumeric information which may be provided by the user and
modified at any time. The Created and Modified information is provided by the program
and is unavailable for modification by the user.

1) New: Creates a new project with empty id and name. Id and name may be specified
by the user in the above text boxes, or if not, the default settings will be used
(Id = [Project]).
2) Open: Changes project from the present to a previous project. Mark the wished
project and press open. The Back button cancels the operation.
3) Delete: Deletes the opened project and all information attached to it. No projects
are open after the delete button is pressed. To continue working, a project must be
created or opened.
4) Back: One step up in the menu hierarchy, in this case to the Startup Menu.

2.2.2 Hole
The Hole window lets you create, change names or delete holes (see figure 4). The
functions are similar to those in the Project window, except for the Hole id which starts at 1
and increases automatically for each new hole (a project may have several holes).

Figure 4. A) Main Hole window B) Open Hole window.

2.2.3 Survey
The Survey window lets you define input parameters for a specific survey run, thereafter
start and complete the survey.

To enter the Survey window, a DeviTool must be communicating with the PDA via a
Bluetooth modem. Connect the DeviTool and the Bluetooth modem with a cable and turn
the modem on. Connection is established when the communication icon in the lower left
corner of the DeviSoft.Mobile changes to a green dot. Remember to always charge the
modem and PDA before a survey is started!
Figure 5. Survey Parameter window.

1) Start Time: Includes two options, Start now and Delayed start. Start now will instruct
the instrument to start logging immediately after pressing the Start button. Delayed
start postpones the logging for a user specified time. The DeviTool instruments are
capable of taking 1920 readings before the internal memory is full.
2) Time interval: Sets the logging interval for the instrument. Longer logging interval
gives more time to finish the survey, but also a longer time between each reading
(see table 2). A long time interval is recommended in deep boreholes or when the
instrument is started long before the survey. Together with the delayed start option,
most cases can be solved in a time efficient way. 5 seconds is minimum time
interval to be set.

Table 2 Interval time versus survey time

Interval time Survey time
5 seconds 2 hours 40 minutes
10 seconds 5 hours 20 minutes
20 seconds 10 hours 40 minutes
30 seconds 16 hours 00 minutes

3) Start depth: Input of the depth where the survey is going to start. 0 is at surface (or
specified by user) and the values are positive in the direction of the hole. There will
later be possible to choose between survey up (out) the hole or survey down (in)
the hole.
4) Depth interval: Distance between each survey station. During a survey the
instrument has to be stopped at this interval and stay completely still before a
measurement may be taken. Recommended intervals are presented in table 3.

Table 3 Recommended depth intervals

Instrument Depth interval
DeviFlex 2 - 4 meters
DeviTool Standard 1 - 30 meters
DeviTool PeeWee 1 - 30 meters
DeviDip Project dependent
The DeviDip does not use Start depth and Depth interval, instead values are
inserted after each survey station.
5) Oriented rods: If oriented rods are in use, check this box.

Pressing the back button ends the survey preparations. In contrast, the Start button starts
the survey. The input parameters are transferred to the instrument, and the tool and the
PDA synchronize their clocks.

Figure 6. Information Message.

An information message appears (see figure 6). Follow the given instructions and press
the OK button in the upper right corner.

Figure 7. Main Survey window with A) green button B) red button.

The main window for accomplishing the survey is shown in figure 7. The PDA is now
working independent of the DeviTool. The DeviTool is on the other hand constantly taking
measurements with the given time interval (unless delayed start is chosen) and saving
them in the internal memory.

1) Up/down check box: Depending on the DeviTool and start depth parameter, there
are three possible ways to do a survey: down the hole, up the hole and down – up.
Use the up/down check box to change survey direction. If it is changed to survey
up, there is no way to change back to down. If the start depth is set to 0, it is not
possible to survey up the hole.
2) Time left: A count down timer that shows the time until the memory is full, or until
the logging is started if delayed start is chosen. Next record shows the time to next
instrument reading. When the memory is full it will not be possible to do more

Mark: The button is clickable when colored green. The button is colored red when delayed
start is chosen, when a measurement reading is under progress or after the internal
memory of the DeviTool is full. There is no action when clicking a red Mark button.

Clicking the green Mark button performs a measurement reading, and the color of the
button changes to red. The id number of the shot, depth (should be same as extern depth
counter) and date/time of the reading is registered. Do not move the instrument in the
borehole during a measurement since this will influence the quality of the data in a
negative way. The instrument has done the readings and is ready to be moved when the
button changes color back to green.

End: Ends the current survey.

Undo: Deletes the last survey station displayed in the Survey window. It can be done as
long as there are stations to delete. Be aware, there are no undo - undo function.

Figure 8. A) Survey Up B) Survey Down.

After ended survey a pop-up window appears. Depending on survey direction, either last
interval or last depth must be typed in.

A) “Enter last interval” appears when survey direction is set to up. Both the initial depth
measurement and the procedure executed while logging, may be erroneous. When the
instrument is back at the surface, the final depth generated by the device may be positive
or even negative. You then have to insert the length of the final pullout.

The data download procedure then recalculates the depths as follows:

Depth 1 = 0
Depth 2 = Final Pullout
Depth 3 = Depth 2 + Depth Interval
Depth n = Depth n-1 + Depth Interval

B) “Enter last depth” appears when survey direction is set to down. Insert the last
measured depth and press OK.

Figure 9. A) Continue measurements in new hole B) Get the results.

It is recommended to answer No on the question “More holes?” (see figure 9), especially
after long surveys. Although it is possible to continue to survey more boreholes with the
same survey parameters (time interval and depth interval). The Results button (see figure
9B) take you directly to the Result menu.

2.2.4 Result
The Result window displays survey data downloaded from a DeviTool. Before further work
on the data, a quick quality check can be done in field, i.e. movement of the tool etc.

Figure 10. Results window A) Load B) Progress indicator C) Check results.

To open the Result window, there must either be data to download or previous data to
display. Pressing the Load button require that the DeviTool is communicating with the

The results (figure 10C) include depth of the measurement, azimuth, inclination, toolface
and quality factors as the gravity and the earths magnetic strength and dip. The results
depend on the tool being used.

Figure 11. Plot window A) Top view B) Side view

The plot function gives a graphical presentation of the survey results with a vertical axis in
the start direction of the borehole. The options are side view, top view and rotation of the
plot. Up/down and left/right describes the total deviation at the bottom of the borehole.
2.2.5 Online

Figure 12. Online window

Online is a function that presents real-time azimuth (not DeviFlex), inclination and toolface
of the instrument, as shown in figure 12. The function is mainly intended as a rough check
of the instrument and the communication. A DeviTool must be connected to the PDA to
open this function.

3 Troubleshooting
3.1 Program not starting
Error in data files.
File Explorer → Program files → DeviSoft.Mobile → data
File Explorer → Storage (CF) Card → DeviSoft.Mobile → data

Copy all the survey files to a new folder, and delete the files in the data folders. Try to
restart the program.

Not properly installed

Try to reinstall the program. Be careful to follow both the instructions on the PDA and your

3.2 Not connecting

Check connections.
Check the conditions of the Bluetooth modem batteries. Charge if necessary.
Restart DeviSoft.Mobile.
Reboot the PDA.
Change/recharge the instrument batteries.


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