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Research Method.

This research is a qualitative and descriptive research so that the data collected is
usually in the form of words and descriptions. [8] Therefore, a particular technique needs to be done so
that the required data can be collected so that it helps researchers to analyze an issue. Data collection
techniques used in this research are qualitative data collection techniques, with primary data sources
coming from field research through in-depth interviews. In addition, secondary data was obtained
through library research through a number of literatures

Dikutip dari conference paper Virtual office is a service that provides business address rental services,
reception services, call forwarding services, correspondence services, and some providers provide
meeting room usage services
When businesses want to run their businesses under the legal entities, the need to address the business
becomes important. However, for business people who do not have a permanent place of residence,
renting an office or buying an office is very burdensome in terms of costs. Especially for new business
people who stand with a small capital structure and do not really need an office as a place of business
such as MSME or startup.

Although initially the use of virtual office was banned in Jakarta with the issuance of Circular of the Head
of the One Stop Services of DKI Jakarta Province Number 41 / SE / 2015 concerning Domicile Certificate
of Virtual Office Business Entity on November 2, 2015. However, after discussion by several parties
finally the circular was revoked and replaced with a circular letter that allowed the use of virtual office
services in Jakarta. On January 29, 2016 a Circular of the Head of the One Stop Service Agency Number
06 / SE / 2016 was issued concerning the Issuance of Domicile Certificates and Continued Permits for
Virtual Office Users that allow entrepreneurs to use addresses in virtual office services as company
domicile addresses.

Dikutip dari Investopedia, A virtual office gives businesses a physical address and office-related services
without the overhead of a long lease and administrative staff. With a virtual office, employees can work
from anywhere but still utilize a mailing address, phone answering and messaging services, meeting
rooms, video conferencing and more at a lower cost and with greater flexibility.

In 1980, John Markoff and Chris Kern gave opinions regarding the development of technology and the
mobility of workers in the future. Virtual office in the future, workers will not be hampered by computer
equipment or geographical location in carrying out their work. Future workers will interact easily from
anywhere because of the advancement of information and communication technology. This is as
revealed [9]:
“In the future virtual office, workers will no longer be constrained by computer equipment or by
geographic location, according to this vision. They will be free to travel or to interact with others while
communicating information reely. The office as we know it will cease to have the central importance it
does today.”


1. A Prime location without price tag

One of the key business benefits of a virtual office is the ability to promote your
company as having a prestigious business address, without needing to pay to rent a bricks and
mortar office in the same location. - Even today, people believe that businesses with either city
centre or expensive addresses are more capable and experienced than others. For start-ups, in
particular, a perceived lack of experience can be a barrier to winning new business, but the right
business address can help to mitigate those concerns without breaking the bank if you go
virtual. - On a similar theme, setting up an office from scratch is a huge expense for businesses
and as a start-up, those funds are especially precious. A virtual office provides a solution where
you can still work from home, thus saving the need to go out and buy desks, chairs, filing
cabinets, storage drawers, stationary and the rest of the necessary office paraphernalia.
2. A full reception team
With call answering services and the phone being answered in your company name, you
really can present your business to the world with confidence and professionalism. This service
is a big help when you are starting out – you don’t have to worry about answering sales calls
that can be a drain on your time – leave it to the front of house team – your receptionist,
without having to pay a salary.
3. Greater flexibility
Another key benefit of virtual offices are the contracts. These are typically very flexible
and allow businesses to upgrade the service level as needed, to grow in line with the business.
This means there’s no long-term commitment to a fixed package and price point, which you may
not need to start with. - It’s not just finances that become more flexible with a virtual office
though, it also gives employees the opportunity to work more flexibly too. With no commute
required and no need to be “in the office”, staff can work when it suits them, whether that
means getting a few hours in before taking the kids to school or making the most of a few quiet
hours when everyone else has gone to bed.
4. Access to global talent
Last but by no means least, having a virtual office frees your business from the
restrictions of employing people within a reasonable travel time from the office. Instead,
employees can work from home and that means you can employ people all over the world,
increasing the talent pool you can choose from. - Moreover, the ability to work from home can
also help you attract new talent, as it offers a real employee benefit, and we all know how
competitive (and creative) perk packages can be these days
5. Summary
1. A professional business address without the premium property price tags
2. No need to spend money on office supplies and furniture
3. Greater flexibility in the office contract and no need for long term commitments
4. Greater working flexibility and a less need for holiday days
5. Better for the environment as staff don’t need to commute
6. Avoids the time and money needed to find and set up a physical office
7. Opens up the opportunity to employ global talent
8. Meeting rooms can be booked as needed for a small hourly rate

Virtual offices have been a growing trend in today’s work environment and have been used to
improve organizational performance for several decades. However, more and more companies
also experience the challenges and problems brought by the use of virtual office in current
years. One famous example would be the Yahoo’s decision to withdraw its work-from-home
program. Therefore, the studies about the dark side of virtual office start to attract interests
from researchers and practitioners. This paper aims at providing a critical view of the changes in
employees’ work life due to the shift to virtual office from four perspectives: communication,
social relation, achievement recognition and work-life balance. This paper also discusses the
impact of such changes on employees’ quality of work life in terms of job satisfaction. This paper
intends to conceptually extend the understanding of alternative working arrangements by
considering the “dark side” of virtual office in employees’ work life.

Home industri barang / jasa

adalah rumah produksi barang / jasa atau perusahaan kecil. Di katakan perusahaan kecil karena jenis
kegiatannya di lakukan dan berpusat di rumah


Yaitu pembukuan dengan sistem pencatatan berganda (double entry)


atau biasa di sebut dengan konsultan hokum yang melakukan atau memberikan nasehat dan
memberikan pembelaan terhadap orang lain yang berhubungan dengan kasus hukum

Hukum perusahaan

yaitu yang mengatur semua jenis usaha / jasa

Toko online

adalah tempat pembelian barang dan jasa melalui media internet

Dokter / Terapis

yang serasi menerapi dan mengobati

Bisnis konsultan,

yaitu orang yang memberikan informasi dan generasi masa depan

Mediator / resolusi konflik

pihak netral yang membantu orang lain

Kamar dagang

adalah organisasi yang bergerak di bidang ekonomi

Manajemen senior

adalah tim dari individu di tingkat perusahaan yang memiliki perusahaan dan kadang-kadang
perusahaan atau perusahaan.

Real estate
seperti perumahan, komersial, dan industri

Perusahaan hipotik

perusahaan yang meminjam uang ke bank, kemudian meminjamkan ke konsumen untuk membeli
rumah, kemudian menjual pinjaman kepada infestor.

Broker saham / perencana keuangan

atau biasa di sebut dengan pialang saham adalah seseorang atau firma yang menjadi modal bagi
investor dalam bertransaksi atau melakukan jual beli saham di pasar modal.

Koleksi lembaga

Jaringan kelompok

adalah fungsi yang bertujuan untuk melihat pesan dari satu orang ke orang yang lain.

Pelatih / instruktur

y aitu orang yang melatih untuk mempersiapkan fisik dan mental dari seorang olahragawan atau
kelompok olahragawan yang mengatur, strategi, pelatihan fisik, dan menyediakan moral untuk atlet.

Sepliana Setyowati, Milla & Arif Luthfi, Racha & Hendrawan, Adang. (2019). The Role of Virtual Office to
Support Startup Companies in Indonesia. 10.4108/eai.7-12-2018.2281789.

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