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21.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.

01 final
21.06.07 Fixed: Shift+F4: When user leaves name field empty, start editor witho
ut name
21.06.07 Fixed: RAR multi-volume: Pass multi-volume size in bytes by appending
'b' to the number
20.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.01 final pre 2
20.06.07 Fixed: When using the option ThreadFindFirst=1, switching to a network
share via Ctrl+D could show the progress dialog twice
20.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.01 final pre 1
20.06.07 Fixed: Access violation after switching to tree view, then opening dri
ve combobox in SAME panel and pressing ENTER without choosing any drive
20.06.07 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CDlabel=0 turns off the display of C
D labels (and other removable drives) in Alt+F1/F2 and the drive buttonbar. Reas
on: Some CD drives take several seconds to return the labels
19.06.07 Fixed: Lister plugins no longer worked when iviewadditionaltypes was m
issing from wincmd.ini
19.06.07 Fixed: Lister: Select last word of a line with double click, then clic
k somewhere else -> text cursor remained (non-blinking) at old position
19.06.07 Fixed: Search function, feed to listbox: If the previous view was a cu
stom columns view sorted by a user-defined column, re-sort the result list to ma
tch that sort order
19.06.07 Fixed: Access violation in compare by contents editor when deleting te
xt from Unicode files. The delete section must end at the beginning of a line to
get the error
19.06.07 Fixed: Copy progress dialog: When copying a file with very long name t
o the root of a network share, the name was incorrectly shortened (the \ was for
gotten after the share name)
19.06.07 Added: Allow user to replace also mouse cursors (e.g. for drag&drop) v
ia iconlib entry in wincmd.ini (the same file which contains different file list
19.06.07 Fixed: FTP download from list crashes on very long URLs
18.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.01 beta 3
18.06.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool didn't keep custom sort order of main panel w
here the files were selected
18.06.07 Fixed: External packers not working if the TEMP/TMP variable points to
a path with spaces in the name -> put path in double quotes (will only work wit
h packer supporting long names like WinRAR)
18.06.07 Fixed: Compare by content: using the scroll wheel at the end of the fi
les could show lines out of sync if only one panel had a horizontal scrollbar
18.06.07 Fixed: Switching from 1 to 2 separate trees while in right file panel
-> the left tree still showed the directory of the right panel
18.06.07 Fixed: 1 separate tree: When both command line and function key bar ar
e turned off, make separate tree 2 pixels less high to make scrolling during dra
g&drop easier
17.06.07 Fixed: Switch from custom view with horizonal scrollbar to thumbs view
and back with the thumbs view button didn't restore the scrollbar
17.06.07 Fixed: Encrypted ZIP file created with replacement wcmzip32.dll direct
ly on floppy disk could only be unpacked with Total Commander due to bad header
17.06.07 Fixed: Additional checks to ftp client to avoid that resume starts aga
in from the beginning of a file
15.06.07 Fixed: ARJ unpacker couldn't unpack ARJ files with extended header, e.
g. from Linux packed with -2o* parameter
15.06.07 Fixed: Search on FTP: Progress dialog would stay on screen if connecti
on was lost during normal search (not for text)
15.06.07 Fixed: Shift+Enter on EXE files inside of archives no longer worked (i
t should open the program via NOCLOSE.PIF)
15.06.07 Fixed: Show menu below button, not at the mouse position also in dialo
g "Custom columns" and "Custom fields by file type"
15.06.07 Fixed: cm_CopySrc/TrgPathToClip now copies the true network name inste
ad of the display name on WinXP
14.06.07 Fixed: Copy function, overwrite dialog: Option to (auto-)rename target
was missing when using the compatibility mode for copying
14.06.07 Fixed: Change to network drives via directory hotlist (ctrl+d) fails f
or some pseudo network drives (e.g. third party sftp mounted as drive)
13.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.01 beta 2
13.06.07 Fixed: Going up one level from an UNC server on XP placed the cursor o
n [..] instead of the previously active server name (because the name in the tit
le was different from the name in the list)
13.06.07 Fixed: Footer below file panel could shortly appear in a wrong color w
hen the quick search dialog is turned off
13.06.07 Fixed: RedirectSection=0 in section [Extensions] would show up in view
er association dialog
13.06.07 Fixed: Separate tree panel didn't auto-scroll when dragging file over
it (drag&drop)
13.06.07 Fixed: Windows XP: cm_EditPath with network computers edited the wrong
name (the display name). Same problem with Ctrl+P, Ctrl+Shift+Enter or cm_copyf
13.06.07 Fixed: FTP: Temporary file downloaded for editing was deleted even if
it was changed and couldn't be re-uploaded
13.06.07 Fixed: Ctrl+PageDown not working on Archive with Unicode name (Enter w
13.06.07 Fixed: Search text in lister: search whole words worked differently fo
rwards and backwards ('_' is now considered as part of name, not word separator)
13.06.07 Fixed: Drag&Drop to unopened TAR archive was not working
13.06.07 Fixed: Search on FTP: Detect whether connection was lost when trying t
o view a file with F3
13.06.07 Fixed: Duplicating a folder tab via right click menu gave the wrong ta
b title when the original tab was locked with dir changes allowed
13.06.07 Fixed: Search function, search contents: Remember trailing spaces in s
earch string
13.06.07 Fixed: Quick search in separate tree: scroll item into view so at leas
t 3 lines remain before the end of the list
13.06.07 Fixed: Autocomplete in start menu editor only listed folders, no files
13.06.07 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Thumbnails, click on "Add" button: Show m
enu below button, not at the mouse position
13.06.07 Fixed: Change attributes, click on "+": Show menu below button, not at
the mouse position
13.06.07 Fixed: Lister: IviewAdditionalTypes takes precedence over internal ima
ge checks, e.g. when *.jpg is part of it, TC will not check whether the file has
the correct jpg header
13.06.07 Fixed: Archives in archives: Allow to open multiple inner archives wit
h the same name at the same time (unpack temporarily to _tc, _tc0, _tc1 etc.)
13.06.07 Fixed: FTP toolbar had no frame around it on XP with turned off themes
13.06.07 Fixed: ESC after cm_EditPath didn't place cursor back in file list ->
post cm_focusleft/right to main window
13.06.07 Fixed: Wrong error message "Directory already exists" when trying to c
reate a directory containing * or ? in the name
13.06.07 Fixed: Invisible tray icon if iconlib= points to 16-bit DLL on Vista,
or to a file other than dll/exe on all Windows versions -> use icon from totalcm
13.06.07 Fixed: Auto-complete: Entering an UNC path like \\server\ suggested pa
ths with two backslashes after the server name
11.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.0a
11.06.07 Fixed: FTP client hangs when trying to auto-reconnect before a downloa
d, and the server has been turned off
10.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.01 beta 1
10.06.07 Fixed: External compare tool: No parameters allowed. Solution: Put pro
gram in double quotes "" even if there are no spaces in the name, to avoid that
TC adds double quotes by itself
10.06.07 Fixed: Do not show any tooltip window for the updir [..] file list ite
10.06.07 Fixed: FTP client hangs after reconnect when trying to download a file
when the server has terminated the connection
10.06.07 Fixed: Creation/Renaming of directories not logged correctly and not s
tored correctly in treeinfo.wc file in some cases
06.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 final
06.06.07 Fixed: TC was hanging for a few seconds, and showing Connect \\Desktop
when right clicking on a file and choosing some menu item while the other panel
showed a tree
05.06.07 Fixed: Still double click selection problems in lister with UTF-8 enco
ded text
04.06.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 5.5 (RC5.7)
04.06.07 Fixed: Create directory with F7 in parent directory (by entering ..\su
bdir) added wrong dir to Alt+F10 tree (treeinfo.wc)
04.06.07 Fixed: Lister: Double click on first line of UTF-8 encoded file with b
yte order mark (3 byte) would select the wrong text
04.06.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Switching back to Compare tool after editing fi
le in other program while cursor was on -> recompare, but Copy buttons were disa
04.06.07 Fixed: Updated button bar and drive bar in help file to show new icons
04.06.07 Fixed: Changed 16 color icons for folders back to TC 6.56 version
03.06.07 Fixed: RAR multi-volume: Wrong volume size passed to RAR, it expects t
he size in kBytes, not Bytes
01.06.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Backspace not working correctly with double byt
e charset when deleted char was from Western alphabet with Chinese character in
front of it
31.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Problems with font choose dialog on Chinese Win
dows returning Western charset, although the created font is Chinese afterwards
30.05.07 Fixed: Win9x/ME: 16x16 icons on buttonbar looked resized instead of re
sampled when the icon source (EXE/DLL) only contains a 32x32 pixel icon, no 16x1
28.05.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 5.5 (RC5.5)
28.05.07 Fixed: Configuration - Options - FTP: Changing the default transfer mo
de now takes effect immediately
28.05.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Support other start values than 'a' for alph
abetic sequences, e.g. start with aay -> aay, aaz, aba, abb, abc...
28.05.07 Fixed: Improved displaying of dialog "Click on Close when the temporar
y file can be deleted!" also in synchronize dirs (when comparing two files by co
28.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Pressing Cursor right or Ctrl+Cursor right when
at the end of the file jumped to the beginning of that line
28.05.07 Fixed: Access violation when trying to open a second FTP connection wh
ile a connection with a very long saved name was open
28.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Explicitly set the cursor to the last active co
ntrol when minimizing a program in front of the editor, otherwise the focus is l
28.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Bad cursor positioning when typing dual byte ch
aracters, e.g. Chinese
28.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Use code page chosen by the user for the curren
t font to type text, e.g. to allow to edit a Russian text on an English system
27.05.07 Fixed: Quick search: In brief view, the column with the search result
was scrolled to the left border when the search result was near the bottom
27.05.07 Fixed: Lister: Move text cursor position on double/triple click also w
hile cursor disabled (so it's in the right place when the user re-enables it)
27.05.07 Fixed: Overwrite dialog was showing target path all uppercase when dro
pping file from outside of TC to a directory in the list or tree
24.05.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 5 (RC5)
24.05.07 Fixed: Minor fixes to help, translations and history
22.05.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 5 (RC5) pre1
22.05.07 Fixed: Installer: 2 dialogs didn't have a close button in the title ba
22.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor called from synchronize dirs with file in archiv
e subdirectory, modify file -> Re-packing packed to root instead of the correct
subdir (for packer plugins only, was fixed previously for internal packers)
22.05.07 Fixed: Change attributes: Move focus to Plugin attributes checkbox if
user chooses something from the dropdown combobox and no plugin options are show
22.05.07 Fixed: Changed default title of background transfer manager from "Tran
sfer" to "Total Commander". This title is only shown as long as no title is set
22.05.07 Fixed: Delete function: User chooses "Skip all" when a file cannot be
deleted -> do not warn any more also for directories which cannot be deleted
22.05.07 Fixed: Copy function: If the user has chosen "Skip all", running progr
ams and open files were not skipped automatically
22.05.07 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir mode: If the active side shows the contents of
an archive, the directory on the other side was only changed when it was writte
n exactly the same (upper-/lowercase)
22.05.07 Fixed: Unicode warning dialog: The dialog was turned off also when the
user checked to no longer show it, but then clicked on "Cancel"
21.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: When comparing a file from an archive, do not o
ffer to re-pack if the user saved the file to a different name than the original
(save as), only when the original was modified
21.05.07 Fixed: Custom field [tc.size] could be shown as <DIR> in thumbnail vie
w for 0 byte files
18.05.07 Fixed: Search function: ESC in any other program would abort unpacking
of files for searching text in archives
18.05.07 Fixed: Configuration - Packer: Let the user save double quotes around
name (they must be stored TWICE in wincmd.ini because Windows removes one pair o
f "")
18.05.07 Fixed: Compare by content: Remove direction arrow (shown when invoked
from overwrite dialog) when choosing different file
18.05.07 Fixed: FTP upload in background: <PAUSED> was not translated
16.05.07 Fixed: Compare by content: Right listbox too wide after switching from
vertical to horizontal arrangement
15.05.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 4.5 (RC4.5)
15.05.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Focus loss when using external packer (WinXP
15.05.07 Fixed: Lister: Place cursor behind selection on double click or triple
15.05.07 Added: When opening a file from inside an archive, only show the dialo
g "Click on Close when the temporary file can be deleted!" when either the focus
is not on TC, or it is on TC but never went away from it. Should avoid the dial
og if a user closes a viewer very quickly.
15.05.07 Fixed: When opening a .tab file containing no tabs with Shift+Enter (=
replace), the tab headers would become completely empty, but would not be remove
15.05.07 Fixed: Internal ZIP packer: Sometimes no second percent bar during ver
ify on Windows 9x (timing problem)
15.05.07 Fixed: Drag&Drop of OLE data to Total Commander (e.g. address line fro
m IE/Firefox): Allow to overwrite read only/hidden/system files (with warning),
show error if copying fails
13.05.07 Fixed: Directory with & character at the end was shown incorrectly in
the folder Tab bar. The & was converted to an underline _ by Windows.
13.05.07 Fixed: Could not list UC2 archive containing ^ sign in the file name o
r path name
13.05.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Also keep comments in complex rename situati
ons, e.g. 1->2 2->3 3->4 etc.
13.05.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Selection in main program was cleared after u
sing external pack tool -> no results shown if "only selected" was checked
11.05.07 Added: Compare by contents: If invoked from overwrite dialog, show fil
e to be copied on left side, and show arrow with copy direction
11.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Changes not saved when closing Total Commander
11.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Could no longer delete lines near end of file a
fter last fixes
10.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: In some special cases, a line could appear twic
e in a file
10.05.07 Added: Increased possible number of packer plugin extensions to approx
. 250.
10.05.07 Added: Compare editor: Ctrl+Home also moves to beginning of the first
line, Ctrl+End to the end of the last
10.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Fix cursor position after click on "Compare"
10.05.07 Fixed: ZIP unpacker: Couldn't handle files >4 GB in ZIP archives creat
ed by DynaZip (where only the original size was stored in 64 bit, not the packed
09.05.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, quick search: Sometimes 2 lines were selected
after leaving quick search
09.05.07 Fixed: Search for UTF8 no longer working in search function (but worke
d in lister)
09.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Ignore Delete on not present lines if the next
line is also not present
09.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Save as: Incorrect name given when no extension
was specified, and the original file had no extension either
09.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Update both sides of Total Commander after savi
ng file
08.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Don't react to Alt+Backspace or Ctrl+Z if Undo
button is disabled
08.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Remove any selection when clicking on "Compare"
to recompare the files (also in edit mode)
08.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: If nothing is selected and one of the Copy text
button is clicked, only copy the current line if the "from" window is currently
08.05.07 Added: Show native 24x24 icons in button bar and main menu also on Win
dows 9x/ME
08.05.07 Added: Hint and overwrite dialog custom fields: Support field contents
not containing any plugin fields, e.g. to show a fixed text for a specific file
08.05.07 Fixed: Windows XP 64: If redirection of system32 folder is turned off,
it will be temporarily re-enabled while checking the presence of the Network Ne
07.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Cursor on a line only existing on the other sid
e, Alt+Cursor, Undo, Alt+Cursor, Undo -> invalid Undo
07.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: After Undo, a non-existing empty line could rem
07.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Ctrl+Arrow keys not working in lines which exis
t only in the other panel
06.05.07 Added: Include extended wcmicons.dll (without the 48x48 icons) in the
default installation
06.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: After Undo, the cursor was sometimes placed on
the wrong character
06.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Still problems with pressing ENTER beyond the l
ast line of the shorter file
06.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Cursor wasn't scrolled into view on Home/End/Ct
06.05.07 Fixed: Right click - "New" submenu: Didn't place cursor on new file if
the "ShellNew" entry in the registry used the "Data" key value to initialize th
e new file
06.05.07 Fixed: Compare by contents: Do not turn off right vertical scrollbar w
hen switching horizontal/vertical view modes
06.05.07 Fixed: Removed Help button hotkey from multiple English dialogs (F1 is
sufficient for help)
03.05.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 4 (RC4)
03.05.07 Added: Multi-Rename Tool: Use standard menu key F10 to open Multi-Rena
me menu (menu button)
03.05.07 Fixed: Blue screen crash trying to use the parallel port connection un
der Windows Vista
02.05.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 4 (RC4) pre1
02.05.07 Added: Compare editor: When searching in edit mode, place cursor behin
d last found text, and scroll it into view. Activate panel with search result if
result only on one side
02.05.07 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Show warning if file couldn't be a
ccessed for copying
02.05.07 Fixed: Background transfer manager: allow to copy files also from dirs
for which the user has no read rights
02.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Allow to type/paste text below last line of sho
rter file
02.05.07 Added: Compare editor: Ctrl+S (Save), F6 (edit mode) and Alt+Backspace
/Ctrl+Z (Undo) now also work when cursor not in one of the text panels
02.05.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Scroll caret into view also vertically when use
r types or deletes something, or pastes text
02.05.07 Fixed: Lister: Clear window when file cannot be read
01.05.07 Fixed: Folder tabs: When switching to a tab with a file system plugin
with a custom columns view, the custom columns dialog was shown by mistake (reas
on: the plugin wasn't loaded yet)
01.05.07 Fixed: In mode RenameSelOnlyName=1, if F6 was assigned to cm_renameonl
y, F6 didn't change the selection between name and name+ext
29.04.07 Fixed: Compare editor: <Spacebar> wasn't overtyping any text
29.04.07 Fixed: Compare editor: Select text including the final line break, but
without the first character of the next line, delete, Undo -> wrong selection r
29.04.07 Fixed: Compare editor: After Undo, the previous text selection was res
tored, but couldn't be modified with Shift+Cursor keys. Instead, a new selection
was started
29.04.07 Added: Right click, "New" submenu: Show file extension of new file in
braces, e.g. "Text File (.txt)"
29.04.07 Fixed: When using WinRAR as external packer, pass long archive name to
it when deleting files from archive (Reason: on Samba drives, the long name is
lost when deleting via the short name)
29.04.07 Fixed: Compare by content: "Resync comparison from here" sometimes res
ulted in "0 differences found" in the case of empty lines on both sides
29.04.07 Fixed: Wrong DPI in synchronize dirs and various other dialogs when us
ing custom DPI size via OverrideDPI
27.04.07 Fixed: After creating new file via context menu - "New" submenu, place
cursor on new file also in right panel
27.04.07 Fixed: Auto-complete network shares in the command line didn't work if
the path was part of a longer command line
25.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 3.5 (RC3.5)
25.04.07 Fixed: Drag&Drop to right separate tree panel from outside of Total Co
mmander (e.g. Explorer) wasn't working correctly
25.04.07 Fixed: Compare by content: If the user turns off edit mode and then cl
icks on the Undo button, auto-re-enable edit mode
25.04.07 Fixed: Compare by content: User could enable edit mode even when no fi
le was loaded (e.g. after changing one of the file names), resulting in an acces
s violation when trying to type some text
25.04.07 Fixed: Compare by content: Enable/Disable >> button belonging to edit
box when enabling/disabling that edit box
25.04.07 Fixed: Compare by content: Clear status line when opening new file via
>> button, or when typing new name manually
24.04.07 Added: Background transfer manager now allows to copy to directories t
o which the user has no read rights (via tcmadmin.exe)
24.04.07 Added: (Experimental, undocumented): wincmd.ini [Configuration] Overri
deDPI=120 scales all dialog boxes (except for the main window!) to the given siz
e in dots per inch. Normal is 96 dpi
24.04.07 Fixed: External UnRAR wasn't unpacking to UNC root like \\server\share
, except when appending a backslash (in this example: \\server\share\)
24.04.07 Added: Shift+F6 inplace rename: Ctrl+A selects entire name
24.04.07 Fixed: Problem opening MS Office files if x64DisableRedirection=1 (64-
bit Windows) -> temporarily re-enable redirection, except when file in system32
24.04.07 Fixed: Shift+F1 menu: Menu texts are taken from the main menu - do NOT
take them from the user-defined "Start" menu
24.04.07 Fixed: Remember whether the user wants 1 or 2 drive button bars when d
isabling drive bars
24.04.07 Fixed: After converting a file system with WinXP from FAT(32) to NTFS,
IsThemeActive() always returns true, even for the "Windows Classic" theme. -> u
se OpenThemeData to determine whether themes are really supported or not.
22.04.07 Fixed: Could not list UC2 archive containing & sign in the file name o
r path name
22.04.07 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Cursor moves away from current file when the p
anel resizes (e.g. on Ctrl+Q)
22.04.07 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Additional thumb showing up by mistake to the
right of the last column when invoking Quick View (Ctrl+Q)
20.04.07 Added: Auto-complete: Also enumerate shared folders of a network resou
rce, e.g. when user enters \\server\
20.04.07 Fixed: Auto-complete: Subdirs in UNC path were no longer displayed, e.
g. subdirs of \\server\share\
20.04.07 Fixed: Prevent the user from opening the right click context menu mult
iple times (e.g. by right clicking and pressing the menu button at the same time
20.04.07 Fixed: Still access violation in Lister after PageDown when file was d
18.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 3 (RC3)
18.04.07 Fixed: When saving an entire ini file section (e.g. history of connect
ions in Ctrl+N), do not delete the section first. This was adding an empty line
to the ini on Win9x each time the section was saved
18.04.07 Fixed: Lister triple click: Ignore third click if the mouse was moved
more than the amount returned by GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDOUBLECLK/SM_CYDOUBLECLK)
18.04.07 Fixed: Access violation in Lister when scrolling with enabled text cur
sor when the currently viewed file was deleted
17.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 3 (RC3) pre1
17.04.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Stop selecting text when losing the
input focus also in view (not edit) mode
15.04.07 Fixed: 'bytes' not translated in HTTP download (Ctrl+N)
15.04.07 Fixed: Compare by contents: Copying marked text failed when opening co
ntext menu via keyboard (Shift+F10 or menu button)
15.04.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool didn't remember state of the ^ (case sensitiv
e) checkbox in search+replace
15.04.07 Fixed: Sync+FTP copying files to wrong directories
15.04.07 Fixed: File system plugin with custom columns: Do not store custom col
umns view in wincmd.ini on a locked tab with dir changes allowed (because TC wil
l revert to the locked root)
15.04.07 Fixed: Compare by content: Flickering of the mouse cursor (constant ch
ange between arrow and hourglass) during compare
15.04.07 Fixed: Lister triple click: Third click was detected even when using t
he right or middle mouse button
11.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 2 (RC2)
11.04.07 Fixed: Incorrect icon scaling when using non standard icon sizes (e.g.
21x21) in file list
11.04.07 Fixed: Improved selection with Ctrl+Shift+Cursor keys in command line:
Since the selection and cursor location cannot both be set in an edit control,
remember the selection start position internally
11.04.07 Fixed: Open network shares via Ctrl+D, Shift+ENTER in new tab: Do not
check whether the name is an archive if a trailing backslash is given, e.g. cd \
10.04.07 Fixed: Lister, HTML view: cut off parameters from local links, e.g. se
arch.html?search=xyz to open file search.html
10.04.07 Fixed: Compare by Contents: If the compare dialog is minimized and a f
ile is changed outside, restore the dialog before asking the user whether to rec
ompare the files or not
10.04.07 Fixed: Net - FTP download from list didn't support ftps connections (t
hey were used unencrypted)
10.04.07 Fixed: Noreread option in wincmd.ini could not take all possible value
s (29: letters a to z, and special characters \/:)
10.04.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Unpacking from RAR archives didn't always unp
ack all files from multiple subdir levels. Reason: Wrong re-ordering before unpa
06.04.07 Fixed: Sometimes duplicate "Connect" dialog when trying to switch to a
tab with a no longer available network resource (only when using a separate tre
06.04.07 Fixed: Access violation when changing directory during Explorer delete
06.04.07 Fixed: Triple click in lister sometimes selected a different line when
the mouse was moved before the third click
06.04.07 Fixed: Triple click in lister could select more than the currently vis
ible line
06.04.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Stop selecting text when losing the
input focus, e.g. when the user clicks on a panel and a dialog comes up that th
e files have been changed outside
06.04.07 Fixed: When loading synchronize options via a button with the command
SYNCOPEN, check the option "only selected" under the following condition: some f
iles/dirs are selected, and no paths were stored in the loaded option
04.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 1.6 (RC1.6)
04.04.07 Fixed: Better resizing of Search+Replace in Multi-Rename-Tool
04.04.07 Fixed: When both panels show the same custom columns view, changing on
e header only changed the first 3 columns of the other
04.04.07 Fixed: 'bytes' not translated in some places (e.g. ftp)
04.04.07 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment didn't refresh comment in custom columns vi
ew when the changed line wasn't covered by the comment edit box
04.04.07 Fixed: Lister triple click: Only select entire line if triple click go
es on the same line as the double click
04.04.07 Fixed: Directory tabs: FTP connection number shown as drive letter was
lost (replaced by # sign) on Ctrl+U, or when locking the tab
03.04.07 Fixed: When using external compare tool, also pass names of selected f
olders to compare tool (e.g. WinMerge)
03.04.07 Fixed: Folder and EXE icons were not displayed correctly or not shown
at all when the Totalcmd directory was hidden by a tool like Universal Shield
03.04.07 Fixed: Don't get default exe icon from wc32to16.exe, but instead via S
HGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES parameter (on nt/2000/xp/vista only)
03.04.07 Fixed: Do not show Explorer extensions in context menu when inside of
a file system plugin
03.04.07 Fixed: When ThreadFindFirst=1 was set, it took at least 3 seconds unti
l the password dialog for the share came up
03.04.07 Fixed: When ThreadFindFirst=1 was set, and trying to access a server b
y typing \\server\share in the current path edit box fails -> the file under the
cursor was opened
03.04.07 Fixed: Duplicate hotkey 'r' in Configuration - Options - Thumbnails (i
nternal English version only)
01.04.07 Fixed: When using the internal English menu, changing the menu icon si
ze caused menu items with wrong height until TC was restarted
01.04.07 Added: FTP over SSL: wcx_ftp.ini [General] sslwarn=0 allows to turn of
f warnings about bad ssl certificates (not recommended)
01.04.07 Added: FTP over SSL: Always show certificate warning at connection tim
e when a server has an invalid or unverified certificate. Users can permanently
accept a certificate by clicking on the locker icon.
01.04.07 Added: FTP over SSL: Show SHA1 fingerprint of the server cerificate if
01.04.07 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Apply button not activated when clicking
on "DOS charset" on the page "Operation"
01.04.07 Fixed: cm_SeparateTree1 was no longer working when the cursor was in t
he right panel
01.04.07 Added: When 4 is added to SingleClickStart value in wincmd.ini, the te
xt cursor will no longer follow the mouse cursor
28.03.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 1.5 (RC1.5)
28.03.07 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] SingleClickStart=2 only opens folder
s on single clicks, not files/programs or archives
28.03.07 Added: Command line: cd .. goes to "My Computer" when in the root of
a drive
28.03.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Show plugins dropdown menu below plugins but
ton instead of the cursor position
28.03.07 Added: Lister triple click selects entire line
28.03.07 Fixed: When renaming a file to a name with spaces at the end, Windows
automatically removes the spaces, but a file comment (descript.ion) wasn't prese
27.03.07 Fixed: On Windows 9x/ME, return to the old way starting programs, by s
pecifying the default verb found in the registry (instead of passing a NULL poin
27.03.07 Fixed: Multiple connect dialogs and hangs when trying to access unreac
hable network share via history or by switching tabs, even with ThreadFindFirst=
27.03.07 Fixed: Environment variables in the "Search in" field of the search fu
nction didn't support 2kBytes length, only 259 characters
27.03.07 Fixed: Deadlock when the quick search dialog (Letters with search dial
og) is up, and the background thread wants to show an overwrite dialog -> Remove
quick search
27.03.07 Fixed: Links on the Desktop didn't work if they were located in the "A
ll users\Desktop" directory
27.03.07 Fixed: Change start menu or directory menu: Disable "Change title" but
ton when cursor on end of submenu item "--"
27.03.07 Fixed: Change start menu or directory menu: Don't allow to create a me
nu item consisting of more than two dashes --. The dashes have special meanings:
One dash -> separator, two dashes -> end of submenu, dash at start of menu item
-> Submenu start
25.03.07 Fixed: Access violation in compare by contents when comparing two spec
ific binary files in text mode
25.03.07 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] CompareSaveOriginal=1 allows to dete
rmine how the compare by contents editor saves files: 0: rename file to file.bak
, save as file; 1: copy file to file.bak, write to file itself
25.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Auto-append extension of original f
ile when using "Save as"
25.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: "Save as" not working when the targ
et file already existed, even if the user confirmed overwriting
25.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Unified handling of backup file (.b
ak): Create .bak only on FIRST save (of the original file), not on each save
25.03.07 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] SpecialCursorMovement=0: New cursor
movement modes: 1: Left jumps to first file, right to last, 2: Left goes one dir
up, right opens dir/archive under cursor, 3: Combination of 1+2. Add 4 to enabl
e this mode also in custom columns view with horizontal scrollbar
25.03.07 Fixed: Overwriting of read-only files no longer worked when unpacking
(only skip)
25.03.07 Fixed: When leaving search result (feed to listbox) state, TC failed t
o restore the preferred view (e.g. brief view) when the user had changed to a di
fferent tab
25.03.07 Fixed: cm_ToggleSeparateTree2 only expanded the tree on the right side
23.03.07 Fixed: Delete directory: Files on the ignore list were not counted, so
the percentage could go over 100% when deleting these files too
23.03.07 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Language: Gray out "Edit" button when
no menu file name given
23.03.07 Fixed: Revert to full or brief view if loading of a custom view failed
23.03.07 Fixed: Suppress "list index out of bounds error" when a saved tab cont
ains invalid values, e.g. a non-existing custom columns view
21.03.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 1 (RC1)
21.03.07 Fixed: Show "<Refresh>.<lnk>" command in Network Neighborhood only on
Windows Vista
21.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents: Don't show the context menu with Shift+F10
or menu button while the left mouse button is down
21.03.07 Added: New icons for tcmadmin and tcuninst
21.03.07 Fixed: Deleting of files in the ignore list in subdirs couldn't be con
firmed with 'All' button
21.03.07 Added: Increased maximum length of "Search in" input field also to 2 k
Bytes, e.g. for specifying multiple paths separated by a semicolon ";"
21.03.07 Added: Increased maximum length of "Search in" string to 2 kBytes, to
support environment variables like %path%
20.03.07 Added: Do not update the treeinfo.wc file when adding/removing subdirs
and the tree file size is larger than 2 MB. This limit can be set in wincmd.ini
[Configuration] TreeUpdateLimit=2048 (in kBytes)
20.03.07 Fixed: Prevent the user from dropping a folder from outside of Total C
ommander (e.g. Explorer) to a subfolder of itself
18.03.07 Fixed: Redraw ftp panel when switching secure status button on/off, ne
cessary for WinXP classic theme when theme background turned on
18.03.07 Fixed: Cache folder icons even if the folders have the default icon. N
ecessary for CD and DVD drives where all folders have the "read only" attribute.
16.03.07 Fixed: cd *.txt on button in button bar didn't save the new wildcards
*.txt in wincmd.ini
16.03.07 Added: Log successful unpacking of CAB files. Note in Help that loggin
g of CAB-unpack errors isn't possible due to limitations of Microsoft's CAB unpa
ck interface
16.03.07 Fixed: CAB unpack: Didn't detect when target file already existed, but
was opened with deny-write rights
16.03.07 Added: FTP change attributes (CHMOD): Put cursor in numeric input fiel
d by default
16.03.07 Fixed: ESC in CHM help file not working if the help doesn't contain "T
otal Commander" in its title, e.g. Help with Russian locale
16.03.07 Fixed: Delay-loading of network neighborhood: Adjust column width in b
rief view
16.03.07 Fixed: ENTER on file inside an archive was not working when there was
no key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, e.g. because the user had used "open with.." to
create the association
14.03.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 4.6
14.03.07 Added: Vista: Use WinHlp32.exe if the file is larger than 50kBytes, ot
herwise it's the empty dummy help -> use winhelp.exe
14.03.07 Added: Load Network Neighborhood in background thread, so plugins can
be accessed more quickly. Can be turned off via wincmd.ini [Configuration] NetHo
14.03.07 Added: Use part of File-Split dialog also for the creation of multi-pa
rt archives (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, ACE). For ZIP and ACE, the size will be rounded down
to the next kByte value
14.03.07 Fixed: Alias commands on the command line no longer supported numeric
14.03.07 Added: Network Neighborhood: New "Refresh" pseudo-file allows to refre
sh network neighborhood by double click
14.03.07 Added: Network Neighborhood: Do not auto-refresh also on Vista
13.03.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Shortcut keys (underlined letters) not worki
ng for search/replace boxes
13.03.07 Fixed: Ignore list: When deleting subdirectories, treat files on the i
gnore list like hidden files. Show user a warning with remark ignore list=hidden
13.03.07 Fixed: Lister search function: Auto-scroll found text into view horizo
ntally if invisible. Try to show start of line if possible.
13.03.07 Fixed: Vista: Do not call the 16-bit winhelp.exe on Vista 64bit, it is
n't there. Instead, the user will have to download winhlp32.exe from Microsoft
11.03.07 Fixed: Vista: Associations not working when created via "Open with..."
. -> Support for new registry key "UserChoice"
11.03.07 Fixed: Create new comment with Ctrl+Z: Wrong behaviour (OEM font check
ed) when no comment file exists even if OEM is off in settings
11.03.07 Fixed: Find files: When clicking in search results box below last find
item, a bad status line was shown
11.03.07 Fixed: Separate tree: click on [-] button while the current dir was ou
t of sight moved the current dir back into view
11.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents: Don't show the right click context menu wh
ile the left mouse button is down
11.03.07 Fixed: Environment variables in RedirectSection were only resolved whe
n a full path was given
09.03.07 Fixed: Removed creation of debugging file c:\treelog.txt (it was for f
inding problems with separate trees)
09.03.07 Fixed: When using Applocale tool with East Asian languages, the file n
ames were cut off in many places. Reason: Bug in Applocale: WM_GETTEXTLENGTH re
turns number of characters, not bytes!
09.03.07 Fixed: Out of memory when creating directories on a drive with a very
large treeinfo.wc file (with 388'000 lines) Reason: Fragmentation of memory -> r
ealloc larger blocks in one step
09.03.07 Fixed: Alt+F4 no longer worked in synchronize dirs (since adding quick
09.03.07 Fixed: FTP connections in active (PORT) mode no longer worked
07.03.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 4.5
07.03.07 Fixed: Compare by content: When the inactive panel showed an archive s
ubdirectory and no file was selected, TC couldn't find the file with the same na
me as in the active panel
06.03.07 Fixed: Compare by content with file in archive subdirectory, modify fi
le -> Re-packing packed to root instead of the correct subdir
06.03.07 Fixed: cd \\server\share: If connecting to the server fails, or the us
er clicks Cancel, do not try to read the directory again (showing the password d
ialog a second time)
06.03.07 Added: FTP: Auto-fallback to PASV mode from PORT mode if the server re
ports an error like "Only client IP address allowed for PORT command."
04.03.07 Added: cd \\\Pluginname is now case-insensitive, so it works even if t
he plugin root path is PLUGINNAME or pluginname
04.03.07 Fixed: cm_gotofirstfile didn't also move the position for selecting wi
th Shift+Click, so the wrong file range was selected
04.03.07 Fixed: Call ShellExecuteEx on ENTER also when no association found in
the registry, only in win.ini
04.03.07 Fixed: Recognize association where no default verb is set in the regis
04.03.07 Fixed: FTP: Empty directory after connecting when the other panel show
ed the TEMP directory and watching directory changes
04.03.07 Added: FTPS: Command CCC in the "send commands" field allows to switch
the control connection to unencrypted after sending user name+password, e.g. fo
r PORT mode across a firewall
02.03.07 Fixed: Cursor was positioned on 2nd file in list when switching away f
rom TC and back
28.02.07 Fixed: FTPS: Didn't always detect when the server was offline (disconn
28.02.07 Fixed: FTP: When connection was lost and user decided not to reconnect
, then the ftp connection wasn't removed from the separate tree
28.02.07 Added: Separate tree: Also load initial root view of tree in the backg
round, to speed up starting of Total Commander
28.02.07 Fixed: Separate tree: Don't try to get icon for ftp item, can cause lo
ng delays
28.02.07 Fixed: Cache ToolTipDelay for button bar to avoid reading too much fro
m wincmd.ini
27.02.07 Added: Files - Split File: Remember user-defined split sizes (max 20)
in section [SplitPerFile]. Can be removed with Shift+Del
27.02.07 Fixed: Lister: When switching from audio/video view to text view, the
lister window was no longer resized to its normal size
27.02.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Checkbox "Confirm overwrites" was ignored for
file system plugins (the user was always asked for confirmation)
27.02.07 Fixed: Command selection dialog: Allow to choose commands with paramet
ers also when defining user-defined commands (em_xyz)
27.02.07 Fixed: Turning off auto-refresh in Configuration - Options - Refresh d
idn't take effect immediately
27.02.07 Fixed: Second panel not refreshed after "create CRC checksums" if both
windows showed the same directory
27.02.07 Fixed: Case-insensitive search in UTF-8 not always working properly
25.02.07 Fixed: Double click on splitter bar in vertical arrangement made spitt
er invisible
25.02.07 Fixed: Double click on splitter bar (cm_50percent) moved windows by a
few pixels compared to Ctrl+mouse move of the splitter (rounding errors)
25.02.07 Added: Ctrl+Insert in Synchronize dirs now also copies TAB-delimited l
ist of selected file names and file details to clipboard
25.02.07 Fixed: When dragging OLE objects to TC, like the URL from a browser, T
C tried to copy one more object than available
25.02.07 Fixed: Command selection dialog: Categories empty after opening nested
Command selection dialogs, because translation file was unloaded when closing t
he dialog
25.02.07 Fixed: Shift+F4 new text file: Allow user to change/re-enter file name
if file creation failed, or file couldn't be opened for reading
25.02.07 Fixed: Shift+F4 new text file: TC still passed the short DOS names to
programs in many cases
25.02.07 Fixed: Show error message about error in plugin when there is an acces
s violation in the plugin function CanYouHandleThisFile
25.02.07 Fixed: IsPluginByContents() function stopped on the first packer plugi
n which wasn't found
25.02.07 Fixed: cd directory\filename didn't place cursor on filename when alre
ady in that directory
23.02.07 Fixed: Configure ignore list: Overwrite message shown even when nothin
g was configured
21.02.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 public beta 4
21.02.07 Fixed: Double click on any window above separate tree (causing this wi
ndow to close) caused a directory change in the tree
21.02.07 Fixed: Unpacking of encrypted ZIP produced CRC error when the CRC was
stored behind the data in a separate header
21.02.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Memory leak when comparing by content where o
ne side was an encrypted ZIP archive
21.02.07 Fixed: Search in directories with Unicode names not always working
20.02.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 public beta 4 release candidate 1
20.02.07 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SortDirExt=1 re-enables sorting of d
irectories by extension (if sorting directories by name is turned off)
20.02.07 Added: Screen reader support to Find files (Alt+F7) result box
20.02.07 Fixed: Search function: Correctly save the non-maximized dialog size a
lso when closing the dialog in maximized state
20.02.07 Fixed: Search function: Resizing when starting the search not perfect
when maximized
20.02.07 Fixed: Internal ZIP: When creating multi-volume archive on the harddis
k, propose a size of 1423 kBytes, which is the real maximum of a 1.44MB Floppy d
18.02.07 Added: cm_EditPermissionInfo etc. now also work with drive letters in
"My Computer". Unfortunately these functions are no longer available on Windows
18.02.07 Added: Ctrl+N new URL now supports URLs of up to 1kByte length (for HT
TP downloads with very long paths)
18.02.07 Added: Lister now supports a new lister plugin command ListSearchDialo
g which allows plugins to show its own search dialog (e.g. for special plugin-sp
ecific search parameters)
18.02.07 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ResolutionSpecific=0 -> resolution
-specific data like font style+size are stored in a single section called [AllRe
16.02.07 Fixed: Couldn't find anything in subdirs with a Unicode file name, eve
n if it had an alternate 8.3 name
14.02.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 3.7
14.02.07 Fixed: ESC in CHM help files wasn't working on Vista, because global h
ooks aren't allowed any more -> use thread-local hook
14.02.07 Fixed: When pressing ENTER on a file on Windows 2000, XP and Vista, do
not search for the default verb, but pass a NULL pointer to ShellExecuteEx
14.02.07 Fixed: OPENBAR command now looks in the program directory if no path t
o the bar file is given. The same also works when giving just the bar name in th
e button bar
13.02.07 Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts were not working in main menu on Windows 95+
95b when using menu icons
13.02.07 Fixed: French+Italian language only: 'Save' dialog in compare by conte
nts showed invalid or empty buttons if both sides need to be saved
13.02.07 Fixed: HTML Help: ESC sometimes not working after switching languages
13.02.07 Added: Button bar, start menu: By putting one of the placeholders %P,%
p,%T or %t directly in front of %S or %s, the corresponding path will be inserte
d with every selected file name
13.02.07 Added: Button bar, start menu: New parameters %S and %s now support a
maximum command line length of 32kBytes, by using CreateProcess instead of Shell
ExecuteEx. Only use these parameters with EXE files.
13.02.07 Added: Set time stamp from file name via attributes dialog (plugin fie
lds)! Example: Name "03.04.2005 1330.txt", use [=tc.Name:1-10] [=tc.Name:12-13]:
[=tc.Name:14-15] to set date+time from the name (on European systems)
13.02.07 Fixed: Invalid second progress bar when unpacking a TAR archive where
the occupied space of subdirs was calculated (e.g. with spacebar)
11.02.07 Added: OPENBAR command now allows to show button bar when it was turne
d off, and hide it via an empty .bar file (e.g.
11.02.07 Fixed: Ignore list: Ask before overwriting existing ignore list file (
only if the user has changed the name)
11.02.07 Fixed: Ignore list: Load ignore list from tcignore.txt if present, als
o when not configured before
09.02.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 3.6
09.02.07 Fixed: Copying: When the creation of a directory fails, allow the user
to continue with the rest of the operation (the other selected files/dirs)
09.02.07 Fixed: Drag&Drop: Additional NTFS streams were not copied when droppin
g files from outside of Total Commander (e.g. from Explorer)
09.02.07 Fixed: Lister: Ctrl+Left arrow (go to previous word break) not working
at the end of a file
07.02.07 Added: Quick search in synchronize dirs. Only the modes Ctrl+Alt+Lette
rs and Letters with search dialog are supported. The latter is used in place of
all other search methods from the configuration.
07.02.07 Added: Button bar, start menu: New parameters %S and %s accept numeric
value to limit the number of files. Example: %S2 passes the first two selected
files (maximum) to the called program.
07.02.07 Added: Button bar, start menu: New parameters %S and %s pass list of s
elected files (long names/short names) to the called program. Note that the comm
and line cannot be longer than 8191 characters on Windows XP, 2047 on Windows 20
00/NT, and 259 characters on Windows 9x
06.02.07 Fixed: Access violation when entering Network Neighborhood (in some sp
ecial cases only)
06.02.07 Added: Lister: Dynamically increase horizontal scroll width for lines
containing Tabs (if the text would exceed the available width)
06.02.07 Added: Button bar/Start menu: cd c:\path\filename.ext switches to c:\p
ath\ and positions cursor on filename.ext (except for archives, which are opened
as before)
04.02.07 Fixed: Memory leak in ARJ archive test/unpack function
04.02.07 Added: Allow to change directory date also via Change attributes - tc
plugin (not on Windows 9x/ME, here we just don't show any error)
04.02.07 Added: When external compare tool cannot be found, show error with the
path to the compare tool
02.02.07 Added: Ctrl+C in Synchronize dirs copies TAB-delimited list of selecte
d file names and file details to clipboard
02.02.07 Fixed: Configuration - button bar - Choose user command: User could de
fine an internal command em_xyz containing spaces, although spaces aren't suppor
ted in internal commands
02.02.07 Fixed: Double click on split bar had some negative side effects (split
bar continued to move without pressing the mouse button)
02.02.07 Added: Internal command OPENBAR c:\path\ opens this button
bar file in TC. Only works when TC already shows a bar, and the file can be foun
31.01.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 3.5
31.01.07 Fixed: Win9x/ME: Overwrite dialog shown when saving settings in variou
s dialogs even if no settings with that name existed
31.01.07 Fixed: Turn off inplace edit when ANY internal command is received
31.01.07 Fixed: Removed execution of internal commands by number in command lin
e, because it was causing a lot of confusion. Use the cm_ commands instead.
31.01.07 Fixed: After using "Change start menu", the icons were missing from th
e menu
31.01.07 Fixed: Vista: Drive label showed only "CD Drive" instead of the volume
name, even when a disk was inserted
31.01.07 Fixed: Vista: Access violation when entering some dirs with admin righ
ts (as a non-privileged user)
30.01.07 Fixed: Remove inplace edit (for rename) when opening directory hotlist
30.01.07 Added: The file system plugin now supports names longer than 259 chara
cters in the following functions: download, rename (source name only), delete. T
he creation of such names is NOT supported.
30.01.07 Fixed: SYNCOPEN command (in button bar) couldn't restore sync options
and display options
30.01.07 Fixed: Don't close HTML help file on ESC when the search dialog was up
(Ctrl+F in the search window)
30.01.07 Added: Set current directory to the program directory before loading t
he help file on F1
30.01.07 Fixed: Don't load HTML help on startup when a CHM file is given, only
when needed
28.01.07 Added: FTP over SSL/TLS: On servers which support encryption of the da
ta connection, it can be turned off via the "Send commands" field containing the
command "PROT C"
28.01.07 Added: Multi-rename tool: Search+Replace now supports case-sensitive s
earch. For space reasons, the option is shown just as ^ and described in a tip w
28.01.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: After loading/editing the file names via an
external editor, keep the search+replace and upper/lowercase boxes enabled so th
e user can apply them on the edited names!
28.01.07 Fixed: Find files - Shift+Click on "Feed to listbox" opened a new tab,
but didn't consider the option "Open near current"
28.01.07 Fixed: Access violation in Alt+Shift+Enter if file name in current pat
h exceeds 259 characters (including the path itself)
28.01.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Compared files were deleted by mistake when a
configured external compare tool wasn't found
26.01.07 Fixed: Separate tree panels not updated on Ctrl+U (swap panels)
26.01.07 Fixed: When moving the last files from a long file list to a different
directory, the cursor was placed about 1 screen too high -> place it on the las
t file instead
26.01.07 Fixed: Move multiple directories as admin failed after the first direc
26.01.07 Fixed: Rename folders didn't show option "As administrator" if user do
esn't have sufficient rights
26.01.07 Fixed: Could not pass ftp path as right path parameter to new instance
of TC (because of the registration screen being in the way).
26.01.07 Added: Button bar: When dropping a file to a program on the button bar
, pass the long name instead of the short DOS name to the program (in double quo
tes "" if needed) if the program isn't an old 16-bit program. If this causes pro
blems, put %p%n in the parameters field of the button
26.01.07 Added: Mouse wheel support in Print file list
26.01.07 Fixed: Auto-complete was enabled in the command line when closing the
command line history, even when auto-complete was disabled in the configuration
26.01.07 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir mode: Function was turned off when leaving arc
hive via updir [..]
26.01.07 Fixed: Compare by content: Could not save file in a special case: Afte
r typing text and saving the file, type some text without moving the cursor, the
n try to save again (Reason: the text was combined into a single UNDO item)
26.01.07 Fixed: Configuration - Change start menu: Disable edit boxes when the
list of menu items is empty
23.01.07 Added: Lister and Compare by Content: Shift+Mouse wheel scrolls horizo
23.01.07 Added: Commands - Search: "Search in" field now supports environment v
ariables like %path%
23.01.07 Added: Log file: Store user name and computer of the user who started
22.01.07 Fixed: Icons in menus not working on NT4
21.01.07 Added: Changed way how the new overwrite dialog resizes when clicking
the "thumbnails" or "custom fields" checkbox: Resize so the top and left of the
buttons remain at the same location (top of the dialog moves up/down)
21.01.07 Added: When ThreadFindFirst=1, also put WNetAddConnection3 in separate
thread so cd \\\share also shows a wait dialog
21.01.07 Fixed: Prevent the execution of the command line with RestrictInterfac
e=2 if text gets there in any way
21.01.07 Fixed: secure ftp (ftps) URL as parameter to TOTALCMD.EXE wasn't worki
ng when only 1 instance of TC was allowed and TC was already running
19.01.07 Fixed: Change attributes dialog now fully supports odd seconds in time
stamps ("Current" button, "Load from file under cursor", default loaded values)
19.01.07 Fixed: Change attributes dialog: Button "Load from file under cursor"
now also loads seconds from DateTime fields (e.g. CreationDate)
19.01.07 Added: Double click on divider bar between the two file panels moves d
ivider to 50:50 (center) position
19.01.07 Fixed: Enlarged text fields in Configuration - Options - Tabstops to g
ive more room for some translations
19.01.07 Fixed: With WatchDirs enabled, only update file listing if not current
ly inplace-renaming a file. In this case, refresh the list only after closing th
e inplace rename box.
19.01.07 Fixed: Icons were not removed from internal English main menu when unc
hecking the option in the configuration
17.01.07 Fixed: Problem in selecting text in the F5 dialog with Chinese text
17.01.07 Fixed: Try to set current charset for main menu when using icons in me
17.01.07 Fixed: Only set focus to TC after mapping a new network drive inside o
f TC, but not when a drive is mapped outside, or when the right click menu is us
16.01.07 Fixed: cm_CopyFullNamesToClip copied drive letters in uppercase
16.01.07 Added: Confirm deletion of entry in saved searches
16.01.07 Fixed: Don't show two errors when trying to delete [..] item from file
system plugin
16.01.07 Added: Close help file when changing language if there is a language-s
pecific help. Fixes also a problem that ESC doesn't work in CHM help after chang
ing language.
16.01.07 Fixed: One separate tree, vertical arrangement -> moving splitter betw
een the two file panels caused wrong panel width in bottom panel
16.01.07 Fixed: Dual monitor operation: When enlarging search window for search
results, restrict size and location of window to current screen (do not stretch
across multiple screens, or move outside visible area)
16.01.07 Fixed: FTP connection wasn't removed from single separate tree if the
connection wasn't shown in the active panel when disconnecting
16.01.07 Fixed: Editing files in branch view with WatchDirs enabled would show
the file twice in the list if it was at least 2 levels below the current level
16.01.07 Fixed: Auto-complete in F5/F6: If user starts path with a backslash, s
uggest names from the current drive root
16.01.07 Fixed: Ignore list: Lines with backslash at end containing wildcard di
dn't work, e.g. \WINDOWS\$*$\
16.01.07 Fixed: Cursor left in Lister sometimes jumped to the wrong position (w
hen the file buffer changed its starting point)
16.01.07 Fixed: Alt+F3 still tried to call the Windows QuickViewer applet if it
s registry keys were present, although the program itself wasn't there
14.01.07 Fixed: Couldn't redefine hotkey NUM+ (without any modifiers like Shift
14.01.07 Fixed: Lister, UTF8+HTML view: URLs were not shown highlighted when th
e display buffer didn't start at the file beginning
14.01.07 Fixed: New F5 overwrite dialog: Left/Right arrow key could move the cu
rsor to one of the file information panels, although they are marked as "do not
14.01.07 Fixed: Catch floating point exception when plugin returns extremely hi
gh numbers for file sizes (so the sum would exceed the available 64 bits)
14.01.07 Fixed: Cursor not staying on renamed file in branch view
14.01.07 Fixed: Only delete _tc subdir under TEMP when closing Total Commander,
also when opening archives
10.01.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 public beta 3
10.01.07 Fixed: Give the hidden Delphi Application window the style WS_EX_TOOLW
INDOW so it can never appear in the task bar
09.01.07 Fixed: Invalid free and total space shown in dirs visited "As Administ
rator". Get disk size from the drive root instead in this case.
09.01.07 Fixed: Auto-complete showed subdirs from current dir for search string
..\ (instead of dirs from the parent)
09.01.07 Fixed: The quick view panel wasn't deactivated when switching to diffe
rent drive using the drive button bar (only when using the drive dropdown list)
09.01.07 Fixed: No [+] and [-] icons shown in tree with TreeLineColor=-2
09.01.07 Fixed: Lister: Could not jump directly to file with index>100
09.01.07 Fixed: Copy function: Open source file with "deny write" flag to avoid
that a file is overwritten by itself (e.g. when using hard links). If this fail
s, open the source with deny none, but the target with deny read.
09.01.07 Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] PluginOverrideZip=1 allows to use packer pl
ugin which overrides the internal ZIP packer
07.01.07 Fixed: Close HTML help via ESC, minimize with Shift+ESC (by setting a
keyboard hook)
07.01.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Give controls a bit more space
07.01.07 Fixed: Wrong panel width in vertical arrangement mode with 1 separate
tree after showing+hiding the quick view panel (Ctrl+Q)
07.01.07 Fixed: Unpack in background with external packer showed "Error packing
files" in case of an error
07.01.07 Added: Unknown size is now stored as 64-bit -1 instead of 32-bit -1. M
ay cause wrong size display for plugins which expect that -1=unknown size
07.01.07 Added: Files in TAR archives can now be larger than 4GB
07.01.07 Fixed: Ignore any other hotkeys than Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab and u
ser-assigned hotkeys to cm_SwitchToPreviousTab and cm_SwitchToNextTab while in d
elayed tab switching mode
07.01.07 Fixed: Problems starting programs with similar names containing spaces
from CD
06.01.07 Added: Checkbox for SSL/TLS to ftp connection details. Cannot currentl
y be translated (no shortcut either)
06.01.07 Fixed: ftp over ssl/tls: don't revert to unencrypted connection if ser
ver doesn't support ssl/tls
06.01.07 Added: Look for certificates in wincmd.pem file in the same dir as win
cmd.ini (so the user has write rights and can append his own certs)
06.01.07 Added: Look for openssl libraries in path if not found in program dire
01.01.07 Added: New version of tcmadmin.exe to follow hard links on Vista also
in directories accessible only to the admin
01.01.07 Added: Follow symbolic hard links on Vista
01.01.07 Fixed: Vista: focus loss after elevation prompt when working as normal
(non-admin) user
30.12.06 Fixed: Empty menus when wcmicons.dll is present but is mi
ssing or empty
27.12.06 Fixed: Make sure that separate trees never take more space than the le
ft/right panel when using 2 separate trees
27.12.06 Added: Support for FILEDESCRIPTORW clipboard format (for drag&drop fro
m programs like Maxthon browser, which do not send the ANSI version of the forma
27.12.06 Fixed: When adjusting the cursor position because of WatchDirs mode, a
lso adjust start point for selection with Shift+Click
27.12.06 Fixed: Preferred view (e.g. brief view) lost when making a search whil
e a search result is shown (2x Feed to listbox)
27.12.06 Fixed: Icon Configuration: Menu icon size lost when switching to diffe
rent dialog page and back
27.12.06 Fixed: Delete from RAR containing spaces in name failing if short DOS
names are disabled in the file system
24.12.06 Fixed: Error message when accessing network neighborhood on Vista when
no network card connected, or card disabled via device manager
24.12.06 Added: Detect USB sticks also on Windows Vista (they have name _??_USB
STOR<something> in the registry)
22.12.06 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 2.6
22.12.06 Fixed: Support environment variables in cm_list
22.12.06 Fixed: Menu: Reduce space reserved for checkmarks and icons if there i
s only one of the two (or none at all)
21.12.06 Fixed: Force refresh if in custom columns view after using "change att
ributes" function with plugins
21.12.06 Fixed: Copy files with path to clipboard: use ftps:// prefix for secur
e ftp connections
21.12.06 Added: If libssl32.dll isn't found, load ssleay32.dll (the name given
to the dll when compiling it yourself)
21.12.06 Added: Icons in the main menu are now on by default. 1 MUST be added n
ow (even for type 2 menus) so TC can preserve menu options made in the configura
tion dialog
20.12.06 Added: Made main menu items completely owner-drawn when showing bitmap
s in menus
20.12.06 Added: Custom columns view: New unit styles "bkMG" and "bkMG2" to show
file size in GByte (for files >1GB)
20.12.06 Fixed: Custom columns view: Unit styles "bkM" and "bkM2" for size show
ed file sizes also in GBytes.
20.12.06 Fixed: Couldn't Drag&Drop files from outside of TC to empty space behi
nd last item in thumbnails view
20.12.06 Fixed: Vista: Start program with enter or double click from CD: Do not
use WinExec, it doesn't support elevation (run as admin)
20.12.06 Added: Call InitializeOLE2 before creating the main window, because of
problems with TortoiseSVN on Windows Vista
20.12.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Duplicate file warning on ftp (same name, dif
ferent case) did cut off long names
17.12.06 Fixed: Do not react to any internal commands (sent via PostMessage or
SendMessage) while the file context menu is up
17.12.06 Fixed: Only react to cm_contextmenu sent to Total Commander when TC ha
s the input focus. Otherwise an access violation may occur. Applications which w
ant to show the context menu need to activate TC first.
17.12.06 Added: Delete files which have a name with more than 259 characters (h
owever, we cannot enter directories with such long names)
17.12.06 Added: Directory history: Limit displayed path length to 100 character
s to avoid very wide menu (which doesn't even display on Win9x if wider than the
17.12.06 Fixed: CM_LIST with file as parameter could crash certain plugins when
the file name is passed without full path
17.12.06 Fixed: Brief view: The column width set via LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH must be
>0, otherwise there will be a division by zero within windows! (can happen if li
stbox has width of 0)
17.12.06 Fixed: Windows XP 64: If redirection of system32 folder is turned off,
it will be temporarily re-enabled while reading from network paths
15.12.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Colors] TreeLineColor=rgb-value now also supports t
he values -1 for default color and -2 for invisible tree lines
13.12.06 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 2.5
13.12.06 Fixed: Could no longer move a directory elsewhere if it contained a fi
le locked by another program. Copy+delete the dir instead of moving it directly
13.12.06 Fixed: Swap panels (Ctrl+U) twice where one side shows unlocked tab an
d one locked with dir changes allowed -> unlocked tab shows wrong tab title
13.12.06 Added: Case-insensitive search for UTF8 text in the search function an
d in lister (currently only the forward direction works with non-English charact
13.12.06 Added: F7 Create directory: Suggest name of file under the cursor as t
he default (minus the extension)
13.12.06 Fixed, Lister: In normal and UTF8 view, the cursor movement and the se
lection of multi-byte text didn't work properly.
13.12.06 Added: Alias commands on the command line now also support numeric val
13.12.06 Added: User-defined custom commands (em_xyz) may now also contain nume
ric values instead of the equivalent cm_xyz commands
13.12.06 Fixed: FsGetPreviewBitmap passed name in wrong (UTF8) format to plugin
12.12.06 Fixed: Cannot pause background copy/move when skipping all files
12.12.06 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir now also works when one side shows a directory
and the other an archive
12.12.06 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: Turn off sync dir change when going up one le
vel, and one of the panels is already in the root
12.12.06 Fixed: Configuration - Colors: Disable "cursor font" label on startup
when none of the inverse options is checked
12.12.06 Added: When leaving a Tab which shows an inner archive (e.g. zip insid
e zip), return to outer archive and put cursor on inner archive when returning t
o the tab
12.12.06 Fixed: Tree and virtual folders: if the system returns a path in the f
orm of ::{GUID}, ask for the display name instead of the "for parsing" name
12.12.06 Added: cm_SyncChangeDir now also works with archives. The archive name
and type must be identical on both sides
12.12.06 Fixed: New overwrite dialog showed the wrong custom fields when multip
le field types were defined via saved searches (e.g. >Comment)
12.12.06 Fixed: Lister: Image not centered (when this option was chosen) when r
esizing or maximizing lister
12.12.06 Fixed: Create directory: Only save typed name in history when the user
clicked on OK, not when he clicked on Cancel
12.12.06 Fixed: ftps:// URLs didn't work as parameters passed to Total Commande
10.12.06 Fixed: Multi-monitor: Separator line between main menu and button bar
too short if program spans across both screens
10.12.06 Fixed: Multi-monitor: Moved various dialogs so they do not span multip
le monitors, but appear on the monitor where the larger part of TC is shown
10.12.06 Fixed: Multi-monitor: Quick search dialog was positioned incorrectly i
n some cases
10.12.06 Fixed: Multi-monitor: Show tooltips on the screen on which the mouse c
ursor is currently located (Except for Ctrl+Tab folder tab switching)
08.12.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with archives: When unpacking, file attributes
like hidden or read only were not unpacked with the files
08.12.06 Fixed: When mapping a network share to a network drive, tc switched to
that drive, but the focus was lost
08.12.06 Fixed: cm_list no longer supported parameters in some places, and didn
't work with parameters in em_xyz commands
08.12.06 Fixed: Improved the wait dialog which appears when editing a file from
zip with a multiple document editor: F2 for background, Left+right arrow keys,
auto-scroll name box to see/copy entire name
08.12.06 Fixed: No file window was focused when starting TC minimized while the
stored position was maximized (TC restores to maximized then)
08.12.06 Fixed: Drive bar: With some XP themes, small drive letters like "i" in
the drive bar were not shown because GetThemeTextExtent reported an invalid val
06.12.06 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Incorrect handling of double byte c
haracters by DEL and BACKSPACE when nothing was selected
06.12.06 Added: Separate tree: Click on [+] or [-] only expands/collapses the t
ree branch without switching to that directory (except when the current dir is a
part of the collapsed branch)
06.12.06 Fixed: Tab order in configuration - custom columns
06.12.06 Fixed: Less flickering due to resizing when creating search dialog
06.12.06 Fixed: Do not use this workaround with WindowBlinds, because it ignore
s the custom menu bar background from Total Commander
06.12.06 Fixed: Workaround to Windows XP menu bar drawing bug when cleartype is
on and a theme background is used with a non-standard theme: make all menu bar
items completely owner-drawn
06.12.06 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Do not allow to mix (via re-sortin
g) files added initially and manually (otherwise the initially added cannot be d
ownloaded any more)
06.12.06 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Re-sorting items in list caused th
e wrong files to be downloaded if at least one file has already been transferred
06.12.06 Fixed: On Windows 9x/ME/2000, use the 16 color icon for the system tra
y because these systems do not support any hicolor or truecolor icons
05.12.06 Fixed: Crash in lister when scrolling with cursor through file while t
he file size was considerably reduced
05.12.06 Fixed: Sometimes a space was inserted before the name on Ctrl+Enter
05.12.06 Fixed: Resized search dialog a bit to make it work better with certain
05.12.06 Fixed: Access violation on startup (Windows 9x only) with DirTabOption
s=955 (multi-line)
04.12.06 Added: Since no new bugs in WMF display have been found, re-enable dis
play of WMF files (windows metafile) when WMF Windows patch has been installed
03.12.06 Fixed: Do not load color cursors with shadows on Win2k with 24bit colo
rs mode (they will show up with a black border instead of a shadow)
03.12.06 Fixed: Search in packer plugins: Do not pass folders for extraction to
the plugin!
03.12.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Colors] TreeLineColor=rgb-value set color of tree l
03.12.06 Added: Separate trees and trees in file panels now use the same defaul
t color for lines as the frames in thumbnails view
03.12.06 Added: Expand selection (Num-"+"): When defining a new filter via "Def
ine" button, auto-select this filter after returning from the "define" dialog
03.12.06 Fixed: Refresh file lists when saving folder tabs to file
03.12.06 Added: Change attributes: Confirm overwrite when saving plugin paramet
03.12.06 Added: Multi-rename tool: Confirm overwrite when saving multi-rename p
03.12.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: Confirm overwrite when saving sync parameters
03.12.06 Added: Search: Confirm overwrite when saving search parameters
03.12.06 Fixed: Ignore list: When using watchdirs and branch view, files and fo
lders on the ignore list could suddenly appear if they were changed outside of T
otal Commander
03.12.06 Added: Support for Office 2007 File->New (create empty .docx document)
01.12.06 Fixed: Button bar: After converting a separator (no icon) to a button
with icon, the button wasn't accessible
01.12.06 Fixed: Auto-complete for current dir stopped working when typing any p
ath with backslashes -> use ACLMulti object where one ACList handles current dir
and one typed path
01.12.06 Added: Increased total number of color filters (colors by file type) f
rom 100 to 250
01.12.06 Fixed: ZIP: Packing no longer supported encryption even with the repla
cement zip library installed
29.11.06 Fixed: Unpacking to junction showed debug message
29.11.06 Fixed: Remove ftp connection from separate tree when disconnecting
29.11.06 Added: Two new internal commands cm_GotoNextSelected and cm_GotoPrevSe
lected to jump to the next/previous selected file in the current file list
29.11.06 Fixed: Different method to load buttonbar icon from cache, to make it
work with Linux (Wine)
28.11.06 Fixed: More corrections for "Select only name in rename" for Asian ver
sions of Windows
28.11.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Do not disable checkbox "only selected" when
loading sync parameters. When "only selected" is checked, TC reverts to current
left+right dir
28.11.06 Fixed: Command choose dialog: Buttons to edit em_ commands not shown/h
idden when moving cursor while focus remains in quick search box
28.11.06 Fixed: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconsWindowBlindsFix= allows to cont
rol width of space reserved for icons: -1=auto-detect, 0=small width, 1=large wi
28.11.06 Fixed: With IconsInMenus=17, reduce width of space reserved for icons,
except when WindowBlinds is installed
28.11.06 Fixed: Ignore IconsInMenus if not 1 or 2 contained in value
28.11.06 Fixed: User-defined file filters were no longer shown in the main menu
, only *.*
28.11.06 Added: Search window now has minimum size. Unresolved: Text in all box
es gets selected on resize
26.11.06 Added: ZIP self-extractor now supports files up to 4 GB. Unfortunately
Windows cannot run EXE files >4GB
26.11.06 Fixed: Abbreviation for kBytes not translated in status bar of synchro
nize dirs (when comparing by content)
26.11.06 Fixed: Search on FTP: Disable option "Search archives"
26.11.06 Fixed: Search on FTP: Search text in files didn't work
26.11.06 Fixed: Switch from folder tab with tree to full/brief view didn't turn
sorting header back on
26.11.06 Fixed: Alt+F8 Command line history and Ctrl+P (path to command line) w
orked even with RestrictInterface=2
24.11.06 Fixed: By mistake, MODE Z transfers were disabled in TC7 beta
24.11.06 Fixed: Win9x: No text was shown for CD-ROM drives in Alt+F1 when no CD
was inserted
24.11.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: Ctrl+Shift+F3 forces internal compare tool if
an external was defined in wincmd.ini
24.11.06 Fixed: When using icons in menus and switching to two separate trees,
the file list contents were sometimes drawn within the menu
24.11.06 Fixed: Do not revert position of splitter (and width of left+right pan
els) to save position when switching between different views (brief, full etc),
just to last used width
24.11.06 Fixed: ftps:// prefix was not saved when adding connection via Ctrl+F
- New URL
24.11.06 Fixed: _tc subdir was still deleted when leaving lister - delete it on
ly when Total Commander itself is closed
24.11.06 Fixed: Do not show drive letter twice in root in folder tabs when usin
g different separator, e.g. just c: instead of c|c:
24.11.06 Fixed: Folder tabs sometimes showed drive letters in uppercase, e.g. C
: instead of c:
22.11.06 Release Total Commander 7.0 public beta 2
22.11.06 Fixed: Change Start Menu dialog: Parameters and Start Path fields disa
bled for internal commands
22.11.06 Added: Lister: Shift+Click to select text from last selection position
to current position
22.11.06 Fixed: Alt+Left/Right both scrolled by 30 characters AND copied the ma
rked text to the other panel - turn off the first in edit mode
22.11.06 Added: For the moment, remove admin shares completely from tree, they
just do not work properly. May be re-added at a later time.
22.11.06 Added: Show checkmark for command cm_SwitchSeparateTree if one or two
trees active
22.11.06 Fixed: Some versions of external LZH unpacker (lha32) seem to ignore t
arget path if it doesn't end with a backslash \ -> append it
22.11.06 Fixed: ZIP to multiple parts: Cancel packing if user clicks cancel in
dialog box which asks about individual file size
22.11.06 Fixed: ZIP to multiple parts: User wasn't asked for part size when no
target path was given
22.11.06 Fixed: Logging stopped when log file itself was copied. Now stop loggi
ng only if opening of log file fails during program start
21.11.06 Fixed: Icons in "Show" menu lost when changing any of the custom colum
n view options
21.11.06 Fixed: FTP delete directory: Cancel button shown only in half (the low
er part was obscured by the confirmation dialog, and not refreshed after closing
21.11.06 Fixed: Increased width of listbox with dir tabs by 1 pixel
21.11.06 Fixed: Reduced flickering when adding/removing first tab (Ctrl+T/Ctrl+
W) or when showing/hiding command line
21.11.06 Added: Add 16 to IconsInMenus value to show selected items in menu as
frames with checkmark or icon in it
21.11.06 Fixed: Choose better default color for frames around thumbnails when b
ackground color is almost black
21.11.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Save button was active when one of the file
s was missing, although nothing could be saved
20.11.06 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 1.6
20.11.06 Fixed: Redefined hotkeys with Alt worked also in other TC dialogs
20.11.06 Fixed: Access violation with some lister plugins when loading lister
20.11.06 Added: Compare by content: Hotkeys Alt+Cursor up/down go to previous/n
ext difference, Alt+Cursor left/right copy difference to left/right panel (or up
19.11.06 Fixed: Switching away from archive in archive to other tab didn't stor
e correct path if tab was locked with directory changes allowed
19.11.06 Fixed: Startup screen didn't yet use latest main icon
19.11.06 Fixed: cm_usermenu1 etc. were not supported on the command line, also
not via aliases
19.11.06 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: When re-packing a password-encrypted RAR archive t
o ZIP and the crypto-enabled ZIP library wasn't installed, the ZIP was encrypted
with a fake key (3 times -1).
19.11.06 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: When choosing "archive on multiple disks", the res
ulting dialog box wasn't modal, so the user could switch back to TC and select d
ifferent files...
19.11.06 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: When pressing Alt+F5 repeatedly, select name+exten
sion without trailing quote " if name contains spaces
19.11.06 Fixed: Redefined hotkey for cm_renamesinglefile wasn't used to select
only part of name
19.11.06 Fixed: Unpack function: Check whether admin rights could be needed fai
ls if target is a reparse point (junction), because GetFileSecurity returns the
security attributes of the reparse point, not of the target
19.11.06 Added: Change attributes: Setting attribute "compressed" now also work
s for folders. It has the effect that files copied to that folders will be compr
essed (but not files which were in that folder before, use the "also files in su
bdirs" option for that
19.11.06 Fixed: cm_SelectCurrentName not working with spaces in name, or with n
ame without extension
19.11.06 Fixed: Hide drives in tree and in "My Computer" if a line allowed= exi
sts in wincmd.ini and the drives aren't explicitly allowed
19.11.06 Fixed: Parameter /T not working when no tab was open yet
19.11.06 Added: 256 color icons for buttons in compare by content (used in hico
lor and truecolor modes only)
19.11.06 Fixed: Main menu with icons: Do not reserve any space for icons if tha
t part of the menu doesn't contain any icons
19.11.06 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree: Didn't put cursor back on current directory after
F2 refresh when directory brackets were turned on
17.11.06 Fixed: plugin function FsLinksToLocalFiles not working correctly with
Quick View (ctrl+q)
17.11.06 Added: Lister plugins: New function ListLoadNext to load the next file
with the same plugin, e.g. in Ctrl+Q or F3 when pressing 'n'
17.11.06 Fixed: Inplace rename: Cursor wasn't placed on renamed file when renam
ing file on ftp server
17.11.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "Synchronize" button was enabled while the co
mparison was still going on
17.11.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Ask user whether he wants to overwrite a re
ad only or hidden/system file when saving
17.11.06 Fixed: Lister: When viewing file from plugin and closing lister, only
refresh file lists if file was re-uploaded or a local directory was shown
17.11.06 Fixed: Use internal function to add current time to log file (with the
system function, a leading 0 was sometimes missing)
17.11.06 Added: Lister: Show current file number and total file count in menu b
ar when multiple files are loaded. A click on this menu item allows to jump dire
ctly to a specific file
17.11.06 Fixed: Lister: "%" menu item was no longer right-aligned
17.11.06 Added: Hint to "Save" button in compare by content
15.11.06 Fixed: Commands like cm_SrcSortByCol1 didn't use bullets in the main m
enu to signal that they are radio items (only one of them can be active at a giv
en time)
15.11.06 Fixed: Bugfix for WindowBlinds error: If icons in menus are enabled an
d icons and checkmarks overlap, add 16 to IconsInMenus value (e.g. IconsInMenus=
15.11.06 Fixed: Search on FTP: 0 byte file created in TEMP when viewing a found
file with F3
15.11.06 Fixed: Search on FTP: "Search only selected files" wasn't working yet
15.11.06 Fixed: Search on FTP: couldn't find exact matches, only searches with
wildcards worked
15.11.06 Fixed: Button bar was black after restart on systems other than WinXP
with 32bit color mode
14.11.06 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 1.5
14.11.06 Added: Re-added tree for just one drive as in TC 6.55. It can be enabl
ed via wincmd.ini [Configuration] OldStyleTree=2
14.11.06 Fixed: Shift+F6 inplace rename: Ignore input when user closed rename b
ox with no name in it (empty)
13.11.06 Fixed: Support 32bit true color icons with alpha channel on XP for the
button bar (load from .br2 file produced image without alpha)
13.11.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: Ctrl+Shift+F3 forces internal compare tool if
an external was defined in wincmd.ini
13.11.06 Fixed: Lister: Don't delete "_tc" subdir after deleting temp file. Rea
son: sometimes the dir may remain in "delete pending" state, so it cannot be rec
reated during that time
13.11.06 Fixed: If FsGetLocalName returns false, e.g. when viewing a file in a
plugin, use the normal method (download then view)
13.11.06 Fixed: Tree shown in tabs not saved on exit when not on active tab
13.11.06 Fixed: Compare by content: After "resync from here", re-count the numb
er of differences found
13.11.06 Fixed: Horizontal scrollbar not removed when switching from custom col
umns view to full or tree view
13.11.06 Added: Various descriptions added to the help
12.11.06 Added: Experimental: wincmd.ini [configuration] IconsInMenus=1 shows 1
6x16 icons from wcmicons.dll in main menu. IconsInMenus=2 shows icons with butto
n-style border. Add 4 for 24x24 icons, 8 for 32x32 or 12 for 48x48
12.11.06 Fixed: Folder tabs: If option "show old 8.3 names lowercase" is used,
all uppercase tab titles couldn't be saved
12.11.06 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: New lines at the beginning of the custom fiel
ds were ignored
12.11.06 Fixed: File tip window: increased limit of per custom field size from
259 to 1023 characters
12.11.06 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree: Ctrl+Cursor Up/Down showed wrong path in status l
12.11.06 Added: Old log files are now named totalcmd.20061111.log instead of to
talcmd.log.20061111 (same for numbered log files)
12.11.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Disable file name edit boxes while editing
a file (as soon as there is any change to the file)
12.11.06 Added: Compare by content: Save button to save the changed side(s). Ho
tkey: Ctrl+S
12.11.06 Added: Compare by content: Ctrl+Z for Undo (in addition to Alt+Backspa
10.11.06 Fixed: Button bar: Failed to load buttons from cache (.br2 file) which
only existed in 128x128 pixel format
10.11.06 Fixed: XP only: Various "File not found!" error messages when closing
10.11.06 Added: Show button state for commands cm_ToggleLockCurrentTab and cm_T
10.11.06 Fixed: Configuration - Log file: Disable log file configuration sectio
ns when logging is disabled
10.11.06 Fixed: cm_RightQuickInternalOnly didn't work like cm_LeftQuickInternal
08.11.06 Fixed: Improved name shortening function for copy progress dialog: fir
st take the drive and name part, then more and more directories until the limit
of 60 characters is reached
08.11.06 Fixed: Double click on folder in separate tree didn't show its subdirs
if the tree was scrolled to the left
08.11.05 Added: Search on ftp servers
08.11.06 Fixed: Lister: Ctrl+Q on multiple audio or video files played only eve
ry second file (same with 'n'/'p' keys)
08.11.06 Fixed: Lister: When reloading a file with F2, make sure that text curs
or isn't beyond the file length limit (could cause crash or hang)
08.11.05 Added: wincmd.ini [configuration] NewStyleProgress=2: use smooth Win32
-style progress bars in normal progress dialog (=1 -> segmented, =0 -> old style
). Only supported with classic theme.
08.11.06 Added: Shift+Click on primary sort column in sorting header (e.g. on "
Size" when sorted by size) makes list unsorted
08.11.06 Added: The following operations are now supported in directories with
no read access: Copy/Move from/to such directories, delete files and subdirs, cr
eate subdirs
07.11.06 Added: Instead of granting the user full read access to a folder via a
dmin functions, just call FindFirstFile etc. inside of tcmadmin. This limits a l
ot what can be done in such directories.
07.11.06 Fixed: FTP: Changing directory by editing current path and pressing En
ter no longer worked
07.11.06 Fixed: FTP: When duplicating a connection, e.g. by opening the same co
nnection also in the opposite window, also duplicate any used templates (for cus
tom server types)
07.11.06 Fixed: Wrong data buffer freed when changing custom field in overwrite
dialog, could lead to errors when TC was closed
07.11.06 Fixed: When using two separate trees, the black line shown while resiz
ing tabstop headers was at the wrong location (shifted to the right)
07.11.06 Fixed: State of button cm_SwitchWatchDirs incorrect on startup if Watc
hDirs disabled
07.11.06 Fixed: WatchDirs: Only set caret index if absolutely necessary, e.g. a
file was added or removed before the caret index
07.11.06 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Just beep when user presses Insert
button (overtype mode isn't currently supported)
07.11.06 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: When clicking on "Copy ->" and some
text was selected, then the entire line was selected afterwards
07.11.06 Added: Compare by contents editor: When clicking on "Copy ->" and noth
ing was selected, copy the entire line and beep to notify user
07.11.06 Added: Multi-rename tool: [y] with lowercase 'y' inserts 2 digit year
(uppercase Y inserts 4 digit year)
07.11.06 Added: 4 new internal commands: cm_SelectCurrentName, cm_UnselectCurre
ntName, cm_SelectCurrentNameExt, cm_UnselectCurrentNameExt to select/unselect al
l files with the same name or name+extension as the file under the cursor (e.g.
for branch view and FTP on UNIX servers)
07.11.06 Fixed: Compare by content: black splitter bar was no longer shown when
changing relative size of the two panels
07.11.06 Added: Special handling of Alt+Letter user-defined hotkeys: catch them
before they can get to the menu handler, so Alt+S doesn't invoke both the inter
nal command and open the Start menu
07.11.06 Fixed: Made new choose command listbox owner-drawn due to alignment pr
oblems with right to left languages
07.11.06 Fixed: Quick view panel: Enable text cursor on Tab to the Quick view p
07.11.06 Fixed: F6 didn't toggle the text cursor in quick view panel (Ctrl+Q)
07.11.06 Fixed: cm_OpenDesktop, cm_OpenDrives etc. now also update the separate
tree (doesn't work with cm_OpenFonts and cm_OpenPrinters)
07.11.06 Fixed: When changing drive via command line by just giving the drive l
etter (e.g. c:), the separate tree wasn't updated
07.11.06 Fixed: Archive in archive: When inner archive already existed in TEMP
and user didn't allow to overwrite it, the archive icon remained in "open" state
07.11.06 Added: Ignore list: An item with a backslash at the end explicitly hid
es only directories with that name, e.g. html\ hides directories (but not files)
named "html" in all directories
07.11.06 Added: When both files wciconex.dll and exist in the Tota
l Commander directory, TC will use these for new buttons instead of wcmicons.dll
07.11.06 Fixed: Overwrite dialog, Option "Rename target file": If user cancelle
d the new name request dialog, the entire copy operation was cancelled
07.11.06 Fixed: Two separate trees: Tree not updated for Ctrl+Cursor left/right
when using two separate trees, and the directory was transferred to the inactiv
e panel
05.11.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Access violation when choosing "Delete on bot
h sides" in empty results list
05.11.06 Fixed: Button bar: Button not redrawn correctly when option "Flat icon
s" was unchecked
05.11.06 Added: Middle mouse button click on empty space in tab header adds new
05.11.06 Added: Command line: em_xyz commands now also support command line par
ameters, e.g. for external programs
05.11.06 Fixed: New internal command SYNCOPEN: If stored sync had no paths save
d, the sync dialog opened with two empty paths
05.11.06 Fixed: Date picker control in Attributes dialog: Focus lost when leavi
ng month overview. (Only way to fix was by sending a simulated mouse click to th
e dialog...)
05.11.06 Fixed: Disable any hotkeys while Total Commander is minimized and a co
py dialog is displayed
05.11.06 Fixed: When ejecting a CD, the drive letter disappeared from the separ
ate tree!
05.11.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] TabSwitchMode=1 turns on old Ctrl+Ta
b switch mode: Jump directly to tab, not only when releasing the Ctrl key
05.11.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] UpdateTreeAtStartup=1 determines whe
ther separate trees show entire path to current dir at program start or when swi
tching on separate tree (set to 1 for testing now)
05.11.06 Fixed: F5 copy: When specifying a new subdir below the source/target w
hich had to be created, e.g. c:\target\newsubdir\filename, the directory list wa
sn't refreshed
05.11.06 Fixed: Slightly improved control alignment in F5 copy dialog
05.11.06 Fixed: Control distance in configuration - options - display - help te
05.11.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] TabSeparator=: sets different separa
tor between drive letter and current directory name in tabs (default is a ":").
Only a single byte character is allowed!
05.11.06 Fixed: Content plugins: DateTime values didn't work in any file filter
s except for the main search function itself
03.11.06 Fixed: The following dialogs didn't use a user-defined icon from icon
library: Search, Tree, Change Start menu, Command selection dialog, Synchronize
03.11.06 Added: Copy dialog: Not only F5/F6 but also Shift+F5/F6 will select se
parate name parts
03.11.06 Added: Pack dialog: F5 or Alt+F5 can now be used to select specific na
me part (name with ext, name without ext, everything)
03.11.06 Fixed: Shift+F4 (create new text file): Error not always shown when a
folder with the same name already exists
03.11.06 Fixed: Lister plugins like SynPlus no longer had a text cursor on star
03.11.06 Fixed: New Menu item "Select All With Same Extension" didn't do anythi
ng when using internal English main menu
03.11.06 Fixed: F5 copy: If target is write protected (e.g. CD or floppy) and u
ser clicked on Cancel or Skip, the source file remained locked
03.11.06 Fixed: My computer: For free and total space, use size style defined f
or footer, except when it's set to bytes or kbytes, then use x.x bkM mode (only
refreshed when switching to other folder and back)
03.11.06 Fixed: While singleclickstart=1, disable mouse move detection while qu
ick search dialog is up
03.11.06 Fixed: When changing tabs while separate tree is active, switch cursor
to active file panel
03.11.06 Fixed: Open archive in archive, switch to different tab -> archive loc
ation lost. Solution: Switch that tab to the outer archive
03.11.06 Fixed: Separate tree: Cursor not always placed on "0:" item when showi
ng an ftp connection
03.11.06 Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: When deleting the last button, no b
utton was selected any more -> select last remaining button
03.11.06 Fixed: Ctrl+F3 (Compare) could be opened in overwrite dialog also in t
he unpack function, although the source file wasn't available -> disable Ctrl+F3
01.11.06 Fixed: Quick search label "Search:" was not using user-configured font
31.10.06 Release Total Commander 7.0 public beta 1
31.10.06 Fixed: Reloading of menu bar background on XP caused memory leak (GDI
30.10.06 Added: Several missing topics added to Help: Separate tree, Thumbnails
and Hotkeys in overwrite dialog
30.10.06 Added: Compare by contents in synchronize function: Increased buffer s
ize from 32k to 1MByte
29.10.06 Fixed: Copy as administrator of single directory also asked for subdir
s within this dir
27.10.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a15 (alpha test version 15)
27.10.06 Fixed: FTP over SSL: Only try to load libssl32.dll and libeay32.dll, b
ut not ssleay32.dll (was causing problems to some testers)
27.10.06 Added: Windows 2000/XP: Verify signature of tcmadmin.exe, and warn use
r if unsigned or bad (Windows Vista already performs such a check)
25.10.06 Fixed: "Search subdirectories" didn't have an underlined letter (for h
otkey) and wasn't described in the help
25.10.06 Added: Windows XP 64: Possible workaround to internal media player not
working with redirection off
25.10.06 Fixed: "bytes" not translated in ftp upload progress (was fixed in dow
nload progress previously)
25.10.06 Fixed: Turned off autocomplete in print with subdirs (again, didn't wo
rk in first fix)
25.10.06 Added: Autocomplete to encode and split dialog boxes
25.10.06 Added: Windows XP 64 with redirection off: fixes for ftp, http, watchd
irs, FindFirst in background
25.10.06 Added: Copy as admin: If user confirms to copy a single directory as a
dmin, also copy all files of that dir as admin (but not other dirs in the same l
25.10.06 Fixed: Memory leak (hbitmap) when recreating the main button bar was o
nly partially fixed
24.10.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a14 (alpha test version 14)
24.10.06 Added: Some new drive buttons (e.g. for removable drive)
24.10.06 Fixed: Unpack as admin to drive root not working (gives access violati
24.10.06 Fixed: Lister with no plugins: Access violation when pressing 'n' key
with text cursor shown near the end of a very large file, when switching to a sm
aller file
24.10.06 Fixed: Do not show dialog "Cannot access directory -> admin" when refr
eshing or at initial start, only when explicitly trying to access a directory
24.10.06 Fixed: WantXPLook= in wincmd.ini will only be checked at program start
now (otherwise the menu bar could appear all black)
24.10.06 Fixed: Windows XP 64: turn redirection of system32 folder back on in v
arious places before calling LoadLibrary
24.10.06 Fixed: If Shift+<some key> was defined for cm_GoToPreviousTab or cm_Go
ToNextTab, this key combination caused a search result tab to duplicate itself (
which was of course not intentional)
22.10.06 Fixed: Inplace rename overwrote files without confirmation if they wer
e hidden via the ignore list
22.10.06 Fixed: XP only: Select files in inactive panel while quick search was
up didn't activate that panel
22.10.06 Fixed: Increased buffer for delete confirmation to show also very long
22.10.06 Fixed: Shift+F5 copy in place dialog didn't have hotkey for Tree butto
n (English only)
22.10.06 Fixed: Re-enable main program before closing "Drive not found" box to
avoid that Windows Vista steals the focus from Total Commander (untested)
22.10.06 Fixed: Temporary list file not removed when using button with paramete
r %F inside of an archive
22.10.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs didn't show file sizes >4GB on FTP servers
20.10.06 Fixed: Change button bar loaded default bar when changing both the bar
settings (e.g. size) and bar name without making it the new default bar
20.10.06 Added: Restrict quick search window, tooltips and overwrite dialog to
current screen also when using multiple monitors
18.10.06 Fixed: Viewing file in ACE file in compare by contents left copy progr
ess window open
18.10.06 Fixed: Hotkey for "Commands" not working in Configuration - Misc
18.10.06 Fixed: "bytes" not translated in ftp progress dialog
18.10.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Copy buttons were enabled by mistake when n
o comparison was made
18.10.06 Fixed: Memory leak (hbitmap) when recreating the main button bar
18.10.06 Added: Experimental: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ThreadFindFirst=1 move
s FindFirstFile to separate thread, so the user can abort reading from a hanging
network connection
18.10.06 Added: Allow user to install plugin to location where he has no write
rights, e.g. under c:\program files, via tcmadmin.exe
17.10.06 Added: When directory is inaccessible due to insufficient rights, allo
w user to gain permanent read+execute+read_acl rights via tcmamin.exe
17.10.06 Fixed: Memory error in LookupAccountNameW
13.10.06 Fixed: Content plugins: Full text search didn't work correctly with op
erators !contains and !cont(case) if contents longer than 1 kByte
13.10.06 Fixed: Thumbnails in overwrite dialog not always shown, e.g. when star
ting with fresh ini with just ThumbsInDlg=1 in it
13.10.06 Fixed: Windows XP 64: redirection of system32 folder not turned off in
background threads (copy,delete,transfer manager,icon+thumbnail thread)
13.10.06 Fixed: Watchdirs: Cursor was sometimes placed on wrong file after dele
ting a directory (reason: Watchdirs sets flag UpdateWhenActive causing duplicate
13.10.06 Fixed: Watchdirs problem: To watch changes in the root of e.g. drive c
:, need to specify c:\ and not c: alone (which will watch the current directory!
13.10.06 Fixed: Buttons with images didn't have any focus rectangle when using
XP themes
13.10.06 Fixed: Lister: When searching, remove selection and put selection star
t point at the cursor position behind the found text
13.10.06 Fixed: F3 inside desktop or other virtual folder: Not working when vie
wing multiple files is the default, and nothing is selected
13.10.06 Fixed: XP only: Clicking on last item in separate tree selected the it
em after it. The only way to prevent that seems to be to set the list top index
back to what it was before the button down click...
13.10.06 Fixed: Removed autocomplete from more dialogs where it's useless, e.g.
upload confirmation dialogs
13.10.06 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: User clicks on rename, then cancel -> the ent
ire file operation was cancelled. Instead, just return to the overwrite dialog n
13.10.06 Added: Run as user now also works with users from the current domain,
even without specifying domainname\username
12.10.06 Fixed: Unpack files: Giving empty target path could cause out of memor
y error (due to GetFileSecurity call failing on empty directory)
12.10.06 Fixed: F3+Shift+F3 no longer working in F5 overwrite dialog
12.10.06 Fixed: Removed autocomplete from print - with subdirs dialog box
11.10.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a13 (alpha test version 13)
11.10.06 Fixed: Strange name shown in Windows Vista admin dialog when starting
tcmadmin.exe -> added versioninfo resource with descriptive name
11.10.06 Fixed: When moving a directory from search - feed to listbox, only the
directory contents were moved, not the directory name itself
11.10.06 Added: When inplace-renaming in search results and another file in the
results is overwritten, remove that duplicate from the list (this isn't done wh
en renaming multiple files).
11.10.06 Added: When renaming/moving a file in search - feed to listbox, show t
he new names even if they wouldn't be part of the search results. The list isn't
updated when using the multi-rename tool.
10.10.06 Fixed: Windows 9x: Disable overlay icons options (it's not available o
n Windows 9x)
10.10.06 Fixed: Could not turn off 9th additional sort order via Shift+Click
10.10.06 Added: Windows XP 64: Allow user to turn off redirection of system32 f
older: wincmd.ini [Configuration] x64disableredirection=1 (will be temporarily r
e-enabled while loading a plugin)
10.10.06 Added: FTP client: Use MFMT instead of MDTM to set timestamp in sync (
if server reports to support MFMT in FEAT command)
10.10.06 Fixed: Separate tree: Left click on partially visible item at the bott
om didn't select that item, but the next
10.10.06 Fixed: Desktop in tree: Sort order different depending on whether it w
as loaded at startup or later via collapse/expand
10.10.06 Added: Print file list: increased maximum possible number of pages fro
m 1000 to 10000 (for people who print e.g. to PDF)
08.10.06 Added: Ctrl+F3 in new overwrite dialog opens compare by contents
08.10.06 Added: Unpack selected files to inaccessible directory as administrato
08.10.06 Added: Unpack all to inaccessible directory as administrator (unpack t
o TEMP, move from there)
08.10.06 Fixed: (Again:) Closing window with double click over separate tree co
uld cause access violation on XP
08.10.06 Added: New tree: Show new drives when they arrive, and remove them whe
n they get disconnected (react to WM_DEVICECHANGE)
08.10.06 Fixed: Separate tree: When copying subdirectories, do NOT show them in
the separate tree except when the directory with these subdirs has already been
08.10.06 Added: Rename files/dirs as administrator, move files/dirs to other dr
ive as administrator if source or destination is not writable
06.10.06 Added: tcmadmin.exe: Terminate if no connection established within 20
05.10.06 Added: Edit (F4): Edit items on the desktop also from "All users" loca
05.10.06 Added: Lister (F3): View items on the desktop also from "All users" lo
05.10.06 Fixed: Standard input dialog: Only enable auto-complete if either the
tree button or the browse button is shown, to avoid auto-complete for entering u
ser names or similar
05.10.06 Added: Change attributes: Jump between field value edit boxes with cur
sor up/down, comboboxes (e.g. for yes/no fields) with Shift+cursor up/down
05.10.06 Added: Change attributes: When loading settings via F2, set cursor in
the first value edit box instead of last
04.10.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a12 (alpha test version 12)
04.10.06 Added: New with different buttons like separate tree, the
multi-rename tool and synchronize dirs
04.10.06 Fixed: "Mark newer, hide same files" converted the displayed path to l
owercase by mistake
04.10.06 Fixed: New overwrite dialog: Arrow icon looks incorrect on Windows 9x
(need to use monochrome mask bitmap for icon)
04.10.06 Added: Internal command selection box: Keys up, down, pageup, pagedown
, home and end now also work within the filter edit box
04.10.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AdminTimeout= determines after how
many seconds of inactivity tcmadmin.exe (used for copy/delete etc. as admin) is
terminated. Default: 180 seconds (3 minutes). Set to 0 to disable
03.10.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Position of divider was saved, but not rest
ored when re-opening the window
02.10.06 Fixed: Bug in packer plugin interface: Search text in plugin called Pr
ocessFile twice, once with PK_SKIP and again with PK_EXTRACT...
01.10.06 Fixed: WantXPlook=0 no longer had any effect
01.10.06 Fixed: Lister: Searching in UTF-8 view selects wrong text in first lin
e (due to UTF-8 marker at the beginning of the file)
01.10.06 Fixed: Lister: Copy to clipboard from UTF-8 file damages last characte
01.10.06 Fixed: Moving the cursor over the separate tree panel could mark the r
oot (Desktop) as selected
01.10.06 Fixed: XP Closing program by double clicking while cursor is above sep
arate tree panel could cause an access violation
01.10.06 Fixed: Click on empty space in separate tree could select some random
01.10.06 Fixed: Lister: In text file containing <lf><cr><lf> sequence, could no
t scroll up with text cursor beyond this point
01.10.06 Added: Show shield icon on "As admin" buttons under Windows Vista
27.09.06 Added: (experimental) copy to protected directories as Administrator (
via an extra program). Also supports move, delete, mkdir, rmdir
26.09.06 Fixed: Show old 8.3 names uppercase - not working for files in subdirs
of branch view (Ctrl+B)
26.09.06 Fixed: Prevent Ctrl+T during Ctrl+Tab
26.09.06 Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+W (delete tab) while switching through tabs with
Ctrl+Tab could switch to wrong directory
26.09.06 Fixed: Edit mode in Compare by content, click again on Compare -> copy
buttons not enabled although still in edit mode
26.09.06 Fixed: Dialogs for waiting for multiple document editors (F4) to be cl
osed were only hidden, not deleted
26.09.06 Added: New overwrite dialog: F3 opens upper file in lister, Shift+F3 t
he lower. With Alt, open lister without plugins
26.09.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Backwards search (Shift+F3) could crash whe
n reaching the beginning of the file
26.09.06 Fixed: New overwrite dialog: Resize dialog when user adds/removes cust
om fields
26.09.06 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Click on thumbnail, use cursor left/right to g
o to other thumbnail within _same_ line, Shift+Click on other thumbnail -> wrong
files selected
26.09.06 Fixed: Clicking on F5 button and pressing F5 at the same time opened c
opy dialog twice, sometimes resulting in an access violation. Same for F6, F7, F
8 (irrelevant for F3 and F4).
26.09.06 Fixed: Search in compare by content: If a search string appeared multi
ple times on the same line on both sides, it would be found multiple times on F3
26.09.06 Added: New overwrite dialog: When the user clicks a button while thumb
nail extraction is still going on, remove thumbnails from queue and wait up to 5
seconds until current extraction finishes
24.09.06 Fixed: Right click in overwrite-dialog, open lister -> right click men
u stopped working
24.09.06 Added: "My computer": Separate drives from folders (sorting)
24.09.06 Fixed: Packer plugins: Shorten path received via callback also for pac
k function, not only for unpacking
24.09.06 Fixed: Change attributes dialog: Width of fields not correct when addi
ng more than 4 lines
24.09.06 Added: Change attributes dialog: Allow to load/save settings of plugin
s section
24.09.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Pressing F2 after loading new names from fil
e caused an error
22.09.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a11 (alpha test version 11)
22.09.06 Added: Search function right click menu now also supports to view the
file with lister
22.09.06 Fixed: Better sorting of separate trees: consider sorting options like
natural sorting, and separate drive letters from other virtual folders like the
control panel
22.09.06 Added: Suggest lowercase .lnk extension on Ctrl+Shift+F5 if more than
one file/dir is selected
22.09.06 Added: Button bar: Load image from .ico files via LoadImage instead of
ExtractIconEx, allows to load sizes like 24x24 pixels
22.09.06 Fixed: Drop to TC file lists stopped working when Alt+Tabbing to other
program during drag&drop
22.09.06 Fixed: Branch view, Download in background to a _subdir_ within the br
anch, watchdirs on -> file appears multiple times
22.09.06 Fixed: FTP download from list: URLs in the form user@server@ftp.server didn't work (here, the second @ must be used!)
22.09.06 Added: FTP client: Allow to store account password in wcx_ftp.ini. The
entry acct=<scrambled account password> must be added manually (copy+paste from
another password line)
22.09.06 Fixed: FTP client: Show *** when typing in account password (ACCT comm
22.09.06 Fixed: Improved way to detect drives where the setting of the file tim
estamp fails: Remember if it fails even once, and also reset option each time co
pying to a network share starts
20.09.06 Fixed: [] fields not recognized correctly in change attributes
20.09.06 Fixed: SortUpper option was stored incorrectly when switching to a dif
ferent page before closing the config dialog
20.09.06 Fixed: Ignore list was not used by WatchDirs function, so files/dirs w
hich are normally hidden could suddenly appear if they changed
20.09.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: Better resizing to make the preview and addit
ional fields fit into the dialog
20.09.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: Allow user to define custom fields (e.g. imag
e dimensions) using a plugin
20.09.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: Right click on preview image or small icon op
ens normal file context menu
19.09.06 Added: F5 copy dialog: Allow user to remove no longer needed file filt
ers with Shift+Del
19.09.06 Fixed: Text input dialog may now also use underlined characters (e.g.
in Search - Save search)
19.09.06 Fixed: Configuration: Quick Search - "Exact name match" not saved with
19.09.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: resize dialog width to smaller size if the pa
th of the file names is smaller
19.09.06 Fixed: Special handling of right click on [..] -> show right click men
u of _current_ directory
19.09.06 Fixed: Right mouse button drag&drop and Ctrl+Shift+F5 can now also cre
ate shortcuts on virtual folders like the desktop
19.09.06 Fixed: Background transfer manager, overwrite dialog: After choosing "
compare by content", the main TC window was disabled
19.09.06 Added: Packer plugins: Shorten path received via callback so it fits i
nto the progress dialog
19.09.06 Added: Pack dialog: Always show encrypt option, but disable it for all
packers except for ARJ, RAR, ACE and plugins with PK_CAPS_ENCRYPT. It's also di
sabled for ZIP, except when the encryption dll is there
19.09.06 Added: New overwrite dialog: Always center the direction arrow horizon
tally (not between the images)
19.09.06 Added: New overwrite dialog: Resize buttons when switching on preview
19.09.06 Added: Command line parameters: Accept paths in the form file://c:\win
dows or file://c|/windows or file://\\server\share\dir
19.09.06 Fixed: Save selection to file/load from file: Look in current director
y by default
17.09.06 Fixed: F2 not working properly in Lister for UTF8 and Unicode (UTF16)
files, lines beyond the previous last line couldn't be scrolled into view
17.09.06 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Use same background color for preview as for
the main window
17.09.06 Added: Drag&Drop cursors now don't have a shadow if cursor shadows are
disabled in the system
17.09.06 Added: Drag&Drop cursors now also have shadows on Windows 2000 in true
color mode (it doesn't work properly in hicolor)
17.09.06 Added: Send WM_COPYDATA with dwData='E'+256*'M' and lpData pointing to
em_xyz internal command (0-terminated) to execute that command. Accepts paramet
ers separated by a space
15.09.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a10 (alpha test version 10)
15.09.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: <spacebar> now acts the same as a click on th
e direction checkbox, <shift>+<spacebar> like a double click
15.09.06 Added: Support for accessibility tools (e.g. for blind users) to main
lists+separate tree+sync+CD-Tree, allows to retrieve current line via LB_GETTEXT
15.09.06 Added: New event contst_showhint sent to content plugin when hint wind
ow is shown with data from that plugin
15.09.06 Fixed: Inhibit Tab change with Ctrl+Tab when tabbing to ftp tab and th
e server hasn't finished updating the list yet (otherwise the ftp dir is shown i
n the next tab!)
15.09.06 Fixed: Host define dialog (Alt+Shift+Enter) not working if caching of
visited directories disabled
15.09.06 Fixed: Host define dialog was resizeable, but the controls didn't foll
ow the resizing -> make it fixed size
13.09.06 Added: 16 color bitmaps for new overwrite dialog
13.09.06 Added: Change attributes: When calling the content plugin editor with
a single file, pass that file's value to the plugin
13.09.06 Added: If a copy progress or search dialog is active and something cha
nges (WatchDirs set), then refresh the file list when the dialog is closed
13.09.06 Added: New drag cursor with shadow (Windows XP only)
13.09.06 Added: Lister configuration: Path to Irfanview/Xnview now supports env
ironment variables
13.09.06 Added: New internal pseudo-environment variables %$MYMUSIC% and "%$MYV
IDEO% - they seem to work on Windows XP only, though.
12.09.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: Show overlay icons with a good sign for the f
ile which is kept, and an X for the file which is overwritten
12.09.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: Show arrow to indicate which file will overwr
ite which
12.09.06 Added: Overwrite dialog: Show icons if there are no thumbnails
10.09.06 Added: Packer plugin interface can now support encryption
10.09.06 Fixed: Ctrl+F, Edit -> Keep alive command was selected
10.09.06 Added: <DIR> and <LNK> are translatable now, but limited to max 7 char
acters including the <>
08.09.06 Added: Show preview images (thumbnails) in overwrite dialog (must be t
urned on by the user)
08.09.06 Fixed: Drag&Drop of folders from outside of TC causes TC to hang when
selecting "Abort"
08.09.06 Fixed: Tab order in compare dialog is more logical now
06.09.06 Fixed: XP: base line of text in checkboxes and edit boxes not identica
06.09.06 Fixed: Do not change cursor to wait cursor when watching directory cha
nges and the option "update header" is on
05.09.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: when comparing two archives via external sync
tool, TC marked all equal files with a '?' after the sync tool was closed
05.09.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: when comparing via external sync tool, handle
situation when sync tool had already been open
05.09.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: when comparing via external sync tool, refres
h list when files have changed
05.09.06 Fixed: Paths were not shortened in compare by content progress dialog
05.09.06 Added: Improved function used to shorten long names in progress dialog
: Shorten dir name just before file name instead of cutting off file name
05.09.06 Added: The Ctrl+D directory hotlist now supports also numeric internal
commands, e.g. 2010 instead of cm_switchlongnames
05.09.06 Added: Documented new Alias commands in help
05.09.06 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] PreventFEAT=1 allows to turn off the send
ing of the FEAT (features) command (some proxies hang when the command is sent)
05.09.06 Fixed: Minimized synchronize or search dialog prevented Windows from s
hutting down
03.09.06 Added: Lister now auto-scrolls also horizontally when selecting text w
ith the mouse (but not both horizontally and vertically at the same time)
03.09.06 Fixed: Wrong display after Brief view -> Search -> Feed to listbox ->
Custom columns view -> Refresh
03.09.06 Fixed: Separate tree: Sometimes two items could get highlighted (if th
e tree was expanded above the highlighted item)
01.09.06 Fixed: Drag&Drop of EXE to button bar added icon with short dos name i
f the program was written in uppercase
30.08.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: F5 not disabled even when the reload button
was disabled
30.08.06 Fixed: Moving cursor in separate tree with pressed left mouse button d
idn't correctly update active item if cursor outside of tree area
30.08.06 Fixed: Custom columns configuration: Changes not saved when choosing a
file system plugin from the list
30.08.06 Fixed: Right mouse button drag&drop (with shift if right selection mod
e) didn't work to virtual folders in (separate) tree
30.08.06 Added: Internal command selection dialog: If invoked via cm_CommandBro
wser, clicking Shift+OK copies entire line like Ctrl+Shift+C
30.08.06 Added: Internal command selection dialog: Ctrl+Shift+C copies entire l
ine (including numeric value and description), Tab-delimited.
30.08.06 Added: Quick search in separate tree: ENTER opens selected directory,
ESC jumps back to previous, INSERT stays on new dir, but only opens if configure
d to auto-open
30.08.06 Added: Quick search with letters only now also works in separate tree
29.08.06 Added: Quick search with Alt or Ctrl+Alt now also work in separate tre
e (letters only to be added)
29.08.06 Fixed: Turn off inplace rename when switching folder tabs
29.08.06 Fixed: Show hourglass and disable button while compacting thumbnail da
29.08.06 Added: Alias commands on the command line support a command placeholde
r %A in the command definition, e.g. %A %N will be replaced by the parameter typ
ed by the user, followed by the current file name under the cursor
29.08.06 Fixed: Winhelp: Missing menu image in multi-rename tool topic
26.08.06 Fixed: Closing multi-rename tool with double click caused access viola
tion on XP only when the left separate tree was below the double click position
25.08.06 Added: Ctrl+Space now also supported in path inplace edit
25.08.06 Added: Do not close inplace rename on Ctrl+Home/End
25.08.06 Added: Date-time picker controls in change attributes now also work wi
th the keyboard
25.08.06 Added: When focus lost during Ctrl+Tab, cancel tab switch operation
25.08.06 Fixed: Directory tab drag&drop couldn't be aborted with ESC, although
the cursor changed its shape accordingly
25.08.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Made top section 3 pixels higher to fully sho
w focus rectangles around checkboxes
25.08.06 Fixed: Added: Alias commands now support parameters, which replace par
ameters of the command. Example: np points to em_notepad which starts notepad.ex
e -> np test.txt starts notepad with test.txt as parameter
24.08.06 Fixed: New configuration option "Alias" not translatable
23.08.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a9 (alpha test version 9)
23.08.06 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Always open "+" button context men
u below the button
23.08.06 Added: Translation of special keys in Configuration - Options - Misc.
23.08.06 Added: Ctrl+Shift+F5 create shortcut: Suggest complete name if a singl
e directory is selected
23.08.06 Fixed: Disable some more options in configuration when they have no ef
fect (e.g. some icon options)
23.08.06 Added: Show background of current dir in separate tree with second bac
kground color
23.08.06 Added: Show background of separate tree in first background color only
22.08.06 Fixed: Dropping a virtual folder to the button bar also mostly didn't
work, e.g. when it pointed to a folder with file target.lnk in it
22.08.06 Fixed: Trying to add virtual folders like the desktop to the Ctrl+D me
nu added a wrong directory
22.08.06 Fixed: Center overwrite dialog over the TC window
22.08.06 Fixed: When background transfer manager shows overwrite confirmation d
ialog, and a dialog is already open in the main TC make the overwrite dialog the
child of the already open dialog
22.08.06 Fixed: Search function: Limit length of text search input field to 127
characters when using Unicode search (the search functions support a maximum of
255 bytes)
22.08.06 Fixed: When trying to delete the directory under the cursor, but it fa
ils, leave the cursor on the directory and do not go to the next below
22.08.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Multiple choice values were not translated (
e.g. tc.filetype)
20.08.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: New icon for >> button
20.08.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: >> button showed menu at wrong location when
button invoked via keyboard (spacebar)
20.08.06 Fixed: Custom columns configuration for file system plugins: "Switch t
o this view when using this plugin" is missing when adding a new custom columns
20.08.06 Fixed: Lister: Hide caret (blinking text cursor) when switching from t
ext view to bitmap/multimedia view
20.08.06 Fixed: Gray out menu items in lister which aren't currently applicable
(cannot be done correctly with lister plugins)
20.08.06 Fixed: Buttons in edit dialog with checkboxes (e.g. rename/copy em_xyz
command) weren't right-aligned
20.08.06 Fixed: When activating two separate trees with cm_SwitchSeparateTree,
make sure that the trees don't appear in front of an open quick view panel
18.08.06 Fixed: Separate tree: Wrong item selected when moving cursor with mous
e while automatic tree change is off
18.08.06 Added: Content plugins: New function to support custom value editors (
like the internal date/time editor) in Files - Change attributes
17.08.06 Added: New cursor for dragging tabs
15.08.06 Fixed: Change attributes: When changing comments, the wrong comment fi
le was created with the following comment options: files.bbs, read from both
15.08.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: Wildcards (*.* etc.) are only saved if the fi
eld isn't empty (there is no checkbox for it, though)
15.08.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: Allow user to not save the paths, just the op
15.08.06 Added: Change button bar dialog: Disable edit boxes for parameters and
start path and set to empty when the command field contains an internal command
(cm_xyz or em_xyz)
15.08.06 Added: Extended commands em_xyz now also support internal commands, e.
g. em_editor calls cm_edit (with user-assigned icon)
15.08.06 Added: Alias commands are defined via Configuration - Options - Misc
15.08.06 Added: Command line now supports alias commands, e.g. type ls -> cm_li
st is invoked
15.08.06 Added: Command line now supports internal commands cm_xyz and em_xyz
14.08.06 Fixed: Wrong error message when renaming a file with Shift+F6, and a d
irectory with the target name already exists (wrong path was shown)
14.08.06 Added: Shift+F4: Warn if a directory with the specified name already e
14.08.06 Fixed: Drive buttons had become 1 pixel wider than in TC 6.5x (this wa
s not intentional)
14.08.06 Added: New color cursors without white borders (drop forbidden and ext
ernal links)
13.08.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] DropExtensions=0 allows to turn off
drag&drop Explorer extensions for right mouse button drag&drop
13.08.06 Fixed: Right mouse button drag&drop: Also look in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Fo
lder key, some shell extensions don't add themselves to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Direct
ory or Drives
13.08.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right in command line now also works when entir
e text selected (although a bit different from other edit boxes, because the cur
sor position can neither be set nor retrieved)
13.08.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right in command line now also stops at undersc
13.08.06 Fixed: Do not create a new auto-complete object when changing auto-com
plete options, but use interface IAutoComplete2 to change options
13.08.06 Fixed: Tab order in lister print configuration dialog
11.08.06 Added: Right mouse button drag&drop now also accepts the separate tree
(s) as the target (only to real directories, not virtual folders for now)
11.08.06 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Some error messages showed "FTP" i
n the title even for local file operations
11.08.06 Fixed: FTP connect dialog: Initial position wasn't centered on TC wind
ow (on all subsequent calls, the last used position is restored)
11.08.06 Added: Minimum size of command selection dialog and ftp connect dialog
11.08.06 Added: Command selection dialog: Show buttons to add/change extended u
ser commands also in category "All" when in the relevant section(s)
11.08.06 Fixed: Lister, font configuration dialog, didn't save OEM charset (255
) when chosen
11.08.06 Added: New internal command cm_CommandBrowser opens command selection
dialog. Clicking OK copies the command name to the clipboard
11.08.06 Added: Command selection dialog now remembers last position
11.08.06 Fixed: Cursor down in user command change dialog could open another in
stance of the command selection dialog, resulting in a crash on close
09.08.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a8 (alpha test version 8)
09.08.06 Fixed: Print margins dialog: Didn't support underlined characters for
09.08.06 Fixed: Win9x: Show error if user tries to set encrypted attribute
09.08.06 Fixed: Right mouse button drag&drop: Do not show "Create shortcut" and
Explorer drag&drop extensions if the target is an archive
09.08.06 Fixed: Using watchdirs can cause an access violation if the file list
is initially 100% empty (not even a [..] item, e.g. in a drive root)
09.08.06 Fixed: WipeDir= line in wincmd.ini not working for temp dir _tc, only
for the old $wc
09.08.06 Fixed: Various items missing in the help, section wincmd.ini
09.08.06 Added: Automatically create non-existing folder in copy/move function
if path given in any of the following ways: c:\notexisting\ c:\notexisting\*.* c
:\notexisting\file.ext notexisting\ notexisting\*.* notexisting\file.ext (append
ed file name only when copying a single file)
08.08.06 Added: 256 color cursors for drag&drop (just the attached part of the
08.08.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Reload result button wasn't working when ren
aming files from branch view subdirs, or from a search result
06.08.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, >> button: "Edit names" menu item was missin
g if default editor was notepad
04.08.06 Added: Change attributes dialog: Replaced frame around change date by
a groupbox for correct theming on XP
04.08.06 Added: When TC is started with a path parameter and /T, create a new t
ab for the passed path
04.08.06 Added: When TC is started with a path parameter, and the current tab i
s locked (no dir changes), create a new tab for the path parameter
04.08.06 Added: When TC is started with a path parameter, and the current tab i
s locked with directory changes allowed, switch to the new dir, but keep the sav
ed dir as locked root
04.08.06 Added: Made Ctrl+F connect to FTP resizable
04.08.06 Fixed: File list wasn't refreshed after Mark - Save selection to file
02.08.06 Added: Separate tree: Auto-scroll horizontally to ensure best visibili
ty of current directory
02.08.06 Fixed: Use configured main icon also in background copy/move/delete/zi
p/unzip etc. dialogs
02.08.06 Added: Workaround to files.bbs creation for systems where alternate DO
S file names are disabled. Will not work with files with spaces.
02.08.06 Fixed: Winzip disliked some of the zip64 headers created by Totalcmd7
(for files >4GB in zip files)
02.08.06 Added: Increased maximum command line length for external packers to 1
kByte to handle long TEMP paths
02.08.06 Fixed: Wrong custom column width when changing widths via "configure t
his custom column view" when a separate tree is displayed
01.08.06 Added: Auto-complete to Start menu and Directory menu configuration di
01.08.06 Added: Change attributes dialog: Only show plugins which support field
changes. Attribute flags are cached in the wincmd.ini together with the timesta
mp of the plugin to detect updates
01.08.06 Added: Buttons to the command selection list to add user-defined comma
nds to the usercmd.ini and wcmd_lng.ini files
31.07.06 Added: Tab and Ctrl+Space now also work in inplace edit of current pat
h and when renaming a single file
31.07.06 Fixed: Configuration - Folder tabs: Check option "limit length" when u
ser edits length limit number
31.07.06 Fixed: Attributes dialog: Only check option "Change date/time" when us
er changes something in the date field, not when the cursor justs gets to this f
30.07.06 Added: Configuration - Button bar: Place cursor on last item of the ba
30.07.06 Added: Adding an EXE without an icon to the button bar now uses icon N
r. 3 (blank window) instead of Nr. 2 (DOS window), both for drag&drop and for ad
ding via >> button
30.07.06 Added: Button bar: Changed order in which tooltips are chosen: 1. User
-defined tooltip, 2. Command description from (English: from totalc, 3. Same command from main menu, 4. cm_xyz without the prefix cm_
30.07.06 Added: Show user commands em_xyz from usercmd.ini and wcmd_lng.ini in
internal command selection dialog (button bar, start menu, hotkey configuration)
25.07.06 Fixed: Moved all calls to enable auto-complete from OnShow to OnCreate
handler to avoid infinite loop crash on Windows 98 (original)
23.07.06 Added: Read em_xyz commands from wcmd_lng.ini (where wcmd_lng is the b
ase name of the selected mnu file) if not found in usercmd.ini, allows custom mn
u files with user-defined commands
23.07.06 Added: em_xyz commands can be used in the button bar, main menu, start
menu, directory menu and for hotkeys
23.07.06 Added: Support for user-defined commands em_xyz: usercmd.ini in same d
irectory as wincmd.ini, with entries like this: [em_notepad] cmd=notepad.exe par
am=%P%N path=c:\windows iconic=0 (same as in .bar file, but not numbered)
23.07.06 Added: Pack-dialog: Don't revert to ZIP when checking encrypted option
for RAR, ARJ and ACE archives
23.07.06 Added: When resizing the multi-rename tool, also resize the name and e
xtension boxes, not only search+replace
18.07.06 Fixed: When using custom icon size like 24x24, the displayed icon back
ground could reach into the next line
18.07.06 Fixed: Saved searches: Removed limit of 8 kBytes for all headers also
in copy dialog and select/unselect files (note: these dialogs require the *_Sear
chFlags entry to be present to work)
18.07.06 Fixed: Folder shortcut showed arrow icon instead of folder icon. Show
default folder icon instead.
18.07.06 Added: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow now stops at the following characters ins
tead of just the backslash: \/ .-
14.07.06 Fixed: Change attributes, custom fields: Wrong field width if adding s
o many buttons that the vertical scrollbar appears
14.07.06 Fixed: Logging of file creation with Shift+F4: didn't log full path, l
ogged dot at end if no extension used
14.07.06 Added: Right mouse button drag: Show default drag&drop operation "Copy
" in bold
12.07.06 Fixed: Show internal folder icon instead of the one from Windows if th
e folder doesn't have a special icon was only working for small 16x16 icons
12.07.06 Fixed: Command-line history still not working correctly when auto-appe
nd enabled
11.07.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a7 (alpha test version 7)
11.07.06 Added: Installer: Recognize also other active languages than English,
German and French, also custom language files if _xyz.lng is used in the name
11.07.06 Added: 48x48-size main icon
11.07.06 Added: New synchronize history icon added in hicolor and truecolor mod
11.07.06 Added: New browse command icon in change button bar, start menu and ho
tkey dialogs
11.07.06 Fixed: Button bar two pixels too high when using small icons and XP st
yle off
11.07.06 Added: Control how the Tab key works in the command line when auto-com
plete is enabled: [configuration] AutoCompleteTab= 0: Tab switches to active fi
le list; 1: Choose next file from auto-complete, as '0' if nothing to complete;
2: Choose next file from auto-complete, ignore tab if nothing to complete
11.07.06 Fixed: Main menu: Radio item numbers must be in ascending order, other
wise the radio item checkmark will not show up!
05.07.06 Added: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow now jumps to next/previous backslash in m
ost path input dialogs, e.g. in copy/pack/unpack/unpack all/encode/decode/search
In dialogs and the command line
04.07.06 Added: XP: Draw groupbox controls with correct visual style
02.07.06 Added: Explicitly unload all lister windows when closing TC, so plugin
s can save files if necessary
02.07.06 Added: Force-unload all lister plugins on close, to make sure TC doesn
't remain in memory
30.06.06 Fixed: Turn off autocomplete and autoappend in command line while drop
down list is open
29.06.06 Added: Internal command CD (change directory) in button bar or start m
enu now also accepts plugin filters, e.g. cd c:\dir\>largefiles or cd >largefile
s (where 'largefiles' is a stored search)
29.06.06 Added: New internal command LOADSEARCH <saved search parameters> opens
the search dialog box with the specified search parameters
29.06.06 Fixed: Ignore list not working on Windows 9x if absolute or relative p
ath given
29.06.06 Added: Multi-rename tool: Ctrl+F3..F6 allow to sort the names exactly
as in the main window.
29.06.06 Added: Log creation of files with Shift+F4 (only if the file is create
d, or the creation fails)
29.06.06 Added: Changed title for SFX packing to "Create self extracting archiv
e" because it now also applies to RAR and some plugins
21.06.06 Added: Support right mouse button drag&drop even in right button selec
tion mode, by holding down SHIFT when starting the drag
21.06.06 Added: Support Explorer drag&drop handlers when dragging files with th
e right mouse button to a TC panel
18.06.06 Added: Normal and big file copy functions: When there is a read error
in the middle of a file, allow to retry last block, or skip all (separate from f
ile open error - skip all!)
18.06.06 Added: Button bar: cd c:\path\filename.lnk switches to directory refer
enced by the lnk file if the lnk file points to a directory or virtual folder
16.06.06 Fixed: When Quick View (Ctrl+Q) is active and has the focus, going thr
ough items with n/p sometimes lost the focus
16.06.06 Fixed: When Quick View (Ctrl+Q) is active and has the focus, switching
to another mode with '1'..'7' sometimes lost the focus
16.06.06 Added: When inplace-renaming (Shift+F6) and a directory with the targe
t name already exists, ask the user whether he wants to move the file/dir to it
16.06.06 Fixed: Separate tree: When deleting the last directory of a subdir, it
was removed from the tree, but the line from the dir above it remained (it shou
ld end at the dir above it)
16.06.06 Fixed: Shift+F6 on file, target exists, choose compare in overwrite di
alog, then overwrite -> progress dialog isn't closed (reason: progress dialog ha
ndle was reused)
13.06.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Wrong text selected in edit mode if scrolle
d to the right
13.06.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Find next difference in edit mode stopped s
election of block when both sides contained no data. Stop it only when both side
s are identical again!
13.06.06 Fixed: Wrong button description with alwayscopyinbackground=2 -> chang
ed to "Foreground"
13.06.06 Added: Commands - Search: Saved searches: Removed limit of 8 kBytes fo
r all headers
13.06.06 Added: Files - Associate: If logged in as a restricted user, write cha
nges to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes, because this key is mapped into HKEY
_CLASSES_ROOT automatically! Allows restricted users to change associations for
themselves only.
13.06.06 Added: Use WritePrivateProfileSection instead of own write function to
write entire sections to ini file (function just discovered!)
12.06.06 Fixed: TC didn't start if logging enabled and last log line was longer
than 259 characters
09.06.06 Added: Changed name of "Append" button to "Add" in configuration - but
ton bar
07.06.06 Added: Support environment variables in list name for "FTP download fr
om list"
07.06.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AppendLnk=1 -> TC creates lnk file n
ames in the form file.ext.lnk instead of file.lnk (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
07.06.06 Fixed: [Configuration] StartupScreen=0 was not read from redirected in
i file
04.06.06 Fixed: Copy of CHM to TEMP not working if CHM in subdir of network dri
04.06.06 Fixed: Abort hanging upload after user-specified timeout time, but don
't try to auto-resume, because some ftp servers rename the uploaded file during
04.06.06 Fixed: Configuration - Icons: Also draw surrounding of icon with user-
configured background color
01.06.06 Fixed: Not working on XP: When displaying folders with read only, hidd
en or system attribute, show internal folder icon instead of the one from Window
s if the folder doesn't have a special icon
01.06.06 Added: TEMP panel plugin: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow on a file opens the tr
ue directory of that file in the other panel, and places the cursor on it
01.06.06 Fixed: INI file entry to set external compare tool didn't support envi
ronment variables like %commander_path%
01.06.06 Fixed: When creating an archive, a fake error was logged for some arch
ive types (e.g. RAR, packer plugins)
01.06.06 Fixed: Alt+Enter wasn't showing the raw FTP directory listing any more
when turning off caching of ftp listings
01.06.06 Added: Show hourglass cursor during search in Lister
31.05.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a6 (alpha test version 6)
30.05.06 Added: Use Tab/Shift+Tab to jump through auto-complete entries in the
command line, Ctrl+Space to keep an entry (in addition to cursor up/down and rig
30.05.06 Fixed: Creating shortcuts with Ctrl+Shift+F5 failed if AlwaysCopyInBac
kground=2 was set (TC7 only)
30.05.06 Added: Support File system plugins as command line parameters, e.g. to
talcmd.exe "\\\Serial port" to open TC directly with the listed plugin
30.05.06 Added: New internal command cm_IntCompareFilesByContent to call the in
ternal compare tool even when an external tool is defined
26.05.06 Added: When inplace-renaming a file, and a background transfer ends, T
C no longer aborts inplace renaming, but refreshes the dir lists only AFTER the
renaming ends
26.05.06 Added: Two new internal commands cm_LeftQuickInternalOnly and cm_Right
QuickInternalOnly (quick view without plugins)
23.05.06 Fixed: Button bar: Moving a crosshair cursor over the button bar could
leave multiple button highlight frames
23.05.06 Added: Compare by content: New experimental feature to skip the first
x characters in a file (e.g. the date/time in a log file): wincmd.ini [Configura
tion] CompareSkipFirstL=x1 CompareSkipFirstR=x2 (left/right separately)
21.05.06 Added: Log file deletion: User can choose to keep e.g. only the 30 las
t log files
21.05.06 Added: Log file rotation: Allows to start a new log file either every
day after midnight, or when the file reaches a certain predefined size
21.05.06 Added: Ctrl+C in new internal command choose dialog copies command nam
e to clipboard, except when cursor is in filter edit box.
21.05.06 Added: Multi-rename tool: Allow user to remove files from rename list
with DEL, e.g. when a file was selected by mistake before opening the multi-rena
me tool
21.05.06 Added: Support for environment variables in autocomplete, e.g. when us
er types %windir%\
21.05.06 Fixed: Configuration - Misc - Redefine hotkeys: Don't show commands wi
th parameters like APPENDTABS, they cannot be used in that function
19.05.06 Added: When displaying folders with read only, hidden or system attrib
ute, show internal folder icon instead of the one from Windows if the folder doe
sn't have a special icon
19.05.06 Fixed: Directory creation history didn't work in ftp
19.05.06 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Show icon with correct backgro
und color (default window background), and scaled exactly as in the file list
19.05.06 Fixed: No file filter (*.wlx, *.wdx, *.wfx) when adding plugin manuall
19.05.06 Fixed: Pressing "End" key in lister with a file consisting of only one
line went to the second-last character only
19.05.06 Added: Unpack directly from an archive to a file system plugin (by unp
acking the files to TEMP first, uploading them, then deleting them)
19.05.06 Added: Pack directly from file system plugin (by downloading the files
to TEMP first, packing them, then deleting them)
19.05.06 Added: Compare by content now also works with temp panel plugin (file
isn't downloaded, just compared in place)
19.05.06 Fixed: New lister icon was only available in 16x16, not 32x32 (e.g. fo
r Alt+Tab)
19.05.06 Fixed: Apply button not enabled for new auto-complete options
19.05.06 Fixed: New correct message shown when creating multi-volume zip files
(size required in kBytes)
17.05.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a5 (alpha test version 5)
17.05.06 Added: ini section [Configuration] can now also be redirected via Redi
rectSection= option. The options AlternateUserIni= and UseIniInProgramDir= will
always be read from the non-redirected file, though
17.05.06 Added: Ctrl+N with HTTP URL: When local file already exists, allow to
rename downloaded file in addition to overwrite, resume and abort
17.05.06 Fixed: With some installations, TC crashed when copying ended while TC
wasn't in the foreground (XP only)
17.05.06 Fixed: Do not show wait dialog for files which are created temporarily
with parameters like %L (button bar, start menu)
16.05.06 Fixed: Crash when setting attributes via content plugins which had a d
etect string
16.05.06 Fixed: Setting comment via Change Attributes sometimes saved it in fil
es.bbs even when descript.ion was configured. Now this is only done if a file fi
les.bbs already exists in that dir (but no descript.ion)
16.05.06 Fixed: XP, drive button bar set to size 11 and small icons=16 gave unw
anted black lines when going with cursor over the icons
16.05.06 Added: Also draw separators between bottom buttons on XP when using th
e flat user interface
16.05.06 Fixed: History and Hotlist buttons were 1 pixel too high on XP when us
ing the classic theme
16.05.06 Fixed: XP: Ctrl+Up on 0 byte file gave error sound, but didn't open ne
w tab (Reason: ResolveLink returned true!}
16.05.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool had wrong icon when using external icon libra
16.05.06 Added: Direct writing of entire sections to ini file: Support for Unic
ode ini file
16.05.06 Added: New internal command cm_VisXPThemeBackground to show/hide XP th
eme background
14.05.06 Fixed: Multi-volume ZIP packing no longer worked
14.05.06 Added: F7 "New Folder" now has its own history of last created folders
14.05.06 Fixed: Selection with Num"+": Not working correctly in branch view or
search results when using content plugins (wrong path passed to plugin)
14.05.06 Added: Configuration - Button bar: When choosing a different icon libr
ary which has an .inc file with the same name, look for an icon for the currentl
y chosen command
14.05.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] EditWaitTime=2 Time in seconds to w
ait after opening a file in zip to be sure that it was really opened. 0=off, -1=
also off when Windows returns no handle for started program
14.05.06 Added: When opening a file inside a ZIP or from ftp with F4, Alt+F3 or
ENTER, and the file is closed within 2 seconds, assume that it was loaded into
a multiple document editor, and ask the user whether he wants to close the file
or not
14.05.06 Fixed: Set configured dialog font to wait dialog which appears on ENTE
R in a ZIP file with multiple document editors
12.05.06 Added: Create multi-volume ZIP archives on harddisk, named .z01, .z02.
.. .zip as used by other Zip packers
12.05.06 Fixed: Sorting header (tabstop header) too wide on XP when using folde
r tabs
12.05.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Tab could not reach the first (left-most) tab immediately
after starting TC
12.05.06 Fixed: TC freezing when viewing multiple files together in zip (with F
12.05.06 Added: Renamed command cm_SrcQuickNoPlugins to cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly
12.05.06 Fixed: Various problems when switching from/to Windows classic theme
12.05.06 Fixed: When XP background was on while using classic theme, no backgro
und was drawn for drive info (free space) in drive buttonbar
12.05.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: Offer to reconnect also when viewing, compari
ng or deleting files on FTP when connection was dropped by server
12.05.06 Fixed: Opening zip in zip no longer worked in RIGHT panel
12.05.06 Added: Multi-rename tool: Let user choose editor to edit names (defaul
t: notepad.exe)
12.05.06 Fixed: Directory hotlist: More than 199 items only working in configur
ation dialog not in add/remove current dir
12.05.06 Fixed: Internal English menu: Menu items to choose number of separate
trees were no radio items, but used normal checkmarks
12.05.06 Fixed: Delay-loading of plugin icons in right separate tree not workin
g, could even cause access violation if right file list shorter than right tree
10.05.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a4 (alpha test version 4)
10.05.06 Added: When opening a file from inside an archive or from an ftp conne
ction/plugin, and no process handle was returned by Windows, TC now shows a wait
dialog (which can be put in background)
10.05.06 Fixed: Folder name suggest on F7 not working with FTP
10.05.06 Fixed: Show error "directory already exists" on F7 if dir is already t
here (local dirs only)
10.05.06 Fixed: Update tree view position when disconnecting from file system p
lugin or ftp connection
10.05.06 Added: New internal command cm_ConfigSaveDirHistory to save the direct
ory history in both panels to wincmd.ini
10.05.06 Added: Use SHGetFileInfo for drive hints (CD-ROM and removable disks o
nly) to show drive info as in Explorer
09.05.06 Fixed: With one theme, the button bar separator was not shown (due to
an error in the theme, it requires 1 pixel more than reported)
09.05.06 Added: Allow to show XP theme background in button bar even when using
old style button borders (the theme background is controlled via Configuration
- Layout)
09.05.06 Fixed: Drive bar still drawn incorrectly in some cases (XP theme)
09.05.06 Added: After deleting a directory, check whether it really has been de
leted (via FindFirstFile), because some NAS devices return success although the
dir wasn't really deleted!
09.05.06 Fixed: When deleting of folder junction fails, do not offer to delete
all files in it, but allow user to skip it, skip all, or retry
07.05.06 Added: Support for creating ZIP files >4GB, individual unpacked files
can be larger than 4GB too
07.05.06 Test : Button bar cache working OK with 2 color (black+white) icons
07.05.06 Added: Better scaling of icons between 16x16 and 32x32 (e.g. to 24x24)
: scale down 32x32 icons in mode "halftone"
07.05.06 Fixed: Do not translate configuration dialog when changing language an
d clicking on OK, just when clicking on Apply (since the dialog is closed anyway
07.05.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow not working when cursor on a file in a zi
p subdir
07.05.06 Modif: Never sort directories by extension - when sorting by extension
and dirs are sorted like names, sort dirs by name
07.05.06 Fixed: Endless loop in overwrite dialog with very long paths
07.05.06 Fixed: Moved history and hotlist buttons 2 pixels to the left when dir
ectory tabs active, to avoid overlap with tab border
07.05.06 Fixed: Cursor down didn't open command selection dialog in Configurati
on - Misc (Hotkeys)
07.05.06 Fixed: Could not reconnect to ftp or ftps via directory history when u
sing a firewall, and after closing+reopening Totalcmd
07.05.06 Fixed: Compare by contents: color section did not accept hex values
07.05.06 Added: During Ctrl+Tab, show tip window for new tab
07.05.06 Added: Ctrl+Tab to switch dir tabs: Don't switch the tab while holding
down Ctrl: Only switch when releasing Ctrl! This way, unwanted tabs can be skip
ped, e.g. because they point to slow network drives.
03.05.06 Added: Support for creating ZIP files >2GB up to 4GB, individual unpac
ked files can be larger than 4GB
03.05.06 Fixed: When using a custom filter (Show - Custom) using a content plug
in, no files were shown on ftp or in archives, because no plugins are supported
there. Now TC just ignores the filter in this case, and shows all files.
03.05.06 Added: Optimized writing to ini files: All sections which contain list
s of items (dir history, hotlist, command line history, tabs) are now written in
one step (not using the standard WritePrivateProfileString, but directly with W
riteFile). This was necessary because some virus scanners slowed down writing to
inis a lot.
02.05.06 Added: FTP toolbar: New icon to show connection type: FTP, verified en
crypted and unverified encrypted (SSL)
02.05.06 Fixed: FTP toolbar not themed
02.05.06 Fixed: Updir and Root dir not themed in drive bar when drive dropdown
list not shown
30.04.06 Added: Change Attributes: Last modified date can now also be set via i
nternal "tc" plugin - removed buttons from "From plugins" in the above date sect
30.04.06 Added: Change Attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cu
30.04.06 Added: Changed behaviour when Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click on main sort o
rder column while there are additional sort orders: Ctrl: Reverse main sort orde
r, Shift: First additional sort order becomes main sort order
30.04.06 Added: Alt+F10 tree: Use Ctrl+Cursor up/down to jump to previous/next
match of search string
30.04.06 Added: Delayed load of plugin name icons (in Network Neighborhood)
30.04.06 Fixed: Switch from tree with all drives to full view no longer worked
30.04.06 Fixed: Quick view button state not changed on Ctrl+Q, only when using
the menu or button itself
30.04.06 Fixed: cm_LeftQuickView and cm_RightQuickView are now also radio items
, while cm_SrcQuickView cannot be a radio item (it can be down at the same time
as cm_LeftLong, because it reflects the options of the target panel)
30.04.06 Fixed: Directory hotlist: New command selection button was in wrong lo
30.04.06 Added: The internal English menu now also uses radio items for sorting
, view mode, and file filters
30.04.06 Fixed: Renamed internal commands cm_ExchangeBoth etc. to cm_ExchangeSe
lBoth etc.
30.04.06 Added: Configuration - button bar: the "small icon" size may be up to
5 pixels larger than the size of the inner button (which is 5 pixels larger than
the number given by the user)
28.04.06 Added: Also list internal commands with parameters in new command sele
ction dialog
28.04.06 Fixed: When using tree with all drives, do NOT select any drive in the
drive button bar, and don't show any in the drive dropdown list
28.04.06 Note : Due to a bug in Windows 9x/ME, [Shift]+[Num+] does the same as
[Num+] when numlock is on. Both GetKeyState and GetAsyncKeyState return the wron
g value. Even a WM_KEYUP,VK_SHIFT is sent, although shift is NOT released...
28.04.06 Fixed: Color settings initial color when clicking on >> was not correc
t for background color 2 if background color 1 was changed just before
28.04.06 Added: ENTER on .tab file calls APPENDTABS with this tab file, SHIFT+E
NTER calls OPENTABS (only if .tab isn't associated with some other program)
28.04.06 Fixed: Some dialog box elements overlap using the new XP theme
28.04.06 Added: New internal commands cm_IconConfig, cm_RefreshConfig, cm_Quick
28.04.06 Fixed: cm_IgnoreConfig didn't open the right dialog page
28.04.06 Fixed: Logging - Operation status was incorrectly translated
28.04.06 Fixed: XP visual style background option not translated, although stri
ng present
28.04.06 Fixed: Some hotkey inconsistencies
28.04.06 Fixed: Corrected description of "Show icons for special folders" optio
n: Option 1 is for files/dirs in the file system like the recycle bin, Option 2
for virtual folders like the desktop
28.04.06 Fixed: Configuration - Operation - Always go to the root of a drive wh
en changing drives and other new options gave warning about system tray by mista
28.04.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Enter no longer worked when the cursor was within the comm
and line (due to auto-complete)
28.04.06 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Adding files via "+" button for up
load to ftps secure server did not work
28.04.06 Fixed: Don't mirror the new command choose dialog when using right to
left fonts
26.04.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a3 (alpha test version 3)
26.04.06 Added: Updated Help file with many of the new function descriptions
26.04.06 Added: Configuration of Start menu and directory hotlist now also uses
the new internal command selection dialog
26.04.06 Added: Combobox in button bar change dialogs changed to Edit box. Curs
or down now opens the internal command selection box.
26.04.06 Added: Made the main config dialog a bit wider (16 pixels) to give mor
e space for translations
26.04.06 Added: By default, Total Commander now selects also directories by def
ault with "+" or Ctrl+"+"
26.04.06 Added: New sections "Icons", "Refresh" and "Quick search" in main conf
ig dialog. Also modified the pages "Display" and "Operation". Help not yet updat
25.04.06 Fixed: Button bar: TC was putting wrong double quotes around some para
meters, e.g. %T%M %N -> "" around entire parameters
25.04.06 Fixed: Multi-Rename-Tool, >> button: New option "Edit names in &notepa
d...". This is necessary because some users may have configured an unusable edit
or. For example, ChoiceEdit opens the listed files instead of the list file itse
23.04.06 Added: The Ctrl+D menu now supports up to 998 items (if the limit of 6
4k per ini file section isn't reached before)
23.04.06 Fixed: Viewing files with F3 in search result from file system plugins
returned focus to the main TC window by mistake
23.04.06 Added: Button bar: When a button doesn't have a tooltip defined, first
use the command from the main menu, then the translated description, and finall
y (for english) the command name without the cm_ prefix
23.04.06 Fixed: New internal command select dialog: Show section headers for al
l sections with at least one item, hide for empty categories (e.g. when using a
23.04.06 Fixed: The tree root didn't have a name (just a dot)
23.04.06 Added: Lister: F11 toggles full screen mode
23.04.06 Added: Logging: All commands and errors can now be translated
23.04.06 Added: Logging: Show all errors in clear text
21.04.06 Added: FTPS: Allow to verify certificate sent by server by putting a f
ile named rootcert.pem in TC directory (must contain base64-encoded certificates
21.04.06 Fixed: Lister: Pressing home or PageDown (with enabled cursor) sometim
es placed the cursor on the second-last line when the file didn't end with a lin
e break
20.04.06 Fixed: ZIP folders could appear on the desktop in tree view (XP only)
20.04.06 Added: Let user turn off themed background via Configuration - Layout
20.04.06 Added: Draw one contiguous themed background accross the main menu, bu
tton bar, and drive bars (if they are enabled)
19.04.06 Fixed: Ctrl+"+" in dir with no files but only folders turned off refre
sh of panel
19.04.06 Fixed: Separate tree line height not updated when changing icon size o
r font size
19.04.06 Fixed: Button bar, main menu: Don't show checkmark for "Reverse sort o
rder" when "Unsorted" is checked
18.04.06 Fixed: Lister: Add file to be re-uploaded to normal delete list, so wh
en TC was busy, the file will be re-uploaded only when TC has finished its curre
nt operation
18.04.06 Fixed: Alt+Arrows in separate tree made cursor vanish -> put on normal
file panel
18.04.06 Added: If "Select only files" is checked, "*" reverses the selection o
f just files, while Shift+"*" reverses it for both files+folders
18.04.06 Added: 3 new internal commands: cm_ExchangeFiles, cm_ExchangeFolders,
cm_ExchangeBoth : Inverts selection for files, folders, or both
18.04.06 Added: Shift+'-' unselects just specific files
18.04.06 Added: Ctrl+Shift+'-' unselects just all files
18.04.06 Fixed: Separate tree dividers didn't have the same width when folder t
abs were turned off
18.04.06 Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+Arrow didn't update separate tree
18.04.06 Fixed: Press Ctrl+Arrow while in separate tree puts cursor back in nor
mal list
18.04.06 Fixed: When showing two trees in normal windows, multiple folders coul
d be selected as current folder by mistake
18.04.06 Fixed: Ensure that the separate tree separator always remains accessib
18.04.06 Added: New internal commands cm_ClearAllCfg and cm_ClearSelCfg: Unsele
ct directories only if configured to select/unselect dirs in configuration - ope
17.04.06 Fixed: Center FTP connection dialog over TC window instead of within t
he main window
17.04.06 Added: New internal command cm_SrcQuickNoPlugins opens quick view pane
l, but doesn't use any lister plugins
17.04.06 Added: Button bar: Allow user to specify size of icons smaller than bu
tton separately from button size (default: 16 pixel)
17.04.06 Fixed: Toggle Quickview and then change view mode resulted in an empty
file panel
17.04.06 Fixed: cm_LeftQuickview and cm_RightQuickview now toggle quick view (t
hey just activated it until now)
17.04.06 Added: Button states for the following internal commands: cm_srcquickv
iew, cm_srcsorttab1..99, cm_trgsorttab1..99, cm_leftsorttab1..99, cm_rightsortta
b1..99, cm_VerticalPanels, cm_GotoDriveA..Z, cm_FtpHiddenFiles, cm_FocusLeft, cm
_FocusRight, cm_FocusCmdLine
17.04.06 Fixed: Button bar: Button state for branch view wasn't updated when sw
itching to other drive while in branch view
17.04.06 Fixed: Button bar: Button state for sorting (e.g. by name, size) not u
pdated when sorting via tabstop header
17.04.06 Fixed: Title of attributes dialog was no longer translated
17.04.06 Added: Increased possible number of internal commands (from totalcmd.i
nc) to 1500
16.04.06 Fixed: Calling winhelp.exe directly makes help window modal -> use She
llExecuteEx instead of WinExec
16.04.06 Fixed: Access violation or endless loop if last icon in buttonbar coul
dn't be extracted
16.04.06 Added: New internal command cm_IgnoreConfig to open ignore list config
16.04.06 Fixed: Configuration - Color: Click on ">>" button didn't preset the c
orrect color if the color was set to "default"
16.04.06 Fixed: Wrong background color was used in Configuration - Font for sam
ple icon
14.04.06 Added: Scrollbars added to ignore list edit box
14.04.06 Added: Button bar, drive bar: Use "checked" state instead of "down" st
ate for buttons which are always down, except when the "checked" state looks ide
ntical to the "normal" state (some themes have this bug)
14.04.06 Fixed: Use single gradient theme across both drive button bars
13.04.06 Fixed: '?' parameter in button bar parameters: Dialog box wasn't worki
ng properly (no ENTER, ESC or TAB). Reason: Problem in buttonbar (mouse capture)
13.04.06 Fixed: Autocomplete stopped working, Windows seems to dislike when ACO
13.04.06 Fixed: Config dialog, Logging: Click on >> button enabled apply button
even if the user didn't choose a different log file name
13.04.06 Added: New command choose dialog: Double click on command chooses it a
nd closes the dialog
13.04.06 Fixed: New command choose dialog: Command chosen from this dialog wasn
't shown in button bar config dialog
13.04.06 Fixed: cm_ToggleSeparateTree1 now switches directly to 1 tree mode eve
n if 2 trees are currently shown (same change also for cm_ToggleSeparateTree2)
13.04.06 Fixed: Wrong line spacing in separate tree when switching on BOTH sepa
rate trees together while right panel shows thumbnails
13.04.06 Fixed: When turning off separate tree view while using brief view, the
"Attr" header could appear by mistake
13.04.06 Fixed: Various typos
13.04.06 Fixed: Configuration - button bar: 'XP Style' used wrong translation s
13.04.06 Fixed: Pressed state for active button left+right was wrong (button wa
s only down when left/right window was active)
13.04.06 Fixed: No drag&drop possible while separate tree busy
12.04.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a2 (alpha test version 2)
12.04.06 Added: Support for environment variables in paths received via WM_COPY
DATA from other programs
12.04.06 Added: Use XP theme for + and - icons in tree view
12.04.06 Added: Use XP theme for separator in button bar
11.04.06 Fixed: Make openssl support U3-compatible, look for the dlls in %U3_DE
11.04.06 Fixed: Wrong icon in copy progress dialog when using an alternate icon
library, the same also for background copying (untested, no icon on Win2000)
11.04.06 Added: New internal command select box added to button change dialogs,
old selection method kept for comparison
11.04.06 Fixed: Missing icons on equal lines when small icon size in task bar i
sn't the default of 16x16
11.04.06 Added: Packer plugin interface: New function supports files > 2GB
11.04.06 Added: F3 with editing plugin: Support re-uploading of modified file (
single file viewing only)
10.04.06 Added: Button bar: Show state of internal commands, like brief/full/tr
ee view, branch view etc. as pressed buttons
09.04.06 Added: Create dir in packer plugins with F7 - uses normal PackFiles fu
nction with dir created in TEMP
09.04.06 Fixed: Renaming dir in file list didn't update separate tree
09.04.06 Added: New option in FTP connection details dialog allows to turn off
the cache for ftp connections (ftp dir is re-read on each directory change)
08.04.06 Fixed: For VISTA: Installer: CreateProcess just fails when called as n
ormal user -> Use ShellExecuteEx
07.04.06 Added: New internal commands: cm_GotoPreviousLocalDir and cm_GotoNextL
ocalDir: Go backwards/forwards in history, but skip ftp connections
07.04.06 Added: If "Select only files" is checked, "+" selects just files, whil
e Shift+"+" selects both files+folders
07.04.06 Added: New internal commands: cm_SelectBoth, cm_SelectFiles, cm_Selec
tFolders, cm_ClearFolders, cm_ClearFiles to select/unselect just files, just fol
ders, or both
07.04.06 Added: If "Select only files" is checked, Ctrl+"+" selects all files,
while Ctrl+Shift+"+" selects both files+folders
07.04.06 Added: New internal commands: cm_selectallboth, cm_selectallfolders, c
m_selectallfiles, cm_clearallfolders, cm_clearallfiles to select/unselect all fo
r just files, just folders, or both
05.04.06 Fixed: cm_SelectCurrentPath: Don't show error "No files found" when no
additional files are selected
05.04.06 Fixed: For now, do not try to update the tree on Win9x/ME on network s
hares when changing dirs in the file list, it doesn't work and hangs TC
05.04.06: Added: Allow user to turn on/off flush before closing files.
i, FlushFile= (0: off, 1: when copying, 2: when unpacking)
05.04.06 Fixed: Tab order in search dialog (limit depth combobox)
04.04.06 Fixed: UTF8-HTML-file was shown with the first 3 characters cut off (T
C was looking for the utf8 marker)
04.04.06 Fixed: Separate tree wasn't working on Windows 9x/ME, because function
TryEnterCriticalSection is present, but doesn't work -> use a Mutex instead
04.04.06: Added: Synchronize dirs: Now allows to store also ftp connections. The
connection must have been saved (Ctrl+F list)
04.04.06 Fixed: Drawing error when reducing name column to 0 width
04.04.06: Added: wincmd.ini AlwaysCopyInBackground=2 -> Always try to copy in ba
ckground transfer manager with F5-ENTER. F5-F2 will copy normally then (button i
s changed)
04.04.06 Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+Arrow on 0 byte file in file system plugin tried
to show this file like a directory in the other panel, instead of the directory
04.04.06 Fixed: Never show any custom colors per file type in separate trees
02.04.06: Added: XP: Support for themed background in drive bar (still experimen
02.04.06: Added: XP: Support for themed background in button bar
02.04.06: Added: Completely changed way of storing the button bar icon cache: No
w stored as list of hicons!
31.03.06 Fixed: Lister with cursor: Pressing "PageDown" repeatedly placed curso
r on last character of the file. Now put on first character of last line instead
31.03.06 Fixed: Lister with cursor: "Home" key not working when at file end whe
n file doesn't end with line break
31.03.06 Added: New internal commands cm_SrcSortByColXY, cm_TrgSortByColXY, cm_
LeftSortByColXY and cm_RightSortByColXY with XY from 1-99 to sort by currently s
hown column Nr. XY
31.03.06 Fixed: When selecting files with right mouse button, the file panel wa
sn't activated if the cursor was in the separate tree panel
31.03.06 Fixed: Lister color settings didn't accept hex values in wincmd.ini
31.03.06 Added: Ignore list configuration page to main config dialog
30.03.06 Fixed: ftps: Transfers were logged as ftp:// instead of ftps://
30.03.06 Fixed: ftps: Reconnect via history wasn't working
30.03.06 Fixed: ftps: Reconnect via tab switching wasn't working
30.03.06 Fixed: When closing ftps connection and user is asked to store connect
ion, store server with ftps:// prefix
30.03.06 Fixed: cd ftps://server wasn't working in button bar
29.03.06 Fixed: Configuration - Font: Was using LoadIcon instead of LoadImage,
causing distorted 16x16 icon
29.03.06 Added: New dialog for choosing internal commands (cm_xyz) in Configura
tion - Misc - Redefine Shortcuts
29.03.06 Fixed: Don't convert icon file name to short DOS name when dropping EX
E to button bar
29.03.06 Added: Content-plug-in API: Inform plugin about directory refresh
29.03.06 Added: New internal command cm_LogConfig to open log file page
28.03.06 Added: Double click on empty space beside the folder tab headers opens
new tab
28.03.06 Fixed: Button bar wrapped to 2 lines when deleting a button
28.03.06 Fixed: External compare tool set via Comparetool= in wincmd.ini not lo
ading the files if one of the file paths contained a space
28.03.06 Added: Compare by content, "Ignore frequent lines": TC will ignore lin
es which appear very often in the document, e.g. empty lines, "begin"/"end" stat
ements in programming languages etc.
28.03.06 Added: Set environment variabe %COMMANDER_INI% to path+name of current
default ini file
28.03.06 Added: Search - Feed in listbox: place cursor on file which was select
ed in the search results box
28.03.06 Fixed: Progress doesn't work when called in CloseArchive (wcx's). Call
ProcessDataProc with value between -1 and -100 to set first progress bar, -1000
and -1100 for second bar
28.03.06 Fixed: TC uses wrong location for wincmd.ini and/or wcx_ftp.ini if onl
y one of them was set in the registry under HKCU or HKLM. Now TC looks first in
HKCU, and if it's missing looks in HKLM. If it's missing there too, TC looks in
Windows dir.
28.03.06 Fixed: WatchDirs was causing log events in file operation log file
28.03.06 Fixed: cm_UserMenuX didn't work in Ctrl+D directory hotlist
28.03.06 Added: Tooltip for [*] button in synchronize dirs
28.03.06 Fixed: Button bar draw error if it would extend over more than 2 lines
28.03.06 Fixed: Strange display when double clicking on desktop in separate tre
e view while normal view also shows tree
28.03.06 Fixed: Strange display when choosing tree in both file panels
28.03.06 Fixed: Configuration - Operation: Click on - Save on exit: Directory h
istory or Exact name match: Beginning/Ending didn't enable apply button
28.03.06 Fixed: Ctrl or Shift+Click on [..] / [\] button in drive bar instead o
f line with drive list didn't open parent/root dir in new tab
28.03.06 Added: AlternateUserIni= and RedirectSection= are now re-read when Tot
al Commander closes, to ensure that the settings are stored to the new ini files
(this isn't done during normal TC operation, though)
28.03.06 Fixed: RedirectSection=0 lost in some sections like [LeftHistory] when
storing the history
28.03.06 Added: RedirectSection= now also supports environment strings
26.03.06 Fixed: Scroll wheel no longer working in compare by contents
26.03.06 Added: Increased number of characters in hint custom fields (Configura
tion - Display - "+") from 259 to 1023 characters
26.03.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: After loading new names from file, the renam
e options are disabled - re-enable them when clicking on reload results button
26.03.06 Fixed: Show separate tree during quick view would partially hide quick
26.03.06 Fixed: Tabstops wrong when switching one separate tree on in vertical
panel mode
26.03.06 Fixed: Name column was ignored as additional sort order (Ctrl+Click on
sorting header)
26.03.06 Fixed: Ctrl+'+', Ctrl+'-', Alt+'+' and Alt+'-' all do the same as thes
e hotkeys without modifiers when in separate tree
26.03.06 Fixed: AutoTreeChange=1 now also works in separate tree (except for vi
rtual folders and drive roots)
26.03.06 Fixed: Separate tree: Cursor left (collapse tree) jumps to parent dir
if current dir wasn't expanded, as in normal tree view
24.03.06 Fixed: When switching to separate tree when right pane was in thumbnai
ls mode, the tree had the same line spacing as thumbnails mode
24.03.06 Fixed: Splitter width not updated in vertical view when toggling separ
ate tree view on/off
24.03.06 Added: Autocomplete: Added auto-suggest (To do: make it configurable)
24.03.06 Added: cm_ToggleSeparateTree1 turns 1 separate tree view on/off, cm_To
ggleSeparateTree2 the same for 2 tree views
24.03.06 Fixed: Access violation in Ctrl+Shift+F8 when separate tree had the fo
24.03.06 Fixed: Button bar was wrapped to second line one icon too late
24.03.06 Added: Allow user turn off XP-style button bar display
24.03.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Enter was no longer working (due to autocomplete)
24.03.06 Fixed: Color changes didn't directly affect separate tree view
23.03.06 Fixed: Cursor in lister: When scrolling through the document with hidd
en cursor and then showing the cursor, move cursor to visible part (to the end i
f it was lower, the beginning if above current position)
23.03.06 Added: Additional sort orders: Shift+Click now adds/removes additional
sort order, while Ctrl+click continues to switch additional sort order directio
23.03.06 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Log file: Apply button wasn't enabled wit
h checkboxes, >> button didn't work
23.03.06 Fixed: Line to split left and right panels was shown below the separat
e tree panels when resizing the windows
23.03.06 Added: Alternating background colors: In brief view, count odd/even li
nes from top of listbox (separately for each column), not from beginning of list
23.03.06 Added: Alternating background colors: Turn off in thumbs view
22.03.06 Release Total Commander 7.0a1 (alpha test version 1)
22.03.06 Added: Ctrl or Shift+Click on [..] / [\] button opens parent/root dir
in new tab
22.03.06 Fixed: Lister: Support bitmap where bitmap bits don't follow directly
after the headers (bug in Delphi 2 vcl)
19.03.06 Added: Experimental support for ftps transfers (ftp via ssl/tls). Also
requires presence of openssl in tc dir. Use by specifying ftps://ftp.server.nam
17.03.06 Added: https downloads with Ctrl+N: Requires presence of openssl dlls
in tc dir (ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll)
17.03.06 Added: Search function: Allow to limit search depth to current dir or
a certain number of levels
15.03.06 Added: Exclude user-defined files/dirs: Turn function on/off via wincm
d.ini [Configuration] IgnoreListFileEnabled=1/0
15.03.06 Added: Exclude user-defined files/dirs: Support wildcards in names, e.
g. *.bak *.~* or even c:\subdir\*.bak *.~*
15.03.06 Added: Exclude user-defined files/dirs: Allow to exclude names in all
dirs (filename.ext), in a certain directory (c:\path\filename.ext) or a subdir o
n all drives (\path\filename.ext)
15.03.06 Added: Exclude user-defined files/dirs from displaying and all file op
erations: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreListFile=c:\path\ignorelist.txt
10.03.06 Fixed: When uploads fail, show "Error uploading file!" instead of "Err
or downloading file!"
10.03.06 Added: WatchDirs optimizations: Move name1->temp2, move temp1->name1 -
> replace with Create temp2, Delete temp1, Change name1 (Typical sequence when s
aving a file in Word, keeps cursor on file)
08.03.06 Added: Help file modifications
07.03.06 Added: Log file system plugins (if option checked)
07.03.06 Fixed: When re-packing files from an archive without an extension, the
suggested file name was instead of
07.03.06 Added: Protect log file function with global mutex
03.03.06 Added: Multi-rename tool: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MrtReplacePluginC
hars=0 turns off auto-replacement of invalid characters from plugin (e.g. ':' ->
'.') -> user has to take care of it himself
03.03.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Fixed sort order in list of saved options
01.03.06 Added: FTP: Doubled size of buffer for text types for automatic mode (
260->520 characters)
01.03.06 Fixed: Detect when a drive is SUBSTed, and avoid to overwrite a file w
ith itself when copying from/to this substed drive
28.02.06 Added: wincmd.ini: In each section except for [Configuration], an entr
y RedirectSection= will instruct tc to redirect(or not) this section to other in
i: Values: 0=no redirect, 1=redirect to AlternateUserIni=, <ininame> redirect to
that specific ini
28.02.06 Added: When using AlternateUserIni= option, don't redirect the followi
ng sections by default: Layout, Packer, Confirmation, Extensions, Shortcuts, Pac
kerPlugins, FileSystemPlugins, ListerPlugins, ContentPlugins
28.02.06 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AlternateUserIni=<somename> will red
irect storing of user-changeable sections to an alternate name, except for secti
on [Configuration]. Useful for companies where wincmd.ini is write-protected
26.02.06 Added: Option to change quick search matching mode: Exact match for st
art and ending of file name. If unchecked, TC prepends/appends * to typed name.
26.02.06 Added: Option to save directory history. Virtual folders can only be s
aved if there exists a unique string in the form ::{number} to represent them
26.02.06 Added: Background transfer manager: If the "Options" button was NOT us
ed in F5 - F2, use copy flags as set in configuration-misc (e.g. don't ask when
overwriting hidden files). Otherwise use options from "Options" button.
26.02.06 Added: 32-bit version of zip self-extracting module sfxhead.sfx, becau
se Windows Vista no longer supports 16-bit programs
24.02.06 Added: Internal unzip, ungzip, unarj, unlzh: Call FlushFileBuffers bef
ore setting time stamp, should ensure that the timestamp doesn't change to curre
nt on exotic file systems (untested)
24.02.06 Added: Button bar/Start menu command: SYNCOPEN saved_sync_name opens
Synchronize dialog with the saved dirs/options from saved_sync_name
24.02.06 Fixed: Sync: Don't allow to save ftp sync (it cannot be saved because
an open ftp connection is needed)
22.02.06 Added: Multi-rename tool: New button >> to open context menu: Allows t
o load names from file, and to edit names in the default editor
22.02.06 Added: %COMMANDER_DRIVE% points to drive (e.g. C: without trailing bac
kslash) from which Total Commander was started. For UNC paths, this contains \\S
22.02.06 Fixed: When moving panel separator with Shift+Drag to left border when
maximized, drag it one pixel less to the left, otherwise it can no longer be mo
22.02.06 Added: Normal copy function: Call FlushFileBuffers before setting time
stamp, should ensure that the timestamp doesn't change to current on exotic fil
e systems (untested)
21.02.06 Added: New file list icons. Can use old icons via external icon librar
21.02.06 Added: New drive icons designed by user StickyNomad. Can use old drive
icons with OldDriveIcons=1 in wincmd.ini, section [Configuration]
21.02.06 Fixed: WatchDirs (any mode): Always try to keep cursor on current file
(by searching for the file name and placing cursor on it!)
21.02.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Paste a few lines with Ctrl+V just in front
of the LAST line -> the last line was lost
13.02.06 Added: Blocked various keys found in filesharing
13.02.06 Added: When adding packer plugins, limit length of extension to 15 (th
e maximum working with TC <=6.5x)
13.02.06 Added: Alt+F10 Tree: Support for wildcards * and ? just like in normal
quick search
13.02.06 Added: SFV/MD5 check: Changed max. number of lines in listbox to 65'00
0 (NT/2000/XP only), speedup of Ctrl+C copy to clipboard
10.02.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: Save directories and settings (optional) to w
10.02.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: Load settings from wincmd.ini via a history b
08.02.06 Fixed: Drag&Drop and tree view: restore open icon of current dir when
drag operation finishes
07.02.06 Added: Support ACE archives > 2GB
07.02.06 Fixed: When showing drive name in tab title, show # symbol for unconne
cted ftp connections
07.02.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, undo function: Do not store absolute path to
target file if source and target are in the same directory (to save memory for
huge rename operations)
07.02.06 Fixed: When using cm_switchlongnames while using the quick view panel,
the cursor goes to the right file, but quick view shows [..]
07.02.06 Added: Include/Exclude certain directories in the current file list us
ing the "Show" - "Custom" filter, e.g. *.* | *\ hides all dirs (for a file win
dow used with tree view). Not working with "Define" button.
07.02.06 Added: F5 copy: When checking option to copy NTFS attributes, also cop
y auditing info if we can access it
05.02.06 Added: Quick search with search dialog: Continue to show inverse curso
r if it was configured by the user
05.02.06 Fixed: Access violation when clicking on sorting header in sync dialog
before starting any comparison (error was introduced in v7 beta)
05.02.06 Added: Increased maximum command line length to 2k on Win2000 and 8k o
n WinXP (max. supported by these operating systems)
05.02.06 Added: Sync: Remember option "by content" even when comparing with ftp
where "by content" is disabled
05.02.06 Added: Suggest dir name under cursor as default name on F7 Mkdir, so t
he user can edit the name.
09.12.05 Added: Unpack of ppmd-compressed aes-encrypted ZIP archives (via AES p
lugin): also support multi-volume
07.12.05 Added: Unpacking of bzip2/ppmd-compressed multi-volume ZIP archives
06.12.05 Added: Unpacking of bzip2/ppmd-compressed encrypted ZIP archives via d
ecryption hook
04.12.05 Added: Unpacking of ppmd-compressed ZIP archives, only one at a time (
to do: decryption hook, disk change hook)
04.12.05 Added: Unpacking of bzip2-compressed ZIP archives (fully multi-threade
02.12.05 Added: "Show fully expanded tree" is again working in normal (not sepa
rate tree) panels, and will only show the tree for the current drive
30.11.05 Fixed: Improved FTP keep alive during transfer: Send fake command BLAB
LA to server so it will reply with "500 command not understood", to keep proxy c
onnection alive (must be enabled via wcx_ftp.ini)
29.11.05 Added: Show overlay icons also in separate tree view
29.11.05 Added: Search for text in temp panel now searches directly in the link
ed file without downloading it to temp (same for F3 in search)
27.11.05 Fixed: Compare by content: Undo not working correctly at the end of a
file if the two files had different line counts
27.11.05 Added: Support for UTF-8 encoding in lister's internal html viewer. It
's auto-detected via <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset
=UTF-8"> or <?xml version="1.0" encoding="..."?>, but can be turned off
25.11.05 Added: 3 new overwrite options: "Overwrite all older and of the same a
ge", "Copy all larger files (overwrite smaller)", "Copy all smaller files (overw
rite larger)"
23.11.05 Added: Change attributes dialog now allows to set time with odd (non-e
ven) seconds value, although TC cannot display them
22.11.05 Added: Auto switch to fs-plugin custom column view: Set reasonable sor
t order
22.11.05 Added: Auto switch to fs-plugin custom column view: let user turn it o
ff via dialog box
20.11.05 Added: Change attributes: Also set attributes in content plugins
20.11.05 Added: Main config dialog: List custom columns for fs plugin instead o
f main when fs plugin shown
20.11.05 Added: Right click on column headers in fs plugins -> offer fs plugin
custom views
20.11.05 Added: Extend [+] in configuration dialog to handle fs plugins plus th
e tc.internal values for size, date, time etc.
20.11.05 Added: Custom columns interface for file system plugins: Ask plugin fo
r default custom columns view
16.11.05 Added: Custom columns interface for file system plugins. Currently it
works only for displaying in file lists and multi-rename tool (for renaming in p
15.11.05 Added: Temp panel plugin: Upload files directly to FTP! Note that temp
panel plugins must be thread-safe!
15.11.05 Added: Temp panel plugin: Upload files directly to other plugin withou
t going through TEMP directory
15.11.05 Added: Custom columns view, thumbnail view: Show custom columns also i
n temp panel plugin
11.11.05 Added: Content plugins: Allow to substitute a field by an internal fie
ld if the field is unavailable, e.g. for FTP views, use internal size field
11.11.05 Added: Custom columns view, thumbnail view: In the tc.attributes field
, now also show FTP permissions and extended attributes like compressed
09.11.05 Added: Files - Change attributes: Content plugins can now be used as a
source too! Example: Set file creation date from exif data (date when photo was
08.11.05 Added: Files - Change attributes: Support for new content plugin funct
ion to modify content!
08.11.05 Added: FTP: new option: if no data received for x seconds (default: 30
seconds), TC will now abort the transfer and auto-resume
08.11.05 Added: Tabs: Option to always show the current drive letter in the tab
06.11.05 Added: Two new FS-Plugin functions to support links to files (virtual
file panel)
06.11.05 Fixed: Separate tree views used the main window font instead of the se
parate file list font
06.11.05 Added: wincmd.ini [configuration] NewStyleProgress=1: use Win32-style
progress bars in normal progress dialog (% value is shown to the right of the ba
r). Default=1 on >=WinXP, 0 otherwise
06.11.05 Fixed: Several problems with separate tree view
02.11.05 Added: XP: Buttons in the main program can now be switched between fla
t view and normal view, also the toolbar+drive bar
02.11.05 Added: Redesign of how the buttonbar works: Each icon is now drawn sep
arately, to support the XP-style toolbar theme
01.11.05 Added: Ctrl+Enter now works also in separate tree view
01.11.05 Fixed: Still sorting problems in nethood in tree view
01.11.05 Fixed: ESC inserted a character in compare contents edit mode
30.10.05 Fixed: Creating text file with Shift+F4 could create it in a wrong fol
der (root) when using separate tree view
30.10.05 Added: Background transfer manager: Allow to re-sort items by drag&dro
p while pausing (except when using a download list file). The first item can onl
y be moved if its transfer hasn't yet started
26.10.05 Fixed: Ctrl+F (Find text) in compare tool while in edit mode inserted
a character
21.10.05 Fixed: Still duplicate items in tree when a server appeared AFTER show
ing the list of servers in the tree
19.10.05 Added: Two new lister options: "Fit only larger images to window" and
"Center images"
19.10.05 Added: F4 Edit file in archive/on ftp: use alternate temp path "_tc_"
if a temp file with this name already exists in "_tc", allows to edit 2 files of
the same name simultaneously
19.10.05 Added: Compare by contents: User can now check/uncheck option "ignore
repeated spaces" (enabled by default) to ignore differences like "a b" <-> "a
18.10.05 Added: New FTP option: Send keepalive also during a transfer. This wil
l send just newline characters to the control connection to avoid that a firewal
l/gateway drops the connection. Set via wcx_ftp.ini, [General], keepalivetransfe
r=1, or individually per server (the latter not working in BTM)
16.10.05 Added: Combobox strings can be removed with Shift+Del now in: Command
line, Search (for, in, text), Lister search, Multi-rename tool, FTP new connecti
on, expand/reduce selection
16.10.05 Added: Find files: Browse button ">>" to browse for the start director
y of the search
14.10.05 Added: Tree: not all icons shown for file system plugins
14.10.05 Added: Tree: Show dir in tree even if one of the parent directories ca
nnot be reached due to NTFS permissions
14.10.05 Fixed: Tree: when expanding/collapsing tree near the bottom, TC jumps
to other subdir (under cursor after collapsing) -> adjust mouse cursor position
14.10.05 Fixed: Tree: switch to network dir -> sometimes server appears multipl
e times
12.10.05 Added: Show/hide dirs also in tree panel when creating/deleting dirs
12.10.05 Fixed: Showing of subdirs in separate tree (in the background) protect
ed by critical section
11.10.05 Fixed: Disable single click start on file panel if cursor was in tree
11.10.05 Added: Update separate tree panel in background thread (tree window is
disabled during this time)
08.10.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: sort error when dir name contained a dot (err
or was introduced in 7.0 beta only)
05.10.05 Added: Drag&Drop to separate tree view
04.10.05 Fixed: Various problems with 3 window mode
02.10.05 Added: Two different tree view options: 1. Just one tree view for BOTH
sides, but outside of the panels 2. One tree per panel, inside of the panels
30.09.05 Added: Synchronize dirs, right click menu: Delete on both sides <- use
ful because the selection is lost after deleting on one side
28.09.05 Added: Files - Change attributes: Take the date/time to set from conte
nt plugins, e.g. the time when a photo was made from the EXIF plugin
28.09.05 Added: reload image to context menu when showing thumbnails in file sy
stem plugins
27.09.05 Added: New function FsGetPreviewBitmap to file system plugins to extra
ct thumbnails in file system plugins
25.09.05 Fixed: Compare by content: Undo not working when using "copy ->" and t
he other side consists of a single EMPTY line
25.09.05 Fixed: Sync: Changing sort order while comparing by content didn't set
equal or unequal sign to the files which were just compared when re-sorting
25.09.05 Fixed: Optimized speed of initial comparing and re-sorting in synchron
ize dirs, show hourglass during re-sorting
23.09.05 Added: New internal commands cm_SelectCurrentPath and cm_UnselectCurre
ntPath: Select/Unselect all files in the same path as the file under the cursor,
e.g. for branch view, search results, duplicate finder etc.
23.09.05 Added: New option wincmd.ini [configuration] CompareIgnoreRepeatedLine
s=0 -> compare by contents will no longer ignore lines which are repeated (e.g.
begin/end). This can, however, cause problems with inserted functions in source
21.09.05 Fixed: Compare by contents: Show error message if saving fails, and re
store original file
21.09.05 Fixed: Compare by contents: If comparing file with name <originalname>
with <originalname>.bak, save backup as <originalname>.bk1 instead of <original
21.09.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Several functions adapted to work with search
orders other than by name
20.09.05 Added: Synchronize dirs: Sort inside of each directory by name, size,
date/time, ascending+descending
18.09.05 Fixed: Lister: switch to other mode then back to text mode lost the te
xt cursor
18.09.05 Added: Lister: Place text cursor behind found text when searching
18.09.05 Added: Menu items to copy names/details to clipboard added to the "Mar
k" menu
16.09.05 Added: Compare by contents: Backwards search behaviour as in lister: F
3=continue search in last direction, Ctrl+F3 reverse direction, Shift+F3 search
backwards and switch F3 to forward search
16.09.05 Added: Overwrite dialog: Option to rename the already existing target
file instead of renaming the copied file
16.09.05 Fixed: Lister: Don't place cursor at line end between <CR> and <LF>
14.09.05 Added: Separate options dynamic (x.x k/M) and dynamic (x.x k/M/G) (wit
h and without the display in Gigabytes)
14.09.05 Added: cm_SaveDetailsToFile now also works in comments view and thumbn
ails view
13.09.05 Fixed: Suggest *.txt instead of *.* for functions cm_SaveSelectionToFi
le and cm_SaveDetailsToFile
13.09.05 Added: New internal command cm_SaveDetailsToFile - Save all shown colu
mns to file, depending on current display mode: also works with custom columns
13.09.05 Added: New internal command cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip - Copy all shown
columns to the clipboard, depending on current display mode: also works with cus
tom columns
13.09.05 Added: cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip - like cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip, but
with full path to files
13.09.05 Added: cm_CopyNetFileDetailsToClip - like cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip, bu
t with UNC (network) path to files
13.09.05 Added: New comment options: wincmd.ini [Configuration] olecomments=
0: only standard comments, 1: standard and ole comments, 2: only ole comments,
3: no comments at all
11.09.05 Added: Multi-rename tool: Support conditional text in content plugin v
ariables, e.g. [="_v."tc.versionstring]
11.09.05 Added: "Show admin shares" now also shows hidden shares like Share$ -
can be turned off in wincmd.ini, [Configuration] AllHiddenNetNames=0
07.09.05 Added: After modifying compared file from archive, compress it back in
to the archive
06.09.05 Added: Support for external compare via line in wincmd.ini, e.g.: Comp
aretool=C:\program files\winmerge\WinMerge.exe
04.09.05 Added: Windows NT/2000/XP: Use MoveFileEx to avoid that files are move
d between partitions mounted to the same drive letter
04.09.05 Added: Edit in compare: When saving, the type of line end (Windows, Un
ix, Mac) is determined by the majority of line ends of the original file, e.g. i
f the original was Windows with a few Unix line ends, the saved file will be all
04.09.05 Fixed: Edit in compare: Don't save last line end
02.09.05 Added: Sync: Re-added search in binary mode (using the old search func
02.09.05 Added: Edit in compare: Search in edited Unicode text, allow to search
over multiple lines
31.08.05 Added: Edit in compare: Search in edited text, allow to search over mu
ltiple lines
30.08.05 Added: Edit in compare: Support for unicode big endian
25.08.05 Added: Synchronize dirs: always list "*.*" as the first entry in the l
25.08.05 Added: ENTER in autocomplete only closes the autocomplete window and d
oesn't execute the command immediately
23.08.05 Added: Autocomplete for paths in command line, path field, and some di
alog boxes like copy confirmation
21.08.05 Fixed: Problems with copy+paste in compare by contents
19.08.05 Added: Unicode editing in compare by contents
10.08.05 Added: New button in copy overwrite dialog "More Options >>" which all
ows to compare by content, or enable one of the auto-rename options
10.08.05 Added: ZIP packer: wincmd.ini [packer] zipansinames=1 causes TC to us
e Ansi (Windows) instead of OEM (DOS) characters for names in zip. Note that som
e unpackers cannot handle archives with accents in this case
09.08.05 Fixed: Compare by content: tabs all had a width of 0 (problem with new
line editor)
03.08.05 Added: Compare by content: Copy partially selected lines to the clipbo
03.08.05 Added: Compare by content: Position text cursor with mouse, select tex
02.08.05 Added: Compare by content: Text cursor in compare windows
31.07.05 Added: Re-synchronize compare by content, e.g. to compare different pa
ragraphs than the internal compare tool has compared
29.07.05 Added: Pressing F5 again after F5-copy selects the file name only/name
+ext (F6 also works, e.g. for F6 - F6)
29.07.05 Added: Lister: Menu item for F2 "Reload file" (the function already wo
rked in older versions with F2 and Ctrl+R)
29.07.05 Added: Hotkey F6 to turn cursor in lister on/off
27.07.05 Added: Select text in lister with caret, supports Shift+ Left/Right/Up
26.07.05 Added: Caret in lister
26.07.05 Added: Save/restore additional sort orders in wincmd.ini
24.07.05 Added: Sorting by additional columns with Ctrl+Click on header. Specia
l cases: Clear all if Ctrl+Click on primary sort column. Reverse order if Ctrl+C
lick on secondary sort column
22.07.05 Added: Configuration - Colors: alternating lines can now have differen
t background colors, e.g. white and light-gray
22.07.05 Added: Branch view: When sorting by name, if two files have the same n
ame and extension, sort them by directory name
20.07.05 Added: separate tree panel: Support for right click context menu and A
lt+Enter (properties)
19.07.05 Added: Splitter to change width of separate tree panel/file panel
19.07.05 Added: Horizontal scrollbar to separate tree panel
19.07.05 Added: Switch to separate tree with Shift+Tab
19.07.05 Added: Switch on/off separate tree with Ctrl+Shift+F8
13.07.05 Added: Separate tree panel per side
13.07.05 Fixed: Right click menu in tree was no longer working
12.07.05 Added: Show all drives in tree, not only current drive
05.07.05 Added: In "letters only" quick search mode, pressing up or down will c
lear the quick search buffer, useful when making a typo
05.07.05 Added: Changed read buffer for "compare by content" from 32kByte to 1
MByte to increase compare speed when both files are on the same drive
05.07.05 Added: New internal command cm_RenameSingleFile to rename file under c
ursor even if other files are selected (selection can be restored with "/" numer
ic key)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Total Commander 7.0, 6.54(a), 6.55(a) and 6.56 were developped i
n parallel.
Therefore many modification dates listed above come before the release of TC 6.5
4(a), 6.55(a) and 6.56.
01.01.07 Release Total Commander 6.56 final
01.01.07 Fixed: USB stick detection from TC7 ported to TC 6.56
01.01.07 Fixed: Re-reading of Network Neighborhood on Vista could cause access
01.01.07 Fixed: Overlay icons not shown for font scalings other than 96 dpi (on
ly seems to affect Vista)
30.12.06 Release Total Commander 6.56 beta 1
29.12.06 Fixed: Re-packing files from a subdirectory of a RAR archive with exte
rnal unrar to another archive could corrupt the temp dir and delete the wrong fi
24.12.06 Fixed: Support TortoiseSVN overlay icons also on Vista
20.12.06 Added: Include newer unrar.dll because old dll doesn't seem to handle
some new rar files
24.11.06 Fixed: Some regular expressions could cause a stack overflow (infinite
recursion because nothing is found) -> limit recursion depth to 2000
19.11.06 Fixed: Unpack from RAR may fail with read error for RAR files >2GB
08.11.06 Fixed: FTP client: Show *** in log file for account password (ACCT com
13.09.06 Fixed: Unpack each archive to separate subdir not working properly if
no target path was given at all
23.10.06 Release Total Commander 6.55a final
23.10.06 Fixed: To unpack self-extracting archives created with TC6.55 on Windo
ws XP, right click on them, choose properties and turn on Windows 2000 compatibi
lity mode
19.10.06 Fixed: After installing Microsoft security update KB923191, self-extra
cting ZIP archives no longer start -> updated sfxhead.sfx
26.07.06 Release Total Commander 6.55 final
26.07.06 Fixed: Installer didn't correctly detect Windows Vista
26.07.06 Fixed: Revert to c:\totalcmd as default install directory (can of cour
se be changed manually)
18.07.06 Release Total Commander 6.55 public beta 3
18.07.06 Fixed: Unpacking multiple archives with external unpacker to separate
subdirs unpacked to wrong subdir if target contained spaces
18.07.06 Fixed: %commander_ini% wasn't containing the full path when the wincmd
.ini was located in the windows directory
18.07.06 Fixed: Change drive while in search result switched from custom column
s or thumbnail view to full view
18.07.06 Fixed: Access violation when trying to search for a unicode string lon
ger than 150 characters. Note that only the first 127 characters can be found
18.07.06 Fixed: When saving or deleting a search in "Find files", reload the co
lor filters (which may be based on such searches). The list is refreshed when th
e dialog is closed (except when noreread set for this drive)
16.07.06 Fixed: Custom columns view: If both "Adjust tabs to windows width" and
"Horizontal scrollbar" were checked, the scrollbar width wasn't adjusted when r
16.07.06 Fixed: Empty file list with the following procedure: Search, feed to l
istbox, Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Tab (duplicate search result in new inactive
16.07.06 Fixed: Use same function to copy date/time from archive as for normal
copying (set again afterwards if first fails)
16.07.06 Fixed: Copy - move to background: Only beep if the minimum time set in
configuration - misc has been reached
11.07.06 Fixed: Find Files: When deleting a saved search, the plugin options we
re not deleted (was already fixed earlier in TC7)
09.07.06 Fixed: Catch error caused by HTTP proxy returning invalid reply in the
form "HTTP/1.1 HTTP 404 Not Found" instead of "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"
09.07.06 Fixed: cm_ToggleLockDcaCurrentTab not working correctly (locking works
, unlocking not)
09.07.06 Fixed: Installer hanging on Windows NT4 (because variable %ProgramFile
s% does not exist)
07.07.06 Fixed: UC2 packer: Properties of file (Alt+Enter) showing invalid file
05.07.06 Release Total Commander 6.55 public beta 2
30.06.06 Added: Windows Vista: Use IsUserAnAdmin to determine whether the user
has full admin rights or not, show "username^" if user has full admin rights
30.06.06 Fixed: Avoid flickering of buttons when button is pressed but cursor o
utside of the button
29.06.06 Fixed: Sometimes the wrong help page was opened in Configuration - Opt
ions (e.g. on FTP page if cursor on one of the dialog box items)
28.06.06 Added: XP: Show buttons in synchronize dirs with new disabled and disa
bled down states during comparison
27.06.06 Fixed: U3 installer: remove read only attribute from wincmd.ini and wc
x_ftp.ini when copied to USB stick, so options can be written
27.06.06 Fixed: Configure custom columns: Wrong width saved for name column whe
n auto-adjusting to window width in vertical arrangement
25.06.06 Fixed: 100% CPU caused by self-extracting installer
25.06.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Q didn't work with plugins on updir item '..' in the root
and all directories just below the root. The name is still passed as c:\path\..\
so the plugin can distinguish between the path under the cursor, and the curren
t path
21.06.06 Release Total Commander 6.55 public beta 1
21.06.06 Added: totalcmd.exe.manifest file, because Totalcmd didn't use the XP
look in some cases (internal manifest resource was ignored)
20.06.06 Fixed: Load selection from file: The file wasn't closed if it had a si
ze of 0
19.06.06 Added: Installer: show error if selected target directory cannot be cr
eated, and let user choose a different location
18.06.06 Fixed: When starting up, make test whether is writable wit
hout actually writing to the file (just open with write rights)
14.06.06 Release Total Commander 6.55 beta 2
14.06.06 Added: Installer: Set default location of ini files to %APPDATA%\GHISL
ER on NT/2000/XP if the Windows directory is not writable (for non-admin account
13.06.06 Added: Look for wincmd.key also in the path of the wincmd.ini
13.06.06 Fixed: Directory hotlist, Start menu: Don't allow user to enter title
with only spaces in it (cannot be saved to ini). Enter a dash - for a separator!
13.06.06 Fixed: Lister: wrong text selected in binary and hex mode when cursor
to the right of all text
13.06.06 Added: Drag&drop to button bar, copy+paste via right click: Show error
if bar file is not writable
13.06.06 Added: *.bar [options] redirect=0 turns off the new redirect bar optio
n (TC behaves as it did before version 6.55). redirect=1 forces redirect even if
bar file would be writable
13.06.06 Added: If no button bar location is specified in the wincmd.ini, assum
e the program dir. If this file is not writable, copy it to the ini
file dir and use it from there, so the user can change it
12.06.06 Added: When TC starts, make sure that the specified directory for the
ini files wincmd.ini and wcx_ftp.ini really exists, otherwise create it
11.06.06 Added: Installer: Set default location of ini files to %APPDATA%\GHISL
ER on Windows Vista if there was no user-defined location set
11.06.06 Fixed: Made inplace rename box (Shift+F6) two pixels wider in brief mo
de so the longest name does fit in on Windows XP too
07.06.06 Fixed: Could not modify ZIP archives on removable disks >2GB (e.g. hug
e USB sticks)
07.06.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Up arrow resulted in an empty tab when cursor on a file in
a zip subdir
07.06.06 Fixed: Holding down Alt+Shift+F6 (test archive) with AlwaysUnpackInBac
kground option set could still cause an access violation -> catch it
06.06.06 Release Total Commander 6.55 beta 1
04.06.06 Fixed: When copying files with the normal copy functions, the file dat
e wasn't copied in some cases (when copying to a network with Norton Antivirus r
unning in the background)
01.06.06 Fixed: When closing TC with a file system plugin in the left panel sho
wing a progress bar (e.g. temp panel), the right panel isn't refreshed on restar
01.06.06 Fixed: 2 row button bar: When moving mouse cursor 1 pixel behind last
button in first row, the first button in the second row showed a hint and reacte
d to clicks
01.06.06 Fixed: Language files (*.lng) could not be larger than 64k (TC 6.55 16
bit: cut off file at 64k-16 bytes)
31.05.06 Added: Opening CHM help file does not work when started from a network
-> copy from net to TEMP before opening it, delete when done
29.05.06 Added: Call CHM help file instead of HLP if present in the same dir wi
th same name
26.05.06 Fixed: Configuration - Options - ZIP packer: The temp dir now also sup
ports environment variables like %temp% or %commander_path%
26.05.06 Fixed: XP: Crash when http connection gets redirected and the path is
longer than 259 characters (probably not system-critical, the string overlap is
only a few bytes)
26.05.06 Fixed: Ctrl+N HTTP download not working when IPv6 enabled and no port
number given in URL
26.05.06 Fixed: Hard links to directories (reparse points) were always shown wi
th special icons even if they were disabled in the configuration
26.05.06 Fixed: Compare by content: Don't try to open/unpack/download updir ite
m [..]
21.05.06 Fixed: Delete to Recycle bin was called twice when it failed due to a
sharing violation
21.05.06 Fixed: The following dialogs were not centered on the Totalcmd window:
Main config dialog, ftp connection details, connection progress, check CRC prog
ress, Packer/FS/LS/Content plugin config dialog
19.05.06 Fixed: Start menu was displayed even with RestrictInterface=1 when swi
tching from non-English to English language
17.05.06 Fixed: The already running instance of TC wasn't restored when minimiz
ed to tray and only 1 instance allowed when starting TC again
10.05.06 Fixed: Using watchdirs sometimes produced duplicate file names (reason
: Windows reported the file with a different upper-/lowercase than it exists on
10.05.06 Fixed: Holding down Alt+Shift+F6 (test archive) with AlwaysUnpackInBac
kground option set could cause access violation -> only allow to open next dialo
g after 500 ms delay
07.05.06 Fixed: Ctrl+Up arrow resulted in an empty tab when cursor on a directo
ry in a zip subdir
03.05.06 Fixed: Unpacking of archive >4GB not always working (when file starts
beyond the 4 GB limit)
03.05.06 Fixed: Quickview was not refreshed when switching to a different tab w
ith the mouse
25.04.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: ESC has to be hold down for at least 100ms to
avoid that comparison is stopped when pressing ESC in compare by contents windo
25.04.06 Fixed: XP only: Alt+Tab from TC while displaying quick search caused a
focus loss
25.04.06 Fixed: Switching between two tabs with tree views produced empty listi
24.04.06 Fixed: With RestrictInterface=1, choosing the built-in English languag
e could cause an access violation
23.04.06 Fixed: Search in plugins: when using "regex", the exception created by
an invalid search string like "[" is not caught
23.04.06 Fixed: Shift+Click after changing tab selected wrong file range
16.04.06 Fixed: Always end descript.ion file with <CR><LF>
09.04.06 Fixed: Branch view Ctrl+B: Update status line with file under cursor (
instead of showing just [..])
08.04.06 Fixed: For VISTA: Icon extract functions fail when surrounded by doubl
e quotes "".
08.04.06 Fixed: For VISTA: Call MessageLoop regularly during re-reading Alt+F10
05.04.06 Fixed: SFX module: As with internal unpacking, remove relative paths i
n the form ..\ or ...\ (any number of dots >=2)
31.03.06 Fixed: Windows VISTA beta 2 bug: WinHelp command no longer working ->
call winhelp.exe manually. For testing, this code is also enabled on WinXP.
22.03.06 Fixed: FTP upload via background transfer manager: When getting overwr
ite confirmation dialog, clicking "abort" aborted only current file, but then co
ntinued with other files in list
21.03.06 Fixed: Lister: Selection with mouse could select negative offsets when
selecting to the left of the text
21.03.06 Fixed: Stack overflow when trying to delete very long dirs of certain
14.03.06 Fixed: Self-extracting ZIP archive can now also overwrite read-only fi
les (user will be asked for each file)
14.03.06 Fixed: CTRL+F3 in synchronize dirs was not always working (it was disa
bled when right clicking on a file available only on one side)
07.03.06 Fixed: Search function: When using option "Search only selected dirs"
and [..] was selected, TC searched also in the parent dir -> auto-uncheck [..]
06.03.06 Fixed: ListNotificationReceived was broken: WM_COMMAND was only called
during loading of plugin
03.03.06 Fixed: When unpacking, remove relative paths in the form ..\ or ...\ (
any number of dots >=2) -> this would place the file in the parent dir, which is
a potential security risk
03.03.06 Fixed: Lister: Printing selection printed junk in the first line if th
e selection was made beyond the beginning of the file
01.03.06 Fixed: Right click -> New submenu: look in "All Users\Templates" if te
mplate not found in "<username>\Template"
26.02.06 Fixed: Files - Unpack all not working with files named e.g.
when "Unpack each archive to separate subdir" was checked
22.02.06 Fixed: When using "Show only selected files" in thumbnails view while
thumbs were still being extracted, the wrong thumbs could be shown -> clear thum
bs extraction queue
21.02.06 Fixed: With WatchDirs=5, files could disappear from the list when edit
ing them in some editors
10.02.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: "Close" button now changed to "Abort" during
comparison (function re-inserted into 6.x line after the release of TC 6.54a)
10.02.06 Added: Synchronize dirs: react to windows messages also during normal
compare, not only during compare by content -> can abort with mouse, or switch t
o other program and back
16.02.06 Release Total Commander 6.54a final
16.02.06 Fixed: Disable cm_switchlongnames also when background transfer manage
r paused and containing files in queue
16.02.06 Release Total Commander 6.54a beta 2
16.02.06 Fixed: Disable cm_switchlongnames while background transfer manager or
background copy active
15.02.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Unicode names were only sorted correctly when
they had identical alternate DOS names
15.02.06 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Allow to continue without UNDO when getting
an out of memory error (> about 70'000 files)
14.02.06 Release Total Commander 6.54a beta 1
14.02.06 Fixed: Auto-installer (pluginst.inf): Ask before overwriting key, lang
uage and program dir installations
14.02.06 Fixed: Avoid crash when trying to unpack invalid .lzh archives
05.02.06 Fixed: RAR SFX headers were only supported when smaller than 128kBytes
(themed headers can be larger)
05.02.06 Fixed: Packer plugin interface crashed with extensions longer than 15
05.02.06 Fixed: F2 (reload file) in lister was no longer working
02.02.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 final
01.02.06 Fixed: Ctrl+C in lister still copied a space too much in some cases
01.02.06 Fixed: Wrong cursor movement in WatchDirs=5 mode
31.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 public beta 4 (PB4)
31.01.06 Fixed: Search for name without wildcards surrounded by double quotes (
e.g. "John Doe") found nothing.
29.01.06 Fixed: Try to keep focus after copy progress dialog closes when using
WindowBlinds with "glass skin" effect.
27.01.06 Fixed: Install of new plugins - existing plugin subdir not found when
using environment variables in plugin base dir
27.01.06 Fixed: Ctrl+C in lister sometimes copied one character too much when s
electing from the beginning of the file
27.01.06 Fixed: Auto-enable folder thumbnails also on Windows XP Service Pack 1
if WMF patch has been installed
25.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 public beta 3 (PB3)
24.01.06 Fixed: Warning that there is not enough space on target drive was not
always working on Windows XP
24.01.06 Fixed: Packer plugins: When re-adding a file edited with F4 to an arch
ive, the flag PK_PACK_SAVE_PATHS was not set by mistake for files in subdirs
22.01.06 Fixed: Installer: Changed INI file location was not saved if user used
"Back" button and went through ini location page again without changing anythin
20.01.06 Fixed: Give more space to plugin auto-install dialog boxes
20.01.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: If *.* was missing in the wildcards list, but
the list contained an item starting with *.*, then Windows chose this item auto
matically -> add *.* manually to list
18.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 public beta 2 (PB2)
18.01.06 Fixed: Ctrl+D menu - sometimes the checkbox "also save target dir" was
18.01.06 Fixed: Win9x/ME - thumbnails not shown unless the option WmfAllowed wa
s set manually to 1 or 3 in wincmd.ini
18.01.06 Fixed: When switching from search results view to other views like net
work, plugins etc, the tab title wasn't updated
18.01.06 Fixed: Explicitly set focus to active listbox when hiding splash scree
n and quick search dialog to avoid focus loss caused by some WindowBlinds themes
18.01.06 Fixed: File comments not copied in multi-rename tool when using 'reloa
d results' button
17.01.06 Fixed: Watchdirs: Directories would not appear when created while usin
g a custom filter like *.txt
16.01.06 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Sorting error when name or subdir started wit
h double byte character (e.g. Chinese) only
15.01.06 Fixed: Footer is not updated at once when sending files to background
transfer manager with F5 - F2
12.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 public beta 1 (PB1)
12.01.06 Fixed: Files with date before 1980 are now shown as 1.1.1980 (only NTF
S supports dates before 1980, but TC uses the FAT date internally which is limit
ed to dates >=1980)
10.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 4
08.01.06 Added: Set MODE Z compression ratio (0..9) for uploads in wcx_ftp.ini
[General] zlibratiobin=3 or zlibratiotxt=3 (separately for binary and text).
08.01.06 Fixed: FTP upload to a server supporting MODE Z fails with "error deco
mpressing data stream" when uploading via a Cisco PIX 7.0.4 firewall (the pix do
esn't support compression rate 1) -> use default rate of 3 now
08.01.06 Fixed: No thumbnails shown for folders on XP (they were disabled becau
se they can contain WMF files) -> re-enable if patched gdi32.dll found
06.01.06 Fixed: Access violation when invoking cm_DirectoryHotlist via AutoIt w
ithout setting the lparam parameter to 0 (only when history+hotlist buttons disa
05.01.06 Fixed: In WatchDirs mode, files could disappear from the list by mista
04.01.06 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 3
03.01.06 Fixed: Problem with hanging download if ftp server went offline in the
03.01.06 Fixed: Various small errors in English and German help files
03.01.06 Fixed: Irfanview/Xnview not closed after it was loaded in the backgrou
nd for displaying of images or thumbnails (only when new extract method used)
03.01.06 Fixed: Directories were shown under wrong parent in Alt+F10 tree view
when SortUpper=3 was used -> fallback to SortUpper=2 for tree
03.01.06 Fixed: Upload in background: Rename doesn't work when a file with the
same name was detected
03.01.06 Fixed: Changed function called when displaying WMF or EMF files, seems
to cause no more crashes
01.01.06 Fixed: Sometimes thumbnail extra fields could be shown in custom colum
ns view with very long names in archives
01.01.06 Fixed: Could not decode SQX (binhex-coded) file when run length compre
ssion was used already in the header
30.12.05 Fixed: Don't show WMF (windows meta file) and EMF (enhanced meta file)
images in Lister and thumbnails view, because of buffer overflow bug in Windows
DLL. Once your system is patched, you can re-enable them: wincmd.ini [Configura
tion] WmfAllowed=3 (1=files, 2=folder thumbnails)
30.12.05 Fixed: Again duplicate hotkey in internal English "Net" menu
25.12.05 Fixed: Switching from custom columns view to thumbnail view and back -
> horizontal scrollbar was lost
25.12.05 Fixed: Incorrect tooltip for button bar button command cm_LeftThumbs w
hen menu contained only cm_SrcThumbs
23.12.05 Fixed: When aborting move or delete function in plugins, don't call Fs
RemoveDir for parent directories
23.12.05 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D) was not case-insensitive for non-Eng
lish characters like accents or cyrillic
20.12.05 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 2
20.12.05 Fixed: U3 version: Fixed editing of menu files
20.12.05 Added: TC will now also look for language-specific help files named wc
md_xyz.hlp in the language subdir (mainly implemented for the U3 version)
19.12.05 Fixed: When started from U3 USB stick, handle installation and switchi
ng of languages correctly
19.12.05 Fixed: When started from U3 USB stick, hide configuration to change cu
stom sounds (they would be stored in the registry)
18.12.05 Added: Two new installation types for pluginst.inf: prg will install t
o the TC program dir, key to the registration key dir (e.g. for easy U3 installa
18.12.05 Fixed: Support Euro sign in HTML viewer as &8364; &#8364; and &euro; -
will not work correctly with Cyrillic, Chinese, or Japanese encodings
18.12.05 Fixed: Parallel port connection: Don't show date for '..' items and dr
ive letters
18.12.05 Fixed: Use of cm_SwitchLongNames loses cursor position -> position cur
sor on correct file even when sort order changes
16.12.05 Fixed: Using one of the WatchDirs options didn't consider a directory
filter like "*.txt *.doc", so when files with other types were created, they wou
ld also appear in the list
16.12.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Deleting files via right click menu no longer
removed them from the list
16.12.05 Fixed: Locking/unlocking tabs can cause wrap around of tab header. Adj
ust panel height to this wrap around
16.12.05 Fixed: F3 and other hotkeys no longer working in file panel when quick
view active (should only be the case in quick view panel itself)
14.12.05 Release Total Commander 6.54 beta 1
14.12.05 Fixed: 2 Total Commander instances, left mouse selection mode. Drag&Dr
op files/dirs with right mouse button between the two, create link -> links with
wrong names created (.lnk extension missing)
14.12.05 Fixed: Explicitly set focus to current file list before closing the qu
ick search dialog, to fix a bug in WindowBlinds 5
14.12.05 Fixed: When viewing single files with F3 or Alt+F3 and the local file
already exists, use new naming scheme file.txt -> file.000.txt instead of just f
ile.000 (e.g. for lister plugins)
11.12.05 Added: U3 support: Internal functions to ensure that TC shuts down in
all cases when removing an U3 USB stick
09.12.05 Fixed: Included new unacev2.dll (security bugfix)
09.12.05 Fixed: Don't save selection within a tab when switching away from a lo
cked tab with dir changes allowed (except when in the base dir of that tab)
30.11.05 Fixed: FTP: replace special chars ;:@&=+"#%<> by %hexcode, because som
e HTTP proxies (Squid!) dislike these characters in URLs
30.11.05 Fixed: FTP: trying to download very long name can cause access violati
29.11.05 Fixed: Some colors incorrect when using white on black text
25.11.05 Fixed: By mistake, all content plugins without a detect string were lo
aded with totalcmd! <- solution: save empty detect string to ini too!
23.11.05 Fixed: Some right to left dialogs (Hebrew, Arabic) were not shown corr
ectly, e.g. search in plugins
22.11.05 Fixed: When adding files to a packer plugin archive with different ext
ension than registered, TC didn't ask for overwrite. Changed plugin interface ve
rsion to 2.11 to reflect this change.
22.11.05 Fixed: Status path shown incorrectly in custom columns view with LongI
13.11.05 Added: For admins: Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ghisler\Total Comm
ander\configuration, add allowed (type string) and/or RestrictInterface (type DW
ORD) to restrict user options. The value will be combined with the value in the
ini file (the more restricted wins)
30.10.05 Added: Synchronize dirs with FTP: User can now turn on/off date/time w
ith MDTM command, and define whether the time is sent as local time or UTC (univ
ersal time)
30.10.05 Added: Multi-rename tool: Replace characters (returned by plugins) whi
ch are not allowed in file names by underscores or dots
30.10.05 Added: Command line: auto-replace forward slashes by backslashes in "c
d" command, e.g. cd c:/windows/system -> cd c:\windows\system
25.10.05 Added: Worked on U3 installer
21.10.05 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel: With some lister plugins like hpg_ed,
F3 invoked both find next (desired) and the lister (not desired)
18.10.05 Fixed: FTP sync: additional check for ESC during upload+download
18.10.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Increased the default widths of the size colu
mns a bit (user request)
18.10.05 Fixed: Search in plugins: Go to file not working if the file name or p
ath contained a forward slash
16.10.05 Fixed: Background transfer manager: speed limit not working when copyi
ng multiple subdirs
16.10.05 Fixed: Background transfer manager: aborting copy function not always
11.10.05 Fixed: Disallow the creation of directories ending with spaces, e.g. "
a / \ "
11.10.05 Added: Allow to delete directories and files which end with one or mor
e spaces!
09.10.05 Fixed: Memory error in compare tool with some big files
28.09.05 Fixed: When using Letters with search dialog as quick search mode in a
rchives with Ctrl+Q, then going to an image file can cause an access violation (
because the quick search dialog is hidden by the unpack dialog)
27.09.05 Fixed: In double byte languages like Chinese, characters in zip/rar wi
th second char '|' were shown incorrectly (because '|' is normally illegal in fi
le names)
27.09.05 Fixed: Make FTP client work with FTP servers which return a forward sl
ash after a directory name
27.09.05 Fixed: When browsing virtual folders, try to get the name in various w
ays (first for parsing, then in folder, then normal)
27.09.05 Fixed: F3 on mp3 file marked "Text" instead of "Image/Multimedia" in l
ister's menu
23.09.05 Fixed: Unzip: If zip file contains invalid (0) date/time, don't set it
on extraction
21.09.05 Fixed: Lister: Wrong text copied in first line (unicode mode and utf8
18.09.05 Fixed: Wrong display under the following condition: Vertical arrangeme
nt, two drive button bars, then switching color depth (e.g. 16 bit -> true color
18.09.05 Fixed: Custom columns view: "list index out of bounds" error if both s
ides only show name+ext, and the column width is adjusted by mouse
18.09.05 Fixed: Dual screen mode: Double click on word in Lister only selected
the word on screen with positive coordinates
18.09.05 Fixed: Win9x only: Renaming not working in mode singleclickstart=1 if
the mouse was moved over the file list during renaming
16.09.05 Fixed: Clicking on panel title while quick view was active did not act
ivate the RTF viewer or a plugin inside of the quick view panel
16.09.05 Fixed: On Ctrl+U, do not set swapped tab title to locked tabs
13.09.05 Added: Command line parameters for uninstaller tcuninst.exe for silent
uninstall: /r repair, /0../7 uninstall. Sum of: 1=desktop icon, 2=context menu
entries, 4=all settings files
25.08.05 Fixed: Button bar : no icon shown if path contained a comma
23.08.05 Added: Optimize unzip: open archive once at the beginning and keep ope
n (necessary because of a bug in Windows XP SP2, where CloseFile over a network
takes up to 2 seconds!)
10.08.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Copy direction problem when synching between
dir+zip in asymmetric mode and unchecked files
09.08.05 Fixed: Tree functions and creation of dirs failed if Alt+F10 tree cont
ains paths longer than 259 characters
29.07.05 Added: On Ctrl+PageDown, TC now searches the first 512 kbytes for a va
lid archive header. Reason: The RAR unpacker will support themes which can conta
in a big uncompressed background bitmap in the unpacker...
06.07.05 Fixed: Copy speed limit wasn't enforced when opening the background tr
ansfer manually and adding files for copying AFTER checking the speed limit opti
06.07.05 Fixed: Clicking on "*" button in the inactive panel added/removed the
wrong directory (from the active side!)
06.07.05 Fixed: Internal unzip: forget password after operation
06.07.05 Fixed: Built-in English menu: In the "Mark" menu, two menu items had t
he same hotkey
06.07.05 Fixed: Changed behaviour of FTP server define dialog: Alt+Shift+Enter
during a connection will keep currently used server type. OK will apply the new
settings, Cancel will revert to standard type.
05.07.05 Fixed: Button bar: If parameter starts with '?' and contains one of th
e list parameters like %L, the temporary list wasn't deleted if the user clicked
05.07.05 Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+U (Swap all tabs) not working properly when a tab wi
th "locked but dir changes allowed" was an active tab, and this tab was showing
something else than the locked root dir
05.07.05 Fixed: Tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" was lost (deleted) wh
en it was showing a search result while closing the program (only if the tab was
05.07.05 Fixed: Switch between tabs with comment view and tree view not working
05.07.05 Fixed: Switch from search result view to tree view didn't change tab t
itle from "Search result" to e.g. "c:"
05.07.05 Fixed: Don't switch from search result to full view when choosing Show
-Full while showing comments in search result
31.05.05 Release Total Commander 6.53
31.05.05 Fixed: Unicode search not working on Windows 9x/ME
31.05.05 Fixed: Corrections to help file and keyboard.txt
31.05.05 Fixed: Delete temp dir when re-packing archive to packer plugin archiv
e (only if the archiver deleted the files in it)
29.05.05 Fixed: Win9x only: some media files not playing with F3 when name long
er than 97 characters (bug in media player window)
27.05.05 Fixed: Watchdirs=32 option: Free space in other panel was not updated
if showing same disk, but other directory
25.05.05 Release Total Commander 6.53 RC 1
25.05.05 Fixed: Executing command like "notepad.exe" on the command line (incl
uding the double quotes) passed invalid parameters to the launched program
25.05.05 Added: Two new WatchDirs options: 16: Update footer (total file sizes
), 32: Update header (free disk space). May slow down operation, so enable only
if really necessary.
25.05.05 Fixed: Content plugins: Support field of type FullText also before ot
her variables (TC reports plugin interface version 1.5 or later)
25.05.05 Fixed: Alt+F9 unpack: When using external unrar, setting option "unpa
ck to separate dirs" and leaving path field empty, the files may be unpacked to
the target instead of the source path
25.05.05 Fixed: Increased limit of packer plugins (extension list can now take
1 kbyte instead of 512 bytes)
24.05.05 Fixed: Trying to access a server with cd \\server in the command line
where the server has no guest account causes connect dialog. Clicking on cancel
shows again connect dialog when trying to open subdir
24.05.05 Added: Increased width of dropdown box in synchronize dirs - wildcard
24.05.05 Fixed: Two folders aaaa and aaaaa. Rename aaaaa to a Russian 4 charac
ter name with English language settings -> it was moved to aaaa
24.05.05 Fixed: Could not inplace rename a directory to a Unicode name (e.g. R
ussian on English Windows) containing spaces
24.05.05 Fixed: If a hotkey like F2 is mapped to cm_renameonly, pressing this
hotkey multiple times will select name part/name+ext of the file in alternating
22.05.05 Fixed: Brief view: made inplace rename window 4 pixels wider to fit i
n entire name (except if edit box would exceed list window width)
19.05.05 Release Total Commander 6.53 beta 1
19.05.05 Fixed: Plugin detect string was cut at 259 chars when adding OTHER pl
18.05.05 Fixed: F3 view remote ftp file twice was sometimes not working (downl
oad OK, but file not found)
18.05.05 Fixed: If WatchDirs is enabled and a file appears above the current i
tem during inplace rename, the wrong file may be renamed
18.05.05 Fixed: temp dirs created under %temp%\_tc were no longer removed afte
r deleting the file itself
18.05.05 Added: New command line parameters /P=L and /P=R to set the active fi
le panel (left or right panel)
18.05.05 Fixed: Don't set attributes to 0 when creating new directory (it's no
longer necessary on Win32, and causes problems with Samba)
18.05.05 Fixed: When using the color scheme "high contrast black", the lister
search dialog options were also black on black
18.05.05 Fixed: When using the color scheme "high contrast black", print previ
ew showed text black on black and sometimes printed white on white -> explicitly
set font color to color_windowtext for preview, and black (0) for printing
18.05.05 Fixed: FTP to IBM MVS Mainframe: Switching between tabs was not worki
ng due to error in path/url handling
18.05.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Duplicate name warning when comparing Unicod
e names which have the same name pattern (same length, English and spaces in sam
e places)
17.05.05 Fixed: Watchdirs: When a file was added above the current position wh
ile outside of TC, the selection became wrong if restoring it with '/' after swi
tching back to TC
17.05.05 Fixed: Watchdirs: When a file was added above the current position, t
he current file index changed
16.05.05 Fixed: Tab order in search - plugins wasn't top to bottom
16.05.05 Fixed: FTP resume upload: Some FTP servers seem to return wrong (down
loaded in text mode) file size on SIZE command -> call TYPE I before calling SIZ
15.05.05 Fixed: Command line: Executing an URL like
ex.htm didn't work if the default verb for .htm wasn't 'open'. Same fix also in
button bar and start menu
15.05.05 Fixed: Shift+F6 (inplace rename) directly at program start -> longer
file name was shown displaced
15.05.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Function "Set local date to remote" was no l
onger available
10.05.05 Fixed: Could not correctly switch between connections to the same FTP
server with different dirs on two tabs
10.05.05 Fixed: Unpack and Execute on NT4 with file containing a space causes
file not found error
10.05.05 Fixed: Drag&Drop: "drop forbidden" cursor circle not visible on black
ground - added white border
10.05.05 Fixed: Gzip archive with invalid extra field length could cause acces
s violation (read beyond buffer length, no security risk since read only)
10.05.05 Fixed: Self-extracting RAR-Archive containing ARJ archive with compre
ssion rate 0 -> TC opened the inner ARJ instead of the outer RAR archive
10.05.05 Fixed: Lister: Trying to view AVI file with access denied error shows
lister window over TC and does not repaint it
09.05.05 Fixed: Apply button not enabled when checking the "USB stick" option
09.05.05 Fixed: Compare between ftp and Samba network-attached drive in sync n
ot working (reason: Samba case-sensitive)
09.05.05 Fixed: Compare between ftp and local file in sync not working if ftp
on the left side
09.05.05 Fixed: Could no longer open compare by contents dialog if only one fi
le or no files were selected
09.05.05 Fixed: Mime-decoding created invalid output if the name of the file c
ontained =? encoding and used base64 as the encoding method
30.04.05 Release Total Commander 6.52
30.04.05 Fixed: Could not view 2 identically named files on remote ftp with ex
ternal viewer
29.04.05 Release Total Commander 6.52 Release Candidate 2
29.04.05 Fixed: Search in content plugins not working if type of value differe
nt from type of variable, e.g. floating instead of integer. Now integer and floa
ting values are interchangeable
29.04.05 Fixed: Right click on current path - New - xyz file: In addition to D
ocuments and settings, look in Windows\ShellNew for template files (some Microso
ft programs seem to use this location)
29.04.05 Fixed: Netware version: Ctrl+Shift+F5 dialog: Remove netware copy opt
ions, they are irrelevant for creating shortcuts
29.04.05 Fixed: Create CRC checksums: files were created in the target instead
of the source when specifying no target path and the last directory change was
on the target side
27.04.05 Release Total Commander 6.52 Release Candidate 1
24.04.05 Fixed: Default string in delayed/on demand fields not shown in first
custom column
21.04.05 Release Total Commander 6.52 Beta 3
21.04.05 Fixed: Pack multiple files to zip:"*.*.zip" deleted the first charact
er of each name (correct syntax would have been zip:*.*.zip without the double q
uotes anyway)
21.04.05 Fixed: Command line command del /q /s *.tmp deleted all files. Reas
on: TC tries to insert current path to avoid that the wrong dir is deleted if th
ere is a .pif file for with a default dir
21.04.05 Fixed: Right-aligned custom columns not shown correctly on some syste
ms (because of addition of TABs)
21.04.05 Added: Korean is now included as a default language due to the increa
sed number of registrations from Korea
17.04.05 Fixed: Changing sort order while in tree view changed the sort order
for full and brief view without changing the sort indicator arrows
17.04.05 Added: cm_SwitchWatchDirs command to turn off (and back on) watching
of directory changes with the wincmd.ini option WatchDirs=
17.04.05 Fixed: Don't show hidden/system files with WatchDirs option when the
display of hidden/system files is disabled in the configuration
16.04.05 Fixed: Sometimes there was an access violation when closing TC while
in a rapidly changing dir with WatchDirs enabled
16.04.05 Fixed: With Watchdirs option 8 added, Watchdirs sometimes stopped wor
king until the next dir change
13.04.05 Release Total Commander 6.52 Beta 2
13.04.05 Added: Support gzip archives >4GB, both creation and extraction
13.04.05 Added: When restarting Total Commander, and the current path is repla
ced (e.g. via the command line), then add the previous path to the history
12.04.05 Fixed: Memory leak in Netware function to copy trustees (Netware vers
ion only)
12.04.05 Fixed: Removed code which sets directory attributes to 0 after creati
on - this is already done automatically by all 32-bit operating systems!
11.04.05 Added: New wincmd.ini section: WatchDirsExclude= (defaults to empty s
tring): set drives which should be excluded from WatchDirs directory monitoring
11.04.05 Added: New wincmd.ini section: noreread2= (which defaults to the cont
ent of noreread=): set drives which should not be remembered when restarting TC.
Until now, this was part of noreread= See example in help.
11.04.05 Fixed: Tabs in content plugin strings should now be shown correctly i
n custom columns view
11.04.05 Fixed: Turn off watchdirs between copy dialog and progress dialog to
avoid error that directory contents have changed
11.04.05 Fixed: Lister now shows "access denied" instead of "file not found" i
f there is a sharing violation accessing a file (e.g. it's opened in a different
10.04.05 Fixed: Reset directory checksum after receiving a directory change no
tification - will cause TC to always reread the directory on F2 or when switchin
g back to it
10.04.05 Fixed: USB stick copy option turned off - not saved permanently
08.04.05 Fixed: Don't count dir content of target of a junction when deleting
the junction
08.04.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Sync with ftp could cause access violation i
f path longer than 259 characters
08.04.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: return to root not working when syncing with
ftp root
08.04.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Compare two files by content didn't work wit
h files in ftp subdirs
07.04.05 Fixed: TC uses 100% CPU when WatchDirs option enabled, and trying to
access dir which cannot be monitored, e.g. a Win9x share
06.04.05 Release Total Commander 6.52 Beta 1
06.04.05 Added: wincmd.ini, [Configuration], WatchDirs= determines operation o
f automatic dir updates: 1: turn option on, 2: detect changes to size, date, att
ributes, 4: put newly added files at the END, 8: don't react to updates while TC
isn't in the foreground
06.04.05 Fixed: WinXP: Playing a CD with F3 didn't stop when closing lister
06.04.05 Fixed: Could no longer access "tar" archives after associating extens
ion "ar" with any packer plugin ("tar" was interpreted as "")
06.04.05 Fixed: 16-bit version: Invalid time stamp written to .tar files
05.04.05 Added: Watch changes of directories, and update them immediately on c
hanges (using ReadDirectoryChangesW function). Requires Windows NT, 2000 or XP
03.04.05 Added: Support for BSD-style MD5 checksum files, e.g. MD5 (./subdi
r/somefile.ext) = e573fe599272957b234dba19e41237a1
03.04.05 Fixed: Lister: When playing multimedia via built-in media player plug
in, allow to use hotkeys like pageup/pagedown/home/end even if the scrollbar doe
sn't have the focus
01.04.05 Fixed: Custom columns view with horizontal scollbar: When using a rec
tangle as cursor, don't draw right line unless scrolled to the end of the row (o
therwise drawing artifacts will result)
01.04.05 Fixed: ftp ctrl+left or right tries to open directory with two consec
utive slashes, e.g. /subdir//subdirundercursor
30.03.05 Added: Experimental IPv6 http support (both proxy-ftp and http downlo
30.03.05 Added: Compatibility mode copying: Now also copies thumbnails with fi
les (if enabled in configuration - thumbnails)
30.03.05 Added: Compatibility mode copying: Now also allows to copy NTFS permi
ssions (checkbox in copy dialog)
30.03.05 Added: Compatibility mode copying: Now also removes the "read only" a
ttribute when copying from CD
30.03.05 Fixed: Access violation trying to download a file from FTP via HTTP w
hen the local path became longer than 259 characters
30.03.05 Fixed: Browsing of network paths not working correctly when double cl
icking on "share x on server y" in nethood
30.03.05 Added: Experimental IPv6 ftp support. To use it, add to wcx_ftp.ini s
ection [General], PreferIPv6=1 if you want to prefer IPv6 for servers which supp
ort both IPv4 and IPv6, or PreferIPv6=0 to prefer IPv4 (default=-1: IPv6 off)
22.03.05 Fixed: Alt+F1 Alt+F7 opened search window with only the height of the
title bar if the window was maximized
22.03.05 Added: Compare by content (in main window) now also works with FTP
22.03.05 Added: Synchronize dirs: Compare by content of single files (double c
lick on file pair) now also works with FTP and file system plugins
22.03.05 Added: Synchronize dirs: When creating dirs during copying, also copy
dir time stamp (if configured), NTFS permissions, and Netware trustees (Netware
version only). The dir timestamp is NOT copied (NTFS changes it when copying fi
les to the dir).
20.03.05 Fixed: Unicode search for whole words not working properly in lister
and search
20.03.05 Fixed: Unicode case-insensitive search not working properly for encod
ings other than latin-1 (English, German etc.)
20.03.05 Fixed: Lister: Selecting text in Unicode mode in the first line of a
file selected displaced by 1 character
18.03.05 Fixed: FTP templates dialog: switch back to "Courier New" when loadin
g the dialog even if the user has changed the default dialog font. Otherwise it'
s quite impossible to create detect strings.
18.03.05 Fixed: FTP over HTTP: First item in list not always shown if <PRE> fo
rmatting was used without a <br> or <p> in front of it
18.03.05 Fixed: FTP not always working correctly if the user name had the form
18.03.05 Added: Multi-rename tool: Two new rename strings [N2--5] means the se
cond character until the fifth-last. [N-5-] means the 5fth-last until the end of
the name
16.03.05 Fixed: Better caching of item idlists on network shares should speed
up browsing network paths
16.03.05 Fixed: Drawing of XP themed speed buttons and bit buttons (e.g. in Co
mpare by contents): Erase background before drawing button, draw highlight of bi
t buttons
16.03.05 Fixed: Compare by contents: Removed WS_BORDER style, looks ugly (on W
inXP only)
16.03.05 Fixed: Compare by contents: moved listboxes down 2 pixels to avoid ov
erlapping of checkboxes under XP
16.03.05 Fixed: XP listbox bug: In synchronize dirs, clicking or double clicki
ng below last listbox item affected the last item in the list
15.03.05 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: access violation after renaming when sortin
g by extension needed
15.03.05 Fixed: Unpacking single archive containing " -" with option "unpack t
o separate subdirs" didn't work correctly (" -" was interpreted as command line
13.03.05 Added: Auto-detect USB sticks and use compatibility mode to copy to t
hem (can be disabled in configuration - copy/delete). Reason: USB sticks have no
write cache on WinXP.
13.03.05 Fixed: Some TC functions not working properly if the TEMP variable po
inted to the root of a drive WITHOUT a trailing backslash, e.g. TEMP=f:
11.03.05 Added: Decoding MIME-encoded files: Accept file names in the form =?I
SO-8859-1?Q?filename.ext?= (see RFC2047)
11.03.05 Added: Ftp over http proxy: upload entire dir trees, also to non-exis
ting subdirs (proxy needs to support uploading of files to not yet existing subd
11.03.05 Fixed: Lister html viewer: show &lsquo and &rsquo as normal single qu
ote characters: '
11.03.05 Fixed: On WinXP, CopyFileEx (compatibility mode) couldn't copy encryp
ted files if the destination couldn't be encrypted
09.03.05 Fixed: Slow access to network admin shares like \\server\d$ because T
C tried to get attributes/time stamp of \\server\d$ directory itself, which caus
ed Windows to access \\server\d instead 8without the $)
08.03.05 Added: If ZIP encryption dll is installed, also allow to encrypt with
external RAR, ACE, ARJ, ZIP
08.03.05 Added: Quick search: Letters only with no search dialog now also supp
orts the * wildcard
08.03.05 Fixed: Top file list at wrong position with the following settings: v
ertical arrangement, always show dir tabs, drive bar, not drive dropdown list
03.03.05 Fixed: Regular expression search in text: $ or \b at end of search st
ring sometimes matched strings in the middle of a file, when the match was at th
e end of the search buffer
01.03.05 Fixed: Speed limit for FTP and HTTP not working properly for high bit
01.03.05 Fixed: Could not switch through custom column views with cm_SrcNextCu
stomView etc. if the view had no additional columns defined
01.03.05 Added: Middle click on drive button in drive button bar opens drive i
n new tab
27.02.05 Added: Lister and Compare by Content now display tab characters corre
ctly in Unicode mode (only on Windows NT/2000/XP, function is missing on Win9x)
27.02.05 Added: Path above file lists: Accept also forward slashes, e.g. //ser
ver/share (auto-convert to backslashes)
25.02.05 Added: Synchronize dirs now also supports unicode names (normal files
only, no archives, ftp or plugins)
25.02.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with zip-subdirs: using the wildcards selecti
on box in the middle didn't find files by name (e.g. a*.*) when in subdirs, by e
xtension worked fine
24.02.05 Fixed: Unpacking of files >2GB and <4GB from ZIP archives (>4GB alrea
dy worked)
24.02.05 Added: Unpacking of ZIP archives >4GB
23.02.05 Fixed: Custom columns: tc.comment field wasn't refreshed if shown in
the same column as a delayed field like shelldetails.comment
23.02.05 Fixed: F3 on file when path not accessible -> wait cursor shown
23.02.05 Added: Plugin columns with string content now also use the sort metho
d defined via SortUpper= in wincmd.ini
23.02.05 Fixed: EXE icons initially didn't show up if share_nt.exe wasn't foun
23.02.05 Added: Calculate occupied space (also before copying) now also suppor
ts Unicode file names+dirs, as long as they have a valid alternate DOS name
23.02.05 Added: Change attributes now also works with Unicode file names+dirs,
as long as they have a valid alternate DOS name
23.02.05 Fixed: Alt+F1 while quick view is open on the desktop -> drive dropdo
wn list opens and quickly closes again
23.02.05 Fixed: FTP: CDUP command on command line didn't refresh the current d
ir and directory listing
23.02.05 Fixed: CRC check: support file names starting with a space, or multip
le spaces
23.02.05 Added: wcx_ftp.ini, [General], GetModeFromLocalFile=1 : The name of t
he local file determines the transfer mode (binary, text) in automatic mode (nor
mally: the name of the remote file)
23.02.05 Fixed: Multi-Rename-Tool: "Load results" button didn't take content p
lugins into account
23.02.05 Added: New function ContentPluginUnloading in content plugin interfac
23.02.05 Fixed: Content plugin returning different type on extraction than whe
n loading -> crash in search function. Solution: Ignore such values in search (T
C reports content plugin interface version >=1.3)
23.02.05 Fixed: Duplicate hotkey Alt+P in multi-rename tool
23.02.05 Fixed: Search - feed to listbox - lock tab - double click on director
y -> search result was lost
23.02.05 Added: Drag&Drop to external programs now also works when using Alt+T
ab instead of moving the cursor out of the program window
23.02.05 Fixed: Some functions didn't function correctly if the TEMP environme
nt variable contained / instead of \, e.g. c:/temp instead of c:\temp
23.02.05 Fixed: Viewing files with Alt+F3 no longer working after "feed to lis
23.02.05 Fixed: Custom columns appeared to be sorted by non-existing column wh
en sorting by the last column and then deleting that column
22.02.05 Fixed: Double click on configuration in custom columns dialog -> afte
r closing the dialog, drag&drop of items was active
22.02.05 Fixed: LOAD-SAVE panel in FIND FILES not always refreshed correctly (
when saving with name which is part of another existing name)
22.02.05 Fixed: Changed quick search cursor color back to what it was in TC 6.
50, because the cursor became almost invisible with some configurations
22.02.05 Tested:Shell overlay icons definitely do NOT work on WinNT4 even with
IE6, IShellIconOverlay interface is NOT available
22.02.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs of 2 archives, deleting file via right click
menu sometimes deleted file from the wrong archive
02.02.05 Release Total Commander 6.51 Final
02.02.05 Fixed: Windows XP: underlined characters and focus lines were not sho
wn in dialogs, except when entering them with the keyboard. Solution: call to WM
02.02.05 Fixed: Custom columns configuration dialog: Set minimum width, so the
checkboxes and buttons at the bottom can no longer overlap each other
02.02.05 Fixed: Alt+F3 on file in archive stored with absolute path "\filename
" passed wrong name with two \\ to external viewer
02.02.05 Fixed: FTP over HTTP didn't recognize <hr /> tag (horizontal line)
01.02.05 Fixed: Help file: replaced Helv font by Arial
01.02.05 Fixed: Switching from vertical arrangement to side by side panel view
with two lines of tab headers in comment view showed wrongly sized listbox
01.02.05 Fixed: Compare by contents: Search function didn't search beyond the
end of the shorter file
01.02.05 Fixed: Wrong number of selected files shown after changing attributes
if nothing changed in the current dir
01.02.05 Fixed: Don't show any error when clicking on "Start" in "Compact thum
bnail database" when no database exists yet
01.02.05 Fixed: Switching to TC via a hotkey of TC's desktop icon no longer wo
rked (except when minimizing to the system tray)
30.01.05 Release Total Commander 6.51 Beta 1
30.01.05 Fixed: Switching between two ftp connections 0: and 1: both pointing
to the root of the SAME server didn't update the tab header
28.01.05 Fixed: Hourglass cursor sometimes remained on panel when switching fr
om normal tab to search results tab
28.01.05 Fixed: Access violation unpacking AES-encrypted ZIP archive if AES pl
ugin installed under different extension than .AES
28.01.05 Fixed: Duplicating search results tab with Ctrl+T no longer worked
26.01.05 Fixed: F7 create directory: Couldn't create directory with Chinese ch
aracters where the second byte had the same code as "|" used to create multiple
dirs in one step. Same problem in MRT Search+Replace
26.01.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs between subdir in archive other than zip and
normal dir didn't correctly take that archive subdir into account
26.01.05 Fixed: tc.size and tc.writedate columns in custom columns view will n
ow be sorted (and show sorting headers) also via shortcuts Ctrl+F6 and Ctrl+F5
26.01.05 Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+Shift+F1 twice from custom view will switch to t
humbnails view and back to the previous custom view, same for Ctrl+Shift+F2
26.01.05 Fixed: Auto-install plugins remembered wrong base path "plugins\w" in
stead of just "plugins"
26.01.05 Fixed: Shift+F7 also searched backwards instead of forwards (only Shi
ft+F3 should have done that)
26.01.05 Added: Custom columns view: Show <DIR> instead of size if dir size is
n't counted
26.01.05 Fixed: Text thumbnails: use DEFAULT_FONT instead of ANSI_FONT to use
default language settings
26.01.05 Fixed: Multi-rename-tool: Didn't remember spaces at the beginning/end
of the string
25.01.05 Fixed: FTP: When connection is lost and a reconnect is needed, MODE Z
isn't re-activated but TC still assumes that it is active -> empty dir lists
25.01.05 Fixed: pluginbasedir wasn't described in the help
25.01.05 Fixed: Rename field width wrong under custom columns view
25.01.05 Fixed: Deleted some unsupported internal commands from 16bit inc file
25.01.05 Fixed: Changed error message shown when a plugin with the same name i
s already installed in a different dir
25.01.05 Fixed: After "disk full" message, copying was aborted - now the user
can continue with the next file by clicking "Skip"
25.01.05 Fixed: Resume copying in background transfer manager was not working
after clicking on the close button
25.01.05 Fixed: Print dialog: using right mouse button to change borders cause
d unwanted results
25.01.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, FTP downloads: Allow to continue sync even w
hen there is a transfer error (user will be asked)
25.01.05 Fixed: Trying to download a file which is locked on the server while
MODE Z is enabled hangs TC (only with Filezilla server, not with other servers)
25.01.05 Fixed: When switching back from custom columns view with only 2 colum
ns (name+ext) in both windows to full view on the left, the header titles were n
ot restored
25.01.05 Fixed: When changing the header width in one window, change it in the
other window too ONLY if both show the same view (full view or same custom fiel
21.01.05 Fixed: When moving the re-packing of archives (e.g. zip->rar) to back
ground, the rest of the files wasn't repacked
21.01.05 Fixed: Checking of md5sum.txt worked, but md5sum (without extension)
wasn't recognized
21.01.05 Fixed: Search max. 5 seconds for other installed plugins when auto-in
stalling (to avoid that an entire drive is searched)
21.01.05 Fixed: Dotted frame around current quick search item had strange colo
rs (and not the normal inverse color) with some color settings
21.01.05 Fixed: Unwanted beep when connecting to FTP server supporting MODE Z
17.01.05 Release Total Commander 6.50 Final
17.01.05 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Show (Language) in addition to the trans
lated term meaning language
17.01.05 Fixed: Configuration dialog: changing both custom fields in thumbnail
s view and language left the custom field names in the old language
17.01.05 Fixed: Deleting or sorting custom column views didn't update the main
16.01.05 Fixed: tcuninst.exe didn't consider UseIniInProgramDir option in winc
16.01.05 Fixed: Bug in WinXP listbox control: lparam of lb_setcaretindex is ig
nored (items are always scrolled completely into view) -> move mouse cursor as a
16.01.05 Fixed: Left mouse selection mode: Right clicking on partially visible
thumbnail still caused unwanted scrolling
14.01.05 Release Total Commander 6.50 RC2
14.01.05 Fixed: Rename/lock tab dialog: disallow to check both lock options si
14.01.05 Fixed: Error "function not implemented" when deleting last custom col
umns view, while both panels show that view
14.01.05 Fixed: Use cabinet.dll coming with Windows (if available) instead of
cabrk.dll (made from cabinet sdk)
12.01.05 Fixed: 'Save position' with 100% width of right panel caused left lis
tbox to be lost if the menu bar has more than 1 line
12.01.05 Fixed: Right clicking on partially visible thumbnail caused unwanted
12.01.05 Fixed: Support for CurVer redirection key in registry e.g. Acrobat.Re
ader\CurVer pointing to Acrobat.Reader.7 <- only on Win2k, XP and ME (and newer)
11.01.05 Release Total Commander 6.50 RC1
11.01.05 Fixed: When user entered environment variable like %commander_path% i
n auto-install plugins, the env var wasn't resolved
09.01.05 Fixed: Shift+click on current path to go up one or more dirs: place c
ursor on dir from which we were coming
09.01.05 Fixed: Delayed custom fields lost when changing sort order while cust
om fields are still being retrieved
07.01.05 Fixed: Sort order in ft_datetime fields wasn't always correct
07.01.05 Fixed: ZIP packer: Overwriting of a file starting with a dual byte ch
aracter not working, the file ended up twice in the zip
07.01.05 Fixed: Changedir to path in the form ::{idlist} not working in button
bar if current dir was already a virtual folder
07.01.05 Fixed: When overwriting a file >2 GB, the remaining space wasn't corr
ectly checked - TC gave a disk space warning even if size of newfile-size of old
file >= free space
07.01.05 Fixed: Search dialog: "Plugins" header lost if not translated
07.01.05 Fixed: Using stored search with search in plugins always used AND and
never OR to combine the rules
07.01.05 Fixed: Changed date from 2004 to 2005 in help, nag screen, about box
07.01.05 Fixed: Switch back to sorting by name when switching from custom colu
mns view to thumbnails view
06.01.05 Fixed: Problem with non-appearing icons and/or custom fields on the r
ight panel only
05.01.05 Added: Removed duplicate checking when mass-adding thumbnails to prel
05.01.05 Added: Abort preloading of thumbnails with ESC with Preloadthumbnails
=1 and Preloadthumbnails=2 (especially for big branch views)
04.01.05 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 12
04.01.05 Added: wincmd.ini, [Configuration] ThumbnailMemoryLimit= sets number
of thumbnails per panel cached in memory (default: 200 in Win9x, 500 on NT/2000
/XP, minimum: 100)
04.01.05 Fixed: Sometimes when entering a dir while in thumbnails mode, one th
umbnail wasn't shown
04.01.05 Fixed: Packing problem: Last character of Chinese names cut off in ha
lf when packing to .GZ or other packers which can hold only 1 file
04.01.05 Fixed: WinXP: Custom Column configurations dialog list out of bounds
error when dragging items
04.01.05 Fixed: Opening drive dropdown combo, then clicking on folder tab head
er changed order of tab headers
02.01.05 Added: Search dialog: moved 'Plugins' page in front of 'Load/Save' pa
ge. Note to translators: Do NOT change the order of these strings!
02.01.05 Fixed: Comments from subdirs not deleted when moving a directory to a
different drive
31.12.04 Fixed: Compare by contents, Unicode: Last character of last line miss
ing if line wasn't ended with a newline character
31.12.04 Fixed: Compare by contents: newline at end was not always detected co
31.12.04 Added: More preloadthumbnails options: 0: no preload, 1: preload, but
not in branch view, 2: preload all, 3: preload next 2 lines beyond last file
31.12.04 Added: Calls to Irfanview/Xnview now protected by their own critical
section separate from icon load section
31.12.04 Fixed: New Irfanview extraction method: Avoid deadlocks by using a ca
llback window belonging to the calling thread
31.12.04 Added: Internal content plugin: in addition to tc. the old form (int)
. is again allowed (for people using the leaked beta version)
31.12.04 Added: ignore redefinition of LEFT+RIGHT (cursor keys without any shi
ft keys) in thumbnails view
29.12.04 Added: Thumbnail database: wincmd.ini, [Configuration], ThumbnailPrea
lloc= sets number of bytes to pre-allocate for thumbnails database to avoid frag
mentation (default: 100'000)
29.12.04 Added: Protect thumbnail database via a Mutex global object to avoid
problems when a user tries to compact the database in one program and shows thum
bnails in another
29.12.04 Fixed: Do not load two or more content plugins with the same name
29.12.04 Added: Explanation of CompareIgnoreRepSpace to help file
29.12.04 Fixed: Multi-rename tool couldn't show file sizes >2 GB in the list (
didn't affect rename function)
29.12.04 Fixed: FTP download from list: Don't ask for target dir if there are
Header: or Firewall: lines and all other lines contain a target path
29.12.04 Fixed: Changing from one virtual folder to another via command line p
arameters didn't work
28.12.04 Added: Update quick view panel also when quick search dialog is up
28.12.04 Fixed: Access violation when trying to open item in control panel
28.12.04 Fixed: Several problems with thumbnail loading
24.12.04 Fixed: File list sometimes empty when switching from tree view to nor
mal view (when tree view was empty)
24.12.04 Fixed: Icon display problem corrected
22.12.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 11
22.12.04 Fixed: XP: No thumbnails for folders with PreloadThumbnails=0 (the de
22.12.04 Fixed: Changing custom fields below thumbnails didn't update view whe
n database disabled
22.12.04 Fixed: When deleting the last custom columns view, TC now switches to
full view
22.12.04 Fixed: NT4: List index out of bounds when deleting last custom column
s view and clicking apply
21.12.04 Added: Custom columns view: call to contentstopgetvalue also when swi
tching to a different view
21.12.04 Fixed: Don't show an error when pressing Ctrl+C on [..] with no files
selected. Reason: Some translation programs send Ctrl+C on double clicks
21.12.04 Fixed: Decoding of base64 multipart files not working when other part
s didn't contain encoding (e.g. base64)
19.12.04 Added: Changed last access and creation date to new ft_datetime forma
19.12.04 Added: Changed name of Total Commander's internal content plugin from
(int) to tc, e.g. tc.size
19.12.04 Added: New internal command cm_FocusCmdLine puts focus on command lin
17.12.04 Fixed: Shift+Up/Down while in the command line caused strange file se
lection changes
17.12.04 Fixed: Better handling of CRC file creation in search - feed to listb
ox: Store full paths to files when creating one crc file, or store the files in
the same dir as the files (one crc per file)
17.12.04 Added: New search direction option for lister: Shift+F3 now always se
arches backwards, and resets search direction for F3 to forward (Ctrl+F3 still s
witches between forward+backward search)
17.12.04 Fixed: Don't try to load tree view in file system plugins
17.12.04 Added: More default date/time formats (D-M-Y)
17.12.04 Fixed: Sometimes the thumbnail for 1 file wasn't shown after copying
15.12.04 Fixed: Alt+Enter on archive inside archive showed open packer icon
15.12.04 Added: Quick search in thumbnails view: Draw dotted line around entir
e item, not just the name
15.12.04 Added: Show checkmark for left and right branch view commands
15.12.04 Added: Command to configure current custom columns view: cm_CustomCol
14.12.04 Fixed: When the %TEMP% variable points to a junction, using %L as par
ameter would delete the junction when closing the called app
14.12.04 Added: When dragging file to a tab with locked but dir changes allowe
d, offer to copy to the locked root instead of the current dir
14.12.04 Added: 16-bit version: all cm_vis... commands now also supported, e.g
. cm_visHistHotButtons to show/hide history+hotlist buttons
14.12.04 Fixed: Background transfer manager wasn't using custom icon (when usi
ng the iconlib= option in wincmd.ini)
14.12.04 Fixed: Typing cd . in command line after search results was leading
to strange results
14.12.04 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment didn't show & character in names
12.12.04 Added: When adding a new column in custom columns configuration, defa
ult to right aligned for all numeric fields
12.12.04 Added: New internal command cm_ToggleLockDcaCurrentTab same as cm_Tog
gleLockCurrentTab but with directory changes allowed
12.12.04 Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+U not correctly working with "locked but directory
changes allowed"
12.12.04 Added: Don't show plugin install dialog when entering plugin archive
with Ctrl+PageDown instead of Enter
10.12.04 Fixed: Double click behind last item (of not full row) in thumbnails
view still launched the last item.
09.12.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 10a
09.12.04 Fixed: Crash when starting with option iconsinthread=0
09.12.04 Fixed: Image loading via Irfanview stopped working with some newer Ir
faview versions
08.12.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 10
08.12.04 Added: New content plugin function to define the default sort order,
e.g. ascending for name/extension, descending for size+date/time
07.12.04 Added: New content plugin field type ft_datetime (combined date+time)
07.12.04 Added: Clear file lists before switching to new tab, to avoid sorting
of the old list by the new sort order (slow)
07.12.04 Added: Moved section FileOperations in front of section
Configuration (necessary so cm_Edit is found before cm_EditConfig!)
07.12.04 Added: Win9x/ME: Show error "Too many files" with lists longer than 3
2700 files, the maximum supported by standard listbox controls
07.12.04 Fixed: 16-bit version: Show error "Too many files" with lists longer
than 16380 files, the maximum supported by 16-bit tcollection
07.12.04 Fixed: Multiline files.bbs comments: Remove leading spaces and | from
additional lines when editing and displaying hints
07.12.04 Added: Windows NT/2000/XP: Copy file lists to clipboard as Unicode te
xt (cm_copynamestoclip etc.)
07.12.04 Fixed: Changed MD5 checksum format to Unix standard: MD5 checksum, on
e space, an asterisk "*" indicating binary check, then the file name
07.12.04 Added: Search dialog: Move "encrypted" checkbox to location of "compr
essed" on Win9x
05.12.04 Fixed: Could not unpack while in thumbnails view
05.12.04 Fixed: Name+Ext. columns weren't initially translated when TC started
with custom columns view
05.12.04 Fixed: Move current thumbnail into view when resizing panel or maximi
zing Total Commander
05.12.04 Added: Correctly truncate file extension also in Show - Brief with Br
iefViewWidthLimit= set
05.12.04 Added: Custom columns view: cut off name only at end of ext column wh
en there is no extension
03.12.04 Added: Thumbnails view: Show extension always attached to name (not r
ight-aligned) if thumbnail width <72 pixels
03.12.04 Fixed: Tabstops lost in custom columns configuration list
03.12.04 Fixed: restrictinterface=4 blocked only the context menu, not cm_butt
03.12.04 Added: Search by content plugins: translated operators can now have a
length of max. 48 characters
03.12.04 Fixed: Switching away from a custom columns view tab and back reverte
d sort order to "by name"
03.12.04 Fixed: Resorting custom columns view to "unsorted" mode made on deman
d extra fields disappear!
03.12.04 Fixed: Better centering of icons in thumbnails view
01.12.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 9
01.12.04 Fixed: Using backslash in search function (content plugins) not corre
ctly saved
01.12.04 Added: 16-bit version (without the thumbnail+custom view features, th
ey require options not available on Win16)
30.11.04 Fixed: Icons in Nethood sometimes not shown
30.11.04 Fixed: FTP over HTTP: File sizes >2 GB not always working
30.11.04 Fixed: FTP over HTTP not working if the proxy was sending a login ban
ner larger than 8 kBytes (now: up to 16 k possible)
30.11.04 Fixed: Close TC 6.5 with custom columns mode sorted by one of the col
umns, start older TC version -> crash. Solution: Save custom sort orders in sepa
rate variables
30.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns view: Sorting by (int).size or (int).date not w
orking in FTP, plugins and Nethood
30.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Ignore invalid thumbnails returned by the Expl
orer method
30.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Don't send notification for thumbnails without
an image
29.11.04 Fixed: (again, see 19.11.) Clicking behind LAST column in thumbnail v
iew selected first item on the next line
29.11.04 Fixed: Disabled Ctrl+PageDown on files in plugins or ftp, it could ha
ng the program for a while
29.11.04 Fixed: Don't create quick search dialog when typing letters during dr
ag&drop, could lead to freezing of TC
29.11.04 Fixed: Maximized custom-columns dialog was shown at the wrong positio
29.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns view: vertical position thumb wasn't updated wh
en changing sort order
29.11.04 Fixed: Update header position in custom columns view also when scroll
ing horizontally with an Intellimouse (untested)
28.11.04 Fixed: LongInStatus=1 not updating status line when switching to thum
bnails view
28.11.04 Fixed: Don't count dir size on <spacebar> in custom columns mode if (
int).size isn't shown
28.11.04 Fixed: Scroll back to 0 horizontal position when switching between cu
stom column views
28.11.04 Added: Larger width of dropdown comboboxes in search - plugins
28.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns view: Revert to sort by name when switching bet
ween custom column views
28.11.04 Fixed: Sorting with on demand or delayed custom columns not always wo
28.11.04 Fixed: Wrong icon shown for junctions in thumbnail view
24.11.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 8
24.11.04 Added: More options for UseIniInProgramDir: Add 2 for wcx_ftp.ini als
o in TC dir, add 4 to override registry settings
24.11.04 Added: wincmd.ini, [Configuration] UseIniInProgramDir=1 causes TC to
use wincmd.ini in program dir (must be written in that ini!)
24.11.04 Added: Content plugins now support on demand retrieval of fields (fie
lds may not be mixed with delayed fields in same section)
24.11.04 Fixed: Button bar edit misbehaviour on Win9x only (click on icon some
times selects wrong item)
23.11.04 Added: Show big icons (32x32) in thumbnails view, also added Win2k 32
x32 folder icons
23.11.04 Added: FTP: New firewall/proxy type: HTTP CONNECT (tunnels ftp throug
h a HTTP proxy like SQUID).
23.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnails mode: Thumbnail extraction stopped when changing so
rt order
23.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnails mode: LongInStatus=1 not updating status line when
using left/right cursor keys
23.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnails mode: Thumbnails are now horizontally centered with
in their cell
23.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnails mode: current item frame now around the entire item
including the thumbnail
23.11.04 Added: wincmd.ini [Colors] ThumbnailFrame= sets color of frame around
thumbnails. -1=default, -2=invisible, or RGB value red+256*green+65536*blue
21.11.04 Added: Translation of bytes, kBytes and and MBytes in Search dialog (
second page)
21.11.04 Added: New default hotkey for custom columns mode list: Shift+F1
21.11.04 Fixed: Wrong icon displayed in zip files for file types like .bmp wit
h icons per file
21.11.04 Fixed: No extension shown in Search - feed to listbox when using a cu
stom view
19.11.04 Fixed: Clicking behind LAST column in thumbnail view selected first i
tem on the next line
19.11.04 Fixed: Wrong report for equal/unequal files in the status line of syn
c dirs
19.11.04 Fixed: Some corrections to
19.11.04 Fixed: Internal content plugin: dosname: Show uppercase long name whe
n no short name is returned by FindFirstFile()
19.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns configuration list: show spaces instead of \n
19.11.04 Fixed: Return results from slow content plugins not ignored when chan
ging dirs
19.11.04 Added: Changed order of thumbnail extraction options to order used by
Total Commander
19.11.04 Added: New item in tabstop header right click menu: "Configure this c
ustom columns view"
19.11.04 Fixed: Apply button not enabled when changing horizontal scrollbar or
auto-adjust options in custom columns dialog
19.11.04 Added: New internal field "offline" for files with offline attribute
17.11.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 7
17.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns view: Invalid date/time shown for virtual file
17.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns view: Resorting by columns requested custom fie
lds for ".." updir item by mistake
17.11.04 Added: Show warning to plugin writers and translators when a custom f
ield contains an invalid character .=:"|[] which are used for special purposes
17.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns configuration: Views with no additional columns
were not shown in the list
17.11.04 Added: Support for environment variables in local dir of configured f
tp server connection
17.11.04 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BriefViewWidthLimit= sets width lim
it (in pixels) for a column in brief view
17.11.04 Fixed: Packer problem with latest rar version 3.4x packing subdirs tw
16.11.04 Added: New internal content value 'directory'
16.11.04 Added: Custom view modes support two new options: horizontal scrollba
r on/off, auto-adjust name field width to window width
14.11.04 Fixed: Big fonts mode: Horizontal scrollbar was shown in custom colum
ns dialog
16.11.04 Added: Show XP-style thin frames for thumbnails instead of 3d frames
16.11.04 Added: Refresh comment also in extra fields view when editing it with
16.11.04 Added: F2/Ctrl+R will now also cause a reload of all custom fields
16.11.04 Added: Win32-style hints can now also contain custom fields from cont
ent plugins
14.11.04 Added: wincmd.ini PreloadThumbnails=1 pre-load thumbnails when enteri
ng a dir (not only when scrolling to the file)
14.11.04 Added: Thumbnail extraction queue: Extract those thumbnails first whi
ch are in the currently visible part of the list
14.11.04 Fixed: Stop wild flickering when changing width of panel with thumbna
ils (sometimes even causing a crash)
14.11.04 Added: New internal field (int).path
14.11.04 Added: New internal commands to cycle through custom views: cm_srcne
xtcustomview, cm_srcprevcustomview, cm_trgnextcustomview, cm_trgprevcustomview,
cm_leftnextcustomview, cm_leftprevcustomview, cm_rightnextcustomview, cm_rightpr
14.11.04 Fixed: Ctrl-F5 and Ctrl-F6 in custom columns view didn't sort in desc
ending order by default
14.11.04 Fixed: Some search parameters were no longer saved
12.11.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 6
12.11.04 Fixed: Quick search with search dialog, click on file -> dotted frame
around last match not removed
12.11.04 Fixed: Field (int).VersionString was broken
12.11.04 Added: Custom columns dialog: Only show up/down column sorting scroll
er when a line is active
12.11.04 Added: Listbox for custom columns: Edit configuration with double cli
12.11.04 Added: Changed title of listbox for custom columns to Custom column c
onfigurations (sort with drag&drop):
12.11.04 Fixed: Search files dialog: When saving a search, don't save plugins
if the option "Search plugins" is NOT checked
12.11.04 Added: Save screen position of custom columns configuration dialog
12.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns dialog header wasn't translated
11.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnails via Irfanview/Xnview stopped working correctly
10.11.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 5
10.11.04 Fixed: Switching directly from custom columns view to thumbnails view
showed wrong sorting headers
10.11.04 Fixed: DetectString for WDX plugin didn't work with checks by content
, e.g. [0]="M" & [1]="Z". However, this is really not recommended, because it ca
nnot be postponed and will slow down file display a lot.
10.11.04 Added: Alt+Shift+F3 now also works in search function
10.11.04 Added: Auto-install plugins: Support 2 cases: all plugins in their ow
n dir below the plugin base dir, and all plugins in subdirs below plugin type su
10.11.04 Added: Auto-install plugins: If a plugin with the same name is alread
y installed, TC will suggest its directory for the installation
10.11.04 Added: Internal plugin (int).dosname field containing the 8.3 form of
the file name used by dos
10.11.04 Added: VersionInOverwrite=0 turns off display of file version informa
tion in overwrite dialog
09.11.04 Added: Allow to check md5 checksums from files named md5sum.txt
09.11.04 Added: Support for content plugins in spread/shrink selection
09.11.04 Added: WinXP: Configuration - Misc - Sounds: Try to open second page
of sounds panel
09.11.04 Added: New configuration dialog for custom columns view
07.11.04 Added: New internal command cm_visHistHotButtons to switch history+ho
tlist button on/off
07.11.04 Fixed: Option "remove thumbnails for inaccessible disks" had no effec
t for USB disks
07.11.04 Fixed: Colors by content plugins were no longer shown
07.11.04 Fixed: Crash when closing all duplicate tabs via right click menu cau
ses tab header to disappear
07.11.04 Fixed: Tab header right click menu wasn't translated
05.11.04 Added: Support for environment variables in parameters /L= and /R=
05.11.04 Fixed: Custom columns not working with translated strings if they con
tained conditional text in "", e.g. [=(int).taille" k"]
05.11.04 Fixed: Disallow \n string in custom columns view (it's used to separa
te fields)
05.11.04 Fixed: Unpacking Cab file to a Windows 2000 share (UNC path) creates
truncated files, due to a bug in Windows (SetFileAttributes truncates open file!
05.11.04 Added: Try to remove background color borders from Explorer thumbnail
05.11.04 Fixed: Sometimes Explorer returned thumbnails larger than requested (
e.g. always the Explorer standard of 128x128)
05.11.04 Added: Call to GdiFlush in Icon thread to ensure that all images are
fully drawn
03.11.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 4
03.11.04 Added: Custom columns: Always show size field (and other fields of ty
pe int64) with thousands separators as configured in control panel
03.11.04 Fixed: Plugin detect strings were sometimes truncated in the configur
ation dialog, now strings up to 2000 characters should work
03.11.04 Added: Limit the number of loaded thumbnail images per side to 500 (W
in9x: 200) in very large dirs to keep resource+memory usage low
03.11.04 Fixed: Find files - Plugins page: Help didn't work
03.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Ctrl+Home/End now places cursor on first/last
03.11.04 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Shift+cursor up/down now selects all files be
tween the current item and the previously current item
03.11.04 Added: Some more strings can now be translated: RegEx, LS Plugins, Li
ster Plugins
02.11.04 Added: Don't save custom columns having only name+extension columns a
nd no name
02.11.04 Added: TC now supports a maximum of 29 custom view modes, only the co
nfigured modes with a name are listed in the menu!
02.11.04 Added: cm_LeftDirBranch and cm_RightDirBranch activates branch view i
n left/right panel
02.11.04 Fixed: No custom fields and no EXE icons shown for files with Unicode
02.11.04 Fixed: Always scroll viewed file name into view when activating quick
view (Ctrl+Q)
02.11.04 Fixed: Removed some more calls to content plugins which cannot work (
e.g. for ftp in multi-rename tool, or archives in search)
02.11.04 Fixed: Could not sort by [=(int).size] field
02.11.04 Fixed: Re-display thumbnails when switching between two thumbnail dat
abase locations (e.g. with different thumbnail sizes)
02.11.04 Added: "Configure custom columns" to sorting header right click menu
also on inactive panel
02.11.04 Added: "Comments view" and "Thumbnails view" to sorting header right
click menu
31.10.04 Fixed: Auto-install plugins: wrong base dir saved if proposed install
path contained a backslash
31.10.04 Fixed: Color filters not working properly after feed search results t
o panel when using content plugins
31.10.04 Fixed: switching directly from custom columns to thumbnails view show
s distorted text
31.10.04 Fixed: cm_ReloadSelThumbs selected current file if nothing was select
31.10.04 Fixed: Some problems with locked tabs containing search results
31.10.04 Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] IviewAdditionalTypes=*.xyz *.abc will pa
ss files matching these filters to Irfanview/Xnview (note that these programs ma
y not be able to handle them)
31.10.04 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Fields by file type not shown when slow-loadi
ng (in background)
31.10.04 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Fields by file type configuration didn't work
31.10.04 Fixed: Long delay when trying to switch from a virtual folder to a pa
th starting with an invalid environment variable
31.10.04 Added: Custom columns view: Left/right keys switch to command line if
there is no horizontal scrollbar
31.10.04 Added: The following internal content plugin fields now also work in
archives, ftp etc: size, writedate, writetime, attributes, attributestr
31.10.04 Fixed: Compact thumbnails database: USB sticks were treated like CDs,
but they have a separate menu option
31.10.04 Fixed: Show smaller vertical scroller in compare by contents listbox
with better resolution on large screens
31.10.04 Fixed: Custom columns configuration: '+' buttons were 'translated' w
hen changing language
31.10.04 Fixed: Memory leak in overlay icon extract function
29.10.04 Added: Made the option to show custom fields below thumbnails indepen
dent from the default custom field, so it's now possible to have no default cust
om field, but per file type custom fields.
29.10.04 Fixed: Win9x: Compact thumbnail database + delete thumbnails for no l
onger existing files deleted all thumbnails
29.10.04 Added: Don't drop search results when switching between full, custom
columns and thumbnail views (selecting long view in long view will revert to nor
mal file list as in previous versions)
29.10.04 Added: wincmd.ini: Added new option AlwaysUnpackInBackground=, moves
unpacker dialog to background automatically: 1 only unzip, 2 also external, 3 sh
ow external minimized
29.10.04 Added: Synchronize dirs: Ctrl+F3 to compare left and right
29.10.04 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree not shown correctly when in thumbnails view
29.10.04 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Rightmost thumbnail column could be partly hi
dden below right scrollbar
29.10.04 Fixed: [(int) Plugin] size.Mbytes no longer showed size in Megabytes
29.10.04 Fixed: Content plugins were also called for FTP, packers, file system
plugins and virtual folders, where they cannot work but cause slowdowns
29.10.04 Fixed: No ole drag&drop (e.g. from other windows) when starting up in
thumbnail view
29.10.04 Fixed: When unchecking "locked with dir changes allowed", the tab was
n't really unlocked
29.10.04 Fixed: TC sometimes crashed when switching from/to tab "locked with d
ir changes allowed" containing a virtual folder
27.10.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 3
27.10.04 Fixed: OLE drag&drop (right mouse button) no longer working after swi
tching to thumbnail view
27.10.04 Added: Internal command cm_GoToLockedDir: Go to the base dir of locke
d tab (locked with directory changes allowed)
27.10.04 Fixed: [install plugin] Confirm overwrites modified the file name (th
e dialog was re-used from a different function)
27.10.04 Fixed: Files with unknown size in virtual folders got wrong color fil
ters color
27.10.04 Fixed: When pressing Ctrl+Q during thumbnail view and the quick view
panel has different width, the thumbnail could have scrolled out of view
27.10.04 Added: wincmd.ini, LockedGoToDriveRoot=1: Clicking the "\" button or
pressing Ctrl+\ goes to drive root instead of locked tab root
27.10.04 Added: Custom columns view: The first unit name is now not shown as e
mpty but as "<default>"
27.10.04 Added: Custom columns view: The total of all fields can now be 1023 c
haracters (before: 259 characters)
27.10.04 Added: Thumbnails view will now no longer expect images of the full s
ize (96x96), but max. with this size. Smaller images will be centered. Reason: T
he border will have TCs background color!
26.10.04 Added: Allow to "lock-with dir change" also virtual folders, if they
can be represented in the form ::{idlist}::{idlist} ...
26.10.04 Fixed: Virtual folders on Tabs were no longer remembered
26.10.04 Fixed: When packing file with spaces to same dir and switching to one
archive per file, the initial " was forgotten
26.10.04 Added: Sort named filters in copy dialog by name (those with a > in f
26.10.04 Added: When switching from/to branch view with Ctrl+B, keep the curso
r on the file currently under the cursor
26.10.04 Added: Save thumbnail size also in wincmd.ini for the case when the d
atabase is deleted by accident
26.10.04 Added: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F5 (when assigned manually to cm_packfiles) ope
ns pack dialog for moving to archive in same dir
26.10.04 Fixed: Sorting by custom fields not working correctly in branch view
(slow field wasn't pre-fetched)
26.10.04 Added: Support for zip-nt 2.3 for packing
26.10.04 Fixed: Internal content plugin: field versionnr was sometimes returni
ng invalid values
26.10.04 Added: Synchronize dirs: Show small dotted rectangle around selected
copy filters (reason: on WinXP it's often hard to distinguish pressed and non-pr
essed buttons)
26.10.04 Added: Content plugin variables can now contain conditional text whic
h is only displayed if the variable exists, e.g. [="text1"plugin.variable.unit:4
26.10.04 Fixed: cm_CompareDirs didn't select a file when a directory with iden
tical name existed in the other panel
26.10.04 Added: New internal command cm_CompareDirsWithSubdirs: Like cm_Compar
eDirs, but also mark subdirs not present in other dir
26.10.04 Added: Changed default location for thumbnail database on non-win9x s
ystems to %$LOCAL_APPDATA%\GHISLER (reverts to %APPDATA% if local appdata doesn'
t exist)
26.10.04 Added: wincmd.ini: Added new option AlwaysPackInBackground=, moves pa
cker dialog to background automatically: 1 only zip, 2 also external, 3 show ext
ernal minimized
26.10.04 Fixed: There was a critical stop sound when pressing ESC in inplace r
ename when the edit field was empty
26.10.04 Fixed: Custom view: Selection not cleared when changing dirs
26.10.04 Fixed: The first char was cut off when using "Create separate archive
s, one per selected file/dir" and packing to the same dir
26.10.04 Fixed: Win98SE - Compact thumbnail database caused crash when selecti
ng to delete no longer existing files (cause: missing Unicode function)
24.10.04 Added: "Size" field in custom columns mode can now show the size of d
irectories when counting with spacebar or alt+shift+enter
24.10.04 Added: Custom columns: For size field, added options bkM and bkM2 to
show in bytes/kbytes/Mbytes mode (2: with 1 fractional digit)
24.10.04 Fixed: Limit thumbnail dimensions to multiples of 8, otherwise some E
xplorer extensions seem to crash when extracting plugins!
24.10.04 Fixed: Setting a custom column width of 0 causes access violation
24.10.04 Fixed: Search results (feed to listbox) now also work with custom col
umns view
24.10.04 Added: QuickSearchExactMatch=1 in wincmd.ini matches exact string in
quick search (except for first dot), e.g. typing win.i matches win.ini but not w
24.10.04 Fixed: System information: Detect Intel Itanium (if the operating sys
tem supports it)
24.10.04 Fixed: Win98: long delay when entering root dir when color filter def
ined for internal content plugin - comments
22.10.04 Added: Synchronize dirs: Show more details in footer
22.10.04 Fixed: Search: When selecting a previous regex search from history, r
egex was checked, but not unchecked when selecting normal item. Fix only possibl
e when history list dropped down.
22.10.04 Added: New internal command cm_ListInternalOnly calls lister without
plugins or multimedia, same as Alt+Shift+F3
22.10.04 Added: Always show tip windows (when enabled) in thumbnail view with
search results
22.10.04 Added: When displaying search result in thumbnail view (after feed to
listbox), show only the file names, without the full path
22.10.04 Fixed: Custom columns view: After switching to a different dir while
fields were still being loaded could send field contents to wrong file
22.10.04 Added: Plugin auto-installation now also supports translated plugin d
escriptions, just append 3 character language string xyz from wcmd_xyz.lng file.
Example: descriptiondeu=<description in German>
22.10.04 Added: AutoInstallPlugins=0 in wincmd.ini turns off automatic install
ation dialog for plugins
20.10.04 Added: Use Shift+Cursor keys to activate command line in thumbnails v
20.10.04 Fixed: (again) When using separate Left/Right menus, the checkmarks f
or thumbnail+custom columns view weren't always correct
20.10.04 Added: Copy function: After clicking Abort, it's now possible still t
o continue the copy operation
20.10.04 Added: Toggling comment view or thumbnails view will remember brief v
iew (will switch back to brief view if it was previously active)
20.10.04 Fixed: Avoid delay when trying to switch to file system plugin via bu
tton bar button or directory menu
20.10.04 Added: InplaceRenamePath=2: Disable inplace rename of path, but enabl
e quick directory changes with single click (no shift needed)
20.10.04 Added: New pseudo-environment variable $COMMON_PICTURES
19.10.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 2
19.10.04 Added: Overlay icons are now off by default, because some testers com
plained about slow file listings
19.10.04 Fixed: cm_ChangeStartMenu causing access violation if start menu was
disabled via RestrictInterface=1
19.10.04 Fixed: Horizontal scrollbar disappeared after icon or font size chang
19.10.04 Added: Custom colors now also supports content plugins (warning, this
can slow down directory listings)
19.10.04 Added: Custom fields: use 'y' for 2 digit year, 'Y' for 4 digit year
19.10.04 Added: New right click menu item "Re-load selected thumbnails", inter
nal command cm_ReloadSelThumbs
19.10.04 Fixed: Option "EXE/LNK not on net" wasn't correctly detected in UNC s
earch results
19.10.04 Added: When the option "EXE/LNK not on net" is checked, then overlay
icons will not be retrieved on network drives either
19.10.04 Added: Revert to stored root already when switching away from locked
tab with dir changes allowed (affects drag&drop to that tab)
19.10.04 Fixed: Set font size in configuration - plugins to 8 for explanations
to avoid that they are cut off
19.10.04 Fixed: Gray+ now works in background transfer manager even if no cont
rol has focus
19.10.04 Fixed: Custom columns: zero floating point values showed as 0.0000000
000E0000 instead of 0
19.10.04 Added: New pseudo-environment variables $MYPICTURES,$LOCAL_APPDATA,$C
19.10.04 Fixed: Sometimes access violation when trying to sort columns in cust
om columns configuration
19.10.04 Fixed: Custom columns search page was sometimes opened without any ed
it box line (not correctly saved)
18.10.04 Fixed: When MD5 creation was remembered, the wrong extension .sfv was
18.10.04 Fixed: Don't check directory tab contents at every program start (TC
was checking whether an archive was open)
17.10.04 Fixed: Problem switching to locked tab containing either thumbnail vi
ew or custom columns
17.10.04 Fixed: Keep selection and current item when switching to/from thumbna
il view
17.10.04 Fixed: When using separate Left/Right menus, the checkmarks for thumb
nail+custom columns view weren't always correct
17.10.04 Fixed: Drag&Drop on archive or dir in thumbnail view copied the files
to the wrong location
17.10.04 Added: On slow drives, when pressing ENTER on ZIP files, show open pa
ckage icon earlier, before checking that it is really an archive (better feedbac
14.10.04 Fixed: Thumbnails view not working for BMP etc. if Explorer method di
sabled or unavailable
14.10.04 Fixed: Custom fields not on same base line as name+ext!
14.10.04 Fixed: Problem with Tab in search dialog
14.10.04 Fixed: Use DIBs instead of DDBs for thumbnails, should avoid problems
with black thumbnails
14.10.04 Fixed: Custom columns+thumbnails view: Specified field units (e.g. kb
ytes) were not always working
14.10.04 Fixed: Win9x: F6 or Shift+F6 during rename didn't select the correct
name part for multi-dot file names
14.10.04 Fixed: Plugin installation: a string wasn't translated yet
14.10.04 Added: Custom column mode: append extension to name if this is set in
full view too!
14.10.04 Fixed: Custom column mode: Extension wasn't correctly truncated (too
14.10.04 Fixed: Thumbnail database configuration: >> button pointed to file se
lection dialog instead of tree dialog
14.10.04 Added: Thumbnail database can now be disabled by specifying empty dir
(the thumbnail size will then be stored in wincmd.ini)
14.10.04 Fixed: Thumbnail database location change became effective only after
restarting TC
14.10.04 Added: Ctrl+Shift+F1 hotkey for thumbnail view
14.10.04 Fixed: Disable overlay icon checkbox if option unavailable (it only w
orks on Windows ME/2000/XP)
14.10.04 Added: Synchonize: When 2 files with same name but different case are
found, then show them both in the error dialog
14.10.04 Added: Changed attribute character for encrypted files to 'e', compre
ssed to 'c'
13.10.04 Fixed: Unchecking "Show custom fields below thumbnais" wasn't working
13.10.04 Fixed: Apply button not shown when deleting last column in custom vie
13.10.04 Added: Commands for thumbnail view and custom view modes to totalcmd.
12.10.04 Fixed: Thumbnail view couldn't be activated with internal English lan
12.10.04 Fixed: MODE Z wasn't activated because tcunzlib.dll wasn't loaded aut
12.10.04 Release Total Commander 6.50 Beta 1
12.10.04 Fixed: Color filters were not working correctly with files or dirs >4
GB (when comparing by size)
12.10.04 Added: New command cm_switchOverlayIcons to switch overlay icons on a
nd off
06.10.04 Added: Right click menu to tab headers to select between brief, full,
and custom columns mode, and to configure custom columns
06.10.04 Added: When selecting a previously unused custom columns mode, TC wil
l now open the configuration dialog to define the columns
06.10.04 Fixed: Custom columns mode wasn't markted in the menu after switching
to it
05.10.04 Added: Increased max. button count per button bar to 299
05.10.04 Fixed: Crash when trying to edit button bar with more than 199 button
03.10.04 Added: FTP: Option to only use ports from limited range for PORT conn
ections, useful when behind a NAT firewall.
03.10.04 Added: Moved zlib unpacking (for thumbnails and MODE Z) to separate D
LL tcunzlib.dll, so wcmzip32.dll from previous version can be kept
24.09.04 Added: Configuration - Display: Show overlay icons allows to show/hid
e the little overlay icons shown for links, shares, etc.
22.09.04 Added: Search in plugins: restore last used plugin search when switch
ing to plugins page of the search dialog
21.09.04 Added: Content plugins: Support for detect strings (only call plugin
for those files for which it was written, e.g. the id3 plugin only for mp3 files
21.09.04 Added: Remember special display modes (thumbnails, comments, custom c
olumns) when closing TC
21.09.04 Added: Remember special display modes (thumbnails, comments, custom c
olumns) separately per tab
21.09.04 Fixed: Problem with thumbnail database packing (image dimensions were
19.09.04 Added: Delete thumbs database in uninstall function when choosing to
delete settings files
17.09.04 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Avoid that the empty space after the last item
could get focus
17.09.04 Fixed: gray+ no longer working in background transfer manager
15.09.04 Added: Synchronize dirs: Also allow to set copy direction of equal fi
les (via right click menu only!), e.g. for copying them to a different location
15.09.04 Fixed: Search window: Tab key allowed to switch to search results lis
t even if it was invisible
10.09.04 Added: Subdir filters now also work when copying (only files of this
type). Syntax: Include: somedir1\ somedir2\ Exclude: *.* | somedir1\ somedir2\
10.09.04 Fixed: Multi-rename file with comment -> comment preserved. Choose "u
ndo" -> comment was lost!
10.09.04 Fixed: Brief view: if extension is very long, and displayed in second
or later column, it may overlap with next column
08.09.04 Added: Hints for cut file names in custom view
07.09.04 Added: Store image dimensions in thumbnail database, not in
07.09.04 Added: Custom column modes 1-9 can be given names
07.09.04 Added: Custom column mode: Column widths of name+ext column can be ch
anged individually per mode
07.09.04 Added: Custom column mode: Store width in dialog units, added up/down
01.09.04 Fixed: When copying files in background (F5-F2), no additional NTFS s
treams were copied
01.09.04 Fixed: Access violation when entering a zip file name longer than 255
characters in Files - Pack
01.09.04 Fixed: Append to read only file failed -> TC asked to overwrite, and
then overwrote the file instead of appending
01.09.04 Added: Shift+Click on a part of the current path switches up to that
31.08.04 Added: Configuration of multiple (up to 9) custom views
22.08.04 Added: Sorting by custom fields (in custom field view only). Note: Th
is can be slow because the field by which we sort has to be loaded for ALL items
before a single item can be shown
17.08.04 Added: Copy/Delete thumbs now in background thread
11.08.04 Added: Compacting thumbs database now works
11.08.04 Added: New configuration page for configuring all plugin types
08.08.04 Added: Improved thumb database: Re-use space freed when deleting imag
es (store free blocks in free list, combine subsequent free blocks
to one, split reused block if remaining space >1/2 of inserted image size
04.08.04 Added: Content plugins: New flag to ContentGetValue which asks to del
ay info extraction if it is slow. The info will then retrieved in a background t
04.08.04 Added: New Internal commands cm_GotoDriveA..cm_GotoDriveZ to switch t
o one of these drives (same as "cd c:\", but also works for hotkeys)
04.08.04 Added: Two new internal commands cm_GotoNextDrive and cm_GotoPrevious
Drive to switch to next/previous available drive
04.08.04 Added: New pseudo environment variables supported, pointing to locati
ons of virtual folders: %$APPDATA%, %$DESKTOP%, %$PERSONAL% (My Documents), %$PR
OGRAMS%, %$STARTMENU%, %$FONTS%, %$STARTUP% (use lowercase to access env vars wi
th these names)
03.08.04 Added: F5 - F2 now transfers in background also for FTP uploads+downl
oads (without affecting the checkbox)
01.08.04 Fixed: When deleting first tab while cursor on another tab, the curre
nt tab is moved
01.08.04 Added: New function "Close duplicate tabs" in tab header right click
30.07.04 Fixed: Inplace rename not working in thumbs view
27.07.04 Added: CRC-checksum: remember whether md5 is checked or not
27.07.04 Added: MD5-checksum: use lowercase characters for MD5
20.07.04 Fixed: OLE documents support only names up to 31 chars <- problem wit
h thumbs database. Fix: Split long names into parts of 30 chars starting with '?
' as indicator
16.07.04 Added: New internal command cm_GoToFirstFile places cursor on first f
ile (not dir) in list
13.07.04 Added: Added: time modifiers for am/pm: A=hour in am/pm format, P=am/
pm string, p=a/p string. Example: [=filesys.writetime.A-M-SP] pastes e.g. 11-30-
13.07.04 Added: Multi-rename tool: Added date modifiers for plugins in multi-r
ename tools, e.g. [=filesys.writedate.Y-M-D] pastes time in format year-month-da
y. Uppercase letters mean fixed with (2004-06-02), lowercase means variable widt
h (2004-6-2)
13.07.04 Added: Multi-rename tool: Added time modifiers for plugins in multi-r
ename tools, e.g. [=filesys.writetime.H-M-S] pastes time in format hours-minutes
-seconds. Uppercase letters mean fixed with (05-03-01), lowercase means variable
width (5-3-1)
07.07.04 Added: Content plugins in multi-rename tool. Format: [=pluginname.fie
ldname.unit] or [=pluginname.fieldname.unit:4-7] for partial string
07.07.04 Added: First implementation of content plugins
07.07.04 Added: Option to resize lister plugin configuration dialog (and fs pl
ugin dlg too), size not remembered
06.07.04 Added: Support for the new AES plugin supporting WinZIP 9 decryption
06.07.04 Added: Show number of selected / total dirs in footer, configurable v
ia Configuration - Tabstops - "Show directory count in footer"
06.07.04 Added: When leaving branch view mode with Ctrl+B and the cursor stand
s on a file in a subdir, go to that subdir instead of the branch view root (use
F2 or Ctrl+R to go to branch view root)
06.07.04 Added: Create multiple dirs (with F7) with syntax dir1|dir2|dir3 or
c:\dir1|c:\dir2|c:\dir3 or a mix of both
06.07.04 Added: Pressing F6 (or Shift+F6) in the inplace rename field will sel
ect just the name/the name+ext
06.07.04 Added: When dropping data from Outlook Express (or other OLE2 sources
), allow to rename if the name already exists (not only overwrite+skip)
30.06.04 Added: New lister plugin function ListGetPreviewBitmap() which is use
d by thumbnail view
30.06.04 Added: SortUpper=3 uses StrCmpLogicalW on Windows XP, works like Sort
Upper=2 on other operating systems
30.06.04 Added: Multi-rename tool: Search+Replace now has a history list store
d in wincmd.ini sections RenameSearchFind and RenameSearchReplace
30.06.04 Added: Multi-rename tool: Resize Search+Replace box to use all availa
ble space
30.06.04 Added: Multi-rename tool: Button to reload rename results for next re
name step. Hotkey: F5
30.06.04 Added: Multi-rename tool: Multiple search+replace (not with regex). E
xample: Remove all German umlauts. Search for: ä|ö|ü|ß Replace with: ae|oe|ue|ss
30.06.04 Added: New internal commands cm_srcactivatetab1..10 activates tab 1-1
0 in source panel, similar for target. Not in 5201-5299 left tabs,
5301-5399 right tabs
30.06.04 Added: Some more shortcuts to synchronize dirs, see right click menu.
Shortcuts not listed there: Ctrl+A select all, Ctrl+F seelct all in current dir
30.06.04 Added: File lists: show <LNK> instead of <DIR> for junctions (dir lin
29.06.04 Added: Two new switches: /T opens passed dirs in new tabs, /S interpr
ets the passed dirs as source/target instead of left/right (for usage with the /
O switch)
29.06.04 Added: New type of locked tab: still allows to change dirs, but rever
ts to tab-root when clicking "\" or switching to other tab and back
24.06.04 Fixed: Tree view: don't jump x dirs up when creating new dir
24.06.04 Fixed: Lister crashed when using 2 monitors with secondary larger tha
n primary, and lister maximized on secondary
22.06.04 Fixed: Synchronize dirs speed display faulty
19.06.04 Added: Thumbnail viewer
19.06.04 Added: Moved icon overlay extraction to background
18.06.04 Fixed: cm_LoadSelectionFromClip not restoring names with spaces
15.06.04 Added: Support for MODE Z also for FxP, except if source+target are t
he same server (then MODE Z would be slower)
15.06.04 Added: Support for MODE Z compressed uploading/downloading (using zli
b compression 'on the fly')
14.06.04 Fixed: No progress bar when downloading files >4GB via HTTP (Ctrl+N)
14.06.04 Added: Clear timer after pause of copying
06.06.04 Added: Show current speed also when copying in synchronize dirs funct
06.06.04 Fixed: Radio buttons problem with tabs
06.06.04 Added: treefilelocation__server_share= sets location of treeinfo file
only for drive \\server\share
06.06.04 Added: treefilelocationE= sets location of treeinfo file only for dri
ve E (note: only works if treefilelocation= is set too)
06.06.04 Added: treefilelocation= supports variables %D% =current drive, %R%=
root path, %L% =volume label <- must be uppercase, otherwise TC will look for en
vironment variables with this name!
06.06.04 Added: Define different location of files treeinfo.wc via wincmd.ini,
06.06.04 Added: NTFS-packed files are shown with a 'p' in the attributes colum
n, NTFS-encrypted files with a 'c'.
06.06.04 Added: Search for encrypted files added (finds both NTFS-encrypted fi
les and encrypted files inside of archives), can also be used for coloring
06.06.04 Added: Automatic installation of languages when archive contains file
pluginst.inf (same method as for plugins)
04.06.04 Added: Don't check for sharing flags if icon overlays enabled (they w
ill handle that)
01.06.04 Added: Support for icon overlays, can be turned off in wincmd.ini und
er [Configuration] iconoverlays=0
01.06.04 Added: Shift+button click in search on 'go to file' or 'feed to listb
ox' opens dir in new tab
01.06.04 Added: Alt+Shift+F3 loads lister without any multimedia additions (im
ages, plugins etc), e.g. to view a picture as binary
01.06.04 Added: Automatic installation of plugins when archive contains file p
luginst.inf (see bz2 plugin for sample inf)
31.05.04 Added: Reset speed measurement timers to 0 when pausing
31.05.04 Fixed: The current speed wasn't always shown when copying
31.05.04 Fixed: Shift+Click selected wrong files in dir with more than 65535 f
iles (problem of lb_selitemrange)
05.05.04 Fixed: Internal Unzip CRC-check (Alt+Shift+F9) reported error when a
ZIP contained dirs stored with compression method 8 (deflated) instead of 0 (sto
16.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03a Final
14.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03 Final
03.03.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 Final
03.12.03 Release Total Commander 6.01 Final
New in Total Commander 6.0 final (17.11.03):
- File panel Tab support
- Drop dirs/archives on empty space in tab header adds new tabs with them
- Drop dirs/files on tab header copies files to the directory represented by thi
s tab
- Tab right click menu added
- Ctrl+Click on tab closes this tab
- Internal command cm_visDirTabs to turn folder tabs on and off
- Remember the Desktop, Network Neighborhood and other virtual folders when clos
ing, both the current dir and other tabs!
- Drop tab on target path adds this tab in the target window even if no tab head
er is shown yet
- cm_ToggleLockCurrentTab: Turn on/off tab locking (e.g. for button bar, hotkey)
- Ctrl+Cursor up opens dir under cursor in new tab
- Ctrl+Shift+Cursor up opens dir under cursor in new tab in OTHER window
- Ctrl+Shift+T opens new tab without activating it
- Ctrl+Shift+W closes all open tabs
- Ctrl+T opens new tab, Ctrl+M starts multi-rename tool, Ctrl+Shift+M changes FT
P transfer mode
- cm_OpenDirInNewTab internal message to open dir under cursor in new tab
- Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter in History opens this dir in a new tab
- Ctrl+Shift+U Swaps not only the active panels, but all tabs
- appendtabs in button bar appends tabs from to current
- opentabs in button bar replaces current tabs with tabs from tabfi
- FTP resume all for uploads and downloads
- When an FTP server or file system plugin reports illegal chars in a name, TC c
onverts them to underscores on download
- Synchronize dirs now uses inofficial MDTM command to set remote file date. Thi
s command isn't supported by all servers.
- FTP: Parameter %p in Buttonbar now pastes full FTP URL including user name. %P
still pastes just the path on the server without the server name
- Ctrl+D menu now supports changing paths on ftp servers: the path must contain
a forward slash as a distinction. Only in source dir possible.
- Punycode accented domain encoding for http and ftp
- FTP client: skip known trojan ports in ftp client to avoid problems with firew
[Regular expressions]
- Regular expression searches in lister, search function (Alt+F7), file contents
(match one line at a time only, max 4k/line)
- Support for regular expressions in select/unselect files: string must be prece
ded by a '<', e.g. <^[A-Za-z \.]*
- Regular expressions support in multi-rename tool, using RegExpr.pas, Copyright
(c) 1999-00 by Andrey V. Sorokin <> -
- Support for regular expressions and stored searches in copy and move operation
- Changed the way how multimedia plugins are detected: To override the internal
handling (or Irfanview), it's now sufficient that MULTIMEDIA appears as ANY node
in the detect string
- Alt+Enter on file system plugins now opens the plugin's properties (if the plu
gin supports it)
- Lister plugin interface version 1.3: Allow to replace internal Multimedia view
- Show Unicode file names in file lists
- Copying and moving of files with Unicode names on Windows NT/2000/XP, also wit
h subdirs!
- Rename Unicode file names in place
- Show tip windows with Unicode names
- Show warning message the first time the user enters a dir with file names from
a different codepage (can be disabled)
- If the user hasn't chosen a default font, use "Microsoft Sans Serif" instead o
f "MS Sans Serif" on Win2k/XP, because it supports Unicode
- Support for Unicode UTF16 in "Compare by contents". If Unicode marker present,
this also supports big endian format
[Synchronize dirs]
- Show file sizes >4GB in synchronize dirs (correct sizes were used for calculat
ion, but not displayed)
- Also show compare by contents progress within a file (e.g. when comparing few
very big files)
- Synchronize dirs, asymmetric mode: Option to delete all empty dirs in right wi
ndow (not available in zip or ftp)
- Sync now also works with archives other than ZIP! Everything except for compar
e by contents is supported
- Compare by content now also works with two ZIP files
- Dialog can now be closed with ESCAPE as long as the user doesn't change the co
py direction of any files!
[Multi-rename tool]
- When clicking on [N#-#], user can select letters interactively in currently se
lected file name
- [G] placeholder inserts grandparent directory name
[New ini options]
- wincmd.ini, [Configuration] ShowInstanceNr=0 turns off numbered commander titl
e bar
- Search in archives recognized by content: Needs to set SearchInFiles= in Wincm
d.ini to extensions of this packer
- wincmd.ini, [Configuration] SortUpper=2 uses mixed lexical and numerical sor
ting, e.g. file10.txt comes AFTER file1.txt
- wincmd.ini, [Configuration] CompareIgnoreRepSpace=0 turns off ignoring of repe
ated spaces in compare tool
- It's now possible to add files to a subdir of a RAR archive
- Option to pack with ACE now also works with WinACE packer
- Unpacking of files >4GB from ZIP archives up to 4GB in size using the pkware 6
4bit extra field
- Unpacking of ZIP files created with the Deflate64(TM) method (Deflate64 is a t
rademark of Pkware Inc.)
- Preserve ZIP archive main comment when adding or removing files
- Wait for external packers in the background (no wait window will be shown)
[User interface]
- Buttons for directory hotlist and directory history
- Show parent dir also in root of drive
- Show free and total disk space in "My Computer" for fixed disks (may not work
on all operating systems)
- Shift+Mouse wheel activates history (go back/forward)
- New internal command cm_ShowQuickSearch shows window for searching a file name
in the current dir
- Changed page selection in configuration dialog from tabbed notebook to fixed t
ree+notebook (Mozilla style)
- cm_ShowHint shows tooltip for current file in active file list (and places mou
se cursor on it)
- CMF_EXTENDEDVERBS added to context menu call when shift is pressed -> adds "op
en with" menu item!
- Possibility to change drive icons
- Button bar: Support for 48x48 and 64x64 icons for very high resolution display
s, better scaling of sizes between 16 and 32
- Show in title when there is more than one instance of TC, e.g. [2] Total Comma
- Configure colors of compare by contents and lister via the main config dialog
- Show NTFS junctions with a link icon
- Option "Show old 8.3 names lowercase" no longer the default on NT/2000/XP syst
- Lister: Show %done when searching
[File operations]
- Speed limit when copying files (only in background transfer manager)
- F2 Background button in F5 Copy dialog, will add the selected files to the las
t opened background transfer manager
- In F5 copy dialog, "Options" button: New option to rename copied file or targe
t file when target exists. Names are filename(2).ext, filename(3).ext etc.
- 3 new internal commands: cm_copySamepanel, cm_copyOtherpanel, cm_createShortcu
ts: Same as cm_copy, but not reacting to Shift and Alt keys!
- More detailed statistics in SFV/MD5 check function
- Drop files on F8-Delete button while right mouse button pressed has same effec
t as Shift+Drop (bypass recycle bin if it is activated)
[Other additions]
- TC 6.0 now also accepts containing wincmd.key instead of
y. The key must be stored (no compression) in the file.
- cm_SaveSelection saves current selection internally (automatically done before
each file operation)
- Internal command cm_LoadSelectionFromClip to load selection from clipboard (co
unterpart to cm_CopyNamesToClip)
- Internal commands cm_SaveSelectionToFile, cm_LoadSelectionFromFile to save/loa
d current selection (names of all selected files)
- In Right click menu - new document, look in CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES folder if n
ot found in CSIDL_TEMPLATES folder
- Set environment variable COMMANDER_PATH to location of Total Commander's EXE f
ile (e.g. for loading plugins)
New in Total Commander 5.51 Final (18.02.03):
- FS-Plugins: Copy/Move files between 2 plugins
- FS-Plugins: Support for Multi-Rename tool
- FS-Plugins: Synchronize dirs supported
- FS-Plugins: Search files added
- FS-Plugins: Wildcards support (*.txt) for displaying files
- Lister-Plugin interface officially documented
- Show the first files being deleted in the delete confirmation dialog
- cm_usermenu1..cm_usermenu10 to invoke the first 10 commands in the start menu
(e.g. for hotkeys).
- cm_xxx commands now also work in directory hotlist (Ctrl+D)
- New search option to include/exclude specific dirs, e.g. | _vti*\ excludes all
dirs starting with "_vti" (search, sync, branch view)
- cm_CopyNetNamesToClip copies file names with UNC path to clipboard
- Single click on active file window title allows to change / copy /paste the cu
rrent dir
- wincmd.ini [Configuration] copystreams=0 turns off copying of NTFS streams
04.11.02 Release Total Commander 5.50 Silent update (a)
New in Total Commander 5.50 Final (29.10.02):
- Name changed to "Total Commander" - see our homepage for the reasons
- Change size display of total/marked files in footer below file lists (bytes, k
or dynamic)
- Copy additional NTFS streams when copying files.
- Copy file comments with the files with F5 (optional, needs to be enabled first
- Create CRC checksums: Function can now also create and check MD5 checksums
- Drag a link from Internet Explorer to Total Commander (holding down Shift) to
open the URL dialog to download the linked file
- File system plugin interface to access external devices or other partitions
- In Copy dialog, "Options" button which allows to set "Overwrite all", "Skip al
l" etc. before copying
- Lister: In 'Fit to window' mode, resize the video window to the lister window
- Lister: RTF-Viewer (can be disabled)
- Multi-rename tool: Load/Save settings, for often used changes
- Multi-rename tool, search+replace: Support for wildcards * and ?
- Open partially downloaded ZIP files, even during the download
- Option: Always open new FTP connections in the left or right file panel instea
d of the active file panel
- Show file comments in file lists and as tooltips
- Show name of logged-on user in the title bar if the program was started with R
- The HTML viewer in Lister supports some more tags
New in Wincmd 5.11 Final (16.09.02):
- Many small corrections and additions
New in Wincmd 5.10 Final (28.08.02):
- Unpack RAR 3 archives
- Support for OTP-MD4 -MD5 and -SHA1-authentication for FTP
- Decoder for Yenc-encoded files (Files - decode files)
- Many small corrections and additions
New in Wincmd 5.0 Silent update (26.02.02):
- Many small corrections and additions
New in Version 5.0 Final (21.01.02):
- Support for Windows XP themes on XP
- "Commands" menu split into "Commands" and "Net"
- FTP: support for more than 2 definition strings when defining a new server typ
- FTP+HTTP: Auto-Resume download if download-connection lost
- FTP: SOCKS4+SOCKS5 Proxy support (active+passive mode!), SOCKS5 without encryp
- Multi-Rename-Tool: Placeholder [P] puts name of parent dir into file name
- Internal command cm_SyncChangeDir makes Commander change to the directory of t
he same name also in the other window
- Find files: Start search inside an archive
- FTP: Option to send keepalive messages (e.g. NOOP) to the server in user-defin
ed intervals (for max. 1 hour of inactivity)
- Support for packing of TAR/GZ/TGZ archives. Make sure to choose the correct ta
rget OS (Linux or SunOS).
- Direct packing of TAR.Plugin archives, requires re-download of the plugin (e.g
. BZIP2)
- Compare by contents: Search for text in both files simultaneously, found text
will be underlined
- Compare by contents: Button to show the two windows above each other, e.g. for
wide texts
- Right click menu in Lister: added "Copy all URLs" command in HTML-Viewer mode
- Pack: Option to create a separate archive for each selected file/dir. If no ta
rget dir is given, the packed file will be placed in the same dir as the origina
l file.
- "Branch view" now added to "commands" menu
- Create CRC-Checksum files in SFV format
- FTP+HTTP in background: Set speed limit for up- and downloads
- Pause button for background operations: FTP, HTTP, copy, pack, unpack
- FTP download from list: detect if list file was modified, and add new items to
current download
- Download list can now also copy+move files. Syntax: copy:sourcename -> targe
tname or move:sourcename -> targetname
- Background transfer manager can now also be started separately without a list
New in Version 4.54 (16.07.01):
- Compare by content: Switch between binary and text mode.
- Lister: Support word wrap in UTF8 mode
New in Version 4.53 (31.05.01):
- Display of UTF8 (special 1-6 byte Unicode format) in Lister
- Support for ACE 2.0 archives
- Support for files > 2 GB in Lister and split/combine functions
- Directory print with subdirs: Print only files of certain types, e.g. *.txt *.
- Change date/time of folders also on Windows NT/2000 (admins only due to restri
cted rights)
- FTP: Resume upload (binary files only). WARNING: With some versions of the ser
ver WarFTPd, the resume seems to work, but the uploaded file is unusable!
- Directory hotlist can now contain up to 200 entries
- The location of Wincmd.ini and Wcx_ftp.ini can now be set in the registry (32-
bit version only):
\SOFTWARE\Ghisler\Windows Commander, new text values IniFileName and FtpIniName.
This key may be created under HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
The command line parameters /i= and /f= still take precedence over the registry
- Special larger block sizes when copying very large files can increase the copy
ing speed of these large files quite a bit.
This function is only meant for advanced users, and needs to be enabled through
wincmd.ini (CopyBlockSize etc).
New in Version 4.52 (15.01.01):
- Display of Unicode and HTML (as plain text) in Lister
- Search for Unicode and Hex in the search function
- Print function to print directory lists, trees and compare results in 'Synchro
nize dirs'.
- Display of all files in the current dir and all subdirs with Ctrl+B
- File windows above each other instead of side by side
- Display of the file size in kbytes or dynamic depending on the actual size
- Multi-rename tool: Enhanced counter settings using definition strings [Cxxx]
- Submenu 'New' in the right click context menu allows to create new (empty) fil
New in Version 4.51 (18.07.00):
- Bugfix of 4.50
New in Version 4.50 (30.6.00):
- Multi-rename tool: Allows to rename multiple files in one step (Hotkey: Ctrl+T
- Batch rename function with Shift+F6 to quickly rename multiple files one by on
- Rename files and subdirs inside a ZIP archive (Shift+F6)
- Parallel port transfer function (direct cable connection), works between Win95
/98/NT/2000/3.1 and DOS!
- FTP: Definition of custom host types, using a definition string
- FTP: Retry to connect multiple times also for non-anonymous connections
- FTP: Support for multiple proxies (separately for FTP and HTTP connections)
- FTP: Workaround to bug in some FTP servers: Upload of subdirs failed
- Resolve lnk files on the desktop or in the Network Neighborhood
- Unpack self-extracting files created by WinACE and WinRAR (open with Ctrl+PgDn
- "Unpack all and execute" in packer properties allows to try out a program or r
un an installer from inside an archive
- Define custom colors for different file types, e.g. all directories, all zip f
iles etc.
- Search for text also inside CAB files
- Copying to 'write only' directories (Windows NT, network)
- Uninstaller: Automatic removal of the program through the Control Panel
Several new commands and parameters for Button bar / Start menu:
- cm_List now allows to open a file. The file name must be given directly behind
CM_LIST, and not in the parameters field!
Example: cm_list c:\windows\wincmd.ini always opens the file wincmd.ini in lis
- cm_ShowFileUser: Show which remote user has opened a local file (through a sha
red directory)
- cm_EditPersmissionInfo: Show permissions dialog on Windows NT (NTFS file syste
- cm_EditAuditInfo: Show file auditing dialog (NTFS)
- cm_EditOwnerInfo: Show "Take ownership" dialog (NTFS)
- cm_ShowOnlySelected: Hide all files/dirs which aren't selected when this funct
ion is used
- cm_OpenRecycled: Open 'recycle bin'
- New parameters %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d create a list file in the TEMP directory
with the names of the selected files and directories.
New in Version 4.02 (16.12.99):
- Unzip, delete and HTTP downloads (Ctrl+N) in background.
- Synchronize dirs now also supports directory from/to ftp synchronization! Conc
erning the date/time synchronizing problems with ftp, please read the section im
portant note on the page Synchronize dirs.
- Tray icon right click menu (context menu).
- Direct upload of files from inside an archive to an FTP server.
- Better parsing of FTP file lists downloaded via a HTTP proxy.
- User-defined keyboard shortcuts.
- Split "Equal/Unequal" button into two buttons in synchronize function
- Change date/time of directories (Win95/98 only)
- FTP server to server transfers (FXP): Always sends PORT command to left server
, PASV to right server. This allows for file transfers between a public server a
nd one in a private address room, or behind a firewall. The private server must
be in the left window.
- Find files: Only search in selected files and folders
New in Version 4.01 (27.07.99):
- This version was mainly a bugfix release
- HTTP downloads enhanced (now supports passwords, and special sites which requi
re 'host:' line)
- Settings what to do when second ftp connection opened in same window: wcx_ftp.
ini, [General] AutoDisconnect =1 disconnect previous =2 keep previous =0 ask
New in Version 4.00 (17.06.99):
- Directory synchronize: Compare two dirs with subdirs, or 1 dir and 1 archive
- Compare files by content
- Allow to abort binary compare in 'synchronize' with ESC
- Copy/move in the background - 32 bit only
- wincmd.ini, [configuration], AlwaysCopyInBackground=1 always copies in backgro
- Connect to UNC path (\\server\path) in background (separate thread), allow to
abort after 3 seconds
- Dialog box Change Attributes, button to set current date&time
- wincmd.ini, [configuration], activeright=1 activates right file listbox at sta
- Support for virtual folders through button bar. Use commands: cm_OpenDesktop,
cm_OpenDrives, cm_OpenControls, cm_OpenFonts, cm_OpenNetwork, cm_OpenPrinters
- Copy and Move files from and to virtual folders
- Copy to nul, prn, lptx and comx now supported
- Rename or append when copying and target exists
- Files - Split now also accepts fractions of a number, like 0.5 MB
- Use NTFS time compare method (2 seconds difference considered as same) in 'Com
pare directories' and 'Synchronize dirs'
User interface:
- 2 drive button bars, one per file window (configurable)
- 256 color folder icons, and support for external icon library (icl):
i, [configuration], iconlib=dllname.dll (sample DLL on
- User-defined drive names (for drive list+button bar). Example: wincmd.ini, [Dr
iveHints], E=ZIP drive
- File window tabstops (column width) are now saved separately by resolution, an
d adjust to the right (configurable)
- Save current position and maximized state separately for search, compare and s
ynchronize dialogs
- Show special folder icons for system folders, e.g. the Recycle Bin
- Extended selection (Num+ and CTRL+F12) now supports almost all options as the
'search' function
- The / key on numeric keypad restores file selection as it was before the last
file operation
- Multi-threading of zip function (pack in background) - 32 bit only
- Packer/unpacker plugins to add external archiver DLLs
- Copy files directly from ZIP to ZIP
- Rename while unpacking (internally) and target exists
- Support for ARJ SFX 2.62
- LZH files with comment field (starting with -com-) now supported
- Configuration - Save settings saves current file display settings and director
ies even if auto-save turned off
FTP Client:
- FTP resume download even if multiple files selected
- FTP Connection dialog allows to specify commands executed after connecting, se
parated by a ";"
- FTP connect dialog, "duplicate entry" added - allows to create new connection
from an existing one
- CTRL+M allows to select FTP transfer mode (text, binary, auto) with keyboard
- Warn if binary file is downloaded or uploaded in text mode (to turn off: modif
y wcx_ftp.ini, section [General], WarnWrongMode=0)
- Support for some more ftp server types (OS9 etc.)
- HTTP proxy for FTP connections
- Transparent FTP proxy: Send firewalluser, firewallpass, user, pass
Search function:
- Search for/select files which do NOT match certain wildcards. Use | to separat
e, e.g. w*.*|*.bak finds all files starting with w, without extension .bak
- Search for all files NOT containing a certain string
- Duplicate file finder can find files with same name, size, contents or any com
bination of the 3
- Bitmap viewer, more formats through IrfanView plugin (see addons page on www.g
- Lister can now play sound and video (configurable)
- Printing in lister (Text+Graphics)
- Select all in lister: CTRL+A selects whole file
- Search for Hexadecimal strings, even mixed. Example: "PK"0102 will find 504B01
- Lister now wraps at word boundaries (may be disabled: wincmd.ini, [lister], Wo
New in Version 3.53 (8.11.98):
- Did extensive Year 2000 (Y2k) tests. Results: no internal date problems, only
one interface prob to FTP
- Possible Y2k problem with FTP servers showing a 2 digit year only. Rule: date<
80 ->20xx, date>=80 -> 19xx
- bugfixes
New in Version 3.52 (11.08.1998):
- cd \\Servername in command line (32 bit)
- Added: ACE packer/unpacker support
- unrar.dll and unace.dll internal unpackers for RAR and ACE (32 bit)
- bugfixes
Release Version 3.51 (07.05.1998):
- wcx_ftp.ini, [general], LogFile=Path\Log.txt writes FTP log to specified file
- Support for creating RAR SFX files
- Support for files > 2 GB (display, copy, rename, move, delete; NOT: ZIP, FTP,
- CTRL+P copies current path to command line
- FTP: Preserve file dates when downloading (selectable)
- FTP: Convert file names to lowercase when uploaded (selectable)
- FTP: Change Unix attributes (permissions) dialog for FTP sites (uses 'SITE chm
od', which isn't supported by all sites)
- Bugfixes
New in Version 3.50 (18.3.1998):
- FTP client
- flat look
- Network Neighborhood
- IntelliMouse wheel support
- Directory history list (alt+cursor down)
- Go back, go forward (alt+cursor left / alt+cursor right)
- Create self extracting ZIP archive
- Expandable tree as in Explorer
- UUE/MIME/XXE-encode and decode, Binhex-decode
- Split/Combine files
- Start menu now supports shortcut keys (Ctrl+Alt+F1-F12)
- More command line switches (see help)
- ALT+GrayPlus selects all files with the same extension
New in Version 3.02 (14.4.1997):
- Cut/Copy/Paste of button bar buttons
- Deletion method used by explorer can be used also in Wincmd [Configuration] Wi
- CTRL+Q on archive shows contained file_id.diz, readme*, or *.txt (in this orde
- Support for archives in archives
- CTRL+PgDn to open archives in archives
- TAR and GZ packers
- New commands cm_Switch83Names, cm_SwitchDirSort, cm_SwitchHidSys, cm_SwitchLon
gNames to button bar commands
New in Version 3.01 (31.12.1996):
- Bugfixes
New in Version 3.00 (15.12.1996):
- 32-bit version available
- drag&drop from and to explorer (32-bit version only)
- enhanced search function
- quick view panel (CTRL+Q)
- drive bar to select different drives
- button bar wraps around to 2 lines when larger than available width
- new multi-page configuration dialog
- Function to test selected archives for errors
- A header now allows to sort the files by name, extension, size, and date
- All parts of the user interface (except the file list) can be turned off in th
e configuration
- The file window separator can now be moved

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