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Present era is Information Technology Era. The Information Technology Revolution, which the
world has experienced in last decade, has transformed the business communication with
manifold and multi dimensional effects. The marked increase in the amount and availability of
information at acceleratinng speed and cheaper cost, has changed the conventional written and
fo rmai oommunicSJon to more direct and informal transcending organisational hierarchies and
physical locations. Present day business communication is no more confined to geographical
boundanes and borders. Modern telecommunications have developed a new paradigm of the
global village breaking all geographical barriers, among countries and continents and have
integrated various communities and cultures under a unified netwo rk. With the globalisation of
business and interdependence of economies of different nations, it has become imperative to
install the modern communication devices and processes that facilitate communication at
greater speed and ease with minimum time-loss and cost.

With IT revolution, industrial economy is evolving digital economy in which information, services,
products and money are transferred and Ira nsactcd electronically. The advanced IT systems
that enable the business to respond quicker and perform better offer a competitive edge. Its
application facilitates to accelerate innovation, to streamline operations. to improve product
quality and to launch'new products faster. This helps in meeting growing aspirations of modern
customers wanting better, cheaper and quicker products and services. Therefore in the
prevailing industrial Darwinism, companies all over the world are strengthening and upgrading
their IT system to survive in the present era of e commerce and mcommerce

The history of IT can be traced Earn the invention of the printing press in 15th century. through
telegraph; telephone. radar and transistors; to present day intemets and mobile phones. A
decade before, IT was confined to telegraph, telephones, radio. TV. and computers. Now with
widespread use of mternets pagers and cellular phones; IT has changed the way ofdoing
business. Nowwe find not only transfer of information but also transfer of funds over intemets.”


Telot services provide automatic communication through printed words from one place to
another with the help of a machine. Telex services are provided by Department of
Telecommunication through telex automatic achange working in specified cities. Telex
connections are provided within the load areas and places beyond loml area upto a maximum
distance of 60 km from telex exchanges.

Under telex system, the sender presses a button, waits for the dial tone. dials the desired
number and if the number iscontactcd. types the message. The message so typed is presented
in a small scrap of paper at the receiver's end. Thus written message is conveyed quickly and

Advantages of Ielex Services

Telex services provide the following advantages to its users:

Telex services provide the following advantages to its users:

l. ' The written message is transmitted quickly and accurately. Thus it combines the advantages
of telephone and writing a letter.

2. Telex service can be used for booking inland as well as foreign telegram by contacting
directly with telegraph ofiice.

3. In case the receiver is not available when offices are closed. the message am be left as
neatly typed on the teleprinter. Telex services provide direct automatic interconnection with the
called party.

5. Since message can be transmitted and received at any time of the day and night. telex
service is very useful for the large business houses, news agencies, stock exchange. etc.

Telex service involves tariff in the form of fixed rents and local call cmrges for every3 minute’s
duration or a part thereof. To get maximum benefit of the economic costs service. it is essential
that the printed message should be brief but dmr and complete. With wide sprad use ofintemet
and Email, its use is decreasing day by day.


ISDN provide voice, data and image transmission over telephone lines at high speed.

It is a multi-channel, multi device service that extends the intelligence of the telephone network
to users. With a small office or teleworker at home, one can have a PC, fax machine and phone
connected to a single ISDN line.

Though ISDN uses the same wiring that currently serves homes and businesses, yet it adds ._
advantage of faster and more dependable connections. ISDN subscriber has full connectivity
both nationally and internationally to another telephone subscriber. According to DOT, ISDN
offers the following services;

1. Transmission of high quality voice at 64 kb/s.

2. High speed data transmission at 64 kb/s enabling transfer of data files on PCs on dial up
3. Desk top PC video conferencing using a single line at 128 kb/s

4. High quality video conferencing on dial up basis between any two ISDN subscribers by using
three ISDN lines at 384 kbps wherein still pictures of documents and drawings can also be
transmitted along with voice and video image of participants.
5. Two simultaneously independent calls on existing pair of wires of the telephone line (Basic
Rate I SDN ).
6. Connections upto eight terminals ISDN line customer's premises.

7. G3 and G4 FAX connectivity.

8. Any telephone or-FAX can be connected through terminal adaptor.

The costs associated with ISDN arc: Set up fees, monthly fees and line fccs-all vary widely from
area to area. Sct-up costs are nominal and non-recurring; and monthly rents are also
reasonable. The line {H per minute charge for actual line usage (where applicable) is practically

the most irmucncing factor to iook into ISDN facility. These costs weighed against benefits of
ISBN are very low.

ISDN is becoming popular because it provides higher speed. clear connections and broad

communication capacities. With lSDN transfer data, voice and image over telephone, fax.
interact etc. is very easy and quick


The computer is the head and heart of modern information technology. Wherever computer may
be, whether on desk top or in brief case, it helps to co-ordinate the various human activities.
Computation, information storage, communication and control are the major functions of most

computers. It accepts. stores and pmccsscs the data (input) as per instructions (programme)
and communicates the infon'rmion (output) at very fast speed.

Multimedia is many things to many people. Unfortunately, no universally agreed upon definition
of multimedia exists. Generally speaking, multimedia is a combination of sights and sounds. It
can be pictures and words. words and sounds. or pictures and sounds or all the three.
Multimedia might not sound terribly difficult, after all, because TV and movies use it all the time.
The difference is that with traditional forms of media, the images and sounds are in a physical
form. When it

comes to computers, multimedia can be a processor and disk-space intensive process. The
results are astounding. but you get a payoff.

So what is multimedia. really? It's simply moving pictures and sounds. You don’t necessarily
need both components to have a multimedia tile, although that would be nice. Each element of
multimedia is often considered to be multimedia itself. That is, many people consider just
playing sound files over the Net to be using multimedia. Similarly. they also feel that because
they can see a

i‘ movie using their computer. that movie is multimedia. By and large, whenever somebody

multimedia, he or she is talking about moving pictures, hearing sounds, or both. The fact that
this process is accomplished using a computer is what's amazing to them.


There are mherent limitations of hxed installed telephones, lack ofconnectivity for pemns
moving around To provide connectivity and convenience along with freedom to roam,
pagetswete invented Under paging system. the sender dials the Pager Number and conveys the
mm through human

voice. The Paging smice-pmvider forwards the message that gets elcctronicéij printed on the
Pager of the Puget holder. The message is received without actual dialogue, and the pager
holder' :3

allowed turn around time to get back with suitable reply to respond the message He can either
phone or can avoid the dialogue with undesirable persons.

Presently there are two modes of paging i.e. Auto Paging and Operator Assisted Paging. In
Auto Paging. message is directly keyed by the sender with use of tone mode on the phone,

in Operator Assisted paging the sender asks the service provider to convey the message to the

When rental and call charges of mobile phone were high, Pagers used to be an attraetion,
because oftheir low monthly rental fee for unlimited number ofmessages and the facility
ofavoiding pessky caller. There are certain value added services in the Pagers. But now pagers
are not In the market. '

(a) E-mai! messaging With e-mail messaging facility, e-mail can be read i nstantly. The Paging
services will forward all e-mail to the pager-holders by charging nominal fees. With this. the
pager holder needs not access the intemet and spend time in connecting intemet. Even he can
reply back

through e-mail; for this he has to call his paging services and dictate the message to them The
operatorwillfnmrdttw messageatdwspediiede-nniladdm Thisservioeeliminatesdwetime. gap
between sending e-mail and connecting internet for opming e-mail by due reuivcr.
(b) Voice mail The PagerS-ervice Pruvidefs also offerfadityofvm'ce mail in which message in
anylmguage is recorded. As soon as themller finishes recording the message, the opemtor
infoms pager holder that a message is Waiting for him in his voice mail box. The pager holder
has the
option of retrieving the mange at his comnicnce. With this service, own have long message in
any language. .

(c) lnfonnaidon services Most Pagtr Service Providm in India reg1darly transmit infunmtion on
pagers. Their information rclatcs to stock price, forest, sports and major political events.


Mobile phones provide definite edge ovar fixed telephony when we talk of connectivity,
convenience and fmedom to roam. The person holding mobik phone can be contacted at
anytime, at any place. The possessor ofmobile phone can talk and transact even during driving
an or travelling in train. Because of the idvantaga of latest information in “real time”
among“virtual reality” during mobility period. subscribers of mobile phone are outpassing fixed
telephones at giobal level. It is anticipated

that their number will increase. In other words, one out of every eight citizens around the world
1'; shall own the cell-phone. In India, presently subscribers ofmobilc phones are small.


Now, most of thp business transactions and exchange of information take place on mobile
nhnnm hwanunfindividual‘: arreccihilitv al anvrimw. m anv nlm‘r With thr intrndnrrinn nfm-w
___.._._ <


operator will forward the message at the spedGed e-mail address. This sen'icc eliminates the
time gap bctwccn sending c-mail and connecting internct for opening c-mail by the receiver.

(b) Voice mall The Pager Service Providers also offer facility ofvoice mail in which message in
any language is recorded. As soon as the caller finishes recording the message, the operator
informs pager holder that a message is waiting for him in his voice mail box. The pager holder
has the

option of retrieving the message at his convenience. With this service. one can have long
message in any language.
(c) Information services Most Pager Service Providcrs in India regularly transmit information on
pagcrs. Thcir information relates to stock price. forcx, sports and major political events.


Mobile phones provide definite edge over fixed telephony when we talk of connectivity,
convrnicnce and freedom to roam. The person holding mobile phone can be contacted at
anytime. at any place. The possessor ofmobilc pho m: can talk and transact n'cn during driving
car or travelling in train. Beams: of the :idvanmgm oflatcst information in “real time' among
‘h'irtunl reality“ during mobility period. subscribcrs of mobile phone are outpming fixed tdephonc
at global level. It is anticipated that their number will increase. In other words. one out ofcvcry
eight citizens around the world shall own the chl-phonc. In India. presently subscribers of mobile
phones are small.

Now. most of the business transactions and exchange of Information take place on mobile
phones because of individual’s accessibility at anytime, at any place. Mth the introduction of
new technologies such as digital photography, electronic messaging, gaming support and
internet access in consumers’ bands. the mobile phones are outperforming PCs and intemets.
They have become, today’s true personal digital device. \Mth their frequent use, e-commerce
has been elevated to mcommerce.

Advantages 0! Mobile telephony Mobile telephony provides the following advantages to the
user: Anytime, anywhere connectivity. ° Convenience and freedom to carry anywhere. °
Possibility pfdoing business during travel. ' Thnsfer of data along with transfer ofvoice. Digital
phptogmphy in new models. Internet access in any time.


The Short Message Service (SMS) is the ability to send and receive text messages to and from
mobile telephones. This text may be in the form of words or numbers or an alphanumeric

The other features of SMS includes:

SMS supports several input mechanisms that allow interconnection with different sources and
desdnations of message.

Mth SMS, an active mobile handset is able to receive or submit a short message at any time.
independent of whether a voice or data call is in progress.

SMS guarantees delivery of the message by the network. The temporary failures due to
unavailable receiving stations are identified, and the short message is stored in short messaging
service centre (SMSC) until the destination device becomes available.
Its out of band packet delivery and low-band width message transfer, results in a highly efficient
means for transmitting short bursts of data.

Additional services like e-mail, fax, paging integration, interactive banking, etc. . Additional
facilities like instant messaging. gaming and chatting.

History of SMS


SMS was tits! created when it was incorporated into the Global System for Mobiles (GSM)
digital mobile phone standard. SMS appeared on the wireless scene in 1991 in Europe when
the European standard for digital wireless, now known as GSM, started short messaging
services. In North America, SMS was available initially on digital wireless networks built by early
pioneers such as Bell South Mobility, Prime Co., and Nextel, among others. Now new
technologies, CDMA (code division multiple access) and TDMA (time division multiple access)
are taking placwaf GSM. CDMA. being improved technology, provides the following additional
edge over GSM:

More speed. .
Better voice clarity.
Three to five times more calling capacity due to better spectral efficiency.
Better power management leading to enhanced battery life and longer talk time.

Benefits of SMS SMS provides benefits to eubscribers as well as to the service provides.

Benefit to subscriber Some of the benefits of SMS to the mobile owner/subscriber include:

. Guaranteed message delivery.

Reliable and cost effective communication device for console information


A facsimile or fax machine is another modem means of communicating the written message
especially visual material such as diagrams, copies. etc. This machine is connected with
telephone both at transmitting and receiving end. For transmitting the message, a document is
fed in the fax machine which is converted into electrical signals. These signals are transmitted
thro ugh telephone lines to another fax which reconverts these signals into printed out hand-
copy. Then the receiving fax machine sends a message confirming the receipt ofentire

Important Features In a Fax Machine

There umeveral brands of faxes, with distinctive features. Some of the futures conimonly
possessed by fax machines are:

Advantage: of Email
1. 1n the present business world, rapidly advancing towards less formal structure, E-mail
facilitates more paperless 05cc and enables the employees to function even without sitting at

2. E-mail has created an easy communication link among executives and employees
transcending hierardtical barriers and has facilitated them to work at home beyond their duty
3. It is much cheaper.

4. E-mail messages are always clear and easy-to-read. Guidelines for Writing e-mall Message

While writing e-mail message, keep these guideline in mind:

1. Email messages are not private like conversation. It can be checked by other person.
Therefore be careful about e-mail messages.

2. All the principles of good writing like you-attitude, positive emphasis, clarity of the message,
considerate attitude, conciseness of the language, completeness of the message, etc. all apply
to e-mail messages.

-m an aryl’ {U C‘Illdu lucssagcs. ‘K

Use spell check for spelling and ensure that the message is grammatically correct. Reread and
proofread the {nessage before sending.

Do not write when you feel anger. First cool down and then draft the message. Subject lines
should be appropriately Written.


Use full caps only to emphasize a single word or two. Putting the whole message in caps is
considered as rude as shouting.

Find out how your recepient’s system works and adapt your messages to it. Most people

would rather get a separate short message on each ofseveml topics, so that the message can
be stored in different mail boxes.

. 9. When you rapond a message, include the essential part of the original rhessage and delete

the rest.

Ifthe quoted material is long, put your response first and then‘tzc original material. _


' Telegrams and tdex mange have eoonomizcd the use of words. But electronic mail has
introduced unforeseen abbreviations and acronyms in English. Some interating cxampls are
given below:

ASAP As soon as possible

IAE In any event
FYI For your formation
BBL Be back later
BTW By the way
IMO . In my opinion
IOW In other words
NBD No big deal TIA
Thanks in advance
WYSIWYG I What you see is what you get
Just a look at these abbreviations and acronyms shows that communication through email is
more relaxed and informal. Organisations have, therefore, to take care that business does not
suffer just because of the temptation to chat!


Telephone technology has so advanced that it is now possible to link one telephone number
with several other numbers simultaneously, which means that people can hold a conference
over the telephone without meeting each other in person. Video facilities also being available,
people can not only confer with but even see each other on television screens.
Teleconferencing can lead to substantial saving both in terms of money and time. In this era of
globalisation when multinations

are simultaneously operating in several countries seperated from one mother by thousands of
lelometres, teleconferencing can prove to be a very effective means of mutual consultation.


Sometimes telephone messages am've when there is no one personally present to attend to
them. In such a case, a telephone answering machine can prove to be very useful. Whenever
the telephone bell rings, the machine reproduce: a pre-recorded message. Most of the railway
and airline enquiry offices transmit pre-recorded messages in response to enquiries made to
them. Such messages are usually of routine nature.


In today’s fast moving, competitive business world, the telephone is one of the most commonly
used means of oral communication. It is used to place and take orders. to exchange urgently,
needed mformatwn, to make appointments, to establish valuable business contacts. A prompt

telephone call to a customer can reveal your interest in him and create goodwill.

Advantages of the telephone

1. It saves time. It is possible to get immediate feedback. In certain cases, a telephone call can
be more effective than a personal visit.

These days, several kinds of telephone services including the trunk call service, particular
person call service, priority call service, intercom, extension oftelephone instrument service, etc.
are available.

These services are extremely useful to the subscribers.


blsadvaritages \

l. The communicants have to depend entirely on their voices to convey the messages because
they cannot see each other.

2. Telephone service, specially 1n India, 15 still far from satisfactory. Wrong numbers involve
wastage of money.

3. Telephone caller may catch a person when he is in a bad mood or is busy and cannot
properly attend.

4. A telephone message does not provide a permanent record for legal purp‘gses. Q

How to use the Telephone Effectively

1. Speak politely, confidently and 1n a positive and friendly tone.

2_. Have a message pad, pen, telephone directory and an appointment book near and at hand.
3. While talking, hold the mouthpiece one inch away from the lips and the earpiece close to the

Avoid cliches like yep, yeah, ah, I see, etc. 5. Don't shout into the telephone. Don’t speak too

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