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Name : Wahyu Sunandar

Nim : E1D017113

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background/Rationale................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Questions/Problems ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives/Purposes ...................................................................................................................... 3
2 Discussion ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Entertainment in Indonesia ......................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Destructive Movies/Films ........................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Answer to Question 1.......................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Answer to Question 2.......................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Answer to Question 3.......................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Elaboration .................................................................................................................................. 14
3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Environmental Pollution
1 Introduction

Environmental Pollution is the most important threat to the human race on this planet

today. Environment consists of earth, air, water, noise and etc. It means adding impurity

which threatens the life of flora and fauna to the environment. These impurities are mainly

created by man-made activities. The impurity can be air, water, land any sort of thermal

radiation, etc. As we moving towards globalization there is rapid increase in industrialization

and technological growth which releases harmful gases and chemicals into the air and

simultaneously into water and thus affecting land, air as well water and ultimately the life of

species on Earth. Pollution is an issue of concern in the modern world that we live in today.

Pollution in our environment will undoubtedly affect our quality of life. Our naturally

beautiful world becoming ugly because it is suffering from the effects of environmental

pollution. Pollution can also cause various health problems and other negative effects.

Environmental pollution is when human activities introduce contaminants in the

environment, thereby leading to the disruption of the routine processes, causing irreversible

changes in the environment. The agents causing pollution are called pollutants. Pollutants are

substances occurring in nature or created because of extraneous human activities. Pollutants

can also be forms of energies let out in the environment. Based on the pollutants and the

pollution caused in the components of the environment.

1.1 Background/Rationale

Essay is a personal writing containing personal thoughts, views, and tones. It is usually a

short written composition in prose that discusses a subject or proposes an argument without

claiming to be a complete or thorough exposition. Similar to that statement, Abrams defines

essay as “Any brief composition in prose that undertakes to discuss a matter, express a point

view, or persuade us to accept a thesis on any subject whatever” (1971: 54).

The essay differs from a “treatise” or “dissertation” in its lack of pretension to be a

systematic and complete exposition, and in being addressed to a general rather than a

specialized audience. As a consequence, the essay discusses its subject in non-technical


1.2 Questions/Problems

The problem which we discuss are :

1. What definition of the environment ?

2. Explain definition and types of environmental pollution ?

3. What are the causes of environmental pollution ?

4. Mention the handling of environmental pollution ?

1.3 Objectives/Purposes

The purpose is :
1. To know the definition of the environment ?

2. Knowing definition and types of environmental pollution ?

3. Knowing and understanding the causes of environmental pollution ?

4. Can describe how environmental pollution ?

2 Discussion

1. Definition of environmental

Before we discuss about the pollution of the environment , it is good we have to know in

advance the definition of the environment itself . In this paper will be presented some

defisinion about the environment .

According to the free encyclopedia, environment is a combination of physical conditions

that include the state of natural resources such as land, water, solar energy, minerals, and

flora and fauna that grow on land and in the oceans, with institutions that include human

creation such as the decision on how to use the physical environment. In the environment

there are ecosystems , ie the order of elements of the environment which is a comprehensive

and unified whole interplay in shaping the balance, stability, and productivity of the

environment. Meanwhile, according to experts , among others :

Otto Sumarwoto : Environment is an object and a number of conditions that are in the space

that we occupy that affect human life.

Emil Salim : All objects , conditions , circumstances and effects contained in the room that

affects everything that was in the space that we occupy.

According to Law No. 23 In 1997 : the environment is unity with all things space , power ,

state , and living creatures , including human beings and their behavior , which affect the

lives and welfare of human continuity as well as other living creatures.

Munajat saputra : All items and conditions contained in the space where the human being

and affect the survival and well-being.

2. Definitions and types of environmental pollution

1) Understanding environmental pollution

According to Munadjad Danusaputro, the definition of environmental pollution is

as a condition in which a material, energy and information enter or are included in the

environment by human activities or naturally within certain basic or cadre boundaries,

resulting in disruption of damage and degradation of environmental quality, until the

environment cannot function properly in terms of health, welfare and people is safety. To

prevent pollution of the environment by various industrial activities and human activities, it

is necessary to control the environmental pollution by setting environmental quality

standards . Environmental quality standards are allowed to limit the levels of substances or

pollutants found in the environment does not cause disruption to living beings , plants or

other objects . At this time , the pollution of the environment takes place everywhere at a

very fast pace.

2) Environmental pollution can be categorized into :

a. Air pollution

Air pollution occurs when the air contains, dust, fumes, odour and any harmful

gasses enter into the atmosphere and make it difficult for all living beings to survive as the

air becomes contaminated. That is, amounts which could be harmful to the health or comfort
of humans and animals or which could cause damage to plants and materials. Air pollution

can be caused by natural sources and human activities. Air pollution can be divided into

primary and secondary pollutants . The primary pollutant is a pollutant substances arising

directly from the source of air pollution . Carbon monoxide is an example of primary air

pollutants because it is the result of combustion . Pollutants secondary pollutant is a

substance that is formed from the reaction of primary pollutants in the atmosphere . The

formation of ozone in photochemical smog is an example.

b. Water pollution

Water pollution occurs when humans or animals drink polluted water it has a

adverse effects on their health. Human activity in carrying out its activities as a living

creature has inadvertently or knowingly or unknowingly contaminated water, both with

organic and chemical agents.Water pollution can also make water unsuited for the desired


c. Soil pollution

Briefly this soil pollution is a condition where various destructive elements are

mixed in the soil content. It can be a chemical, or other harmful substances which are

certainly not good and can endanger living things. This change must have been so much

worse that the soil became infertile and the crops could not grow on it. This type of

contamination influence health of humans, affects the growth of plants.

d. Sound pollution

Sound pollution or noise pollution is a disturbance to the environment caused

by noise which results in the insecurity of living things around it. Damage caused by sound
pollution is local, unlike air pollution or water pollution. Sound pollution is caused by high-

volume sounds that make the surrounding area noisy and unpleasant.

Sound or noise pollution is a disturbing sound or noise that is not needed so

that it can have a negative impact especially on human health both physically and mentally.

Sound pollution is usually found in industrial facilities and also places that are high in

human activities, such as on highways, stations, airports, or places that are under

construction. Sound pollution can also have the meaning of unwanted sound. These sounds

can cause pain or can also hinder your lifestyle.

3. Cause of such environmental pollution

The causes of environmental pollution largely caused by human hands . Water and soil

pollution is pollution that occurs in waters such as rivers , times , lakes , sea , ground water ,

and so on . While the soil pollution is pollution that occurs on land in both urban and rural .

Nature has the ability to restore the condition of the water that has been contaminated by

natural purification process of purification or purification by way of soil , sand , rocks and

micro organisms that exist in the natural world around us .

a. For environmental pollution in air :

The existence of various factories and industries that dispose of their exhaust or

smoke gas carelessly and not through the mechanism that should be, because of electricity

generators, from combustion devices either on a large or small scale such as stoves, furnaces

and others and exhaust gases owned by factories.

b. For environmental pollution in water :

The disposal of organic waste that is usually produced by household waste such as

comberan water which is thrown into the water can make oxygen in the water to be reduced
and disrupted so that living creatures of water will also experience interference with their

lives and public space for life. If this continues, it will cause damage to the water ecosystem.

c. For environmental pollution in soil :

There are many things that make these chemicals into the soil, for example, the

leakage of liquid chemical waste from certain industrial plants, the use of pesticides in plants

that enter the soil layer, the accident of drivers who transport oil so that chemicals in the oil

spilled into the ground, as well as the disposal of rubbish which was immediately dumped

into the ground without any previous decomposition.

d. For environmental pollution in sound :

Sound pollution is caused by high-volume sounds that make the surrounding area

noisy and unpleasant. for example vehicle exhaust, lightning noise, etc.

4. Handling of environmental pollution

a. Efforts to handle air pollution

Air pollution is indeed a thing or event that must be watched out for, shunned or

even eliminated. This is because we already know that the air pollution is very bad or

negative. That is why we as human beings have the right to maintain the health of the earth

from irresponsible people. There are several ways that can be done to be a solution to this air

pollution. Some of these solutions include the following:

 Counseling the community about the importance of clean and pollution free air.

 Perform filtering of smoke or smoke waste which will be disposed of into the

air so that it does not endanger the health of the earth. This should be done

mainly by factories or locations that dispose of smoke as one of its wastes.

 Use equipment or materials that are more environmentally friendly in everyday


 Reducing the number of private vehicles and getting used to using public

transportation or starting a healthy life by bicycle.

 Not deforestation.

 Began to plant green plants, starting from the environment around the house

and also on the roadside.

 Participate in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around us and not

allowing garbage to be scattered.

 Processing non-organic waste that is still suitable for use becomes useful items

and hoarding organic waste to become organic fertilizer.

b. Efforts to handle water pollution

Various efforts to overcome water pollution are very important to do to maintain

the availability of clean water to meet the various needs of various parties. Some of them are

as follows:

 The first prevention of water pollution is to make efforts to maintain

groundwater recharge areas. To achieve this goal, one of the things that can be

done is to reforest. With this solution, a green path will be created which will

be useful for maintaining water absorption patterns. Finally, the risk of

disasters such as floods can be avoided.

 Detergent is one product that contains many chemicals that are difficult to

decompose so that it is at risk of causing water pollution. Therefore, in using

detergents to wash clothes, it is a good idea to manage their use properly. In

addition, also choose detergents whose chemical substances can decompose

well, aka environmentally friendly.

c. Efforts to handle soil pollution

The ways to deal with air pollution :

 Remidiation is a way to clean the surface of the soil that is experiencing soil

contamination. There are two types of remediation, in-situ and ex-situ. In-situ

cleaning is done by cleaning the location directly while ex-situ cleaning is done

by excavating the contaminated soil and moving it to another safer place.

 Another way to handle soil pollution is by bioremidiation. This method is done

by giving microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria to break down chemicals

in the soil. This method may indeed be longer but is quite effective so far.

 Supervision of the use of types of pesticides and other chemicals that can cause

environmental pollution

d. Efforts to handle sound pollution

 There are various ways to reduce sound pollution, one of which is the use of

soundproofing devices, now many active noise control systems are used.

Conventionally the noise is muted by using silencer materials. The material is

placed around the noise source or on the wall of the room where the intensity

of noise is reduced. In addition, now in offices, hotels or apartments in big

cities close to the main traffic or near the airport, the environment has noise

that cannot be tolerated by human hearing.

 Through education, it can provide awareness and form a positive attitude

towards nature, especially from very small things. Through education they can
know various natural pollution in terms of negative effects on the environment

and humans.

 Broadcasting issues related to the environment so that people are sensitive and

careful to protect the environment from pollution. In addition, the mass media

must always update information about the environment, especially pollution


2.1 Pollution Environmental in Indonesia

1. Indonesia is marine potential consists of tourism, food, fuel and transportation. Of all the

potential there will also be various problems. For example, with many tourists coming, it

will automatically increase the amount of waste production every day. That way the sea

will be polluted. In fact, Indonesia is rich in the beauty of the sea. (Andhitiyasanti Sofia,

2013, from:

besar-dari-sampah-plastik/, 28 Mei 2019)

2. At present, waste everywhere will eventually lead to water. (Martini Dwi, 2013, from:

sampah-plastik/, 28 Mei 2019)

3. Nelayan Kali Adem bersaksi kalau dari dulu sampah memang sudah banyak. Namun,

sejak reklamasi sampah-sampah itu hanya terkonsentrasi di satu titik. (Friana Hendra,

2018, from:

reklamasi-cGn3, 28 Mei 2019)

2.2 Destructive Environmental Pollution

1. What is the impact of air pollution ?

2. What is the impact of water pollution ?

3. What is the impact of soil pollution ?

4. What is the impact of sound pollution ?

2.2.1 Answer to Question 1

1. The impact of air pollution

The presence of various substances in polluted air can enter the body through oxygen

inhaled by the respiratory tract. Large or small substances that enter the body will depend on

the size of the pollutant itself. So for pollutant particles that are quite large in size it is

possible to only arrive at the upper respiratory part while for pollutant particles that are

small enough size can enter into the lower respiratory system. Because it enters the

respiratory system then it will also enter the bloodstream and be distributed to all parts of the


The most common type of disease that results from air pollution is ARI (acute

respiratory tract infection) and also various types of diseases that include breathing such as

bronchitis, wet lung, asthma and other serious diseases.

2.2.2 Answer to Question 2

2. The impact of water pollution

The consequences of this water pollution include the following:

 The occurrence of scarcity of water because the water has been contaminated

and cannot be used again later.

 In addition, water pollution can also cause damage to river ecosystems and

other waters, especially if there are heavy metals and chemicals contained in

these waters.

 Mentioning losses to fishermen and various professions related to water

 Water pollution can also cause landslides.

2.2.3 Answer to Question 3

3. The impact of soil pollution

Soil pollution can also cause damage to existing ecosystems. This is because the soil is

very easy to experience changes in chemical substances in it even though it is only slightly

contaminated and this causes changes in metabolism in living things in the ecosystem so that

the ecosystem will automatically experience changes in the ecosystem. As a result of

changes in this ecosystem can also make some food chains extinct so that the sustainability

of the ecosystem must also be questioned.

In this case, for example, the eggshell is easily cracked and there is a mass death in the

tillers so that no replacement seeds appear again.

2.2.4 Answer to Question 4

4. The impact of sound pollution

The effects of noise pollution for humans include:

 Hearing loss is usually accompanied by a voice that sounds strange, pain when

you hear a sound, up to tinnitus, which is a ringing sound in the ear. No need to

worry, tinnitus is only temporary, but can be permanent if the sound exposure

is very long.
 The result of other noise pollution is difficulty in understanding speech,

difficulty concentrating, errors in understanding, decreasing work capacity,

lack of confidence, depression and discrimination.

 Sleep disturbance. If someone experiences a sleep disorder, it will result in a

breakdown of moods, a decrease in one is performance and so on.

 Causes mental disorders, such as anxiety, nervousness, panic, nausea, mood

swings, hysterics and so on.

 For children it is very vulnerable to noise pollution, especially it will affect

growth and memory. Children who are exposed to noise pollution are usually

slower in learning.

2.3 Elaboration

Of various descriptions above we can draw the following conclusion : That

environmental pollution due to human activities themselves are not able to process and

utilize the environment well . Environmental pollution is divided into fourth parts, namely ;

1. Air pollution

2. Water pollution

3. Soil pollution

4. Sound pollution

The impact of environmental pollution on human health , especially that will have

an impact on the level of immunity. The more pollution that is done , then the human

immune located around the area of pollution will be decreased so that it is not uncommon

this time humans are often exposed to diseases such as skin diseases , cancer , etc. .
Handling is done with the remediation of environmental pollution and bioremediation ,

which is cleaning up contaminated ground . To reduce air pollution that vehicles tend to use

fuel that can cause air pollution .

3 Conclusion

Environment is the unity of space with all objects, power, circumstances and living

things, including human beings and their behavior that affect the survival of life and the

welfare of humans and other living things. The environment is divided into 2. namely abiotic

environment (temperature, air, atmospheric light, water, land, fire), and the biotic

environment (living things outside the abiotic environment). Pollution can be distinguished

based on the place of occurrence, the types of pollutants, and the level of pollution.

There are no other causes of environmental pollution because of the human hand

itself, and the effort that can be made is to dispose of garbage in its place, control industrial

waste, overcome air pollution, conduct greening in big cities, use fertilizers and appropriate

plant pest control . If this can be applied then the environment will be preserved and not

polluted by environmental pollution.


 Sringatin Baseri, 2007, BIOLOGI, I A KTSP, Penerbit MAPAN, Surabaya


KEDUA, Penerbit Yudhistira Surabaya

 Drs. Saktiyono,, 2008, SERIBU PENA BIOLOGI JILID 1, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta

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