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1. JDK ( JVM , compiler, Interpreter and JRE )

2.Naming Convensions for selenium


4. Locators

5. Read about PartiallinkText(let me also know about this. Even i m not clear about

6. Basics of java & HTML

1. how to create an object
2. what are tags, attributes

7. what are webelelement ?And different types of webelelements

8. Frames/ Alerts/ windows

9 . ALERTS : One cannot inspect an alert .

Different types of alerts :
1. Simple Alert
2. Confirmation Alert
3. Prompt ALert

10 . ACtions that can be performed on alert

11. how to switch to a frame

12. Windows (NOTE : DOM for different windows will be different ) - getwindow
handle() & getwindowHandles()

13. work on a page using the above concept - w3schools

14. Static and Non static method

15. Method Overriding & Method Overloading

16. work on IRCTC page -

17. Annotations & Comments -

18. Different type of plugins that selenium use - TestNG , JUNIT

19 working with Annotations and TestNG - MOdifying the above test cases using

20 . Collections, String and Xpath - Interview topic

21. DATA PROVIDER( 1st using parameters, 2nd using excel sheet)

22.Difference between List, set and Map - Interview ques.

23. Difference between array list and linked list - Interview ques.

24. Hash and Tree - Interview ques.

25. Page Object Model - Change the TCs using this


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