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Ring Documentation, Release 1.

hello=0 it=0 is=0 me=0

func GetHello
See "Hello" + nl
func braceEnd
See "Goodbye!" + nl

We can execute code written in strings using the Eval() function

cCode = "See 'Code that will be executed later!' "
Eval(cCode) # execute the code to print the message

We can create a list then execute code generated from that list
aWords = ["hello","it","is","me"]
for word in aWords cCode=word+"=0" eval(cCode) next

We can read text files using the Read(cFileName) function and we can write files using the Write(cFileName,cString)
See "Enter File Name:" Give cFileName See Read(cFileName) # Print the file content

The next example presents how to create a class that defines two instructions The first instruction is : I want window
The second instruction is : Window title = Expression Also keywords that can be ignored like the ‘the’ keyword
New App
I want window
The window title = "hello world"

Class App

# Attributes for the instruction I want window

i want window
nIwantwindow = 0
# Attributes for the instruction Window title
# Here we don't define the window attribute again
nWindowTitle = 0
# Keywords to ignore, just give them any value

func geti
if nIwantwindow = 0

func getwant
if nIwantwindow = 1

func getwindow
if nIwantwindow = 2
nIwantwindow= 0
see "Instruction : I want window" + nl
if nWindowTitle = 0

3.7. Define Natural Statements 32

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7


func settitle cValue

if nWindowTitle = 1
see "Instruction : Window Title = " + cValue + nl

To complete the previous example, use read() to get the content of a file that contains
I want window
The window title = "hello world"

Then use eval() to execute the content of that file!. Also, you can update the methods GetWindow() and SetTitle() to
create Real windows using the GUI Library

3.8 Define Declarative Languages

We learned how to use Natural statements to execute our code and using the same features we can use nested structures
to execute our code.
The next example from the Web library, generate HTML document using the Bootstrap library. No HTML code is
written directly in this example, we created a similar language (just as example) Then using this declarative language
that uses nested structures, we generated the HTML Document.. The idea in this example is that the GetDiv() and
GetH1() methods return an object that we can access using {} and after each object access the method BraceEnd() will
be executed to send the generated HTML to the parent object until we reach to the root where BraceEnd() will print
the output.
Load "weblib.ring"
Import System.Web

Func Main

classname = :container
classname = :jumbotron
H1 { text("Bootstrap Page") }
classname = :row
for x = 1 to 3
classname = "col-sm-4"
H3 { html("Welcome to the Ring programming language") }
P { html("Using a scripting language is very fun!") }

3.8. Define Declarative Languages 33

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

The classes that power the declarative interface looks like this
Class Link from ObjsBase
title link
Func braceend
cOutput = nl+GetTabs() + "<a href='" +
Link + "'> "+ Title + " </a> " + nl

Class Div from ObjsBase

Func braceend
cOutput += nl+'<div'
cOutput += nl+"</div>" + nl
cOutput = TabMLString(cOutput)

3.9 Syntax Flexibility

Ring comes with many styles for writing your source code!
Also you can change the language keywords and operators and create your custom style!

3.10 Transparent Implementation

Ring comes with transparent implementation. We can know what is happening in each compiler stage and what is
going on during the run-time by the Virtual Machine Example : ring helloworld.ring -tokens -rules -ic
See "Hello, World!"

Tokens - Generated by the Scanner

Keyword : SEE
Literal : Hello, World!


Grammar Rules Used by The Parser

Rule : Program --> {Statement}

Line 1
Rule : Factor --> Literal
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift

3.9. Syntax Flexibility 34

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd

Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> 'See' Expr


Byte Code - Before Execution by the VM

PC OPCode Data

1 FuncExE
2 PushC Hello, World!
3 Print
4 ReturnNull


Hello, World!

3.11 Visual Implementation

The Ring programming language is designed using the PWCT visual programming tool and you will find the visual
source of the language in the folder “visualsrc” - *.ssf files and the generated source code (In the C Language) in the
src folder and the include folder.
The next screen shot from the ring_vm.ssf file (Generate ring_vm.c and ring_vm.h)

3.11. Visual Implementation 35

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

The next screen shot from the ring_list.ssf file (Generate ring_list.c and ring_list.h)

3.12 Smart Garbage Collector

Avoid memory problems :-

• Invalid Memory Access
• Memory leaks
• Uninitialized Memory Access
• Dangling pointer
Rules :-
• Global variables always stay in the memory, until you delete these variables using the assignment statement.
• Local variables always deleted after the end of the function.
• The programmer have full control on when to delete the variable from the memory using the Assignment state-
aList = [1,2,3,4,5]
aList = "nice"

After the second line directly, The list [1,2,3,4,5] will be deleted from the memory and we will have a string “nice”
• The programmer can call the function callgc() to force running the garbage collector.
• If we have a reference to a variable (when we pass objects and lists to functions), then deleting variables will be
based on reference counting, if no references everything will be deleted, but if we have a reference, the data will
stay in memory.

3.12. Smart Garbage Collector 36

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

3.13 No Global Interpreter (VM) Lock - No GIL

When we use threads in Ring applications, We don’t have global interpreter (VM) lock (No GIL)
So threads can work in parallel and execute Ring instructions at the same time
This is better for threads and concurrency (More Faster!)

3.13. No Global Interpreter (VM) Lock - No GIL 37




In this chapter we will learn about the changes and new features in Ring 1.7 release.

4.1 List of changes and new features

Ring 1.7 comes with many new features!

• New Command: Load Package
• ringvm_see() and ringvm_give() functions
• ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() functions
• Better Trace Library
• Better Ring Notepad
• Better RingQt
• Better Ring2EXE
• Better RingZip
• Better Documentation
• Better Ring VM
• RingLibuv Extension

4.2 New Command: Load Package

Using the ‘load’ command we can use many ring source files in the same project
But all of these files will share the same global scope
Now we have the “Load Package” command too
Using “Load Package” we can load a library (*.ring file) in new global scope
This is very useful to create libraries that avoid conflicts in global variables
File: loadpackage.ring

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

x = 100
? "Hello, World!"
load package "testloadpackage.ring"

? x

File: testloadpackage.ring
? "Hello from testloadpackage.ring"

x = 1000


func test
? x

Hello, World!
Hello from testloadpackage.ring

4.3 ringvm_see() and ringvm_give() functions

Using the ringvm_see() function we can redefine the behavior of the See command
Also we can use ring_see() to have the original behavior
see "Hello world" + nl
see 123 + nl
see ["one","two","three"]
see new point {x=10 y=20 z=30}

func ringvm_see t
ring_see("We want to print: ")

class point x y z

We want to print: Hello world
We want to print: 123
We want to print: one
We want to print: x: 10.000000
y: 20.000000
z: 30.000000

Using the ringvm_give() function we can redefine the behavior of the Give command
Also we can use ring_give() to have the original behavior

4.3. ringvm_see() and ringvm_give() functions 39

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

see "Name: " give name
see "Hello " + name

func ringvm_give
see "Mahmoud" + nl
return "Mahmoud"

Name: Mahmoud
Hello Mahmoud

4.4 ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() functions

Using ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() we can run Ring programs from Ring programs
But unlike ring_state_main(), Here we can control when to delete the Ring state!
This is important when we run GUI programs from GUI programs
Because they will share the GUI Library (RingQt), And In this case the caller will call
So the sub program, will not stop and will return to the Main program
Here deleting the State of the sub programs will lead to a problem when we run the sub program events
So keeping the state is important for sub GUI programs hosted in GUI programs.

4.5 Better Trace Library

The Trace library is updated, In the Debugger at break points we have now the “callstack” command
This command will print the functions call stack.
load "tracelib.ring"

func main
? "Hello from main!"

func test1
? "Hello from test1!"

func test2
? "Hello from test2!"

func test3
? "Hello from test3!"

4.4. ring_state_new() and ring_state_mainfile() functions 40

Ring Documentation, Release 1.7

4.6 Better Ring Notepad

Ring Notepad comes with the next updates

1. Support *.cf extension
2. Using Hash function (SHA256) for better “Save Changes?” message
3. Ring Notepad - X Button - Ask for saving changes?

4.7 Better RingQt

The next classes are added to RingQt

1. QStackedWidget
2. QCalendarWidget
3. QOpenGLFunctions
4. QOpenGLContext
5. QSurfaceFormat
6. QOpenGLWidget
7. QOpenGLVersionProfile
8. QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core
9. QVector2D
10. QVector3D
11. QVector4D

4.6. Better Ring Notepad 41

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