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Shed Staggering

Types of Shed Geometry

Types of Control
Geometry or Effect


Shed Positive
Symmetry Cams


Shed Timing
Geometry Shed (cams)
Staggering Shed Depth

Shed Shed
Clearance Height
Shed with Staggered Timing

 Characteristics
 With staggered timing the shed closure of the individual
shaft pairs is displaced in time, to avoid all shafts
crossing at the same time.
Staggered Timing
 Application
 Staggered Timing is purposeful only where
 Very high warp densities are used
 Hairy yarn that separate badly are being woven
 Adjustment
 The selvedge shafts always cross first (at about 350o )
 Then the rearmost ground shafts cross, or those
standing lowest in the upper shed
 After this come always two more shaft progressing for
rear to front
Staggered Timing on Positive Cams
Staggered Timing on Positive Cams
Heddle Frames Height of Time
Staggered Shed
Shed Dwell

Shed Closure Line Shed Depth

20o 160o 270o 20o 160o 270o 20o

1st Cycle 2nd Cycle

Frame 4
Reference Line
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 1
Normal Frame Height
Fixed Height (Clear) Shed

 Characteristics
 When an ideal shed the ends of the upper and bottom
sheds each form an ideal, closed sheet.
 A slight staggering in height may be observed in the
bottom shed, that can be tolerated.
Clear Shed
 Application
 For filament yarn fabrics, such as linings
 For lightweight fabrics whose ends part well
 For non-elastic fabrics like glass-fiber
 For polyethylene and polypropylene ribbons
 For twills woven from staple fabric
 This adjustment is inadvisable for dense warp sheet,
poor parting warp ends.
 There are chance of end cut in case of projectile loom.
Staggered Height Shed

 Characteristics
 With staggered shed the shafts are adjusted offset in
height, so that the upper and bottom sheds consist of
several thread sheets
Staggered Height Shed
 Application
 For dense warp settings
 For hairy, badly parting warp yarns
 For fabrics with many shafts crossing at the same time
 For skipping and warp ends cut on projectile looms
 For warps sized too soft
 Effects
 Owing to the differing height of individual shaft pairs, at
change of the shed the shafts cross in different planes.
This gives the threads more room, they hinder each
other less and the shed divides better.
Shed Height and Shed Depth

Front shed with all frame with same Front shed with Increasing
depth(stroke) and Increasing depth(stroke) and Height towards
Height towards loom back loom back
Shed Height and Shed Depth
Shed Height and
depth adjustment
on Sulzer and
Staubli Cam
Shedding System
Shed Types w.r.t. Shed Closing
Position of 1..1

Heddle Frame

1 2 3 4
Picks 
Bottom Close Shed

Heddle Frame
Center Close Shed 1 2 3 4
Shed Types Picks 

Heddle Frame
Shed Closing Position
Semi Open Shed

1 2 3 4
Picks 
Heddle Frame
Open Shed Displacement

1 2 3 4
Picks 

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