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Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is constructed to provide a skilled understanding and

experience of all aspects of Yoga including: Introduction to key concepts and practices of Hatha
Yoga, Asana (Yoga Postures), Pranayama (Proper Breathing), Chanting & Meditation,
Shat Karma (Yogic Cleansing Practices), Yoga Anatomy, Yoga Philosophy and Proper
Our main objective is to provide the understanding of all the principles of Yoga, strengthen your
physical and mental ability to see the world ironically and help you in building a foundation from
which to teach others.

Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center is offering this 200-hour fusion yoga teacher's training
course to provide a traditional style of yoga, comprehensive and genuine knowledge of
philosophy, yogic life, asana-pranayama, anatomy, meditation-breathing techniques, mantra-
chanting, spiritual life, and much more. You will learn from enthusiastic yoga teachers who have
studied yoga, meditation, and spiritual techniques from yoga universities (Gurukulam) since their
childhood. Rishikesh Yoga teacher Training Center’s main focus is to have a small and intimate
class setting for individualized and personalized attention from our teachers. As well as creating
an open atmosphere and special bond between the students, teachers and the RishikeshYTTC
team. After completing the 200 hours yoga teacher training course from Rishikesh yoga teacher
training centre our students are eligible to teach & open their own yoga school anywhere in the

During the course, you will be staying at Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center in
Tapovan Nishant Garden Resort, Rishikesh, India. The school is situated in the heart of
the Rishikesh, Next to the famous hanging bridge and holy ganga (Holy river). The
Ashram is peaceful and surrounded by beautiful green mountains. There are 2 yoga
studios, dining area, a beautiful green garden front of the Ashram and a roof top.
Everything is close by the Ashram such as shops, cafes, Restaurant, ATM, healthcare,
organic stores.

Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center offer single and double room based on the
student’s requirements. Every room has attached bathroom with western toilet and hot
shower, balcony with mountain or garden view. The rooms for the yogis are well
maintained and clean. They offer bed sheets, pillows, bath towels, toilet paper, blanket
and welcome amenities upon arrival. Good Wi-Fi is included in every floor. Water and
laundry service is also available.
There is also budget accommodation offered by Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training
Center. These rooms do not have balcony or mountain view and separated from the
main building, but all the other facilities are just the same

This 200 hours fusion yoga teacher training course includes Meditation, mantra
chanting, shatkriya, Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Anatomy, yoga philosophy, Ayurveda and
group discussion class, together with the practice of various different level of asanas
with their benefits. During your stay with Rishikesh YTTC, you will experience a life-
changing opportunity which will give you one the most memorable moment in your life
and this holy journey will lead your path towards to enlightenment and becoming a
great teacher.

During the opening (welcoming) ceremony you will be provided with a complete yoga
kit which includes yoga mat, books for study, notebook, water bottle, neti-pot, rubber
neti, school t-shirt and rudraksha mala. Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training Center have
made their 200 hours yoga teacher training course in such a unique way so it is suitable
for all the different level of students as it includes yoga for beginners, primary series,
intermediate series and advance level. Rishikesh YTTC is a well-known yoga Ashram in
Rishikesh which is registered with Yoga Alliance. After completion of the course, you will
be awarded a certificate and you are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance and teach
yoga anywhere around the world.

Every single student in class will get the personal attention from the individual teachers
as our all the yoga gurus are highly qualified, experienced holder and well-known name
in India. Some of the yoga teachers used to teach yoga in many famous destinations
such as Seychelles (Desroches Island), Sofitel the palm Dubai resorts and spa and Zaya
Nurai Island in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Students who complete their subsequent training's are eligible to register with Yoga
Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).

This 200 hours yoga teacher training course is for those who would like to deepen their
practice, for new learners and for beginners. This program meets the standards of Yoga
Alliance. It is for those who would like to deepen their knowledge and practice in
different aspects of yoga, anatomy, Ayurvedic therapies, and yogic life. During the
course, you will assimilate not only the main subject of yoga but also learn the principles
of yogic philosophy which will put you on the right path.

You will expand in the world of yoga, develop spiritually and physically and improve
your knowledge, professional skills, and the ability to teach yoga in your specific way.
You will have special classes to understand the nuances of class teachings based on
yogic principles and discussions on philosophical topics that will help streamline the
approach and experiences of yogic practices in the class.

Apart from teaching the technical aspects of class teaching, very interactive and vibrant
discussions on various aspects of yogic lifestyle and ethics of yoga teacher will be
encouraged. There will be sessions of talk and interactive discussions on different
aspects of class teaching and presentation.

The dedicated and experienced panel of yoga teachers and gurus, at Rishikesh Yoga
Teacher Training Center, have immense knowledge of vinyasa yoga flows, vinyasa yoga
poses, different kinds of yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, meditation and much more,
following a unique way of making seekers learn, providing full attention to the needs of
people personally as well as professionally. The staff is highly cooperative and ensures
to make your stay as convenient as possible.

You are starting your day with morning mantra chanting continue with shat-kriya and
finished with meditation.

1.Mantra chanting meditation

2. Breathing meditation

3. Bhajan/kirtan

4. Trataka (candle meditation)

5. Silence practise meditation

Pranayama is generally defined as breath control. Although this interpretation may seem
correct in view of the practices involved, it does not convey the full meaning of the term.
The word pranayama is comprised of two roots: ‘prana’ plus ‘ayama’. Prana means vital
energy or life force.

1st week (study)

1. Introduction of pranayama

2. Benefits of pranayama

3. Explain the pranic body

4. Prana and lifestyle

5. Breath, health & pranayama

6. Pranayama and the spiritual aspirants

2nd week (practical & theory)

1. Nadishodhana pranayama

2. Sheetali pranayama

3. Sheetkari pranayama

4. Bramari pranayama

5. Ujjayi pranayama

6. Bhastrika pranayama

7. Kapalbhati pranayama
8. Surya Bheda pranayama

3rd week (mudra)

1. Jnana mudra

2. Chin mudra

3. Yoni mudra

4. Bhairava mudra

5. Hridya mudra

6. Shambhavi mudra

7. Khechari mudra

8. Kaki mudra

9. Bhoochari mudra

10. Akashi mudra

4th week Bandha (energy lock)

First definition of the bandha is that by restraining or locking the muscle on a physical

1. Preparation for Bandha

2. Benefits of Bandha

3. Mula Bandha

4. Jalandhara Bandha

5. Uddiyana Bandha

Mantra chanting
1. Om chanting

2. MahaMrityunjaya Mantra

3. Gayatri Mantra

4. Guru Vandana (prayer to Guru)

5. Prayer before class and meal

Shatkarma (the six purification methods in hatha yoga

Shatkarma is the Sanskrit term for one of the six yogic purification techniques (kriyas) as
outlined in the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika." The purpose of these cleansing techniques is to
keep the body strong, clean and healthy. They are said to remove toxins and anything
blocking the flow of prana in the body.

Practicing shatkarmas internally purifies the body, which makes pranayama and
meditation practice easier by preparing the body to perform these practices without
distraction, discomfort or fatigue. This is a traditional yogic cleansing technique which is
very effective and good to remove many illnesses and open the body blockages.

1. Agni Saar

2. Jal Neti

3. Ruber Neti

4. Sutra Neti

Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the
present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.

Hatha yoga
Rejuvenate your mind and soul with the Indian traditional yoga style called "Hatha"
which will lift your body stamina and strength. This is the most popular and beneficial
yoga style.
1. Joints moments

2. Surya namaskara (sun Salutation) & Chandra Namaskara (moon salutation)

3. Yoga Mudrasana

4. Matsyasana

5. Gupta Padmasana

6. Baddha Padmasana

7. Lolasana

8. Kukkutasana

9. Garbhasana

Backward bending Asanas 1st & 2nd week

1. SaralBhujangasana (Easy cobra pose)

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

3. TiryakaBhujangasana (twisting cobra pose)

4. Sarpasana (snake pose)

5. ArdhaShalabhasana (half locust pose)

6. Shalabhasana (Locust pose)

7. SaralDhanurasana (easy bow pose)

8. Kandharasana (shoulder pose)

9. Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose)

10. Setu Asana (bridge pose)

11. Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose)

Forward bending Asanas 3rd & 4th week
1. Paschimottanasana (back stretching pose)

2. GatyatmakPaschimottanasasna (dynamic back stretch pose)

3. PadaPrasarPaschimottanasana (legs spread back stretch pose)

4. JanuSirshasana (head to knee pose)

5. Ardha Padma paschimottanasana (half lotus back stretching pose)

6. Hasta PadaAngushthasana (finger to toe stretch)

7. Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)

8. SirshaAngusthaYogasana (head to toe pose)

9. Utthitajanusirshasana (standing head between knees pose)

Spinal twisting & Advance Asanas 3rd & 4th week

1. ArdhaMatsyendrasana (half spinal twist)

2. ParivrittiJanuSirsasana (spiralled head to knee pose)

3. Poornabhujangasana (full cobra pose)

4. Kurmasana (tortoise pose)

5. Poornashalabhasana (full locust pose)

6. PoornaDhanurasana (full bow pose)

7. Dhanu-rakarshan-asana (archer’s posed)

8. Chakrasana (wheel pose)

9. Hanumanasana (leg splitting pose)

10. Poornamatsyendrasana (full spinal twist pose)

11. Mayurasana (peacock pose)

12. Padma mayurasana (Lotus or bound peacock pose)

13. Gorakshasana (Yogi Gorakhnath’s pose)

14. Astavakrasana (eight-twists pose)

15. Vrischikasana (scorpion pose)

16. Inverted pose, balancing pose and core pose.

Teaching methodology & adjustment

During the class, you will learn how to do a perfect posture. You will also learn Ayurveda
therapy, injuries, and rest and integrate your daily practice, basic knowledge of foot
reflex, warming up, alignment, and core posture. Teaching methodology is one the most
important part of the course as our students will learn the following:

1. How to conduct a class

2. Classroom management

3. How to get in and come out from the posture

4. How to assist & help while teaching the class

5. Which kind of words you should be using as a yoga teacher

6. What makes you different than other teachers in terms of teaching.

7. Which kind of asanas you should recommend with different health issue

8. How to use belts, bolster, bricks and chair during the class adjustment.

Yoga philosophy
Attend a theoretical class and lecture about the history of yoga and importance of yoga
in your life and its origin in India. You can ask their questions and deepen your
knowledge about the existence of yoga.
1st week
a. Introduction of yoga

b. Yoga Pantanjali sutra

c. 5 basic element

d. Injuries & rest

e. Integrating your daily practice

f. Principle of yoga

2nd week
1. 8 limbs of yoga

2. Yoga therapy

3. Yoga for stress, migraine and insomnia

4. Yoga for hypertension

5. Yoga for heart problem, blood pressure and diabetic

3rd week
1. Three Dosha

2. The Nadi and kundlani

3. Basic knowledge of Chakra and Ayurveda

4th week
1. Yogic diet

2. Difference between Satvic & Tamsic food

3. Group discussion

4. Clear doubt

Yoga anatomy
Yoga is considered to be a perfect medium to know oneself and his inner power.
Anatomy classes expose the internal working of the body, bones, inner systems, and
respiration that effect asanas and the flow. The basic structure and function of the
organs and system is very important for the practitioners so that their work as yoga
teacher can be more enhanced. Knowing the different types of joints and their range of
motions helps our students to be safe from injuries and also keep safe their students
after they start teaching as a teacher.

1. Types of bones

2. Circulatory system

3. Types of heart block

4. Skeletal system

Ashtanga Vinyasa
An intensive and integral part of yoga, Ashtanga yoga style requires deep commitment
and self-practice to achieve the goal. The retreat's yoga instructors are the best
Ashtanga yoga teachers around Rishikesh, India.

Standing pose
1. Hasta Padangusthasana & Pada Hastasana

2. Utthita Tri Konasana

3. Parivrtta Tri Konasana

4. Utthitan Parsva Konasana

5. Parivrtta Parsva Konasana

6. Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & D

7. Utthita Parsvottanasana

8. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

9. Utthita Parsvasahita

10. Utthita Eka Padasana

11. Ardhabaddha Padmottanasana

12. Utkastasana

13. Virabhadrasana A,B and C

14. Primary Asanas

15. Paschimottanasana A, B and C

16. Purvottanasana

17. ArdhaBaddha Padma Paschimottanasana

18. Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana

19. JanuSirsasana A,B and C

20. Marichyasana A,B and D

21. Navasana

22. Lolasana

23. BhujaPidasana

24. Kurmasana

25. GarbhaPindasana

26. Kukkutasana
27. BaddhaKonasana A & B

28. Konasana A & B

Intermediate Asanas (3rd & 4th week)

1. Salabhasana A & B

2. Dhanurasana

3. Ustrasana

4. Kapotasana A & B

5. SuptaVajrasana

6. BakasanaA

7. Bakasana B Jump

8. ArdhaMatsyendrasana

9. Yoga Nidrasana

10. Tittibhasana

11. PichaMayurasana

12. Vatayanasana

13. Gomukhasana A & B

14. Hasta Sirsasana (head stand)

Advanced A (optional)
g. Kasyapasana

h. Bhairavasana

i. UrdhvaKukkatasana A
j. Galavasana

k. EkaPadaViparitaDandasna

l. VipritaSalabhasana

m. GandhaBherundasana

n. Hanumanasana

o. Natrajasana

p. Raja Kapotasana

Teaching methodology & adjustment

During the class, you will learn how to do a perfect posture. You will also learn Ayurveda
therapy, injuries, and rest and integrate your daily practice, basic knowledge of foot
reflex, warming up, alignment, and core posture.Teaching methodology is one the most
important part of the course as our students will learn the following:

9. How to conduct a class

10. Classroom management

11. How to get in and come out from the posture

12. How to assist & help while teaching the class

13. Which kind of words you should be using as a yoga teacher

14. What makes you different than other teachers in terms of teaching.

15. Which kind of asanas you should recommend with different health issue

16. How to use belts, bolster, bricks and chair during the class adjustment.

200 hours yoga teacher training daily schedule:

 05:00 Wake up
 05:30 Morning tea
 06:00 Pranayama, meditation, mantra chanting and Shak-karma
 07:30 Hatha yoga
 09:15 Breakfast
 10:00 Yoga philosophy
 11:15 Teaching methodology, adjustment & alignment
 12:15 Lunch
 14:15 Ashtanga yoga
 16:00 Anatomy
 17:20 Group discussion, silent meditation or self-study
 19:00 Dinner

Included excursions
During this retreat, you will be enjoying a different trip or extra-curricular activity, on
each day, as below:
 Famous Parthmarth Niketan Aarti
 White river rafting
 Himalayan tour
 Local market tour in Rishikesh
 Waterfall trekking
 Sightseeing of the famous ghats (river sides)

Mira Yogashala wants to share the knowledge gained from their gurus and believes in spreading
it to everyone. The courses are driven by ethics and filled with love and care. They want you to
become part of a family and experience India as your home. Come and get introduced to the
world of yoga!

What's included
 23 nights accommodation
 Yoga book and materials for self-study
 Teas and refreshments per day
 3 vegetarian meals per day
 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate
 Daily meditation, pranayama, and mantra chanting classes
 Daily morning Hatha yoga and evening Vinyasa yoga
 Discounted Ayurveda treatment at the in-house facility
 Equal emphasis on yoga philosophy, ethics, and yoga anatomy
 Free Indian cooking classes and dance yoga
 Himalaya sight-seeing tour
 Nasal washpot (neti pot)
 Outdoor yoga practice and meditation
 Shatkriyas (cleansing) and laughter therapy
 Visit to Aarti ceremony, cultural, and recreational activities
 During the 24 days' journey, you will learn a lot of the about Indian tradition and culture
 You will visit some of the beautiful places of Himalayas
 A chance to spend a lot of time in the bank of Holy River Ganga

Open yourself up to the countless opportunities with Triguna Yoga School's 200-hour yoga
teacher training course in Rishikesh, India. This 200-hour course will help you discover the
relationship between mind and body through yoga, meditation and breathing techniques.
Triguna Yoga focuses on how you can heal yourself physically, mentally and emotionally using
five elements, yoga asana, meditation, emotional detoxification kriyas and breathing techniques.
Triguna Yoga is recognized by Yoga Alliance International and Yoga Alliance USA. After
completion of this course, you will be recognized as a globally certified Yoga Trainer and are
eligible to register with Yoga Alliance.

This 200-hour teacher training is created for individuals with aspirations of becoming
yoga teachers but is appropriate for any individual wishing to further expand their yoga
practice. Come join this month-long program devoted to traditional authentic teachings,
deeper understanding of yoga, and self-healing through yoga.

Join hundreds of students from all over the globe who have experienced Triguna Yoga's
unique and engaging approach to teaching yoga. Whether you are a beginner or
advanced in your practice, all yoga practitioners are welcome and encouraged to join
this teacher training.

Triguna Yoga is registered with Yoga Alliance International and Yoga Alliance USA.
Throughout this 200-hour yoga teacher training course, you will learn Yoga Alliance
approved curriculum in a nurturing and supportive classroom environment that caters to
your individualized skills. After completion of the training you will be eligible to register
for a 200-hour Yoga Alliance certificate which will allow you to teach anywhere in the
What makes this program one of a kind

Opening fire ceremony

This one-month long yoga journey starts with a fire ceremony according to
the traditional yogic culture.

Direct teachings from sincere, experienced teachers

Triguna Yoga focuses on providing you with small, intimate class settings for
individualized and personalized attention from their beloved teachers. The
teachers are not only rich in knowledge, but they are also teaching from their
own experience in yoga, meditation and often strong sadhana. Your classes
are located in the same building as your accommodations, so teachers are
easily accessible to you throughout the day.

Deeper understanding of asanas

Besides teaching yoga asanas you will also learn the effect of some asanas on
mind patterns. This will enable you to change habits and certain mind patterns
and help other people in your teachings.

Naturopathy and emotional detoxification program

Naturopathy is an additional part of the TTC. It will teach you how to detoxify
the mind and body using the 5 elements. The emotional detoxification
program is another way to detoxify the body and the effects of emotions. It is
a part of the training that is very effective and much loved and appreciated by
former students.
An inspiring and welcoming community
Every teacher and staff member of Triguna Yoga is passionate and committed
to providing the best possible experience for you. Triguna Yoga is a spiritual
hub for knowledge seekers to grow and nourish their souls. It is a community
built on love, enthusiasm, and a profound belief in the transformative powers
of yoga.

Course outline
In the teacher training course, you will be provided with yoga conceptual
knowledge in such a manner that you can adapt and practice it in your day-to-
day life without disturbing your regular schedule.

The mornings start with yogic cleansing techniques, followed by yoga asanas
and pranayama and perhaps some sessions or lectures in philosophy or
anatomy. Chanting and naturopathy are also part of the program.

Throughout yoga teacher training course you are offered three yogic meals,
filtered water and tea. There will be 24 days with instruction, and the last day
will be the yoga certification ceremony.

Recitation of sacred sound (mantra chanting)

The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect
with the universe. Each mantra has it’s unique vibration.

1. Guru Vandana (prayer to guru)

2. Pratah Smarana (morning prayer)

3. Ratri Smarana (evening prayer)

4. Anna purna stotra (meal time prayer)

5. Swadhyaya Prarthana (study prayer)

6. Some other prayer: maha-mrtyunjaya mantra and gayatri mantra

Yoga postures (asana)

Students will gain extensive knowledge of yoga postures and will increase
their physical strength, inner strength and naturally their flexibility. Some
asanas are connected to certain mind patterns and throughout the training,
this body/mind connection will get more clear in many ways. There will be
assistance with the asanas and enough space for alignment. The focus is on
hatha yoga and there will be some ashtanga yoga classes as well.

Pranayama (breathing exercise)

Pranayama is an ancient yogic breathing technique that is used as preparation
for meditation and is a vital aspect of practicing yoga. It improves the
respiratory system and purifies the body and mind.

Sufi meditation
This is an intense meditation that is working on the physical, mental and
energetic level.

Mudra (gestures)
The practice of mudra is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures affects
the energy flow of the body and can change a person's spiritual and mental
characteristics. This will cover Jnana mudra, Chin mudra, Yoni mudra, Bhairava
mudra, Shambhavi mudra, Nasikagra, Khechari, and Kaki.
Meditation (Dhyana)
Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental, and
emotional tranquillity. It increases the vital energy in the body and gives you
more aliveness, good blood circulation and a relaxed nervous system. This will
cover breathing awareness meditation, AUM (Om) or mantra meditation,
trataka, kirtan, tips for developing concentration, and silence practice.

Yoga Nidra (psychic sleep)

When a yoga practitioner moves through the various internal states of yoga
Nidra, a profound experience of relaxation occurs. This is called "turiya," a
sensation of pure bliss. This will cover basic relaxation, tension relaxation, and
full body relaxation.

Yoga cleansing (Shatkarma)

Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your
breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes
the blockages in the energy channels. This will include rubber-neti (cleansing
nostrils with a rubber cathedral), rubber-neti complete with jalaneti and
kapalbhati, trataka (concentration practice), and kapalbhati or cleansing the

You will learn about the five elements and how to use them to detoxify body
and mind. Mud, water, and air (breathing) therapy will be practiced and there
are teachings about how to increase fire and ether element in life.

Emotional detoxification program

Emotional detoxification techniques are a combination of removing knots in
the body through pressing points, breathing techniques, release through
sound and laughter and meditation. It is a three-day program and very
effective to release the effect of emotions and other toxins in the body.

Students will learn the theory of this and practice on each other. You will learn
how to see in the body if and where there is imbalance and what kind of
imbalance, for example in the feet and in the shoulders. And what can be
done with certain techniques like pressure points and breathing to bring
balance in the body again. Students will also learn about the relationship
between emotional accumulation in body and thought pattern.

-Anatomy and physiology (Sharir vijnan)

A proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before,
during, and after practice. This will comprise brief overview, digestive system,
respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, endocrine system
organs, bodily systems, nadis, chakras, guidelines in studying asana anatomy,
muscular system, skeletal system, muscle functions according to joint
movements, and anatomy of breathing inversions and savasana.

Yoga philosophy (Yoga darshana)

Yoga philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn
yogic strength. Through the path of yogic philosophy, you will establish a
solid, well-rounded yoga practice.

Teaching practice (Adhyapanam)

Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front
of their peers and teachers. There will be demonstration, alignment, and
Teaching methodology
A yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class
planning and preparation. At Triguna Yoga, students will learn how to create a
positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative
experience. You will learn:
 How to structure a yoga asana class
 How to use the breath while teaching
 Yoga asana compared to physical exercises
 Verbal Cues
 Functional modifications and safety
 Guidelines for each asana (as per manual)
 Assisting inversions

Assessments are based on

 Written test
 Oral test
 Attendance
 Performance
 Behavior

Sample daily schedule

 06:00 - 07:30 Shatkarma and mud pack/enema
 07:30 - 09:30 Pranayama and asana practice
 09:30 - 10:30 Breakfast
 11:30 - 13:00 Anatomy / alignment class
 11:00 - 12:00 Anatomy class
 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
 14:00 - 15:00 Yoga philosophy and shatkarma
 15:00 - 16:00 Tea break
 16:00 - 18:00 Evening asana practice / Naturopathy techniques
 18:30 - 19:30 Meditation class
 20:00 - 21:00 Dinner

Inspired by Buddhism and Hatha traditional yoga, Pranaluz Conscious Living's

200-hour yoga teacher training provides you with a professional foundation to
start your yoga teaching career. The Yoga Alliance certified course provides
you with additional components to the common courses. This course will give
you all the skills and empowerment to make you fully prepared to begin your
teaching career!

You will be staying at the Devarya Wellness Center. The luxurious

accommodation set in and around the tropical lush gardens is located just a
minute walk from the Morjim Beach, also known as Turtle Beach, and is
specially designed to give you the retreat break that you deserve.

The rooms stretch across the property which spans 7000 square meters,
seamlessly blends the elements of a Goan Portuguese heritage with the
aesthetics of Rajasthani royalty.

Each room is vibrant, airy, and filled with natural light and good energy. It is
tastefully furnished with earthy decor that has been handpicked to reflect the
elements of nature. The accommodation offers you the beauty of traditional
design combined with all the contemporary comforts of a luxury property. All
of the rooms have been decorated with a Chakra energy in mind, including
color and design.

All rooms come equipped with a private bathroom, most with a private
balcony, comfortable beds, spacious cupboards, fresh linen, a ceiling fan, an
air conditioner and a mosquito net on request. Specially designed to celebrate
the colorful and mystical spirit of India, the bouquet of rooms speak to your
senses, let you soak in the relaxed vibes of the property and resonate with
your inner balance. The in-house beachfront restaurant, The Chia Lounge,
serves tasty and healthy organic meals complete with superfood fueling
ingredients to help you detox your system.

From enjoying the large swimming pools, sunbathing on the sandy Morjim
Beach or watching the sun set into the Arabian sea, you can experience it all at
Devarya Wellness - the serene environment to stimulate your mind, energize
your body, and speak to your soul.

Single Cottage Room

Junior cottages are situated less than a one-minute walk from the sandy
Morjim Beach and each cottage is surrounded by palm trees and luscious
tropical greenery. They have a glass front in order to allow a light and airy
space during your stay. Each room comes with a comfortable king size bed,
private bathroom, storage cupboard, fan, air conditioning, and a private

Standard Twin
Standard rooms are situated at the center of the resort, with views of the
beautiful tropical gardens. They come with comfortable twin beds, private
bathroom, storage cupboard, fan, and air conditioning. Some of the Chakra
standards also have a private balcony. You will find the Chakra standards
decorated in a variety of colors.

Double Cottage Room

Junior cottages are situated less than a one-minute walk from the sandy
Morjim Beach and each cottage is surrounded by palm trees and luscious
tropical greenery. They have a glass front in order to allow a light and airy
space during your stay. Each room comes with a comfortable twin size beds,
private bathroom, storage cupboard, fan, air conditioning, and a private

The program aims to create teachers who are genuine and share from a place
of the heart. The training offers you the opportunity to be part of a life-
changing experience, giving you a space to learn, grow and evolve as a human
being, in order to become an instrument of service to others.

What you will learn

 A strong foundation of Hatha yoga asanas, in-depth alignment and asana biomechanics,
and modifications, use of props and adjustments in order to meet the needs of your
 The full science of yoga, its eight limbs, background, and most of its deeper concepts
through comparative studies and various other philosophies.
 More practice of music and arts; singing, dancing, painting, chanting mantras, sound
healing: awakening your artistic side.
 Professional development through the use of business and leadership tools in order to
prepare you fully for your yoga career.
 More emphasis on anatomy (with more hours than what is usually required), to fully prepare
you to understand the human body and feel comfortable teaching in a professional and
responsible way.
 How to deepen and explore your spiritual practice through solid meditation techniques and
spiritual self-inquiry.
 To relax and feel safe being supported throughout the course by a professional therapist,
offering you an opportunity to heal and work through your emotions.
 To spend time in the relaxed and creative beach area of India where many world musicians
gather: Goa.
 Art of teaching techniques, including sequencing for diverse audiences and for Yin, Yang,
and Vinyasa classes.
 To let yourself be guided by professionals and experts in the fields of yoga, anatomy, and
philosophy: all teaching from a place of heart and experience.
Course curriculum
 Asana foundations: a comprehensive and cohesive foundation of yoga asanas based on
needs, flexibility, and body adaptations.
 Hatha yoga and Vinyasa.
 In-depth focus on proper asana alignment and biomechanics.
 Art of teaching and adjustments in order to meet the needs of your students.
 Yogic philosophy which includes: yoga history, eight limbs of yoga, pranayama, breath,
meditation, sacred Indian texts, and basic Sanskrit.
 Basic anatomy and understanding of your own body and application to asana theory and
 Meditation theory and practice.
 Art of sequencing, learning how to prepare and design your classes for diverse audiences.
 Pranayama and breath theory and practice.
 Career development including business and marketing and ethics.
 Special Iyengar workshops, Bhakti Yoga, yoga Nidra, and much more.

A 200-Hour yoga teacher training certification approved by Yoga Alliance will
be awarded upon completion of the 200-hour program and graduation

Daily schedule
 06:30 - 08:30 Asana practice, meditation, pranayama, or chanting (2 hours)
 08:30 - 10:00 Breakfast and morning break (1.5 hours)
 10:00 - 13:00 Lecture one: Philosophical and/or practical (3 hours)
 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break (1.5 hours)
 14:30 - 16:30 Lecture two: Philosophical and/or practical (2 hours)
 16:30 - 17:30 Yin/Restorative asana practice, which may include meditation or chanting (1
 17:30 - 19:30 Free time (2 hours)
 19:30 - 20:30 Kirtan, meditation, yoga Nidra, movie, workshop, or activity. (1hour, only on
some evenings)
Kindly note that there are several days off. Please be informed that the
schedule may vary slightly.

Included excursions
There is a surprise field trip included as well as special nights with surprise
activities and events.

Located in the heart of a serene seaside town in Goa is Devarya Wellness,
where you can breathe, experience, and live the yoga life. Spanning 7,000
square meters, this green yoga retreat overlooking Morjim Beach is a peaceful
sanctuary for those seeking an escape from the monotony of a busy, urban

At Devarya, which translates into 'divine belief' in Sanskrit, everyone from

beginners to seekers and yogis can experience the goodness and mindfulness
of a holistic yoga lifestyle.

The skilled yoga teachers with years of experience in Hatha yoga, Vinyasa
yoga, and Iyengar yoga, have helped create an environment where you can
enjoy a relaxing yoga holiday, undergo an intensive advanced yoga teacher
training course or immerse yourself in a yoga retreat with like-minded souls
from all over the world.

Counted among the top tourist destinations in the world, Goa is truly a
tropical paradise. Located in the Konkan region, on the Western Coast of India
where it is flanked by the Arabian Sea, Goa has uninterrupted stretches of sun,
sand, and sea to boast of.
But that’s not all, Goa has a rich historical and cultural legacy that leaves an
indelible impact on visitors. A former Portuguese colony for 450 years, Goa
has a distinctly European feel while retaining the local flavor. The state is
renowned for its majestic churches, ancient temples, heritage architecture, and
rich biodiversity, making it a hit with international and domestic tourists year
after year.

Goa’s rich flora and fauna, owing to its location on the Western Ghats, also
makes it a popular nature getaway for city-dwellers. Goa is also known as the
ultimate party destination in India. Housing some of the hippest nightclubs
and finest restaurants in town, this beach paradise is celebrated for its buzzing
nightlife and culinary scene.

Goa, much like its inhabitants, has its own laid back pace that you will just fall
in love with. Even time slows down here! The sunny tropical climes, the
friendly and warm people, the beautiful beaches, flavorful cuisine and a whole
list of reasons makes Goa a perfect holiday destination that will leave you with
a lifetime of memories and thus making Goa a popular location for yogis and
hipsters alike

The yoga teachers training course 200 hours in India, Rishikesh are best
conducted at Yogada in the Himalayas with Sattya yoga, which is primitively
rooted and traditionally practiced by yogis in the Himalayas, the birthplace of
yoga. Yoga teachers training course 200 hours at Rishikesh are done amidst
pure nature with the roar of the Ganga and chipping of the birds making them
the best yoga teacher training programs 200 hours course in India.
Come and join yoga teachers training course 200 hours at Rishikesh to explore
a teacher in you. Namaste and welcome to Yogada Ashram in the Himalayas
providing yoga and meditation training to new and experienced yoga teachers
in Rishikesh. They are a unique Ashram style Institution with Guru Shishya
Parampara (tradition) with ethnically designed ashram on the banks of the
holy Ganga river at the Himalayan foothills, where they all learn amidst pure
You will stay at Yogada Ashram. Comfortable accommodation is provided in
ethnically made cottages where a luxury is blended with nature. All the living
cottages are vibrated, energized and balanced before your arrival to give you
maximum impact on your learning and rejuvenation.

There are 14 air-conditioned cottages and three executive room units spread
over a big green area which offer clean and comfortable accommodation to
the guests. Bathrooms are attached with running hot and cold water.
Comfortable beds with top quality linen are used to make the stay a
memorable one.

Yoga, the time-tested Ancient Indian science for body, mind, and soul took
birth in these part of Himalayas several thousand years ago and has been
passed from a lineage of sages orally and in various written texts such as
Veda, Upanishads, Patanjali Yog Sutra, Gherand Samhita, Hath Yog
Pradeepika, etc.

Yoga not only brings you back to the rhythm of nature: Triguna and Pancha
Mahabhuta (the five elements) leads to elevate our soul and help you evolve
to a higher state of the physical and mental level.

After working and exploring the traditions of Himalayan yogis for two
decades, Yogada brings you this ancient knowledge in the purest and
primitive form and give you the most authentic and rare learning experience
amidst pure nature in the Himalayas, the birthplace of yoga.

The Yoga Teachers Training Course 200 hours not only give you the firsthand
knowledge of this tradition but guide you to perfect health and making you fit
and bring you in sync with the universe through rare techniques so that your
teachings can carry forward this ancient tradition in its original & purest form.
Know your body
 Anatomy - The medical science way
 The cosmic body - Deeper understanding of Prana and Cosmic body

Know your body - Ayurveda way

 Understanding doshas and how yoga can help to cure doshas

Know the rituals

 Hawan and cleansing rituals as per Vedic knowledge with knowledge and recitation of
different mantras for different god and goddess / occasions.

Know the Mantras

 Detailed descriptions of Mantra and study of their effects on body, mind, and soul

 Study and practice of different cleansing Kriyas (techniques)

 A detailed study knowing and practicing the asana the Hatha way, the authentic and
traditional way
 Vinyasa: Introduction and practice of asana the vinyasa flow way
 Pranayama - detailed study and practice of different pranayamas
 Meditation - a practice of different meditation techniques.
 Mudras and Bandhas - physical gestures and closures - Study and practice of Mudras
 Yogic philosophy - Detailed study of primitive Yoga philosophy in today’s context
 Know your books: a study on the different knowledge available in the books detailed study
of Hath Yog Pradipika
 Practicum
 Indian classical music tutorials
 Sessions on Indian yogic food cooking
 Spiritual discourses on ancient Indian knowledge of wisdom, Vedas with important gurus in
the areas
 Visit, excursions, trekking to vibrated places, temples, and ashrams
 Starting and preparing for the day
 The Himalayan healing touch
 Deeper dimension of yoga

Included excursions
 Visit to the Ashram & Ghats for exclusive Ganga Arti (Prayer with Rituals) with transportation
and guide.
 Trekking trip to Kunja puri Goddess with mediation on the mountain top with transportation
and guide.
 Float rafting trip with Professional Guide and world-class equipment.
 Visit to Vasistha Goofa, the ancient cave where famous saint Vasistha meditated with
transportation and guide.
 Village walks to the nearby village with guides.

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