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The Effects of School Uniforms on

Student’s Well Being

Wearing school uniform has been a tradition for most secondary schools here in
the Philippines, School uniforms doesn’t only suggest school pride but also carries the
ideologies and beliefs so schools. However, as students approach their puberty and
adolescent years, their yearning for self-expression and individuality grows stronger from
in themselves. That these uniforms don’t only take the students' individuality but also
takes away some of their freedom of expression has been the cause for negative
comments on the schools imposing that wearing school uniforms shall be mandatory.
However, some parents disagree with the idea of abolishing the wearing of school uniform
and just wearing a civilian clothing for the student when they go to school. Here is why,

First, parents argue that School uniforms deter crime keeps students safe on their
way to the school and especially on their way back. As school uniforms indicates the
wearer are minors. These mean that anyone planning to commit a crime think twice after
since their potential victims are minors that are still studying, thus they may face more
criminal liability as harming a minor means more cases may be charged at the suspect.
This event is supported by a case study by Linda Lumsden and Gabriel Miller. The authors
note that after 2 years of a district wide implementation in Long Beach, California of
mandatory school uniforms the criminal cases committed on uniformed students
drastically drop. With an average of 63% of drop in school police records. These strongly
show that there might be a large relationship between students wearing uniform and crime
rates done onto students and by students.

Second, it is argued that School uniforms keep students focused on their academic
journey, not how they look. Parents argue that the search for individuality may simply be
a phase that may be distracting their children form achieving their true goal. They argue
that if students have to wear civilian clothing everyday they go to school then maybe
student’s perception of the school may change as a catwalk to walk in glamour focusing
on their clothing and not actually their studies. This event is supported by a bulletin
published by the National Association of Secondary School principals in the United
States. The bulletin states that "When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are
less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can
concentrate on their schoolwork” This claim, coming from a reliable source of the
principles in the country, was widely accepted by the parents even without further
exploration on the topic.
Lastly, also stated by the National Association of Secondary School principals in
the United States in their bulletin, school uniforms create a level playing field among
students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. This event is because school uniform
deters competition of the students through clothing, this event means a few things, first,
students may focus on their academic journey rather than their clothing, second, there
will not be losers in the competition of clothing as there will not be competition at all. And
lastly, students would not see any economic gap between them, and their peers as their
peers will not can wear more expensive clothing than other students. These ideas ease
the mind of the parents as they feel that their children are safe from emotional damage
and degradation due to clothing and economic gap in the school.

However, there are several facts that counteract the arguments stated above, First,
I believe that student uniforms do deter crimes that happen between students and
civilians with bad intentions, but it has been concluded that student uniform increases
violent encounter cases between students of two different schools. As stated by the study
done by the current CEO and president of Child Welfare League of America as she said
in an interview done by The Baltimore Sun, “Anything that accentuates differences,
including uniforms, will have that effect." Another counter argument is that school uniform
may lead to students feeling above the law in committing petty crime, as stated by Tanioka
and Glaser, most of the delinquents or criminals in japan who commit petty crimes like
public drinking and urination are students in uniforms. These may lead to that either there
is no correlation between school uniform or there are other factors that may be affected
by the implementation of school uniforms

Lastly, school uniform gives the student freedom of expression and individuality,
this is supported because most constitution supports freedom to individuality and
expression to a certain extent that varies from country to country, however, there are no
countries that imposes uniform to their citizen as it simply confine the freedom of
expression of the citizen, why should these fact be any different to we students. The
imposition of school uniforms hinders benefits that one may achieve due to freedom of
expression. As Dr. Sharon Galore said, “provides a sense of intimacy and connectedness
with others. Expression of emotion involves revealing part of the self. It enables the
development of emotional ties with others and the ability to let others get to know our real
self”. This points that school uniforms may be hindering wanted benefits given by freedom
of expression and individuality.
In conclusion, the wearing of school uniforms has its benefits and hindrance.
However, it is apparent that the benefit has been outweighed by the hindrances of the
implementation of mandatory school uniform. It is evident that school uniforms garners
positive feedback from the parents who buy them but receives negative opinions from the
students who wear them. And I believe that the people who are the most affected are the
one who has the right to say anything about the topic.
Caruso, P. (1996, Sept). Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School
Uniforms. NASSP Bulletin. Retrieved May 10, 2019, from
Galor, S. (2016, October 14). The benefits of emotional expression. Retrieved May 10,
2019, from
Lumsden, L., & Miller, G. (n.d.). Dress Codes and Uniforms. Retrieved May 10$, 2019,
Macklin, W. R. (2018, December 09). School uniforms may fuel rivalries, psychologists
say. Retrieved May 10, 2019, from
School Uniforms - (n.d.). Retrieved 5 10, 2019, from http://school-
Tanioka, I., & Glaser, D. (1991). School uniforms, routine activities, and the social
control of delinquency in Japan. Youth & Society, 23(1), 50-75.

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