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Lampiran Surat Tugas Direktur Pasacasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang

Nomor : 20.3.18 /UN32.13/KP/2018

Tanggal : 20 Maret 2018




No. Program Studi NIM Nama Mahasiswa Pembimbing 1 Pembimbing 2 Judul Tesis
The Relationship Between Adversity Quotient and Students' English
1 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859514 Agil Abdur Rohim Prof. Dr. Siusana Kweldju, M.Pd Dr. Furaidah, M.A.
Proficiency Score in Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya
The Implementation of Direct Method in Foreign Language Development
2 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859504 Althafurrahman Dr. Sri Rachmajanti, Dip.TESL, M.Pd Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A.
Institute of Nurul Jadid: An Analytical Study
Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., The Effect of Teachers Writing Strategies Improving Creative Writing
3 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859581 Atmarita Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.
Ph.D. toward Indonesian Secondary Students
Ayu Septiana Eka Putri Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, The Effectiveness of Online Extensive Reading on ESP Students'
4 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859558
Andayanana M.Ed. M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D. Reading Comprehension and Attitudes
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd,
5 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859508 Dwi Susanti Dr. Furaidah, M.A. Factors Affecting Reading Motive in Terms of EFL Learners' View
The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning to Enhance ESP Students'
6 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859529 Farida Ratnaningtyas Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A. Dr. Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi, M.Pd, M.A.
Speaking Skills
Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., The Effect of Task-Based Instruction towards Students' Listening
7 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859501 Hananto Agus Salim Dra. Nunung Suryati, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Ph.D. Comprehension at Ma'arif Institute Metro
The Influence of Project Based Learning on Students' Writing
8 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859578 Hardina Durrotun Ni'mah Prof. Dra. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D. Anik Nunuk Wulyani, S.Pd, M.Pd, Ph.D.
Apprehension and Writing Performance a Qualitative Case Study
Developing a "Creative Wreck Journal" for Creative Writing Course in
9 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859542 Lidya Nur Aprilla Dr. Sri Rachmajanti, Dip.TESL, M.Pd Dra. Nunung Suryati, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Undergraduate Program
Meilisa Sindy Astika The Effectiveness of AWE (Automated Writing Evaluation) to Improve
10 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859547 Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien, M.Pd Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd
Ariyanto Student's Academic Writing
Students' Reading Problems: A Case Study on EFL Student's Reading
11 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859580 Mohammad Anwari Syukri Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A. Dra. Nunung Suryati, M.Ed., Ph.D. Comprehension in the English Education Department of STAIN
A Case Study: Inadequate Professional Competence of EFL in-Service
12 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859512 Nur Chaulah Fitriany Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A. Dr. Furaidah, M.A.
Teachers in Pamekasan
Francisca Maria Ivone, S.Pd, M.A., Improving Students' Writing Performance using Facebook Closed Group
13 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221800013 Nurul Masyithah Rery Dr. Niamika El Khoiri, S.Pd, M.A.
Ph.D Online Portfolio at Secondary Level
Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., Students' Perception on EFL Class Activity with Native Speaker and Local
14 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859574 Pungky Wulansakti Antula Dr. Suharyadi, S.Pd, M.Pd
Ph.D. Teacher
Enhancing EFL Learner's Writing Competence through Process Genre
15 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859524 Qonita Naylilhusna Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd Dr. Enny Irawati, M.Pd
Aproaches in Intensive Writing Class
Francisca Maria Ivone, S.Pd, M.A., Developing Android-Based Learning Application Specifying in Reading
16 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859522 Rulli Putri Maulida Anik Nunuk Wulyani, S.Pd, M.Pd, Ph.D.
Ph.D Comprehension for Twelfth Graders in SMA Negeri 1 Tulungagung
Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, The Correlation Between Students' Writing Apprehension toward
17 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859575 Satria David Pratama Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.
M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D. Student's Writing Performance in Undergraduate Writing Class
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, The Influence of Reader-Response Criticism in the Extensive Reading
18 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859553 Sitta Meinawati Dr. Furaidah, M.A.
M.Ed. Program toward Students Writing Ability
Developing Students' Critical Thinking through Probing Prompting
19 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859511 Umdah Nurhotimah Dr. Furaidah, M.A. Dr. Niamika El Khoiri, S.Pd, M.A.
Strategy in Reading Comprehension
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, Students' Perspective on Teacher's Oral Corrective Feedback in ESP
20 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859576 Weny Anita Febriantini Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A.
M.Ed. Speaking Classess

No. Program Studi NIM Nama Mahasiswa Pembimbing 1 Pembimbing 2 Judul Tesis
The Effect of Video-Making Technique on Students Speaking Ability
1 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859548 Aisyah Fajriantini Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A. Francisca Maria Ivone, S.Pd, M.A., Ph.D
Across Students' Self-Confidence
Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, The use of Automatic Speech Recognition for Individual Learning in
2 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859507 Andi Reza Maulana Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A.
M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D. Speaking
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, The Comparison between Vocabulary Learning Strategy in Context and in
3 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859521 Astri Nur Fadilah Dr. Enny Irawati, M.Pd
M.Ed. Isolation across Learners' Age
Ayu Alif Nur Maharani
4 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859579 Prof. Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, M.A. Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd Examining Automatic Computerized Scoring System in TOEFL IBT
Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., Foreign Pre-Service Student Teacher's Practice of Teaching English at
5 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859518 Dwi Yumna Abdullah Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A.
Ph.D. Athirah Islamic School Makassar
Teachers' Motivating Tack: a Case of English Speaking Class in Tual
6 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859545 Febrianus Jordyan Kalanit Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A. Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A.
7 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859565 Fidelia Fitri Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A. Dr. Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi, M.Pd, M.A. Plays to Enhance Students' Speaking Skills
Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono,
8 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859505 Ikrima Halimatus Sa'diyah Francisca Maria Ivone, S.Pd, M.A., Ph.D Stuents' EFL Writing Skill across Anxiety: The Evidence of Weblog Use
M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D.
Exploring the Thematic Progression Contribution on Meaning Making of
9 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859572 Imroati Istibsyaroh AR R. Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A. Dr. Enny Irawati, M.Pd
Students' Undergraduate Thesis Abstract
Writing Anxiety and Performance of International School Students in
10 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859536 Lilis Nur Hidayati Prof. Dra. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Enny Irawati, M.Pd
Francisca Maria Ivone, S.Pd, M.A., The Effect of Edmodo on Students' Reading Comprehension across
11 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221800040 Luthfi Retriansyah Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd
Ph.D Reading Anxiety
Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., Students' Perceptions of Research Planning and The Challenge in
12 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859502 Moch. Sabrowi Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A.
Ph.D. Writing Research Background
The Effect of Edmodo on Students' Reading Comprehension across
13 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221800041 Muhammad Ali Usman Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd Francisca Maria Ivone, S.Pd, M.A., Ph.D
Learning Styles
Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., The Effect of e-Corrective Feedback through Edmodo in Speaking Class
14 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859506 Nissa Mawarda Rokhman Prof. Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, M.A.
Ph.D. toward Students' Motivation
The Effectiveness of Audio Visual Aids in Teaching Speaking across
15 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859564 Nurzafira Swandayani Prof. Dr. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A.
Students' Self-Efficacy
Undergraduate Students' Individual Difference in Second Language
16 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859570 Qurrotu Inayatil Maula Prof. Dra. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien, M.Pd
Acquisition across Propensity Factors
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, Teacher's Belief and Practice towards Teaching Reading Literature in
17 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859543 Rahmaniah Oktaviah Dr. M. Misbahul Amri, M.A.
M.Ed. Enhancing Students' Critical Thinking: a Professional Teacher's Strategy
Ruqoyah Yulia Hasanah Dr. Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi, M.Pd, MTSN Lumajang Students' Attitude and Perception toward Peace Corps
18 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859510 Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien, M.Pd
Dhomiri M.A. Volunteers as the Native English Speaking Teachers in ELT
Teacher-Student Interaction in Literary Criticism Class at universitas
19 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859566 Setiawan Furqoni Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A. Dr. M. Misbahul Amri, M.A.
Negeri Malang
Teacher's Perceptions and Practices towards the Implementation of
20 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859571 Yossy Sunda Permatasari Dr. Sri Rachmajanti, Dip.TESL, M.Pd Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.
Cooperative Learning
Teachers' Belief and Practice on Implementation of Revised 2013
21 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859517 Yulia Josina Ulorlo Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A. Dr. Sri Rachmajanti, Dip.TESL, M.Pd
Curriculum at Junior High Schools in Aru Islands

No. Program Studi NIM Nama Mahasiswa Pembimbing 1 Pembimbing 2 Judul Tesis
Developing English Syllabus for First Year Students of Software
1 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221800082 Agus Supriyadi Dr. Sri Rachmajanti, Dip.TESL, M.Pd Dra. Nunung Suryati, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Engineering Department of SMKN 5 Malang
Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Model on Indonesian EFL
2 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859561 Ahsin Fahmi Mubarok Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.
M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D. Tertiary Students' Writing Performance across Cognitive Style
The use of "Kompasiana" to Develop Students' Critical Thinking on
3 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859515 Ajeng Inayatul Ilahiyah Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien, M.Pd Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A.
Argumentative Writing
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd,
4 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859557 Anggit Mulina Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati , M.A. Analysis Input Modification among English Teachers
Students' Attitudes and Preferences towards British or American Accents
5 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859532 Astri Ratnasari Dra. Nunung Suryati, M.Ed., Ph.D. Dr. Furaidah, M.A.
for Listening Materials
The Effect of Self-Selected Topic and Time Limitation to Students' Writing
6 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859569 Burhanuddin Imamuna Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien, M.Pd Dr. Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi , M.Pd, M.A.
Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Teacher's Knowledge, Attitudes and Decision-Making on the use of ICT to
7 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859556 Diah Maya Andina Prof. Dra. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D.
M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D. Promote EFL Learners Autonomy in Writing
The Effectiveness of Peer Reviewing in Improving the Students Narrative
8 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859568 Eko Deny Nasrulwakhid Prof. Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, M.A. Dr. Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi , M.Pd, M.A.
Writing Ability
Indonesian EFL Learners' Readiness and Attitude towards Self-Access
9 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859551 Fadilla Halim Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd Prof. Dr. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D.
Center (SAC)
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, The Learning Experience in EFL Speaking of an Indonesia English
10 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221800083 Fitri Alfia Rahmawati Dr. Furaidah, M.A.
M.Ed. Debates
The Effect of using DRTA Strategy on Reading Comprehension across
11 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859567 Izzi Muttaqin Prof. Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, M.A. Prof. Dr. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D.
Different Learning Styles
Factors Affecting Students' Speaking Performance in ESP: a Case Study
12 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859537 Maharani Khansa Prof. Dr. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Furaidah, M.A.
at Students of Football Academy
Mochammad Abdullah Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, The Effectiveness of Integrating Google Class and GBA in the Blended
13 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859563 Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd
Salim M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D. Learning Setting for ESP Students' Writing Performance
Muhammad Adieb Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, The Effect of Outdoor Class to to Teacher's Performance and Perception
14 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859503 Dr. Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi , M.Pd, M.A.
Hidayatullah M.Ed. in Teaching Speaking
Teacher's Consideration on Selecting Materials for EFL Teaching and
15 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859577 Novika Amalia Dr. Sri Rachmajanti, Dip.TESL, M.Pd Dr. Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi , M.Pd, M.A.
The Effect of "Quipper" towards Students' Reading Achievement and
16 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859525 Novrisha Anggoro Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi, M.Pd Prof. Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, M.A.
Punggulina Andawaty The Effect of Local Content-Based Materials on Students' Speaking
17 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859526 Prof. Dr. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.
Tiven Achievement and Motivation
The Effectiveness of Using Wattpad towards ESP Students' Ability and
18 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859541 Rendhi Fatrisna Yuniar Prof. Dra. Utami Widiati, M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.
Motivation in Writing Argumentative Texts
Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., English Teachers Perception on their own Performance as a Teacher
19 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859562 Sabila Nahari Dr. Utari Praba Astuti, M.A.
Ph.D. (Self-Assessment)
Learning Style, Reading Anxiety, Reading Strategy and Reading
20 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859555 Sakinah Aprilia Dewi Prof. Dr. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, M.A.
Comprehension of Indonesian EFL Learners
No. Program Studi NIM Nama Mahasiswa Pembimbing 1 Pembimbing 2 Judul Tesis
Francisca Maria Ivone, S.Pd, M.A., Video as Pre-reading to Improve Students reading Comprehension in ESP
21 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221859513 Ubaidillah Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien, M.Pd
Ph.D Program
Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo, M.Pd, Prof. Drs. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Correlation between Motivation and Reading Achievement across Gender
22 S2 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris 170221800081 Wahyu Eko Utomo
M.Ed. M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D. of First Year Students of State Junior High Schools of Malang

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