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NMIMS – SBM : Teaching Plan ( Course Description )

Course Code XXX

Course Title Individual Dynamics and Leadership

Course Instructors:
Instructor/s Dr. Veena Vohra :
Dr. Manjari Srivastava :
Dr. Geeta D’Souza :
Prof. Bijayinee Patnaik :
Dr. Gowri Joshi :
Credit Value 3 credits ( 100 marks paper )

Programme &

Learning A. Analyze a business situation from the perspective of individual

Objectives / behavior.(PLO2a)
Outcomes B. Apply organizational behavioral theories / frameworks /models to reflect
critically on specific business context.(PLO2b)
C. Develop effective interpersonal skills to become effective leaders. (PLO4c)

Session Plan Course Objectives:

 To acquaint the participants with the personality dimensions that influence

the work life
 To develop understanding about the perceptual process errors therein for
better managerial judgment
 To create awareness of learning process and individual differences therein
 To develop an understanding of the complexities in motivation at workplace
 To bring the participants in touch with the creative process and its enablers
 To develop an understanding of the role of leadership and its contingencies
among the participants

Evaluation Components (Total: 100 marks)

Class Participation : 15 marks
Creativity Assignment : 10 marks
Team Project : 35 marks
End Term Exam : 40 marks
Session Details: Topic

1 Introduction To Organizational Behaviour

- The Learning Objectives and evaluation pattern of this Course

-The Need for Understanding Human Behaviour in Organizations: What is

organizational Behaviour?

-Disciplines that contribute to the OB field

- Developing an OB Model

Class Discussion: Introductory Discussion on What Great Managers Do based

on HBR and Forbes articles

Pre Read : HBR article: “What great managers do” by Marcus Buckingham

Pre Read : Forbes Article : “Five things the best managers do and don’t do”
by Victor Lipman

Pre Read : Chapter 1

2 Personality

-What is personality?

- Definition, Measurement, Determinants

Case for Discussion: The Jenner Situation

Pre Read: Chapter 5

3 Personality

- Big five Personality Model

- How Big 5 traits predict behaviour at work

- The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

- Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy

Pre class preparation: Big five Personality Inventory using web link -

Class Activity: On Big 5 Model and Mach Test

Pre Read: Chapter 5

4 Personality and Values

- Other Personality Traits relevant to OB: Core self-evaluation, self-

monitoring, Proactive Personality, Locus of Control, Self-esteem

- Personality and Situations

- Linking an individual’s personality and values to the workplace (Person-job

fit; person-organization fit)

- Implications for Managers

Class Activity: Discussions based on different personality dynamics and their

impact on work and working relationships

Class exercise: on Locus of Control, Self-esteem test

Pre Read: Chapter 5

5 Values

- Values and their importance

- Milton Rokeach’s Terminal and Instrumental Values

- Generational Values

- Implications for Managers

Class Discussion: On alignment between an organization’s core values and

individual values.

Article Discussion: HBR article (1998) - The discipline of building character by

Joseph L. Badaracco Jr.

Pre Read: Chapter 5

6 Attitudes

-Components of an attitude: ABC Model

-Does behaviour always follow from attitudes? (Cognitive Dissonance)

- Job Attitudes: Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement, Organizational

Commitment, Perceived organizational support, Employee Engagement.

-The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on the workplace

- Implications for managers

Case Discussion: Lisa Benton

Pre Read: Chapter 3

7 Creativity

- Creativity

Article Discussion: HBR article (2008) – How Pixar Fosters Collective


8 Emotions and Moods

- What are emotions and moods?

- Basic emotions and Basic moods (Positive and negative affect)

- Sources of emotions and moods

- Emotional Labor

- Emotional Intelligence Framework

- OB applications of emotions and moods

- Implications for Managers

Case Discussion: On Emotions

Pre Read : Chapter 4

9 Learning Theories

- Classical conditioning

- Operant conditioning

- Reinforcement theory and schedules of reinforcement

- Organizational Behaviour Modification

- Implications for Managers

Movie Discussion: Discussion based on the movie “Whiplash”

Pre Read: Learning Handout

10 Learning Theories

- Social Learning Theory

- Implications for Managers

Article Discussion: HBR article (2014) – A social brain is a smarter brain

Case Discussion: Social Strategy at Cisco Systems

Pre Read: Learning Handout

11 Perception

- What is Perception?

- Factors that influence perception

- Attribution theory

- Fundamental Attribution Error and Self-serving bias

- Common shortcuts in judging others

- Specific applications of shortcuts in organizations

-Implications for managers

Pre Read: Chapter 6

12 Motivation: Theories and Applications

- Early Theories: Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory, Theory X and theory Y,

Herzberg’s Two factor theory, McClelland’s Need theory

- Contemporary Theories: Equity theory, Expectancy theory of motivation

- Job Characteristics Model

Case Discussion: Shivani Carriers Pvt. Ltd.

Pre Read: Chapters 7 and 8

13 Motivation: Theories and Applications

- Goal Setting theory

- Employee Engagement, Employee Involvement and Rewards

-Implications for managers

Class Discussion: David Pink video -

Article Discussion: HBR Article (2008) Employee Motivation: A powerful new

model by Nohria, Groysberg and Lee

Pre Read: Chapters 7 and 8

14 Individual Wellbeing and Managing Stress

- What is stress?

- Potential sources of stress

- Individual and cultural differences

- Consequences of stress

- Managing stress and Individual Wellbeing

- Implications for managers

Class Discussion: Video based discussion on Stress.

Article Discussion: HBR Article (2014) Mindfulness in the age of Complexity

Pre Read: Chapter 17; Handout on Stress

15 Leadership

- Introduction to Leadership

- Trait and Behavioural theories

- Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid

- Contingency theories: Fiedler and Situational Leadership theories

Class Activity : Blake and Mouton’s Leadership style Inventory

Class Activity: Leadership Simulation

Pre Read: Chapter 12

16 Leadership

- Path Goal theory of Leadership

- Leader Member Exchange theory

- Charismatic and Transformational leadership

Pre Read: Chapter 12

17 Leadership

- Jim Collins’ Level 5 Leadership

- Authentic, Ethical and Servant Leadership

-Trust and Leadership

Pre Read: Chapter 12

18 Leadership

- Mentoring

- Finding and creating effective leaders

- Implications for managers

Article Discussion: HBR Article (2011) The Ordinary Heroes of the Taj

Supplementary You tube video

Pre Read: Chapter 12

19 Project Presentation

20 Project Presentation

Note : Chapter Readings: Students are required to go through the prescribed chapters
from the text book “Organizational Behavior” by Stephen Robbins, Timothy Judge and
Neharika Vohra (16th ed.) Pearson.
Teaching / Case based analysis, group exercises, experiential learning activities, psychometric
Learning testing, self-assessment, simulations, movie based discussions, role plays,
Methodology presentations and lecture method

methods in Specific %
Alignment with assessment weighting
Intended methods/tasks
learning A B C
outcomes Class 15
participation √ √
(case study)
Creativity 10 √
Team based 35 √ √
Final exam 40 √ √

Reading List and

References  Fred Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, Tenth
 McShane, Glinow and Sharma, Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill
 Udai Pareek, Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford University
 Robin Fincham, Peter Rhodes, Principles of Organizational Behaviour
 John W. Newstorm, Keith Davis, Organizational Behavior – Human Behavior At
Work, Tata McGraw - Hill
 Paul Hersey & Kenneth Blanchard: Management of Organizational Behavior,
 Helrigel, Slocum and others, Organizational Behavior

Approved by:

Area Chairperson Program Chairperson Dean SBM

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