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Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol.

29, October 1996, pp 476-484

A comparison of chloride ion diffusion coefficients

derived from concentration gradients and non-steady
state accelerated ionic migration.
C. Andrade 1, D. W h i t i n g 2
(1) Instituto de Ciencias de la ConstruccionEduardo Torroja, Madrid, Spain
(2) Construction TechnologyLaboratories, Skokie, Illinois, USA

A method for electrical indication of the ability of con- Une m~thode d'essai de la re'sistance du b~ton 3 la
crete to resist chloride ion penetration was first developed p~n~tration des chlorures a ~t~ raise au point aux l~tats-
in the USA in the late 1970's. The test method (AASHTO Unis ~ latin des ann~es 1970. La m~thode ( A A S H T O
T 277) related chloride ion diffusion to the measurement of T 277) relie la diffusion des chlorures ~ la quantit~ de
electrical charge passed through a test specimen in a rela- charge ~lectrique qui passe ~ travers l'~chantillon pendant
tively short period of time. In this paper, chloride concen- une assez courte dur~e. Darts ce travail, on utilise les pro-
tration profiles obtained from specimens used in the initial ills de concentration de chlorures obtenus pour calculer le
development of the method are used to compute apparent coefficient de diffusion, Dapp, en utilisant les principes de
chloride diffusion coefficients, Dapp, by application of ionic migration ionique. Ces Dapp sont, ~ leur tour, compares
migration principles. These coefficients are compared to avec les r~sultats de Dapp obtenus h partir d'un essai de
Dapp calculated from fitting data obtained from 90-day diffusion naturelle pendant 90 jours.
ponding tests carried out on companion specimens not On montre qu'il existe, pour les b~tons convention-
subjected to application of electrical currents. nels, une tr~s bonne correlation de tous les coefficients de
It is shown that there is a strong linear relationship for diffusion calculus ~ part# des profils de concentration pro-
conventional concretes between coefficients calculated cluits ou par essais de diffusion naturetle ~ long terme ou
from chloride concentration gradients produced either by par entree acc~l&~e des chlorures clans les {prouvettes. On
long-term ponding or by accelerated ingress of chloride inclut aussi clans la comparaison les coefficients de diffu-
into the test specimens. Also included in the comparative sion effective, Deft, bas~s sur la mesure de la r~sistance
study are effective diffusion coefficients, Deft, based on the ~tectrique et calculSs seton t'Squation d'Einstein. Les
measurement of specimen resistance and calculated using r~sultats montrent que les coefficients de diffusion ainsi
Einstein's equation. Results indicate that values calculated calculus ont des valeurs in)&ieures ~ celles obtenues par
by any of the techniques yield lower values for diffusion diffusion naturelle. La classification relative de la r~sis:
coefficients than those obtained from longer-term pond- tance des b~tons aux chlorures est pourtant la m~me. Des
ing. It is shown, however, that rankings of concretes on the erreurs importantes se produisent quancl Ies pwfits pr~sen-
basis of diffusion coefficient are similar for both calculated tent des anomalies. Elles proviennent de l'influence des
and measured values. Large errors occur in calculated coef- taux de concentration en chlorures sur les coefficients de
ficients in cases where anomalies exist in measured chlor- diffusion. Pour les borons aux polym~res, les mScanismes
ide gradients. These errors are related to the dependence of de p~n~tration des chlorures peuvent ?tre diff&ents si un
calculated diffusion coefficients on chloride concentration courant ~lectrique est applique.
ratios. For specialty polymer concretes, mechanisms of Toutes ces diff&ences peuvent 8tre imput~es ~ la courte
penetration of chloride into concrete may be different in dur~e des essais A A S H T O T 277 et au voltage asse;;:
the presence of an applied electrical field. ~levd qui est utilisO. Ces circonstances empSchent le b~ton
These differences may be the result of the short test d'atteindre la mgme concentration superficielle Cs que
time in the AASHTO T 277 procedure as well as of the clans le cas de la diffusion naturelle. On trouve des valeurs
relatively high voltage used. These effects prevent the anormalement hautes quand le b~ton est trop r~sistif ou

CarmenAndradeis theDirectoroftheInstitutoEduardoTorrojawhichis a RILEM TitularMember.Dr. Andrade,whowas the 1986RILEM Medallist,has
for manyyearshadgreatresponsibilitieswithinRILEM. Chairladyof theAdvisoryTechnicalCommitteeuntil I993, she is nowa memberof the Coordinating
Committee. She is activein 116-PCD TechnicalCommitteeon Permeabilityof Concreteas a Criterionof its Durabilityand has beenappointedChairdladyof
154-EMC TechnicalCommitteeonElectrochemicalTechniquesforMeasuringMetallicCorrosion.CarmenAndradewasappointedPJLEM Fellowin 1995.

0025-5432/96 9 RILEM 476


concrete from reaching the same chloride surface con- qu'il a refu un traitement de surface. Dans ces cas, la
centration, Cs, as in longer-term (90-day) ponding. concentration supe~'cielle Cs est beaucoup plus grande
Anomalously high valves are computed when the que clans les essais de diffusion a 90jours.
concrete is too resisnve or has been surface treated. In
these cases, the Cs valves are far greater than those
obtained during 90-day ponding.


1. INTRODUCTION ences between concretes rather than accurately predict

future performance.
Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete continues to With the aim of comparing concretes of various com-
be a serious problem worldwide. One of the primary positions with respect to their relative resistance against
causes of this corrosion is the chloride ion [CI-], which chloride penetration, in the late 1970's a technique for
destroys the natural passivity of steel in the highly-alkaline determining the relative permeability of concretes to
concrete environment, thus leading to the formation of chloride ions was developed under contract to the Federal
corrosion products which exert large tensile forces on the Highway Administration (FHWA). The method was later
concrete matrix and ultimately lead to the cracking and standardized by the American Association of State
spalling of concrete in chloride-contaminated atmos- Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) as
pheres. The time of the initiation of corrosion [1] is con- AASHTO T 277 [11], and in 1993 a revised version was
trolled by the depth of the concrete cover and the time standardized by ASTM as C 1202 [12]. Both methods rely
taken for chloride ions to penetrate this cover. Since the on measuring the amount of electrical charge passing
cover of concrete over reinforcing bars is generally speci- through a saturated 100-ram diameter slice of concrete
fied by agencies, such as US [2] or European [3] codes, the 50 mm thick during a 6-hour test period under an applied
major variable determining the time-to-corrosion is then potential of 60 Vdc. The initial development report [13]
the permeability of the concrete to chlorides. This "per- noted that the test was primarily qualitative in nature and
meability" may be a function of the absorption of unsatu- should only be used to rank concretes in terms of their rel-
rated concrete through capillary processes in the near sur- ative ability to permit ingress of chloride ions and not to
face layers [4], and of the diffusion of chloride through the predict the quantitative amount of chloride which could
saturated or nearly-saturated concrete at somewhat greater pass into the concrete. However, the test has been
depths up to the reinforcing steel. Both mechanisms, employed, especially in the US, for specification purposes,
absorption and diffusion, should be taken into account using the data presented in the original report to construct
when chloride penetration rates are model]ed or tested. limits of acceptance based on the amount of charge passed
However, very few models consider both mechanisms and (in coulombs) over the six-hour test period. Variants of the
only diffusion is generally modelled by means of solving test developed by Zhang et al. [14] and Detwiler et al. [15]
Fick's second law: have also been proposed. Because of this, considerable crit-
or a2C icism of the test has been recently occurring in both the
-D (1) US [16] and Europe [17].
at aX2 Recent work [18] has been carried out with the aim
assuming a semi-infinite medium and the following ini- of clarifying the fundamental meaning of this test and of
tial and boundary conditions : contributing to the understanding of the processes
occurring when an electrical field is applied to the con-
Cx = 0, x _>0, t=0 (2) crete, such as that occurring during cathodic protection,
Cx=Cs, x=0, t>0 (3) chloride removal or realkalization. In the cited study,
Nernst-Plank and Nernst-Einstein equations were used
which leads to the generally-accepted solution : to calculate diffusion coefficients from a migration test
(AASHTO T 277) either under steady-state [18] or
Cx erfc x non-steady-state conditions [19]. Therefore, it appears
C-7 = 2v/-D-7 (4) feasible to calculate chloride diffusion coefficients (D
Considerable previous work has been carried out in values) from chloride profiles or from electrical resistivi-
order to develop data on chloride diffusion coefficients for ty of the concrete.
concrete [5-10]. However, more recently, attempts have The objective of the study described in this paper is
been made to use short-term experiments to predict prac- to determine the relationships between diffusion coeffi-
tical long-term concrete performance. It is questionable cients calculated from electrical parameters of the
whether short-term experiments give results reliable AASHTO test and calculated from the profiles of chlo-
enough to be used for such predictions, and possibly such ride actually entering the concrete under short-term
short-term experiments may only help to quantify differ- (i.e., using 60 Vdc potential) and long-term (90-day

Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions,Vol. 2 9 , October 1996

Table 1 - Mix proportions and characteristics of fresh concretes used in the study
Mi~ure Type Cement(kgm -3) Water(kgm -3) Additive(s)(kgm -3) Slump(mm) Aircontent(%)

CON6 w/c=O.60 390 234 - 198 8.0

CON4 w/c=0.40 390 156 - 50 7.9
CON32 w/c=0.32 490 160 WRA-I.1 6.7
LMC latex-modified 390 94 SBR latex- 58 182 7.7
ISC internally-sealed 390 216 wax beads - 71 86 3.7
PC polymer resin- 20 % w/w - catalyst- 0.4 % w/w - -
PIC polymer-impregnated 390 195 PMMA- 5% w/w 81 5.2

ponding) exposures. As the authors had access to the 2.2 Mix proportions
original data used in the AASHTO T 277 test develop-
ment, it was felt that this information would be especial- Mix proportions for all concretes produced for this
ly pertinent to current discussions relating to the signifi- study are given in Table 1. With the exception of mixes
cance and use of the AASHTO procedure as well as CON32 and PC, all concretes were produced having a
serving to suggest modifications that may improve its cement content of 390 kg/m3. The low w/c ratio mix
suitability as a predictive indicator of chloride penetra- (CON32) is typically used for bridge deck overlay appli-
tion into concrete. cations, and heaW vibration is used to consolidate this
zero-slump concrete. The last four mixes in Table 1 rep-
resent specialty concretes either in use or under consid-
2. MATERIALS, MIX PROPORTIONS AND eration for use by the FHWA during the period when
SPECIMEN PREPARATION this work was initially carried out (mid to late 1970's). At
the time, latex-modified concrete (LMC) was just
beginning to be widely used as a bridge deck protective
2.1 Materials system [20]. Internally-sealed concrete (ISC), using wax
beads which are subsequently melted inside the concrete
Eight types of concrete were selected for this com- after hardening, had been developed by the FHWA [21].
parative study (see Table 1). Three were conventional The sixth mix used, polymer concrete (PC), had also
concretes (CON6, C O N 4 , CON32) with water-to- been developed during the same time period for the
cement (w/c) ratios ranging from 0.6 to 0.32. The other FHWA [22] and others [23], and continues to be used in
five concrete types were modified by the addition of dif- thin (12 to 25 mm) deck topping applications. The final
ferent types of polymers and special treatments. type, polymer-impregnated concrete (PIC), has also
All concretes, with the exception of the single-poly- been largely confined to experimental studies.
mer concrete (PC) mixture, were produced with ASTM
C 150 Type I Portland cement. Coarse aggregate was a
dense, crushed limestone. Fine aggregate was a natural 2.3 Specimen preparation
siliceous sand. The polymer modifier used in the latex-
modified concrete (LMC) was a 48% aqueous emulsion From each concrete mix, a series of slabs 600 x 300 x
of styrene-butadiene latex. Beads of a 75:25 blend of 150 mm in dimension were cast. All slabs cast from the
paraffin and montan wax were used in the internally- conventional and PIC mixes were moist-cured under
sealed concrete (ISC). wet burlap over an initial period of 14 days. Slabs were
An air-entraining agent based on neutralized Vinsol then tightly sealed in heavy polyethylene wrapping and
resin was used in all concretes except the LMC and ISC allowed to age for a period of 3 months.
mixes. A lignin-based water reducer was used in the low Slabs cast from mixes LMC, ISC and PC were pro-
w/c ratio concrete. The PC mix was produced with a duced in accordance with procedures unique to each special
polyester monomer binder and minus 2 m m silica sand material. LMC slabs were moist-cured for only 1 day, fol-
in a proportion of 20:80 by mass. A methyl ethyl ketone lowed by continuous air drying. One set of ISC slabs was
(MEK) accelerator was used at 2 % by weight of resin given the initial 14-day moist cure, removed to air for an
binder. The polymer-impregnated concrete (PIC) was additional 1 week of air curing, then surface treated with
produced using a methyl methacrylate (MMA)/trimethyl heating blankets until the temperature reached 85 ~ C at 50
propylyl tri-methacrylate (TMPTMA) monomer mix in mm from the surface. A second set of ISC slabs (ISC-A)
a proportion of 95:5 by mass. The monomer system was was cured, but not subjected to surface heating. The slabs
catalyzed with a 1% benzoyl peroxide initiator. were then polyethylene-wrapped as per the conventional
mixes. PC slabs were not given any moist curing after

Andrade, Whiting

dard AASHTO method [11]. Just prior to testing, the

electrical resistance of the specimen was measured
(P'qnitial) using a 100 Hz AC soil resistance meter applied
across the Screen electrodes within the test cell (Figs. 1
and 2). Upon conclusion of testing the resistance of each
specimen was once again measured using the AC meter
(P'-final). Each test specimen was then sealed in a thick
polyethylene bag and transferred to a freezer maintained
at - 18~ C in order to prevent further migration of chlo-
ride ions within the specimens until slices could be
obtained for the analysis of chloride gradients.
Fig. 1 - Aspect of the cell used for AASHTO T 277.
3.2 Determination of chloride
content in slices
casting, as no water is required for cure of the resin-based Each 50 mm x 100 mm test specimen was rapidly
binder. PIC slabs were given the initial 14-day cure, then transferred to a water-cooled diamond saw, and a nomi-
dried, soaked in monomer and polymerized. nal 6-ram thick slice was obtained from the top surface.
After completion of specimen preparation and curing, Slices were removed until each specimen had been sec-
the plastic wrapping was removed and a series of 100-ram tioned into 5 slices. Slices were then fractured in a jaw
diameter cores was extracted from one of the slabs in each crusher, and ground to pass a 150-tim sieve. The result-
set for AASHTO T 277 testing. The companion slab was ing powder samples were analyzed for total chloride ion
prepared for AASHTO T 259 90-day ponding. Test pro- content in accordance with AASHTO T 260.
cedures are described in the following section.

3.3 AASHTO T 259 (90-day ponaing)

Slabs, companion to those from which the 100-mm
3.1 AASHTO T 277 cores were obtained, were ponded with a 3-percent solu-
tion of sodium chloride for a period of 90 days. At the end
Test slices 50 mm thick were removed from the top of this period, powder samples were obtained by drilling
of each 100-mm diameter core taken from the concrete at the following increments: 0-10 ram, 10-16 ram, 16-
slabs. The slices were allowed to air dry for i hour, then 22 mm, 22-29 mm and 29-41 mm. Powder samples were
were prepared for testing in accordance with the stan- then analyzed for total chloride ion content.

Two units req'd.

J---- 2" ~L~_4"
ii I I I
I I I |||| GLue join screen

~ Y P ) 3/" 1 i-JllL--
unit to cell

I Fig. 2 - Layout of the cell
I Mesh soldered of Fig. 1.
between shims
L1 5"~

-i :1
r ~

- ........................


Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions, Vol. 29, October 1996

4. CALCULATION OF DIFFUSION Table 3 - Chloride contents of slices

COEFFICIENTS obtained from 90-day ponding specimens
Mixture Type Mid-point of Total
Three theoretical procedures have been used to cal- depth (mm) chloride(%)
culate diffusion coefficients: 1) by fitting equation (4) CON6 w/c=O.60 5 0.442
into the chloride profiles obtained either from the 13 0.293
AASHTO T 277 (60 V) test or from the 90-d ponding 19 0.179
test ; 2) by introducing resistivity values ; or 3) by intro- 25 0.107
ducing the charge passed (in coulombs) into the Nernst- 35 0.038
Einstein equation. CON4 w/c=0.40 5 0.503
The fitting of chloride profiles into equation (4) was 13 0.172
carried out by regression analysis. 19 0.083
25 0.025
From the Nerst-Einstein Equation (AC Resistivity), 35 0.012
effective diffusion coefficients, Deft, can be calculated, as
the equation only holds for ions diffusing under steady- CON32 w/c=0.32 5 0.261
13 0.054
state conditions with no reaction [24]. The equation 19 0.011
used is: 25 0.008
RT 1 to 35 0.007

Deft- nF 2 9 " cyZ (5) LMC latex-modified 5 0.303

13 0.044
In addition, the coulombs passed during the 6 h of 19 0.025
the AASHTO test may be converted into a "mean" 25 0.019
electrical current value by dividing the coulombs by the 35 0.011
time (21,600 seconds). The 60 V applied are then divid- ISC internally 5 0.052
ed by this mean-calculated current to obtain a mean sealed-heated 13 0.013
resistance. Finally, resistivity is measured using the cell 19 0.008
25 0.006
geometry parameters given in 4.2.II. 35 0.007
The resistivity value is then introduced into (5) in
order to calculate Deft. ISC internally 5 0.390
sealed-unheated 13 0.242
In addition to these three theoretical parameters, an 19 0.133
empirical approach suggested by Berke [26] has also been 25 0.057
used. Berke's equations are: 35 0.018

From coulombs: D = 0.0103 x 10-8 Q0.84 (6) PC polymer 5 0.058

13 0.022
From resistivity: D = 54.6 x 10-8 p -1.01 (7) 19 0.011
25 0.009
35 0.009
PIC polymer- 5 0.138
impregnated 13 0.043
Table 2 - Results of AASHTO T 277 19 0.013
testing on slices obtained from cores 25 0.009
35 0.000
Mixture Type Charge Initial Final
passed (ohms) (ohms)
(coulombs) 5. RESULTS
CON6 w/c=O.60 4570 580 260
5.1 AASHTO T 277 results
CON4 w/c=O.40 1540 1000 675
CON32 w/c=0.32 1170 1200 945 Results ofAASHTO T 277 testing are shown in Table
LMC latex- 613 2600 1550 2. In addition to the amount of charge passed through the
modified slices over the 6-hour test period, the electrical resistance of
each specimen before and after testing was also recorded.
ISC internally 1330 1250 805
sealed-heated The highest values of charge passed (and lowest resistances)
were obtained for the high w/c ratio concrete (CON 6) and
ISC internally 4310 455 320 the ISC-A, which had not been surface heated. The charge
passed decreased for the remaining conventional concretes
PC polymer 0 > 106 5 x 105 with lower w/c ratios, and was much lower for LMC and
PIC polymer- 35 56000 23000 negligible for the PC and PlC. For the latter two concretes,
impregnated very high electrical resistances were recorded.

Andrade, Whiting

5.2 Chloride content of drill samples from Table 4 - Chloride contents of slices
90-day ponding specimens obtained from AASHTO T277 specimens
Chloride contents of the drill samples taken from the Mixture Type Mid-pointof Total
depth (mm) chloride (%)
90-day ponding slabs after completion of the test are
shown in Table 3. Significant amounts of chloride have CON6 w/c=0.60 4 0.192
diffused into the specimens over the 90-day period of test- 15 0.231
24 0.125
ing. In a number of the test concretes, chloride ions were 33 0.042
detected at depths of more than half-way through the test 45 0.008
slice. For all concretes, large amounts of chloride were
CON4 w/c=0.40 5 0.257
detected within the first 3 to 5 mm from the surface, indi- 17 0.110
cating that even highly-impermeable concretes are not 28 0.047
able to keep chloride from penetrating into the near-sur- 38 0.045
face skin under the conditions of the ponding test. 47 0.043
CON32 w/c=0.32 3 0.194
13 0.046
5.3 Chloride content of slices from 23 0.012
34 0.012
AASHTO T 277 test 46 0.011

Chloride contents of slices taken from the AASHTO LMC latex-modified 4 0.129
T 277 test specimens are shown in Table 4. No data 14 0.007
24 0.007
were obtained from the PC specimen. For comparative 34 0.005
46 0.005
%CL- total ISC internally 4 0.082
0.6 sealed-heated 14 0.045
1 o 90 days 22 0.050
0.5J - 9 60 Volts 31 0.052
43 0.056
04t k |
ISC internally 3 0.164
sealed-unheated 12 0.252
22 0.204
33 0.038
45 0.021
PIC polymer- 4 0.008
impregnated 14 0.008
25 0.008

34 0.007
O3 CON 3Z 46 0.007
O.1 purposes, the chloride profiles resulting from 90-day
ponding and the 60 V test are shown in Fig. 3. For two

of the sets in Table 4 (CON6 and ISC-A), chloride con-
tent at the second sampling increment is greater than
from the first slice. This may be attributed to depletion
0.3 of the chloride concentration in the test cell reservoir as
l __CC the test proceeded, so that the amount of chloride enter-
ing the cell was reduced over the testing period.
0.1 ~ In general, it can be seen from Fig. 3 that for ordi-
i J
nary concretes the profiles reached are of similar shapes
for both tests. This is especially true when the sampling
interval closest to the surface is disregarded. For poly-
meric concretes (LMC and ISC-A), agreement between

chloride profiles for the two tests is reasonably good.
o.1 However, for the PIC mix there is a significant differ-
ence between the two profiles, with this arising from the
60 V test being anomalously "flat". For the PC, no pro-
files were obtained from the 60 V test specimens, thus
5 cm 1 2 3 4 5 cm
no comparisons can be drawn. Values of Cs, calculated
Fig.3 - Chloride profiles of the different concretes o f Table 1 from chloride profiles in both tests, are compared in Fig.
after 90-day ponding (Table 3) and 60V tests (Table 4). 4, which shows that the Cs achieved in the 60 V test is

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 29, October 1996

D x 10-ecm2/s
Cs% 60V g
/ 122.5 523.0
0.6- / ISC PIC
line of
equality /
0.4- Y n 60Vdc
o Einstein in
/ CON4 9 Einstein fin /
=9 9
0 Berke Q
x Coulombs /
/ / ISC-A 9L M_..~C /
0.I - t I/_IS._..C.r=PI_..CC rl CON 6
/ o <>
' '
0.2 ' O14. . . 0.6
. 018 ' '
1.0 8000
/ ~
Fig. 4 - Comparison of values of surface chloride
i x
concentrations, Cs, obtained by curve fitting / CON 4 9
.~QN 320 {~ X
Equation (4) into chloride profiles of Fig. 3 (90-day M._.._C,/~"
L O o
ponding and 60V tests).
/~ - t o

much smaller for ordinary, latex-modified and 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 2 2

internally-sealed concretes. That is, in spite of PONDING Dap xlO~
the fact that the profiles seem similar, the more Fig. 5 - Comparison of diffusion coefficients listed in Table 5.
rapid 60 V test apparently does not allow suffi-
cient time for a similar degree of chloride inter-
action with the concrete. presented in Table 5 and Fig. 5. Since no chloride concen-
tration profiles were obtained for the PC mix specimen
subsequent to the AASHTO T 277 test, no apparent dif-
5.4 Calculated diffusion coefficients fusion constants were calculated in this case.
It is evident from both Table 5 and Fig. 5 that D90 d is
The data developed in the original FHWA test pro- always greater than D60 V, indicating that the 60 V test
gram [27] presented in Tables 3 and 4 were used to calcu- does not absolutely reproduce the 90-day ponding test, as
late diffusion constants in accordance with the expressions was already seen in Fig. 4. However, in terms of relative
previously developed in Section 4 of this paper. Results are ranking, the comparison is more optimistic. Accordingly,

Table 5 - Values of resistivity, p,

surface concentration, Cs, and diffusivity, D, for the different test types
From CI profiles Einstein equation Berke equations
DappX10 -8 cm2/s DeffX 10.8 cm2/s Dappx 10s cm2/s

CON6 Cs 0.552 0.258 4570 p 9.3 4.16

D 24.56 9 6.53 D 3.13 7.01 12 5.74

CON4 Cs 0.75 0.30 Q 1540 p 16.02 10.81

D 7.90 4.32 D 2.20 D 1.82 2.70 4.9 3.31

CON32 Cs 0.47 0.261 Q 1170 p 19.224 15.14

D 4.20 0.95 D 0.67 D 1.51 1.92 3.89 2.75

LMC Cs 0.59 0.233 613 p 41.65 24.83

D 3.44 0.3 0.87 D 0.7 1.17 2.26 1.26

ISC Cs 0.082 0.068 1330 p 20.02 12.89

D 6.26 122.5 1.37 D 1.45 2.26 4.33 2.64

iSC-A Cs 0.51 0.245 4310 p 7.29 5.12

D 18.34 13.1 4.40 D 4.00 5.70 11.63 7.34

PC Cs 0.079 p > 106 5x10s

D 10.74 D < 0.0001 0.00074

PIC Cs 0.22 0.008 35 p 897.1 368.46

D 6.46 523 0.036 D 0.032 0.079 0.204 0.057

Andrade, Whiting

rankings from 90-day D values compare favorably to those electrolyte compositions are equal, movement of ions
from the rest of the derived diffusion coefficients shown in will follow the same pattern [28-29] for natural diffusion
Table 5, except in the case of those obtained from 60 V and for electrical migration.
profiles. For this last method of calculation, some anom- This explains the similitude of chloride profiles
alies are produced due to the flatness of the ISC and PIC obtained from 90 d and 60 V tests. However, the fact
chloride profiles. For these two concretes, the Dapp values that (Cs, Dapp) 90 d are greater than (Cs, Dapp) 60 V indi-
calculated from the 60 V profiles are too high. cates that eitfier the 60 V test is too short or the voltage
too high to fully reproduce the 90-day test. In a previous
paper [19], it was found that a voltage drop of 12 V and a
6. DISCUSSION testing time of one week were able to reproduce profiles
ofponding periods of one year.
6.1 Comparison of different methods In addition to the short duration of the 60 V test, two
of calculating D values other reasons may help explain the differences between
the profile shapes of the 90 d and 60 V tests:
Several methods of calculating the D values have 1) If the testing time is too short, the binding or reac-
been presented in Table 5. In order to compare them, tion of chlorides with the cement matrix may be less
the differences between what have been termed Dapp than in longer- term tests.
and Deft should be clarified. 2) The D value may be an inverse function of the
An apparent (Dapp) value has been attributed [24[ [18] chloride concentration, D = f (1/Ccl-). That is, D would
to the value obtained in a non-steady state experiment increase as CCl- decreases. This is demonstrated by the
such as 90-day ponding, where chloride binding is occur- flat shape of the profiles in the case of the impermeable
ring simultaneously with diffusion. On the other hand, an ISC and PIC concretes, as well as in the observation that
effective (Deft) value is obtained when the experiment is the penetration fronts (profiles beyond 1-2 cm where
performed under the steady-state condition in concretes the chloride concentration is smaller) are quite similar in
already saturated with chlorides ; therefore, no binding is both types of tests. It appears that low chloride concen-
developed during diffusion. Usually, Dapp is smaller than trations may allow more of a simulation of short-term
Deft. From the results shown in Table F, only D values migration tests.
calculated from the Einstein equation (resistivity values) Therefore, if one wishes to obtain similar absolute D
yield Deft. In the other methods, Dapp is calculated. values from 90-day and electrical migration tests, the test
Consequently, it does not appear reasonable that Deft duration and voltage have to be optimized in order to
values are less than the Dapp values obtained from the minimize the development of other mechanisms, such as
remaining methods. This willbe explained in 6.2. absence of binding, or enhancement of the dependence
The higher values of Deft obtained from R.fina1 result o l D values on chloride concentration.
from the fact that the resistivity of the concretes already This optimization is especially critical in concretes
contaminated with chlorides during the test is less and made with polymers, as Table 5 demonstrates that they
therefore, Deft final is greater than Deft initial. However, may exhibit anomalous behaviour, which indicates dif-
Deft initial is probably more applicable to new construc- ferent mechanisms of chloride penetration in these con-
tion, since it reflects the condition of a non-contaminated cretes. Such differences may be due to "skin" effects or
concrete. non-constant D values.
It is also apparent that D values obtained from resis-
tivity values (using AC methods) and those calculated
from coulombs passed are quite similar, confirming the
fact that the charge passed represents a measurement of 7. CONCLUSIONS
the concrete resistivity. In consequence, similar results
nlay be obtained by performing a resistivity test, in lieu The conclusions that can be drawn from the present
of the longer AASHTO T 277 procedure. study include the following:
For any given concrete, the values obtained using 1. The acceleration of chloride penetration into con-
Berke's equations (from coulombs, Q, or resistivity, crete by the use of an electrical field is an important
Rinitial) are more similar to Dap~p (90 ,days) than. to Deft advance, whose quantification will provide use in a vari-
(60 V). This is reasonable as Berke s equanons were ety of applications.
derived from long-term (two years or more) non-sta- 2. However, test conditions for the 60 V AASHTO
tionary chloride penetration. test have to be optimized if long-term concrete perfor-
mance is to be predicted.
3. For ordinary and latex-modified concretes, similar
6.2 Comparison of 90-day ponding chloride profiles are obtained for 90-day ponding and 60
and 60 V tests V tests. For polymer-impregnated concretes, the differ-
ences in profiles between the two tests enable deducing
Natural diffusion and migration are effects controlled the occurrence of other mechanisms, such as lower chlo-
by the same basic principles, and are both regulated by ride binding or a change in D value (D = f(Ccl-)) with
the diffusivity or mobility of the ions. This means that if chloride concentration.

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