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Design Calculation For Sag & Tension calculation for 220 kV Substaion


The purpose of this calculation is to find out the sag & tension of ---------- kV overhead conductor A
------------- area of conductor --------- Sq mm under various temputure & full wind condition for the
------------------------ substaion sag at daily temputure on unlaoded line has been considered to chec
mandatory clearance & tension value at 1 degree centgrade (loaded line ) & 75 degree centgrade (un
line) .


As per IEEE-605 -2008
Site Condiction
Project Technical specification
Layout & Section drawing
Conductor GTP


System nominal voltage = 115 kV
System Highest voltage = 126 kV
System Frequency = 50 Hz
Thermal short ckt current = 40 kA
at rated voltage


Maximum Ambient temp. = 45 ⁰ C
Min Ambient temp. = 0⁰ C
Aveg. Ambient temp. = 30 ⁰ C
Maximum relative humidity = 100 %
Maximum Wind velocity = 40 m/s
Altitude of site above sea level = 800 m


Type of conductor =
Nos of conductor n = 1 Nos
Diameter D = 0.0265 m
Area of conductor Ac = 0.000415 m2
Equivlent weight W = 1.1145 kg/m
Ultimate strength = 66.43 kN
Cofficient of linear a = 0.0000231 1/⁰ C
Modulus of elasicity Ec = 57000000000 N/m2
Initial Tension Hi = 10 kN
220 kV Substaion

--- kV overhead conductor ACSR

& full wind condition for the
has been considered to check the
) & 75 degree centgrade (unlaoded
Case - 1 Sag-Tension Calculation - Strain Bus Conductor - IEEE Std 605-2008

Tower Span Lenth L = 26.5 m

Wind speed Pw = 40 m/s
Ice loading Wice = 0 kg/m
Initial temp. Ti = 30 ⁰C
Maximum ambient temp. Tm = 45 ⁰C
Final conductor temp. Tf = 85 ⁰C
Daily Temp. Td = 30 ⁰C
Height of taller tower h2 = 10 m
Height of shorter tower h1 = 10 m
Differnce h = 0 m

2 Final Tension (Hf)

As per IEEE 605- 2008 Eq - 69

Ec Young modulus = 5.7E+10 N/m2
Ac Area of conductor = 0.000415 m2
a Cofficient of linear
expansion = 0.0000231 1/⁰ C
Tf Final Temp. = 85 ⁰C
Ti Initial temp. = 30 ⁰C
Hi Intial Tension = 10000 N
Hf Final Temp. = 85 N
mi‾ Initial mass by unit = 1.145 kg/m
mf‾ Final mass by unit = 1.145 kg/m
length may include ice loading
g Gravitation constant = 9.82 m/s2
L Consuctor span length = 26.5 m

Final tension (Hf) at final temp.

by solving the eqn - 69 = Hf³+Hf²P = K1 mf² ,-------- ( 1 )

Where K1 = ,-------- ( 2 )

Then Value of K1 = 6.675E+10

Y = ,-------- ( 3 )
Y = 546.4

P = Y(Tf-Ti) +(( K1 Mi^2)/Hi^2))-Hi ,-------- ( 4 )

P = 20928.7366

Now put these value in equation 1 & find out the value of Hf

R.H.S K1 mf² = 8.751E+10

L.H.S Hf³+Hf²P = 8.75E+10

L.H.S should be equal to R.H.S by changing the value of Hf

Hf = 1955.405 N

Hence Final tension (Hf) = 1955.405 N

3 Conductor Maximum sag at final tension @ 85 ⁰ C

As per IEEE -605 2008 eq no 68

Ds = Conductor sag
m‾ = Mass by unit length 1.145 kg/m
g = Gravitation constant 9.82 m/s2
L = Consuctor span length 26.5 m
H = is the tension in the 1955.4 N
conductor under a
given temp. @ 85 ⁰ C

Hence Max sag at final tension (Ds) 0.50 m

4 Conductor Min. sag at initial tension @ 30 ⁰ C

As per IEEE -605 2008 eq no 68

Ds = Conductor sag
m‾ = Mass by unit length 1.145 kg/m
g = Gravitation constant 9.82 m/s2
L = Consuctor span length 26.5 m
H = is the tension in the 10000 N
conductor under a
given temp. @ 30 ⁰ C

Hence Min. sag at final tension (Ds) 0.10 m


008 Eq - 69
,-------- ( 4 )

008 eq no 68

008 eq no 68

Height of the jack bus = m

Height of main bus = m

Max sag at lowest conductor = 0.50 m

` 85 Deg temp.

Min sag at lowest conductor = 0.10 m

` 30 Deg temp.

P-P clearance 1.5 m

Available clearance 1.00 m

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