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I. Describe the Class

This classroom is a diverse set of students. Grade 3. The overall class is average, with 1
ELL and 2 students behind grade level. There are 3 students that are progressing above
grade level.

II. Subject/Skill:

The subject is English. The students will be participating in a lesson about Main Idea.
The students do not need much prior knowledge to learn about main idea.

III. Objective(s)
Students will understand that main idea is the overall concept of a story/book.
Students will be able to define main idea.

IV. Procedures
1. Have the students obtain a copy of Alice in Wonderland.
2. The class will read the text together throughout the course of about a month.
3. Discuss different concepts and writing styles that are identified while reading.
4. Focus this lesson mainly on main idea.
5. Group students to tell their guess of the main idea in Alice in Wonderland.
6. Teach lesson of main idea by having the students create a collage of the main idea
(large in the center) and supporting themes (small around the center)
7. Assess the students on their knowledge on main idea.
* The ELL student will mainly be one-on-one with teacher, the students below grade
level will be integrated in groups (extra help provided if needed), and the students above
grade level will be normally integrated in to the lesson activities.

V. Materials
Copy of Alice in wonderland
Poster board
Access to pictures
VI. Grouping Structures
The students’ desks are already grouped with the purpose of mixing different learning
styles and learning levels. This is to expose the children to different ideas and ways of
thinking. This is going to be the groups that are discussing their own idea of what the
main idea is.

The class, as a whole, also does a lot of discussing.

Group structures change according to lesson.

* The ELL student will not be an active participant in most groups (due to the extra help
required), the below-level students will be integrated throughout the groups and the
above-level students will be integrated into groups as well.

VII. Modifications
Students can work one-on-one or in groups and the outcome of the lesson will come out
similar. One-on-one help is necessary in most lessons for some students.

VIII. Assessment
The students will create a poster on their main idea and supporting theme, which is an
assessment on Alice in Wonderland. The students will also be assessed through a reading
quiz on Friday, which pertains to the overall concept of main idea.

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