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A Journal

Submitted to the English Education Program of STKIP Garut in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Andri Patrianto

NIM 11221001





The use of Jakarta Post News to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

Andri Patrianto, 11221001, English Education Program

This research concerned with the use of Jakarta Post news article to improve students’
reading comprehension skill. Using a mixed methods design, this study aims to know how to use
the Jakarta Post news to improve students’ reading skill in learning language. The data gathered
from theory and literary documents for supporting the study. Interview and reading test were used
to collect the data. The result of the study was expected to describe the benefit of using news
articles to improve students’ reading comprehension skill.
Keywords: reading comprehension, Jakarta Post, reading test, and interview
Penelitian ini terkait dengan penggunaan artikel berita Jakarta Post untuk meningkatakan
kemampuan membaca siswa secara komprehensif. Menggunakan desain metode campuran,
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan berita dari Jakarta Post dapat
meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa secara komprehensif dalam mempelajari Bahasa. Data
dikumpulkan dari teori dan dokumen kepustakaan untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Wawancara dan
tes membaca dipakai untuk mengumpulkan data penelitan. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan
dapat menjelaskan manfaat penggunaan artikel berita untuk meningkatakan kemampuan membaca
siswa secara komprehensif.
Kata kunci: membaca komprehensif, Jakarta Post, tes membaca dan interview.

1. Introduction also gives positive effect to students’ lexical

knowledge, on their spelling, and on their
Human beings establish social relation in the
writing. Hence, reading can encourage
world using language as tool of
students’ vocabulary, grammar, and
communication. By using a language, people
punctuation (Harmer, 2007). To improve the
are able to convey their messages, to express
reading skill in English for college students
their idea in oral or written language so that
many kinds of readings are needed. Reading
they can communicate with each other.
newspapers, magazine, novels, encyclopedia,
Learning foreign language, especially English
religious, and science materials will broaden
for students is important as a determining
the field of the knowledge of the students.
factor in securing a favorable position and
remuneration in the job competition. Choosing material for teaching is not an easy
job and the teacher must be concern of many
English is the language of international
aspect before choose specific material for
communication, business and trade, the media
their students in the class. Textbooks
and culture, different purpose for learning it
sometimes do not give complete material for
come in to play in globalization era (Richards,
specific lesson, so teacher should be creative
2007: 2). English in a language of
to discover another source. Using authentic
globalization is widely spoken in almost all of
material in class is not new. According to
countries in the world as international
Nunan (1989) authentic material is “Any
communication. Because of its significance
material which has not been specifically
role, English has been included to Indonesian
produced for the purpose of language
National Education System from junior high
teaching”. Moreover, Bacon and Finnemann
school until university level. It is compulsory
(1990) state that “Authentic materials are
and allotted at least four-class hour per week.
texts produced by native speakers for a non-
At the university level, many non-English
pedagogical purpose.” Therefore, authentic
departments require that students take one or
text is defined as any text that has not been
two semesters of English for two hours per
produced for English teaching material but it
week. Even though English is officially taught
can be applied in classroom for teaching.
throughout secondary schools and at the
university level in Indonesia, competence in Teaching language using online news is a
English as foreign language between high good choice. News develops every day and
school and university level is generally not the content of news in the classroom is fresh
satisfactory. The problems are in the each day. It comes with the latest news and
academic and professional, English has never information. Stories spread out as reporters
been widely use as the lingua franca in the discover more information to reconstruct what
majority population of Indonesia. happened. There is the fast news in the
world’s happenings is an online news.
Learning English should include four skills:
listening, speaking, reading and writing. One For teachers the evolution from newspaper to
of the four skills in English, reading is an online news offers a special content. It can be
important educational goal in learning called the living textbook and it lives up to
language. It provides student to understand that name. Reading news can help to enhance
more or less based on what they read and skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking,
provide good models for writing. If they read social studies and natural science. Critical
more, they will get at it. Furthermore, reading thinking is the natural outgrowth of using a

news to learn. Unlike textbook, which are There are various definitions of reading from
several years outdated by the time get they get the experts. Nunan (2003: 68) says that
into students’ hands, the news comes alive reading is an intensive process of readers
with new information. The news expands the combining information from a text and their
curriculum with an unlimited amount of personal knowledge to build meaning. The
information to use as background for learning purpose of reading is comprehension skill.
activities. Finally, the readers can enjoy According to Pang et al, (2003: 6) reading
online news service to find specific news of consists of two related processes, word
interest. recognition and comprehension. Word
comprehension refers to the process of
The reading news activities will help students
perceiving how written symbols correspond to
improve their skills in reading and writing.
spoken language and comprehension refers to
These skills are among the ones they will
the process of making sense of words,
practice by using newspaper: how to find
sentences, and connected text. Harmer (2007:
main idea, how to increase vocabulary how to
99) states that reading is useful for second
compare readings, how to form sentences,
language acquisition. If students read more,
how to ask a good question and how to write
the better reading ability they get from it.
great summary. They will employ many
critical thinking skills, as they are required to From brief explanation above, Reading is an
interact with the authentic text found in the activity to comprehend written information
news. Teachers have to be creative teaching in and it is a skill of language to get information
the classroom. They do not only use textbook from written text. Reading is also a process of
but also use another material for example communication between the writer and reader
news from internet. indirectly.
3.2 Reading Comprehension
2. Research Problem Reading comprehension according to Hoover
and Tuner in Urquhart and Weir (1998) is to
To achieve the previously mentioned aims,
extract complete meanings from presented
this study guided by the following research
material. From the definition, the focus on
comprehension is what reading about and
1. Can authentic text of Jakarta Post help getting information from written texts.
Reading comprehension is the ability to
students to improve their reading discern meaning from the written text. Skilled
readers are purposeful and active and apply
skill? comprehension strategies to the text.

2. How can using the Jakarta Post help The reading comprehension process involves
an understanding of words and how those are
students to improve their reading used to create meaning. A large majority of
authors on reading comprehension suggest
skill? that there are several critical elements: (1) the
text, (2) the reader, (3) the interaction
3. Review of Literature between the reader and the text, and (4) the
mental state of the reader after the text
3. 1 Reading

Those critical elements are the important actual, attested, and such that they have real
elements that for consideration of the teacher authentic instances of use. Jordan (1997)
to establish the students to comprehend in defines authentic texts as the ones that are not
reading. The students or the reader of a designed for pedagogical purpose.
certain text should know and sort every single Furthermore, Jacobson et al (2003: 1) sees
word in a text which one they get the meaning authentic text as printed materials, which are
of that word or they should look for the used in classroom in the same way they
meaning of word to understand the meaning would be used in real world. Then, Herrington
of the whole text. If the students understand and Oliver (2000) suggested a new term,
the text, it means that the student integrates called “authentic learning”. It is related to the
with the text. students’ real life and prepares them to face
and deal with real world situations. On other
The students who are the successful reader
hand, Herod (2002) says that authentic
can mention the elements of the text such
learning includes materials and activities
as events, facts, setting or other element
designed to imitate the real world situations.
which is connected with the whole text.
The teacher sometimes gives the students a 3.4 News article as Authentic Text
question related to the element of the text.
Using a news article text in teaching
The teacher will know which student who
English can bring lively and contemporary
masters the text well or not from the answers
subject into the classroom and at the same
to the questions.
time motivate the students. They also provide
Reading comprehension is an important English learners most kinds of genres of
aspect to develop students’ ability to read writing written in authentic language, such as
with understanding. Barr, Sadow, and narratives, stories, letters, reports, and
Blachwicz (1990) emphasized that reading is advertisements, etc., often rich in
an active process in which readers interact collocations, latest vocabulary and idioms.
with the text to reconstruct the message News article can serve as examples of writing
of the author or writer. In sum, and use to help train students’ writing,
Reading comprehension is the reading activity reading and oral communication. Moreover,
which more thorough to understand the news article provide various materials for
meaning, find the message of the text and students to broaden their knowledge, as they
reconstruct the idea of the reader. Hence, in contain a wide range of topics, including
reading process the reader or the students politics, sport, economy, education, health,
should understand the meaning of language entertainment, science and technology.
that is used in text in order to they can
3.4 The Advantages of Using Authentic
comprehend to analyze and explain the
content of the text by using their own
In modern methodology, it seems to
be necessary to use authentic text in the
3.3 Authentic Text English language lesson. It is important to
realize that teachers must make selection from
According to Hutchinson (1986), authentic
course books although writers and publishers
text is the text that has taken from real
would argue that the material they include in
situation and not originally constructed for
their books is the best for learners of English
language teaching in the classroom. Besides,
as it has been prepared and designed by
Stubbs (1996) defines authentic texts as

specialists. Thus, apart from following a language community. Then, vocabulary might
course book, teachers should feel like not be relevant to the student's needs.
introducing certain novelties, since they know
not only their students and their level of
proficiency, but also their needs, their 4. Research Method
weaknesses and strong points. As a result, 4.1 Research Design
they are perfectly able of selecting the most
appropriate material to be used in class. This research combines quantitative and
According to Shrum and Glisan (2000: 133), qualitative research method in form a mixed
“Authentic text provides an effective means methods design. The procedures are library
for presenting real language, integrating research and field research. In library
culture, and heightening comprehension.” research, the author tries to find out previous
They bring two reasons for believing that research either teaching using newspaper
authentic texts are beneficial. Firstly, by printed or online from internet. In the field
exposure to such materials, students will be research, researcher gives a reading test to a
provided with the opportunity to see language class after treatment and giving some
as is used in real world to serve a real interview to teachers and students at grade XI
purpose. Secondly, such materials can be 3, senior high school 11 Garut about reading
considered as a rich source of cultural content. newspaper The Jakarta Post in order to
Many researcher have confirmed the role of strength the result of reading test.
authentic texts in developing reading skills
According to Cresswell (2003: 16) a mixed
through introducing learners to new
methods approach was one in which the
vocabulary and expressions.
researcher tended to base knowledge claims
3.5 The Disadvantages of Using Authentic on pragmatic grounds. The first steps of
Text research, the researcher carried out to
Although many experts argue that authentic interview to teachers at grade XI. Second,
texts have made many contributions in Researcher used reading test to a class to get
foreign language teaching and learning, some data from students. In order to strength the
researchers are against the use of authentic data result, data from interview was used to
materials. For example, authentic texts add a support the result of reading test.
burden on teachers, as they may contain
difficult vocabulary and grammar, which need 4.2 Population and Sample
more effort to be simplified and explained to
The population can be all the individuals of a
students in order to make them understand
and appropriate for students. In addition, there particular type or a more restricted part of that
is no significant differences in students’ group.A sample is a definite plan for
performance, between students using obtaining a sample from a given population. It
authentic materials and other that use refers to the technique or the procedure the
traditional materials (Kienbaum et al, 1986). researcher adopt in selecting items for the
Miller (2005) also states that authentic texts sample from the population for the research
are too difficult and time consuming to select, (Sundayana, 2014:16). The population of
edit and prepare as teaching materials. class XI MIPA is about 320 students. This
Martinez (2002) states that students may be study was done with 42 participants from
too culturally biased, hence it is unnecessarily class XI MIPA 3 as the sample. There would
and difficult to understand outside the

use Jakarta Post news text for the subjects In treatment to get maximum benefit from
reading as the material lesson in classroom. reading, students should be involved in both
extensive and intensive reading (Harmer,
4.3 Data Collection
2007:210). The first activity was pre-reading
The test was given at the end students Activities. These tasks were intended to
meeting of the study. The test asked to read construct background knowledge. The teacher
an English news text and answer the question built a bridge builder between what students
based on the text in reading test. The test already know about a concept and what they
aimed to know the reading skill ability. need to know in order to understand a text. In
pre-reading, teacher gave key words and some
The interview is used to find out data questions e.g. : do you know the hot news
information from the students and teachers now?, what do you think about that news
about Jakarta Post. Then, the information news?. The questions were given as opening
collected from teacher is used to determine before students read the Jakarta Post news in
the teacher perception and experience about order to bring students to world of news
teaching authentic text. Interview to students reading. Pre-reading were intended to prepare
is used to determine how they understand the the learners for a reading selection, or to give
Jakarta Post news. them the first steps in order to develop skills
4.4 Technique of Data Analysis in anticipation and prediction for the reading.

The techniques used in analyzing the data In while reading activities, students tried to
were normality test and t-test. The result t-test apply reading techniques that had been taught
and t-table were for data interpretation. The (skimming and scanning) and some tools
normality test was used to know whether the (using similar news title in Indonesia
data that will be analyzed have normal newspaper, using picture, smartphone
distribution or not. Here, it used Lilliefors test application, google translator and dictionary).
formula (Kolomogorov-Smirnov). If Example of question for while reading were
significant value is higher than significant where did the accident happen?, who were the
error (α), the data was normally distributed. victims? Etc. The aims of this stage were to
help students to understand the main idea and
The t-test was used to see the means specific information of the news text. With
reading test for statistically significant, the t- these tasks teacher took the learners through
value should be obtained and compared with the reading and they interacted in the text.
the critical value in t-table.
Post-reading activities were intended to verify
and expand the knowledge acquired in the
5. Result and Analysis of Research reading. These last tasks also led the learners
to discuss and analyze issues presented in the
This research objective is to investigate reading. Post-activities were tasks in which
whether using Jakarta Post is significantly learners, after interacting with the reading,
effective to improve students’ reading reflect, argue and give their points of view
comprehension skill of senior high school by (making conclusion).
applying t-test. T-test was used to test the
hypothesis. The reading technique that introduced in class
treatment to students were skimming and
scanning. Skimming was used to help

students to find main idea. Second, scanning information about the real material.
was taught them to find specific information Moreover, from students’ interview for
quickly. Therefore, some techniques that example S4 answered that reading Jakarta
introduced in treatment to help students in Post with similar news text in Bahasa could
reading exercise that were using similar news help her to understand English news. The
title in Indonesia newspaper, using picture, result showed that was significant the students
smartphone application, google translator and who pass the exam 38 students and 4 students
dictionary. From the result of the test, the were failed with passing grade score is 75.
students who pass the exam 38 students and 4 The mean score (84.52) was higher than
students were failed. The mean score (84.52) passing grade (75), hence it concluded that
was higher than passing grade (75), hence it Jakarta Post had significant influence.
could be concluded that the treatment was Moreover, from teachers’ interview, teachers
success implemented in class. of English SMAN 11 Garut have used Jakarta
Post or authentic text as teaching material.
In conclusion, there score of students’ reading
The technique that student use to read Jakarta
comprehension skill in reading Jakarta Post
Post are using similar news title in Indonesia
was statistically significant. Therefore, using
newspaper, using picture, smartphone
Jakarta Post can improve students’ reading
application, google translator and dictionary.
comprehension skill. In addition, from
interview, those teachers of English SMAN
11 Garut have ever used Jakarta Post or
authentic text as teaching material. Students
use some ways to read The Jakarta Post, there Al-Azri, R. H & Al-Rashidi M. H. (2014).
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