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My Philosophy of Multicultural Education

Shameka Hatcher

Fresno Pacific University


Philosophy on Multicultural Education

Multicultural education is vital to the success of the classroom. When children feel safe,

supported and represented it increases productivity. As a child, I was the only African American

in most of my classrooms. Although my past teachers never made any inappropriate learning

mistakes in regards to race, I felt left out. There was no representation in the classroom, staff or

in our curriculum. It is important to me as a future educator that I do not make the mistake of

simply not addressing Race, ethnicity, culture, economic statues or community make-ups just

because it’s difficult to incorporate. One of my best experiences in school was when I was able

to identify with a subject or a learning experience because I could see myself in the curriculum.

When I have my first classroom, I would like to use classroom materials to express

multicultural exposure. For example: books are a great way to expose children to new ideas,

experiences and cultural realities. I would also like to have each student directly represented by

having a family photo of each student and their family. That way all types of families are

represented. Field trips to learn about different careers and historical locations can be used to

create awareness to different socio-economic realities and art and music can be used to teach

cultural awareness.

I am a firm believer that controlled exposure allows for children to gain an understanding

of the differences among them and in the world around them. When we exposing students to

things inside of a safe learning environment, they can ask questions about what they observe.

Every student comes with a unique perspective and a set of information about how life should

look based on their individual community. I would like to encourage community involvement so

they can also learn how to accept and respect all the differences they may come across in life.

Multicultural education is so important to every student because we aren’t just teaching children

how to go to school, we are helping them become productive adults. We are demonstrating

collaboration, acceptance and respect. These tools will follow them far past our classrooms.

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