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heart matters

Nutrition for patients with

heart failure
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By Nancy Peer, PhD, RN, CNE

Cardiovascular disease ranks among the

leading causes of death in the United States,
according to the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. As a result, objectives
developed by Healthy People 2020 look to
decrease mortality and improve quality of
life for individuals with cardiovascular dis-
ease. The focus is put on modifiable risk
factors that contribute to cardiovascular
disease, such as obesity, physical inactivity,
and poor diet.
Because heart failure can be self-limiting,
get progressively worse, and cause residual
organ damage, patient education about treat-
ment is an important nursing goal. In an
effort to identify the effects of heart failure
on quality of life and aide nurses in provid-
ing care, a creative teaching exercise was
developed in which the hosting of a dinner
party for guests experiencing different levels
of cardiovascular disease is used to outline
the nursing process. This exercise will help
you understand the important role of nutri-
tion in cardiovascular disease and its impli-
cations for quality of life.

A quick refresher
Heart failure is a combination of the body’s
compensatory mechanisms kicking in to vessel constriction. Also, the secretion of
ensure ventricular filling and adequate antidiuretic hormone by the pituitary gland
cardiac output of oxygenated blood to the and the hormone renin by the kidneys
circulatory system. These compensatory stimulates the reabsorption of sodium and
mechanisms are triggered either by sudden water to increase blood flow.
or chronic changes to the heart as a result However, these compensatory mecha-
of myocardial infarction (MI), coronary ar- nisms can cause peripheral edema, pulmo-
tery disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, nary edema, and excess strain on the heart,
diabetes, infection, or kidney and respira- which can lead to decreased respiratory
tory disorders. Among the compensatory function, poor organ perfusion, and heart

mechanisms are the release of epinephrine/ damage due to ventricular remodeling

norepinephrine (catecholamines) by the (see Key symptoms of heart failure). Although
sympathetic nervous system, which commonly seen in older patients, heart
supplements cardiac output through in- failure can now be seen in other age
creased muscle contractility and blood groups as healthcare advances allow more March/April 2017 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 17

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heart matters

pertension. She’s been struggling with her

Key symptoms of heart failure low-salt diet and fluid intake restrictions,
but sees positive differences in her daily
weight and how her clothes fit. She’s also
Shortness dealing with the management of an in-
of breath crease in diuretic medication and her need
for potassium supplements due to the po-
tassium lost with diuretic use.
Irving G. Exchange is home after experi-
Peripheral Limitation
edema of activities
encing a bout of pneumonia that left him
physically weak and tired. Due to impaired
gas exchange, he’s using supplemental oxy-
gen, which helped him regain his ability to
perform activities of daily living. However,
individuals to live with acute or chronic a history of cigarette smoking and numerous
heart problems. episodes of chronic bronchitis have caused
Many changes can be incorporated him to have chronic respiratory problems.
into an individual’s lifestyle to slow the Although once physically active, he had to
progression of heart failure, as well as move into an assistive living environment
maintain a higher quality of life. Among where he can receive assistance with daily
the nutritional challenges of healthy aging activities. He’s now ready to resume his
are the incorporation of healthful eating social activities and has a “fancy” for his
patterns; adequate nutrient intake; and neighbor, Doris, who doesn’t seem to let
decreasing weight gain due to lower anything cloud her positive, upbeat attitude.
metabolism, physical inactivity, and poor Doris D. Knowledge has always prided
dietary intake. A nutritional intake of herself on her social activities. She’s almost
nutrient-dense food (fruits and vegetables) always helping someone in her senior
and less reliance on processed foods con- housing complex or planning/attending
taining high salt and fat content are corner- social functions. After previous cardiac sur-
stones of a heart-healthy diet. gery for complications of coronary artery
By using the nursing process, you can disease, she was recently diagnosed with
play a vital role in decreasing the exacerba- heart failure after experiencing shortness of
tion of heart failure and assisting with posi- breath and a 10 lb (4.5 kg) weight increase.
tive lifestyle modifications that can promote Conveying to her healthcare provider that
a better quality of life for your patients. she lacks knowledge about her medication
needs (a diuretic, a lipid-lowering drug,
Your guests and an antiarrhythmic drug) and her nutri-
Erika F. Volume has recently been dis- tional modifications (low-saturated fat,
charged from the hospital after experienc- low-carbohydrate, and low-salt diet), she
ing breathing complications due to excess knows that she’s at increased risk for
fluid volume. She was diagnosed with hospitalization or decreased socialization
heart failure after blood tests revealed in- should she not comply with her healthcare
creases in B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), provider’s recommendations.
a cardiac marker specifically secreted by Angela A. Intolerance has been stuck at
heart cells used to determine cardiac home with little energy or motivation to do
causes of dyspnea. BNP is released from anything outside of her house. Although
the ventricles when diastolic BP increases once social, her chronic leg pain caused by
to assist the kidneys with excreting sodium diabetic neuropathy has caused her to rely
as a compensatory mechanism to decrease on others for assistance with housekeeping
fluid volume. Although once very active, and grocery shopping. She’s also dealing
she’s slowed down considerably after ex- with diabetic complications, medication
periencing angina secondary to chronic hy- adverse reactions, and a recent change in

18 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! March/April 2017

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Dinner guest nursing diagnoses
fluid volume Erika F.

Deficient Doris D. Irving G.
knowledge Knowledge Exchange

Decreased David C. Angela A.

Activity Output Intolerance

living accommodations, which have taken a standing the importance of nutrition and
toll on her emotionally. Once a great cook medication, and decreased heart failure
with a flair for hosting dinner parties, she complications.
now exhibits decreased interest in socializa- Lifestyle modifications can seem daunt-
tion, limiting her ability to develop the ing to those who’ve been sidelined by
monthly senior newsletter. acute or chronic illness. Available resources
David C. Output has slowed down quite a such as cardiac rehabilitation after MI or
bit over the last month. Known for his coronary bypass surgery aren’t commonly
“giant” view on life and interest in anything accessed by older adults; yet, approximate-
that will keep him physically active, he’s ly two-thirds of deaths from cardiovascu-
been getting most of his activity from watch- lar disease occur in those ages 75 and
ing sports on TV. A recent MI scare and sub- older, according to the American Heart
sequent cardiac catheterization to unclog Association. Although some modifiable
coronary arteries has left him quite nervous factors can improve health, such as avoid-
about his health. His healthcare provider has ing alcohol and tobacco consumption, ade-
given him some new medication to increase quate nutrition is essential for life. We
his cardiac output, and he’s hopeful that he must consider diet modifications as both
can start resuming more activity, including individualized and achievable by the
dating Angela because he misses compan- patient to ensure success.
ionship after the death of his wife. For menu planning, key nutritional
Using a creative social format, we’ll stimu- points are to keep the meal low in salt, easy
late conversation about heart failure, identify to duplicate by guests, and with a variety of
dietary needs, and provide education on fruits and vegetables to ensure good sources
nutritional choices that benefit patients with of vitamins and nutrients (see DASH diet
cardiovascular disease (see Dinner guest nurs- plan for cardiovascular disease). Keep food tex-
ing diagnoses). tures pleasing while also making it easy to
digest because guests can tire quickly with
Menu planning excessive chewing. Minimize liquids and
The overall goal of our simulated dinner serve food with a variety of flavor that can
party is to provide guests with a nutri- be enhanced with low-potassium salt sub-
tional/educational focus to achieve heart stitutes. Serve whole wheat rolls to ensure a
failure management goals. These include good source of fiber intake and serve dairy
decreased symptoms of heart failure, and nuts to ensure protein intake. Nuts also
decreased symptoms of peripheral edema, provide a good source of fatty acids essen-
increased energy to tolerate exercise, under- tial for cardiovascular health. March/April 2017 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 19

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

heart matters

DASH diet plan for cardiovascular disease

Low-sodium, low-fat diet

2 to 3 servings of low-fat dairy Fruits and vegetables

per day
2 to 4 servings of fruit per day Healthy grains/nuts
Less than 2 grams of sodium
3 to 5 servings of vegetables Whole wheat
per day
per day
Hearty grains
Unsaturated oils
* Important sources of
Fiber-rich protein source
* Major sources of calcium magnesium, potassium,
such as walnuts
and protein and fiber
*Major sources of energy

Considering these nutritional points, the showed her the importance of managing
menu will consist of a chopped salad with fluid balance and medication effects, as well
low-fat dressing, a butternut squash soup as the importance of eating a nutrient-rich
with grated fresh cheese, and whole wheat diet to prevent heart failure complications.
rolls (see The menu). For dessert, guests can Irving found that eating simple foods
enjoy low-fat vanilla yogurt topped with with nutritional value allowed him to enjoy
assorted cut-up fruit and crushed walnuts. eating out without experiencing any breath-
This menu will accommodate stimulation of ing difficulty. This insight decreased his
appetite and ease of digestion, which can be anxiety about accepting social invitations
affected by breathing difficulties, medica- and increased his confidence in living with
tions, and recuperation from heart failure heart failure.
exacerbations. It also contains essential Doris learned about Irving’s dependence
nutrients, such as potassium, which can be on continuous oxygen and in discussing his
easily lost with diuretics or lack of nutrition. health, she found that taking better care of
To assist guests, keep serving dishes that herself could delay the progression of heart
are portion controlled and lightweight to failure. This included paying attention to
accommodate diet and physical restrictions. portion control, as well as notifying her
Also, don’t have a water pitcher on the healthcare practitioner of any weight gain
table; rather, prepour water into glasses to of over 3 lb (1.4 kg). Because weight is a
monitor fluid intake. To assist digestion and major patient tool to gauge fluid volume
easy consumption by guests, serve chopped changes due to heart failure, Doris now has
salad with dressing on the side and allow a the motivation to take better care of her
suitable period of rest between the salad and health—another goal to assist with quality
soup entrée to encourage socialization. of life for heart failure patients.
Serve the soup warm, not hot, so guests Angela enjoyed the ability to meet and
won’t run the risk of swallowing difficulties, talk with her friends. Since she realized that
and serve fruit on top of the vanilla yogurt she isn’t alone in living with a chronic condi-
for dessert. Arrange to pass around a small tion, she’s planning a column in the monthly
dish of chopped walnuts for guests to take newsletter to educate others about cardio-
at will. vascular disease. Angela’s insight on the
positive benefits of talking with others about
Evaluation of healthy outcomes chronic illness and its impact on quality of
Evaluating your dinner guests, you note life led to the learning goal of sharing knowl-
that Erika was able to control her fluid in- edge to benefit others.
take and enjoyed socializing with her David enjoyed talking with Angela and
friends without constant interruptions to go reminiscing about his travels with his late
to the bathroom. These key learning goals wife. He and Angela are making plans to

20 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! March/April 2017

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The menu
Low-sodium, low-fat diet

Low-fat Italian salad dressing Fruits and vegetables

Low-fat vanilla yogurt Soup: Healthy grains/nuts

Butternut squash/grated carrots/
Low-fat parmesan cheese Whole wheat rolls
low-sodium chicken broth/fresh or
Soft butter spread made with powdered ginger/onion/garlic for taste Chopped walnuts
olive oil
Water with lemon Thinly-sliced cucumber/green pepper/
tomato/onion/salad greens

Fresh fruit cut-up or frozen berry
mixture thawed

start walking around the senior complex Way to clean up!

and signing up for the next senior center Because patient education is one of our
outing. David’s enjoyment of companion- primary nursing interventions to ensure
ship and planning physical activity led to positive health outcomes, making learning
his learning the value of physical activity opportunities memorable for those restricted
and socialization to both his and Angela’s by chronic illness can lead to the adoption of
well-being. positive patterns and lifestyle modifications.
Understanding the primary symptoms of As in our simulated dinner party, you can
heart failure, such as fatigue, edema, short- holistically address nutritional needs, social-
ness of breath, and activity intolerance, can ization opportunities, and knowledge defi-
assist you with cardiovascular education. cits by utilizing a community approach.
As evidenced by our dinner guests, symp- Critical reflection on patient assessment, ap-
toms can be exacerbated by lack of dietary propriate planning goals, and creative nurs-
modifications, lack of knowledge, and lack ing interventions helps reinforce the basics
of regular healthcare monitoring. Each hos- of living with cardiovascular disease and in-
pitalization can set the heart failure patient crease quality of life. A job well done! ■
up for dangerous complications with other
body systems, such as Irving’s need for Ackley BJ, Ladwig GB. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An
continuous oxygen, David’s decrease in Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care. 10th ed. St. Louis,
MO: Elsevier Mosby; 2014.
physical activity, and Angela’s decrease in
American Heart Association. Statistical fact sheet, 2016
independence. update.
Using the nursing process, assess your sop/@smd/documents/downloadable/ucm_483962.pdf.
Billings DM, Halstead JA. Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for
patient’s needs to help plan for health Faculty. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders-Elsevier; 2012.
enhancement, implement nursing interven- Grodner M, Roth SL, Walkingshaw BC. Nutritional
tions, and evaluate his or her achievement Foundations and Clinical Applications: A Nursing Approach.
5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby; 2012.
of healthcare goals. Educate your patient 2020 topics and objectives. www.
on appropriate lifestyle modifications, spe-
cialized diet requirements, and facilitating Herrman JW. Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse
Educator. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company; 2008.
peer-to-peer learning. Implement interven- Lewis SL, Dirksen SR, Heitkemper MM, Bucher L. Medical-
tions that address physical limitations, Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical
Problems. 9th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby; 2014.
increase socialization, and allow for diet
modifications that are easy to duplicate. Nancy Peer is an Assistant Professor/Clinical Faculty Member at
Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Conn.
With positive outcomes achieved, your The author has disclosed no financial relationships related to this
patient is now ready to adjust his or her life- article.

style to live a quality life with heart failure. DOI-10.1097/01.NME.0000511850.39129.47 March/April 2017 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 21

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