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Food digestive begins in the mouth.the salivary glands in the mouth secrete saliva which helps to
moisten the food. Th food chewed while the salivary gland also release the enzyme salivary amlyze
which begins the process of breaking down the polysacarride in the carbohydrate food.

After the banku is chewed into smaller pieces and mixed with salivary amulyse and othersalivary juices,
it is swallowed and passed through the oseohagus.The mixture enters the stomach where it is known as
chyme.There is no futher digestion of chymeas the stomach produces acid which destroys bacterria in
the food and stops the action of salivary amylase.

Protein digestion(fish) begins in the stomach with the action of an enzyme called pepsin.the pepsin acts
on the protein moleclue,it breaks the bond that hold the protein moleclue together called peptide
bonds.When these bonds are broken you get chains of amino acid linked together called
polypeptide.these polypeptide then move into your small intestine,where digestion will be completed
by additonal enzymes. Enzymes continue to break down polypeptides and and pepetides into amino
acid,because amino acids are very small,they are able absorb through the small intestine lining and into
your bloodstream.

Fats and oils do not easily dissolved into the watery digestive juices of the intestinal tract.Bile, produced
by the liver and stored in the gall bladder can attach to moleclues of both water and fats.Bile breaks up
conglomerations of fats in the digesive tract into smaller emulsified particles where lipase, a fat-
digesting enzyme can break it down.The broken down fat particles fatty acids and cholestrol are
absorbed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream, where they accumulate in the chest veins
and are then carried throuhout the body.

Vitamins;(okro) as food is broken down by digestive juices the intestins also absorb necessary vitamins
for use in a varieties of body functions,from fighting inflammation to reparing nerve damage.

Water soluble vitamins such as B-complex and C are only absorbed through the intestinal walls to the
extent that the body has an immediate need for them,any excess is excreted in the urine and new
quantities of these vitamins must be consumed each day for optimal health.Fat soluble vitamins such as
A,D,E and K are absorbed through the intestinal wall and stored in the liver and adipose tissue or body
fat for use when needed
Name of school:Nursing And Midwifery Traning College

Class:RM 15

Index Number:MSK/08/15/

Tutors Name:Mr. Samuel Bambill Annan

Course Code: RMD 121

Course:Anatomy And Physiology 2

Date Of Submmission: 9 march, 2016.


Assignment: 2

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