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P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800

Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

Course Number Bio 22a

Course Name Anatomy and Physiology
Course Credit 5
Course Description Study of the fundamental structural and functional unit of living organisms, it focuses on the different systems in the body giving emphasis on the functions
and importance on continuous function of the entire system of the body.
Contact Hours / week 3 hours lecture and 1 hour laboratory Activity
Course Outcome At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;
1. develop a deeper understanding of what life is and how it functions at the cellular and organ system level
2. Develop skills in interpreting symptoms to identify possible sickness
3. Determine ways on how to take care systems of the body
Course Outline and Time Frame
1 Introduction to the Human Body
2 Chemical Level of Organization
3 Cellular and Tissue Level of Organization
4 The Integumentary System
5 Bone Tissue and Skeletal System
6 Muscle Tissue and Muscular System
7 The Nervous System and Nervous System
8 The Endocrine System
9 The Cardiovascular System
10 The Lymphatic and Immune System
11 The Respiratory System
12 The Digestive System
13 The Urinary System
14 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
15 The Reproductive System
16 Development and Inheritance
17 -18 Synthesis Paper Writing and Instructional Material
Course Learning Plan
Time Frame Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Topics Teaching Learning Activities Student Assessments Resource Materials
At the end of the lesson the students will ( TLAs)
be able:
 Determine the structural Introduction to the Crossword Puzzles Written Quiz Slide Presentation
organization of human body Human Body Interactive Discussion Graded Recitation Video
 Understand the functions of human Open-ended Question Worksheet
life Worksheets on anatomical
Week 1
 Learn the importance of terminologies
 Identify the proper anatomical
Week 2  Review elements and atoms the Chemical Level of Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
building blocks of matter Organization Games Written Quiz Videos
 Identify Chemical bonds and
chemical reactions
 Identify Inorganic and Organic
compounds essential to human
Week 3  Discuss Protein synthesis Cellular and Tissue Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
 Describe cell growth and division Level of Organization Flip Chart protein synthesis Written Quiz Worksheets
 Explain cellular differentiation Worksheets on cellular Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity
 Identify the different types of differentiation Sheets Materials
tissues and its function Laboratory Activity
Week 4  Identify the parts and functions of The Integumentary Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
the integumentary system System Perform cell transport dance Written Quiz Worksheets
 Discuss the importance of the Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity
integumentary system Sheets Materials
 List Fun facts relating to the skin,
hair and nails
 Describe the structures in the
human skin layers and explain their
 Identify diseases in integumentary
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the integumentary system
Week 5  Identify the parts and functions of Bone Tissue and Interactive Discussion Laboratory Activity Slide Presentation
the Skeletal system Skeletal System Laboratory Activity Sheets Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Flip Chart Worksheets Laboratory Activity
Skeletal system Worksheets on Skeletal Written Quiz Materials
 List Fun facts relating to bones System Worksheets
 Describe the structures in the
Skeletal system
 Identify diseases in Skeletal system
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Skeletal system
Week 6  Identify the parts and function of Muscle Tissue and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
muscular system Muscular System Crossword Puzzles Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of muscular Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Worksheets
system Worksheets on Muscle Tissue Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to the and Muscular System Materials
muscular system
 Identify diseases in muscular
 Identify healthy tips in taking care
the muscular system
Week 7  Identify the parts and functions of The Nervous System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Nervous System and Nervous System Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Draw the parts of the brain Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Nervous System Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to brain and Materials
nervous system
 Describe the structures in the
Human Nervous system
 Identify diseases in Human
Nervous System
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Human Nervous
Week 8  Identify the parts and functions of The Endocrine System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Endocrine System Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Worksheets on Hormones Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Endocrine System Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to glands and Materials
 Describe the structures in the
Human Endocrine system
 Identify diseases in Human
Endocrine System
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Human Endocrine
Week 9  Identify the parts and functions of The Cardiovascular Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human circulatory system System Illustration Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human circulatory system Labeling on the parts of the Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to blood and heart and trace the flow of Materials
heart blood in the body
 Describe the structures in the
Human circulatory system
 Identify diseases in Human
circulatory system
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Human circulatory
Week 10  Identify cells parts of the lymphatic The Lymphatic and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
system Immune System Illustration Written Quiz Videos
 Describe the roles and functions of Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Worksheets
the lymphatic and immune system Sheets Laboratory Activity
Week 11  Identify the parts and functions of The Respiratory System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Respiratory System Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Respiratory System Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to respiration Materials
and lungs
 Describe the structures in the
Human Respiratory system
 Identify diseases in Human
Respiratory System
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Human Respiratory
Week 12  Identify the parts and functions of The Digestive System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
the Human Digestive system Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Digestive system Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to digestion Materials
 Describe the structures in the
Human Digestive system
 Identify diseases in Digestive
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Human Digestive system
Week 13  Identify the parts and functions of The Urinary System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Excretory System Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Excretory System Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to kidney and Materials
 Describe the structures in the
Human Excretory system
 Identify diseases in Human
Excretory System
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Human Excretory
Week 14  Determine the importance of Acid- Fluid, Electrolyte, and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Balance in the human body Acid – Base Balance Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss fluid, electrolyte and acid- Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Sheets Laboratory Activity
base balance Materials
Week 15  Identify the parts and functions of The Reproductive Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Reproductive System System Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Reproductive System Sheets Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to Materials
reproduction and organs of
reproductive system
 Describe the structures in the
Human Reproductive system
 Identify diseases in Human
Reproductive System
 Identify the healthy tips in taking
care the Human Reproductive
Week 16  Trace the development of an Development and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
embryo Inheritance Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Determine the process of Laboratory Activity Worksheets
inheritance of traits in human Sheets Laboratory Activity
genes Materials
Week 17 - 18 Synthesis Paper
Writing/ Instructional
Material Making
 Reece, Jane B. II. Campbell, Neil A., 1946–2004. Biology. III.
 Watson, James D. Molecular biology of the gene / James D. Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Tania A. Baker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Alexander Gann, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Michael Levine, University of California, Berkeley, Richard Losick, Harvard University.
 Textbook of medical physiology / Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall.—11th ed.
 Tiamson, M.E, 2016. General Biology, Vibal Publication Philippine Adaptation from Openstax College, 2015
 Blair SN, LaMonte MJ, Nichaman MZ: The evolution of physical activity recommendations. How much is enough?
Am J Clin Nutr 79:913S, 2004.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

Faculty Member Program Head Dean of College
P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800

Course Number Math 102

Course Name Trigonometry

Course Credit 3

Course Description A course in mathematics intended to equip the students the techniques of solving Trigonometric functions of acute angle, triangles, logarithms, and complex

Contact Hours / week 3 hours lecture


Course Outcome At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;

1. Compute, solve, differentiate, analyze, use and apply the various mathematical tools, devices and terminologies related to Trigonometry; and

2. Provide assistance to develop the students in their pursuit to recognize, appreciate and accept the challenge of using their potential and mathematical

knowledge to effective use for the nation’s economic development.

Course Outline and Time Frame


1-2 Trigonometric Functions Of Acute Angles

3-4 Solutions of Triangles

5-6 Approximate Numbers and Computation

7-8 Logarithms

9-10 Logarithmic Solution of Right Triangles

11 Trigonometric Functions of any angle

12 Solution of Oblique Triangles

13 Trigonometric Formulas and Identities

14 Radian Measure

15 Graphic Representations of the Trigonometric Functions

16 Inverse Trigonometric Functions

17 Trigonometric equations

18 Complex Numbers

Course Learning Plan

Time Frame Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Topics Teaching Learning Activities Student Assessments Resource Materials

At the end of the lesson the students will ( TLAs)

be able:

 Solve Problems which include Trigonometric Functions Board work Written Quiz Calculator, Ruler,
Trigonometric functions of an acute Cooperative learning Protractor and
Mathematical investigation Worksheets
angle, functions of complimentary Triangles
angles. Active Mathematics teaching
Week 1-2
Group work
 Finding the other functions of an
acute angle when one function is

Week 3-4  Solve Right Triangles Problems Solution of Triangles Board work Worksheets Calculator, Ruler,
Cooperative learning Protractor and
 Interpolate values not found in the Mathematical investigation Written Quiz
tables Active Mathematics teaching
Group work
 Solve problems that includes
Isosceles and regular polygons

Week 5-6 - Approximate number Approximate Numbers Board work Worksheets Calculator
 Rounding off numbers and Computation Cooperative learning
Mathematical investigation Written Quiz
 Explain what are Significant Active Mathematics teaching
Figures Group work

Week 7-8  Define Logarithms Logarithms Interactive Discussion Worksheets Calculator, Table of
 Differentiate mantissa and Written Quiz

 Find the mantissa and


 Explain the laws of logarithm

Week 9-10  Solve problems in right triangles by Logarithmic Solution of Board work Written Quiz Calculator, Ruler,
means of logarithm Right Triangle Cooperative learning Protractor and
Mathematical investigation Worksheets
Active Mathematics teaching
Group work

Week 11  Generate an angle Trigonometric functions of Board work Written Quiz Calculator, Ruler,
any angle Cooperative learning Protractor and
 Differentiate a positive and Mathematical investigation Worksheets
negative angle Active Mathematics teaching
Group work
 Name the other function of 1800 ,
2700, 3600

Week 12  Solve the four cases of an oblique Solution of Oblique Board work Worksheets Calculator, Ruler,
triangles Triangles Cooperative learning Protractor and
Mathematical investigation Written Quiz
 Define and apply the Law of sines Active Mathematics teaching
and Law of Cosines Group work

Week 13  Define the Fundamental relations Trigonometric Formulas and Board work Worksheets Calculator, Ruler,
among the functions Identities Cooperative learning Protractor and
Mathematical investigation Written Quiz
 Find the other functions of an angle Active Mathematics teaching
when one function is given Group work
 Find the functions of the sum and
difference of two angles, functions
of twice an angle, functions of half
an angle, sums and difference of

Week 14  Convert Radian into Degree Radian Measure Board work Worksheets Calculator, Ruler,
Measure and Degree to radians Cooperative learning Protractor and
Mathematical investigation Written Quiz
 Determine the relation of radian Active Mathematics teaching
and degree, relation of arc and Group work

Week 15  Draw the graph of a sine and Graphic Representations of the Illustration Worksheets Videos
cosine, tangent and cotangent, trigonometric functions
Written Quiz Worksheets
secant and cosecant

 Use radian measure in graphing

Week 16  Graph the Inverse Trigonometric Inverse Trigonometric Interactive Discussion Worksheets
functions Functions
Written Quiz Videos

Laboratory Activity Worksheets

Week 17  Solve problems in trigonometric Trigonometric Interactive Discussion Worksheets Worksheets

equations Equations
Written Quiz Calculator

Laboratory Activity
Week 18  Identify Imaginary and complex C0mplex Numbers Board work Worksheets Worksheets
numbers Cooperative learning
Mathematical investigation Written Quiz Calculator
 Solve the operations with Active Mathematics teaching
complex numbers Group work

 Multiply and divide complex

numbers in trigonometric form


 Rider, Paul R. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, The Mac Millan Company, New York

 Hart, William Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, National Bookstore






Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:


Faculty Member Program Head Dean of College

P-1 Poblacion, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800
Mobile Number: (+63) 907-223-8085

Course Number Math 6

Course Name

Course Credit 5

Course Description Study of the fundamental structural and functional unit of living organisms, it focuses on the different systems in the body giving emphasis on the functions
and importance on continuous function of the entire system of the body.

Contact Hours / week 3 hours lecture and 1 hour laboratory Activity


Course Outcome At the end of the lesson the students are expected to;

4. develop a deeper understanding of what life is and how it functions at the cellular and organ system level

5. Develop skills in interpreting symptoms to identify possible sickness

6. Determine ways on how to take care systems of the body

Course Outline and Time Frame


1 Introduction to the Human Body

2 Chemical Level of Organization

3 Cellular and Tissue Level of Organization

4 The Integumentary System

5 Bone Tissue and Skeletal System

6 Muscle Tissue and Muscular System

7 The Nervous System and Nervous System

8 The Endocrine System

9 The Cardiovascular System

10 The Lymphatic and Immune System

11 The Respiratory System

12 The Digestive System

13 The Urinary System

14 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance

15 The Reproductive System

16 Development and Inheritance

17 -18 Synthesis Paper Writing and Instructional Material

Course Learning Plan

Time Frame Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Topics Teaching Learning Activities Student Assessments Resource Materials

At the end of the lesson the students will ( TLAs)

be able:

 Determine the structural Introduction to the Crossword Puzzles Written Quiz Slide Presentation
organization of human body Human Body
Interactive Discussion Graded Recitation Video
 Understand the functions of human
Open-ended Question Worksheet
Week 1 Worksheets on anatomical
 Learn the importance of

 Identify the proper anatomical

Week 2  Review elements and atoms the Chemical Level of Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
building blocks of matter Organization
Games Written Quiz Videos
 Identify Chemical bonds and
chemical reactions

 Identify Inorganic and Organic

compounds essential to human

Week 3  Discuss Protein synthesis Cellular and Tissue Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Level of Organization
 Describe cell growth and Flip Chart protein synthesis Written Quiz Worksheets
Worksheets on cellular Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity
 Explain cellular differentiation Sheets Materials
Laboratory Activity
 Identify the different types
of tissues and its function

Week 4  Identify the parts and functions of The Integumentary Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
the integumentary system System
Perform cell transport dance Written Quiz Worksheets
 Discuss the importance of the
Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity
integumentary system
Sheets Materials
 List Fun facts relating to the skin,
hair and nails

 Describe the structures in the

human skin layers and explain their

 Identify diseases in integumentary


 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the integumentary system

Week 5  Identify the parts and functions of Bone Tissue and Interactive Discussion Laboratory Activity Slide Presentation
the Skeletal system Skeletal System Sheets
Laboratory Activity Videos
 Discuss the importance of the Worksheets
Flip Chart Laboratory Activity
Skeletal system
Written Quiz Materials
Worksheets on Skeletal
 List Fun facts relating to bones
System Worksheets
 Describe the structures in the
Skeletal system

 Identify diseases in Skeletal system

 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the Skeletal system

Week 6  Identify the parts and function of Muscle Tissue and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
muscular system Muscular System
Crossword Puzzles Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of muscular
Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Worksheets on Muscle Tissue Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to the
and Muscular System Materials
muscular system

 Identify diseases in muscular


 Identify healthy tips in taking care

the muscular system

Week 7  Identify the parts and functions of The Nervous System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Nervous System and Nervous System
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the
Draw the parts of the brain Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Nervous System
Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to brain and Materials
nervous system

 Describe the structures in the

Human Nervous system

 Identify diseases in Human

Nervous System

 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the Human Nervous

Week 8  Identify the parts and functions of The Endocrine System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Endocrine System
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the
Worksheets on Hormones Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Endocrine System
Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to glands and

 Describe the structures in the

Human Endocrine system

 Identify diseases in Human

Endocrine System

 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the Human Endocrine

Week 9  Identify the parts and functions of The Cardiovascular Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human circulatory system System
Illustration Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the
Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human circulatory system
Labeling on the parts of the Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to blood and heart and trace the flow of Materials
heart blood in the body

 Describe the structures in the

Human circulatory system

 Identify diseases in Human

circulatory system

 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the Human circulatory

Week 10  Identify cells parts of the lymphatic The Lymphatic and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
system Immune System
Illustration Written Quiz Videos
 Describe the roles and functions of
Laboratory Activity Laboratory Activity Worksheets
the lymphatic and immune system
Laboratory Activity

Week 11  Identify the parts and functions of The Respiratory System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Respiratory System
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the
Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Respiratory System
Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to respiration
and lungs

 Describe the structures in the

Human Respiratory system

 Identify diseases in Human

Respiratory System

 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the Human Respiratory

Week 12  Identify the parts and functions of The Digestive System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
the Human Digestive system
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the
Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Digestive system
Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to digestion
 Describe the structures in the
Human Digestive system

 Identify diseases in Digestive


 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the Human Digestive system

Week 13  Identify the parts and functions The Urinary System Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
of Human Excretory System
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the
Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Excretory System
Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to kidney
and excretion

 Describe the structures in the

Human Excretory system

 Identify diseases in Human

Excretory System

 Identify the healthy tips in

taking care the Human
Excretory System
Week 14  Determine the importance of Acid- Fluid, Electrolyte, and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Balance in the human body Acid – Base Balance
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss fluid, electrolyte and acid-
Laboratory Activity Worksheets
base balance
Laboratory Activity

Week 15  Identify the parts and functions of The Reproductive Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
Human Reproductive System System
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Discuss the importance of the
Laboratory Activity Worksheets
Human Reproductive System
Laboratory Activity
 List Fun facts relating to
reproduction and organs of
reproductive system

 Describe the structures in the

Human Reproductive system

 Identify diseases in Human

Reproductive System

 Identify the healthy tips in taking

care the Human Reproductive

Week 16  Trace the development of an Development and Interactive Discussion Worksheets Slide Presentation
embryo Inheritance
Laboratory Activity Written Quiz Videos
 Determine the process of
Laboratory Activity Worksheets
inheritance of traits in human
genes Laboratory Activity

Week 17 - 18 Synthesis Paper

Writing/ Instructional
Material Making


 Reece, Jane B. II. Campbell, Neil A., 1946–2004. Biology. III.

 Watson, James D. Molecular biology of the gene / James D. Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Tania A. Baker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alexander Gann,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Michael Levine, University of California, Berkeley, Richard Losick, Harvard University.

 Textbook of medical physiology / Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall.—11th ed.

 Tiamson, M.E, 2016. General Biology, Vibal Publication Philippine Adaptation from Openstax College, 2015

 Blair SN, LaMonte MJ, Nichaman MZ: The evolution of physical activity recommendations. How much is enough?

Am J Clin Nutr 79:913S, 2004.






Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:


Faculty Member Program Head Dean of College

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