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Possible questions for geography common test 2

1. Describe what slum upgrading is. [5]

2. With the help of an example, explain what is slum upgrading. [4]

3. Describe the mixed responds from people towards slum upgrading. [3]

4. Describe what provision of self-help scheme is. [5]

5. Using a relevant example, explain how self-help schemes helped the slum residents. [5]

6. What is public housing? [1]

7. How can public housing be offered? [3]

8. What are some characteristics of public housing? [3]

9. With the use of an example, explain what provision of public housing is. [5]

10. What is an inclusive city? [2]

11. Using examples, explain what affordable housing means and why Singapore has affordable
housing. [6]

12. How is inclusive housing related to facilities and amenities for all ages? [3]
13. Using a relevant example, explain why is it important for people to have a strong sense of
belonging. [5]

Written by Yi Xiang(2016)

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