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Assertions Audit Objective Audit Procedure

Debt and similar obligations exist  Confirmation of identified
at the reporting date. liabilities
The Statement of Financial  Omitted liability test
Position includes all debt and  Performing Analytical
similar obligations incurred at review procedures to
the reporting date. related accounts.
 Inspecting supporting
Debt and similar obligations are
documents such as invoice
Rights and Obligations legal or specific and definite
and receiving reports.
obligations of the company.
 Inquiry
Non-current liabilities are
recorded in the correct amount.
Cut-off is not usually a major
issue because there is not a
 Test clerical accuracy of
continuous flow of transactions
Accuracy listing of non-current
relating to this account. Tests as
to whether the recording takes
place in the correct period are
usually included under existence
and completeness.
Debt and similar obligations are  Re-computations
Valuation presented at the proper  Vouching
amounts.  Tracing
 Reviewing compliance with
Debt and similar obligations are
terms of debts agreements
properly described and classified
Presentation and Disclosure  Evaluating proper financial
and related disclosures are
statement presentation and
adequacy of disclosure

Assertions Audit Objective Audit Procedure

Current liabilities are valid  Confirming liabilities to
Existence obligations to the suppliers at debtors
the reporting date.  Vouching
 Out-of-period liability
Current liabilities include all search also known as
Completeness obligations owed to the suppliers Omitted liability test.
at the reporting date.  Performing purchase and
accounts payable cut –off.
 Select transactions from
Transactions giving rise to the
Accounts Payable ledger
Occurrence current liability occurred during
and agree to supporting
the period under audit.
Current liabilities are obligations  Confirmation from
Rights and Obligations
owed by the company. documents
 Cut-off test
 Casting
Current liabilities are recorded in
Accuracy  Agree Dirham value of
the correct amount and period.
accounts payable to
supporting documents.
Current liabilities are presented  Re-computation
at the appropriate amount.  Analytical procedures
Current liabilities are properly  Inquiry
described and classified in  Scanning ledgers for proper
Presentation and Disclosure
statement of Financial Position classification and
and their disclosures are correct description.

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