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"Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love, and of thought, which, in the course of
centuries, haveenabled man to be less enslaved."Culture is the invisible bond which ties people
together. It refers to the pattern of human activity. The art,literature, language, and religion of a
community represent its culture. Our cultural values and beliefs manifestthemselves through our
lifestyle. Our moral values represent our culture. The importance of culture lies in itsclose
association with the ways of thinking and living. Differences in cultures have led to diversity in
the peoplefrom different parts of the world.Culture is related to the development of our attitude.
Our cultural values influence how we approach living. ccording to the behaviorist definition of
culture, it is the ultimate system of social control where people monitor their own standards and
behavior. Our cultural values serve as the founding principles of our life. They shapeour
thinking, behavior, and personality.

Culture Affects Perception

!ow we perceive things is largely affected by our udgment skills, preconceived notions,
attitude, andemotions. These factors are closely linked with our culture. In perceiving something
as good or bad, our biasesplay a role and so does our way of thinking. In udging something as
easy or difficult, our attitude and ourmotivation levels play a key role. Our culture determines the
structure of our thinking, which influences ourperceptions.#eople who belong to cultures that
promote individualism tend to look at only the main aspects of a situation,while those of a
culture that promotes collectivism tend to consider even the minor details. merican
culturewhich is predominantly individualistic, promotes giving freedom of choice to children
since a young age. The$apanese culture which promotes collectivism, rather encourages the
parents%elders to make choices for theirchildren. This is an e&ample of how parenting is
perceived in contrasting ways due to the differences in culture.'imilarly, people of (astern
cultures perceive success as being a collective effort, while those of the mericanculture
perceive it as the fruit of individual effort.


'ociety can be defined as a group of people who share a common economic, social, and
industrialinfrastructure. It is an organi)ation of people who share a common cultural and social
background. Do youknow how the word, society originated+ The word is a derivation of the
rench word societe, which came fromthe -atin word societas meaning a friendly association
with others.#urpose of 'ociety and its Importance

One of the primary purposes of society is the formation of an organi)ed group of individuals who
can supporteach other in various ways. It is in the difficult times that you reali)e the importance
of being a part of society. Itis the members of your social group who come forward to give you
the help needed. The support given bysociety can be of the physical, emotional, financial, or
medical form.

Form tion of Soci l Groups

society is characteri)ed by social networks. They form an integral part of it. 'ocial networks are
defined asthe patterns of relationships between people. elationships give rise to social
interactions between people of a

society. Individuals who belong to different ethnic groups can come together, thanks to societies.
Theirinteractions give rise to strong social bonds that result in long/lasting relationships.
society gives rise to afamily system and an organi)ation of relationships, which are at the heart of
any social group. Form tion of Culture Culture is an important element of society.
Individuals of a particular society share a common culture thatshapes their way of living. Their
means of subsistence and their lifestyles are derivatives of their culture.Culture defines the
pattern of human activity in a society. It is represented by the art, literature, language,
andreligion of the individuals who form it. Individuals belonging to a society are bonded by
common cultural values,traditions, and beliefs that define their culture. 0ou may like to know
why culture is important. POLITICS The importance of politics encompasses a discussion of
intricate proportions. 1ased on the introduction above,one could say that politics is indeed
present when there is a collection of people that constitute a community.#olitics is said to be a set
of actions or occurrences that raises 2uestions on the community or society as awhole. These
2uestions are raised because there is the distinct possibility that the set of actions oroccurrences
will inevitably have a considerable effect in the general population at a particular time.There are
certain actors that are specifically involved in the practice of politics. 3ormally, one would say
thatpoliticians are among the key actors in the practice of politics. This is accurate to some
e&tent. Theseindividuals formulate bills, propose policies and advocate their views on how to
enhance the performance ofthe country4s economy. 3evertheless, they do not have the monopoly
of employing politics as a means ofcarrying out things. $udges and other members of the
udiciary similarly engage in politics when they makedecisions and verdicts that inevitably
affect the general public. 3ormally, cases are used as precedence incarrying out decisions that
involves the same principles of law. 3evertheless, the main mover and thepredominant actor in
the employment of politics is the people in general. The public is capable of makingchanges
based on their perspectives on how things should be carried out. 'imple acts that a single
individuallike casting a vote or supporting a cause indicate a participation in political practice.
ll in all, it could be assumed that everyone do take part in the practice of politics, one way or
the other. It ischaracteri)ed as an act that points out the issues that appears to be significant in a
society. 1asically, it pointsout whether a specific situation is indeed problem, and eventually
presents how it could have an effect onsociety or the community as a whole. The following
discussion will be looking into thediscussion of the threeindividuals regarding the issue of
refugees in the state. 5oreover, the discussion will also look into the fact onwhether it is political
to some e&tent or ust basically an emptydiscussion among

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