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Game Show Gauntlet

The following is based on Fallout Shelter and some details might contradict canon. Fallout Shelter weekly overseer quest

“ You've been invited to play Lose Your Head. Answer the questions correctly or...

Game Show Gauntlet is a weekly overseer quest in Fallout Shelter.

” Game Show Gauntlet

Contents [show]

Walkthrough Edit

There are a series of rooms with raiders that will ask questions related to the
Fallout series, mixed with rooms of general enemies (e.g. radroach.) When the
incorrect answer is given, the raiders will turn hostile and will try to make the vault
dweller(s) "lose their heads". reward Nuka-Cola Quantum
Pet carrier
Mister Handy
Bottle caps
Question series Edit Lunchbox
travel time varies
requirements varies

Question Possible answers Replies  [hide] 

Uh... Dave? Of course! Even you can get that one right.
Who was the insane leader I'm going to say Dave. Dave is... right! We like to start off easy.
of the Republic of Dave? Sure hope it's Dave. You hope right! It's Dave. Who else would it be?
Bruce. What? Are you an idiot? Time to... Lose Your Head!
Battleship. Wrongo! I'm afraid you must... Lose Your Head!
What was Rivet City before Aircraft Carrier. Bing, bing, bing! That's right.
the war? Iron Foundry. Wrongo! I'm afraid you must... Lose Your Head!
Rusty? Full of holes? I don't know! Aw, too bad. Guess you have to... Lose Your Head!
Brotherhood of Steel. That's right! You get to move on to the next round.
Sarah Lyons is a member of Minutemen. Oh! So close. Well, not really. Time to... Lose Your Head!
what group? Enclave. Couldn't be more wrong. Now you have to... Lose Your Head!
Association of zookeepers? Wow. You are really bad at this game. You get to... Lose Your Head!
George Cooper. Oh, so close. But so wrong. Time to... Lose Your Head!
Who was trapped on the roof Bill Sutton. I have no idea who that is. So... Lose Your Head!
of Trinity Tower? Rex Goodman. Amazing! You got it right! You've won... Lose Your Head!
Your mother. Hey! Family is off limits. Just for that... Lose Your Head!
B Travis Miles. Wrongo! I'm afraid you must... Lose Your Head!
Who is the most famous Vadim Bobrov. Ooo! Not even close. Guess you... Lose Your Head!
reporter in Diamond City? Piper Wright. Bing, bing, bing! That's... Wright!
Walter Cronkite? Never heard of him. But you get to... Lose Your Head!
Luca Sims. Close but not quite. Time to... Lose Your Head!
Who was the sheriff of Lucas Sims. Mmmm... No. You have to... Lose Your Head!
Megaton? Lucas Simms. Tricky question, but you got it right!
Billy the Kid. What? Are you an idiot? Go on... Lose Your Head!
What deadly creature lurks in Deathclaw. That's right! You get to move on to the next round.
the Salem Museum of Super Mutant Behemoth. Super wrong! Time to... Lose Your Head!
Witchcraft? Mirelurk King. Right! Just kidding. Now you have to... Lose Your Head!
Legendary Radroach? A legendary wrong answer. You get to... Lose Your Head!
Dogman. You've got to get out more. Time to... Lose Your Head!
Who is the DJ for Galaxy Big Dog. Good guess, but no. So... Lose Your Head!
News Radio? Three Dog. Amazing! You got it right! You've won... Lose Your Head!?
Dogmeat. He's a dog. Your dog. Just for that... Lose Your Head!
All about Radroaches. You wish. Instead you get to... Lose Your Head!
What book was Moira trying How to Live in the Wasteland. So close, and yet wrong. Now... Lose Your Head!
to write? Wasteland Survival Guide. We have winner! Now on to the next round.
War and Peace. Sounds like a page turner, but it's wrong. Time to... Lose Your Head!
Brown. That's right! You must know the lady well.
McIntyre. Ooo! This is gonna hurt. You get to... Lose Your Head!
What was Moira's last name? Trick question. She had no last
So, so wrong. Let's... Lose Your Head!
C I never bothered to learn it. As they say, heads will roll. First... Lose Your Head!
Farmer's Market. Not unless they sell farmers as meat. Time to... Lose Your Head!
What store does Moira send
Big Brands Shopping Mart. I'd shop there, but she didn't. Gotta ask you to... Lose Your Head!
the Lone Wanderer to for
Super-Duper Mart. A super-duper answer if I ever heard one!
The zoo? Ha, ha! Free range zebra anyone? You have to... Lose Your Head!
Minefield. So wrong. Boom! That's your head after you... Lose Your Head!
Which of these did Moira not Nuka-Cola plant Bing, bing, bing! Right. She never sent the Lone Wanderer there.
send the Lone Wanderer to? Sewers to test Mole rat repellent. Buzz! Wrongo. I guess you're going to... Lose Your Head!
Straight to bed without supper. Like a bad child who is about to... Lose Your Head!
On an armored train. Oh! I hope your neck is armored, cuz you're about to... Lose Your Head!
How did the Brotherhood of
In an airship. That's right! How that thing flew, we'll never know.
Steel arrive in the
On an aircraft carrier. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Guess you have to... Lose Your Head!
Donkeys. Lots of donkeys. Ha, ha! Funnyman, you're about to... Lose Your Head!
Paladin Danse. He was there, but not just him. So you have to... Lose Your Head!
What Brotherhood of Steel
Scribe Haylen. She did, but not just her. Time to... Lose Your Head!
member took shelter in the
Paladin Danse and Scribe Haylen. Yes! Both of them were there.
Cambridge Police Station?
A donkey. That doesn't even make sense. Go ahead... Lose Your Head!
Power Armor. That's right! You get to move on to the next round.
Which advanced technology
Gauss Rifles. Not really. But now you get to... Lose Your Head!
is used by many Brotherhood
Robots. They wish! But instead you're going to... Lose Your Head!
of Steel members?
Armored donkeys. What is it with you and donkeys? Now you'll... Lose Your Head!
Mega nuke. Oh, so close. But so wrong. Time to... Lose Your Head!
What were the Brotherhood
Beryllium agitator. Amazing! You got it right! You've won... Lose Your Head!?
of Steel seeking at Mass
Liberty Prime's head. I have no idea what that is. So... Lose Your Head!
Fusion HQ?
A donkey. I'm sick and tired of donkey jokes. Lose Your Head!
E Sturges. Psychic? Hardly! Now I'll watch you... Lose Your Head!
Who is the old psychic with Preston Garvey. He couldn't predict the present! So you get to... Lose Your Head!
the Minutemen? Mama Murphy. Winner! She was strange but psychic.
I don't believe in psychics. I guess you don't believe in keeping your head. Lose Your Head!
Enclave. Drat! You're right. I really wanted to see you lose your head.
What military group occupied
Brotherhood of Steel. So, so wrong. Now you'll so, so... Lose Your Head!
Project Purity before it could
Band of Super Mutants. Those cretins couldn't occupy an open field. Time to... Lose Your Head!
be activated?
A barbershop quartet. Really. That's your guess? Sigh. I guess you'll just... Lose Your Head!
Who is the crazy mechanic in Tinker Ted. Ooo! It's Tom, not Ted. Heads will roll when you... Lose Your Head!
the Railroad? Tinker Tim. Little Timmy? I don't think so. For that... Lose Your Head!
Tinker Tom. Tom it is! You're on a roll now.
Mike the Mechanic. You are really bad at this. So now you have to... Lose Your Head!
Ghouls. He did hate them, but that's still wrong. You gotta... Lose Your Head!
What eyesore did Allistair Megaton. Righto! He wanted it nuked into oblivion.
Tenpenny want gone? The Washington Monument. Tall, but not in his way. So you get to... Lose Your Head!
Bad Hair. Nobody likes bad hair. Yours will go away when you... Lose Your Head!
Little Lamplighters. Those kids? Hardly. That means you... Lose Your Head!
Who were the military
Reilly's Rangers. Not so much. But now I get to watch you... Lose Your Head!
mercenaries in the Capital
Talon Company. We have a winner! Tough talking and hard fighting.
Goon Swarm. Never heard of them. Regardless, you're about to... Lose Your Head!
Brotherhood of Steel. Definitely not. Which means you get to... Lose Your Head!
What organization created The Institute. Bing, bing, bing! That's right.
Synths? The Railroad. They woulda if they coulda! But now you have to... Lose Your Head!
Synths! I hate Synths! Focus. You're off topic. And now you're going to... Lose Your Head!
Lincoln Memorial. Yes! He wanted to restore the head to the statue.
What monument did
Jefferson Memorial. Wrong president. But you get to... Lose Your Head!
Hannibal Hamlin want to
Washington Monument. It could sure use it, but no. Now you have to... Lose Your Head!
Monument to himself? Wow. That's a horrible answer. You get to... Lose Your Head!

What was the name of the Swan. Too bad. You're right! I was hoping you'd lose your head.
Super Mutant Behemoth Goose. That would be a silly name. Off with your... no... Lose Your Head!
hiding in the Boston Heron. Close but no cigar. Now we're going to make you... Lose Your Head!
Common pond? Some sort of bird I think. You won't have to worry about thinking when you... Lose Your Head!
There wasn't even a statue of him! That will cost you when you... Lose Your
George Washington.
What famous statue lost its Head!
head in the Capital Abraham Lincoln. Ding, ding, ding! Right you are!
Wasteland? Thomas Jefferson. Oh! So close, and yet so far. That means you... Lose Your Head!
Mike the Mechanic. Hardly famous, is he? So you get to... Lose Your Head!
Billy. Correct-o! If you could even call that little freak a “boy”...
What little boy was trapped
Donny. Oh, Donny boy is wrong. We'll just help you... Lose Your Head!
in a refrigerator in the
Quentin. Hardly. It will hardly hurt when you... Lose Your Head!
Annabelle. Wrong, wrong, wrong! And now you... Lose Your Head!
Fundamentally Enhanced Venom. What? No! Sorry, dummy, but you have to... Lose Your Head!
Super Mutants were created Fixed Endemic Virulent. Um... no. But you get to... Lose Your Head!
using... Forced Evolutionary Virus. That is correct! Not as dumb as you look, huh?
A glass of water. No, but you must have a thirst for failure! Time to... Lose Your Head!
Children of Adam. *BZZZT* WRONG! Now... Lose Your Head!
Children of Atom. Oh, too bad that's right. I really hate it when you know the answer.
What group worships the
Atom's Children. Even a child knows that's wrong. Let's watch you... Lose Your Head!
Several species of small furry
Ah, but can you sing it? No? Then... Lose Your Head!
animals gathered together in a cave.
H The Glowing Sea. Wowzers! You got it right. Guess you get to keep your head... this time.
The Children of Atom make
The Glowing Lands. Not a geography buff, eh? Well, you have to... Lose Your Head!
their home in what region of
The Sea of Atom. Is that wrong? Someone look it up. Yes, it's wrong. So... Lose Your Head!
the Commonwealth?
A nice two-bedroom in Waltham. No idea where that is, and shortly you'll... Lose Your Head!
Parson State Insane Asylum . You must be cheating. That's right.
Where was Lorenzo Cabot Cambridge Police Station. Incorrect! But don't worry, you still get to... Lose Your Head!
held prisoner? Kendall Hospital. Wrong! Even doctors won't be able to help you when you... Lose Your Head!
Sent to his room without supper. Worst answer ever! Try not to wiggle as you... Lose Your Head!
Harbor Hotel. Dang, that's right. Who gave them the answers? Who?
Which of the following is not
Cambridge Campus Diner. Ixnay on the Iner Day! But you get to... Lose Your Head!
a location in the
Medical Center Metro. You couldn't be more wrong! Now you have to... Lose Your Head!
Boston. You are really, really bad at this game. Time to... Lose Your Head!
Where was Kellogg's Fort Hagen. Ugh! Did you steal a copy of the answers? That's right.
headquarters? Fort Lynn. Hah! There is no Fort Lynn in the Commonwealth. Lose Your Head!
Fort Strong. Good guess, but wrong. Now I guess you'll... Lose Your Head!
In yo' mamma's house. Don't talk about my mother! It will be fun to watch you... Lose Your Head!
Lexington. The British aren't coming, but you're gonna... Lose Your Head!
What is the settlement Sanctuary. I hate it when you're right.
closest to Vault 111? Concord. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Let's watch while you... Lose Your Head!
Beloit. Where the heck is that? I'm going to enjoy this... Lose Your Head!
Marcy Long. Ha! As if. But we'll invite her to watch you... Lose Your Head!
Who trims the bushes in Sturges. The grease monkey? Wrong! But you're going to... Lose Your Head!
Sanctuary? Codsworth. Righto! That was too easy. We need better questions.
My aunt Tilly. You don't have an aunt Tilly. Just for that... Lose Your Head!
Red Rover. A good dog's name, but wrong. You'll have to... Lose Your Head!
Who is hanging around the Spot. Did you see Spot run? Not there you didn't. Lose Your Head!
Red Rocket near Sanctuary? Dogmeat. Right you are! We have a winner! Unfortunately...
The President. Where do you come up with these answers? Lose Your Head!
Thanksgiving. Just like Thanksgiving turkey, you're going to... Lose Your Head!
The Great War started just Halloween. You're right! Now THAT is terrifying.
before which holiday? Labor Day. Wrong. Now we are going to labor so you... Lose Your Head!
Shrove Tuesday. Is that even a real holiday? Nevermind. Just... Lose Your Head!
Connecticut. Just a hair too south. Speaking of hair... Lose Your Head!
The Far Harbor island is in Maine. Yes! Foggy, frosty and frightening Maine.
what former state? Rhode Island. No. Just no. We're going to do this real slow as you... Lose Your Head!
State of confusion. Ha ha ha ha ha! Almost as funny as when you... Lose Your Head!
Robot. Kinda looks like one, but wrong. Now you... Lose Your Head!
Synth. Bing, bing, bing! Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
What is DiMA?
Computer. Nah. He's a synth, you idiot. Which means you... Lose Your Head!
A deluxe hamburger. Wow. You have quite the imagination. But now you will... Lose Your Head!
J The Nucleus. Aw! I hate it when they guess right. Go on. Get out of here.
What is the name of the
Mount Desert Island Naval Facility. That's its pre-war name! Too bad you have to... Lose Your Head!
Children of Atom base on Far
Acadia Federal Naval Base. Nope. Nein. Nyet. And now you'll... Lose Your Head!
Harbor island?
Uh... Joe's Spuckies? Dang it. Now I'm hungry. Just for that, you're going to... Lose Your Head!
She wanted to live a life of
Right! No, wait, wrong! Totally wrong. Now you... Lose Your Head!
Why did Kasumi Nakano run
Her mother was cruel to her. Wrongo. But I'm going to be cruel to you by making you... Lose Your Head!
away to Acadia?
She believed she was a synth. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Kasumi ran away? How horrible! Focus. That's not even an answer. So you'll have to... Lose Your Head!
K Disciples. Right! I would also have accepted Operators or The Pack.
Name one of the Raider Operators. Right! I would also have accepted Disciples or The Pack.
gangs in Nuka-World! The Pack. Right! I would also have accepted Disciples or Operators.
Scaredy Cats. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Now... Lose Your Head!
Super Sledge. Good choice, but oh so wrong. So long, you're about to... Lose Your Head!
What weapon is needed to Fat Man. Nope. Overkill much? We're all going to watch as you... Lose Your Head!
defeat Colter? Gatling Laser. Love that gun, but it won't do the trick. So now you... Lose Your Head!
Squirt Gun. Ridiculous, but right!
A Spaceship. Yes! Those idiots refuse to accept it's just a carnival ride.
What are the Hubologists A giant wheel. Nice try, but so very wrong. Time for you to... Lose Your Head!
after? More members. No! You lose, you loser. On top of that, you get to... Lose Your Head!
The perfect BLT. Brahmin, leeks and turnips? Yum! But wrong. Lose Your Head!
Which of these is not a flavor Nuka Fresh. Darn, that's right. Nuka-Cola is anything but fresh.
of Nuka-Cola? Wrong. You won't see another sunrise, because you're about to... Lose Your
Nuka Sunrise.
Nuka Buzz. Ha! I'm drinking some now. Come on, you have to... Lose Your Head!
Nuka-Cola Quantum. Fool. That's a really common flavor. It's time to... Lose Your Head!
Quest stages Edit

Stage Status Description

1 Travel to the designated location.
2 Answer Fallout questions.

Behind the scenes Edit

The reply "Several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave" to the last question of part G of the series (see
table) is a reference to a song of a similar name by English rock band Pink Floyd.

Gallery Edit

Front description Rewards Location

Dialogue with the first group of Card front description Card reverse description

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Category: Fallout Shelter quests

Languages: Deutsch Español Русский Українська

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