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Nerve growth factor 1

Nerve growth factor


Nerve growth factor, beta polypeptide

PDB rendering based on 1bet.


Symbols [2]
NGFB ; Beta-NGF; HSAN5; MGC161426; MGC161428; NGF

External IDs [3] [4] [5] [6]

OMIM:  162030 MGI:  97321 HomoloGene:  1876 GeneCards: NGFB Gene

RNA expression pattern

More reference expression data


Species Human Mouse

Entrez [8] [9]

4803 18049

Ensembl [10] [11]

ENSG00000134259 ENSMUSG00000027859

UniProt [12] [13]

P01138 Q6LDU8

RefSeq (mRNA) [14] [15]

NM_002506 NM_013609

RefSeq (protein) [16] [17]

NP_002497 NP_038637

Location (UCSC) Chr 1: Chr 3:

[18] [19]
115.63 - 115.68 Mb 102.6 - 102.65 Mb

PubMed search [20] [21]

Nerve growth factor (NGF), is a small secreted protein which is important for the growth, maintenance, and
survival of certain target neurons (nerve cells). It also functions as a signaling molecule.[22] [23] It is perhaps the
prototypical growth factor, in that it is one of the first to be described. While "nerve growth factor" refers to a single
Nerve growth factor 2

factor,[24] "nerve growth factors" refers to a family of factors also known as neurotrophins.[25] Other members of the
neurotrophin family that are well recognized include Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), Neurotrophin-3
(NT-3), and Neurotrophin 4/5 (NT-4/5).

Function and mechanism of action

NGF is critical for the survival and maintenance of sympathetic and sensory neurons. Without it, these neurons
undergo apoptosis.[26] Nerve growth factor causes axonal growth. Studies have shown that it causes axonal
branching and a bit of elongation.[27] NGF binds with at least two classes of receptors: the p75 LNGFR (for "low
affinity nerve growth factor receptor") neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) and TrkA, a transmembrane tyrosine
kinase. Both are associated with neurodegenerative disorders.
NGF binds to high-affinity tyrosine kinase receptor, TrkA. This phosphorylates TrkA, which leads to the activation
of PI 3 Kinase, ras, and PLC signaling pathways.
There is evidence that NGF circulates throughout the entire body and is important for maintaining homeostasis.[28]
There is also evidence that shows that the precursor to NGF, pro-NGF, may also play important roles due to its
abundance. These include apoptotic and neurotrophic properties.[29]

Stanley Cohen and Rita Levi-Montalcini discovered NGF in the 1950s while faculty members at Washington
University in St Louis. However, its discovery, along with the discovery of other neurotrophins, was not widely
recognized until 1986, when it won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.[30] [31] [32]
Studies in 1971 determined the primary structure of NGF. This eventually led to the discovery of the NGF gene.

Medical significance
NGF has the potential to help treat several diseases of the nervous system. It has shown this through numerous
clinical trials. It has been shown to reduce neural degeneration.[33] It has also been shown to promote peripheral
nerve regeneration in rats.[34]
There is strong evidence demonstrating the role of NGF as an inflammatory.[35] This may one day be used for the
treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.[36] Also, it could possibly promote myelin repair.[37]
Also, NGF has been shown to play a role in number cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary atherosclerosis,
obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.[38] Reduced plasma levels of NGF and BDNF have been
associated with acute coronary syndromes and metabolic syndromes.[39] [40] NGF could also be related to various
psychiatric disorders, such as dementia, depression, schizophrenia, autism, Rett syndrome, anorexia nervosa, and
bulimia nervosa.[41] NGF has also been shown to accelerate wound healing. There is evidence that it could be useful
in the treatment of skin and cornea ulcers. [42]
NGF is known to have insulinotropic, angiogenic, and antioxidant properties. NGF suppresses food intake.
It has also been tied to Alzheimer's disease.[43] [44] [45]

Cultural significance
In 2005, Enzo Emanuele and coworkers at University of Pavia found that nerve growth factor (NGF) has high levels
when people first fall in love, but these levels return to as they were after one year. Specifically, four neurotrophin
levels, i.e. NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4, of 58 subjects who had recently fallen in love were compared with levels
in a control group who were either single or already engaged in a long-term relationship. The results showed that
NGF levels were significantly higher in the subjects in love than as compared to either of the control groups.[46] [47]
Nerve growth factor 3

Pietro Calissano has suggested that nerve growth factor may contribute to increased longevity and mental
capacity.[49] Centenarian Rita Levi-Montalcini has been taking a daily solution in the form of eye drops, and has
stated that her brain is more active now than it was four decades ago.

Nerve growth factor has been shown to interact with TrkA[50] [51] [52]
and Low affinity nerve growth factor
receptor.[50] [51]

See also
• Protein targeting
• Nervous System
• VGF Nerve Growth Factor-inducible, a protein whose expression is induced by NGF.
• neurotrophin
• growth factor
• brain-derived neurotrophic factor
• neurotrophin-3
• neurotrophin-4
• nerve growth factor receptor
• Hericium erinaceus an edible mushroom that's been shown to boost NGF
• Huperzine A an herb-derived alkaloid that seems to boost NGF

[1] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Template%3Apbb%2F4803
[2] http:/ / www. genenames. org/ data/ hgnc_data. php?hgnc_id=7808
[3] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ omim/ 162030
[4] http:/ / www. informatics. jax. org/ searches/ accession_report. cgi?id=MGI:97321
[5] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ entrez/ query. fcgi?cmd=Retrieve& db=homologene& dopt=HomoloGene& list_uids=1876
[6] http:/ / www. genecards. org/ cgi-bin/ carddisp. pl?id_type=entrezgene& id=4803
[7] http:/ / biogps. gnf. org/ gene/ 4803/
[8] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ entrez/ query. fcgi?db=gene& cmd=retrieve& dopt=default& list_uids=4803& rn=1
[9] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ entrez/ query. fcgi?db=gene& cmd=retrieve& dopt=default& list_uids=18049& rn=1
[10] http:/ / www. ensembl. org/ Homo_sapiens/ geneview?gene=ENSG00000134259;db=core
[11] http:/ / www. ensembl. org/ Mus_musculus/ geneview?gene=ENSMUSG00000027859;db=core
[12] http:/ / www. uniprot. org/ uniprot/ P01138
[13] http:/ / www. uniprot. org/ uniprot/ Q6LDU8
[14] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ entrez/ viewer. fcgi?val=NM_002506
[15] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ entrez/ viewer. fcgi?val=NM_013609
[16] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ entrez/ viewer. fcgi?val=NP_002497
[17] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ entrez/ viewer. fcgi?val=NP_038637
[18] http:/ / genome. ucsc. edu/ cgi-bin/ hgTracks?org=Human& db=hg18& position=chr1:115630060-115682380
[19] http:/ / genome. ucsc. edu/ cgi-bin/ hgTracks?org=Mouse& db=mm8& position=chr3:102598989-102650066
[20] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ sites/ entrez?db=gene& cmd=Link& LinkName=gene_pubmed& from_uid=4803
[21] http:/ / www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ sites/ entrez?db=gene& cmd=Link& LinkName=gene_pubmed& from_uid=18049
[22] Fiore M, Chaldakov GN, Aloe L (2009). "Nerve growth factor as a signaling molecule for nerve cells and also for the
neuroendocrine-immune systems". Rev Neurosci 20 (2): 133–45. PMID 19774790.
[23] Purves D, Augustine G, Fitzpatrick D, Hall W, LaMantia A, McNamara J, White L (2004). Neuroscience. Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer.
pp. 72–173, 600–606. ISBN 0-87893-725-0.
[24] MeSH Nerve+Growth+Factor (http:/ / www. nlm. nih. gov/ cgi/ mesh/ 2009/ MB_cgi?mode=& term=Nerve+ Growth+ Factor)
[25] MeSH Nerve+Growth+Factors (http:/ / www. nlm. nih. gov/ cgi/ mesh/ 2009/ MB_cgi?mode=& term=Nerve+ Growth+ Factors)
[26] Freeman RS, Burch RL, Crowder RJ, Lomb DJ, Schoell MC, Straub JA, Xie L (2004). "NGF deprivation-induced gene expression: after ten
years, where do we stand?". Prog. Brain Res. 146: 111–26. doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(03)46008-1. PMID 14699960.
Nerve growth factor 4

[27] Madduri S, Papaloïzos M, Gander B (September 2009). "Synergistic effect of GDNF and NGF on axonal branching and elongation in vitro".
Neurosci. Res. 65 (1): 88–97. doi:10.1016/j.neures.2009.06.003. PMID 19523996.
[28] Levi-Montalcini R (2004). "The nerve growth factor and the neuroscience chess board". Prog. Brain Res. 146: 525–7. PMID 14699984.
[29] Fahnestock M, Yu G, Coughlin MD (2004). "ProNGF: a neurotrophic or an apoptotic molecule?". Prog. Brain Res. 146: 101–10.
doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(03)46007-X. PMID 14699959.
[30] The 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discoveries of growth factors (http:/ / nobelprize. org/ medicine/ laureates/ 1986/ press.
[31] Presentation Speech by Professor Kerstin Hall The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1986 (http:/ / nobelprize. org/ medicine/
laureates/ 1986/ presentation-speech. html)
[32] Rita Levi-Montalcini – Nobel Lecture (http:/ / nobelprize. org/ medicine/ laureates/ 1986/ levi-montalcini-lecture. html)
[33] Tuszynski M., Blesch A. (2004). Nerve growth factor: from animal models of cholinergic neuronal degeneration to gene therapy in
Alzheimer’s disease. Progress in Brain Research, 146, 0079-6123
[34] Sun W, Sun C, Lin H, Zhao H, Wang J, Ma H, Chen B, Xiao Z, Dai J (September 2009). "The effect of collagen-binding NGF-beta on the
promotion of sciatic nerve regeneration in a rat sciatic nerve crush injury model". Biomaterials 30 (27): 4649–56.
doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.05.037. PMID 19573907.
[35] Freund V, Frossard N (2004). "Expression of nerve growth factor in the airways and its possible role in asthma". Prog. Brain Res. 146:
335–46. doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(03)46021-4. PMID 14712791.
[36] Villoslada P, Genain CP (2004). "Role of nerve growth factor and other trophic factors in brain inflammation". Prog. Brain Res. 146:
403–14. doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(03)46025-1. PMID 14699976.
[37] Althaus HH (2004). "Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: a new role for neurotrophins?". Prog. Brain Res. 146: 415–32.
doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(03)46026-3. PMID 14699977.
[38] Chaldakov GN, Fiore M, Stankulov IS, Manni L, Hristova MG, Antonelli A, Ghenev PI, Aloe L (2004). "Neurotrophin presence in human
coronary atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome: a role for NGF and BDNF in cardiovascular disease?". Prog. Brain Res. 146: 279–89.
doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(03)46018-4. PMID 14699970.
[39] Chaldakov GN, Fiore M, Tonchev AB, Dimitrov D, Pancheva R, Rancic G, Aloe L (2007). "Homo obesus: a metabotrophin-deficient
species. Pharmacology and nutrition insight". Curr. Pharm. Des. 13 (21): 2176–9. doi:10.2174/138161207781039616. PMID 17627549.
[40] Manni L, Nikolova V, Vyagova D, Chaldakov GN, Aloe L (June 2005). "Reduced plasma levels of NGF and BDNF in patients with acute
coronary syndromes". Int. J. Cardiol. 102 (1): 169–71. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2004.10.041. PMID 15939120.
[41] Chaldakov G., Tonchev A., Aloe L. (2009). NGF and BDNF: from nerves to adipose tissue, from neurokines to metabokines. Relevance to
neuropsychiatric and cardiometabolic.
[42] Kawamoto K, Matsuda H (2004). "Nerve growth factor and wound healing". Prog. Brain Res. 146: 369–84.
doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(03)46023-8. PMID 14699974.
[43] Counts S, Mufson E (2005). "The role of nerve growth factor receptors in cholinergic basal forebrain degeneration in prodromal Alzheimer
disease". J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 64 (4): 263–72. PMID 15835262.
[44] Hempstead B (2006). "Dissecting the diverse actions of pro- and mature neurotrophins". Curr Alzheimer Res 3 (1): 19–24.
doi:10.2174/156720506775697061. PMID 16472198.
[45] Allen S, Dawbarn D (2006). "Clinical relevance of the neurotrophins and their receptors". Clin Sci (Lond) 110 (2): 175–91.
doi:10.1042/CS20050161. PMID 16411894.
[46] Emanuele E, Politi P, Bianchi M, Minoretti P, Bertona M, Geroldi D (2005). "Raised plasma nerve growth factor levels associated with
early-stage romantic love". Psychoneuroendocrinology 31 (3): 288–94. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2005.09.002. PMID 16289361. link (http:/ /
dx. doi. org/ 10. 1016/ j. psyneuen. 2005. 09. 002)
[47] "NGF" gives passionate lovers just one year (http:/ / www. redorbit. com/ news/ health/ 316141/
molecule_gives_passionate_lovers_just_one_year/ index. html), Reuters, November 29, 2005.
[48] John Harris Is love just a chemical? (http:/ / education. guardian. co. uk/ higher/ research/ story/ 0,9865,1653147,00. html), Guardian,
November 29, 2005.
[49] Peter Popham (2009-04-25). "Is this the secret of eternal life?" (http:/ / www. independent. co. uk/ news/ science/
is-this-the-secret-of-eternal-life-1674005. html). The Independent. .
[50] Nykjaer, Anders; Lee Ramee, Teng Kenneth K, Jansen Pernille, Madsen Peder, Nielsen Morten S, Jacobsen Christian, Kliemannel Marco,
Schwarz Elisabeth, Willnow Thomas E, Hempstead Barbara L, Petersen Claus M (Feb. 2004). "Sortilin is essential for proNGF-induced
neuronal cell death". Nature (England) 427 (6977): 843–8. doi:10.1038/nature02319. PMID 14985763.
[51] Lee, R; Kermani P, Teng K K, Hempstead B L (Nov. 2001). "Regulation of cell survival by secreted proneurotrophins". Science (United
States) 294 (5548): 1945–8. doi:10.1126/science.1065057. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 11729324.
[52] Wiesmann, C; Ultsch M H, Bass S H, de Vos A M (Sep. 1999). "Crystal structure of nerve growth factor in complex with the ligand-binding
domain of the TrkA receptor". Nature (ENGLAND) 401 (6749): 184–8. doi:10.1038/43705. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 10490030.
Nerve growth factor 5

External links
• MeSH Nerve+Growth+Factor (
• , NGF for corneal therapeutic purposes (,
Article Sources and Contributors 6

Article Sources and Contributors

Nerve growth factor  Source:  Contributors: Alleborgo, Anypodetos, Arcadian, Belovedfreak, Boghog, Cacycle, Ccirmc, Clicketyclack,
CopperKettle, Cronian, Drycornea, Eequor, Eiaccb, Enzo.em, Epbr123, Everyking, Ezrakilty, Gacggt, Gibbzmann, Gth722d, Guy M, Jeangabin, JimmyPryor, Juzeris, Jvalletta, Kaarel, Nagy,
Nehrams2020, Philip Trueman, RandomP, Riana, Scope creep, Shinnin, Uthbrian, Wingedsubmariner, XP, Xris0, Yeast2Hybrid, Zigger, Zoicon5, 39 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

file:Nerve Growth Factor (NGF).png  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Illustration by David S.
Goodsell of The Scripps Research Institute (see this site)
file:PBB_GE_NGFB_206814_at_tn.png  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors:

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