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com's Bulk Upload Template for Uploadi

To download the latest templates please visit (Bulk Upload sections).

Use this template file to upload multiple Questions to Assess Hands-On Coding Skills. Follow these steps to Bulk Upload Coding Questions -
* Add the details of a single coding question in one row in the sheet named 'Questions'. Refer to the table below to fill detail of a Que
* A coding question can have multiple test cases to grade the candidate's code. All test cases for a particular question should be men
* Once your are done adding questions & test cases simply upload this entire file on the Contents of all sheets other than

If you want to test a candidate's Hands-On Database Query writing Skills please download Bulk Upload tempate for Database Questions.
If you want to take a General Test (Multiple Choice Questions, True/False type, Fill in the blanks), please download Bulk Upload template for G

Column Name in sheet named 'Questions' Mandatory?

Action Yes
Question ID Yes

Question Bank Yes

Sub Bank No

Difficulty Level Yes

Question Instructions No

Question Text Yes

Language Yes

Function Name Yes

Input Types Yes

Output Types Yes

Show Default Result Yes

Num Of Test Cases Yes

Order Sensitive Yes

Code Scoring Setting Yes

Check Code Complexity No

Check Time Complexity No

Run Basic Test Cases No

Run Corner Test Cases No

Run Necessary Test Cases No

Custom Scoring Logic No

No Of Lines No

Maximum Lines No
No Of Logical Statements No

Maximum Statements No

Code Compilation No

Basic Test Cases No

Necessary Test Cases No

Corner Test Cases No

Author No
Reviewer No

Custom Category - Other Properties


Column Name in sheet named 'Test Cases' Mandatory?

Question ID Yes
Test Case Index Yes
Test Case Title No
Test Case Description No
Test Case Type Yes
Test Case Marks Yes
Test Case Size No
Test Case Input Value 1 Yes

Test Case Input Value 2 No

Test Case Output Value 1 Yes

Test Case Output Value 2 No's Bulk Upload Template for Uploading Coding Questions (Bulk Upload sections).

Assess Hands-On Coding Skills. Follow these steps to Bulk Upload Coding Questions -
in one row in the sheet named 'Questions'. Refer to the table below to fill detail of a Question.
ases to grade the candidate's code. All test cases for a particular question should be mentioned in the sheet named 'Test Cases'.
t cases simply upload this entire file on the Contents of all sheets other than 'Questions' & 'Test Cases' will be ignored.

Query writing Skills please download Bulk Upload tempate for Database Questions.
uestions, True/False type, Fill in the blanks), please download Bulk Upload template for General Questions.

Use ADD to add a question in the database
Each Question is uniquely defined by its ID.
This ID is used in linking Test Cases to a particular coding question.

Skill name under which Question will reside in the database. To select the question you will need to include this skill in
the assessment.
For e.g. Java Coding Skills, Advanced Coding Skills

Sub-skill name under which a Question can reside in the database. Use sub bank if you want to categorize questions. A
sub bank can only exist inside a Question Bank.
Examples of some Question Bank, Sub Bank pairs could be -
(Java Coding Skills, Mathematical)
(Advanced Coding Skills, Algorithms)

Classification of Questions as Easy, Medium or Difficult

Instructions to be shown to candidate with Question

The text of the question.

For example, "Write a program to print the n'th number in Fibonacci series."

The Programming Language(s) in which a candidate can attempt this question.

You can specify more than one language too (comma separated).

The name of function in which candidate is expected to write his/her code.

The type of input that can be given to the function. To view supported types, please refer -

The type of output that can be given to the function. To view supported types, please refer -
Whether the candidate should be shown result of Default Test Case. This is applicate when candidate clicks on 'Check
Code' while attempting this question.

The number of test cases which should be run to test this question.

Valid only if output of code is of type Array, List or ArrayList.

To view supported types, please refer -

Specifies whether to check code's complexity. We use open source tool - 'Source Monitor' to evaluate candidate code's

Specifies whether to check code's complexity. This option runs test cases of time complexity type (wherein you need to
specify test case size)

Specifies whether to run basic test cases or not

Specifies whether to run corner test cases or not

Specifies whether to run necessary test cases or not

Specifies if Custom Scoring Logic should be used or not. If yes, then information in following fields will be used -
* No of Lines
* Maximum Lines
* No Of Logical Statements
* Maximum Statements
* Code Compilation
* Basic Test Cases
* Necessary Test Cases
* Corner Test Cases
* Code Complexity

This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Specifies maximum marks to be awarded if candidate's code exceeds number of lines specified in 'Maximum Lines'.
If candidate's code has lesser lines then he/she will be awarded proportionate marks, i.e.
(No Of Lines)*(Lines in Candidate's Code)/(Maximum Lines)

This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Maximum no of lines that a candidate's code should have to get full marks specified by 'No Of Lines'
This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Specifies maximum marks to be awarded if candidate's code has more logical statements than specified in 'Maximum
Statements'. Statements like if, while, for are counted as logical statements.

If candidate's code has lesser logical statements then he/she will be awarded proportionate marks, i.e.
(No Of Logical Statements)*(Logical Statements in Candidate's Code)/(Maximum Statements)

This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Maximum no of logical statements that a candidate's code should have to get full marks specified by 'No Of Logical

This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Marks to be awarded in case Candidate's code compiles correctly.

This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Marks to be awarded in case Basic Test Cases run correctly on candidate's code.

This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Marks to be awarded in case Necessary Test Cases run correctly on candidate's code.

This field is only taken into account if 'Custom Scoring Logic' is True.
Marks to be awarded in case Corner Test Cases run correctly on candidate's code.
Author of the Question (for your reference)
Reviewer of the Question (for your reference)

Use this field if you want to tag your questions based on any custom criterion. This field will be available if you
download the Question later.

For example, if you want to tag certain questions based on location & creation date, then value in this field could be -
{"location":"India", "date_of_creation":"01/01/2012"}

Please note the format of the values in this field -> {"tag_name1":"tag_value1", "tag_name2":"tag_value2"}

The Question ID to which this test case belongs.
The serial number of test case.
Title of the test case. This will be shown in candidate's PDF report
Description of the test case. This will be shown in candidate's PDF report
Specifies type of a test case. While using custom scoring, you can specify how much weightage a particular type of test
case should be allotted.
Marks to be assigned to this test case.
Specifies type of test case for Time Complexity evaluation
The input value to be submitted as the first/second or nth argument of function that candidate will write. If function
requires more arguments, then please add another column by name 'Test Case Input Value 3', 'Test Case Input Value 4'
and so on.

Please note that number of input values in test case should match number of input values in the associated Question.

The first/second or nth output values of candidate's code.

If function returns more than output values, then please add another column by name 'Test Case Output Value 3', 'Test
Case Output Value 4' and so on.

Please note that number of output values in test case should match number of output values in the associated
Valid values
Positive Integers



Easy, Medium, Difficult





Please refer -

Please refer -
True, False

Positive Integers

True, False

True, False

True, False

True, False

True, False

True, False

True, False

True, False

Positive Integers

Positive Integers
Positive Integers

Positive Integers

Positive Integers

Positive Integers

Positive Integers

Positive Integers



Valid values
Positive Integer
Positive Integer
Default, Basic, Necessary, Corner, Time
Positive Integer
Small, Medium, Large
Please refer -

Please refer -
Action Question ID Question Bank Sub Bank Level Question Instructions
ADD 1 Java QB Mathematical Easy Carefully read the Question.

ADD 2 Advanced Coding Skills Algorithms Difficult Carefully read the Question.
Question Text Language
Write a function to print the nth number in Fibonacci series (0,1,1,2,3,5,8..) Java

It was decided to encode any string in the following manner - 'aaaabbcdefff' will be
encoded to 'a4b2c1d1e1f3'.

Write a function that takes input as encoded string and an index and returns the
character at the 'index' position in the decoded string. For example in the above
example where encoded string is a4b2c2d2e2f3, for index 5 your function should
return "b". If index is out of range, then you should return an asterik "*" Java,C,CPP
Output Show Default Num Of Test
Function Name Input Types Types Result Cases Order Sensitive
nth_Fibonacci int int 0 2 1

exploreString string, int string 0 3 0

Code Scoring Check Code Check Time Run Basic Test Run Corner Test Run Necessary
Setting Complexity Complexity Cases Cases Test Cases
0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 1 0
Custom Scoring No Of Logical Maximum
Logic No Of Lines Maximum Lines Statements Statements Code Compilation
0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0
Necessary Test
Basic Test Cases Cases Corner Test Cases Code Complexity Author Reviewer
0 0 0 0 John Doe John Doe Jr

0 0 0 0 John Doe John Doe Jr

Custom Category - Other

Question Id Test Case Index Test Case Title Test Case Descrption
1 1 Simple Test Case check if candidate is using 1 as seed
1 2 Difficult Test Case I want to break your code
2 1
2 2
2 3
Test Case Type Test Case Marks Test Case Size Test Case Input Value 1 Test Case Input Value 2
Default 10 1
Basic 10 30
Default 10 a1b1c1d1e1 1
Basic 20 h3b3d9 5
Corner 30 i1a1m1g1o2d 100
Test Case Output Value 1 Test Case Output Value 2

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