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Clasa: a VI-a A
Data: 6 iunie 2019
Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare
Disciplina: Limba engleză
Unitatea de învăţare: Household items
Titlul lecţiei: Useful things in the house
Tipul lecţiei: Lecție de comunicare și însușire de noi cunoștințe
Propunător: Cosma G. Iulia Maria

a) Cognitive:
O1 – să recunoască și să denumească obiectele (electro)casnice
O2 – să descrie obiectele (electro)casnice folosind adjective referitoare la mărime, culoare, formă
O3 – să folosească în mod corect expresiile cu verbele make și do
O4 - să folosească gândirea critică
b) Afective: să manifeste interes pentru o exprimare îngrijită
să interacționeze adecvat cu colegii și profesorul
să lucreze în echipă

Metode şi procedee:

a) Metode şi procedee: dialogul, explicaţia, exerciţiul oral şi scris, jocuri

b) Forme de organizare a activităţii elevilor: activitatea frontală, în pereche, în grup, individual

Materiale didactice: tabla, laptop, imagini imprimate, plastilina adezivă, manual, fișă de lucru

Timp: 50 min.

Posibile probleme: elevii preferă exprimarea în limba română, atunci când lucrează în perechi sau grup

Stages of the Activities-students & teacher Objective Materials Class organization Technique Timing
lesson (minutes)
1. Warm-up T greets ss, introduces herself, tries to create a calm, relaxed -
get to know the students a little atmosphere

T introduces the subject and the stimulate curiosity, offer a whiteboard frontal short 3
objectives of the lesson clear structure, that should conversation
motivate ss to participate in
the activities
2.Lead-in T plays the sounds of some appliances, generate interest in the laptop individual dialogue 2
ss guess what appliances are (vacuum lesson T-SS
cleaner, microwave, hair dryer, check previous knowledge
washing machine) of ss
3.Presentation Ss open their books at p. 58, look at the activating previous textbook frontal Q/A 3
images and name the ones they know language acquistions and
identifying new vocabulary

T sticks flashcards on the whiteboard, Flashcards frontal choral/individual

naming and writing the objects repetition 6
represented, ss repeat the words Familiarise students with
the new vocabulary

Game 1: Ss close their eyes, T removes Whiteboard, Frontal dialogue 3

flashcards, SS must name the object flashcards individual
that has disappeared

T writes the new words from the Whiteboard individual Reading 5

textbook and the translation on the textbook writing
board, ss copy them in their notebooks

4. Practice A: Ss answer the following questions Whiteboard Groups of 4, 5 Writing 5

and try to reach a consensus Speaking
 Which objects are important to
 Which do you never use?
 Which would you like to have?

B: T models describing an object Practise new vocabulary in Textbook pairwork speaking 5

Ss practice describing objects (shape, different contexts (p.59, ex.
size, colour): Can your partner guess 1d)
what you are describing? Promote critical thinking

C: T pretends she is an alien that has Encourage collaboration Textbook frontal writing 7
just landed on Earth and asks ss to among peers and decision – p. 59,ex.2 a speaking
explain what some objects are used for making
T writes a T- chart on the board (for
making/doing), ss copy it and fill it in
(on the board and in their notebooks)

D. Ss describe the pictures using the Textbook individual speaking 3

structures in C. p.59,ex.2 b (dialogue)
(random students ask a question, they
name the person to answer)

E. ss do a wordsearch, they have to find handout Individual/pairwork reading 3

as many words as they can in a limited
amount of time
5. Follow-up Game 2: Hot Seat ( 1 student comes to Revise the vocabulary and Whiteboard Frontal Reading 5
the front of the class, back to the board, structures presented Speaking
the T writes a word from the new
vocabulary, ss give clues to help the S
discover the word)

Homework: -create a poster with items whiteboard frontal writing

in the house, categorized by rooms
(drawings or magazine cutouts plus the
corresponding word)
- write the description of three objects
(shape, size, colour + use)
- finish the wordsearch

6. Extra Game 3: Tennis - 2 teams speaking

activity Ss in each team name an item,
alternatively, at a fast pace

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