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Video game addiction is defined as an impulse control disorder, it does not involve

the use of an irritating drug and is very parallel to pathological gambling. Video game

addiction has also been known to as video game overuse, pathological or excessive use of

computer games (Greenfield, 2009). Video game addiction is not yet tagged as a mental

health disorder or a proper addiction like gambling or drink addiction. However, some

gamers clearly conflict to keep their gaming mode under control and may place more

attention on their gaming achievements than their happiness and fortune in the real world

(Conrad, 2017).

Parts of the brain that are linked with cravings in substance abuse also appear to be

triggered in gaming addicts when they see pictures of video games (Ko, C. et al. 2009).

Self traits like trait anxiety, sensation seeking, neuroticism, and aggression turn out to be

related to the evolution of gaming addiction (Mehroof et al. 2010). Similar to other

obsessions, individuals suffering from video game addiction use the virtual world to

connect with real body through the Internet, as an alternative for real-life human

communication, which they are unable to do normally. Some suffering from video game

addiction may establish an emotional connection to on-line friends and activities they build

on their computer screens. (Greenfield, 2009).

Most online gamers are male. With male gamers, more sincere online gaming

addiction is associated with older age, lower self-esteem and lower dissatisfaction with
daily life (Ko et al. 2005). Online players who considered themselves as playing

excessively came to show several core components of addiction such as mood adjustment,

tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and relapse (Chappell et al. 2006).

Online gaming addiction can be anticipated by 5 critical factors: Curiosity, role-

playing, obligation, belonging and rewards (Hsu et al. 2009). Extra use of technology is

relatively extraordinary. Compared to females, males are more likely to create a gaming

addiction. Boys are more likely to play aggressive or violent games while girls are more

likely to play puzzles and platform games (Griffiths, 2008).

Computer gaming addiction is positively associated with accomplishment

motivation, sensation-seeking, a positive evaluation of the intelligence of someone, and the

negative evaluation of his or her skills in interpersonal relationships (Zheng et al. 2006).

In a Chinese sample, negative parenting styles are mostly associated with computer gaming

addiction with high school students (Wang et al. 2006). Online games, especially

multiplayer role-playing games are more often linked with gaming addiction than any other

video game genre (Van Tooik et al. 2010).

Paraphrasing Techniques:

1. Change to Synonyms
2. Changed Sentence Structure (Word Order etc.)
3. Change from a Clause to a Phrase (Vice Versa)

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