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What are the consequences of the availability of fast-food


Introduction to Writing


DATE: 01/07/2019
The facility to obtain fast food in Chile

In the last years of our century, one of the habits that have managed to be known and quite

famous around the world has been fast food and its qualities that fascinate the whole world. Its

consumption has generated so much massive revolution, comments and even some rejection.

Each person forms an opinion regarding this food, their new creations and offers in each restaurant

and how they complement the economic business of each company. If we focus on just one sector

of the world, in this case Chile, we will realize that Chilean people and restaurants have a lot

of advantages like the health problems, types of restaurants, or more explicit, their customs.

Fast food restaurants apart from being fast as the name says (fast-food) has a lot of

customs. Offer low prices, so there are cheaper than the other restaurants. Therefore, people

prefer French fries before a homemade and healthy dish that require more ingredients and more

monetary spending. You can feel that this food fills us easily, and the Chilean people when they

eat fast-food, their get filled so easily because this food it turns out to be addictive for its ingredients

and flavor, which make people not stop eating, provoking something like the nicotine on cigarettes.

These reasons are important to think twice before buying fast-food.

Fast food gives us a lot of health problems: obesity, hypertension and even diabetes.

Obesity is a medical condition that occurs when a person carries excess weight or body fat that

might affect their health (Medical News Today, 2018). A doctor will usually suggest that a person

has obesity if they have a high body mass index, and the obesity in fast food is caused by saturated

fat, trans fat and cholesterol which are included in most fast foods. According to Medical News

Today, Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. It can lead to severe complications

and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death. (Medical News Today, 2018) Also, it

has a large presence in Chile, thanks to the high sodium in each fast food and its constant

consumption. One of the diseases that causes more problems than the previous one is diabetes,

caused by excess fat, uneven consume of cholesterol and excess of calories. In brief, obesity,

hypertension and diabetes are one of the most common consequences of fast-food.
The fast food in Chile it means an immense business for each restaurant focused on their

food and prices, likewise including their offers to make your purchase something massive for each

person. Despite this, we realize the consequences that are causing many years ago in this country,

giving an important shift in health problems and how we should see it, causing a person to think if

fast food, is real food.

Medical News Today. (21 de November de 2018). Everything you need to know about hypertension and
obesity. Obtenido de Medical News Today:

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