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Session Two - SHOUT 2014

“Then he said to the disciple, Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his
home.” – John 19:27


Pondering on our relationship with our FAMILY; being a source of God’s faith, hope and love to
one of our major mission area, the family.


1. To make the leaders realize that as a follower of God, we are called to bring God to our
immediate mission area- our family.
2. To challenge youth leaders to be the source of God’s faith, hope and love to their family.
3. To provide the youth meaningful inspiration to take concrete and relevant steps in bringing
Christ to their family


1. Ask the participants to write down on a sheet of paper all of their specific goals for their
household this year (including their couple coordinators) e.g. creative monthly one to ones with
each member, at the end of the year I should already know the my household and they should
already have known me, etc.
2. Session Proper
3. Activity


A fulltime pastoral worker that has already established his faith not only in the community
he/she is serving in but with his/her family as well, regardless if they are in the community or not.
Expanded Talk Outline of Session Two - SHOUT 2014
“Then he said to the disciple, Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his
home.” – John 19:27


At the foot of the cross, even in the midst of suffering, Christ revealed his deep love for His
Mother. He was not just the Son of God who will save the world, but He was also a Son of Man who
has a great concern and compassion to for His mother whom he will leave in great pain as He fulfills
His purpose. Jesus did not only fulfill His mission given to Him. He did so bearing in mind that
someone will continue taking good care of His beloved Mother and that (John ?) is the one whom
He knew that will take good care of her mother.

As Catholics, we are all called to bring Christ to the ends of the Earth- and our family is and
should be our first mission area to be conquered in His name.


Little is known about Jesus childhood, but we know that He grew up as under the care of Mary
and Jesus as their obedient son. This is why He is our ultimate model in striving to become not
necessarily the best, but good sons and daughters. The following are scenarios each from Christ’s
life wherein He showed His own appreciation and love for family.

A. A Child That Bears Joy

“So they went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. When
they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this child. All who
heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds.” Lk 2:16-19

The amount of great joy of a parent’s first glance and touch of their beloved child is tantamount
to the joy of your family. In the same way, we are all born to be a source of joy of other people. We
are innately anointed to make other people experience the fullness of God’s love, with the first
recipient of that blessing being our family.

We bring God’s love to our families by doing the following:

i. Be interested
As much as we enjoy knowing the stories of our members and our couple
coordinators, we should always be the interested to catch up with what is happening to
each of family member. We always aim to establish a deeper relationship with our
siblings and parents. If we can conduct one to ones with our household and
coordinators because we care and love them, then we must do this all the more within
our families to show them our love as well. We do through showing our interest in their
lives by taking the time to talk to them regularly.

ii. Never grow tired to introduce and include them in the community
We stand with our service with gladness in our commitment. With this joy, let
us make sure that we include our family in this commitment. Let the joy not be
compartmentalized amongst ourselves.

- If your parents are CFCs, introduce the culture of YFC to them. Invite them to have a
family household and allow your service be their inspiration to serve more.
- Continuously pray and invite your parents and siblings to the community if they are
still not yet part of it. Evangelize them first not only by inviting them for CLP or
youth camp, but by exuding the change you experienced in Christ. Let our actions do
the evangelization.

iii. Bless them with patience

The reality is that we tend to be patient only with our disappointed members
and coordinators. But with our parents and siblings, we seem to have very limited

There is a reason why “patient” is the first definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13.
It is because through this virtue, one can practice true faith, deep hope and genuine
love & humility. Instead of getting irritated of their shortcomings, we can choose to seek
to understand them.

B. A Child Born in a Manger

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a
manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” – Luke 2: 7

Jesus was born in a manger, at the most inconvenient time and through the most
unlikely couple. In having a Mother like the Blessed Virgin Mary and a Father like St. Joseph as
his parents and guide, Jesus was specially blessed in spite of his humble circumstances. Like the
infant Jesus in the manger, we have our own stories of manger; the uncomfortable and
unfortunate situation and circumstances that we were born with.

Our mangers are personal and take on different forms. We can be born from a poor
family, have separated parents, dysfunctional families and the like can make us feel less blessed
and favored. But we also have to acknowledge that the child who was born in a manger is also
the same child that was visited by the “three wise men” and who is greatly favored by God.

C. Jesus at the Temple

“After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them
and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his
answers.” – Luke 2:46-47

Christ was 12 years old was the last story written before Jesus started his ministry. He
was 12 years old when he was presented in the temple the next account of his life was written
when he was baptized at 30 years of age. But from 12 – 30 years old, he remained a son to his
mother who kept all of the things in her heart. That is how very significant family is for our God.
In the same way, as missionaries in our home, we are called to attribute the same degree of
importance to our families:

i. My family is my immediate household

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord - Joshua 24:15

We should always seek two things for our family: First, is for us to be nourished
through them, by letting them be involved in our decisions and listening to their stories.
Second is for them to also be nourished from us. We should aim that the things that we
learn from the community should be shared to them no matter how awkward that may
be at the same time. Let’s not reduce our learnings that we can receive from them
whether we consider their spiritual life deep or less than us because God speaks
through everyone.

ii. Pray over them, pray with them

“Pray with love- pray as you love- love as you pray. Prayer is your heartbeat in rhythm
with His.” – Mother Angelica

One of the greatest gifts that we can offer our family is the gift or prayer.
Praying for another person nourishes and replenishes relationships. It gives the other
person that sense of security and care. When it’s your parents’ anniversary, pray over
them. If it’s your sibling’s birthday, initiate to pray over them. Pray over them with a
genuine heart and you’ll see how God can move your family through prayer.

D. Jesus at the Foot of the Cross

“When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his
mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And
from that hour the disciple took her into her home.” – John 19:26-27

Even to His last moments, Christ never abandoned his responsibility to His
family by entrusting His Mother to John and John to her. He made sure that everyone
will also do their parts in protecting the family where He will build His Church.

We are accountable to our parents and siblings. When your parents ask your
whereabouts, let’s inform them with a grateful heart for that is an assurance that they
truly care for us. At the same time, let us always remind ourselves not to be lukewarm
believers and being passive whether their family is becoming closer to God or not. We
must always be pro-active in correcting at the same time, putting respect on the top of

Let us not take our families for granted. Regardless of what the situation you
have in your family right now, they are still the immediate people that God wants you to
behold and love. Ponder on how you are going to take them on in your mission in this
community. Remember that our first mission area for evangelization is our family. Win
their hearts for God and set the trail ablaze for other families may see the example of
Christ not only in you but for your entire family.

Guide Questions:

1. From the things I listed as dreams for my household earlier, how will I be able to do this with my
own family?
2. To whom do I give each specific dream as a form of service in my family?

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