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D611 15 011

1. Some of the reasons why cross sections are important.
2. How to construct a simple cross section from basic geological maps.
3. How to calculate the true thickness of beds.

Answer :
1. A geological cross-section is a graphic representation of the intersection of the
geological bodies in the subsurface with a vertical plane of a certain orientation. It is a
section of the terrain where the different types of rocks, their constitution and internal
structure and the geometric relationship between them are represented. It is an
approximate model of the real distribution of the rocks in depth, consistent with the
information available on the surface and the subsurface. It can also represent the
extension of the materials of the structures that have been eroded above the topographic
the reason for the cross section is very important to find out the spread of rocks or rock
structures in the form of graphs or cross sections in certain elevation points both deeply
and on the surface of the topography. besides that cross section can be used to
determine the volume or thickness of the rock, knowing the geological structure that is
developing.And the geological cross-sections have a very relevant economic and social
importance. They are the basis for planning engineering works, fundamentally the
lineal works that affect the surface and the subsurface (roads, tunnels, utilities) and for
the exploration and production of geological resources: water, stones, minerals and

2. In making a geological incision in a geological mapping work area several things that
need to be considered include the Geological Section Line, as far as possible chosen
which is perpendicular to the general direction of rock coating. If this is not possible,
the consequence of the coating slope magnitude (DIP) plotted on the profile line is the
apparent DIP. besides that the geological incision made must cut all existing lithology
or rock units, if this is not possible then two lines of incision can be made on the
map.Constructing a cross section ;
Step 1 :First determine the line along which you are going to draw the section, it should
Step 2:On some graph paper draw an x axis with the same scale and length as the line
of thecross section. Then add y axes to both end,that have a relevan scale to the
topographic contours
Step 3 : scrap piece of paper, mark on where structure contours interceptyour cross
sectional line.
Step 4 :Overlay your scrap piece of paper with your cross section and mark on the
different topographical contour points.
Step 5 :Join these dots up, you should end up with an accurate scaled topographic cross
section that looks something like the one below
Step 6 :Next, with your scrap piece of paper add in where the lithological boundaries
intercept your cross sectional line
Step 7 :Next, overlay your scrap piece of paper with your cross section and mark on the
different lithological boundaries
Step 8 :
• Next, extrapolate from these points the bed boundaries; If they dip, then draw the
lines at the correct angle of dip for each bed.
• However for this example, as the unit boundaries followed the contours, they are
evidently horizontal (remember The Law of “V’s”)

3. Calculating true thickness from a map is actually very simple, just plug all the
necessary numbers into the following equation:

True thickness (t) =

width of outcrop (w) x sin (θ) (angle of dip)


Refer to Figure 5 to answer the following questions:

1) Of the rocks A-D, which of the rocks were deposited first?

2) Of the rocks A-F, which of the rocks are the oldest?
3) Which occurred first: The tilting of A, B, C and D or the deposition of
E and F?
4) Which occurred first: The erosion of the Earth’s surface or the deposition of A, B, C,
and D?
5) What type of ncounformity is found at the base of rock layer E

1. the rocks were deposited first is D
2. the rocks are the oldest is D
3. Occurred first is the tilting of A, B, C and D
4. Occurred first is the deposition of A, B, C, and D
5. type of ncounformity is Angular unformity

Refer to Figure 6 to answer the following questions

6) Is the fault in Figure 5 older or younger than rocks A-H?

7) Is the fault in Figure 5 older or younger than batholith Y?
8) Which occurred first: Erosion of the Earth’s surface or the fault?
9) Is the lava flow X older or younger than rock F?
10) Which is older, batholith Y or lava flow X

11) There are four different unconformities identified in Figure 6.

Identify what types they are and list them below.
*Note: You may use the same unconformity more than once



6. Older than
7. Older than batholith
8. Occurred first is fault
9. The lava flow X is younger that rock F
10. Older than is batholith
11. Unconformity#1 : Nonconformity
Unconformity#2 : Lelehan
Unconformity#3 : Disconformity
Unconformity#4 : Angular unconformity

Refer to Figure 7 for the following questions:

12) Which rock unit is older, E or F?

13) Which occurred first, lava flow K or lava flow L?
14) Which occurred first, lava flow K or fault M?
15) Which occurred first, the folding of rock units E, G, A, D and F or
the deposition of lava flow L?
16) Which rock unit is older, J or lava flow K?
17) Which occurred first, the erosion of the Earth’s surface or fault M?


1 4

18) Put all 17 geologic events depicted in Figure 7 in the proper sequence from oldest to
in the spaces providedusing the list of choices below. You will use each choice only
19) Label all the unconformities in Figure 7 (there are 5).

20) Lava flow L is dated at 450 million year sold and lava flow K is dated at 75 million
years old. Based on those dates, what is the approximately age range for the
Rock A? __________________

Rock C? __________________

Fault M? __________________

12. E
13. L
14. Lava flow K
15. Occurred first is the folding of rock units E, G, A, D and F
16. Rock uni older is J
17. Occurred first is fault M
18. The proper sequence from oldest to youngest : E, G, A, D, F, L, B, H, J, K, C, i, M
19. 1) Angular unconformity
2) Disconformity
4) Nonconformity

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