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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: TLE ‐ ICT

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: Week 1 (for ICT) Quarter:


A. Content Standards Demonstrates knowledge and skills in the safe and responsible use of wikis, blogs, and audio and video conferencing tools.

B. Performance Standards Practices safe and responsible use of wikis, blogs and audio and video conferencing tools.

C. Learning Competencies Posts and shares materials on wikis in a safe and responsible manner. Posts and shares materials on blogs in a safe and
responsible manner.
II. CONTENT Safe and Responsible Use of ICT
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Lesson 12 pages 12‐15
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Review Previous Lessons Refer to Activity 1 of EPP‐ICT Teacher asks class for Recap
of last session’s lesson.
B. Establishing purpose for the ICT has made a tremendous Teacher discusses Wikipedia Teacher enumerates and Teacher gets a feel of the Teacher groups the class into
Lesson impact in people’s lives. Be a – Activity Sheet #2. explains Rules for Posting on class on how often they pairs. Every pair will create
student, a homemaker, a Wikipedia ‐ Activity Sheet #3 use the internet. their own blog site.
working person or those Teacher discusses the For this activity they will use
owning a business, ICT has reminders for internet ‘simple site’ on google
contributed significantly to safety and security ‐ browser
both the community and Activity Sheet #4.
business world. This session
will show the advantages of
ICT and how it is utilized as a
tool for business progress.
C. Presenting examples of new The teacher asks the class, Teacher facilitates Wiki Teacher groups class into 4 Explains troll, spam, Steps for creating blog can be
lessons what ICT means to them. posting through self‐help and facilitates hands‐on flooding, phishing and found on Activity Sheet #5
After this, teacher provides features provided by Wiki. posting on Wikipedia. other forms of social
the definition. engineering.
Teacher then asks for
examples of ICTs being used
in their home, school and the
D. Discussing New Concepts Teacher defines and Teacher invites Resource Teacher continues Teacher facilitates the hand‐
and Practising New Skills in elaborates ICT – Activity Sheet Person to talk about Wiki discussion on the rules for on learning experience.
Activity 1. #1. and about intellectual responsible blogging.
properties. Creative
commons, copyright and
E. ...... new skills #2
F. Leads to Formative
Assesment 3
G. Finding Practical Teacher asks class to give
Applications of Concepts and examples of ICT being utilized
Skills in Daily Living at home, in school and in the
H. Making Generalizations and Teacher discusses how ICT is Groups will do follow‐ons
Abstractions about the Lessons being used in other field of with their posting to see for
studies. reactions or comments.
Teacher also explains benefits
of ICT in Entrepreneurship.
I. Evaluating Learning Teacher asks class to
research on Blogging
A. Who among the learners
earned 80% rating in the
B. Who will require additional
acts for remediation below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? How many of them
trated the lesson?
D. Who will require remediation?
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
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